The Straits Times, 19 June 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,445 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JUNE 19. 1917. PRICE 10 CBNTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price dow $17.90 per earn Best Quality sr ENGLISH SODIUM BISULPHITE In drums containing 140 lbs. nett. ITHE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) MALTHOIg".] MALTHOID reinforced ROOFING Gives years and years of waterproofing service. SPECIFICATIONS AND FULL PARTICULABS ON INQUIRY TO Ciroodall «fio fJo«* Sole
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    • 66 1 Save $2 ton every letter-book you buy. I The RONEO Press-Copier not only provides the quickest and most efficient means of copying out- going mail, accounts, etc., but also saves $2 on every 500 documents copied. Press-copies 100 letters in six minutes. No water or carbons used. NO SMEARING No
      66 words
    • 137 1 New Stocks Just Arrived PUDICTV'C SINGLEAND UATO UnmOll 0 DOUBLE TERAIHA lO In Greys, ln Gre^ s Fawns Fawns Browns M Browns STOCKED mk Wfe STOCKED Made from best quality felt. The style and finish leave nothing to be desired. Ventilated headlining and at Crown. For day or evening wear.
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    • 5 1 GOODRICI3 Bl rrl*~2 CO TYRES
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  • 1180 2 WOUNDED SOLDIERS' ORDEAL ON HOSPITAL SHIP. Hun At His Vilest. The following account of the landing of wounded soldiers after an attack by Oerman Hubmarines on v hospital ship oomes from a trustworthy source, says the Daily Telegraph: One-thirty o'clock on a belated winter's morning. Colder and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 577 2 FOR SALE ONB COLLECTOR'S STAMP ALBUM CONTAINING M*NY KARB AND VALUABLE STAMPS. Now on Tiew. CHlN'ft KBNO LEB CO Auctioneer* and Estate Agents. 14 B—o FOR SALE TWO REMINOTON TYPEWRITERS (Now on view) CHINO KBNG LEE A CO., Auctioneer. A Estate Agent*. 18 o—o FOR SALE One Abingdon King Diok
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    • 173 2 Don't Despair Cuticura Soap and Ointment Will quickly restore your skin to health and beauty. Sample Each Free by Post With ri2-p Skin nook (Soap to clraium andniniMK-nt t<> lu-al i For •uunpU-saililri-ji po«t-<anj K. tt»»h««j Ac 5.,»«, 27, (harlerhou»r I ..m.1.m.. Sold i v t -ry whiTu. GOAL TAR
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    • 372 2 LOATHING OF FOOD. If yon (eel a sadden distaste for food it the sieht and smell ol wholesome food being cook> d diagnots y v— tben nature is felling you that all is not well. II alter a night's rest yon hive no sppetite tor breakfsct, yoor digestion rtqairei atteotioo.
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    • 176 2 I FURNITURE To™ Let us make your bouse glad FURNITURE F^ A T T H E E I r^nHf tjffil Let ua figure on your next order. i nr^EP3l We t>elp you t0 Bhow bl Stfer dividends. FURNITURE "SUBT Ul We have tbe goods and give quality and value Dependable
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  • 854 3 SPY BARON ALLY OF THE GREEK QUEEN. Personal Recollections. Mr. Hugh Martin, lately special correspondent in Athens of tbe London Star, writes Just over six months ago two journalists were obatting on board a small steamer lying in harbour at the Pirtens. One was an American tbe
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  • 129 3 At an exhibition in tbe Capital of photo graphs illustrating tbe efforts of tbe Allies in tbe war, Signor Boselli, the Italian Prime Minister, made tbe following remarks about Britain:— "lf Shakespeare held converse in true lioman style, tbe spirit of ancient Rome may be
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  • 72 3 The figure* abowing tbe record of tbe Calcutta exemption tribunal which recently completed its sitting* are interesting. Apart from railway and port comtmasioners employees who were dealt with under special scheme* and who numbered something like three thousand, tbfi*. were 8,647 applications for exemption ami the number oi total U'ptiotiH
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 512 3 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Which lias now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. ENO'S FRUIT SALT PLEASANT TO TAKE, REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING. IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet— Eating or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic or Gouty
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    • 296 3 AUCTION BALE At lfoasr«. Cbing Kong Lee A Co.'s Sale-room, Rafflos Chamber*, Raffles Plaoe, Oh Saturday, Jukk 38, at 11 a.m One 5 seater Ar^o motor oar 20-h.p., 4 cylinder?, in nood running ordoi. (On Tiew from 10 a.m. on day of sale). CHINO KBNO LEB A CO., Auctioneers and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP rCO., LTD. (Ihoobpobatbd in Java* EUROPEAN LINE A bom ioe is maintained between Yokohama, via port* and London under mail oontraot with thr Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and ooastrooted, and are fitted with
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    • 627 4 gTEAMER SAILINGS. P> O. "Sritish India AMD Apcar (Cobfanibs Inoobpobatbd in Bnoland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PBNINBULAR ANO ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contraot with His Majesty a Qoveraiaent), for Shim, Japan, Panang, Oeylon,, India, Aden. Itfyara, Meoit Porta and London. MAIL LINES. Bobbwabd iroa Ecbopb) Odtwabd (roa China)
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    • 638 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoobpobatbd im Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Toinpia, Panarai. Patani, Singora,Laoon, Kobsamai, Bandon, Langsuen, Cbampon, Kouiak a Bangkok. Du> Departure •a. PRAOHATIPOK June 2O 3 m a... ASDANO June OS June 27.' 3 p'm' a:.! BOR.BAT
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    • 688 4 BTEAMEB BAIUHBB. OOMBINBO BBBVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTO. (Imoobposatbo in K <(»lanu AM THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTO. (Incobpobatbd in Kkuland) BBTWBBN Fremantle (Perth North-Waa* Australian Porta, Java and aing.por*. BepHar sailiag* between 8i aK apore aad Western Australia oalling at JavlTfa, in daoement offers),
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  • 87 5 FIXTURES '.uMday, June IV. dlgb Wa»«.t, 10.C6 a.m., 10.1 p.tM Wednesday, June 20 1, Witu 1.36 am, 10.41 p.iu '.Thursday, Jiiie 21. =«>. v Water. 0.11 p.m.. 11.20 p.m. I.iceoainK Justices, 2.80 p.m. Fdday, June 22 »igb Wilra 0 45 p.m.. 11.68 p.m. Himewanl wail cloww (train.)
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  • 196 5 TODAI. Bangkok l 8° P m Sin^kawani;. Paman«kat and Sambas iRO P m M.TMn- i 80 P m Mt«idu. Blair Harbour in J TrtDKjjanu 2-80 pm Sclat PandjanK, Bengali* aad Bagan pm PHt Dickson i iJO P m Malaooa Mid Muar 3 pre loUTinKm <P'J> KoU Tiußjii
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  • 255 5 Tbe Laail train-, from Singapore lor t>. •crtli W»»e Tank Rn»d station daily ai 7.7 a.m «Bd 7 p.m., arriving at Koala Lnmpnr a 1.18 p.m. and 6.-U. ai. respectively. Tb#i»oorh express to Penang leaves Knala Lctrp:r at 8 am daily, arriving at Penaau at 6.28 p.m. the
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  • 96 5 On» tXU ntiun b»r tieno ca!leJ to me tact ttut oar arrival* in LouJan »re mucb bebiod tfaaw fWlhlil elsewhere. Onr rule >■ I" give uriTtk only when they we officially wpaatad in tbc Post Offioe notices, ana do h^s> <ia*e than that printed »bo»o ba I
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  • 167 5 EXCHANQB ttiNUjrumi, June 19, 161 V. Lo»l*.« Buik a/1 *i*> OfcOittUO S/4J FmftK) Bmm M\i On Fkanob Buk T. T. 818 M India Bank T. T. On Honß«OKa...b»ck a/J r^ >■ SeAnaßAi ...Bask d/<3 b<!* JvJm BukT.T, 184} OhJ&pui Bknk 109 Sove«(tiKU8 baying nrfo «H.e< mil.t Coaoail
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    • 164 5 £«2 Buyers Seller*. 10 10 Ampang 6.80 6.10 1 1 Ayer wonu 1.26 1.60 10 10 Kanaboi 1.2 > 1.40 10 10 Kiiita Association 9.25 9.60 41 £1 Kmut Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 £1 L&hat Mines 4.00 5 00 10 10. Malayan Collieries 13.25 12.76 £1 £1 Malayan Tin
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    • 118 5 j Buyer, Seller. Ki Ml U. amertiB K co. 7.35 7.7S ki 41 ftvl. 1.8.6 1.C.0 I/- 6/- Bleetne T'w»yb 4/- 5/1U 10 Fraae* Ncavo 43.C0 45.00 60 60 W.H*mm«*Oo.;66.00 U8.00 100 Howaith KrH^me 68.00 65.00 .00 :%Wel. 100.00 100 100 K»U Bto, Del. par 120.00 iL 10 Majuttra
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    • 47 5 United Engineers 6% 11,284,500 pat Singapore Bloctrio Tramways 6% £860,000 norn a'poreMunicipal 6% 11,878,000 par spore Municipal 4«% of 1907 11,800,000 l.j -fcdiH S'j:ore Municipal 4t% of i»O9 t1,000,000 10%dia Spore Juunicipal 4% 2,00(1,000 15%dia Spore Municipal 4% 4800,0U0 F.M.S. 6% loan 1910 115,000,000 101.00 102.00
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  • 306 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today 's Prioes. Fruer Lyall Jt i. Co. Evatt. Mor Oajali (SI) 3.90 4.U6 3.(0 4.10 Vmal. Malay (2) 0.30 O.SOpm u.bO 0.40 \yer Hitam i Jo) 14.25 16.00 14.00 15.U0 \yer Kaning (11) 1 20 1.30
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 MUTUAL TRADING. LIMITED oratki> in thk Straits Sbttlbxbmts) Notice n Mreby ritoo that the Aonnul OeMftl M*etio« ol the compu; will be he! J *t the ofioes o< MfHurs. (Wgino mm] Co.. M»Ux» Ptroet, Singapore, on Friday, Jute J8 1917. at 8 p.m. By OrJ« r of Me Board, I.IM
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    • 509 5 LJTEBT ADVERTIBEMEHTB. FOR SALB, 8 horse power nratoblem Jap motor cyole, very powerfal, or er chars' 1 for lightweight. Winskill, Empire Hotel, Cole man Street. 19 O— TO 0 TO LBT, Mavfair, 440, Patir Pcojanv, Prentwood, 70 King's Road. For inrti calars, apply to S. Tomlinaon, M Inst. C. E.,
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    • 583 5 SALE OFVALUABLE RUBBER ESTATE Tbe valuable property known as PERTANG RUBBER ESTATE Situate in tbe district of Jelebu, Negri Senibilan, F.M.8., containing 3,967 acres, 1 rood, 01 poles, of which 1,054% acres are planted with para rubber, will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION by Mes6M. Gleeson Co., at the Mercantile
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    • 50 5 Hotel van ttijk Co., Ltd.. Telephone 662. Telephone 662. Every Night OUR EUROPEAN QUARTETTE will play during and after Dinner, except Sundays. Saturday in addition at TIFFIN TIME. RICE TABLE on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. EXTRA SPECIAL DINNERS in the open, every Wednesday and Saturday. G. J. JORIBSEN, Manager. 27-8—209
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 47 5 Time bail* on Fort Canning and Mount Faker drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, oorrespondinp to 6 a.m. Oreenwich moan time. The time-gun is •red at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore ateadanl time, on every day excepting Sunday when it U Anx] at one o'clock.
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  • 1116 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, JUNE 19. GERMANY AND PEACE. We are seeing at present the mere surface of things that are of vital significance in relation to tbe duration and results of the war. Sledge hammering by the British in France is merely acting as a stimulus upon tbe activity
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  • 17 6 Information has been received that the light on Muar Buoy was not burning on June 16, 1917.
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  • 45 6 For the benefit of the Malaoca Club, and th« public generally, band nights have been introduced in Malacca when the services of tbe Selangor State Band are much in demand. Last Saturday night on tbe Padang this band was responsible for some good Tmnifr supplied.
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  • 22 6 Ceylon ladies in London have collected i £2,250 for tbe equipment and endowment of a room in the Star and Garter Home.
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  • 25 6 Tbe Appeal Court has reduced tbe sen teoce of three years' imprisonment pasned on a censor's officer named Spalding for gossip ing, to one year.
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  • 22 6 A Government Gazette Extraordinary issued yesterday afternoon gives additions to and variations in the Statutory List relating to trading with tbe enemy.
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  • 33 6 It is said that Mr. Lloyd George had himself awakened at three o'clock in order to listen to the big mine explosion on the Western front which he heard distinctly at Walton Heath.
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  • 37 6 About 11.40 last nigbt tbe Fire Brigade was called out to an outbreak among the goods of a shop in New Bridge Road. Their services, however, were not required, the storekeeper have dealt with tbe tire himself.
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  • 43 6 Mr. Lee Hoon Leong, managing director of the Heap Eng Moh Steamship Co., Ltd., writes that there is absolutely no truth in the statement published in various newspapers to the effect that tbe steamers of bis company have been sold to Japanese buyers.
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  • 44 6 Tbe following property was disposed of by auction at tbe sale room of Messrs. Cbing Keng Lee and Co. on Monday Two pieces of freehold land, off Orchard Road, area 28,468 square feet, bought by Haji Ahmad Emami for $1,600. Other properties were withdrawn.
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  • 48 6 At the sessions which commenced on May 24 at the Central Criminal Court, London, an exceptional feature of the calendar was the large number of Chinese as many as twenty altogether— who will take their trial in connection with a series of charges of rioting and unlawful wounding.
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  • 50 6 That "Mecca of Japan," Miyanosbita, is being Urgely patronised by Straits and F.M.S. people this year. One day last month, remarks the Malay Mail, the hotel people arranged a special dinner for people from this part of tbe world who were staying there at the moment, and nineteen sat down.
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  • 64 6 If a parcel is sent by post from Kuala Lumpur to Ipoh it is considered local and no form has to be filled up, but Penang or Singapore are considered, foreign and the ordinary international form has to be used. It would be a great convenience, says tbe Malay Mail,
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  • 70 6 A public meeting will be held at Kuala Lumpur on July 3, under the chairmanship of the acting British Resident, to decide what steps should be taken in Selangor to raise funds for tbe relief of tbe families of officers and men of the Royal Navy disabled through the war.
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  • 62 6 During the hearing of the charge against Dr. Bell and a man named Mordecai Mark ham, for attempting to produce an infirmity in an Australian soldier, in order to secure his discharge from the army, a detective gave evidence that the defendant attempted to convey synovitis (fluid in the kneecap)
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  • 61 6 Krupp's steam yacht Germania was sold as a prize on May 28. It realised £10,000 The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council upheld in March last the condemnation, as a prize, of Herr Krupp's racing yacht, Germania, which arrived at Cowes before tbe war broke out, in order to take
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  • 75 6 The monthly meeting of the Teachers' Guild of the Young Women's Christian Association will be held at 8, Fort Canning Road, on Wednesday, June 20, at 5.80 p.m. There will be a debate on Prohibition versus State Control, led respectively by Miss Hughes and Mrs. Williamson. This is the first
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  • 76 6 Tbe Band of Hope will bold a concert in tbe V.M.C.A. ball on Thursday, July 5, at 8.80 p.m., in aid of the Children's Aid Society. Tbe entire programme will be rendered by Band of Hope members. All interested in the welfare of little folk are earnestly invited to attend.
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  • 77 6 The Rev. R. F. Bury, a leading Congrega tioual Minister of Bronxville, New York, went mad after brooding over the Kaiser's crimes, killed his wife and mother-in-law, both Germans, d then committed suicide. There Uad been many bitter arguments between the minister, who was strongly pro Ally, and tbe women,
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  • 85 6 Forty thousand dependants of Canadian soldiers are now stranded in England. Many came to see wounded relations in English hospitals, and have sufficient money to return to Canada, but the lack of passenger accommodation makes it impossible during war time. It may be 18 months after the war before sufficient
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  • 122 6 In connection with the seizure of opium on a Chinese steamer in Rangoon by Mr. O. A. Chill, of tbe excise department, the search was continued alter the finding of 8H ball« and another 128 balls were found. The total value of the opium seized will exceed Ks. 80,000. It
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  • 393 6 Mr. J. E. Kempo, Kuala Kubu. is leaving for home to join up. Dr. Watson is expected back in Koala Lumpur mixt month. Mrs. Watton has been on a visit to Canada. An old and very popular rosident of Malacca passed away yesterday in tbe prrxoa of
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  • 58 6 The Hoo. Treasurer, Mr. A. \V. Vick, care Of Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Singapore, begs to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of the following further contributions to the above fund Already acknowledged 121,511.87 Received through Mrs. F. E. de Paula O. Gordon Brown >100
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  • 177 6 As the Bishop of Singapore explained in his letter, on Jane 14, a Church Army Tent which can be moved close in rear of the fighting lines iv France, costs 12,600 folly furnished. We are very pleased to boar that those collecting for Ponang, Selangor and
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  • 255 6 Judgment was Riven in the Appeal Court this morning on an appeal by the Sac Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd., against a decision of Mr. Justice Sproule. The matter at issue in the Supreme Court was ta ex parte application by the Official Assignee with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 JUST RECEIVED Fresh Shipment of AUSTRALIAN BEER IN HOGSHEADS FROM A WELL-KNOWN BREWERY For particulars and prices, apply to CALDBECK,MACGREGOR&CO. ft"SALUDOR" ENGLISH FILTER fitted germ-proof candles, giving drinking water of absolute purity. 2-Oallon Size $14.N i Spare Candles UN eacb. 8 $19.00 Taps $1.00 4 MJ.M WasberstScts. JOHN LITTLE CO.,
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    • 225 6 MONEY EVERY MM AND EVERT WOMAN SHOULD SEE THIS FILM AT IHM ALHAMBRA The Pioiraar and Prwriar House of Quality Beach Road Wokld Film orpobation pri-knts a Drama of tin Ptople and for ths People Money IN B ACTS OF SURE-FIRE APPEAL Snrroundtd by an atmosphere of poverty and wealth,
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  • 2467 7 HEAVY FIGHTING. Advanced Positions Yielded. AIR RAIDS ON BRITAIN. Public Demand for Sharp Reprisals. RICTBB'S T.L.'tH* London, June 17. 11.2.~> p.m. Field Marshal Haig reports I There was hostile artillery fire southward of Croisilles and south west of Lens and at a Dumber of points between Armentterex and
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  • 78 7 Rectkb's Tblkubam. London, June 17, 4.65 p.m. Peking Chang-Hsan cabled on June 11 and refused to come to Peking. The insurgents are calling a Tientsin convention in order to set up a provisional govern ment, with a dictator acting as president and a premier. New York The Chinese
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  • 123 7 An Australian correspondent at the front states that the Germans are repeating the old lie about the employment of German prisoners in the danger zone and have inflicted punitive treatment on Dearly a thousand Australians, who were cut off after the first attack on Builecourt. Two who
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  • 72 7 Second Lieut. W. E. Pine, of the Siege Artillery, formerly of the Editorial staff of the Times of Ceylon, has been awarded the Italian Silver Medal for military valour. Mr. Pine left Ceylon late in 1915, and obtained a commission in the K.G.A., being sent oat to Fraaoesome months later.
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  • 394 7 KEEP UP MALAYA'S MONTHLY THOUSAND. Help For The Overseas Club Fund. On June 14 we intimated that we bad paid tbe last of ten monthly contributions made by tbe fund we organised to assist tbe Overseas Club in providing smokes tor our soldiers and sailors. The
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  • 278 7 Suggested Winding Up of The Company. The ninth annual general meeting of shareholders of the New Tambun Mines, Ltd., was held in the company's registered office, No. 49, Beach Street, Penang, Mr. G. N. Saye was elected to the chair. The Chairman said that the financial
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  • 93 7 The following donations have been received by Mr. A. W. ick at the Chartered Bank:— Already acknowledged $1,30*2.50 l'er Mr. K. Crichton Hon. F. 8. James, C.M.G. S Hon. O. A. Goodman, K.C. 8 Mr. E. C. H. Wolff S R. Crichton 5 H. Marriott 5 Mr. Lim
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  • 297 7 Directors' Report on Improved Outlook. Tbe directors of Labat Minos, Ltd., submit to tbe shareholders the accounts of the com pany for the year ending December 81, 1916, duly audited, together with tbe report of tbo general managers. Daring tbe year 4HH tons of tin ore were
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  • 93 7 To-day's Business. Saunders and Macphail's Daily Report. Silver up lfi .".md. Hongkong up 2/5 j (6", prem.) Shanghai up :t/n; (62 1. Tin.- Sales 176 tons at $11*2 50. Rubber.— About $127/8 No. 1 sheet. $132 No. 1 crepe. Share Market featureless. Buyers Luna* at $6 80,
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  • 250 7 In the Supreme Court this morning the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, X.C gave judgment in the matter of the trusts of the will of the late Syed Ahmed bin Abdul Rahman Alsagoff, dated December 80, 1868. Application wan made by Syed Hassan bin Mahomed Alsagoff for
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  • 187 7 The committee of the fancy drew ball held at the Sea View Hot*d on June 9, in aid of the British Red Cross Society, have issued a statement as the result whiob is decidedly satisfactory, there being a nett profit of $1,64*2 80: the expenditure was
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  • 99 7 In the Nilgiri Agri- Horticultural Show at Ootacamund, there was an interesting exhi bit of the first lot of chocolate ever made from cocoa beans grown on the Nilgiris (Government Gardens, Burliar), in which their Excellencies the Governor and Lady Pentland evinoed great interest and madu purchases. The chocolate consisted
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  • 57 7 Senhor J. Freitas Kibeiro has been ap pointed to succeed Senhor CoDcoiro da Costa as Governor-General of Portuguiwt India He is a distinguished officer of the Porto gneae Nary and was in command of the croiser A daman tor, which co-operated with the Portuguese land foroes in Rovuma in the
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  • 677 8 INCREASES IN IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Comparative Statistics. Notwithstanding the prolongations of the war the trade of the Colony continues to increase the official return of imports and exports of the Straits Settlements for the ■juarter ended March 31 has been issued and slmws appreciable advances in
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  • 211 8 Officer and Subordinates Heavily Dealt With. Sev«r%l instance* of fraud and dishonesty Uuook the personnel of the Supply Services having recently come to light, says a Calcutta win- of June H. The Commander inChief in India has ordered publication of the details regarding the offenders, their
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  • 34 8 The ftcsras of the Indian Defence Force ascertained no Ut show that the numbers •BwoUed are eossidered by tbe military si tliorities as highly satisfactory, and when fnily trained will constitute a valuable a-set.
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  • 360 8 SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. Lawn Tennis. Yesterday's play in the S.C.C. lawn tennis resulted as follows Profession Pairs. Tel. IV. Westwood and Laybonrne best Army, I. l.loyd and Kifoot, ft -4, 6—l. C.S. 11. Tyler and Pedlow v. Navy Stow and Webb, (postponed). To-day's Ties. B. SISOLIS. C. B. Towill v. R.
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  • 116 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, June 32, 1917. Tuesday, Jens 19. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hal) S.V.A Recruits. S.R.E.(V.), N.C.O.'s. Maxim Co. 5.10 p.m. Chinese Co. 5.15 p.m. Bras Basah Rd. Malay Co. WIPMBSOIT, JCNI 30. 430 p.m. Balostier Range S.RE.(V.) 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall
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  • 46 8 Drill Obdirs fo> Jem, 1917. Friday, 33 —Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 p.m. Monday, 26.— Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pasar, 5.15 p.m. Friday, 29. Entire Company parade at Boustead Institute, 5.15 p.m. Andriw Aoniw, Officer Commanding Civil Guard.
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  • 7 8 Bukit Katil.— «.ool lbs.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 63 8 Gentleman To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir, The following is from one of your recent issues in which accounts of the war were plentiful DANClNG— Gentleman requires private lessons in Boston Fox Trot, etc. Reply with terms to Dancing, c/o Straits Times. If it is not a joke
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    • 206 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Sinoe the beginning of the war there has been a steady increase of tne prioe of foodstuffs, tbose produced locally as well as those imported from Europe. As every one knows well the bulk of the former are what the
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    • 214 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— With reference to the present hue and cry about landlords increasing rents, it would be interesting to know how many such cases were brought about by tho tenants being in arrears with their rents. When a tenant keeps his landlord
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    • 490 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I am sorry to encroach upon your valuable space, but my only apology is that the evil of orimping, though off and on adverted to in your columns, goes on still unmitigated as before. There are estates that recruit coolies from
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    • 1204 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, It is gratifying to note that not only my original article, which you were kind enough to publish on the 81st ulto. has evoked so much pnblic interest but that it has received confirmation from two such different sources
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. The Pertang rubber estate, in the .lelebu district of Negri Sembilan, is to be offered for sale by auction at Koala Lumpur on July 38. The auctioneers are Messrs. Gleeson and Co., Kuala Lumpur, whose announcement of sale appears on page 5 of this issue. Episodes nine
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 233 9 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW Saturday, June 23, RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcountry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered at private residences daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and care on hire. Ring TsUphon*
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    • 695 9 SOON KECK. LIMITED (Incorpoiutid im tub Straits Sittlihinvs) Notion is hereby given tbat tbe annual General Meeting of the company will be held at tbe offices of tbe managing agents, Messrs. Gaggino Co., No. 7, Malacca Street, Singapore, on Thursday, July 5. 1917, at 2 p.m. By Order of the
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    • 237 9 CROSSLEY Gas Oil Engines Fuel Free Power. Particulars from Sub Agents: ft, J, PLATT, Singapore. AVERT FLOODS AND WASHOUTS BY USING "ARMCO" CULVERTS AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE TIDAL GATES. ALL SIZES &om 12 inches to 6 feet diameter IN STOCK. Largely used by the Public Works Departments and Leading Estates. The BORNEO
      237 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 664 10 Wai or Pkaok. Famine or Plenty. Lin inburanck ib woeth 100 cents on thjc dollar. WHAX OXMBR PROPERTY IB* 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. 'I»<-~ars*AviD is Btbaits SiTTun«n| SMIAB OP HOB i wintMsts* Hensa, •in«a»op«. kOMOOM O^VIOB as, Old 4«wry, 8.0. Tbe Company bas m»OtOOO desoaited wttb
      664 words
    • 390 10 BANKING. THE HO HONG BANK. LIMITED. ■ssdOtties •ißtaeere.RarfletCiisajß I ■rssehes Balaeca, 111, First Crass ttreat, ■uar, 71/71, Jalaa tetabaaa. CAPITAL 1 Registered 18.*****0 Issued •4,000,000 Sueaoribed M.500.000 Paidup 11,160,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Übj Hut »'"t Ohalnaaa. Taa lea. Or Lira leea Tea Baeeg Leek, tea.. teat, Boh 100 P 1
      390 words
    • 489 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incobpobatbd in Honoiono) PAID-UP CAPITAL »ll^OO,OCO RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling £1,600,000 at 3/- 116,000,000 Silver ,18^00,000 (88,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors •18,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS S. H. Dodwell. Bag., Chairman. J. A. Plummer, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton. C. S. Gnbbay, B*q
      489 words
    • 483 10 BANKING, IHMTEMED IMK IF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA, DXOORPOHATBD IN BNQLAND BT BOTAL OHARTBB Paid np Capua i ia 80.000 8 bares of «M eaab J00«0 Beearteraad 41,900,000 Beserve Liability of Proprietors-. aUJOO.OOO BANKBBB Tbe Baak of Baglaad, The Loadoa OH* aad MidlaaU Baak. Ltd.. The Loadoa cWtv aad Westminster
      483 words
    • 725 10 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE GO., LTD. (Incopobatbd in Honokonq) BNDOWMENT POLICIES are issued for 10, 15 and 30-year terms. The annual deposit under tbe 20 year plan is but five and a fraction Der oent. ot the sum assured, for a man 80 years of age. Should the death
      725 words

  • 818 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Heavy Vehicles in India A Madran correspondent contributes the following to Motor Traction The extent to which motor vehicles tor passenger transit are used in India, particularly in the Madras Presidency and the South, is hardly realised, but one might easily
    818 words
  • 257 11 British Officers' Escape From Germany. Lieutenant Bertram Ratcliffe, West Yorka Regiment, after two and a half yea" >» Bavaria, has escaped and arrived in England. He made a dasb for liberty with (our fellowofficers from a German train. "As It was just on dask," be said,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 171 11 THE CANADIAN FORD The Most Economical 5-Passenger Car on the market and the Best Motor Car Value in the world. READ WHAT A SINGAPORE MOTORIST SAYS'Messrs. WEAKNE BROS., LTD. Dear Siks, With reference to the FORD car purchased from you 9 months ago, I have kept a careful record ot
      171 words
    • 57 11 N Motorbts "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS.. Singapore. SINGER CARS A FEW 2-SEATER "v, JUST ARRIVED. |^^^T^^^m|^^ Importers International Trading Co., Ltd. SINOAPORE. FIRESTONE FRESH STOCKS JUST ARRIVED MORE MXIL.ES Agents: BRINKMANN CO. Singapore THE WATKEHODSE CO.. LTD. Muar. Malacca. (iHcompoßATao w tbi C.S.A).
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1079 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED In SCOTLAND ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE, Mettalurigue six-teatei motor car. Good condition. Apply Motor, c/o Straits Times. 14-6— 27-6 FOR SALE, one Iron Spiral Staircase, 87 feet high, in good condition. Immediate delivery. Apply Raffles Hotel. 9 6— o FOR SALE, fine rubber stumps; immediate
      1,079 words
    • 629 12 BOARD AND LODGING. BURLINGTON. Coleman street. FORMERLY HOTEL DB LA I'AIX. The above establishment has now been taken over by an entirely new management. Thoroughly renovated and fitted throughoat with electric light. Rooms tarnished or unfurnished by the day or month, with or without meals. Best part ot town. Five
      629 words
    • 244 12 KIAM KIAT CO. 101*109, market Itreet. Phone tame »o. «11. SOLB AORMTS. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited Ixcorpor.t.d In Enf land Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Coiouri of rosewood Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3i, Orchard Read, Telephone
      244 words
    • 322 12 When You Want SALAMANDER CRUCIBLES, N08. 20.25. 30. 40.50. 60. 80. &100 AND Jackson's Stain Varnish IN 1 GALLON TINS Rosewood, Walnut, Dark Oak and Mahogany. REMEMBER GUAN KIAT Co., No. 38, Phillip Street Telephone Nos. 1881 and 1862. Private 1460 and Sannyside 1078. Sole Agents FOR THE GLOBE BOILER
      322 words
    • 476 12 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICE® O and 7 aeatar Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Oarage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 216* 916, Orchard Road (Next to Wearne Bros., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations ia advertisements, such as changes is sailing dates ot steamers, often
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 316 12 Straits "(Dimes. Temporary Talaphonai OS. All communications relating to editoria.' matters and news Bbould be addressed tc THE EDITOR. All communications relating J to busine^r matters—advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc.—should be ad dressed to TUB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Misoellane ous wants of every description art inserted in the ordinary body type
      316 words