The Straits Times, 16 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,443 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JUNE 16. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 227 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Prioe now $17.90 per oaae Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jbibby, Mejieill Jbibby state 'If there was a way
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    • 278 1 ROBINSON CO. Have just received large stocks of ENGLISH SOLID LEATHER BELTS with or without rin^s and swivels, in all sizes, from 28 to 46 ins. BEST ENGLISH HIDE FIT C D 95 BEST 9 UALITY TED NICKEL RINGS AND W^ ENGLISH HIDE BELTS BWIVELB AND BUCKLE. m^u n k
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    • 10 1 MARTELLS BRANDY. Soli Aobmts ADAMBON.6ILFILUN CO Lit, Incorporated in KngUnd)
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  • 1116 2 THE MOST POPULAR TUNE IN THE CANTEEN. By an O.T.C. Recruit. The moat popular tone in the caotoon or is tbe V.M C.A. or tbe billet, or wherever there is a piano, is At tbe end of a perfect Day," and wen sins it as though tbey
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 523 2 ■b_vbT 1 4s^B^B^* 3ibrj^L 'w* _j_a_9_| BBBBSbfIBSS 1U at \I B_ a r Run-down Whan vowr lystcm is —dsr Buncd by worry 4» over-work wrttiiyouryrtabiv t»l4>wtreS »lif you l«al anf-tw* wlun your nvnn a r t "on ss%« wh_ 4 Has least eiert— n it— s reu— «>iw *rr «n
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    • 356 2 OiiverFs Toofh Powder to- rtig/iJt a rut aya*n in <3_ mMmms It enables yoa to gire the teeth every day that thoiough antiseptic clea_aag so necessary to keep them in the best possible condition, and it is so nice lo _■> iaVtrkWCMuft _JM M. u/y I C. CALI'KKT* CO* COAL
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    • 616 2 A WOMAN S WORD. If yoo do not know what alUrrerisboeas mrans yoa ste not a woman. At all events. it jon do not know tbe sensation wbiefa it describe* yoa are either not a woman or s Teiy nnoonal and fortonate one. "AlloTeriahness is what women call it when
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    • 163 2 KOH COS Cash Clearance Sale NOW PROCKEDINO. AH kind* off Parf umei-y i GROSSMITB'S Waoa Ranes, PhulNaaa, Sham-el Nessim, Hasu No-Haaa; CROWN'S Oor jnita, Waite Row (in fancy cut glais bo'.tlen), etc etc. OUR BPBCIAL: Buaga Tajok Jfambkng, Bunga Mis Perak, B ;j«a Sri PaoggonK. KOH COMPANY, 83 S*, Bras
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  • 951 3 PACT OF LONDON NOT TO BE SIGNED. No Piace Without Victory. The Morning Post's Washington correspondent writes The President, I am told, alter kit ing earefnl consideration to tbc subject mod weiphrog all reasons for and against, baa reached the conclusion that it would be not
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  • 123 3 A discussion has beea procfctdiun in the American PresH as to what U thi real population of China. Years ago Sir Halliday Macartney estimated it at tbe huge total of 800,000,000, bat this figure is now regarded as a gross over-estimate. It is not generally known that a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 690 3 MLEB BY AUCTIOW. AUCTION SALE Ol THREE MOTOR CYCLES At Oar Hale-room No. 8, Raffles Place, Om Tdssbat, Mat 19, at 11 On* ah p. Motor Keve Motor cycle fitted with 3 utm rnolop tyre*. Oae 4 b.p. Matchless (ree engine motor cycle fitted with Jap eagiae with Bosch Magneto,
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    • 327 3 Coughs Colds Influenza HUDSON'S EUMENTHOL JUJUBES For tbe cure of Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Influensa aad the Prevention of Consumption. Recommended by tbe Medical World, via Tbe Laaost," The Australasian Medical Gasette," "The Practitioner," "Medical Prena and Circular," Medical Review," Practical Medicine Delhi (India) FOR THE VOICE! I THROAT!!
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    • 355 3 TERRIBLE ITCHING ECZEMA ON HANDS And Arms to Elbow. Lost Sleep Abo Weeks of Work.3oothed and Healed by Cutkura. "I suffered from ecmu on my hands and iraa up to the elbow. It first started f between my (Intern and when it was at Its wont tt was fearfully red
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    • 417 3 SALES BY AUCTION, AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND ATLERM.TROAD At Missas. Came Kino Lib k Co.'s Sals-boom, Raiflbs Cbamssks, Rafflbs Plaoi, On Monday, June 18, at 2.30 p.m. All that piece at freehold land situate at and with a frontage on Lcrmit Read (off arSToTlieMl 1 8 N ?<
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 445 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP rco., ltd. (iMOOarOBATBD IM JAVA* EUROPEAN LINE A serriee is maintained between Yokohama, via ports and London under mail oontraet with tin Imperial Japanese OoTenusent. The New Twin sorew Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and oonstraeted, and are fitted witb all
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    • 617 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P- O. "British India and Mpcar L- ine. (OOMPAMMS INOOBPOBATBD IH BXOLAND). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL BAILINOS. (Under Contraot witb Hit Majesty a Government), for Ohma, Japan, Parian*, Oaylon, Auetmlia, India. Adan, B«ypt, MaditsPNinaan Porte and London. MAIL LINES. HoMWABD (FOB EdBOPB) OcTWABD (FOB "—"I
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    • 670 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Ikoobpobatbe im Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For KreUy, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai. Patani, biugora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, ChumpotL, Kohlak A Bangkok! Du 3*partiiM ..a. PRACHATIPOK June 18 June SO 3 aim ASOANG June 25 j^* 3 ?"V DADIQAT
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    • 586 4 BTEAMEB BAIUWB. oommDnmoiw THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. (Incobpobjtbd in Bmolamd IM THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTO. (iMOOBPOBATaD IH BHOLAWD) BBTWBBM Ppamantla (Farth), Nosth-Waat Auetralian Porta, Java •nd aingapor*. Regular Bailings between Singapore aad Western Australia oalling at Java (as ia duoement offers), Derby, King's Sooad (Port
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. CHLOROGEN FLYGUM ('. Prooes.) Mon- poisonous. For the Sterilisation of Drinking Water Supplies re Kreat carriers of diseases The Prevention of Enteric, Typhoid, IMh Boleric, Typhoid, Cholera and Dysentery and Cholera. Dysentery. NOTE.- a very great feature of this The simplest method rf catching flies SU <liaer
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    • 257 5 FOR SALE ONK COLLECTOR'S STAMP ALBUM CONTAINING MANY RARE AND VALUABLE STAMPS. Now on view. CHINO KBNO LBB CO., Auctioneers and Estate Agents 146— n THE STRAITS TRADING CO.. LTD.. SINGAPORE. Notioe is hereby given that tbe Transfer Books o( tbe above Company will be closed from Jane 19 to
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    • 279 5 M. C. T. Patent Process for Coagulating Latex We have undertaken to exploit the Maude, Crosse, Thomas patents, by which process complete coagulation is obtained without the use of acetic acid, or other coagulant. The process hat. been successfully employed for a considerable period on the well-known Cicely Estate. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 278 6 Stock Keeping by the use of our machines does away with all possibility of discrepancies. No tedious stock books to keep. *^*tt t%I iv >m tTf^. ~^s^LC -.'XBa^HPtaOT "'l ii 'i Ii l iffsTsWt MB "Ml iAI BfeHiS sV K JsV ls>aTflHfls*E« Hllbt^ Let us explain our system to you.
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    • 452 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. NOTICB IS HBREBY GIVEN that all the road* and approaobee to Coreot Row and Covent Garden (lately Chranu Hons Lim Market) belonging to tbe Entate ol Cbeang Tew Moey, will be olosed to pnblio traffic from 6 s.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday tbe 19th Jane, 1817.
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    • 401 6 Consumption One tablespoanful cf H»moxlobin Deschiens is equal to nearly half a pound of Raw Meat. Raw meat harbours tapeworms and in hot countries is likely to be tainted, and is therefore injurious to take. Consumptives treate with Haemoglobin Deschiens gain io weight to the extent of 64 lbs, to
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  • 174 7 BXCHANOB. SuatroM, Jdmi 10, 1917. Ob LoaiM.ii Buk 4 m/» 2/4, Deoiid m 3/«i PiiT»te B .mft m *I*U Oh Keanci Buk T. T. 818 Oh India Btok T. T. Oh HoHSKOHa...B«ak d/d &i%pm Oh Sbah<mai ...B*ak a/d O'i* O»J*t» B»nkT. T 1844 Oh J*r*> Buk 100
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  • 100 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, June 16. •IKb Watm H. 4 X.m., 7.41 Dm Horace Ooldin, Victoria Theatre, 9.15 p.m. K Italian Circu*. 0 -HO p.m. Coeerrt, V.M.C.A. Hall. 8.80 pm. Sunday, June 17. -nnh Wa«w Ul a in., 9.32 p.m Ontward mail due Monday, June IS. Higb Water MM
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    • 182 7 v5£ SeU8w 10 10 Ampany 6.80 S.10 1 1 Aytr Weng 1.25 1.50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.2 J 1.40 13 10 Kinta Association 9.25 6.50 41 11 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 41 £1 Lahat Mines 4.00 6 00 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 £l Malayan Tin 1.150 l.lT.d
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    • 123 7 £tae2 Bayer8 SeUeW II *1 H Smelting Co. 7.85 7.75 II 41 Piol. 1.8.6 l.e.O >/■ Blecteie T'w»ys 4/- 5. 10 10 Ft»sef Ne»»e 43.(0 45.00 60 60 W. Hunmer h Ck>. 85.00 S8.00 00 Howwth Brskme 58.00 65.00 1 00 7%Pref. 100.00 LOO 100 K»ti Bro, Del. par
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    • 48 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 8% 4860,000 norn spore Municipal 6% 11,876,000 par Spore Municipal «t% *****7 •1,600,000 lo%di» Spore Municipal *i% of lttOtt 11,000,000 10 %dia Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 16% di« Spore Municipal 4% £800.000 F.M.S. 8% loan 1918 t15,0u0,00Q 1(0.00 *****
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  • 176 7 TO-DAI. Medan 330 P m M trPea P^ WettOnhaal -ielat P«ndj»Di;. Beo K kalM, Sink aoi l'akan Ruoe 8 33 P m MerHing, Kein»ms,n and Tren«i{aDu aB P m Mm Labuan. .It«-< 'tin, Kudat, S»nd»k»n and nuboanu* 4 P m Un^oon P m l-enanK and CalcutU Uking
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  • 318 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. > Fraser A Co. Evatt. Uor Qajab i.Sll 8.90 4.08 3.B0 4.10 \tual. Malay 0 30 0.60pm 0.80 0.40 Vyer Uitam (S5) 14.25 15.00 14.00 15.00 Iyer Kuniog ($1) 1-0 1.30 1.26 1.35 Iyer
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  • 254 7 The mail train< Jrom Singapore for li ,3«tb)«*TeT»nV Rua-i station daily at 7. 7 a.ii »nd 7 p.m., arr;»i<i« at Koala Lumpur a^ 718 p.m. and 64* ».m. respectively. Tb 4o»OTJKh expre-- Penans leave* Koala uamr ci at 8a I daily, arriving at Penans: it fi.n p.m. tbt
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  • 89 7 Oat attention hM been OilM to tbe fact that oar arrivals in London are much beliiuJ those wMMmi elaewhere. Oar rale a to ><i»e arrival* only wbon they are officially irported in the Po»» Office nrtioe*. and do i»m» date than that printed above hmi been •o
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  • 46 7 Time-bills on Fort Canning and Mount Faber .iron daily at 1 p.m.. Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.mOtMßwiefa mean time. The time gun in toad at 1-2 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, oa erary day excepting SjnUay wlien it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 8. MARYS HOME. TANK ROAD. SINGAPORE A Bo%rJioi2 Huum and Orpb»c».t for girl* »tt« miiDn hclixjl. 1 horounhlT practical line*. iJrean m»kio« Cookinti and Honsowork tMHlbt Exof:s>nt Mli.alioo. H'*ltliy Bdr hub maakut-aidot. Mosie extra. K.n<»2lpm Huard lit) and S:bool »31. Apply Mils Huiian or axcbietoo Swmd^l. 16 6-14 6 18
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    • 446 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. VACANCY lor Dresser filled. Applicants tliankt-ri Maca^r, Paya Mm Bst«to Tautikah. 16 6— 16 6 EUROPEAN, with tborongh practical «x pnrience ol rubber acd coeonnta, Beckx iuana«t moot c( small states in and round Singapore. Apply Box No. 371, Strait" Times 18 6 b-16 7 WANTED in Selangor,
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    • 27 7 ALWAYS IN STOCK: Tyres. Solar Oil, Liquid Fuel, Shell Motor Spirit. CHIN HUAT HIN OIL TRADING COMPANY (Seah Pack Seah Co.) 141, South Bridge Read. Tal. «37.
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  • 1129 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JUNE 16. MESSINES RIDGE. Tbere can be no donbt. we think, that tbe loss of tbe Messines Ridge, following tbe loss of the Vimy Ridge, and so soon after the retreat from tbe Somme, is the heaviest blow tbe German army bas ever received. Anyone who
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  • 20 8 A further sura of guilder* 220, bas been generously contributed by the Sikhs in Mtxian, for tl.t Bntieb U-xt'Crosa Fund.
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  • 33 8 Tn morrow beiig tbe Foast of St. Author y ol l'adua, at the Church of St. Joseph there will be a special collection for the poor, at all tbe maasoe and at vespers.
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  • 30 8 Tbe King will not be adviser! to exercise his power of disallowance, with respect tn cue Ordinance t > make ;t -vision for tin Registration of *ln>m and fur other purpose*.
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  • 40 8 At the Hzpiratio'i cf three moothb fr ;m tbe d«v- of this i."t.. 'be T.&rfcl Engine Worko (M.dnn:. !<•<.. »-;i;, mlm MM h hM >•, m to the Ml 'mry, ha »trnek off tbe register of ooaayani. -r -\qu will ot diMulred.
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  • 29 8 The Conrt of Appeal has now concludtd tbe bearing of five cases on the Mm, Judgments are pending, and will probably be given in tbe course of next week.
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  • 31 8 Archdeacon Swindell promises a series of occasional addresses at St. Andrew's Cathedral on church history up to date. To-morrow, at 580 p.m., be will speak on Problems in China and India.
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  • 31 8 In tbe second conrt, Penang, P. Francis wag sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment on a charge of theft of rubber, tbo property of Captain Perkins, of tbe Penang Pilot service.
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  • 40 8 Tbe directors of Haytor Rubber Estates, Limited, have declared an interim dividend of 10 per cent., free of war tax, on account of tbe year ending December 31, 1917, payable to shareholders on the Register on J une 30, 1017.
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  • 42 8 A Tamil coolie bas been arrested and charged witb tbe murder of a Tamil woman at a bonse in Dunlop Street yesterday. The victim is said to have been attacked witb a hammer and to have received injuries from which she died.
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  • 57 8 A concert will be held to-night in tbe V.M.C.A. Hall at 8.30, for the officers and men of tbe Army and Navy. Tbe programme includes items by Corp. F.A. Cook. Pte E. Mtoluonrne, Lt. H. A. Treacher, L. Corp. Gordon Oiborn, Lt. P. F. Maakell, Mr. A. M. Trowell, Mis.
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  • 50 8 Under the provisions of tbe Mahammadan and Hindu Endowments Ordinance, 1905, the Governor in Council bas directed that the endowment known as the Gardwara or Sikb Temple situated at 176, Queen Street, Singapore, be administered by tbe board appointed for tbe purposes ot the Ordinance tor tbe Settlement of Singapore.
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  • 56 8 Tbe mining industry in Pabang was somewhat depressed last year, but Ibis did not atlect labour, whicb if discuarged trom mines could and did find ready employment in agriculture. A healthy demand lor land for rubber planting was experienced, cbitfly in the vicinity ot tbe railway line, bjt also iv
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  • 60 8 Tbe completion of the electric li^ht installation a« Sereruban, at a total cost ol t120,00U, has been a great boon to the town whicb was pieviously very badly lighted. Tbe work was carried cut by tbe United Engineers. Limited, who have contracted to manage tbe completed installation on behalf of
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  • 70 8 In all China. Government schools included, there is only one person in school lor four hundred out ot scuool, adults included. 'Ibe proportion of v;irla is very small. Outside of ujiosion schools there are none for girls aoove middle school grade, and very few ot these- and only two colleges,
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  • 71 8 Tbe Imperial Air Fleet Committee bas presented General Smuts witb an aeroplane on bebalt ul SoJtb Alrica, for use on tbe Weeieru front. General buiuts, in accepting the gift, baid "1 am convinced tbat we cau combat tue submarine menace efficiently. I foresee tbe ptriod when tue Empire's air fleet
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  • 88 8 In the report on tbe maritime trade of Uiugoon for tue )u»r eudiug March 31 last, au interesting lablu gives tue average price of certain representative articles. TauiDg the average price oi tbu three years IWJI9OI as 100 we get the following an toe b^uros for 1916 17 iron and
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  • 89 8 By the end of last year tbe number of men from Negri Seiubilan who bad joined His Majesty's Forces was over 120, or roughly halt tbo total European male population ot military age recorJed at tbe last census. The European male population ot military age at the end of J9it>,
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  • 93 8 For the purpose of combating tbe spread oi malaria in tbo F.M.S. it in considered expedient to create power to make rul > regarding this disease similar to Uju power wuiuu is giveu by tbe Quarantine ana Prevention ul Dis-ase Enactments, lio3, to make rules regarding dangerous, infectious and contagious
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  • 119 8 The export of tin -ore from Johore last year amouuted to 57,21 > piculx (3,4u8 tons, equivalent to 2,38 j tons of metal) as com-pj.ri.-J witli 17,750 picula in ltflj, an increase ..I I'J I picuin or newly 20 per ceut. Tbe revenue derived was tdss,t*sl as compared with »2.')8,650,
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  • 104 8 A compu)-or y oonfbrencu of representative*) of tbe Australian Glass Minufu. turt r» Company, Ltd., Mid tbe Amalgamated UlaiMi liouie Makers' Union ban buu iiummuned by Mr. Justice Hij^idh, pruHiiinni ol tbu Arbitration r.iurt at Melbourne Tbe oun-tert-nee bas been called in oonst-quenct' of a stnko liaviug t«ki n place
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  • 387 8 The Bishop of Singapore and Mrs. Fergn hjij.J >.mt are luaviDx for Borneo tomorrow Mr. R. Pinkm<y ii to act as Superintendent of Posts aud Telegraphs, Malacca, with >. IT, ct from May 28. Mr. P. A. F. David is granted leave of atoenoe with full salary
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  • 108 8 The Bing Boys Are Here will be Btafttd on June 26 instead of June '21 as originally advertised, and tbe Chocolate .Soldier will be playtd on June 29 instead of June 26 as previously arranged. Tbe Beats reserved for Tbe Chocolate Soldier will hold good for the
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  • 85 8 Notice is given that each of the following companies was struck off tbe register on June 1, 1916 Peuang loe Co Ltd. Straits Tin Smelting Co., Ltd. Tbaipeng Tin Mining Co., Ltd. liuktt Mas North Gold Miuing Co., Ltd. Sbarikatol-al-Rawa Co., Ltd. Penaui; Hills Hotel Co., Ltd.
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  • 157 8 From tbe manager of the Bank of Taiwan we have received a pamphlet relating to tbe bank's Deposit in Trust Kcbeue which was started in November, 1916, and the deposit amount of which is now yen fifteen millions. It is claimed that tbe Deposit in Trnst is
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  • 201 8 As tbe Bishop of Singapore explained in bis letter, on June 14, a Cburcb Army Tent whicb can be inov-d close in rear of the lighting linen in France, costs $2,600 fully furnished. We are very pleased to bear tbat those collecting for Pcuang, Sulangor and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 147 8 JUST RECEIVED Fresh Shipment of AUSTRALIAN BEER IN HOGSHEADS FROM A WELL-KNOWN BREWERY For particulars and prices, apply to CALDBECK,MACGREGOR&GO. ft'SALUDOR" ENGLISH FILTER fitted germ-proof candles, giving drinking water of absolute purity. 2-Oallcn Size H4.M I Spare Caodltß W.OO etcb. 3 S'lOO Taps tI.M 4 $25.(0 Wasuere 25 ets. Mf
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    • 224 8 MONEY EVERY MAN M 0 EVERY WOMAN SHOULD SEE TNIS FUMI ■UHAMBBfI The Pionsar and Premier Houte of Quality ■each Road Wo»LD KILTI lißPimAriON PRFs.vth A Prama of the People and for the People Money IN 8 ACTS OF SURE-FIRE APPEAL SorroQDdtd by an ktiuoaphtre if pov rt; and wealth,
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  • 2506 9 WESTERN POSITION. British Gain Another Point. Situation Reviewed. AMERICAN OPINION. President Wilson's Vigorous Speech. Rictib's Tr.i>t»'. London. Junt 1". 12.15 a.m. r icld Marshal Haig report* We carried out a successful operation t...i u.orning eastward of Moncby le Preux V\ v stormed hostile positions of considerable >ocal importance
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  • 173 9 RELATIONS WITH AMERICA. Idnn:- TklkOkaxs. London, June 14, 11.55 p m. Peking Chiang Cbaotung, police chief, has accepted the acting Premiership. He has countersigned tbe Presidential mandate dissolving Parliament. It is believed that the dissolution will result in civil war, the southern provinces having telegraphed to the
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  • 55 9 Telegraphic news has been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies that Dr. J. M. Atkinson, formeily Principal Civil Medical Officer in Hongkong, died on May 28. It wax known by bin friends that for Home months past Dr. Atkinson bad been lying in a precarious condition due
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  • 611 9 KEEP UP MALAYA'S MONTHLY THOUSAND. Help For The Overseas Club Fund. On Jane 14 we intimated that we bad paid the last of ten monthly contributions made by tbe fond we organised to assist the Overseas Club in providing smokes for oar soldiers and sailors. Tbe
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  • 129 9 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.'s Weekly Report Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, snpply us with the following report on the pomtion of the Java produoe market for the I wet.k ending to-day Batavia, June 15, 1017. Rubber. Tbe market position in weaker and prices are lower
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  • 93 9 For tbe period from Jane 22 to 28, 1817, incluiivt tbo value of tbe highest grade of rubber is fixed at 2h 9Jd. per lb., and tbu doty oo cultivated robber on which export duty in leviable on an ad valorem basis in acoordance with tbe
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  • 662 9 YEAR OF ACHIEVEMENT BY LOCAL V.M.C.A. Directors' Report Tbe V.M.C.A. of Singapore has issued its report and accounts for the year 1016 in a neat brochure under the title of A Year of Achievement. Tbe directors record their satisfaction that the sum ol $20,000 stands to tbe
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  • 195 9 Mr. II E. Pratten, who is well known in Malaya, writes to tbe Australian Press Time alters international relations, an 1 Lord Robert Ocil's reply regarding my lii I>iiuu r«-li( f report is vtvi.-i >tly coached id tin: language of disploiuacy. U may bu thought tliat
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  • 78 9 An Army Council Order, published in tbo London Gazette of April 20, announced tliut it was the intention of the authorities to tako possession between April 4 and April HO, HIT, of all stocks of socks suitable for iin'itui v requirements. Another Order reqairod 18 firms, namrd in a schedule,
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  • 83 9 Mijor J. F. Walwyn, D.5.0., Royal Welsh Fasiherb, gazetted a General St Ofiiovr of the second class (or service with tl..< Australian troop*, won li>« US O. v. I 1 a Mubalt< ru of ttie WfNli FusilMM 111 tliu i larch to the relist ol the txiicgod Lections ia Peking,
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  • 1424 10 SACRIHCE OF BOTH BODY AND' SOUL The French Struggle for Justice. Evident to any observer is tbe oonfldenoe in Paris that tor the. first time the allied armies on the west front are prepared. Tbe English have taken over with their new armies many of
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  • 709 10 Handicap of the Man of FortyFive. Tbe medical correspondent of Tbe Times writes: At a moment when the policy of raising the age limit from 40 to 45 is being discussed it may be useful to indicate one or two mcdi cal considerations bearing on this subject.
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  • 97 10 Mr Francis Reckitt, of Butler's Court, BeaconstMd, Buckinghamshire, joint chair, man Keckitt and Sons, Ltd., manufacturers of Keckitt's Blue, wbo died on January M, ag.d 9 >. has left a fortune of £1.007.165 uc settled estate. Reckitt and Sjn», Ltd., have always shown *reat faith in boll and judi ciout
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  • 18 10 Captain Sbackleton has arrived in London, and remains only a few days before leaving on special war work.
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  • 1431 10 Full Details of the Terrible Tragedy. An inquest into tbe circumstances attendant on tbe death of Mr. John Edmonds, Assistant Manager, Menglembn Lode Syndicate, was held by Mr. H. A. Forrer, Second Magistrate, Ipoh, on Tuesday, reports the Times of Malaya. An Oriental witness said that on
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  • 555 10 The Hunt for Undesir&ble Enemy Aliens. The gaols are being rapidly filled with German suspects, says a New York paper. The Secret Service of tbe Federal Government are keeping up their hunt for andesirable enemy aliens. One of their first visits was to tbe palatial Fifth
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  • 180 10 The present wastefulness in regard to national fodder was mentioned by Professor T. B. Wood, of Cains College, Cambridge, at a meeting of the Farmers' Club in L >ndon. There was available for feeding the live stock of tbe country in 1910 (said the profes sor) tbe
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  • 105 10 Speaking at the Chamber of Commerce meeticg at Newcastle, Australia, tbe president (Mr. J. C. Keid) said Ido not share with anyone a feeling of pessimism regarding the outlook for the export of onr coal. The ont put of the Maitland mines has been fairly well maintained, although the abolition
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    • 40 10 I Tbe S C.C. soccer team go to Tanglin for a league match with tbe Middlesex this afternoon. Tbe following is the selected eleven Trowel! Hill and Gale Parish, Lynch and Griffin Potter, Toscenie, Sinclair (captain), Moss and .lamieson.
      40 words
    • 56 10 Tbe following ties in the S.C.C. tournament will be played on Monday Profession Pairs. Tel. 4 Westwood and I.sybourne v. Army 1 Lieut Lloyd and Lieut Fifoot. C.S. 11: Tyler and Pedlow v. Navy: Lieut. Commander Stow and Lieut. Webb. Tuesday's Ties. Profession Pairs. Police: Lindon and Thomas
      56 words
  • 624 10 Control of the English Channel. The naval correspondent of Tbe Times, writing on April 28, says The tight between British patrols and German destroyers off Dover on Friday night with its satisfactory outcome bas happened at an opportune moment. When I am able," said tbe late
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  • 210 10 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on pages 6 and 7. Tbe present Palladium programme includes an interesting Bine Bird production in Tbe Girl of Lost L*ke- There is also a number of the official War Gazette entitled America at War. Service will be held at the
    210 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 89 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—" Passenger in this afternoon 's issue of yon paper asks Is it not time first class carriages were supplied to Asiatics wbo wish to travel first class and have tbe means to do so It may interest him to hear
      89 words
    • 91 10 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,— The streets of Malacca are getting in a most abominable condition and it is qaite unpleasant to ride on a riebsha. Cannot tbe Government tar tbe streets or asphalt them in some sort of way. BotL Penang and
      91 words
  • 658 10 Sequel to a Journal's Offer Of £1,000. In tbe King's Bench Division, on April 25, Mr. Justice Darling postpone.! tbe bearing of a special jury action of Barrett v. John Bull (Limited), involving a claim for £1,000 offered by the paper to anyone who could prove that
    658 words
  • 102 10 His many friends in China will regret to hear of the. death of Mr. J. V. If Grave, the well known engineer, says tin- Peking correspondmt of tbe l'< k>u|> ami IVnthiu Times. Deceased, wbo M only 17 year- of ai<e, was an engineer of exceptional ability wbo soon made
    102 words

  • 801 11 A Dividend of Ten Per Cent Declared. The seventh annual general meeting of tie shareholders of the Stiawan Rubber I'll ntations, Ltd., was held at tbe registered ofli of the company, No. 4, Beach Street, IVi ang, on Monday, June 11, says the Pinang Gazette. Present Messrs. James
    801 words
  • 65 11 fctaar. 7,M1 lbs. to date 64.091 lbs. Bbjobk- 14,705 lbs. to date M 7.442 lbs. LmusuoK 14.004 lbs. to date H9.5H0 lbs. BsTlifa TV*"" lbs. ;to date. 164,072 lbs. ttaaaM Matang 25,26.-. lbs. to date t«B,KS4 lbs. Laras (Sumatra).— 2l,s9B lbs. to date W. 724 Ibx. Kuala
    65 words
  • 205 11 Sir Arthur Pearson wan the principal speaker at a debate 'icld by men blind from birth and men becoming blind in adult years as to which had the greater advantages. Speakers on both •ides "Ht-uied vt-ry happy. St. Dun stan h boys sf~>kc of their advantage in
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  • 600 11 Sunday, June 17, 1917. St. Amdrbw's Cathbdbal. 2nd Sonday after Trinity. 7 a.m. Corpo rate Communion of G.F.S. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 6.30 p.m. Even, song and sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines.— 6
    600 words
  • 240 11 Programme oi drills, etc., for week ending Friday, Jove 22, 1917. Saturday, June 16. 2.30 p.m. Johnston's Pier S.V.A. Section 1 and 2. Balestier Range S.V H. 3.30 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co. Sunday, Jlm 17 MM a.m. Balestier Range S.V.R. 7 a.m. Brass Basah Rd. Malay
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 331 11 Moutrie PianosBuilt in the East for the East BENO FOR CATALOGUE OF LATEST MODELS S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN HONOKONtt) RafHo* Place E. and O. HOTEL PENANC Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel in the island. CRAG HOTEL PBNANO HILLS THE SANATORIUM OF THE STRAITS SEITLEMENTS Completelj
      331 words
    • 123 11 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT Special Dinner AND Cinema Show ADEIPHI HOTEL TO-NIGHT IN AID OF BRITISH AND FRENCH RED CROSS FUNDS Hiss Lolita Ramos AND DURING AND I I AFTER DINNER =AllgulU PERFORMANCE The Man of Many Walks (Passing through Singapore) No Entrance Fee But a collection will be held in
      123 words

  • 2084 12 1916-1917. A diary of the war up to August 4, 1916, Mi published in tbe Straits Times of A igust 11, 1916. Tbe record of events is now con •Jaued from tbe beginning of tbe third year «J war. August. t. A battle has been fought
    2,084 words
  • 598 12 Mr. A. Chamberlain on Imperial Progress. Mr. A oaten Chamberlain and the representatives of India at the Imperial War Conference were the guests at luncheon at the Savoy Hotel recently of the British Empire Producers' Organisation. It had not been the intention of Mr. Cham berlain or
    598 words
  • 549 12 Protection to Investors From The Straits. Mr. Lee Cboon Goan, a prominent Chinese merchant and a millionaire in Singapore, baa left Peking with his family tor Shanghai, gays the P. D. News. Mr. Lee is the holder of a large number of shares in mining companies in
    549 words
  • 517 12 United States Capital in Eastern Plantations. Mr. Jesse B. La Dowe writes to the India Robber World Like the United State*, m recounted in the advene views expresaed through the columns of newspapers here on the so-calleu American invasion in the field of rubber production in the Malay
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 260 12 FRESH PURE CREAMERY BUTTER always obtainable. The whole of the Dairying industry of Australia is under strict Government ine-pection and all Fresh Butter imported by us is certified as Ist grade by Australian Government Certificate. SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlement,! J~l FURNITURE F ZZ E lL
      260 words

  • 748 13 HERBERT HOOVER AND HIS RECORD. Belgium's Good Samaritan. One who knows him, writes in The Evening Standard Now that the United States have declared war on Germany and bave joined the Allies in their efforts to roll back the tide of Oerman aggression, a question is being
    748 words
  • 104 13 The war continues to diminish the work of the Law Courts, says the Westminster Gazette. For the Easter sittings, which will begin to-morrow, only 943 cases are entered. This is 65 less than at the correoponding period in 1916, and 122 less than
    104 words
  • 99 13 Down in the Bois-en-Hache one of oar English soldiers on the Canadians' left had a grim adventure, which he describes as a bit of orl rite,' says Mr. Oibbs. His way was barred by a burly Oerman, but not for long. After a tussle our lad took
    99 words
  • 92 13 The German has officially said that all gun material hat been destroyed. This ia totally false. Most of it was left where it lay. So far from true ia it that I reported Home days ago mat we were using captured li.'ld gun* with captured ammunition against
    The Times  -  92 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 183 13 f7*~ 9 ♦gßggfa» I C. &B. English Soups Ipi I 30 Varieties AH Delicious The Cuisine of one of the finest chefs in the world available for your table. Crosse Black well Guarantee these Soups b, R.r.i t° be Bade under ideal conditions, as are all their table delicacies. ACIIIS
      183 words
    • 215 13 Singapore Imports Exclusively AUSTRALIAN Biscuits. Butter, Cheese, Caoned Meats. Corned Meats, Flour, Jams, Preserved Fruito, Hams, Bacon, Sauces, etc., Beers, Pilsener, Wines, Soap, Disinfectants, Medicines, Oils, Confectionery, Motor Tyres, Haidwtre, Faints, Varoisbea. We ano Sol* Agent for Foggit. Jones k Co., Stanmore Preserving Penfold's Wines, Wm. Arnoß, Ltd., Co., Ltd.,
      215 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 657 14 Wai or Peao«. Famine or Plenty, Life Inbdkance ib worth 100 oentb on the dollar. WHAT OTKBB PHOPEHTY THE fiREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (baoaraaam at Snum SaTnaaam) Xt4«O»flOli Wlwfc— >«p M»aiaa, Wajitiw UMUMM OVPIOBi N, OM itwpy, La Tbe Oompaay haa aMOtOOO aaioiMia wttta the Bnfsame OooH at
      657 words
    • 389 14 BANKINB. TNE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. ■hi tmn llaiapin. nsTTIn irnnrTi-T IrascKes BaIMH, 111, First Cress Itreet, ■war, 77 71. JalM lalalaiM. CAPITAL 1 Registered 18,000,000 Issued ICOOO.OOO SBbseribed H. 500.100 Paid up 11,760.000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Liib Psat Waat, Eav, BkalraHU. Tha nap. Of. lub aasa Taa laaag Uafc,
      389 words
    • 491 14 BANKIWQ. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CMPBRATION (iMCOBrOBATBB IB HoNSKONa) PAID-UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41.500.000 at 1/- tISOOOOOO Silver •18,500,000 IBS 800.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 118,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Chairman, J. A. Plnuimer, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton. O. S. Oubbay,
      491 words
    • 490 14 BANKING. IHAHTEIEO MNK Of INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IMOOKPOBATBD IN ENGLAND BT BOTAL UHARTSK Paid Off Capital ia 80,000 Shares ol ■W aaeb 41,100^00 Beaerre Fund... 41,000^00 Bea6rwUabiUtyolP«Oirlekn-. 41.N0.000 BANKBBB The Baak ol Baglaad, Tbe Loadoa OM* aad Midla-U Baak, Lid., The Loadoa cJort, aad Westminrtor Baak, Ltd., The Natmaa
      490 words
    • 918 14 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LITE INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incoporatbd in Honokono) ENDOWMENT POLICIES are iasued for 10, 15 aad M year terms. The annual deposit under tbe 20 year plan is but five and a fraction per cent, of the sum assured, for a man 80 years of age. Should the
      918 words

  • 729 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Sale of Cars. The following is taken from the address delivered at tbe Overland Dealers' Convention by Mr. H. B. Harper and relates to successf ul merchandising Tbe selling of automobiles is a plain out-and-out merchandising proposition. It differs from
    729 words
  • 180 15 Operations bad to be temporarily suspend od owing to the mirage, says Sir Stanley Maude, in deecrihinq a clever little strategioaJ victory on the Diala River, writes tho Manchester Guardian. It is a reminder that despite submarine*. Zeppelins, poison gas. and howitzers there is one front
    180 words
  • 174 15 Dr. Hagb Robert Mil], the weather expert, writing in The Times, says i The Cunden Square record of temperature, which bu now been kept (or SO year*, shows that in London tbe first tec days of April bare been colder this yew than in any other. There
    174 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 168 15 THE CANADIAN FORD The Most Economical 5-Passenger Car on the market and the Best Motor Car Value in the world. READ WHAT A SINGAPORE MOTORIST SAYS: Messrs. WEARNE BROS., LTD. Dear Sirb. With reference to the FORD car purchased from yoti 9 months ago, I have kept a careful record
      168 words
    • 69 15 OILDAG Saves Petrol as well as Oil, and the running is as smooth as silk. TO BE HAD FROM ALL GA.RAOEB. JuU particulars from DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents, SINGER CARS AFEW2-SEATER m 4/f ?f| '1 <S"g Importers i International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. (EINCHER Ts6e fPremier JW-SBritirf 13yiv. MADE OF
      69 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 538 16 No tyre by any other name grips the road like) GoodricA Safety Traad Safety cornea from aayfaM *Goodr<cA Safety Tran-T when you are buying tyraa. I^^^- 1 9^!__^_. m., GBSBBBBBaav -A crip on :he road U worth two on the steering wiiel" Fu Goodrich Safety Trw»i' j ejj and leel
      538 words
    • 419 16 SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNO energetic planter wants billet, would like opportunity of managing small estate. Applp Box No. 270, Straits Times. 14-6—168 WANTED, position on Robber Estate in S. S. or F. M. S. by Englishman, age twentynine. Has had ten years' experience tobacco planting in Borneo. Sneaks Malay fluently, at
      419 words
    • 651 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT. Hnosee No. T, Cbaneery Lane. Apply to Ching Keng Lee Co., Auctioneers. 18 M— o TO BB LBT. SilTerbauk," 107, Orchard Road, an upper roomed European dwelling Bouse with tennis and stabling. Apply S. Manasseh a Co., 7, D'Almeida Street. IS-4— a OFFICES TO LET.
      651 words
    • 239 16 KIAM KIAT CO. INIIH, Harfcat ttrset.— 'Phsne asms He. 411 SOU AOBMTS. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited (lnc«rpor.t»<! l« tn.l.nd Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Colours of ROSEWOOD, Oak and Mahogin* at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS Ja. Orchard Road, Telephone Ho.
      239 words
    • 293 16 When You Want SALAMANDER CRUCIBLES, NOS. 20.25. 30. 40.50. 60. 80. 1 00 AND Jackson's Stain Varnish IN 1 GALLON TINS Rosewood, Walnut, Dark Oak and Mahogany. REMEMBER GUAN KIAT Co., No. 38, Phillip Stfwott Telephone Nos. 1801 and 1862. Private 1450 and Sunnyside 1078. Sole Agents FOR THE GLOBE
      293 words
    • 477 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICED •3 and m aaatar Motor Cars for hire:. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Garage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 216 A a 16, Orobard Road (Next to Wearne Bros., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations ia .advertisements, sach as changes ia sailing dates of
      477 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 313 16 Straits '(Dimes. Tamporary Talephon« i SB. All communications relating to editona" matters and news should be addressed to THB EDITOR. All communications relating to bosinr m matters—advertiftoments, subscriptions accounts, printing;, etc.—should be ad dressed to THB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscollant ous wants of every description are inserted in the ordinary body
      313 words