The Straits Times, 15 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,442 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JUNE 15. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 MILKMAID BWEETENEO CONDENSED MILK Prioe now $16.90 pec etK Best Quality ENGLISH SODIUM BISULPHITE In drums containing 140 lbs. nett. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) BRITISH Typewriter Ribbons MADE IN ENGLAND IN OUR OWN FACTORY ARE BETTER AND CHEAPER Compare the Price and Quality. (Im< orporatid in Bnolano)
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    • 282 1 I ROBINSON CO. I Have just received large stocks of ENGLISH 80UD LEATHER BELTS Ijl with or without rinprs and swivels, in all sizes, from 28 to 46 ins. II BEST ENGLISH HIDE FIT- C D 95 BEST DUALITY HI TED NICKEL RINGS AND W^ ENGL!SH HIOE BELT S II
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    • 2 1 GOODRICe TYRES
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  • 1039 2 TURKISH OPPRESSION AND MISRULE. A Big Problem for Britain. Sir NiUal Singb says thai with the fall o( Ragdad tbe serve centre of Arab civili Hfcuun the futui e of tbe Arabs becomes a live qnettion. Higbtly treated, th!« rvse can bt ai*tli- a uu'»i friund aad
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  • 27 2 Tbe Americas aathontiea have •scored i videuoe ot an old German plot to kidnap lr.*uio«?l WilaoD and v argaauaa an army of r«i rviaU ta invade Canada.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 325 2 Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills free your Liver from Sluggish-ness-brace you up make you feel fit and fine To keep yourirlf in the pink oi condition )u«t take Cockle'i i'i!l» once or twice a week. That's an I iktmisis Ihromghtul tki World. fwM la kngUni >/7) mi 2/9. juu cociu co t.
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    • 245 2 COAL TAR Can be obtained ■t TAN GUAN CHUAN, 58, North Canal Road. 2 5-18 The Finest Light LAGER is A trial will convince you ""*klM HIN 6* CO. Kiln* Street, A New Model A New Price This newest Overland is the largest No other car at the price is
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    • 100 2 aaaVnRBaVwSsVBwBVaW^ ■IJBBBwBBwBsBwMU.^W A Popular-Priced genuine Motor Car built on High-grade Lines. 1917 Models with DETACHABLE RIMS. Spare Rim Oil Gauge Self Starter Electric Starter Speedometer Foot Accelerator Valve-in-head Motor. EFFICIENT SERVICE GUARANTEED. A Willard .Battery Service Station will be opened shortly with, complete equipment for charging, replenishing or overhauling batteries.
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  • 1093 3 WE MUST NOT LEAN ON THE UNITED STATES. Britain The Principal Enemy Tbe war is not over. Iv wont and most dange rous phatea have still to be developed. We mast Dot lean upon tbe United States. Tbe Tery splendour of President Wilson's declaration is a temptation.
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  • 45 3 Tbc Kaiser addressed his troops at Doaai «lv ordered them to take the fewest possible British prisoners. Those taken were to be trtattd with tl.c extrenest severity. Escaped Australians bring news of the terrible maltreatment and starvation of British pri'oac rs babiad tfce German front.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 411 3 THE y SUNBEAM ipcnenc* of •t«od»rdi«.ni rxtr» -efficiency ia Ik* guia* of Ibo acnitini lumbtri of SUNBEAM-COATALEN AIRCRAFT ENGINES b«ia« suppliMl la Uta BntUk aad tha Allie. Air Sarricem, invohriag, a* it aoaa, perf ectjon af (JfiifD, matkodt, workmanship and mttfnali, mutt iaavitably asarcisa ill ■nfhtcfica on our post-war production
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    • 414 3 OARS will be wanted after th© war. At the present time delivery, owing to Home Government requirements, is much delayed, but satisfaction is sure. HUMBER LIMITED. Worki: COVENTRY, ENGLAND. AgtmtS Evtrywhfre. JAPANESE MASSAGE The Specialist AT HOME OR FOR CALL MISS TAMET 73, Middle Road a 6-80 8 NOTHING IS
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    • 412 3 I"^ NO STROPPING If for no olher reason than that it is perfcvJly safe for anyone to shive with, the Gi.lette Safety Razor would be essentially i c razor I°* «»y man who shaves himself. VpyV^''., > B-it in addition to its safety principle, the \m k > rinaji *jn
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 440 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD (iMOOBPOBATBn IM JAFAB EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained betwuon Yokohama, via ports and London under mail contract with ibe Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this servioc have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 630 4 STEAbO lIUIII. P- O.- British India and Mpcar Lsiine. (Cohpabibs Inoobpobatbd ib Bmolabd). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract witb Hi* Majesty aovernraent). «o» Ohma, •apart, Penang, Oeylon, Auatpaiia, India, Aden, ■•>•«• Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Hosbwabo iroß Bdbopb) Outw&bp (roa Obtba) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 668 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Iboobpobatbb im Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringyanu, Bisnt, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bongnara, Tclnpm, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamni, Bandoa, Laagsnen, Chumpon, Konlak A Bangkok. Owe Departure a2«S2« TIPOK Juim> 1S Jun 3 S.S. BORIBAT July 9 July 4> a m The
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    • 565 4 STEAMER BAIUN6B. OOMBIMU URVI<M OP THE OCaN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. llboobpobatbo im Bnolabo tv THE WEST AUSTRALIA* 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incobpobatbo in Enoiabd) BBTWBBM Fremantle (Perth), North-Was* Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular sailings between Singapore and Western Australia onlling al Java(a* \mduoement offers), Derby, King's Sonad (Port
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 802 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. IHOO-CHINA STEAM H»V. OUTO. (Inoobpobatbd in Enoland) Pis' eat Servloe to Japan vta Hongkont Shanghai, and to Oaleut t via r*— »»ng, from Singapore. Tiking es'.o on through Bill* of Lai*" y lot :autou, JS"oao, Swatow, Auioy Ch. foo Txotnin, Nencnwang, Yangtaip ports. ••»>■ Taoaa. the Philippine*, nto.,
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    • 113 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISM (Inoobpokatbd iii Japan) (Osaka HerVßatik] »tsanuh.p Co., td.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. I '1 he Company maintains a .regular eargc i rvine witb six steamers ca'licg at Moji fokkaiohi, Hongkong, Sinnaporc, Port Swet '.•■uliam. Penang, Colombo and Bomb*/, and 3D the return voyage calling at Tuticorin S ngapore,
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    • 819 5 AUCTION SALE Of IMPOBTANCB TO PLANTBRB. To be held at the Eastern Extension Tele graph Coy.'s Cable Depot, Keppel Harbour Om Wbdnbsdat, Junb 80, at 2.80 r.M. CABLE WIRE. No. 2 S. W. 0. 160 piculs in one lot. a 0 laOOpicnls in lots of about 100 piculs each. 9
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    • 457 5 AUCTION BALE At Messrs. Ching Keng Lee h Co.'s Saleroom, Raffles Chambers, Rafflea Plaoe, On Satuboat, Junb 16, at 10.80 a.m. Sets of the following stamps Persia, Salrador, British North Borneo, Transvaal, Union of South Africa, Liberia and New Zealand. CHING KENO LBB CO.. Auotioaeon Estate Agents. 14-6—15 6 AUCTION
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    • 156 5 ISMAIL RAHEEM (ESTABLISHED 1896) (Mo connection with any other JBWBLLERY dealers aud no middleman or canvasser emp oyod.) ■rat Utah Raid. Branch*! at Harriet Hotel, SINGAPORE Me. 11, Farquhar Straat, ami Eactarn and Oriental Hotsl, PENAWI. gy^gfjaa^BBBiBBBBBBV Wear the NOVELTY BAND •jv 1^ w >ih one of oqr famous W^M
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 439 6 SONGS lor Standard, Concert and Teaching, and Christy's Minstrels. PIANOFORTE Piooes and Duets, a Rood variety by eminent English composers. PIANOFORTE ALBUMS of Marches by Soaza A Patey and Willis's, Kitchener and Baden Powell March Albums, etc. PIANOFORTE Waltzes (musical oomedien, etc.) One and two-kteps. VIOLIN A PIANOFORTE Pieces, Melodic
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    • 131 6 BOSTOCK'S ROYAL ITALIAN CIRCUS Grand Opening TO-NIGHT AT 9.30 Doors Open 8.30 BooKing plan now open at Moutrie's. Book Early 40 Artistes 200 Performing Animals Electric Lighting Comfortable Seating The Circus de Luxe Not one act Not one artiste Not one animal Ever seen before in Singapore Prices $3, $2,
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    • 667 6 LATEST AOVEBTIBEMEHTB, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE BTRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. No. lot 1017. In Prize. Part cargo ex s.s. Princess Alioe." Baorgt V, by ths Graca oT Boa, of the United Kingdom or Groat Britain and Ireland and •f ths British Dominions Bafond the laas, KiMf, Oofendor
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    • 306 6 DULLOCH LGOLD LABEL ADES SCOTCH WHISKY Sola Agents: GALDBEGK, MACGREGOR GO. Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants. THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. (Imoobvobatid in Honokono) Eatabllahed 1883 MANUFACTURBKS OF PHRh ROPE I STMNB GABLE LAID 4 STRAND »o lr s" to id* to xo" Piioes, samples atd (all partioalatß will be
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  • 94 7 FIXTURES. Friday, June IS. Migh Watet A.44 p.m., 6.50 p.m Homeward mail closes (train.) .Saturday, June 16. r»i k h Watet. H.t a.m., 7.43 p.m. Sunday. June 17. '■ivlj Watet 9.13 am., 8 32 p.m. Ootward mail ilur Monday. June 18. Higb Wat.*. KM a.m., 9.18 p.m.
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  • 259 7 To d»». P. Swettenbam and Tc'.r.* Anton 2.30 pm If edan 3.80 pm >ltr»ini!, Kemaman and Tren^ganu 2.80 pm M.-rsing 2.80 rm Batn Pahat 2.80 pm M»tn Pabat '2 80 pm liatavia, Samarang and Soarabaya 3 pm 'lalaoca and Mq»i 3 pm 3a wean, Soarabaya, BandjertuasHiD Staged.
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  • 259 7 Tbe m**i train" from feinsapore for ti. •onto leav* Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m jrfkd 7 poi. arriving at Koala Lompar a' 1..9 p.m. aaJ 045 a.m. respectively. Tb> tbruogh express to Penaax leaves Kuala Lsicpcr at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penan t; at 6.28
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  • 102 7 Out atteotioo h*s been asilrd to the fact thst m anriv*J» m LosJoa sra aracb setaind M«M etaewbere. Oot rul« is tc «.Tf amva). only wboo they are officially maaatad in tbe Pont Office notioea, ami no ■ktet date Uian tuat printed above bat beou jc
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  • 177 7 BXCHANQB. SumAPOU, Jumi 16, 1917. O» Lohuom ......Buik 4 ml* a/4 Demand m. 2.4} Private »>m/i i 4' Oh Fkavoi Bank T. T. 818 Oa lnou Bauk T. T. On HoHa>o«t>...Bank dM 5j(pm Ob Suuhmai ...B«ak d/d 62i OaJtr* BtnkT.l m 184,' O» J»p*» Buk 109 Sovereigns
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    • 172 7 LO 10 AmpanK 5.80 6.10 1 1 Ayer WenR 1.25 1.50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.2 i 1.40 Li) 10 Kinta Arioociation 9.2o 9.50 (1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 11 £1 Lahat Mines 4.00 6 00 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 Bl XI Malayan Tin 1.15 0 1.17.8
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    • 123 7 vtiuei Ba ur8 Soller8 111 Ml SmeltiBs Oo. 7.8o 7.75 (1 41 Prel. 1.8.6 l.f 6/- Hlecttio T'wayg 4/- 5 10 10 Frauer Ne»ve 43.10 45.00 60 60 W. Hammer Co. 65.00 98.00 100 Howartb Brakiob 68.00 65.00 100 1% Prel. 100.00 LOO 10C Kati Bto, Del. par 12O.UU
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    • 51 7 United Engineers 8% 11,284,500 par Singapore Electrio Tramways 6% 4860,000 non. .-pore Municipal 6% 11,b75,000 par a pore Municipal «t% of 1907 11,600,000 10*, die Spore Municipal 4^% of 190 b 11,000,000 10% di« S'pcre Municipal 4% 2,000,000 l&%du Spore Municipal 4% £800,000 F.M.S. 8% loan 1916 115,000,000 ICO.OO
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  • 323 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prioes. Frailer LyaTl v 4 Co. Kvatt. Mor Gajab («1) 8.00 4.06 8.(0 4.10 \wal. Malay Ji 0.80 Of 0pm U.bO U 40 \yi-r Uium f/tH 14 25 1SX0 14.00 15.00 iyer kaniog 120 1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 625 7 Time balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 D.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 Qreenwicb mean time. The time gun is firod at I' 2 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Monday when it is fired at one o'clock. UTEBT~aOVERf
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    • 424 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH, SINGAPORE. WILFLEY CONCENTRATORS One No. 6 Table now in Stock. Telephone No. 266. Tel. Address VANNER." AUCTION SALE Of THREE MOTOR CYCLES At Our Hale-room No. 8, Raffles Place, On Tcksdat. May IS, at 11 a.m. One 'I b p. Motor Reve
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    • 29 7 ALWAYS IN STOCK i Tyres. Solar Oil, Liquid Fuel. Shell Motor Spirit. CHIN HUAT HIN OIL TRADING COMPANY (Seah Pack Seah A Co.) I*l, Soath trial* Road. T.I. 417.
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  • 1099 8 The Straits Times FRIDAY, JUNE 15. THE KAISER'S DUPE. So, at long last, the right thing has been done in Greece and the first of the Kaiser's dupes has fallen. Constantino is no longer a King, and to exile with him goes hie son the Crown Prince. It would have
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  • 14 8 Th« Songei Besi Mines, Ltd., are paying l dividend of one shilling per share.
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  • 20 8 Troroh Mines, Ltd., has declared a dividend of Is per share less income tax, payable io London on July 7.
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  • 17 8 The directors of Idris Hydraulic Tin have declared a dividend of sixpence per share lcm income tax.
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  • 30 8 Rear- Admiral Sir Dudley de Chair, Naval AtMaas to the Br^ '..»b Foreign Office, informed m«'i.> r» of th, Hon«e Naval Committ»' Mai 0.-iiu*^y w»i builJii»K three anpur-aub-iii Lriros weekly.
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  • 23 8 The British Treasury baa paid 46 millions interest on war loans, tbe greatest ever recorded. Tbe public is largely reinvesting in war seenritiea.
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  • 43 8 Over 1,000 clerks in tbe Royal Arsenal and the Royal Dockyard at Woolwich decided to go on strike on April 80 owing to the refnsal of the authorities to advance their wages by ss. weekly, although this advance was granted to other workers.
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  • 46 8 A mail from Europe will arrive by train on Sunday morning. Correspondence will be ready for delivery about 10.80 a.m. The O.P O. will be open from 8 a.m. till nuon. There will bo one general delivery to all parts of the town and residential districts.
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  • 53 8 Before very losg, says a writer in a borne paper, we are to bave the second and final edition of tbe Dardanelles Report. I have it on very high authority tbat some uf the conclusions arrived at are likely to be even more sensational in character than those contained in
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  • 55 8 It is learned by the Osaka Shosen Kaisba that tbe American steel mills bave resumed the shipment of steel materials to Japan, and every liner returning home from America will carry steel for Kobe. Tbe stocks expected to arrive shortly are said to amount to 27,000 tons. Most of the
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  • 57 8 A deputation headed by Lord Islington (formerly Governor of New Zealand asked Mr. Masse y Premier of New Zealand) and Sir Joseph Ward to consider the question of an increase in New Zealand's coutribotion tc tbe Imperial Institute. Mr. Massey promised tbat the matter would be con-iiJ red by tbe
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  • 58 8 A Washington message says a (rcvernment bill has been introduced into Congress under which tbe United States will reinsure cargoes on allied ships while tbe Allies will reinsure cargoes of American ships. An appropriation of five millions sterling will be asked for, which will include provision for the insurance of
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  • 69 8 Tbe arsenal which tbe Japanese Government has proposed to establish in K.rea and for which an appropriation of 4,000.000 yen will bt asked from tbe Imperial Diet in the forthcoming special session, will be devoted entirely to tbe repair of weapons now being used by the Japanese troops in Korea
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  • 89 8 Tbe Chamber of Commerce is not so intole rant as some uf its critics would bave us believe, nays Roderich Random in the Hong' kong Daily Press. It may not want tbe (iermans back io the Colony, but it certainly discriminates between persons and things. For example, at tbe meeting
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  • 101 8 Employes of the Treasury Department in Chicago are asked to contribute part cf their salaries to tbe Red Cross in a circular letter from Secretary McAdoo. They are told it is not compulsory for tLem to contribute, but tbat it is an act of patriotism to do so. Tbe secretary's
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  • 108 8 Tbe entry of tbe L'nited States into tbe ranks of the belligerents has produced the following sayings We have set out to help in tbe enterpise of saving tbe earth as a place worth living in.— Dr. Page. Tbe greatest of all services wbicb America render-, is that she represents
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  • 99 8 Tbe proprietors and printers of the British Australasian, and also Mr. Chomley, the editor, were summoned at Bow Street for making statements prejudicial to tbe discipline uf the forces. The offence consisted cf publishing letters criticising tbe Anzac military polio in London. Defendants' counsel said tbat tbe letters referred only
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  • 110 8 Coconut planting made fair progress in the Pekan district of t'ahang in 1916, and the pents incident thereto were kept nnder ontrol, though bears earned some damage at Permataog Pasir. There is a large area of land in both the Pekan and the Kuantau Districts suitable for coconuts, and it
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  • 126 8 An admirable modern parallel to the medieval leeend of »be Dutch captain wbo was doomed to sail perpetually ov. r tbc acaa of the world without ever roacbirq bir. rltntioatinn ia afforded in the Htory officially records by the British Government of the AnHtr.hii i.flio-r who wait captared by the
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  • 387 8 I Mr. A. W. Bate*, of Memrii. Barlow and Co., Koala Lumpur, baa left for home. Mr. O. W. A. Tiinmirr, a«.nt of Mesti-H. Topbam, Jones and Railton. Ltd., has left Singapore for a month's holiday in Ceylon. His Highness tbe Rajah cf Sarawak has received information
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  • 50 8 Owing to tbe erratic movements of steamers tbe Bandman Opera Co. will now open their ne-.moD in Singapore on Friday next. June 22, with Tbe Girl in Tbe Taxi and wiM play for eight nights instead of five as previously advertised. Booking is now open at Moutrioa.
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  • 159 8 As the Bishop of Singapore explained in his letter, yesterday, a Church Army Tent which can be moved close in tiir of tbe fighting lines in France, costs f'2,600 fully furnished. We are very pleased to bear tbat those collecting for Ponang, Selangor and Negri Sembilan
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  • 133 8 We are indebted to Messrs. Barlow and Company for the following statistics of the export of Para rubber from tbe four ports of tbe Peninsula froo January 1. The quantities are stated in lbs., with tbe figures for tbe corresponding periods of the three previous years Malacca,
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  • 178 8 The Eastern Extension will have to look to its laurels else it will have the mails beat ing the cables. The Post Office mail notice this morning has this Tbat French ihw 1 which left on Hay 8 put up a fine record ul only
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 223 8 "EMBASSY" No. 77. *r t~ No. 77. kv virgYm* It C ICARXTT£S CIGARETTES MIXTURE. _J I camp furniture! A Speciality. f "Gold Medal" Camp Bed with Brflwn Fkkb j| GktMW o.ur ay. fitv 12 x26 soa or en ll|M en« i 58.50 Bell-Shape Camp Mosquito Net. $6.50 «S Folding Camp
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    • 204 8 MONEY EVERT MaN IN EVERY WOMaM SHOULD SEE THIS FIIM A I IHn, JkLHAMBRfI Ths Ptoaatr and Pramisr Nova* of Quality ■each Road WoaLD Film obpobation pm ssnts A Drama of ths Paople and for the Psople Money IN 5 ACTS OF SURE-FIRE APPEAL surroundtd by an KiuiiMphort; cf pov
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  • 2299 9 LONDON AIR RAID. Sad Scenes Among The Children. Military Property Entirely Untouched. Kama's T*L*aiuii«. London. JfJH 1 > "40 p.m. Official The bombs were nrst dropped oa the outskirts of K»«t l.iulon at 11.30. Numerous bombs were dropped in rapid iinncmsaiiin on the Eaxt En'!. One tell on
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  • 50 9 Rll'Tßl's TaLKtiRAM. London, Jane 12, 4.5 p.m. Renter understands tbat tbe United States has addressed a Note to tbe Allies regarding China, deploring tbe internal dissensions in China, urging the necessity for national anity and proposing tbat some form of joint declaration shall be addressed to China.
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  • 281 9 Evidence of A Diabolical German Crime. In tbe effort to substantiate the statement tbat the Germany before evacuating the territory west of St. Quentin, inoculated the French inhabitants, men, women, and children, with germs of tuberculosis, tbe New York World commissioned Dr. Theodore C. Beebe, a distinguished
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  • 37 9 Falls Fighting Gallantly. iFbom Oik Own CoßUsroNtxNT.) Penang, June 14. The aeroplane presented to tbe Imperial Government by Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co. was of those wrecked in France during the recent push.
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  • 38 9 (Faoa Oca Own Corbkspondinti. Peoang, June 14. The premises of Messrs. Schmidt, Kuster mann and Co. extending from Beach Street to Weld Quay, were bought at auction by Mr. Heah Swee Lee for 1283,000.
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  • 48 9 To-day's Business. Saunders and Macpbail's Daily Report Silver unchanged 39 j,. Hongkong down 1 8 2/5] (4]% prem.) Shanghai unchanged 8/Sj (S3{.) Tin.— Buyers 1107]. No sales. Rubber.— 2/0 slightly firmer. Locally doll. Tbe share market it inactive but not weaker, though sellers still predominate.
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  • 41 9 The following donations have been received by Mr A. W. Vick at the Chartered Bank Already acknowledged 1 1,230.50 E. K. AdaniHon 6 Capt. T. Bannatyne (per A. E. Tbornley Jones) 10 1,245.60 J A. B Cook. Han. Secretary.
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  • 480 9 KEEP UP MALAYA'S MONTHLY THOUSAND. Help For The Overseas Club Fund. On June 14 we intimated tbat we bad paid tbe last of ten monthly contributions made by tbe fund we organised to assist the Overseas Club in providing smokes for oar soldiers and sailors. Tbe
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  • 152 9 Victoria Bridge School, of wbicb Mr. A. J. Amery is the headmaster, will bold its annoal sports on tbe grounds of Raffles Institution to-morrow at 8 p.m. Instead of spending tbe usual amonnt on prizes it has been decided to give a sum equal to tbat
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  • 161 9 The wedding took place on Tuesday afternoon at Nibong Tebal, the Colonial Chaplain, the Rev. Keppel Oarnier, officiating, of Mr. William John Muir Muirbead, senior assistant of Bakap F.abber Plantations, Nibong Tebal, younger son of tbe late Dr. and Mrs. W. Muir Muirhead, of St. An
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  • 79 9 Messrs. Cunningham, Clark and Co., P, oang, advise tbe Pretis tu*t tbe undermentioned prices ware maimed for robber sold bj them by auction uo i private tunder on Wednesday >iimond Hmokbd sbeet $130 to 'I hid Hmoked sheet 122 liiamoncl uoHtuck. d sheet 120 'lain UD«inoked (beet
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  • 833 9 COMPARISON IN THE PRICES OF FOODSTUFFS. From a Correspondent. Singapore has now its Food Committee and in this respect is tbe equal of Hongkong. Bat whereas the Food Cowmittre in Singapore seems to bave been appointed to see that we do not over-eat ourselves (God wot, if
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  • 144 9 The Chinese Christian I'hurcb ol Singa pore, Joborn and Muar, (ally alive to tbe great benefits that thi-y tbemselvei have reoeived from tbe sock tie* tbat translate., print and oircnlate tbe Scripture*, hearing of the shortage of funds owing to the grt atly increased cost of labour,
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  • 49 9 Disturbances at Joh:inu< -ijinu r- «nltt I in «evtra) arriita beiug Baste Th.- Mayer id order to r. Htore quit t, rewl U( t. Mfl.Hip.opl. General Botha's munoce tli»t am v hub TUI i jnntrntor* r< fused to Ji^p. rw uotil tli .!iuiiv tli Ji-Urbauci.- lit'. 1 k
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  • 1364 10 M. MAETERLINCK'S EXCILLENT PLAN. An Abundant Amend Wanted Tbe German* have always been dirty] tighten, and never Lave the} so grimly stained their hands with the mire of dis honour an in their recent retreat. Tb< y have carried off young girls from tbe towns
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  • 608 10 The War-Time Growth Of Krupp's. The Frankfurter /.eitung devotes to Krupp's Works at Essen two articles of the series on the German "Home Front," by the war correspondent. Heer Adolf Koster. The articles consist mainly of carefully censored descriptions of the manufacture of munitions, but some of
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  • 122 10 The Upper House of the Convocation of Canterbury passed a resolution in favour of the State purchases of the liquor trade, because it would give public control of the manufacture and sale of intoxicants The Bisbop of Bristol (I>r. Xickson) advocated local option. The Bisbop of Lincoln (Dr.
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  • 52 10 Tlic Equator is an imaginary line ompletxly encircling th earth. I lindenoufjj'm in an emergency line in process of miny pushed completely off it," says tliu Itystaoder. Hitidtin burg's hn". like has length w.thout breaiitt. aud from Uiudeuburg point o< View that in just tllL dt Ml
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  • 48 10 Tin' Journal of Commerce states that ai tlit resutt v! c mference between Sir Joseph Miclay. Shipping C jotroller, and Sdamen's loion. the new British standardised ships will accjmuiodate their cruwa aft. TLire will bo separate cubicle* containing two men eaoh. and messrooms and bathrooms will be provided.
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  • 722 10 Visit to a Bungalow at Beting Kusa. In tbe first magistrate's court this morning Mr. L. W. Holland pleaded not guilty to a charge of house trespass brought at the instanoo of Mr. H. Roland Llewellyn. Mr. K. L. Eber appeared for the defendant. Mr. Llewellyn said
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  • 377 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. Id their Singapore share circular, dated June 13, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state. There has been a steady set back in many of oar local robber stocks, and as is usual under tbeae conditions there has so far been a general
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  • 235 10 United States Looks to Philippine Islands. Tbat the Philippines can produce all the robber consumed in this country is the message brought back from tbe island by H. C. Pearsun, publisher in New York of tbe leading rubber journal of America. He returned after spending several weeks
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  • 614 10 Successful Opening Last Night. At the end of the Royal Italian Circus's opening performance last night the general verdict was some show in the approving sense of the expression. Evidently the news that the entertainment presented by this combination is superior to what one expects to meet
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  • 113 10 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages b and 7. The Gaiety advertises a change of pro gramme, all new pictures," to nigUt. The Harima H til has a Red Feather Photo Play to night, and Red Feathers are usually to be depended upon. The Alhambra
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  • 61 10 Surgeon- Uen< ral Sir William Taylor who died rt-cuntly, in hi- 74tb year, was a dis tiuguinhcd medical ofiieer. During his career he saw a great deal of active service on the North- West Frontier, in Burma, on the Gold Coast and iv the Soudan. In the war between China
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  • 511 10 Demand Slackens and Prices Decline. Tbe Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 299 th auction, was held on June 13, and 14, 1917. Offered for sale 10.795.C8 piuulsor 1,439,344 Iba. (tons 642.56). Prices realised The next auction will be held on Wednesday, June 20. Messrs. Outline and
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  • 247 10 Plain Statement by Governor Of Hongkong. At the meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Council on May 25. on the correspondence between the Military Service Commission and His Excellency the Governor which was laid on the table, together with a list of men who have left for active
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  • 53 10 Kwaloe— l4,2l9. lbs. Bruuei.-8.431 lbs cloven months 71,8651 lbs. Bukit K»jang.— 74,O!»J lbs. eleven months 862,479 lbs. Emerald.— l7,oBB lbs. four months 82,333 lbs. Sungei Buaya —17,300 lbs. eleven months IM4U Iba. Sumatra Caoutchouc Maatichappy.— ;i 1,698 Kilos. Bukit Jelotong.— 6,oo6 lbs. twelve mouths 64,200 lbs. Suathisla
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  • Correspondence.
    • 166 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I would like through the columns of your paper to warn European passengers travelling by tbe night mails from Singapore against using the pillows supplied by the railway. 1 travelled up from Singapore the other night with a friend and
      166 words
  • 86 10 Lawn Tennis. The following result* of yesterday's play Profusion Paibs. C.S. Tyler and Ptdlow bt>at Mer. Williams and Broad. 6—1. 6—8. Navy Stow and Webb boat Army Man kell and Browne, 6—3, 6—0. To-day's Ties. taWH DMMI Hamh< \i\ BUhop Kfru'json Divio and Wreford ftcratcb v. Maysoo and
    86 words
  • 355 10 Magician's Return to the Victoria Theatre. It speaks well for the drawing powers of that clever magician. Horace (ioldin, that in spite of counter-attractions there was a good bouse to welcome him on his return to the Victoria Theatre last night. Goldin is an entertainer whom one does
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  • 205 10 Five Hundred Thousand Tons In Japan. The cargo congestion on the Imperial Government Railways, which (teemed ouch to have been definitely relieved, is now reported to be relapsing into the former gravn condition, says a Shanghai paper. Tuu accumulated cargo on tbo lines throughout the country is estimated
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  • 649 11 Successful Treatment at Hampstead Hospital. Some remarkable views are expressed in tlie report upon soldiers returned as case. of Disordered Action of tbe Heart" or "Valvular Disease of the Heart just issued by tbe Medical Research Committee. Tbe report is tbe result ot tbe work carried out at
    649 words
  • 288 11 Lord Rhondda on Government Schemes. l.iTd itboß'kV President of tbe Local Government Board, replying to a deputation iroQ insurance cemmittees, said he regarded hootiuj.' as tbe biggest of all questions. It hat* go; to b» taken in hand by tbe State at ODor m:, fhat '.Ley might
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  • 173 11 A London paper of April 20 states i The lant few day* have Keen a sudden spurt in toe price of l>ul! LH vtlopmc nts from 12s. to 14- tin sin Dt'tn UiDy induced by that of the robber share market. The Dutt Development is one of the companies which
    173 words
  • 308 11 English References to Dirt Cloth in 1611. A number of inten>sting letters hare been rvceiTed in reply to Viscount Dillon's request for information of the first trial ot khaki in India. Sir George Birdwood, the famous Indian expert and scholar, write, to the Daily Express Kbaki came into
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  • 196 11 Dead Soldiers Walking About London The Over-Seas London Letter in Tit Bite of April 7, 1917, ijuotes the following example of British red tape i There are three dead soldiers walking about London at tbe present moment, and they are moving heaven and earth to try
    196 words
  • 292 11 Programme ot drills, etc., for week ending Friday. June 16, 1917. Feiday, Jvsy 15. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.*. Recruit. 4.30 p.m. Johnston's Pier S.H.E.(V.) 515 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 5.10 p.m. Orchard Road S.V.R. and M.C.S. 3.1.' p.m. Labrador Villa Malay Co. 5 p.m. Drill
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 430 11 Moutrie PianosBuilt in the East for the East SEND FOR CATALOGUE OF LATEST MODELS S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG) Raffles Plaoe E. and O. HOTEL NMM Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel in the island. CRAG HOTEL PBNANG HILLS THE SANATORIUM OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Completely
      430 words
    • 128 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, June 16, Special Dinner APELPHI HOTEL Saturday, June 16 IN AID OF BRITISH AND FRENCH RED GROSS FUNDS Miss Lolita Ramos AND DURING AND I AFTER DINNER =Allgull)= PERFORMANCE The Man of Many Walks (Passing through Singapore) No Entrance Fee But a collection will be held in
      128 words

  • 2857 12 SERIOUSNESS OF THE TURKSPOSITION. Our Advance Over The Desert. The expulsion of the Turku from Sinai •ad the victories of Magbdaba and Kafa were the culmination of a distinot phase of the operations on this front, writes a special correspondent. These brilliant saooestes were doe above everything
    2,857 words
  • 416 12 No Financial Assistance to Be Given. A* a result at the rapture of relations between Chin* and Germany, the German pilots doing business in Chinese waters or at coast and river ports have been superseded by pilots of other nationalities, by order ol the Chinese Government.
    416 words
  • 863 12 Some Ways They Have in The Army. L I I Kiviillk. Time 5.45 a.m. The corporal of tbe guard noisily opens a door in (be billet. load snores greet him. Corporal Time to get up (More snores.) Time to get np A Private: Eh? Wasstbat Corporal Come
    863 words
  • 108 12 H. M. Consul -General at Hatavia says The Board of Trade Journal has forwarded several samples of illipe nuts, together with a report on this product, which he has received from a trading company at Pontianak, Dutch West Borneo. It appears that considerable quantities of these
    108 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 212 12 hutton s "PINEAPPLE" Hams Bacon ARE The Best. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements) I™! FURNITURE T£3 B ijl J Let us make your bouse glad. IfIHM FURNITURE f e °s r ttata t t m e c r<5aQL ufil Let us f 'Sure on your next
      212 words

  • 906 13 STORY OF SOLE SURVIVOR OF A CUNARDER. Drown, You Swine, Drown." Never a day passes without an account ot German brntality reaching the headquarters of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society. The following account just received was written and signed as correct by the sole survivor Douglas V.
    906 words
  • 238 13 The half-yearly meeting of the sharebold era in the Bang Nara Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at the head office in Bangkok on the 6th mat. Mr. W. A. Graham, chairman of the board ot directors, presided, and there was a good attendance of shareholders. Tbe chair
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 365 13 X^»lbeflrt; Styles IN LADIES HATS COSTUMES JUST RECEIVED LADIES COAT f *T_ FROCKS The Wy oewest, one /Wfl»V LADIES EVENING pMoedress. Neat, 000 l /f t jTty J fIRFQQF^ and comfortable. THE J£/ MMDv UKtbbtb ST. M ARQARBT COAT dmnU i I'■M JM I v black taffbta, trimmed KROCK made
      365 words
    • 158 13 JrM ObUM bto fJm For all Cars and aM Carafes and Motor Cycles w 2 iiDDDE V SPARKING PLUGS. The NAME ensures the QUALITY Ka^fl BtV Thit familiar reference to tin: Lodye VH A no m. ,md Sparking I'luyt in your yrr"tr*t assurance of Sercirr and S*ti*faetion. I**!!* Plit'J* are
      158 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1524 14 7 AX or PkAOX. FaMINS or PISMTT. LlFl InBURANOK IS WORTH 100 CENTS ON THX DOLLAR. THE 6REAT EASTERTLIFiisSURAHCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (iMOoareaAreD Svbaits ginunm) »u«OMioa< Wi^anaata*. M— lug lonoow ovpiob. Old Jewry, bo. Toe Company baa ftSOtOOO dopoßlted wrth tbe Bmyteme OoaH al Baglaad, aad oomplies with aba BrtMsh Life
      1,524 words
    • 498 14 BANKING, iHAHTERED SANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. UIOOBPOBATBD IN BNULAND BT ROYAL OHARTBB Paid op Capital ia 80,000 Shares ol OOeaeb «J0»,000 Reserve Pud... 41,900,000 Reserve LUbibtj of Proprietors^ 41.100,000 BANKBRd SS. I**"1 01 ll lMd Th« Loadoa City aad 0 B mk LW Th e National ProTtooial Baak
      498 words
    • 953 14 INSURANCE. THE lAITEIN UNITES lUUIANII THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE NIP9IATIBN. LTI. INSURANCE COMPANY ta itSsSaCd 1- thrSttalt.icltl'.m'Xf 1 „w t"°°™™"> Canada,. All kinds of Lifo and Endowment Polioicr ■«pa ■aflMPtanani. Risks areo^tcd oa iosucd. BaUdtaga aad Merohaadi.e at •otraat MTMIE c^, Oonoral ARen|g sinß fMe-1 F. S. BVANS, Manager, South Eastern
      953 words

  • 872 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Use of Benzole. The increasing price of petrol has drawn attention to various alternatives, and tbe most practical is sertainly benzole, says the Motor Cycling Manual. The Motor initiated a campaign in favour of this fuel, and as a result,
    872 words
  • 195 15 An accident with disastrous cooseqneooes occurred at tbe Bandar Ferry on June 8. Tbe Malay Mail reports that about 1 a.m. a party of 34 Tamil coolies, newly recruited from the Coast, arrived at the ferry in charge of two watchmen on their way from the Quarantine
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 182 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES I USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY ANO OTHER GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. THE ROM THREE-RIBBED TREAD TYRE. THIB is the Kins" amongst tyres (or Colonial aseru. The substantial ribs provide the tyre with tbe fiaest rubber non skidding propensities possible and this remit is obtained without
      182 words
    • 237 15 WILLARD SERVICE "3= STATION A Service Station for the repair and adjust mont of WUlard Storage Batteries will be opened here shortly. A* 90% of cars fitted with Electrical Equipment are supplied with Willard Storage Batteries, owners should make a note of oar address for future reference. Motorist* in Singapore
      237 words
    • 591 15 NOTICE. All persons having claims against too Estate of the late Mr. A. S. Barker an requested to send particulars of the tamo to I Guthrie Co., Ltd., Singapore, r-o or before I Jana ie, after wbicb dato no cUiois can be considered. j ft— l 6 a THE SUNGEI
      591 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 548 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER H Hi R, K. BREWED In SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACAUT EXPERIENCED COMPOSITORS WANTED (or tbe Straits Times (news department) Oood salaries given to capable men WANTED, COMPETENT SHORTHAND TYPIST. Apply to Box No. 208, Straits Times 254 v DKBSsKK WANTED for Kaaottn. Apply to Barker Co., Chartered Bank Chambers.
      548 words
    • 533 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALB, Mettalurißoe six teater motor oar. Good condition. Apply Motor, e/o StraitH Times 14 6—27-6 FOR SALE, one Iron Spiral Staircase, 37 feet high, in good condition. Immediate delivery. Apply Raffles Hotel. 9 6— o FOR SALB, a newlybnilt Steam Launch. Length 4*2 feet, Draft 2
      533 words
    • 598 16 BOARD AND LOD6INB. BURLINGTON. Colexam street, FORMERLY HOTEL DB LA PAIX. The above Rtanltabnient has now been taken over by an entirely new management. Thoroughly renovated and fitted through out with electric light. Rooms furnished or unfurnished by the day or month, with or without meals Bent part of town.
      598 words
    • 245 16 KIAM KIAT CO. IN a IH, Hark* Street.— '"bees mm aw. «tl. SOLB AOBHTS. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited l«cer»or»t»d In En(l>nd Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Colours of ROSEWOOD. Oak aaa Mahoginy at REASONABLE PRICKS. G.R. LAMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS -a, Orchard Road.
      245 words
    • 333 16 When Yon Want SALAMANDER CRUCIBLES. NOS. 20.25. 30. 40.50. 80. 80. 4100 AND Jackson's Stain Varnish IN 1 GALLON TINS Rosewood, Walnut, Dark Oak and Mahogany. REMB MBBR GUAN KIAT Co., No. 38, Phillip StaMt Telephone Nos. 1801 and 1862. Private 1460 and Sunnyside 1078. Sole Agents FOR THE SLOBE
      333 words
    • 477 16 ■HAND NEW HIGH-PRICEC and 7 Mtter Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Garage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 91 a 4k 916, Orchard Road (Next to Wearne Bros., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations is advertisements, Bach as changes ia> sailing dates of steamers,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 311 16 Straits V)imes. > Temporary Telephone i M. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed Id THB EDITOR. All communications relating,' to business matters—advertisements, subsoriptioaa, accounts, printing, etc.—should be addressed to THB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted in tbe ordinary body type of
      311 words