The Straits Times, 14 June 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,441 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JUNE 14. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 170 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED I MILK Prioe now $16.90 per em t Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the bast soup you ever tasted. Messrs. jbibby, Mtfieill Jbibby state "If there was
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    • 65 1 Save $2 ton every letter-book you buy. The RONEO Press-Copier not only provides the quickest and most efficient means of copying outgoing mail, accounts, etc., but also saves $2 on every 1500 documents copied. Press-copies 100 letters in six minutes. No water or carbons used. MO SMEARING No late fees
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    • 237 1 ROBINSON CO. Have just received large stocks of ENGLISH SOLID LEATHER BELTS with or without rings and swivels, in all sizes, from 28 to 46 ins. BEST ENGLISH HIDE FIT" C D 95 BEST QUALITY TED NICKEL RINGS AND J^ ENGLISH HIDE BELTS SWIVELS AND BUCKLE. fitted nickel buckl6t partly
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    • 14 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoints AOAMSCN 6ILFILLAN 4 CO LTD (Incorpor&tol n Kngl md) >
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  • 1148 2 HON. MR. LEMON'S ADMINISTRATION REPORT. Change from Mining to Agriculture. In bis administration report lor 1916, Mr. A. H. Lemon, British Kesident, Negri Sembilan, says From the pnint of view of the State finanoea, the year waa a satisfactory one, the revenue being 2{ times the revenue of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 477 2 NOTICE NOTICH ii hereby given that the Trade Mark consisting ol tb< emblem of an Bagle as shown above with the words 'Eagle Brand" above the emblem is the property of the Standard Oil Company ol New York (incorporated in the State o( New York, United States ol America) and
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    • 433 2 HAVE YOU HAD MALARIA. Tbr-re are certain disorders, such a* u-alans. that especially debilitate and make tbe body »n ea«y prey to more dangerous di»eM«a. Atk those who have had it regard iig 'be pretent eoooition of their health, ■nd mcsl of them will answer Sinoe I had malaria I
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    • 266 2 |^^15VARIETIES. f f^L POTTED I AlJ^ DEUC i OIJS AND APPETISING. \^y JLriP MEATS. 1 CAME, HAM, CHICIEN AND TONGUE, ETC, ETC M m^^^^ m^ mm^^ m^ mmmm^n^ Pwpared by celebrated Cbef under ideal^j^f condition* of clcuilineM and »election. IN GLASS, TINS AND WHITE JARS. 0 ONE OF THE BEST
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  • 837 3 A BITTER QUARREL WITH THE CROWN PRINCE. Junker Intriguers. What %re tbe Germane fighting for This is the mbjeot of ourioas discussion between the Liberal and Conservative German newspapers, says the Amsterdam correspondent of the Daily Express. The quarrel, as usual, was started by Coon Keventlow
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  • 209 3 In as article on Meat," one of a series of articles on Food and How to Save It," by E. I. Sprigga, M.I) F.R.C.P. (written at the request of tbe Food Controller), tbe writer points oat that if meat is properly cooked and chewed, none of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 408 3 W I Use This N nV^ Delicious Chewing Sweet regularly after every meal and see haw it aids digestion. It relieves the distress from overeating, brightens and preserves the teeth, sweetens mouth and breath and quenches thirst. It is especially soothing for smokers. WR9GLEYS the ide.ii confection wrapped in an
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    • 436 3 Cuticura Soap and Ointment For Dandruff Itching Scalp And falling hair. Touch spots of dandruff and iv hind with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap. Sample Each Free by Post With :«-p. Skin Book. (Soap to anil'>ir,i !n l tohral.) Fi>mam|il<'saddma l«- -r.irci. F.Nr.1,,,, Son.. Z7. Ihirtrrliuu... Sq.,
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    • 172 3 Prevailing Drug Prices and the Cause High prices are no longer confined lo the lnxnriee of life, bat they extend to the neoessariea aa well. Bvtn the prioea of food, olothing and dmgi are not exempt from the new standard. The effeot of the Baropoan War on Drug Prioea v
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 445 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Ihcorporatbd im Jatab EUROPEAN LINE A service it maintained between Yokohama, via ports and London under mail oontract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-aorew Steamers maintaining •his aervioe have been specially designed and eoastruoted, and are fitted with all the
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    • 637 4 STEAMER SAILINGS'. P. O. -Qritish India AND Mpcar L-ine. (COMFANIBS INCORPORATBD IM BNaLANU). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PSNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contraot with His Majesty OoTernuant). Por Ohms, Japan, Penang, Oeyion, Australia, India, Aden, Ba>pt, Mediterranean Porte and London. MAIL LINES. BOBBWABD (FOR BCROPB) OUTWARD (FOB GbUU) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 663 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imoobporatbd iii Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Scmerak, Baoho, KeUntan, Tabai Bangnara, Telnpia, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Cbumpon, Kohlak Bangkok. Dv Departure -2«SU« TIPOK jMnc 18 8 Sno^-r JUna 2B June 27 3 P' m mm BORIBAT July
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    • 581 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBO SIRVIOS Of THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. ilnoorporatbo in Knoland UD THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Ihcorporatbd in Bnoland) BBTWBBH Fremantle Perth No-th-w.., Australian Port,, Java end Slngapop*. Regular sailings between Singapore aaJ Western Australia oalling at Javaias ht dooement offers), Derby, King's Soud
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  • 97 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, June 14. ■iCO Wares. 5.11 a.m. fi.6'2 P.m. Horsoe OoHin at Victoria Theatre. K. Italian Circus Opens. riJav, June 15. Hl*b M B.SO p na Home war i mail closes (train.) Saturday, June 16. HUb M vm., 7.41 p.m. Outward mail laa, Sunday, June
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  • 188 5 j EXCHANGE. Suhmtobb, Jdm 14, 1917. Oa Loaubal ......Bank 4 m/e M 1/4 i Oem*ad J/4* PtiT«to B m/a 2/4^ Om Keahci Butk T. T. 818 On Imou Bulk T. T. m Oa aonoKoiru...B»ok d/d n 6)%pm On tittAM»UAi ...But d/d m 6'H OaJAV* Bukl, K. m
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  • 170 5 To-oat. Lsboosß Bilik, Tardjon« ■sjsj and MeUu 2.80 pm fort Dick ton sud P. Swettenham 2.80 prn Hongkong. Atnoy an 1 Svstow 2.30 pni Malacca snd Masr 8 p-p Bstsvia 8 i>m KoU Ting*! P a Bangkok pm To-nouow. Pulsu BsUm sad Palsa Bulsng 8 8f am
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    • 180 5 £J™ Buyer. Seller* 10 10 Ampanx 6.76 6.C0 1 1 Aytr Weng 1.25 1.60 10 10 Kinaboi 1.3 i 1.40 13 10 Kiuta Auaociaticn 9.25 9.60 ill £1 Kmta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 £1 LahrtMiiHM 4.00 6 00 10 1U. Malayan Collieries li.25 12.76 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.15.0
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    • 126 5 GE NE R A L. \ll£ e Buyers Sellers. 41 41 Smeltaoa Oo. 7.85 7.76 41 41 Prel. 1.8.6 l.e.O 6/- Blectne Tw»j» 4/- 5/10 10 Fraeet Neave 48.(0 45.00 60 60 W. Uimmti Co. 65.00 08.00 100 Howarth »ihkiut Stf.CJO 65.00 100 a 7%Prot. 100.00 ICC lL'O Kata Bro,
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    • 46 5 United Engineers 8% 11,284,500 par Singapore itlectrio Tramways 6% £850,000 norn s'poreMnnicii.al6% •1,0'i8,000 {,*r spore Mnnioipsl 4f% ol 1907 11,800,000 U%dis 1 S'poro Municipal <t% of 1909 II.OCO.OCu lu%di* B'pore MonicipaJ 4% 2,1X)0,0U0 ii%dia b'pore Mauicipal 4% iiSOO.OO F.M.S. 8% loan 1618 ♦l&.OiO.O^ ICO.CO 101.00
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  • 321 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To day's Prices. Fraaer Lyail A A Co. EvaU. Alor Gajah ill) 8.90 4.0S 3.69 4.10 Amal. Malay (2) 0.80 0.60pm U.80 0.40 Ayer Uitam (15) 14.25 16.00 14.00 15.00 Aytr Kuuing (|1) 1.20 1.30 1.25 1.85
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  • 265 5 The mail tr% n- Ircm Singapore (or t'i aortb leave Tut Road station daily at 7.7 a.m »nd T p.m., a-rf.a« at Koala Lnmpor a* '.18 p.m. and 0.45 a.m. respectively. Th jhrooßb expreen to Penang leaves Eaala 'jinpc? at 8 a. a daily, arriving at Penanc U
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  • 62 5 Larr St* t*pnu. Dob in' Lomdon Abbitid 7eb. 'is p. O. I April 6 April Mar. tP.tO. 20 April 30 Mar. Kl'io 20 April 20 Mar. .8 HI ,,30 April 80 Mm. P. O. Maj 4 May 4 Apl. 5 B. 1. 11 M»y 11 Apl. 16
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  • 95 5 On attention baa been oalle i to the (act that gm arrival* in ittmiao are mncb behind thorn pnbliHhed olnowhere. Oar ralo i« to rfive arrival* only when they ate officially foportod in tbe Poat OAee notioea, and do lain date than that printed above bat been wn wfiocte'i. Time-ball!
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  • 63 5 Cpward of 300.000 copies of President Wilsoa's war address to Confirms «th to bu dropped ortr th« German linoa by French tol American aviator*. The text of tbo taaasaiie, translated into Gorman, baa been delivered by the printers, and now is ready lor distribution. Tbo dropping of tbe met safe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 400 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR KALE, Mett%>n'i«ne«ix teatjr motor oar. liood ooodition. Apply Motor, r/o Sir*il, Times 14 6-27 6 YOUNG eaer,ret'c plact r wants bilet, would like opportunity «< managing small crtate. Applp Box No. 270, Straits Timts. 14-6-18 8 WAN TED, junior oirrk lor letter despatch WSak. Mat have pasted
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    • 432 5 "EMBASSY" N2iH hlEj NoJI CIGARETTES MIXTURE. BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. FIVE DAYS' AUCTION SALE Of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, THE PROPERTIES OP CHO?3 CHIN OUAJf and poh GUAM pawnshops, To be held at Mesan. Ctiinu Seng Lee Co.'* Sale-room, Riffl h Chamber*, Raffles Place On Monday, Jane 18, On Tuesday,
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  • 57 6 Embrii— On June 13, at the Nursing Home, Singapore, James Embrie, second officer, oableship Magnet, Eastern Exten sion Tel. Co.. in his 30th year. Interment at Bidadari Cemetery, at 5 p.m. to-day. Mrs. Buxton and family desire to thack all those wbo so kindly sent flowers and letters of
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  • 1206 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY. JUNE 14. OUR FIGHTING MEN. We have just paid out the tenth instaJ ment of our fund for assisting tbe Overseas Club to provide smokes for our soldiers and sailors. For each of several months past the Straits Times bas been able to band to tbat
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  • 22 6 A farther Urge sum of almost £200 has been generously contribnted by tbe Sikbs in Medan, for the British Red Cross Fond.
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  • 27 6 Tbe directors of tbe Kapayang Rubber Estate* Co., Ltd., have declared a first interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, (fifty tael oents per share).
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  • 31 6 Mr. H. A. Forrer, second magistrate, Ipob, held an inquest into tbe circumstances attending the tragic death of Mr. John Edmonds. A verdict of murder against three unknown Chinese was returned.
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  • 32 6 A farther contingent of tbe American lied Cross has arrived in Great Britain. Inclusive of Americans serving in the French armits tbere are nearlj one hundred thousand Americans on the French front.
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  • 37 6 A French Consular Cable, dated Paris, June 13, reports that a steamer belonging to tbe Compagnie Sud-Atlantique has been sunk in the Atlantic and that 199 persons are missing. Tbe steamer was over S.OuO tons gross register.
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  • 43 6 A lightning fatality is reported from Kent Estate. During a storm lightning entered a bungalow from the front and, passing through, it splintered a meat safe and then killed tbe tukang aycr instantaneously, the top of the unfortunate man's head being blown off.
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  • 50 6 In tbeir produce report, dated yesterday, Messrs. Barlow and Co. state, regarding copra Tbe activity reported last week has not been maintained and the market closes weak at about 60 cents below last week's values. Quotations today may be given as fine sundried $7.30. fair to good »8.80 to 17.
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  • 60 6 Tbe last of a series of lectures at the Anglo-Chinese School will be given to-morrow night Ht 8.15 o'clock in tbe Chapel Hall of th<j school. The speaker will be the Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng and be will take for bis subject, Some Famous Chinese Thinkers." All friends and
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  • 68 6 At the annual general meeting of tbe Moslem Association held at tbe Association House last month tbe following gentlemen were elected to form a committee for the remaining part of tbe year I 'resident. Hashitu Haji Wariam vice preside it", Syed Abdullah Alkoff and Haji Ali bio H. Md. Noor;
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  • 101 6 The Resident of Negri Sembilan in bis annual report states that tbe last few mouths of 1916 were marked by an incursion of man-eating tigers into tbe area between tbe Jimab and tbe Sepang river*, which, it has been suggested, was doe to tbo opening up of lands at Banting
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  • 107 6 London's calm under tbe latest air raid in quite typical c( past records of a like nature in tbe present war. According to a recent visitor, the aeroplane itself is so common id tbe sky at home tbat tbe homester pays it not tbe slightest attention. If it drops a
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  • 106 6 At a meeting of tbe Eurasian Literary \ssociation held last night, the subject Is the Doctor more useful than tbe Lawyer received tbe attention of tbe members. After discussion tbe subject was put to tbe vote ani carried in tbe affirmative. At tbe next meeting of tbe association, which will
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  • 122 6 Tigers seem to be on tbe war path at tbe far end of tbe Lipis section of the BentaKuantan Koad. Early this weok, a tiger seized a coolie woman by the bair, inflicting injuries on tbe bead aod cheat, and left her, after dragging ber for a distance of 15
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  • 114 6 A correspondent of the Malay Mail writes Mr. Kobertsoo is nurveying about 100,000 acres of a proponed irrigation scheme in the Jempol Valley, extending 15 miles from Babao to tbe Liu. It is not quite clear wbo is going to cultivate tbis, confcidcring tbat the Malays have to be frequently
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  • 121 6 At the AJblpbi Hotel, yesWnlay, a large Dumber of guests passed a moat eojoyable < vti.iDK, wlilt- Miss Lulita Kamos nave auotlitr graceful exhibition of btr capabilities in S; aniHlj mug an i dance. She was ably a^Hixted by Mr. Uao. Angelo, tbe man of many walk*, wbo is very
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  • 425 6 Colonel A. R. Adams, Ponang Volunteers, is expected back in October. Mr. H. Roland Llewe llyn is leaving for California to-morrow (or a yiar'x holiday. Mr. J. M. Pennyouick, of the Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd., is going home on loutf leave. Tbe Rev. J. R. Jones, of
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  • 34 6 Messrs. Barker and Co. advise us of the following outputs for the month of May Kinta Association, Mine piculs 212 Tribute piculs 201. Ampang (Kinta).— Piculs 140. Simpany Valley.— Piculs 114.78.
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  • 89 6 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for tbe week ended June 9 was 89.45 per mille of tbe population. Tbe total number of deaths wax 272, of which 197 were male subjects and 75 female. Convulsions claimed 38, phthisis 'M, malaria fever 39, beriberi
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  • 103 6 Mesprs. Barlow and Co. report, under yesterday's date: Tbe quantity catalogued tor tbis wet k's auction amounted to 700 tons. The sale opened with a fair demand with tint! pale crepe at »1 11 and ribbnd smoked duet at Sl.i'J. a decline of 16 and 17 respectively.
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  • 236 6 Constantly of late we have been asked When will tbe I'iiiou Jack Club open I" We art) not connected with tliu committee which bas the woik in band, but we have tried to answer reaHituriugly that tbosu to whom tbe poblic have entrusted something liko $28,00(> bt-Nidt'H
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 147 6 •JUST RECEIVED Fresh Shipment of AUSTRALIAN BEER IN HOGSHEADS FROM A WELL-KNOWN BREWERY For particulars and prices, apply to CALDBECK,MACGREGOR&CO. A, "SALUDOR" ■9' ENGLISH FILTER fitted germ-proof candles, giving drinking water of i *l absolute purity. 2 Gallon Sizn $14.00 Spare CandUs lI.M eacb. 3 8 into Tape WOO 4
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    • 222 6 POSITIVELY THC LAST NIQHT. I A COMPELLING PHOTO PHY POWERFUL LESSON TaUGHT IT FILMS EXCEL- I LENT CAST 111 STROIB PRODUCTION ALHAMBRfI The Pionaar and Premier House of Quality Beach Road Presantin* a Vitigrsph Special Him Ribbon Featurs. a Photo-drama of Trtmandous Grip THE WHEELS OF JUSTICE In 4 acts
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  • 2369 7 THE GREEK KING DEPOSED. Strong Step by Allied Powers. LONDON RAIDED. Children Killed in School. Fifteen Enemy Aeroplanes Engaged. RauTia'x TrLr -HAM. London, .l.ioo 12, 11.45 p.m. Paris A telegram rom Athens say.i French troops have Ji -embarked at Corint'j and a French and British column has entered
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  • 21 7 Rbctbb's Tilkgram. London, June 13, 4.20 p m. New York The death is announced of Teresa Carreno. the famous pianist.
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  • 92 7 (From Our Own Correspondent. Penang, June 18. At tbe annual meeting of Stiawan Rubber Co., Mr. J. Sellar presiding. It was stated that the profit for tbe year waa 152.355. Tbe Government loan of 140,000 had been paid off. The estimated crop for the current year waa
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  • 63 7 Tbe committee of tbe Children's Aid Society gratefully acknowledge tbe following further subscriptions Previously acknowledged $8,606.24 Collected by Mrs. Wolferstan, Malacca I<IO Collected by Mrs. Joass, Ipob 485.84 Mobilisation Pay 15.16 Collected by Mrs. Lemon, Seremban 17.60 Total 19.2i4.74 Sir Aktbi-r Young Endowmint Fund. Amount already
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  • 83 7 To-day's Business. Saanders and Macpbail's Daily Report Silver, etc unchanged. Tin— Buyers IIO.M No sales. Rubber.— Prices at tbe auction were considerably lower today, top grades running from 1127 to 1130. Tbe share market shows little or no buoyancy at present, buyers being very scarce and most
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  • 30 7 Sir E. Shackletou'B stores were sold by auction at Wellington, New Zealand, and realised £407. A supply of matches which were bidden by Sir K. Shackleton realised i>». a box.
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  • 492 7 Singapore's June Remittance. Mr. E. Gill, co Inited Engineers, sends us tbe following report of the subscriptions for Jane wbioh he has just forwarded to the Treasurer of tbe Overseas Club to help in providing smokes for oar soldiers and sailors Subscriptions for June, 1917. Straita
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  • 401 7 Valuable Information at Smaller Cost. A correspondent sends tbe N. C. Daily News tbe following extracts from a letter just received from home. Tbe lady who writes has lost two oat of four brothers who were at tbe front, one of whom was in the
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  • 107 7 A commoDiratioo received at Temple, Texas, od April 'i' 6 froui Canadian head quarters in I 1 ranee by Mrs. ft, F. Davit of Blan 1, seems to establish the fact that tier son Hubert was the Texin who first carried the Amerhan flag into the
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  • 513 7 WHAT THEY DO FOR OUR BRAVE MEN. Appeal by the Bishop of Singapore. To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Time*. Sir,— l write to plead for flnanoial help from yoar readers for an object whiob I am sure all will agree is excellent. We mast all be
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  • 257 7 Charge Against European In Police Court. The case in which Mr. Frederick Williamson, managing partner of tbe Asiatic Motor Works, Ltd., is charged with causing tbe death of an unknown Chinese by a rash act in tbe driving of a motor-car in Stamford Road on April 29, came
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  • 243 7 Local Germans, who have been doing tlioir utmost to convince tbe Chinese that tliu Allioh aro already defeated will Rcarcrly appreciate tho teport issued by the Harbour Master of Hongkong on thu Hhipping trade of tbe Colony during the p»st year, says tbe N. C. Daily Nhws..
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  • 522 8 F.M.S. Brokers' Views on Restrictions Question. Meatux Baker, Moigan aud Co., Ltd., rt'porttd od J uue 9 llif houj<» li»t stronger toue that prevailed as lam we* k's bntinea>t ba* not been maintained during tbe period now reviewed. Tin* bavo Ix-i-ii l«lt n-vi n It alone, owing,
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    • 89 8 The S« aiming Club launches leave on Sunday at, follow Tohnstoo j Pter 8, 9 and 10 a.m., 2.30 and 8 30 p in. Clab Bungalow 8.30 and 9.30 a.m., 12.13, 8 and ,1.80 High UVU/J a.m., height 8 ft. ISO yaH* Composite R%ce,— This will be swum
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    • 150 8 Follnwiag are the resnlts of yesterday s li«b io Uie SCO. Uwn tennis tournament Profk^smx Pairs Aoeooots: Plammor ani Bateman beat T*re»»- DiTienaud Wilson. 4— 6, 6-4, fr -4 M»r«M: Elder and Hunter beat Mer. \I Tinsano and Pash, 6-4, 6—B. To-day's Ties. Hkok->mon Pair>. C S Tfl<>r
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  • 124 8 Taiping Kjbbcc Entotes 12,000 lbs. I'oikii -w-r.laut; 'Sumatra 204,968 lbs. Sao«ti K»ri (Saniatrai 47.100 Iba. Axabaa (Sumatra) 85.1H2 Iba. Central Su uatra.- 5 or£2 lbs. T*bojo»r.— ll3.oBo lbs. B la Sumatra —-i,6IH Ibi. Biai»o K 110.531 Ibi. Amptt Sumatra.— l7..)oo Ibi Anvio Suuiktra. -7-^.ilT IbTaoafa OaUr— 1H.784
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  • Correspondence.
    • 435 8 How Drowned Flies May Revive." To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Ah there are so many experiments made on flies aad tbe result* have been (oaoJ both useful and serviceable, I take the liberty to disclose my discovery as a result o( tbn following experiment Injmerse a fly
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    • 826 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l have seen tbe correspondence on this subject by Local Expert and Producer," bat not tbe article by the looal writer whose key-note is stated to be that copra is doomed. Both evidently think that sometbicg must be done
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    • 124 8 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Tbe alliance of Chinese speaking English recently organised to bring together in friendly intercourse citizens of the L'nited Kingdom for tbe purpose of promoting patriotism and to imbue its member with a spirit of reverence for English ideals," is already
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  • 574 8 Masses Living on One Meal A Day. M Miklos Veosei, tbe special correspondent of the Pesti Naplo, who is touring in Germany, and who has bad importau; interviews with leading men in German political and financial circles, draws a tuilan choly picture of Hamburg. aay>>,
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  • 36 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 5 and 8. The Commercial Robber Company will sell by auction 4,000 bags of white Java sugar at 77, Robertson Quay, tomorrow, at 2.30 p.ui
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  • 106 8 Tbe PreM Bureau announoes that after April 30 tbe Food Controller (Lord Devon port i will take over all tbe Hour mill* in tbe United Kingdom whose outputs exceed five sacks o( dour. Tbe Wool Advisory Committee reconi mends that in view of tbe luavy military needs it
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  • 821 8 Sir George Birdwood on Strange Oaths. Sir George Birdwood writes to the Daily Graphic Mauy of your readers beside mymil have been pawed by L baplaiu in tbe Daily Graphic of the 4:h lust., writing so anadvisabiy witb his pen because provoked by oar suldieis beiurf ao
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, Jane 16, 1917. Till X W, .Jink 14. No DriU. Friday, Junb 16. 5.16 p.m. Drill Hall B.V.A. Recruits 4.30 p.m. Johnston's Pier S.R.E.tV j 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 5.10 p.m. Orchard Road S. V.R. and M.C.S.
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    • 208 8 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS, AUCTION BALE At Messrs. Ching Run* Lee Jk Co > Sale room, R fflos Chambers, Riffles Place, Ok Sati-ipat. Junk la, at 10.80 a.m. Sets of the following sUmps Penis, S»l»ador, British North Bornto, Trannvaal, Union of South Ahioa, Liberia and New Zealand. CHINO KBNO LBB h 00.,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 257 9 E. and O. HOTEL PENJLNG Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel in the island. CRAG HOTEL PFXANG HILLS THE SANATORIUM OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Completely Renovated Twenty tv hours from Singapore. A PEHKECT HEALTH RESORT AND AN IDBAL SPOT FOR SPENDING HOLIDAYS BUN6ALOWS FOR FAMILIES. ALSO BIN6LE AND
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    • 533 9 ADELPHI HOTEL Saturday, June 16 IN AID OF BRITISH AND FRENCH RED CROSS FUNDS Miss Lolita Ramos AND DURING AND 1 I AFTER DINNER flllgClU PERFORMANCE The Man of Many Walks (Passing through Singapore) No Entrance Fee But a collection will be held in aid of the above Funds. The
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    • 1107 9 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of 4,000 BAGS WHITE JAVA SUGAR (in good condition) To be held at No. 77, ROBBR TSON QUAY On Friday, June 15, at 2.30 p.m. Fot acooant of conct rned. On view from June 18. THA COMMERCIAL RUBBER CO LTD., Auctioneers, (tncotpora'rd in Mncapcre) No.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 682 10 W AX or PIAOM. FAMINK or PLENTY. LlF* INSURANCE IB WORTH 100 OKNTB ON THK DOLLAR. WHAT OTUR PHOPBHTY IST THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (IwnaraaAtap n Snares Samasmm) MfMatOatVlOßi Wi.rtsstw Hsmm, ■ingasoN. 10-OOpi omioi, aa. Old 4. y, «.O. The Company baa MBOtOOO deposited wttb the Saarcme
      682 words
    • 378 10 bahkhm. the ho hong bank, LIMITED. NeadOtt.c* lln|M*f«,«arTlateiiMl«n.l* I BrasChet IIIMN, 114, Flni INN u«r 77 71. Jalas Sulllsa* CAPITAL i Registered *****000 lamed 14,000,000 Subscribed 18,600.000 Paid up 11,160,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Lin Ping Slant. *H-. GbalnMl. Th* KM Or Lin loo* I Tv MSM| Utk, E*q. Kent Bo*
      378 words
    • 489 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NANKING CORPORATION (IhCOBPORATBD IK HOMOKONQ) PAID-UP CAPITAL *****0,000 RKSBRVB FUNDB Sterling «1,600,000 at $15,000,000 Silver ♦18,600,000 188,600,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors »18,000,000 COURT OF DIRBOTORS. S. H. Dodweil. Bsq., Chairman. J. A. Plnmmer, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. O. B. Anton. O. S. Oubbay, Bsq. A.
      489 words
    • 508 10 BANKING, IHAITEIIEO MM V INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL OHAKTBB Paid op Capital ia 80,000 Shares of HO each a» sa. a. 41 IOOOOC Reserve Fund... mt mt m 4i,»oo,000 Reaerro Uabilit, ot Proprietors, il.juc'ooc BANKBKS The Baak of lagiaad, The Loadoa City aad Midland Baak,
      508 words
    • 911 10 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. (IHCOPORATaD IN HoNQKONO) BNDOWMBNT POLICIES are issued for 10, 16 and 30-year terms. Tbe annual deposit onder the 30 year plan is but five and a fraction per oent. ot tbe sum assured, for a man 80 years ot age. Should the death
      911 words
    • 125 10 THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INBURANCE COMPANY (Inooepo&atid in Canada). All kinds cf Life and Endowment Polieiet BbMbV BUTHRIE A Ca., ltd.. General Agents, Singapore F. S. EVANS, Manager, South Eastern Asia. 6-9— a CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE, LIMITED. (Incorporaiid in Hongkong). Capital Subscribed ..12,600,000 Amount paid-up 600,000 Reserve fund 1,600,000 Hsad Omci,
      125 words

  • 752 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Intermediate Type of Tyre. In delivery service pneumatic tyres are generally recommended where high speed is necessary. Solid tyres serve best on slowspeed, heavy duty tracks. But on aotor vehicles erjgagod in fast light delivery servioe, we have found that Good
    752 words
  • 257 11 Machine Guns Nest Destroyed In 15 Minutes. M. Andre Tudesq, writing in the Paris Journal, relates the following episode of the lighting on the British front On the right flank a factory of chemical products lay concealed in a hollow, carefully entrenched behind its owi machinery, with
    257 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 439 11 CANADIAN FORDS Not only is the CANADIAN FO R D not increased in price, but \*e have made a substantial reduction on prices ruling a few months ago. We are of opinion that the CANADIAN FORD is the only car on the local market now selling at a reduced price
      439 words
    • 47 11 TYRES The Very BEST DUPIRE BROTHERS SINGAPORE SINGER CARS A FEW 2-BEATER |"Cj P Importers i International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE:. FIRESTONE §ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED Agents: BRINKMINN CO. Singapore, THE WATERHOUBE CO., LTD. Muar, Malacca, (iHcoßPOfttfnD n» m VAX). Kuala Lumpur, R. T. REID CO. Penang.
      47 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1119 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS USANCE c S? LIMITED (Incorporated in Enolandi. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan AGo.. Ltd. ilmobpgbated in England) IMPORT DEPARTMENT, SINGAPORE, P£NANG and MALACCA. SITUATIONS WANTED CIVIL ENGINEER, licensed land and mining surveyor, etc., desires change of position. Used to all kinds of work
      1,119 words
    • 525 12 HOUSES TO LET. FCRNIBHBD SBABIDB RESIDENCES TO LBT. Belinda and Juanita. to let furnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 16 -v FURNISHED SEASIDE RBSIDBN CKB Benioline, Belmount. and late Chinese Swimming Club. Apply H. Somapafa 817, Serangoon Road. 8010— v BOARD AND LODGING. BURLINGTON. Coleman Street, FORMERLY HOTBL DB LA
      525 words
    • 242 12 KIAM KIAT CO. 101*109. market Street Phone same No «11. Sols Aosim. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited Jncorporat«d la England) Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Colours Of ROSEWOOD. Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3-i, Orchard Road, Telephone Mo.
      242 words
    • 304 12 When You Want SALAMANDER CRUCIBLES, NOS. 20.25. 30, 40.50, 60. 80, 1 00 AND Jackson's Stain Varnish IN 1 GALLON TINS Rosewood, Walnut, Dark Oak and Mahogany. Ft E M[ E R/l R GUAN KIAT Co., No. 36, Phillip StrtMt Telephone Nos. 1861 and 1862. Private 1460 and Sunnyside 1078.
      304 words
    • 474 12 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICED O and m tester Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Chargon Moderate. Oarage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 215 4 216, Orchard Road (Next to Wearoe liros., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations ie advertisements, such as changes ia> sailing <iat< of steamurs,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 312 12 Straits Wimes. Temporary Telephone 1 58. All communications relating to oditoria matters and news should bo addressed tc THB EDITOR All communications relating,' to busineac matters—advertisements, subscriptions. accounts, printing, etc.—should be addressed to THB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaix ons wants of every description ax inserted in the ordinary body type of
      312 words