The Straits Times, 13 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,440 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY JUNE 13. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 165 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Prioe now $16.90 per oem Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jsibby, McJieiXi Jbibby state "If there was a way
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    • 89 1 ROBINSON CO. tNew shipment just received LATEST STYLES IN Ladies' Ready-to-wear Hats. Choice selection of Flowers for Millinery and Evening Wear. Ladies' Sports Coats. New styles in silk or wool. Aj )rg\^ Voiie and Silk Blouses. t Millinery Ribbons, etc. I ROBINSON CO. Fresh Shipment of MACFARLANE, LANG CO. S
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    • 11 1 KARTELLS BRANDY. Soli Aoints ADAMBON. 6ILFILUN CO., LTD. Incorporated in Kngland)
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  • 1018 2 ALL SORTS AND CONDITIONS OF SOCIETIES. a Mr. Blathwayt's Recollections. There by many volames of lively, i>oi«ipy reoollectiuoM published iv these J»yn; bmliopn, thought reader*, courtiers, and jadtiu. »ic with each other as to which shall produce the most readable volamc, and the standard conseqiientiy is very
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 367 2 Best Manila Cigars Fancy Talea Royalea Excellent. Selected Buds Etpeciallea Londree Imperialee Londras Fino Perfect oe Petit Bouquet* Army and Navy Ppinoeaaaa Lorda of Enifland High Life in tha Eaat Bouquets Cortado Fino Minerva* Neuvo Cortado Estrellaa Neuvo Habano Reina Maria S-a Cortado N.P.U. Reina Victoria Senoritaa Elegantes, etc., etc,
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    • 440 2 For SEA SICKNESS ft TRAIN SICKNESS 'MOTHERSILL S haa raeanad tbe .aaaalfiad aajararanal at aaa laa&M paaon at Am warfd. aad ika iaaal laabm- fnm rivs woricTa fraataN smb. and BubtatKxn. Aaunf ibaaa art B»hop TarU-Sauih (Oiaplaam Gcacral al SM Bribali Fonaa). Docior.. Bokart. PairaKaaic Tun, Sakabaa An»r. aat. SeM
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    • 281 2 Debility enfeebled nerves, p«cr health id weakrn«d bioo.l these sure troubles that can be overcome. SCOTT'S Emulsion never tails. U repairs waste, enriches the blood, revitalizes the nerves and gives strength to resist or driv« out weakness and disease. When you »>e> run-down, out of sort?, or in poor health
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    • 463 2 NOTICE NOTICE 19 hereby gi Ten h ho Trade Mark consistinK of tbe emblem of an Ragle as shown abovo with the words Kmle Brand above the emblem is tbe property of the Bt»ndard Oil Company of New York (incorporated in tbe State of New York, United States of America)
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  • 896 3 SNAPSHOTS AT WILD BUFFALO AND VICE VERSA. A Life Thrice Saved. A writer in The Statesman pays: We had bet n out after wild buffalo on tbe previouH day, May 9, both morning ard evening, aid tbe n milt ol our adventure* was to convince us
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  • 158 3 France is not unduly depressed by the destruction ol tbe orchards in the t vacuated areas of ber territory, because a remedy baa already been found lor tbe malicious evil inflicted on these agricultural districts by tbe enemy. I bear (says Die London corre- 1 gpondent r(
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 297 3 FIRESTONE &Mk r M-ff T^l 5!"4 ■^^1 mj ONCE TRIED V^i 11/ j ALWAYS USED Agents: BRINKMANH CO. Singapore, THE WATERHOUSE CO., LTD. Muar, Malacca, thuw^n. caai. Kuala Lumpur, R. T. REID CO. PenaD TO LET RAFFLES CHAMBERS The following sections only available Ground floor sections Nos. 9, 10, 11,
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    • 565 3 I Anaemia I or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 442 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incobpobatbd m Japan EUROPEAN LINE A sbs him is maintained between Yokohama, via ports and London under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and ouusti noted, aad are fitted
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    • 662 4 STEAMER BAIUN6B. P. O. "British India AND Mpcar l—inc. (Co a pan ibs Incobpobatbd id Bnoland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PININBULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contraot with Hit Majesty Qovernuent). «or Ohina, Japan, Penang, Oaylon, Auatravlla, India, Aden, Bftypt, Mvditarpanaan Porte and London. ■AIL LINES. UOBBWABB (FOB BCBOPB) OUTWABD (FOB
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    • 706 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoobpobatbc m Siaji). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut Semerak, Baeho, KelanUn. Tabai Bangnara, Telupia, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Band on, Langsuen, Cbumpon, Kohlak A Bangkok. Dv DecMkrtut« a. a. BORIBAT j une 133 p m a. PRACHATIPOK June 18 June 20,
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    • 587 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ooeismio aaftvioa of THE OCEAN S.B. CO.. LTD. (Incobpobatbd in Bnoland AN THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incobpobatbd in England) pbtwsbn Fremantle (Perth), North- West Australian Ports, Java ■nd aingapora. Regular sailings between Singapore aad Western Australia calling at Javalas ia duoement offers), Derby, King's Souad
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 429 5 3TEAMER SAILIH9B. iIDMHIMA STEAM UV. CO.LTD. (Inuorporatid in Enoland) pt^aet »arv>oa to Japan via Hone <or.g Ihanghai and to Oa lout t m via Ponantf, from Singapor*. "akin* c ko on throosb Bills of Ladug dai Oaaton, >' aeao. Swatow, Aruoj Clufoo Tnutain. Neworiwana. Y»ntrt«»<> port*, fci a>o<a. the Philippinra,
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    • 192 5 "JONGKEENA" THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. Miitvra for Eitaraal and Intarnal Use INVITATION. Mr Y. Tan, of Raffles Chambers, Singapore, i nvi res all ladies and gentlemen, men and women of all nationalities who are suffering from any disease wha* soever, to come and see him at his Head Depot in
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    • 759 5 UNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED. Clients are respectfully requested to give legible receipts tor all goods received. Owing to losses occurring from time to time through neitherourselves nor our clients being able to recognise signatures on Delivery Notes no initials or illegible signatures can be accepted in future. T. C. B. MILLER,
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    • 113 5 A Perfect System of keeping accounts IS GUARANTEED by using our machines. A DEMONSTRATION WILL CONVINCE YOU. THE WATERHOUSE CO., LTD, (INCORPORATED IN HONOLULU) AGENTS. S.S. F.M.S.. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. LAMPS Hurricane Lamps, in great variety, Japanned, nickle-plated and brass. Hurricane Acetylene Lamps, 35 candle power, stronger and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 541 6 SONGS for Standard, Concert and Teaching, and Christy's Minstrels. PIANOFORTE Pieces and l>n«t«, a good variety by eminent English composers. PIANOFORTE ALBUMS o Marches by Sonza Patey and Willis's, Kitchener and Baden Powell March Albums, etc. PIANOFORTE Walt/en imurical comedie*, etc.) One and two steps. VIOLIN A PIANOFORTE Phicee, Melodic
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    • 406 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. VICTORIA THEATRE For Three Nights only, COMMENCING TO-MORROW HORACE GOLOIN The Royal Russia* Mlunomtt and fall company •f 35 ARTISTES 35 Including beautiful Barbara Babington and a Bevy of Beauties. Presenting a series of <iew SENSATIONAL PECTACULAR URPRISES A Carnival of Conjuring Introducing THE OLD and THE NEW
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    • 422 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BOSTOGKS ROYAL ITALIAN CIRCUS Grand Opening TO-MORROW Thursday, June 14, AT 9.30 Doors Open 8.30 Booking plan now open at Moutrie's. Book Early 40 Artistes 200 Performing Animals Electric Lighting Comfortable Seating The Circus de Luxe Not one act Not one artiste Not one animal Ever seen before
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    • 284 6 COUTURIEUX is a famous French Doctor and Chemist, who waa at one time tbe chief of tbe Laboratory ot tbe Hospitals of Paris. As a resiult of the long experience he acquired in pharmaceutical preparation* his name affords a Haffiaient «aar an tee as to tbe trout worthioess of tbo
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  • 101 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, June 13. Ukfth Wsaes, 8.4} a.m., 4.53 p.m. Thursday, June 14. ««b Watf* 8.1 I a.m.. 6.62 p.m Horace 00l tin at Vi< '.oria Tliastre. K. Italian Circus Open^. Friday, June 15. Mgb Wilm r< 44 p.m., 6.50 p m Homeward mail closes (train.) Saturday.
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  • 174 7 EXCMANQB. BUKMPOU, June 13, 1817. O» L(wuc« ......Bank 4 m/ 8 a/4) bemud; J4j PtiTkteßuWi H.-«K. On Framoi Buik T. T. 818 On Imdu B*ak T. T. O» Hoita>oM«...B»ak d/d Si%pm Oa SHAasBAI ...Bank d/d 6'H O»J»t* BukT.T, I' 4, Oa J4P&a B*a« 100 Sovereigns— baying rale
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  • 200 7 ksM Pontianak 2.80 pm Hangoon 2 10 pm >'. Swcttenham and l'-jn»ng 2.30 pm Malacca, P. Swettenba:n and Tolak Anson '2 HO t tia Medan '2-80 pm Malacca, Penang, ('"lombo and London 2.80 pm Anamba and Natuaa U. 4 pm Kota Tinggi 4 pm K U Tinggi
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    • 185 7 v5£ Buyers Sellef8 10 10 Ampang 6.76 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 1.26 150 10 10 Kacaboi 1.21 1.40 13 10 Kinta Association 9 25 0.(0 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 41 £1 Lahat Mines 4.00 6 00 :o 10. Malayan Collieries 1 i.2!> 12.75 £l £1 Malayan
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    • 124 7 Valued BuyerB SeUerS> Ml Ml 1. Smarting Co. 7.35 7.7S 41 41 a PkJ. 1.8.6 l.f.O 6/- 6/- Bleotrio Twa>l 4/- 5/10 10 Fraae* Neave 43.10 4&.U0 60 60 W. Hammer 4 Co. 80.00 68.00 100 Howarth BrakiDt 58.00 65 00 .00 1%1'tvt. 100.00 100 1C0 Kata Bro, Del.
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    • 46 7 Unitedßngint-erß 6% |1,204,60 C par Singapore Electric Tramways t% X860.00C norn s'poreMunicipal 5% Jl.Sis.OO-i par Spore Municipal 4«% of 1907 |1,6C0,000 IU-^dis S'pote Municipal 4^% of 1(09 •1,000,000 10%dk Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 lo^OiS n'pore Municipal 4% £'miO.i*iO X.M.S. 6% icjau 1916 »15,Uc'0,0?0 1(0.00 101.00
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  • 323 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day'H Prioes. Frtsor Lyall ft Co. KmU. Alor Gajah («1) 8.90 4.06 3.90 4.10 Amal. Malay (2) 0.80 0.50pni 0.80 0.40 Ayer Hitam (»5| 14 25 15.00 14.00 15.00 Aver Kaniog (SI) 1 20 1.30 Lib 1.35
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  • 269 7 The mail trains from Singapore lor th »jtttl-*veTaok Road station daily at 7.T a.m Hi 7 p.m.. arriving at Koala Lumpur a' <M 8 p.m. an.- 1 8.4J a.m. respectively ThItiionpb (xprcti* to Penang leaves Koala i.amisr at I ».m. daily, arriving at Penang at 6.28 p.m. 'li<
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  • 65 7 Upward of 300,000 copies of PmMms Wilson war aildreas to Congres* m to bf ilnyimij over the German linua by Krcnch and Americib aviators. The kxt of the massage, tr*n«lated lDto Gorman, ban been deli wed by tbe printers, and now is tesdy liar distribution. The dropping of the mes
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  • 166 7 Oo> attention bM keen oallH to »b. fast j lot) oar tniTtli in London ar« uineh bebind I thoae pnblinlied elsewhere. Ou» role ia to in** arrival" only when they are officially reported in the Port OAoe notioea, and no later date than that printed above ha<
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 555 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAN I Er>,t>h9-thatid tTpUtformerebanfH offlco. App y Box No 'itB, Strsit" Times. IS6-IBH FOR t- ALB. 4. b p. 8 83ok1 Motor Cjcle in fist daw Oder, new tyre and tnbee, all Hpares, in nne daily $450 Apply Cor, c/o strs-M Time-. 18 8 18 8 WANTED, an
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    • 136 7 "EMBASSY" No 77 -J^^'J No 77 I\Ui M. M. a pJC jrfSL I^l VJ. AMm j! CIGARETTES MIXTURE, FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH, SINGAPORE. WILFLEY CONCENTRATORS One No. 6 Table now in Stock. Telephone No. 266. Tel. Address VANNER." I Chemists and Druggists. K. TOMODA CO. 43,
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  • 1180 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18. THE INDIAN ARMY. Those who remember the wordy duel between Lord Curzon and Lord Kitchener with reference to the powers and duties of the Commander io Chief of tbe Indian Army will smile over some speculations which are being indnlged in with reference to
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  • 15 8 The total output of tbe Tronob Mines from all sources for May waa piculs 1,567.
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  • 22 8 Mails from Europe via Petrograd are taking from 86 to 50 days to reach Vladivostok and are coming along irregularly at that.
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  • 23 8 Am pat Sumatra Rubber Estate, Limited, has declared an interim dividend of 10 per cent, in respect of the financial year 1916 17.
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  • 31 8 Tbe final closing date of tbe Western India Turf Club Lottery is June 28. Cash payments can be made at all the branches of tbe principal banks and agents in Bombay.
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  • 38 8 The bearing of tbe case in the Appeal Court in which Mr. A. W. Cashin appealed against a decision of Mr. Justice Sproule was suspended yesterday without tbe respondents being called upon. The judges will consider their decision.
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  • 44 8 Eight arrests have been made in connection with alleged fraudulent medical exemption certificates to army recruits. The persons arrested include two doctors at the recruiting headquarters at Whitehall. It was behoved that some sensational evidence would be given at the Bow Street Police Court.
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  • 49 8 Messrs. Harrisons and Croefield bAve received telegraphic advice from the secretaries of tbe Bah Lias Tobacco and Rubber Estates, Limited, that the annual general meeting will be held in London on the 20th inst., when a dividend of 5 per cent, for the financial year 1915-16 will be declared.
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  • 46 8 In the first magistrate's court yesterday afternoon Chew Yew Keng was fined S5O, in default a month's rigorous imprisonment, for selling chandn without a licence at 172, Bencoolen Street, and $250, in default five months' imprisonment, for being in possession of cbandu mixed with another substance.
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  • 53 8 In addition to tbe high prices and short quantities of printing paper now available, strawboard, necessary for tbe binding of books, has risen enormously in price, whilst a famine in that commodity threatens. It is therefore likely that in the very near future the majority of book* will be issued
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  • 49 8 Mr. Ackerman, formerly Berlin correspondent for tbe New York Tribune, quotes the Berliner Tageblatt as stating that 3,000.000 illegitimate children bave been born in Ger many since the beginning of the war. Tbe Tageblatt says that the Government may legitimatise these children and make them wards of the state.
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  • 51 8 In tbe King's Bench Division Charles Tranton has been suing Major tbe Hon. Waldorf Astor, M.P., for JC22.00U, being at the rate of .£5OO tor each day Mr. Astor sat in the House of Commons and accepted advertising contracts from Government departments for The Observer newspaper while he was proprietor
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  • 63 8 The Hon. Mr. C. W. C. Parr, British Resident, Pabang, in his report for 1916 sajs Prices of eoinn articles of food and of impoited goods showed an upward tendency, but save for this fact it would be difficult for anyone working, or carrying on business in tbe State, to
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  • 68 8 As Oiler Ery, one of tbe best long distance swimmers in tbe US A. Navy, was swimming from Cavite to Manila recently be was attacked and killed by a shark. Tbe encounter was witnessed by those on board tbe Torpedoboat Monterey, anchored in the bay. A boat was hastily lowered,
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  • 86 8 The refusal of the London General Omnibus Company to recognise tbe Vehicle Workers' Union, owing to alleged repudiation of an agreement, resulted in a strike. The London 'busmen took a ballot, which resulted in 5,152 votes in favour of a strike, and 699 against. Tbe men demand a war bonus
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  • 98 8 At tbe Pekan, Pabang, girls' school, last year, a special mistress was engaged in teaching weaving, and five looms were in constant use throughout the year two of these were arranged to allow of learners each having a sbort time per diem at the work the other three were given
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  • 124 8 Mr. Andre, former German vice-consul at Cebu, has been arrested and held for trial. Tbe charge against him, according to the Manila Times, will be one of conspiracy to stir up an insurrection. The conspiracy has b. en known to tbe authorities for tbe past tivt- luontnH, during which time
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  • 143 8 In the Appeal Conrt this morning, before the Chief Justice (Sir John Buckmll, K.C.), Mr. JuHtioe Woodward auil Mr. Justice Edmonds, bearing was continued of an appeal by Sjed Omar bin Mohamed Alna*. ll arir-ioK ont of a decision of Mr. Justice Spruule. In the lower court action was brought
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  • 428 8 Mr. E. S. Willbourn. acting Geologist F.M S., has left for borne to join thu Imperial Forces. Mr. A. W. Every, late of Bukit Jelutnng Estate, Klang, is now a corporal in the Now Zealand Expeditionary Forces. At a committee meeting of tbe Birch Club, I poh,
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  • 127 8 The General Adviser to tbe Johore Government in bis report for last year says The Johore Forcts, Ktgolars and Volunteers, were maintained at their usual t flu v n-y The general htalth was excellent. On May 12, at a public parade held on Bukit Tnu balan, His
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  • 75 8 Tbe committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to thu above fund: Amount previously acknowledged 15,552.23 Contributed by Mr. r Knocker, manager rvreeboug Estate, Malacca, being gross proceeds of sale of photographs taken by bim at launch Picnic to Pulau B»Har. 125.75 "Hibbo" 26.1)0 Singapore Sporting
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  • 269 8 Following is the report by the directors to the sixth ordinary aiiuual general meeting of shareholder)) held on Saturday, June 9, at Malacca. Gentlemen, Your ilin-ctors have pleasure- in xubiuitting the balancn sheet and profit anil looh account for the year ■BOM r'. briiury M, 1917.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 209 8 R°NEp STEEL CABINETS FOX BULKY BOOKS. No. 718. Wi t Fitted with one to <-sj.'V f% ten r«/..r shelve*, ad- --2* justable every half £JW &b2Kkhßß3hB inch, and fireproof IKhßb^Hb^nnnnHm collapsible curtain. JOfagapjffiV^ > JnnnnnnnT f t tw>a .T .'1 MBI faHl Yale Lock. tiEfe. "^KE^WmSbH ON SHOW AT V
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    • 200 8 A COMPELLING PHOTOPLIY POWERFUL LESSON TAUGHT NY FILMS EXCELLENT CUT IN A STROM PRODUCTION AI 1U« ALHAMBRfI Tht Pionscr and Premier House of Quality, Such Road Prewntint a Vitngraph Special Blue Ribbon Feature, a Photo-drama of Tremendous Grip THE WHEELS OF JUSTICE In 4 acts of Brippint and Compelling Heart
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  • 2807 9 MESSINES VICTORY. Field Marshal Thanks Troops. PACIFISTS FOR RUSSIA. They Return Dejected To London. RiiTti's Trliuk London, Juna 12. 12.45 a.m. Kh Id Marshal Haig reports: Wecootinued to make program south ea«4 of Meesines and captured tbe enemy's treack system this morning in the naighbo'irt'cod o( la I'otterie
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  • 33 9 London, June 12, 2.86 p.m. Attention is being paid to Austrian com muniques which report lively skirmishes in the Wooded Carpathians and Bast Galicia, and the general activity of tbe Russians.
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  • 71 9 The following special cables from tbe Hague appear in tbe Sumatra Post:— A German Army Order calls upon all deserters to return to the colours and promises them a free-pardon if they do so. Tbe Polish party in the Austrian Reicbsrat is about to ask the Government
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  • 117 9 Singapore's Contributions The Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge the sum of >S5 collected by the Hazara community of Kota Bharu per the British Adviser, Kelantan. The following particulars regarding the fund may be of public interest Total Collections &MMMM |RHH Rhorivbd. Home Relief Kund
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  • 434 9 Sympathetic Reference to Late Mr. J. Boy. An extraordinary general meeting of tbe shareholders of the Wagon-Pacbaung Wolfram Mines, Limited, was held at the offices of Messrs. Barker and Co., Penang, on Saturday, reports the Straits Echo There were present tbe Hon. Mr. J. Mitchell. Messrs. A. S.
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  • 96 9 A London paper has tbe following observations on tbe food question at home Rich people who make their dinner of lobster salad are good patriots. The rich mau who eats neck of mutton and bread is not. Tbe woman who wastes a crust wastes a bullet.
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  • 83 9 Second Lieutenant Maurice Hillier, King* Own Scottish Borderer*, who was kilkii on April 9, wu the elder son of Mr. E. Guy Hillier, C.M.0., manager o( the Hongkong and Sbanghm Bank, l'tkiug, an I of Mm Hillier, of Aogmering, Sasnex. Born in January, IM<*, 1,, wu educated Bt Stonyliornt aud
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  • 2683 9 SIX HUNDRED RESPOND TO THE CALL. Official Statement. To tbe Editor of the Strait* Times. Sir, lam directed to forward for tbe in formation of your readers a report to date on the results in Malaya of tbe recent Man Power Appeal issued by tbe Governments
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  • 86 10 Pelepah Valley (10h0re).— 29.030 lbs. .limit) mjta iu>. K>ta Tini>gi (Johorei '20,101 lbs. Sigintiog |N. Sembilan). -11 700 lbs. Olorelly.- 9,348 lbs. liiruii i>. v. -4,709 lbs Sungm K ah.-.May 83,948 lbs., to date 170J9. lon Tirsin Ett ite.— tt.jjO lbs. current tijanciaJ y. ar M
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  • 663 10 HER OWN PAST AND OTHERS. m Woman Who Compiled Famous Books. Some interesting revelations regarding literary ghosting in connection with tbe compilation of several more or less piquant books ot reminiscence! by more or leys famous people were made in tbe King's Bench Division on April 23, when Mrs. Maud
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  • 57 10 To-day's Business. Saunders and Macpbail's Daily Report: Silver np 5/16— 89^. Hongkong S*"., prem. Shanghai 62 j. Tin— Buyers 1105. No sales. Rubber 2. 9 J dull. Auction weak, prices for top grades ranging from 9135/141. The share market continues quiet, witb little demand. Prices are in
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  • 161 10 Serious rioting took place in Constantinople in April on tbe occasion of tbe return of a detachment of wounded soldiers from tbe Mesopotamia front. A mob assembled round tbe military hospital hissing the German officers, throwing missiles through tbe windows, and clamouring for food. S veral
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    • 157 10 Following are results of yesterday's play in tbe S.C.C. tournament Profession Paiiis. Accounts Plummer and Baleman beat Polioe: Griffin and Macleod, 6-4, 6-1. Tel. Wostwo vl and Laybourne beat Mers. Anyoo and Parr, 6 3, B—l. Medicos Elder and Hunter beat Medicos Scbarengoivel and Clarke, 6—B, 6 -4.
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    • 76 10 Keppel Golf Club announces tbat the final for the Keppel Cup between W. Greig and W. Irving Jones resulted iv a win for tbe former 2 ap. The Jure medal will be played on Saturday and Sunday. 16th and 17th, and tbe ladies' spoon on Monday, 18th. The monthly
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  • 684 10 Lord Montagu on Our Air Casualties. Lord Montagn of Beaulieu, Inspector of Mechanics to tUe Government of India, who returned to England recently from a visit to the East, spoke on India, aviation, tbe submarine p.'ril, and Mr. Wells's letter on Republicanism at the quarterly m'eliog ot tbe
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  • 17 10 Tbe Ujyal Packet Navigation Company forward as a booklet giving illustrations of tbeir palatial offioes in Holland.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 283 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— A good deal had been said about tbe raising of reots by tbe poor landlords, bat I think tbe root of the evil rests with tbe Municipality, I entirely agree with Mr. Rowland Braddell's idea, but there is one
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    • 697 10 To the Eiitor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, After a somewhat considerable length of time tbe Legislative Couucil of this Colony (and which eu passant is far too small and should be entirely reconstructed and enlarged) has deemed it prudent to think about introducing legislation having for its object tbe
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    • 317 10 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,— H. C. L. in your issue of tbe 9tb inst., comparing tbe Parsees witb otber sections of Hie people of India, hay* tbat the latter are not founded on just as solid < 'io dationa (social moral* and hound ethics) an
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  • 533 10 History of the Ancient City Of Samson. Gazs, which is now menaced by tbe forces nnder General Murray, was one of the five cities of the Philistines. They took Samson to Gazi after tbe Lord was departed from him," and it was in tbe city
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  • 210 10 A Pioneer cab;.-, datoJ London, May 30 says: Tbero !ih of late been a t'r. ater degree of out*>pokunae»s iv the Gurnian press, wbicb unw people, believe is allowed in order to deocivu hiiHsia an to tbe possibilities of the dtimocratisation of Germany, while others attribute it
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  • 69 10 Several hundred thousands of inn rriiwn bave beeu distributed ohiuk to tuu Kairer empowering army commanders to Ix-ntow i TaaaMaM protests against tlm Iron Cros* beiu^ won bubind tbe inkutand to a greater extent than at tbe frott, and point* out tbat many bave been bt
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 78 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPH. Latest advertisements of the day appear oa pa«o» 6 and 7. Bostock's Royal kalian Circus opens on the usual site in iijach Road to-morrow evening with a show which ib announced as being entirely novel, none of the artistes having been seen in Singapore before. The performance
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  • 1376 11 SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASED PROFITS. Satisfactory Balance-sheet Position. Tbe second annual ordinary general meeting oi tin ><>< uj;i i ltauipab Rubber auJ Coconut Plantations Company, Limited, was held on April 13, at 4, Lloyd's Avenue, London, E.C., Mr. Herbert l'mckney (chairman of tbe com piny) presidingTbe Chairman said i
    1,376 words
  • 206 11 Portuguese Homage to a Dead British Officer. The funeral of Captain William Raymond Croft Murray. Grenadier Guards, who bad gone to Portugal in tbe hope of recovering from severe wounds received at Loos, and succumbed to pn attack of typhoid fever in tho English hospital at Lisbon,
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  • 99 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, Jane IS, 1917. Wednesday, Jim 13. 4.:i0 p.m. Balestier Range S.R.E.(V.) 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 5.10 p.m. S.V.R. and M.C.S. 5.15 p.m. Veterans Co. Labrador VilUa Malay Co. Tui'h.-i>ay, Jl'.sr. 14. NO hrill Friday, Jusr 15. 5.1S
    99 words
  • 70 11 Drill Obdbks for June, 1917. Friday, 15.— Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 p.m. Monday, 18.— Route March-Parades at Pearls Hill, 5.15 p.m. Dismiss Victoria 1 Theatre. Fridry. 22 Parades at Pearls Hil! and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 p.m. Monday, 25— Parades at Pearls Hill and
    70 words
  • 114 11 It is reported, according to a Shanghai paper, that tbe Nippon usen Kaisba is again planning to raise its freight rates on tbe intermediate service between Europe and Japan, starting July 1. Ah no objection bafl been raised by tbe local shippers, it can be said it
    114 words
  • 121 11 The Philippine Tapioca and Rubber Company, with a capital stock of PIOO.OPO, filed incorporation papers ill the archive* division of toe Philippine Library and Muwuui recently. Mr. W. K. Sherman is the principal capitalist owning P1 9,600 worth of stock. Oilier* cotnpo«in<! the board of directorx
    121 words
  • 85 11 i Tbe British push towards Jerusalem. KUKgeHts the Pall Mall Gazette, way cause uneasiness in unexpected quarters, for there are no (ewer than five claimants to the kingship of tbe city. Besides tbe Sultan of Turkey, who at present holds possession, tbe Pope, tbe Bmparor of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 185 11 Moutrie PianosBuilt in the East for the East BEND FOR CATALO6UE OF LATEST MODELS S. MOUTRIE CO.. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONO> Raffles Place I E. and O. HOTEL PENANO Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel in the island. CRAG HOTEL PBNANO HILLS THE SANATORIUM OF THE STRAITS SEITLEMENTS
      185 words
    • 184 11 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW Saturday, June 16, RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY ANO CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcountry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered at private residences daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and cars on hire. Ring Toleplionn
      184 words

  • 3534 12 The following casualties are reported London, May A. Killed. 2nd Lient. W. S. Aikman, North Omberlanda '2nd Lieut. W. F. U. Anden-00. GotdooH Capt. 8. Barne, Uosaara 2nd Lieat. C S. Benson, Oxford and Backs L.1.; 2nd Limit 11. K. Benatead, London* 2nd Lieut. L. K A. S.
    3,534 words
  • 920 12 Mr. Gosse's New Life of The Poet. Mr, Gosse's life of Swinburne was published on April 2. (The Life of Algernon Charles Swinburne. By Edmund Goese. Macmillan. 10s. 6d.) It is likely to be read with more than usual interest, for when Swinburne died and the obituaries
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  • 39 12 Alter a recent battle on the Western Front a German order dated December, 1916, was picked up. It requested details as to unit. date of death, and illness in connection with corpses sent to the corpse utilisation ijstsbliih ma
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 219 12 Pure Beef DRIPPING Sold in small quantities and in 2-lb. tins. Guaranteed absolutely pure and contains no preservative or any added matter. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) J~| FURNITURE "MT Ik Let us make your bouse glad. MM. FURNITURE fSggt hBI Let U8 "Sure on your
      219 words

  • 712 13 POWER AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PRESS. Tribute to the Navy There was a great snd unique gathering at tbe Newspaper Press Fund at borne recently. Lord Nortbcliffe, who presided, said tbe anniversary donation of £5,500 was a record. General Sir William Robertson (Chief of tbe General
    712 words
  • 191 13 Mr. Justice Darling, in ordering the postponement of tbe trial of a breach of promise' action brought by a widow of thirty-two against a lieutenant of twenty-one, remarked that tbis is not tbe sort of action that i* favoured by tbe law." Hitherto during tbe
    191 words
  • 125 13 Miss Jcanette Kankin (relates The Globe), to whom baa fallen »be lot of being tbe first woman member of Congress, is essentially a womanly woman. Food of children, she was tbe official bomefinder for homeless children in Seattle, and social legislation is ber chief concern. Miss
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 348 13 WHITEAWAY'S FOR Sound Value *3?>BRALCCr> ■^■■■BB TOOTALS GUARANTEE IT t^^^^ TOBRALCO /^>^v"\ PRINTED SELF COLOURS ltiWi~^Wk> rJ^St. New Ktockß ol thi« Ir'/ \BI oJTobt»lcom«kenp popnl.r material RT^. S into Tery .mart and joat received in all JM m refioe a Drewes and loadmx ehade.. \^B^ '"J Blooßes, etc. Specially .uitablelcr
      348 words
    • 212 13 CHEONI BROTHERS Dentists NO. 25, South Brlged Road FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES Firrt cUma Meobuio&l Dentirtry, Gold Ocowa Bridge Filling and Vblomii, Dnr»«o» ot Wear gnanßteed. CHABOBS MODBBATB Best Tooth Powders u£ Braahtt lo* wle MOTOR LORRIES sole flic nnQIICn Pll I Til Singapore. Agents: I Ilk DUlllibU UUl| L
      212 words
    • 15 13 m We Solicit 'I m\ Comparison MSy\ and frwj Guarantee WjjgM Satisfaction. U Framroz Co.
      15 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 488 14 The COMMERCIAL PRESS, LTD. (lacoapoßATßD in China) Singapore Branch Office, No. 172. South Bridge Road. (Coloured (Calendars We beg to inform oar numerous clients and tbe general pablie that we have rteeiTrd instructions frcm our Head Office at Shanghai to receive orders for Calendars for 1918. We undertake to forward
      488 words
    • 458 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND AT LBRMIT ROAD At Misaks. CaiMo Kbmo Lai k Co.'s Salbboom, Rattlbs Chambbbi, Raftlm Placb, On Monday, June 18, at 2.30 p.m. All that piece ol freehold land situate at and with a frontage on Lf rait Road (off Nassim Road),
      458 words
    • 1043 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of 4,000 BAGS WHITE JAVA SUGAR (in goo^ condition) To be held at Nob. 11 and li, CLARKE QUAY On Friday, June 15, at 2.30 p.m. For account ol coDcerce 1. On view from June 18. THE COMMERCIAL RUBBER CO LTD., Auctioneer?, (Incorporated in Singapore)
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  • 873 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Driveaways Break Records. Despite the late winter and the very poor road conditions this has been the most stenaons driveaway season ever experienced by tbe Willys- Overland Company, of Toledo, Ohio. In other yean dealers and distributor* residing within a '200
    873 words
  • 198 15 Salaries Bill of Ministry Of Shipping. The stsff employed at the recentlj e«U blisbed Ministry of Shipping numbers 880 435 males and 395 females of whom 160 are civil servants lent and paid by their respective departments, says Sir L Cbiozza Money in Parliamentary paper*. Tbe remainder
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 180 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES j^ x USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY AND OTHER GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. THE ROM THREE-RIBBED TREAD TYRE. THIS is tbe Kins" aniinroi tyros lot Colonel users. The substantial ribs proviin the tyro with the fioest rubber non skidding propensities possible and this ro<ult is ob'ain
      180 words
    • 164 15 Are You Satisfied That you are getting the value per mile out of youi Motor Tyres that you would do if you used Q DUNLOPS P J^jsl^ i If not, then give fl^^ them a trial when *p/ P^^ next renewing. a in m ilII( are conn^ en^ M ft
      164 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 589 16 A^& B. MACKAY'S O THE ORIGINAL O LIQUEUR WHISKY. As supplied to both Houses of Parliament M 4 OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS I^v^>/1 Sole Agents ADAMSON, GILFILLAN T I ANO COMPANY. LIMITED Tjß I 4 Incorporated in England) h !EfrßlnES n SiQ fe d P° r e Penang and
      589 words
    • 543 16 SITUATIONS WANTED CIVIL ENGINEER, licensed land and mining surveyor, etc., desires change of position. Used to all kinds of work including estate work. Good credentials. Good salary essential. One month > notice required. Apply Box No. 282, Straits Times. 8-6—14-6 WANTBD, position on Robber Estate in S. S. or F.
      543 words
    • 473 16 HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED SBABIDB RBSIDBMCBS TO LBT. Belinda and Juanita. to let tarnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 1-6— n FURNISHED SEASIDE RESIDENCES Bandoline, Belmount, and late Chineae Swimming Club. Apply H. Somapah. 817, Serangoon Road. 80-10 n BOARD AND LODGINB. ST. ANDREWS HOUSE. A Church of England Boarding
      473 words
    • 250 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 188 A lO9. Markat Strwt. -'Phona tame Ho. 4tl. SOLB 408 NTS. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company Limited i Incorporate In England Have just reoeived a fresh shipment of JACKSONS Varnish Stains IN Colour, of ROSEWOOD, Oak ana Mahogin} at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT Co, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 5
      250 words
    • 343 16 When You Want SALAMANDER CRUCIBLES, NOS. 20.25, 30, 40.50, 60. 80, &100 AND Jackson's Stain Varnish IN 1 -GALLON TINS Rosewood, Walnut, Dark Oak and Mahogany. F? E I\rT E! !S/L^J ER GUAN KIAT Co., No. 36, Phillip Streat Telephone Nos. 1801 and 1802. Private 1460 and Sunny side 1078.
      343 words
    • 478 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICED O and I «eater Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Chargex Moderate. Garsge open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 215 4 216, Orchard Road (Next to Wearoe lim*.. Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations m advertisements, such as changes ia Bailing dates of steamers,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 313 16 Straits Writes. Temporary Telephone i SS. All communications relating to editorial* matters and news should be addressed to THE BDITOR. All communications relating,' to business matters—advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc.—should be addressed to THE MANAGKK. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Misoellan* ous wants of every description arc inserted in the ordinary body type of
      313 words