The Straits Times, 8 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,436 SINGAPORE FRIDAY. JUNE 8. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 206 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Prioe now $16.90 per omc NOTICE. With reference to the advertisement of the sale of HOLLY BRAND" MILK appearing in the Singapore Free Press over the name of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. Coy., and stating such milk to be as supplied by Joseph Travers Sons, Ltd. (London),
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    • 165 1 ROBINSON CO. Athletic Outfitters. f| :BHANKS "BRITISHER LAWN THE ROUND LEAGUE PORTABLE tl «JOWER Tciiuic nncTQ $M~ A very substantial, light, duricnnio ruolo p« able and easily regulated fitted with the Ladye Winder. f™ machine. The Post can be easily detach- < 1 Size 12 14 and 16 ins. Ed
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    • 22 1 GOODRICe H c-p-g H SI *zfe TYRES Fitter's NICKEL BRASS BEDS Large assortment to choose from Sou Importers: a. frankel ft CO..
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  • 1122 2 ESTIMATED CR6P FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. Dividend of 1 74 Per Cent. The third ordinary urneral meeting ot tbe Djapocra (Sumatra) Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on April 20. at tbe registered offices of the company, London House, Crutcbed Friars, E C Mr. H. de C. Hamilton (chairmat)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 615 2 GARGOYLE MOBILOILS. t)n and after Juno 6. 1917, the pnee of aai»;oyl« Mobiloik "A," B," B.B," ■ArcUc and Arctic Mbdiom in one gallon nealod litli I tim %i.'ii per tin. Wh -n purolasng Gargoyie Mobilrils in kj tinn ai*»yc b I sure that th. inner seal bearing our trade mark,
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    • 580 2 NOTICE. Firms desiring a large godown with r.fflae* on first and second floors ovor it and situated in the oentreoftbe Towo are nq jested to commuunicate with 8. TOM LI K SON M Inst. C. 8., ICO J, Kob<nson Road. 2 6-15* MOTICL BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES. Notice is hereby
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    • 519 2 ANOTHER MIRACLE The mirne'rs prrfoimed by Littlst'si Oriental Balm a>e almost eoantless. Hca aad women who ha»* booome eripr..ied by tte bumble tgicios of Rhtumatttm are throwing away crut«be°, caao*, and bandages, and walking feiu «Nsl e'as'ic step. Rheuccat am is the b*ck or shoalJers, in tbe sroas or l»gs,
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    • 305 2 Johson-Pickett Manila Rope THE BEST PROCURABLE ON THE MARKET. Quality i^'HO^^iMll Very Unquestionable Economical Beware Of Inferior Quality. SOLE AGENTS KEAT CHEANG CO., SI, Market Straat, Sinfapo re, and 416, Beach Street, Penang. ISMAIL iAHEEM (ESTABLISHED 1896) NO CONNECTIOH WITH ANY OTHER JEWELLERY DEALER AND NO MIDDLEMAN OR CANVASSER EMPLOYED
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  • 1068 3 CROP ESTIMATE LARGELY EXCEEDED. Dividend of 25 Per Cent Tbe sixth ordinary general mettioß of the Lower Perak Robber Estate*, Ltd., was held on April 20, at Winchester House, OU\ Broad Street. E.C., Dr. S. Rideal, J.P. (chairman of tbe company), presiding. The Cbauman taid There are
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  • 41 3 Mr. Bcn»r Law replying to Mr. Lynch said tbe qoestion ol tbe ooastrootion ol the Channel Taonel bad been carefully consider ad, bat it had not been found practical to proceed farther witb the matUv dorian tbe continuance of the war.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 351 3 f" Comes out a ribbon, Lies flat on the Brush." Children use Ribbon Cream eagerly and faithfully because of its delicious flavour. It disproves the theory that a druggy taste is necessary to efficiency. Take the Tube Home y M y 1f jgpjJM^^aßl KOH COMPANY S~ CASH CLEARANCE SALE Now
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    • 210 3 Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills regulate the Liver, clear the system, overcome Biliousness, Indigestion, Depression. Sick Headache, etc. Just one at night (or three or four days. Try them I Of thtmiits thtcugkont Iht world. Pruts in Bsjlßwl and 2[9. IUOI OOCILI a CO i. at urmoad tutu. Baa, AIT NEEDLEWORK AND
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    • 363 3 SCENT of ARADY B*aJ /A Harmony of Fragrance /^•ULLED from the scent* of a f^^ thousand flowers, Shem-el-Nessim perfume is fragrant and lasting. It possesses just that MaStl note cf daintiness and refinemer.t which appeals most strongly to the person of taste. Sf^tSSk \H&k-^ ~V~\ "Sliem-cI-Xcssim can ;ilv> l^' 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 443 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP rCO.. LTD. llhoobpobatbd in Jatan EUROPEAN UNE A serriee is nw'"^ 1 1 between Yokohama, via ports and London under mail oontraot with me Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been speoially designed and constructed, an J are
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    • 631 4 STEAMER BAH.IIIQB. P- O. "British India AND Apcar L-ine. (CoatPANias Inoobpobatbo in Enoland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contraot with Hit Majesty GrOTerauent), 'O' Ohm», dapan, Panang, O«ylon, Auat^aila, India, Ad.n, |«ypt, M«tditar>pan«Min Pert* and London. NAIL LINES. IIOMBWABD (FOB ECBOPB) OdTWABD (ton Q-Tfla) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 693 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (InooßPOßAisr, im Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Chumpon, Kotilak k ßangkok. Qua Departure BORIBAT June 11 June 13, 3 p.m. a.a. PRACHATIPOK June 18 June 20, 3 p.m.
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    • 550 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMMMBO UHVKM O*~ THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTO. (Ikcobpobatbd im Enolano US THE WEBT AUSTRALIA* 8. N. CO.. LTD. (IMOOBPOBATSO IM EvaLAITD) BSTWBBM rMmantla (Pa»th), Morth-Waa* AMtPalian Ports, j« v and ImiapoM. nr?2^!* r »*»^ee»i Singapore aad Western Australia oalling at JavT(as^ duoement offers), Derby, Kin/T S«iZl
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 436 5 STEAMER SAILINGS INDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incoeporatbd in England) PtPWIt l«rvio« to Japan via Hon| on« A Shanghai, and to Oaleutt*. wta Ptfiing, from tingipnr* Taking n no on tbrouvb Bill* of Lid" g lot Canton. > «cki Swatow. Araoi Cbi foo. TmMh, Nmchwanff, Yangtarr ports. *o> moaa. the
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    • 154 5 4 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that tbe Trade Mark consisting cf tbe emblem of an Eagle aa shown above witb tbe words Eagle Brand a>>ove tbe emblem it the property of the Standard Oil Company of New York (incorporated in the State of New York, United States ot America)
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    • 816 5 AUCTION SALE Of A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BEAUTIFUL FERNS, ROSE TREES, DAHLIAS, ETC. At No. 20, Nassim Road, Singapore. Oh Saturday, Juhb 0, at 2.80 i-Ji. Comprising large and well grown maidenhair ferns, fan palms, Tartar rose trees and Mareschal Neil rose trees in Shanghai jars, dahlias, tpathoglottis, orobids, etc.
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    • 259 5 BRUNNER MONO CO., LIMITED, Northwich, England. CRESCENT VB*M&GW BRAND MANDr#CTD3«RS Or Bicarbonate of Soda. Soda Ash. Caustic Soda. Carbonate of Ammonia. Sulphate of Ammonia Calcium Chloride. Pure Zinc, Et<\ AOENTS, Straits Settlement* and K M. S. H. WOLSKEL CO.. LTD., Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. JJ MOTOR LORRIES w—^ 1 Ton,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 396 6 MUSIC SONGS for Standard, Concert and Teaching, and Christy's MinstroU. PIANOFORTE Pieoes and Duets, a good variety by eminent English composers. PIANOFORTE ALBUMS of Marches by Sonza Patey and Willis's, Kitchener and Kaden Powell March Albums, etc. PIANOFORTE Waltzes (musisal comedies, etc.) One and two steps. VIOLIN A PIANOFORTE Pieoes,
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    • 72 6 BEACH ROAD THURSDAY, JUNE 14, AT 9.30 FIRST APPEARANCE IN SINGAPORE OF THE ROYAL ITALIANGIRCUS Sole Proprietor E. H. BOSTOCK. The Mort Unique and Refined Entertainment that hat ever appeared in Singapore 4 The Times,' London, says 4 The Ideal Family Hntertainment Prices $3, 2, 1 50 cts. Plans at
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    • 460 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE Of IMPORTANCE TO PLANTERS. To be held at the Eastern Extension Telegraph Coy.'s Cable Depot, Keppel Harbour, On Widnb-sdat, Jdni 30. at 2.80 p.m. CABLE WIRE. No. 3 S. W. Q. ISO piculs in one lot. 0 1200 picols in lots of about 100 piouls each.
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    • 426 6 AUCTION SALE Of VBRY HANDSOME WALNUT STAINED A WAX POLISHED TE> K HOOSR HOLD FURNITURB, COTTAGE PIANO, TBNNIS NBT, WIRE NETTING PLANTS, BTC. To be held at No. 21, Granite Road, On Saturday, June 16, 1017, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising —One excellent toned Cottage Piano by "J. A. Hansen." Wax
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  • 99 7 FIXTURES. Friday, June H al. W»ne» 0.44 p.m., 11.55 p.m. Sale of Work and Cafe Cbantant, Tanglin ','lub Saturday, June '> <*i>b Waf«. LMfhs*. Homeward mail leaven (train). ■Sunday, June 10. Higti Watut. C II a.m.. 2.1 A p.m. Monday, June I I. Higu Wator. IM a.m
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  • 278 7 To dat. Jlonine, Kemaman and Trrn^Kanu 2.80 pm ♦atn Pabat 2.80 pm Swettenbam and Tulok Aoson 2.30 pm Medan 2.£0 pm Hon^kony, and Hwatow 2.'0 pm Malacca and Mnar U piu 3ataria, Samaraoit and Sourabay* taking mail* for P. I'xirwiu, i'ort Mortßby, IlriNbane, Syini y Melbourne and
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  • 261 7 1 ue uiail trains froui Singapore lor tli Berth U»»o Tauk Road siali on daily at 7.7 a.m M<l 7 p.ta., arrivinK at Kuala Lnmpur M 8 p.ta. and «.45 respectively. Tlr ferocyb < xpr(Hs to Penan* leaves KuaU Laicr-cr at 8 am. daily, arrivinK at Penan*
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  • 50 7 Time ball* on Fort Canning and Mount Fiber Irop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore; jtandard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Grrunwich mean time. The time gna ia ftrwl at 1 J i> lock noon, indicating Sini<apore itandard time, ou ever* Jay eic-ptiag Sunday when it U ftrod at one o'clock.
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  • 64 7 liirr Sinqapou I Frb. 2H P. 40. i Mar. 99.k O. Mar.l7F.tO. Mar. >» B. I. Mar. I. 40. i Apl. I It. I. Apl. If? P. O. Apl. 20 B. I. Dei ik Londom Akrivh. April 6 Apiil f 20 April 2T 20 April 'If 3C
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  • 47 7 Ora attentun dm been oni'ed to the tart hat oar arrivals in London are mach bebind '•bone pnbiinhed elxewhere. Onr rul^ if) tc. <ivo arrivals only when they are officially reported in tbe Post Ofßoe n'-tines, and no >ater date than that printed above ba > been reported.
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  • 150 7 EXCHANOB. 8,. Ba,oM, Jus. 8, 1917. ObLohuow B*Bk4m/« 2/4| Dema-i M| PHva* 8.„ On Franos Bank T. T. 318 O-1-"* O« Ho»»«oiia...BaQk d/d BJ%p Oa SatnaaAi ...Bank d/d 64 j o A R»nkTT lvi Oh Java Bank T. 1. 184 O« Japan Btak 109 Sovo»oi«n3—baying rate H.
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    • 178 7 no Bayers Sellers. LO 10 Ampanij 6.75 6XO 1 1 Ayctr WenK \M 1.30 [0 10 Kauabci 1.2 i 1.40 I J 10 Kinta Association 9 25 9.60 11 1 Kioto Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 U £l Lahat Mines 4.00 500 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.00 12.50 El £1 Malayan
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    • 124 7 £j£g Bayers Sellers. 411 Ml B. Smelting Co. 7.85 7.76 41 41 Piel. 1.8.6 1.f.0 6/- 6/- Hlectrio T'w»y« 4/- 5/--10 10 Fruet Ne»ve 43.(0 45.00 60 60 W. Hammei 4 Co. 65 00 68.00 100 HowMth Bnkisb 58.00 65.00 .00 7%Ptel. 100.00 100 100 S»ti Bio, Del. par
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    • 48 7 Un;ted Engineers 6% »l,W«,tOO par bic(i»poro Kloctrio Tramways 6% X850,000 ncm •SporeMonicipal6% »l,e7f.OOO {.ar S pore Municipal *i% of 1907 11,600,000 U-t lis a'tore Municipal ij of 190V $1,000,000 13%dia S'pore Municipal 4% 2,000,0a) 16%dw S pete Mucicipai £SJ0,o)0 6% loan 1916 »15,U00,lX«) U0.C0 101 00
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  • 321 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyail and Evatt's Quotations. To day's Prices. Fraser LyaJl Co. Kvatt. Alor Oajah (ID 4.00 4.16 4.00 4.10 Aiual. Malay (2) 0.30 O.SOpm o.cO 0.40 Aytr Uitaiii (85) 14 25 15.C0 14.00 15.00 Ayer Kuniog <»1> ISO 1.40 1.80 1.40 A>er
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 421 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE, Bine Flatre tbren burner Oii Stove ani Oven, nearly n< w. Price ♦(.>. apply Mrs. Stenr itt Oomali. Oom.F. H 6—9-6 WANTED TYPIST, for effice in Sir K apore. Cop'ps (f rcornt teßtinj'nisls reqnircd Apply Box No. 201, Straits Times. Ma Wt FOR SALE, 4J B.
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    • 435 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH, SINGAPORE. WILFLEY CONCENTRATORS One No. 6 Table now in Stock. Telephone No. 266. Tel. Address VANNER." THIS WEEK'I EXCEPTIONAL PROORAUHE Gaiety Picture Palace THE AMERICAN Fll« CO. PRESENT LOTTIE PICKFORD and IRVING CUMMINGS In the Wonderful Serial reels o^oJH£^^ REE A Human
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    • 183 7 GRAND CHANGE OP PROGHAMME feflSODEa 4 TO-NIGHT I 9 Reels of tbe Serial Woudeitul wi Ibe Hcnootd TO-NIGHT II »I TNCIDEaiI _f^^^ A% I|V I T"« "»"1 FICTUHE I #A WB% I IXI THE»T»e aTU^i^i# I I j at»CHRO4o I SBCON'D SH)W, AT 918. Tim Ameiic&n Film Co. I'rtuot Mr.
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  • 36 8 Tan Loh Hup.— On June 2, at No. 3, Scott's Road, Tan uoh Hup, beloved father of Messrs. Tan Yew Stah and Yew Liang; aged HI years. Date of funeral has not yet been fixed.
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  • 1072 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, JUNE 8. AGGRESSIVE IMPERIALISM. There may still be some hope ot bringing the Russian proletariat to reason. Great efforts are being made with that end in view and strong deputations have gone to Russia from the Allied countries in the hope of persuading the Russians to
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  • 12 8 Tbe output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd., dniing May was 400 piculs.
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  • 18 8 Tlioru will be evensong and sermon at Christ Church, Malacca, at 6.30 p.m., on Sunday ocx, Jane 10.
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  • 19 8 Sungei Gau output for May was battery piculs 228, tribute piculs 44, a total of 372 piculs tin ore-
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  • 37 8 Sentence of three months' rigorous imprisonment was imposed in tbe Supreme Court this morning on Mohamed bin Hussin wbo pleaded guilty to breaking into the house of Dr. Weerekoon, 191, Serangoon Road, with intent to commit theft.
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  • 49 8 The death occurred on Saturday of Mr. Tan Loh Hup, of Chop Wab Long, 122, Boat Qaay, gambier merchant, who resided at :i, Scott's Road. He was 81 years of age and was the father of Meßirs. Tan Yew Seah and Yew Liang. Tho funeral will be announced liter.
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  • 49 8 Readers are reminded of tbe sale of work and cafe chantant at the Tanglin Club to day in aid of the Blinded Sailors' and Soldiers' Fund. The sale is from five o'clock to seven. and the cafe chantant, for which a good programme has been arranged, begins at 930.
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  • 49 8 At the statutory meeting of the Taipicg Ice Company, Mr. Zollinger said he hoped the factory would be in working order in July. All the shares had been applied for. Messrs. Zollinger, Yeob Paik Keat and Ibrahim Khan were re elected directors and Mr. P. Boelen a fourth director.
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  • 65 8 At meetings of the Eurasian Literary Association held recently the following sub jectß came up for discussion Has Governmental education benefited the Eurasian and Will it benefit a young man to work in a country or land foreign to him After the usual leaders for and against, the subjects were
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  • 64 8 The finest private library in tbe world is said to belong to Henry E. Huntington, of New York. Mr. Huntington's purchases in tbe Hoe sale alone aggregated about 11,000,000 (gold). Since then be has bought the famous Church library of Americana, the Halsey and Cbew collections and several small but
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  • 80 8 The Allies are grateful for American help in the war, but we hope that Britain's gratitude will not quite go the length oi adopting the word Britisher. Twice it has come over tbe wire this week and on one of the two occasions it had been used by tbe Press
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  • 69 8 On Empire Day the Calcutta garrison paraded to salute the fag that had been erected on the maidan. The regiments assembled at various entrances to Rod Road marching up from tbeir respective parade grounds. Many recruits of the Indian Defence Force were not in uniform. In addition to a part
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  • 81 8 Arising oat of tbe enquiry in progress in tbe Marine Court, Hoogkong, a case will come on for bearing shortly in which Walter J. Stokes, chief eogineer of tbe steamer I'heumpeub sues R M. De la Said, master of tbe vessel, for 11,000 damages for libel. Tbe case was mentioned
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  • 88 8 The Fillis' circus troupe is at present performing in Nuwara Eliya. An unfortunate accident occurred at tbe circus on a Sunday afternoon lately when Miss Carlos, better known as Cleopatra," tbo snake charmer, was stung by a cobra in the finger. As a result she was removed to hospital in
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  • 109 8 On May 29 members of tbe Middlesex Regiment gave a most enjoyable variety entertainment at Mount Austin Barracks, Hongkong, tbe scheme of the main feature of the entertainment being to illustrate by the character of the scngs the various stages of the voyage of tbe transport which took them to
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  • 143 8 During a heavy thunderstorm at Ipoh on Toe-day, lightning caused the death of a Javanese woman named Che Turn, who lived with her b"sband, a kobun employed by a Malay near Dr. P. G. Edgar's residence in KampoDg Pisang. It appears tbat the woman and her husbi n 1 were
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  • 164 8 Tbe St. Jobn Ambulance Association in London are issuing a small badge for war work and a limited mipply hax now reached the Indian council. A charge is ruado to cover rxpt nsfH, and the conditions cf issue are obtainable on application to the actibg General Secretary, headquartero, St. John
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  • 442 8 A Hague cable state* tbat Mr Andrew Carnegie is dying. Mr. Frederic Villierc, veteran British war correspondent and artist, sailed from Yokohama on May 1!) for America. Mr. Edmund Backhouse, the well-known authority on China, is shortly going to France for special war servioe. The death has
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  • 45 8 We have received from Mr. Fred. Knocker, manager of Krebong Estate, Malacca, J125.75 beiog gross procetds of sale of photographs taken by him at launch picnic at Pulau Besar. The cheque has been forwarded to the local hon. treasurer of the fund.
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  • 90 8 It appears that there were two witnesses of the attack on the late Mr. .1. Kdmonds-or rather of tbe holding up of his rikisha— and not one, as stated before. Neither of these, says tbe Times of Malaya, could inform tbe police from what direction the
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  • 91 8 Writing under yesterday's date, Messrs. Barlow and Co. state Tbe qautity catalogued for thin week's auction amounted to 722 tons. The demand can only be described as poor and prices all round show a decline. Fine pale crepe at 147 and ribbed smoked sheet at 1146 were
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  • 97 8 The committee of the Singapore Sport ing Club has decided to distribute the «nm of 115,000 out of the club fundx to the undernoted charities. Local Hicretarius of the various charitieH concerned are n i\m*UA to communicate with Mr. G. P. Owen, secretary of the Singapore Sporting
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 130 8 "EMBASSY" No. 77. I J& No. 77. Lfc V IK.OINIA 11 C 'CArtETT£S j! CIGARETTES MIXTURE, I CAMP FURNITURE A Speciality. i'Gold Medal" Camp Bed with Brown Prici Carves overlay. Size 72 x26 ins open, z H ins. elowd 58.50 Bell-Shape Camp Mosquito Nets $6.50 Folding Camp Chair, 1P» inn.
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    • 193 8 A COMPELLING PHOTO PLIY POWERFUL LESSON TAUGHT SV FILMS EXCEL LENT CUT IN STRONG PRODUCTION AT THB ■UHAMBBA The Pioneer and Premier House of Quality Beach Road Presentint a Vitsgraph Special Slue Ribbon Feature, a Photo-drama of Tremendous Grip THE WHEELS OF JUSTICE In 4 acts of Gripping and Compelling
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    • 50 8 "Our Day" Fund, 1917. Tbe Com mitten acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptionH to tho above Kund p Amount prrvinnsly ii-knowlcdged 15,147 23 S. S. Ban l>«h (ivan 5 Contribution from lion. Mr. K. S. •lames, C.M.U.. a Memento of January 20, 1.17 400 •MMJi J. C. I'KTKIt, Hon. Treasurer.
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  • 3409 9 RENEWED BRITISH OFFENSIVE. The First Objectives Gained. SOLIDLY WITH FRANCE. Statements in House Of Commons. Rbl'Tßhs hWMM London, Juno 7, 12.15 a.m. MM Marshal Haig reports We fuccesH fully completed the operation < uimenced last night north of the Seai p> and gained all oar obioctives. We capti-od
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  • 118 9 To-day's Business. Sannders and Macpbail's Daily Report Silver np to 38J. Hongkong up a 8/4 J (BJ% pni.) ShaDgliai up M/7J (64M Tin.— Sale* IUO tot.s at 1103.50. Kubber.— Prices at the auclion (coutioua tion) iuli d rather low< i today. Kubber Share-.- M> it shares aro
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  • 76 9 Messrs. Cunningham, Clark and Co., i'enang, advmo tbe I'enang Press th»t the undermentioned prices wore realised (or rubber sold by them by auction and private tender on Wednesday Diamond smoked sheet 1144 to 9149 I'lain smoked Hbeet 135 143 Diamond uosmoked sheet M 186 I'lain unsiuokod sheet
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  • 245 9 ATTACKED WITH THE DAWN." Marching Into the Full Light Of Perfect Day. The following in tiio eloquent peroration of Mr. Lloyd George's speech at tho American Luncheon Club on April 12, the occasion being to celebrate the entry of the United States into the war. Many distinguished citizens of both
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  • 196 9 Civil Servants and Military Service. Sir Henry Craik called attention to tbo allegations that Indian civilians were shirk ing military service. Mr. Chamberlain replied that such aspersions could only come from quarters unfamiliar with the facts. He pointed oat tbit over three hundred civilians on leave in England
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  • 180 9 Mr. H. C. Eckhardt, acting British Advisor to tbe Perlis Government, says in his report for 1916:— The Peilis section of the railway is rapidly approaching completion. Tbe rails were pußhed through to the Siamese frontier early in the year, and construction trains ran regularly over the
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  • 144 9 It has generally escaped notice bow well the manhood of Ceylon has shown np during tbe war, sayn a writer in tbe Evening Sti-i dard. Counting men, women and cluMi n a'l in, I here were on the island about 10." 0 whiwt people, of w'miu
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  • 100 9 According to news received at Zurich from Frankfort tbe Kaiaer is expected to prolong bis care at Hamburg for about another week He is reported to be looking very pale ami tired and to bave aged grnatlv since Urn b'tginuing of the winier. The Eiupn is in with biiu. Elaborate
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 75 9 Life-Boat Institution. The following donations bave been received by Mr. A. W. Vick at tbe Chartered Bulk Already acknowledged »1, 114.50 Miss Abrams 5 C. W. Abrams 6 Heap Eag Mob S.S. Co. 10 Straits Merchant Service Guild (2od list per Mr. W. Makepeace) J. A. Mellor »10, P. Thomson
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  • Correspondence.
    • 160 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With reference to a statement in your leader of tho Sth in-t that a Chinese tenant has been swindled out of an extra month s rent each year, may 1 be allowed to point out that the statuiuaot is not
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    • 470 10 To the K -lit ;b.> Mraits Times. Sir. Your Bu^e-tion that the standard reut of a hous. nh aid be tbe rent for which it was let at Juui M, 191 1. would be a piece land ownerp. it carried out into practice in Malacca. I will
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    • 1038 10 Fj the Editor uf thu .Straits Times. ft l.avertc rt ill in yuur M por of tLt proc,.edii«;ii at the rifili ordinary meeker ot the Jtram Kuantiu Bakßßr, L.d.. '.aleuients uiade by tbu chairman at ..i It i[>;> .11 t»j h thai some v iri nice— -«ry in
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    • 147 10 To the Editor of the Straits Timea. Sir. Let me heartily endoise tbe views of your Seremban corrcspjudent in regard to a 3 overnment- backed plane (or tbe vulcanisation of rubber. The appalling backwardness of tl.e rubber prod-iLML:; industry has lost millions of dollars to investors by turning
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  • 277 10 Mis. Wreforr 1, Hon. Treasure", bogs to acknowledge the foliowing subscriptions l'.-.n.u j*iyacknowledged *I'.»,*j4.> 13, KaiM^s Day Fete ?J. i-3, proceeds of t*o c inccrts haH at Hutel Lie 1 E-w jpe MM, Mr. H. M. C. FiaßSi IMO, Saundeis aud Jdacptiail "Flot urn MU.7S,
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  • 59 10 The U.,k-.»; Ouaaiie of Kjujo publishes tiio consumption vi paper Writing pa,., i tuunt be iv smgle sheets. Ua »o 1 froiu May 1. periodical.-! and magazines j must rcniuco tut. auukc uf tho.r pages by j u,u^t be limited to I four pages and will bo required to
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  • 3415 10 ESTIMATES AGAIN EXCEEDED-A SATISFACTORY YEAR. New Planting Programme. The seventh ordinary eeneral meeting of tbe Chembong Malay Kubber Company, Limited, waa held on April 17, at 5, Fen church Street, Locdon, E C, Mr. K. O. Money, chairman of the company, presiding. The Chairman said OenllcmoD, with
    3,415 words
  • 79 10 Alor Oajah.— H, 450 lbs. Ayer I'anas.- .iI.6(KJ lba. Bal«ownie.— 24,sBo lbs. Ulenealy.— 2l.sUo lba. Pajam.— 3l,lo4 lbs. l'autai.- 16,000 lbs. TauibaUk. -li'..-ji7 lbs. Teluk An 500. —14,400 lb I'.nkit Kjbu.-l.i, -ooibs. Port 3*etteuh%in.— 2,69s lbs. Auutralasia.— 8,100 lbs. s>oletar.-10,225 lbs. to data 172,030 lbi. Ay. r
    79 words
  • 52 10 la tboir produce report dat-jd yesterday, Messrs. Barlow and Co. state During thu pott two days there has been uioru activity in the copra market and prices have advanced. To day's quotations may bo given as 17 90 for nue sundried aod (7 40 to »7 80 for fail to
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 16 10 The match between tbe S.C.C. and Mm Middlesex, at Tanglin, to-morrow, has been declared olf-
      16 words
    • 43 10 Swimming Club launches will leave on Sunday as follow Johnston's Pier: 9, ID and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3 30 p.m. Club Bungalow 9 30 and 10.30 a.m., 12.1'), 3 and 5.30 p.m. High tide IM p.m., height 7 ft. 9 in.
      43 words
    • 98 10 Tl,i< playing off of the eliminating ronn.l-i in the S.C.I. Lawn Tennis Tournament was b.'uun yesterday, when a start was made with the Profession Pairs. Three matches were played with tho following results It. D, I u vies and W. A. Wiluon (Presß) beat E. J. Cassels and J.
      98 words
    • 143 10 The following are the teams for the match to bo played on tbe Kacu Course on Sunday morning betweeu the S.U.C. and the h.G.t; M Sproule and Wodebouse v. Binnieand Borne man. 9.10 Macpbail and Lyall v. Dove and Cii'iicron. 9.15 Kankin and Dean v. Gilbertson and Bircham. 9.20
      143 words
  • 133 10 A Piuuoer ciblf, dattd Mly 21, says. V corrtwpoj !entat tbu front ■iint. -i t tits pn- iv- n Jug out uf thu ruius uf t..u HutdaßMM lit) neur Foataino, although not badly ag wire utterly cxlmi:-u .1 Liy fati^u. 1 They describe tli (ici mu'i front line
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 304 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Miss Lnlita Ramos will give a conipletu chanyi; of progr^imuo at thu AdelpUi liotul to morrow evening. Horace lioldin will commonce Ins season at tbe Victoria Theatre mu Tliurs i.iy. Jjno 14, and will play iur threo nights only. Roller skating aa 1 daacia^ will agiiu b
      304 words

  • 709 11 Crop Largely in Excess of The Estimate. Tbo third ordinary general meeting of the Ttlok Piah Rubber Estate (1914), Limited. ws* held on April is, at the Council Room ol the Kubber Growrre' Association, 38, Eaatcbrap, 8.C., Mr. J. L. Ixmdoun Shand pri aiding. I be >
    709 words
  • 339 11 Meeting Capital Expenditure out Of Profits. Tie rtaort of the Kepoog (Malay) Rubier Kntstm Limited, state* that the profit for it* year, after writing off £1.(100 for depreci sjtion ob buildings and machinery, amounted to fftiMi. To this ban to be added the ■mn— t brought forward, £-1.256,
    339 words
  • 32 11 Mr. I' K. Cholarton who wu formerly in Uta employment of (be Shanghai Mum cipal Council m as insfctoc in the Health lHpartmeat, is reported by cable to h»»e died m Ktuot.
    32 words
  • 360 11 Comparative Figures for the Past Three Years. The report of tbe lndragiri (Sumatra) Kubber and Outtapercha Company, Limited, states tbat the net profit for the year earned by the Naamloo/.e Vennootschap Exploitatie Maatscbappij. Soengei Lalah. amounts to 571.697. which has been transferred as divi dend to the company's
    360 words
  • 91 11 Itear Admiral W. S. Sim*, the distinguished American admiral, who is now special envoy in England a Canadian, and was born at I'o'rt Hope in IHSB From 1880 to 1882 he served on the Tennessee is the North Atlantic station, then followed service in the other part* ol the world,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 328 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., (or week ending Friday. June 15, 1917. Friday, Jink 8. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V. A. Recruits. 4.30 p.m. Johnston's Pier SI! E.(V.) 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 510 p.m. Orchard Rd., P.S. S.V H. and M.C.S. Drill Hall Chinese Co. 5.15
      328 words
    • 290 11 E. and O. HOTEL PENANO Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel in the island. CRAG HOTEL PBNANO HILLS THE SANATORIUM OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Completely Reno.ited Twenty til houri front Singapore A PERFECT HEALTH RESORT AND AN IDEAL SPOT FOR SPENDING HOLIDAYS BUNGALOWS FOR FAMILIES. ALSO BIN6LE AND
      290 words
    • 151 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, June 9, SPECIAL DINNER SKATING AND DANCING AFTER DINNER. Skating from 9.30 to 10.45 p.m. Dancing from 11 to 12 p.m. Skates at 5O cts. per pair. ADELPHI HOTEL June 9, 13 and 16 DURING AND AFTER DINNER in the East of the BE^JT' celebrated Spanish «S»&
      151 words

  • 4319 12 The following casualties are reported London, April :'fi. Mitwini;.— 2nd Lieut. P. I). Coombs, Essex; 2nd Lieut. F. K. Uadden, Royal Fusilier* Capt D. C, Inaac, North Staffords 2«id Lieut. H. R Newtb, F.saex Lient 0. M. Renny, R.F.A Lieut. A. L. Stevens, Leioesters. London, April 27. Killed.—
    4,319 words
  • 236 12 Suggested Lunch Menu And Recipes. Tbe hon. secretary of tbe Singapore Food Itaform Society, Mr. C. C. Hailing, forwards tbe following iuena and recipes Menu.— Rice soup, forcemeat fritters, lemon sponge. Rrcipks. Rice soup Two pints white stock (made from boiling white vegetable such as haricot bcauH,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 230 12 CHEESE New stocks just received of Australian Cheddar certified as ls«; grade by Australian Government Certificate, ALSO English Cheddar, English Stilton, Canadian Cheddar and Gruyere. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). n FURNITURE fo h ho™r o lL^ J Let us make your bouse glad. ci FURNITURE
      230 words

  • 1051 13 KLANANG, ALOR PONGSI AND TENOM REPORTS. A Dividend of 100 Per Cent. The report of the Klanang Produce Company. Limited, states that the crops secured during the year were as follows Rubber 403,220 lbs., against an estimate of 500,000 lbs. Up to the present date 870,300 lbs. have
    1,051 words
  • 27 13 Qeneral Maleverre sUtes that Germany's famous 420 millimetre Fort de Miliebera baa been surpassed by the latest French 620 millimetre weapon which is practically a '20--inch gun.
    27 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 260 13 New Perfumes rAND Toilet Goods AT KjHl I WWW CROWN HIGHLY PERFUMED WHITE ROSE CROWN PERFUME Kxquii.t, I, perf tnj «J 8 bottles in a bos. fj"' bottK Fleur d'Azui J»d Jennesse V~ Doree perfume, fancy bottle and cut to .ketch, sizes. r^ i with Similar PRICES $1.75. 2.75 4.50
      260 words
    • 109 13 tTHE WAR'S REQUIREMENTS FOR JjjL hODBE IP PLUGS necessitated the erection of this large modern s^B factory. fl It has been built big enough to deal not only |B with Government orders, but also to keep the regular trade and retail markets supplied as lodge PHgt •toctod by USUaI. all
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 664 14 Wax or Piaob. Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance ib woith 100 cents on the dollar. THE GREAT EASTERnTifIIsSURAMCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (laeoareaataa v Svbaits Ssttibbbbys) BMBfta) OVVIOB 1 Wti»a»»«a»«» Hawea, aora. LONDON OPVIOBi Old Jswry, «.O. Tte CsmpMy has MWOMOO deposited wajh she Bufetae Ooort al Baglaad, aad oomplies with the
      664 words
    • 378 14 THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITEO ■sa* arties: slstaßers,lUmsiCaaaaafS,l A a. •ranetiss ■aiacci, US, First Brest •Uatt, ■ear, 71/71, Jalaa auleiaaa CAPITAL Registered 18.000,000 Issued H. 000,080 Subseribud 18,600,000 BOARD OF DIRBOTOESi Li* Pent •last Ess., Cbainaas. The ■ea. if. Lim loss Taa Caeag. Leek, Ess. leaf. Boh lee *ia. Ess.
      378 words
    • 482 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CBRP6RATION (iNCOaPOBATBD IN HoNOKONa) PAID-UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 4LM0.000 at a/- 116,000,000 Silver 118,600,000 188,(00,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors •16,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. S. H. Dodwell. Esq., Chairman. J. A. Plummer, Esq., Deputy Chairman, Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton O. S. Oubbay, K»q.
      482 words
    • 504 14 BANKING. IHARTERED BANK OFWDIA. AUSTRALIA AM CHINA. INUORPOKATBD IN BNtiLAND BT ROYAL CHABTBB Paid up Capita! is SO.OOO Bhaici al «IO cacti «i,ioc,ooo Reserve Fnad m 41,903,000 Reservs Liability sf Proprietors^. 4M00.00C BANKBBS The Bank ot Baßlaad, The Loadoa City aad Midland Bank, Ltd., The Loadoa County aad Westminster Bank,
      504 words
    • 974 14 INSURANCE. THi EAITEIN UNITEB AMUUNHI •SIPO.ATiON. ill. IjaJ OOoe m. m, 9lsnpo.>e. lasorporated la the Strallt Sbltluiiiealsi. ♦'•a ■sßartmtnt, Bitkt adopted oa Boildiagi aad Merebaaaiae at surreal aaßßt UsHntDssartsitnl laru'tsc. 6ffe«ied oa Halls aad Cargo. Vet fall aartlsoiarß sa to rater »»a ail (bat latormtlioß, apfiy to H. 3. FOUGBRB,
      974 words

  • 1161 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Questions and Answers The following notee oa motoring are takes from the Brisbane Courier and should be of interost to readers of this column J.," Wondai. writes Car engine working well when you puH up car won't start, although self-starter turns
    1,161 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 194 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Avv USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. /•AX TH* ADMIRALTY AND OTHER GOVERN* MENT DEPARTMENTS. THE ROM THREE-RIBBED I j| t TREAD TYRE. f I THIS If tbe Kins ai.i.n^st tyros for Colonial users. Tbe substantial ribs If J provi io tbc tyre witb Mm dnost rubber
      194 words
    • 148 15 Are You Satisfied That you are getting the value per mile out of youi Motor Tyres that you would do if you used Q DUNLOPS? I If not, then give them a trial when jHBBBBIg^IJBnMHHi you will use no other I Mi Hi Supplies may be obtained H^B M M
      148 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 570 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER IB eMj eP^ XE.» BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT BXPERIBNCBU COMPOSITORS WANTBD for the Straits Times (news department) Good salaries given to capable men. WANTED, COMPBTENT SHORTHAND TYPIST. Apply to Box No. 308, Straits Times 26-4— a EUROPEAN NL'RSE or Nursery Govern ess wanted for one little girl.
      570 words
    • 566 16 MISCELLANEOUS TO LET, large airy-room, verandah and bathroom attached, near town, moderate. Address Scott, c/o Straits Times. 7 6—146 DOGS WANTBD. Two young Fox Terriers one male and one female). Please state ags and price required to Cbia Bag Hoa, 26, Wallich Street, Singapore. 6 6 9-6 WANTED TO PURCHASE,
      566 words
    • 506 16 HOUBEB TO LET. FURNISHED BBASIDB RBSIDSNCBS Bensoline, Belmoant, and late Chinese SwimminK Clab. Apply H. Somapah 817, Serangoon Rnsii. 80 10— q TO BB LET. Silverbauk," 107, Orchard Road, an upper-roomed European dwelling House with tennis and stabling. Apply S. Manasseh Co., 7, DAlmeida Street. 19-4—n BOARD AND LODGING. BURLINGTON,
      506 words
    • 247 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 108*109, Market Street Phone same No. 4 2 1 So Li AOBMTS. THE MULCOTT BELTING Compkny, Limited (Incorpor.t.d la England) Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Colours of ROSEWOOD, Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. O. LAMBERT AGo. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3 a.
      247 words
    • 394 16 BUY THESE BEFORE THE PRICES GO UP HIGHER. Mild Steal Angles: UP x If x 1/4" x 80/36 feet. It 1, 1/4 80/86 li 1| 1/4 80/86 2 a 1/4 80/86 S a 6/16 8 /86 Si a, 6/16 80/86 Si Si 6/16 80/86 8i 8i 8/8 80/86 Flat "Crown"
      394 words
    • 478 16 BUND NEW HIGH-PRICED O and tester Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Oarage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 216 4 918, Orchard Road I Next to Wearoe Broi., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations amy advertisements, such as changes at sailing dates of steamers,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 320 16 Straits Wimes. Temporary Talephonn i 68. All communications relating to editorial matters and news Bhould be addressed to THB EDITOR. All communicationH relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be ad dressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted in the ordinary
      320 words