The Straits Times, 6 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 17 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. HO. 25,434 SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 206 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Friot- dow $16.90 per OMe NOTICE. With reference to the advertisement of the sale of "HOLLY BRAND" MILK appearing in the Singapore Free Press over the name of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. Coy., and stating such milk to be as supplied by Joseph Travers Sons, Ltd. (London),
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    • 60 1 ROBINSON CO. Manufactured in high-class styles. Reproductions of antique Jacobean types in shade of old oak, inexpensive and effective. Complete Furnishing for Bungalows. PURE RYE FLOUR For making Brown Bread Special Prices for Ships, Bakeries, etc. Telephone 522. Europe Hotel Building. BRAND Portland Cement WE HOLD LARGE STOCKS of this
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    • 26 1 KARTELL'S BRANDY. Soli Aoints ADAMBON. 6ILFILLAN 80., LTD. Inciirp.T.itwl in Kngluil) Fitter's NICKEL BRASS BEDS Large assortment to choose from Soli Impoktkbs: A. FRANKEL& CO.. Sir.'/,'.*,'.'
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  • 1059 2 CLAIM FOR SINKING SEVEN ENEMY SHIPS. The Title of the Navy to Bounty. In the Print Court in London ou April 28, before Sir Samuel Evans, President, a motion was beard on behalf of tbe commanders, officers, and ships' companies of H.M.B. Triumph and Usk for a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 615 2 THE MIDDLETON TIN MINES. LIMITED. Notice in hereby given that tbe Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of 10 per cont on aoooaut of tlie yoar ending F.ibrriary 1H 1018. payable to shareholders on Ihj K< gif>trr on Juno 9, 1917. By Ori-r of the Board, s:UK, UaKB V CO.,
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    • 397 2 Anaemia ovirr B. T~^M Anaemic girls, weak children md jaded mothers get new life and vigour by taking SCOTTS Emulsion. Medicine and food, k fortifies the blood, promotes appetite, and brings back the roses and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTTS— no other has the approval
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    • 285 2 M COMPLEXION 1 B r<* n.uod \>j a tmmtimt mm W b M trthaa'i L. rol. li r#«n,.ll F 3 irm.iio*. fk wi > «vi,.krfJl, yr m O/./Mi,» flo..< ~l*mm.*JSl,rm. A^. WA MiWiium if %M BFEiHAM A SON, I^l CHELTtNHAM, E. GLAMD. A CURE THAT CURES There are men and
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    • 671 2 WECAN SAVE MONEY FOR YOU Four million families all over the world supply their needs trom us. Why not investigate our methods and our goods and let us save money for you, too Let as send yoa free a copy ol oar OUR SERVICE TQ MISSIONARIES Big Catalogue which illustrates
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  • 1052 3 PROSPECTS FOR THE CURRENT YEAR GOOD. Final Dividend of 30 Per Cent. The eleventh ordinary general meeting of the Damansara (SolaDgor) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on April 19, at the registered office of the company, 'JO, Eastobeap, 8.C., Mr. W. P. Metoalfe (chairman of the company) presiding.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 426 3 The COMMERCIAL PRESS, LTD. (IIICOBrftRATKD IN China) Singapore Branch Office. No. 172. South Bridge Road. (Coloured Qalendars We bee to inform onr namerons clients and tbe general public that we bare neehed iß»ttoeiicn* frcm car Head Office at Shanghai to receire orders for Calendars for 1818. We undertake to forward
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    • 180 3 I "Fob ths Blood d tmm Lira." Post etoMiing ttaa blood of all JMpsjsHsw from whatever oanse arising, 70a cannot do better than take CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXT6RB. The invaluable remedy for Kcaema, Sorofola, t Bad Legs, Abseemea, Ulcers, Boils, Sores and I Eruptions. Glandular S«illin«B, Bloodfotaon, 1 Rhenmatiam, fee. Thousands
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    • 673 3 I Lassitude! U is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, n f which affects equally men, women and child- 1 2 ren, and it is most important that these signs g S of a run-down condition be not neglected. S n Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments, fi
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 438 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP rCO.. LTD. (Ihoobpobatbd im Japam EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained between Yokohatra, via ports and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining Ibis servioe have been specially designed and oonstrooted, and are fitted
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    • 636 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.-Sritish India AND A\pcar iBB-ine. (Companies Incobj-obatbd in Bnolamo). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with His Majesty s Qoyernuent). for Ohina, Japan, Panang, Oeylon, Austi aiia, India, Aden, Bgypt, Madilnrransan Porte and London. MAIL LINES. HoMSWAW) IFOB EOKOPI) OUTWABD (FOB CaiHA) INTERMEDIATE
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    • 698 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD. (Incokpobatbl im Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For KreUy, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupw, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobßamai. Band on, Langsaen. Chnmpon, Kotilak Bangkok. Ova DmrtMN 52?I1ViT June 11 June 13 3p.m! •.■.PRACHATIPOK June 18 June 20, 3 p,m. tVL?-? June
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    • 597 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. oombinbo amvtoß om THE OCEAN 8. 3. CO.. LTD. (Incobpoiutbo in Knulakd) m THE WEST AUSTRALIA" 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Ihcobfokatbd in Enolamd) BBTWBBN Ffemsntle (Pertrti, North-Ws,» AuetMilian Ports. Java and aingapopa. Regular sailings betwoen Singapore aad Western Australia calling at Java (as ia duoemtnt offers), Derby, King's
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 653 5 OSAKA SHQSfcNKAISHA (INOORPnRATBD IN Japan) (OuU Mercantile Usamihip Co.. Ltd.) KOBt-BOMBAY LINE The Company mair.teinH a .■ocpilftr cargc ier»w with sis ntftmfers oallicx at Moji, f okkaiolii, Hongkonp, Singapore, Port Snot tt.nbam. Penans, 'Jolombo and Bombu/, anc on tbe rctnrn vcyaae eallinii at Vatioorin Sintjaporh. HonuUnng and Moji. PACIFIC LINE.
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    • 244 5 RUBBER MACHINES OF BRITISH MANUFACTURE We have made arrangements to have Price of 18/ x 12 these made for us in up-to-date works Machine in Australia and can supply them <M Ofin with best hard chilled rollers and VmUUU cast steel cut helical gears, etc., etc. ingapore SUPPORT BRITISH ENTERPRISE
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 211 6 SONGS for Standard, Concert and Teaching, an 4 ChrmJy's Mfntrtl* PIANOFORTE Pieoef and Duets, a good variety by eminent English composers. PIANOFORTE ALBUMS of Marches by Sonza A Patey and Willis I*,1 Kitchener and Baden Few. I: March Albums, etc. PIANOFORTE Walt/an imosieal comedies, etc.) One snd two -teps. VIOLIN
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    • 56 6 STAMFORD HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL, Bras Basah Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED Always cool and exposed to sea breeze Furnished Apartments with or without Board. Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached. Electric Fittings throughout Large Reception Hall and Billiards. Separate Tables in Spaoious Dining Boom. TERMS the most raasoMMs la Taws. For farther particulars,
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    • 441 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE Of 418 STEAM GAUGR GLASSES, IN VARIOUS SIZES AND LENGTHS To be held at Mosart. dung Kens Lee k Co.'a Saleroom, No. i 2, R.ffles Piece, On Friday, Jem 8, at 11.80 a.m. CHING KENO LEE CO., Auctioneers. 6-6—7-6 AUCTION BALE Of RARE ANl> VALUABLE CHINESE
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    • 462 6 Are You Anaemic? If you have the sort of feelirg that ruake* >ou think you have not the strength to do nay work, no matter how light, and your faoe and lip-t l»ok pale, while yon have not the appetite to eat oven the daintiest morse's, then you are anaemic
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  • 173 7 EXCHANGE. Swoafou, Jcni 6, 1917. On Lobdch B»nk 4 m/t S/4J Demand 8/4* PriTftie mil a/*.;! Ok Fbanci Bank T. T. 818 Oa India Bui T. T. On HoKoio»9...B»nk d/d B|%pm Oh SiAaoßAi ...buk d/d -.65 O«Jata BtakT.T. m OmJapaji B»q* 100 So^Nißß»— baying r«ta 18.64 IndU
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  • 94 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, June 6. High Wales, 11. H a.m., 10.35 p.m. Thursday, June 7. High Water 0.0 p.m., 11 14 p.m Friday, June 8. "lab WaVt 0.4* p.m., 11.85 p.m. Homeward mail loaves (train). Manicipal Commissioners, 3.30 p.m. Sale of Work and Cafe Cbantant. Tanglin Club Saturday,
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  • 206 7 Too*?. Batu Pabat 2.(0 pm MrmiQK 2.M0 ptu P. Swettenbam and Poaang 2.80 nm Malacca, P. Swetteoham and Telak Anacn 2.80 pm Mantok and Pale;': bang 2.30 pm Kola Tinggi 4 pm To hoebow. Polan Batam and Palan Bnlang H ;i" am I'ulau Batam and Pa la
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    • 166 7 vSS BnTew SeUew -10 10 Ampang 5.76 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wen« 1.25 160 10 10 Kanaboi 1.2 i 1.40 10 10 KioU Association 9.25 9.60 41 £1 KintaTin 1.10.0 1.17.8 41 £1 Lahat Mines 4.00 600 10 10. Malayan Collierie* 12.00 12.50 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.16.0 1.17.6
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    • 126 7 vTel Bn en! SeUew -41 41 1. SmeWu Co. 7.85 7.76 41 41 a 1-B' 6 1 f 8/- I/- Hlectrio T'wayi 4/- 6/--10 10 Fraser Neare 48.C0 46.00 60 60 W. Hammer Co. 85 00 68.00 100 Howarth Brakioe 56.00 65.00 100 a 7%Prel. 100.00 100 100 Kati
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    • 48 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,600 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 norn 5 port Municipal 6% •1,878,000 far Spore Municipal *i% of 1807 11,600,000 10%dis Spore Municipal H% of IMS 11,000,000 10%dia S'poro Municipal 4% 2,000,000 15%dia Spore Municipal 4% £800,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1918 115,000,000 KO.OO 101.00
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  • 303 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. Alor Oajah (SI) 4.00 4.20 4.00 4.10 Anial. Malay (2) 030 O.SOpm 0.80 040 Ayer HiUm (IS) 14 25 16.00 14.00 15.00 Aver Kaning (tl) 1 80 1.40 1.30 1.40 Ayer
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  • 263 7 Tbt uuul trams from Singapore tor tli aoith eavt- Tank Road station daily at 7 7 a.m and 1 p.m. »rnvine at Koala La!u| ur at 7.1" p.m. and 8.45 respectively. The Mimigh aafresti to Penan* loaves lua'a 1.0 l pur at 4 a.m. daily, amv.n.- at
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  • 162 7 Ow Mien t ion baa been called to the fact that eat miv»l> in London arc moeb behind tbOM poUiabed elaowbere. Oor rale m to nvi arrival* only wbea they are officially mfwtad id tbe Po«t Offloe notice*, and do tata* date tIiAU t!i&t printed above bat
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 556 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. DOOS WANTBD.TwoyoonR Fox Trrrierf one msle and one temsV) fletse state age and price required to Chia Bnrf Hoa 26, Wallich Street, Sm«spore. 6 8— t WANTED Chinnxe or Bara>ian clerk with knowledfie of bookiog and gm«r»l office work. Applj personally to the Holland straits Tradine Co., LtJ..
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    • 305 7 "EMBASSY" !S*jn S&2L CIGARETTES MIXTURE. FRASER 4 CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH, SINGAPORE. WILFLEY CONCENTRATORS One No. 6 Table due to arrive early this month. Telephone No. 266. TeL Address VANNER." A FOREGONE CONCLUSION. EVERY SEAT SOLD OUT BEFORE 8 P.M. A RECORD ACmema Spectacle beyond comparison op
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    • 177 7 GRAND GHANGE OF PROGRAMME 4 EPISODES 4 TO-NIGHT 0 Reels of the Serial Wonderful will be screened TO-NIGHT I 4TTHE IO£»l| gf^+ I IW BY TH£ it* THE»T«E J**4^l I I BE»CNRO»O BBCOND SHOW, AT 8.16. The American Film Co. Present Mr. IRVING CDMMINO and MISS LOTTIE PICRFORI) (Sister oi
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  • 48 8 Lady Superior and the nuns of tbe Convent of tbe Sacred Heart, Malacca, desire to convey their sincere thanks to all these wbo so kindly sent wreaths and attended the funeral of Sister Catherine Mcßean on Satur day. ,lune2: aloe to those who very kindly carried the coffin.
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  • 1144 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6 HOUSES AND RENTS. Tbe Govemmen: bas brcugbt in a Ti nanlt. I>efonoe Bill, and »t have- no wisL to be hypercritical on details of the measure. But tbe reason wby we bavi bet n silent in regard to it for several day* h tbat
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  • 23 8 A special meeting of tbe Municipal Commission will be held on Friday at 2.:i0 p.m. to consider Supplemental Budgot No. 1 of 1917.
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  • 42 8 A Novena in preparation for tbo feast of St. Anthony of Padua on June 17 will commence on Friday, tbe Bth inst., at 7 p.m., at tbe Church of St. Joseph. The attendance of all clients of St. Anthony is earnestly requested.
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  • 44 8 Tbe following property was disposed of by auction on sth inst. by Messrs. Powell and Co., Ltd at their sale room, freehold laud and house known as 871, Kampong Java Koad, area 5,163 square feet; bought by K. M. It Rauiasamy Chitty for t'.MOO.
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  • 46 8 Malayan Tin Dredging, Ltd., have declared a dividend (tbe eleventh) of )s. per share, less income tax of ss. in the X, payable in London on June 23. Tbs May return of the company is Output 1,075 piculs, valued at •74,969, and yardage 2H2.500 cubic yards.
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  • 61 8 At a tneetifcg of the Hongkong Legislative Council on May 25. the Governor said tbat at i r -I-, nt there was no immediate prospect of a farther reduction ia tbo garrison being made, and, therefore, no obstacles would be placed by the military authorities to tbo departure of men
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  • 61 8 In the state of IVrlin last year tlr MM 3*f reports of crime made of which Sll weie. admitted. The admitted reports included four of murder, seven of robbery and gangrobbery, 160 of theft, 80 of house breaking, two of arson and seven of causing grievous hurt. These figures indicate
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  • 64 8 Tbe estimated number of tishermen in Selangor increased from 1.711 in 1915 to 1,977 in 1916. The increase is general in all methods of fishing, except drift nets. Drift nets were 2,508 against 2,753: large seine nets 345 against 308; small seine nets 497 against 28*2 there were also increases
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  • 76 8 At tbe trial of Von Kintenlon in New York, on Miiv 1, it was alhueil that the accused spent X'.'i,6od in propaganda woik iv America iv four months, endeavouring to stop munitions and otherwise to upset policies favourable to tbe Allies The World believes that sensational details will be forthcoming
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  • 76 8 Messrs. Sanderson and Co., London, write that the dislocation of mails and the non publication of sailings and arrivals makes it advisable to send copy d.x jmenis v.tu the urryiot; the good«. This advice, •M tin numerous- ports of lading aud dis charge, cannot always be taken. The consequence is
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  • 83 8 The report of Shelford Rubber Estate for 1916 states tiiat the total output of dry rubber Irotu the company's two estates amounted to '-'1J,77T ib Lfaragt price obtained, 2s. 7.27 a OMMMBwi witL per pound Ust year. "All-in" cost. Is. I i^,'.. per pound. Estimated yield for 1917, 250,000 lbi
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  • 101 8 A correspondeut wriu-e tbat a pleasant fuuctiou took place at the Club House. Seieudah, on Monday, at 5 p. in when the members of tbe newly-forim-d Bovteu Club were At Hume te> their frieDus and well wishers on the organisation of the Bowen Ciab named after tbe respecttd District Officer
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  • 118 8 The population of Selangor, report* tin British Kesident. is estimated at BeY 1916. The number ot births ragiatarvd was T 6.iH and of deaths II.sTU. The a: v.';,. i- bjtu sli i* an iucreasf over the pretedic^ year. Tin- highest birth rate »a« anioDt: ilaliys and tM high', xt death-rate
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  • 131 8 A writer in tbe EreniDg M^odard iays: In view of tbe horror txpr, ;.-id over tin German uti,isatiou of MBaaw from tb> battii-titl.t. I may point i.n: ilmt tboutjli many o< tut- details are now. v bas long b»iu known tha: the thrifty Huu LLis.Jf gi indusirial us. uf hih
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  • 133 8 Tlie medical authontie'B »l;,.&re arr..rn, IDt tLlf iltAliH Of tin- L. 1,1,. 1. 1,1 about by Hkt calling up ,f ajl doctors of military o^e- tor tLie hospn..!- abroad Btatt that there is uo Died for unuur alarm on tlie part of Ibe ci»il population at homo. Plans ijr :i.v
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  • 417 8 Mr. K. G. Leggatt, late of Bukit Kepong, is now on a mine sweeper. Mr. .1. C. Ki-ddi, formerly of the Hong kong and Shanghai Bank, Kuala Lumpur haH been married. A casualty list dated April 21 contains the name of 2nd L.< Mt. O. A. Wright,
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  • 25 8 We have t<> acknowledge with many thanks 3 irou. 1 1 1< .S.S. Ban Poh Ouan for tbe K'jd Crosi* t ulI.
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  • 57 8 A Well Wisher," who ban had oppor tunities of knowing what the Strait)Times Active bervici Help KuLd is doing, very kindly sends us 1100. This mak s thei total we have received 16,666.65, but as about forty men have been helped the balance remaimuk: is not
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  • 115 8 In his annual repjrt on the «ute bJ IYtlu for last year, the acting awfiaar, Mr. H C. Eckhardt, says The pudi t'arvest of the bt-gicning of the year was again a good one. The export of padi aod rice was 2 741,600 Kantunus, lutle kH" tlmn
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  • 140 8 A mo-t «rattful <iud appreciative letter bai bieu ri'»ivi-, by the Coaimittw of tht and s..ii;r- Baereatio*) Fund, on uehalf of i i' ilu 1 various gifiH included 50 case" of piLi apples tht tonds for which were collected through the agency of Mr. J. D. Sanu ih
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  • 204 8 A uttamtr ui.ieii Wl Singapore recently uad waX hjcik twu ur thrct di>)h All r« cad arvw war* laMad aystfe tin exoepti n et Mr. I. v i. li.iuh- I UiL-Uibtrh ut it., cri > >i !a.»i ItdtafM iimuUi- oi 11.. en» eiieu iii tlit boat, and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 136 8 R°NE.° STEEL CABINETS PM BULKY BOOKS. No. 718. Hi JMM^i&fflfc Fitted with one to "T* ;,>:'?• Mn'tt*' t<n railfl Hhelv«'H. uci- -il^lfejiiMtiil'le every half SaMHpftflßSaWK i. .aid fireproof n&&^3S2ME&BBR.mrr. oollapsible curtain. v Y.ilc L<x;k. i\ MOV AT 14a, COLLYER QUAY. RONEO LTD.. SINGAPORE. I I CAMP FURNITURE I A Speciality.
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  • 3320 10 AIRCRAFT FIGHTING. Attacks on Belgian Coast. SHARP NAVAL ACTIONS. Air Raid Over Thames Valley. B| T>i.i<.i;iai London, .lane 5, 7 a.m. Tbe raid on Bruges is tie fourth, attack on the enomy submarine and sot iplano nests in B-lgium officially reported since Thursday. I> itch correspondents st -%k
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  • 278 10 (From 01-r Own Coksbspondint.) Malacca, June 5. A farewell Smoker was held at the Malacca Club on Saturday in honour of 2nd Lieut. V. H. Winson (acting adjutant), and Privates R. W. Struthers, S. F. Lewis, and I). C. Mor rison who are leaving tbe Colony this
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  • 128 10 To-day's Business. Saunders and Macpbail's Daily Report Silver down 38J. Hongkong unchanged 2 4} (3|% pm.) Shanghai unchanged 8/7 (65.) Tin— Sales 126 tons at »103.80. Rubber.— a/lH- Locally steady with beet qualities about 1148. Tbe amount offering at the auction beginning to-morrow about 11,000 picals (over
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  • 244 10 The following donations have been received by Mr. A. W. Vick at the Chartered Bank Already acknowledged $1,012 .50 Contributed by the European employees of Pulo hrani Sm< lung Works, per Mr. J. M. Russell:— B. B. Ar "Iracon IIU, A. E. Bailoy 5, K. Higginbotliom 5, A.
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  • 957 10 BIG DEMAND FOR PLANTATION LAND. Progress and Prosperity. Mr. G. A. Hall, the acting Adviser to tbo Kedah Government has issued bis report for tbe year 1384 A. H. (November 9, 1916— October 27, 191«, from which it appears that tbe State continues to be developed
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  • 60 10 Engl&nil, at this crinii of licr fate, Owen more than tiho is always prr p. rod toat'kuow lf(]«n to t'if tritiir e*chßri in bur eleiuen tury xulukilx, over MyOH "f whom are existing on less Ui4u £100 a yur. la suc'i cireuui implies s strength <>' character to il< HTM
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  • 33 10 Among those, who .-.iga< d a Ml* I Hi home puptrs demanding Mm lorojat' id uf I cotnniittee cf inquiry mtu ItriUiu I war expenditure wax Mr. Gereboui Su.wart M.P., formerly at Hongkong.
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  • 1616 11  -  Welfare Worker. By a SOLDIERS' EXAMPLE TO REST OF COMMUNITY. That war is infinitely destructive, that its wastage is beyond description terrible, nobody who lives in tlu» year 1917 can ever doubt. We none of u» need tolling about tuat. But it is possible that a
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  • 234 11 How Berlin Counted on Past Enmity to Russia. The Lobby correspondent of tbe 1 > nl y News states that the Commercial Committee of tbe House of Commons on April 18 gave s luncheon to tbe Japanese Ambasssador and other Japanese delegates wbo bad promised to
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  • 359 11 What was described as another step in a series of actions going on in tbe courts with n t jreoce to the estate of the late Syed A limed bin AbJulrahman Alsagoff was beg'jn in the Supreme Court this morning before the Chief Jjstice (Sir John Bucknill,
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  • 56 11 Mr. W. Beach Thomas, in the Daily Mail, writes I 1 watched a single French farmer, who even at this hour was leading out bin grey horse to plough a fallow well in front of our heavy guns and in sight of the enemy. The headland of his
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  • Correspondence.
    • 317 11 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— We shall be glad it you will publish the following tacts in connection with the working of the Tobacco Ordinance of 1916. If an owner or importer desires to remove tobacco from one bonded warehouse to another, or from a
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  • 394 11 Report of Complaints of Abnses At Hongkong. Arising out of certain statements made at tbe Legislative Council meeting of October 31, 1916. relative to the searching of passengers on arrival at, and departure from, Hongkong, tbe matter, at the direction of the Governor, was investigated by the
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  • 116 11 Following the American Day in lodoChina, at the suggestion of Mr. Albert Sarraut, Governor -General of Indo China, a special soiree was organised recently at the Municipal Theatre of Hanoi, for the British war orphans. Tbe patriotic drama and masterpiece of Mr. Henri Lavdan,
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  • 129 11 As our troops began their great fight on Biuk Holiday they had one great fellowworker—the Man with the Plongb. There was one figure in this landscape of war who made some officers about me laugh," says Mr. Uibbs, in The Chroniole. "He was a French
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  • 2387 11 VULCANISATION RESEARCHES REVIEWED. Good Progress During 1916. In bis report for 1916 the Director of Agriculture (Mr. L. Lewton Braio) states: The research work in connection with i rnbber manufacture has been in charge of I Mr. Baton, Agricultural Chemist, who has been assisted in the connected obemioal
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  • 363 11 Anglo- Malay. -127,249 lbs. 8r00me.— 82,549 lbs. Bikam.-34,0U0 lbs. R. Co. of Malay —18,285 lbs. E1phi1.— '21.952 lbs. Golden H0pe.— 22,038 lbs. Hidden Streams.— l9,ooo lbs. Karak 22,477 lbs. Kuala Kubu— l2,643 lbs. London Asiatic— l27,9s9 lbs. Luuiut.--tO.OOO lbs. Pataling.— 6B,464 lbs. Ribu.— 23,618 lbs. R. Estates
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  • 111 11 The report for 11)16 states that the robber crop amounted to 732,271 lbs., against estimate 520,000 lbs. The cost f.o.b. Port Swettenbam works oat at 8 54d. per pound, and "all-in" 10.7 1 d. per pound. Estimated crop for 1917, 820,000 lbs. The net profit amounts
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  • 99 11 Here is a pathetic story of a can's return to his French village after ita abandonment by the Germans It was rather pathetic in church last Sunday," says the oorrespon dent. Tho poor old cart', an old fellow of about 50, was held by the Koch oh
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  • 298 12 Lawn Tennis. Tbe S.C.C. Lawn Tennis Tournnriurt in connection with the Singapore Cricket Club bcgina to morrow, the 7th inst., with the following ties m the preliminary rounds, of the Profession Pairs. Police (irilfin and Macleod v. Accounts I'liunuiiT ami liateman. Kngrs. »««<l« and Hnmlprson v. Press 1
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  • 175 12 Programme cl drills, etc., for week ending Friday. lane <*. 1917. Wkunbsday, Jim b. 4.30 p.m. Halestier Range S.K.E. V.) 5.10 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.R. and M.C.S. 6.15 p.m. Veterans Co. •■'kii>a>. Jim 8. 5.1 5 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Recruits. 4.30 p.m. Johnston's Pier S.R.E.(V.) 6.15
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  • 175 12 It-t ruiation reaching the New York Mono from confidential sources seems to establish the fact that the German commer ciat submarine Bremen, sister ship of the Ixatacbland, wax lost in her first attempt to ■sake an American port. Scores of conflict Bag reports about her have been
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  • 153 12 The report of the Sooth Perak Rubber Syndicate Limited, states that the crop of rubber ln»r\ st< il during the year amounted to 18 -j II Ibf agaiDNt an estimate of 30,000 lbs. Tin average grom price realised, including tMtiuiatf for the balance of crop ucsold. wan
    153 words
  • 366 12 Distribution of I 7' 2 Per Cent. For The Year. The report of tbe Sbelford Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the yield of dry rubber from tbe Slielford estate amounted to 161.482 lon against an estimate of 170,000 lbs. This compared with a yield of 167,7761 lbs. for
    366 words
  • 420 12 The following new books will be ready for issue on Thursday: Askew, Alice and Claude. The Paignton Honour S ***** Benson, B. K.. The Freaks of Mayfair S ***** Benson, Stella, This Is the End.. S ***** Beresford. J. U.. House Mates S ***** Blackwood. Algernon. Day and
    The Times  -  420 words
  • 110 12 Nothing can excuse the torpedoing of a hospital ship," says the International Red Cross Committee at Geneva in protest to the German Government against the torpedoing of the Asturias and other British hospital ships. The committee drawn the very serious attention of the German (iovernnient to
    110 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 337 12 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! TbuJwh fagar t— 4 Turn Past tin o— r fBCOND SHOW, AT 9.80 Sharp. fin Unusual Red Feather Production: The War OF THE TONGS 8 PARTS. 8 PARTS. Thrilling and sensational drama or" life am n ng the warring Chinese Tongs Enacted oy the Imperial Chinese Players. The
      337 words
    • 231 12 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNED CINEMA SHOW Saturday, June 9, RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY ANO CONFECTIONERY The beat in town Upcountry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered at privnte tpoHpticpp d^ily RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and cars on hire. Ring: Telephone
      231 words

  • 4558 13 The following casualties are reported London, April 22. Killed. -2nd Lieut. F. W. Alexander, Highland L.1. 2nd Lieut. C. W. Andrews, West Yorkshires Lieut, li. 11. Buckley, Shropshire L.I Brigadier General C. B. Bulkley lohnnon 2nd Lieot. S. H. Carter, Lancaslurt Fu*ilier» Lieut. A. K. Chaplin, Yeomanry 2nd
    4,558 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 242 13 FRESH PURE CREAMERY BUTTER always obtainable. The whole of the Dairying industry of Australia is under strict Government inspection and all Fresh Butter imported by us is certified as Ist grade by Australian Government Certificate. SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Strait* Settlements) PI FURNITURE fo h r o^
      242 words

  • 1151 14 CHANGING WEAPONS OF THE FIGHTING OFFICER. Discarded Sword. There was onoe a time, not bo very long aeo, nays a writer in a home paper, when an officer could be distinguished from his men even in the tougheht battle*. This was by reason of his
    1,151 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 263 14 New Perfumes AND Toilet Goods AT %V HI H'^rVrßf t v Kimi^flfi^Hl U v f -JEW 1 U «^H CROWN S HIGHLY PERFUMED WHITE POSE CROWNS PERFUME SxquiMt- iv p- i A bottles in a box. f' z bottl Plfnr n( l JenneMP -imilar»,,.l Uorte P"''™ e fanc J bottlB
      263 words
    • 97 14 SHEBIH BROTHERS Dentists No. 25, South Orlged Road FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES First-elaBS MaghanicM Dentistry, Jold Crown Bridoie Killicw and VoloMite Doratioa of Waar Kua»aotoed, OHAROBB MODBRATH Best Tooth Powdtn and Brnabea toi sale OILDAG Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Garages Full particulars from DUPIRE BROS. SOLE
      97 words
    • 11 14 We Solicit mr( Comparison ftmrn Guarantee us&h[ Satisfaction. U Framroz Co.
      11 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 859 15 Wai or Pzaoi. Famine or Plenty, Lit* Insurance ib worth 100 cents on the dollar. THE GREAT EASTERNUfIaSSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ilneoareearas m Bnam Semanna) OFVIOB i WlN«h*w«e>P Heeie, Sin— P»>* LONDON OVKIOI i SB, Old Jiwry, B.C Tbe Compaey has «*O.OOO depeeJted with tbe Boj»eme Ooort el Betfaaul, tad complies
      859 words
    • 317 15 BMKWa. THE HO HONG BMW, LIMITED HeaC Office ll*t*per*. «am*« Ckeartert, t ■raeche* Malacca, 111, First Creu Itreet, ■uar, 77/71, Jala* SaMaaa. CAPITAL Registered M,M0,000 leeoed »4,000,0e» SobeoHbed •8,500,000 BOARD OF DIRBCTORS: Urn Pent •■•■<, EH-, CNelnaa*. The lee. Dr. Ua leee Tea eaeag Leek, E*a. Keaf. i leb tee
      317 words
    • 487 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incobpobatid im Honokonq) PAID-UP CAPITAL *****0,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling £1, 600,000 at 2/ 111,*****0 Silver 118,600^00 188,*****0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 111,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. S. H. Dodwell. Bsq., Chairman. J. A. Plommer, Esq., Depot; Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton- 1 0. S.
      487 words
    • 498 15 BAWCim. IMARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INOOBPORATBD IN BNUL.AND BT ROYAL CHARTBR Paid ap Capital is 60,000 Hharea of 410 MGh as •■•■>•■ 41,100,00 taerreFud... 41,900,00 Beaerve Liability of Proprietors. 41.100.00 BINKHRH The BiMk of Ba K laad, The Loadoa Ci»v mi MdUaU Buk, Ltd., The Coonf
      498 words
    • 931 15 INSURANCE. THE ORIENTAL GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorfobatkd in India) invite applications from Experienced Chinese Agents with influential connections la Singapore Liberal terms will be offered to bona fide applicants who can undertake to introduce substantial amount of good Life business. Low Rates of Premium. Immediate cover. Apply
      931 words

  • 589 16 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Rubber and the Rhine-land. At tbe recent meeting of tho Scottish A.C. it was made evident that, as of course only was to be expected, its preoccupation and activities throughout the year have centred in war work. In this fold it
    589 words
  • 205 16 Reassuring Trade Statement Issued, Tbe following announcement has been issued from Leicester by tbe Presidents of the Federated Associations of Boot and Shoe Manufacturers and of the National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives Our attention has been drawn to alarmist reports which have appeared recently
    205 words
  • 200 16 The report of the Dosun Durian Rubber Bstate, Limited, states that tbe crop of rubber harvested for tbe year amounted to 782,271 lbs., as compared with an estimate of 5-20,000 lbs. The cost of production f.o.b. Port Swettenbam works ont at 8.54 d. per lb. After adding
    200 words
  • 42 16 The National Lifeboat Institution is fitting oat its boats with a new life belt, which fito around the neck, and causes tbe wearer to lie on his back in ouch a position that tae mouth is kept wt.ll out of tUt water.
    42 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 188 16 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES jk XX USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY AND OTHER GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. I THE ROM THREE-RIBBED TREAD TYRE. THIS iH the Kina" amnnKSt tyres for Colonial nsers. The substantial ribs provide tbe tyre with tbe finest rubber non skidding propensities possible and thu remit is
      188 words
    • 160 16 Are You Satisfied That you are getting the value per mile out of youi Motor Tyres that you would do if you used Q DUNLOPS P Jtl^sl 1 If not, then give them a trial when P^^ noxt renewing. f* iM mL and are confident M A M that in
      160 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1202 17 A^& B. MACKAY'S O THE ORIGINAL LIQUEUR WHISKY. As supplied to both Houses 3f y^OTM, Parliament > OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS ■^^ila^f Agents fWgU ADAMSON, GILFILLAN i AND COMPANY. LIMITED l|| t (Incorporated in England) Siufedpore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT BXPERIKNCBD COMPOSITORS WANTED (or the Straits Timee (news
      1,202 words
    • 492 17 HOUSEB TO LET TO LBT, Dnnrobin. Barker Road. Im mediato entry Apply Lee Cheng Van Co. 1 7— n FURNISHED SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LBT Belinda and Jnanita. to let furnished. Apply No. 8, Mt. Sophia. IB— a FURNISHED SEASIDE RKSIDSNCKS Bensoline, Belmoant, and late Chinese Swimming Clob. Apply H. Somapah.
      492 words
    • 242 17 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 4109, Market Street. Phone same No. 421 Sols /gknts. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited Fncorpor.t.d In ■■(land) Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Colours of ROSEWOOD, Oak and Mahotanj at REASONABLE PRICES. G. HUMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3 a, Orchard Road,
      242 words
    • 400 17 BUY THESE BEFORE THE PRICES GO UP HIGHER. Mild Steal Angles: U z lj z I/*" 80/38 feet. 1\ H 1/4 Sf/HA It 1] 1/4 bO/86 2 SI 1/4 80/86 •i I 6/16 8 86 •2\ H 6/16 S0l»6 Si 84 6/16 80/86 :t| HJ 8/8 80/8 A Flat Crown
      400 words
    • 483 17 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICE.! 53 and eeatep Motor Cars for hire:. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Garage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 216 a 218, Orchard Road (Next to Wcarne Itro-i., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS Ab requests to make alterations in advertisements, sacli as ciianges ie sailing dates of steamers, often
      483 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 322 17 Straits Wimes. Temporary Telephone i 58 All communications relating to editoria' matters and newH should bo audrcssud tc THE EDITOR. All communications relating I to business matters advtrti.somonl^, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc. should bo addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellanc ouh wants of every dencription ar: inHorted in the
      322 words