The Straits Times, 1 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 25,430 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JUNE i. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 208 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price now $16.90 per ca*e NOTICE. With reference to the advertisement of the sale of "HOLLY BRAND" MILK appearing in the Singapore Free Press over the name of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. Coy., and stating such milk to be as supplied by Joseph Travers Sons, Ltd. (London),
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    • 133 1 ROBINSON CO. Jt«^ \J RNITURE Manufactured in high-class styles. Reproductions of antique Jacobean types in shade of old oak, inexpensive and effective. Complete Furnishing for Bungalows. PURE RYE FLOUR I SKTs^SS f?"ll iMutifully Designed Different Shades. 5 For making Brown Bread. stock sizes 8 ft. by 1 k Jt. each
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    • 7 1 GOODWILL 1 IU i Z 09 TYRES
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  • 1059 2 REMINISCENCES OF A LITERARY LIFE. Anecdotes of Authors. Itiiiiniiiwnceß of a Literary Lite," by i" ml s laacFailaca i introduction by John t T.utornall), published by John Murray Ma <.'o., at 10s. Sd. uct. is treasure trove. author, who know Keata and Shelley, mi many other*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 Cockle's ANTI BILIOUS Pills The greatest of all old-fashioned remedies now in use. Hzs outlived all others becaure it really cures Biliousness and Digestive ills. Tr> Cockle's Pill* next time. Buy bo\ to-day and have them handy. m ih i ii. k ut tli( World. I im I i r/»|
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    • 306 2 CO £!L,! AR New Models 1917 Just Arrived 38, North Canal Road. ,^3i3'''-,jiugw""" iP^y^^SffTj y^^i 2-5-18 4s tf^st^^ *M^^iH^JTtf^ lwlMaS lß» The Finest Li&ht /J^^M^^M^^^^S^^S^f A Popular-Priced genuine Motor 119 Car built on High-grade Lines. ll DETACHABLE RIMS jftHL SPARE RIM fflmSShk SELF STARTER SPEEDOMETER jjfi iHTaB FOOT ACCELERATOR VALVE-IN-HEAO
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  • 959 3 EFFECT OF FLUCTUATION IN THE VALUE OF SILVER. Currency Question Improving. Presiding, on April 18, at tbe annual femtal inciting of the Mercantile liank of ndia, Leld at Winchester House. 8.C., tie chairman (Mr. R. J. Black), in movirg tbe adcji: bl l tbe n]'i{. aaid
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  • 162 3 i The following story appears in the Pariah Mufcazine of St. Bartholomew tht Great. City: I'riTate Jones was a lonely soldier interned in GernjaDy. lit was very Ijucury.l and bad no friendx to send liim pared- He i tr.ok liid laitb in both Lands, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 326 3 Beyond disputr, the present war is th* greatest engineering roampatition ever devised. SUNBEAM j prednrtions have always arhirved distinction in ceeapeaitions. To-day Senbaaas cars and SUNBEAM-COATALEN AIRCRAFT ENGINES Lg»j are SSBBaVaI in playing their parts in wellnikh every theatre in which the Alliue' arm> are en^agrd, ond ar« winning irr-nlrr
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    • 532 3 THE MIRROR SHOWS PLAINER THAN WCRDB WHAT A WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT MAY BE REALISED BY A GAIN OP EVEN IO OR 12 I OUNDB. ''b Ptrrrply nnn' ml every man and wrman reider of tbis pspf r wbo is thin, palt v rnk cr idd dowr, rr tin has test bis
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    • 321 3 Economy in Shaving. In these careful times wastefulness is out of fashion. Men ar» watching the sm :ll Iml I the little .lriSuli-v.: expc-ir. money and saving time -which is true economy by shavinsj t!irmso'\es. Thousand's aM adopting the halut of sliaving with the f ~^w*- 4.l**- tCr f ly
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 447 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP rCO., LTD (Incobpobatbd im Japan EUROPEAN LINE A aerviee is maintained between Yokohama, via ports and London under mail oontract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twia-aerew Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 637 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AND Mpcar Line. (CoaFANias Incobpobatbd im England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contraot witn Hli Majesty a Qovenuaent) for Ohina, Japan, Psnang, Gaylon, Auitmht, India, Aden, Kftypt, M«dit*ri>ansan Port* and London. NAIL LINES. UoaßWAao iroß Eobopb) Odtwabj> (fob Cbina) INTERMEDIATE
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    • 664 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporatbb im Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tnngmnu, Bisot, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupia, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Band on, Langsuec Cbumpon, Kohlak a Bangkok. Ova Departure S® o Jun June 6, 3 p.m. 5Ssr i 11 i: :]l k= The
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    • 593 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SCRVIGI Of THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. (Incukpobatbo in Knulano) THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Ihoobpobatbd im Enolamd) BBTWBBN FF«mantl« iParth Morth-W M Australian Port,, j lvt ■nd Imgipo^. Regular sailings between Singapore aad Weslern Australia calling at Javi (as im duoemen* offers), Derbj,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 380 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. WAKA SHOSbN KAISHA wwwhiiia steam h» (Incorporatid in England) ilnc >rp« »_«tid in Japan) Dl**ot S«pvio« to Japan via Hong' (flute M-reanM. tttam.hip Co., lU.) ko|l- A shaß-hlUi Bnd to Oaloutt. KOB -BOMBAY LINE. p. n n g. from smg.po^. Fhc taW m-Dtain, m+o car* T ki <~*>
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    • 454 5 AUCTION SALE Of PAWNBROKERS' UNRBDEBMED PLEDQBS, At Oar Sale room No. 8, Raffles Place, On Tuisday, Jink 6, at 10 A.M. Oh Thursday, Junk 7, at 10 a.m. Comprising jewellery of every description including gold and silver krosangs set with diamonds and brilliants, gold watches and chairs, gold bangles, rings
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    • 300 5 AUCTION BALE Of UNREDEEMED PLBOOES THE PROPERTY OF SEVENTEEN PAWNSHOPS At Messrs. CbingKeng Loe* Co.'s Sale room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Oh Saturday, Jlkk 2, 1017, at 10 a.m. On Wbdnksdat, Juni 0, at 10 a.m. On Friday, JoniJB, at 10 a.m. Oh Saturday, Junk 9, at 10 a.m. The
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    • 395 5 ti Z. ISMAIL (WVEuy RA||EEM Manufacturing Jewel sBands lers Diamond Mer*«^x. chants, and Dealers in ,^r; (No connection 'No middlemen or /j^^P^^ with any other canvaiier NT Jewellorjf Oealer). employed). yfl-^ •-^'■a Have just received a r ?*^i i» ew consignment of JEWELLERY AND WATCHES, *n well finished and suit-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 536 6 SONGS for Standard, Concert and Teaching, and Christy's Minstrels. PIANOFORTE PioecH and I>aetn, a good varioty by eminent English composers. PIANOFORTE ALBUMS ot Marches by Soar.a Patey and Willis's, Kitchener and Kaden v owi II March Albums, etc. PIANOFORTE Walt/w imuiieal comedico, eta.) Ono and two Fteps. VIOLIN A PIANOFORTE
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    • 260 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE SINGAPORE MARINE INBURANCE AGENTS ASSOCIATION Tbe offices of members of tbe above Associations will be closed for the transaction of business on Monday, Jane 4, 1917. By Order, GATTEY k rUTEMAN, Secretaries. 16—2 0 NOTICE. Tbe partnership business ouried on by Mr. Otto
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    • 878 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTKU, tor aooountont's office, Penang, flrst-olam aoconntant, Chinese or Eurasian. None but good men need apply. Write stating terms nqnirt d. Barker A Co., Penang. 1-6—76 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of TWENTY B*L»?S GUNNIES EACH 400 PIECES (SLIGHTLY SBA DAMAGED) To be held at the Sale-room of the Commercial
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    • 454 6 Triomphe' Sardinse IN Oil* (JAT TOMATO) Packed in 1 lb. and Jib. white tinsu witb brass labels as abovo. Easily opened by keys attached. BUY "TRIOMPHE" SARDINES YOU WILL LIKE THEM. Becase they represent the highest quality in Sardines, being packed in pure olive oil and in tomato. These Sardines
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  • 96 7 FIXTURES. Friday, June I. »i«h Water 6.6 A am., 7.21 p.m Singapore Art Cl'-.'o Hxbibition. Saturday, June 2. High Water 8 5 a.m., 8.6 p.m. iunday, June 3. b s a m B.*' p.ta Tbe King's Birthday (1865). Monday, June 4. <*«lta Wst<» 9 51 a ra..
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  • 248 7 To-DAT P. Swettenbam and Telak Anson 2.80 pm Penang and Calcutta taking mails for Durban 2.80 pm Medsn 2.80 pm Sarawak and Ooebilt 2.80 pm Merging, Kemaman and Trengganu 2.80 pm Malacca and Muar 8 pm Batavia, Samarang aad Sonrabaya nm Sungei Liat and Billiton 4 pm
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  • 427 7 TU« mart trams from Singapore lor th aonfa leari Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m and 7 ppi 3.. i 3. arriving at Kuala Lampur a' M" p.m. and 8.45 a.m. respectively. Tv tonxigb express to Penang leaves Kaala Lojpor at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penaou
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  • 106 7 PRODUCE Simaafou, Jim 1, 1817 Gambiet 14 60 do (Cube No. 1) oapioked 'i*.oo Copra Sundried 0.80 do Mixed 640 Pepper, Black 8i.60 do White Sarawak £9.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.70 do Brunei No. 1 2.M Pearl Sago 800 Tapioca, small flake 10.00 do small pea* l
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    • 171 7 Bay*. Sellew. 10 10 Amp&ng 5.7S 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wenß 1.25 1.60 10 10 Kaoaboi 1.2 i 1.40 10 10 Kioto Association 9.25 9.50 41 41 KintaTin 1.10.0 1.17.8 41 41 Laliat Mines 4.00 600 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.00 12.60 41 41 Malayan Tim 1.15.0 1.17.6 norn
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    • 121 7 VXI Bn erB S6Uew -41 41 Bmeltias Co. 7.86 7.76 41 41 Piol. 1.8.6 1.c.0 6/- B/- Bleotvio T'wmya 4/- 5/--10 10 Franc* Neave 43.C0 45.00 60 60 W. Hammer h Co. 85.00 08.00 100 Howarth Erekine 58.00 65.00 100 7%Prd. 100.00 100 100 Kati Bro, Del. par 120.00
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    • 49 7 United Engineers 8% 11,284,500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £860,000 norn S'pore Municipal 6% •1,878,000 par spore Municipal 4 f of 1907 •1,600,000 U%dis Spore Municipal 4 of 1906 11,000,000 10%dit Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 16% dii Spore Municipal 4% £800,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1918 116,000,000 90.50 lOO.OCexintorest
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  • 308 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To day's Prices. < Kcaset Lyall Co. Lvatt. Mor Gaj*h (91) 4.0 D 4.20 4.00 4.10 \mal. Malay (2) 0 .80 0.50pm 0.80 0.40 \yer Hitam (»5) 14 25 15.C0 14.00 15.00 !Uer Kuniog (»1) ISO 1.40
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 569 7 LATE8T ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED immediately by Eoropcen Prodace firm a opab'e CbioeKO cl«rk. Man*. lbs experienced tjpist. Apply Box No 2 0 Strait! Tim<» 16-76 WANTED a tappirg conductor far a tubber rotatu in S ngapore Copies of ttsti moaials to S c/o Straits TimeB. 1-8 6 A AUCTION SALE At
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    • 492 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for "FERODO" (Patent) Brake Clutch Linings. For Railways, Tramways, Cranes, Winches, Motor Cars, etc., etc. As supplied to the Underground Railways of London and Paris, etc. FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. VISITS TO JAVA. GRAND HOTEL JAVA BATAVIA. Cable Address
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    • 108 7 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT I J k^^ AT THE yiIPCLAI: lIXKM. Hu[- I '^■■■B^SJHSVB Tsnjont P»t»r Roid Trams Past l"h~i» Door SECOND SHOW, AT B^o SLarp The Patriotic Serial Glorious 4 NEW PARTS LIBERTY 4 NEW PARTS Episode IB— THE FLAG OF TRUCE. Episode 16 -IN THE TORTURE CHAMBER. 3 Part-.
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  • 38 8 Bai -jkhrtkn —On May 81. at tbe Oenercl Hoopittal, Sincere, Elizi Maria Baum garten, aged 70 years. Daughter of tbe late Christian Banmgarten. late Registrar of the Supreme Court. Singapore. Funeral to-day at S p.m. at Bidadari.
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  • 1076 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, JUNE 1. THE PAUSE. The great Italian offensive Lax bad tbe stage to itself. It appears to have been marvellously success* al and it bag revealed very effective combined action between tbe naval forces, supplied by Britain, and the military forces, helped by some British beaty
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  • 22 8 A mail from Ruiopo is expected by train 10-im rrov. ni'irrjio^ i-jrriHj)iu>iuuoe will uu it a ly for ialfottf about 10 o'clock.
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  • 32 8 Germany* food dici>. or Bayn ttie ro«p. a ■Hibili-.y tiic Bb'>rt foot] cr.i[>j las tbat Lciiutry falls np-j-i Hrn l. hl. Maaatag u>'.ui mlv,) ha* beoa dimtulvcd »aju tb. .VlacoD Telrgrapb.
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  • 11 8 Tbo mapping of South Perak and tbe Dindings bag been completed.
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  • 18 8 Pink disease was found in cl< yen estates in North Perak and one in Scutb Perak during 1916.
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  • 30 8 For jumping from one carriage to another while travelling on tbo railway and thus endangering his own safety a Chinese was fined 110 in tbe 3rd police court this morning
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  • 29 8 Tbe roller skating practice at Raffles Hotel last evening was most successful there being a capital attendance of skaters and others. Tbe rinking proper commences to-morrow at 9.80 p.m.
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  • 42 8 Tbe trial of Chan Swee Ng, a Macau, at the Assizos, on a charge of usin as genuine a forged document, ended in tht acquittal of the accused, the jury returning a unanimous verdict of not guilty. Mr. C. E. SmithMarriott defended.
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  • 55 8 A sale of work by Mrs. Oallinagh and Mrs. Gleodiuning, of Johore, will be held at the Tanglin Club, Singapore on June 8. In the evening, commencing at 9.15, there will be a Cafe Ctiantant and auction, aUo at the Tanglin Club. Tbe proceeds are to be devoted to tbe
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  • 53 8 In their produce report, dated yesterday, Monsrs. Barlow and Co. state There is no improvement to report, the copra market, after remaining quietly steady for the greater part of the week values further declined. Today's quotations may be given as 37.10 for fine sundried and Sti.6o to t6.80 for fair
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  • 58 8 The June list for the Supreme Court has been revised, and tbe bearing of the rating appeal of Messrs. Joha Little and Co., Ltd., has been postponed to July '6. Included in the present list is a suit in the matter of the trust of the will of Syed Ahmed
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  • 57 8 Banks of I'uited States are in a position of strength today never before approximated in their history. Resources of Federal re—rye system are greater than those of all tbe chief belligerents combined, bince the beginning of ttie war tbe United States has added »35,000, l 00,000 a year to its
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  • 59 8 In accordance with the Enemy Tradicg Act in Japan all tbe German nrn.s in Yoko hama were cloned on Monday, May 14. Firms wishing to do business are required to obtain permits from tbe Minister of Agriculture and Commerce. Those who have dealings with Germans in connection with house rent
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  • 78 8 It is reported from Belgium, via Amster dam, that piles of coal covering scores of acres are being heaped up around the collieries at Charleroi, Liege, and Mous, where nearly 50 000 Belgians are working in nigbt and day shifts. Although there is a great shortage of coal at places
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  • 73 8 The police of Penang and lpoh are jointly investigating into the loss, which occurrtd at either of these places or in the mail train from Penang, on Saturday, of an insured packet which arrived by the last mail from tiome addressed to Messrs. Pritcbard and Co., lpoh. The packet is
    The Times  -  73 words
  • 66 8 The IJ.ironess de Coninck, daughter of M. Paul Verliuden. thu Belgian buiy imastcr, who was receutly uuntencud by the Germans to a year's imprisonment, has now herself ijctn triei and sentenced to a month's iv priaonment. Her ctTmcc was that of retorting '.:> i.o insolent German officer who said shu
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  • 71 8 Under a cew De-fence of the Realm Regulation the Admiralty or tbe Shipping Controller may, with tue concurrence of the Kmrl tl Trade, givo directions tbat any V'.\-t«.l shall at once be aud continue to be r.iiippei) with socii appr.ratui as may b<i spccitiel in the directions for aMWiafl the
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  • 79 8 The British push towards Jerusalem may cause uneasiness in unexpected q jarterß, for there are no fewer than tivo cUiuiantK to the kingship of tho city. Besides tho Sultan of Turkey, who at present beAU posieshiou, tbe I'ope, the Emperor of Au.-tna, the King cf Spain, and ex King M
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  • 92 8 Following tbe resignation of tbe Chinese MinUtura of the N*vy, of Justice and of Agriculture nod Commerce, Dr. Wu TingfaDg is reported to have tendered his refiign tion to ;ho Government. The report n:iyt( that Dr. Wu went to tho President's Office and theCabinoton May 12 and he sent in
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  • 125 8 Wanted by tbe insular authorities about (lie tiono he took French K-dvo of tsM, BtowiDg aw*y on the Ln.,m which Ml .Vanilu on March 15, Cap', tim C. rsMim. at cae time commanding thu u.ynctry ship Mane of wide fame in tli. Me, preventM from contiuuing his '-tuli v
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  • 432 8 Owing to ill health. H.II. tbo Sultan of Pabang is spending bis time at the Host House at Kuala Pahang. Mr. E. W. Willett, of Messrs. Allon and Gltdhill, and Mr. T. C. Hay, of Messrs. Huttenbach and Co., have recently left for homo to jjin up.
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  • 31 8 A Poor Straits Chinese, M&lacoa," sends us 12 for the abovo fund, and we have forwarded the same to the local bon. treasurer of the fund.
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  • 35 8 We very gratefully acknowledge from C. L. B. to ourfund for assisting thu Uverseao Club to provide smikes for our soldiers and sailors. The total wo have received is now $9,015.57.
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  • 36 8 Mr. J. D. Saumlers desires to thank the friends whose contributions enabled him to bo tbe medium through which a of M cants of pine-apples was presented to LmliUiy details who rtcently left Singapore.
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  • 35 8 Tho Editor of tho Straits Times begs to acknowledge tho following addition to the Union Jack Club Fund Already acknowledged }19,21:1'.1a Mr. Frank K Lease, Sapcng Estate, Ttnom, B.N. Borneo. 50 J19.293.13
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  • 38 8 The following donations bavo boen received by Mr. A. W. Vick at the Chartered Bank Already acknowledged 1972.60 O. U. W. 0 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Uaddon 10 ♦087.60 J. A. B. Cook, Hon. Secretary.
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  • 155 8 We regret to Ituru that information hap. bun received at Kuala Lumpur from the Secretary of Mali (or the Mmlm tliut Litut.Col. K. H, f. Walker, C.M.Ci., is dead Dece.aHid wan bora in 18. .0, and after Msssag through the K;<yal Military Collagi hunt,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 138 8 "EMBASSY" No. 77. y&~,'' No. 77. kt It c icarett£.s I I CIGARETTES MIXTURE. I JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Jmorporatkd in BnolaM') i Singapore Kuala Lumpur. I Military Outfitters 1 Regulation Khaki Flannel Shirts $4.50 S3 Officers' Swords with Sam Brown and A[ Nickel Scabbard complete $57.50 3 Office-s" K.
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  • 1851 9 PAUSE IN THE WEST. Aircraft Continue Active. SAMPLES OF BRITISH DARING. IlKUlHl's TfLI-..1. <MB. London, May -<0, \>:>-, p.m "arshal 11 1% say: '1 here is nothing of interest to r London. Miy 31. 2 45 p.m. r nil Marshal Haig repcrta We drove efT raiders south of
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  • 21 9 Rkltfk's Tklkuram. London, May 31, 1.15 p.m. Amsterdam: The death is anniunc-d of tbe famon Polish singer Elouard de Reszkn.
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  • 657 9 Committee Appointed with Wide Powers. Rfgalations for tbe control of food in i the Straits Settlements have been made by the Governor and were published in a Government Gazette Extraordinary issued last evening. They are somewhat similar to i those in force at home when the food
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  • 235 9 A new bind of local amateur entertainers is to make its bow shortly. This is the Blighties, a pi-rrot concert party of sixteen ladies and geutli urn organised with the coiuuit-n table objtct of providing entertainment tat IBM soldiers of tbe garrison. They are to appear at Tanglin
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  • 80 9 Messrs. Cunningham, Ci irk and Co., IVnany, advise that tlio undermentioned prices were realised for r lbb.r Hold by them by auction and private tender on May 30. Diamond gmakod sheet 1 I'lain Kfuuknd sheet Diamond uoimoked sheet I'lain unatuukod sljtet B »rk crepe Ul.inket crepo In
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  • 73 9 The Chinese Christian* of Shanghai, >ruur pupils an I o'lu.r frit uiN <l Dr. M. W. I' irnbttn. wbo fa is n itarly ninety years cf i I. 1 to n'irely th> \r n ri; >■ 1 L-litirrti on tl.fl Kit.) of hi" olil A fchort time ago tbuy honoured
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  • 1172 9 ORDINANCE RESTRICTING RENT RAISING. Government Taking Action. A Government Gazette Extraordinary was issued last evening containing the draft of a bill, about to be introduced into the Legislative Council, with the object of restricting, in connection with the present war, the increase of rent of small dwelling
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  • 330 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s WeeklyCircular. In tbeir Singapore share circular, dated May 30, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state Our market continues very steady tbe volume of business passing is confined to local rubbers almost entirely. There have been a few deals in sterling shares and certain sections
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  • 415 9 Question of the Reduction Of Capital. The report of the directors to be submit ted to tbe eleventh ordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held at the registered office of the company, 1, Embankment, Kuala Luiupur. on Saturday, states The directors beg to submit the dulyaudited
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  • 86 9 To-day's Business. Sanndeni and Macpliiul'H Daily Report inchaoged 33. II ngkony iincliaoiii-,1 'I I, 12,' pm.) Slihu.jl i. ii.i, n,mt:d»/»i (60,;.J Tin Hal* 10U tans at 111-t Kuoo-r. -Tl'.t auction cmtinu- d t.» y with a \o.-j'h prices %\f>% b. inn aijnin the |op Sli irn vinrl;.
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  • 25 9 Cm.' ir W. .1. Gilpin iod Captain 11. L. i- I; Honijk'-ny. have b. n i,nviut< <i metir" ui«jjr- wbil* in coinuiitnd of Siege Batten.-.
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  • 2104 10 4 BO2NEO DISTRICT OFFICER'S r DIARY. The Resthouse at Last, ii Von reach your goal at last in noae too good a temper and are greeted by the Headman of the house with a beaming smile, who extends in salutation a grimy band as often as
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  • 259 10 Tiie Love Girl, a five reel Blue Bird production of the best kind, is include! in tbe Harim i Hall's bill f it this evening. A sensational dramatic feature, The Iron Hand, with H ibart B jswor-.h in tbe leading role is the chief feature in the
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  • 112 10 What Cheek A lutlc htury of a I'boat commander's audacity is tuld by tbe NVw I', pys in bin diary iv a rect nt issue of Truth. A friend, he records, told him of a luost strange t.iiug of a German underwater boat, lately t.iirn in tlit ihaom 11, which
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  • Correspondence.
    • 156 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Several weeks have elapsed since I bad tbe opportunity of looking over the ground and building so kindly provided for the men of the services by tbe Singapore Harbour Board on returning here after a tew weeks absence, I
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    • 90 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I see from my calendar tbat June 1, is tbe feast of Saint Nicomede. I have looked for this ecclesiastic in both Webster and Chambers and can find no trace of him. I shall be glad if you will kindly
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  • 678 10 The Committee recently appointed to consider tbe formation of a Choral Society for Singapore, has drawn up the following rales, which it is proposed to place before tbe Society at its first meeting 1. Tbe Society shall be called "Tbe Singapore Choral S >ciety.' 2. The Society
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  • 974 10 Annual Exhibition of Paintings And Other Work. Tbe annual exhibition of pictures under the auspices of the Singapore Art Club was opened in tbe rooms of the V. M.C.A. yester day afternoon, and continues during to day. In tbe absence of Lady Evelyn Young, who is tbe
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  • 123 10 At a meeting of the Executive Com raittee of the Kuala Lumpur Pete Committee held on Tuesday evening it was decided, in view of recent criticism (a) To abandon August 6 as the date of tbe proposed fete, (b) To circularise tbe General and Sub-Corn mitteer to
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  • 1091 10 When the Pilgrims in Khaki Return to England. There was a good man once who lived in one of the States bordering tbe Great Lakes. He lived in an atmosphere of sbotes and hominy, and in bis youth he used to 101 l aeainst the verandah post
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  • 111 10 Writing under yesterday's date M-ssrs. Barlow and Co. state For tbia week's auction tbe total catalog ie 1 amounted to 800 .oos. There was a fair demand for m«t grades with prices showing Tory* change from those of last week. Th,- MdaMl pnoe paid was HC>2
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 1 10
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    • 69 10 The Swimming Club launches leave at follow Sunday, JfSK 3. Johnston's Pier 8, 9 and 10 a.m., 2.30 and 8 .30 p.m. Club Bungalow 8.30 and 9.30 a.m., 13.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. Tide 9.8 a.m., height 7 ft. 4 in*. Mommy, Junk 4. Johnstons Pier 9, 10 and
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    • 80 10 Following were the results of yesterday's play in the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club tournament Lawks' Double* (Final). Mrs. Van de Sande Bakbuyzen and Mr». Griffiths Ber. beat Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens rec. 2, 6 3, T s. Mixki) Doohlks, A Class, Mrs. Hjlden and Sir John
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  • 241 10 The other afternoon Dr. Kllis Powell addressed a gathering of the Society of Pitman's Certificated Teachers of Shorthand, atCaxton Hall, on Shorthand as a Business Auxiliary." The speaker sketched tbe rise of shorthand into its present conspicuous utility, and demonstrated, with special reference to the
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  • 163 10 With reference to an Australian critic's statement that Australians "know something about horses," it in a fact that even in Australian cities every little school boy takes a deep interest in horse racing, and is well up in tbe history of different favourites. An amusing little anecdote
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  • 135 10 A reporter of tbe Times of Malaya had a brief interview on Wednesday with Mr. Teh Lay Sung, a member of tbe Kinta Sanitary Board, and a well known miner, on the suggestion recently made that the OtlMMsi should enforce an extra tax on tin whenever
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  • 78 10 Lea I)*rcy, tbo Australian middleweight boxer, wliom Governor Wluuu in barn J from boxiog ia New V irk Slate bi-caust he Maid, I'urcy was a slacker iviiiu^ Australian military hitvic haH nignini'd ihh intention tv btcoiuu an aviator iv the American army. He received bin first citiz-uship papers fruui tbo
    78 words

  • 340 11 Capital and Labour in Co-optra-tion. Mr. John Hodge, MR, Minister ol Labi ur, sp»*king as tbe guest of the Rotary Club of London, said that when peace was declared the war would have to be paid for, and the only way of paying for it was by
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  • 685 11 Japanese and American Yarns In Hongkong. .lapanc h< cotton mills not only arc com mcnciDK tv dominate tlit Far Kii>ti id luaiUct fur ordinary counts of cotton yarn, but daring tbt past year Lave developed a trade in tinecount yarns tliat ban cut into and almost I th,
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  • 0 11
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  • 668 11 Its Excellent Effect on The Nation. A military correspondent to The Times writes One of the great advantages which the nation may expect to derive from tbe tumult of war is a better disciplined people, with its manhood physically trained in a great school. As a nation
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  • 255 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending. Friday. June 8. 1917. Saturday, Ji ■>► 2 2.30 p.m. Johnston's I'ier S. V. A. Section 1 and 2. J. 45 p.m. Drill Hall (with Transport.) 3.15 p.m. Panir r\ir jiny an-1 >V K Reformatory Koad I Junction (without).' Tot-suAY,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 418 11 i"""""""»^"" BLINDED SAILORS AND SOLDIERS' FUND SALE OF WORK CAFE CHANTANT _^i^Bj^^**v T THE JEHN TANGLIN CLUB "^fll liV \am Friday, June 8 3WPr£ 2/Z^3| SALE OF! WORK, 5-7 P.M. 0 pHilM«Ur.VoK^' I 1I*O«I3S.ON FREE TO »U. 1 CAFEZCHANTANT, 9.30 P.M. jTickets U each. Q A SK us for list
      418 words
    • 216 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, June 2, 1 91 7 SPECIAL DINNER Starting at 7.30. Skating Dancing after Dinner. Skating from 9.30 to 10.45. Dancing from 1 1 to 12. Skates free for Diners. 5O cts. per pair for Non-Diners. APELPHI HOTEL" Saturday, June 2, DURING AND AFTER DINNER in the East
      216 words

  • 693 12 poor quality of tbe freshly imported Tamil coolies, many of whom bad to be repatriated to India at considerable cost to the company. As the result of representations to tbe authorities additional medical inspection is now being arranged for, and it is hoped that tbe class of coolie
    693 words
  • 253 12 The report of the Escot Kubber Estates, 'iitnited, states that the rubber crop harvest ed for the season amnuuted to 209.511 lbs., landed weight, against M estimate of 180,000 lbs. The average gross price realised was 2s. 6.78 d. per lb as compared with 2s. 6.04 d. per
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  • 236 12 The report of the Ojapoera (Sumatra) Kabber Company. Limited, states that the profit (or the year to August 81 is £26,310 with balance of last account, £16,179, making £42,4U0— less written off against deprecia tion on buildings and machinery, £1,000 carried to loan account, £8,000 (as per directors'
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  • 334 12 Distribution of 20 Per Cent. For The Year. The report of tbe directors of the Foothills (Malaya) Kubber Estate for the year 1916 states Tbe area under cultivation remain at 525 acres, and the trues, with the exception of those on the steep sides of hills where
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  • 659 12 The Directors' Report and Planting Programme. The report by the directors of Connemara, Limited, for tbe year 1916, to be submitted at the annual meetiog held at the Mercantile Bank Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, on May 30, states:— The company has been duly incorporated in Selangor as a limited
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  • 294 12 The report ot the Telnk Piah Rubber Estate (1914), Limited, states that tbe net amount at credit of profit and loss account is £4,589, which, with last year's carry forward of £305, leaves a balance for appropriation of £4,894. It is proposed to apportion this as follows
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  • 304 12 The report of the Damansara (Selangor) Robber Company, Limited, states that tbe profit for the year, after writing off £1.274 for depreciation of buildings and machinery, was £61,340; to this must be added tbe balance brought forward, £2,949, making a total of £64,289. Deducting tbe two interim dividends
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  • 113 12 Of tbe conscientious objectors working under the Home Office scheme 655 are on agriculture, land reclamation, and forestry 262 are road-making; 140 are on waterworks; 96 are growing vegetables 88 are cutting timber 46 are engaged in the manufacture of artificial fertilisers 41 are doing clerical work
    113 words
  • 365 12 Distribution of 85 Per Cent. For The Year. The report of tbe Kepong (Malay) Kubber Estates, Limited, states that tbe profit for tbe year, after writing off £1,000 for depreciation on buiMings and machinery, amounted to £25,362. To this hart to be added the amount brought forward, £2,256,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 221 12 Pure Beef DRIPPING Sold in email quantities and in 2-lb. tins. Guaranteed absolutely^ pure and contains no preservative or any added matter. I SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) FURNITURE fo h r o™ Let us make your bouae glad. I FURIMI I URE ESTATE I r^QLJL
      221 words

  • 1176 13 OLD TIGHT FIST AND HIS BEQUEST. By Patrick Mac Gill. Tbe sentry, Rifleman Mick Farnagb, paertd ttnsely into tbe uloom of tbe night, tiuliliD^ bia right hand over bis eyes. Nobody in flight. Tbe raid was surclj at an end now and it was time for
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 241 13 New Exclusive Styles LADIES HATS, BLOUSES COSTUMES AT v mf 1 1 i y LADIES SILK HOUSES 1 The lafest styli s aod dcßitcnscf ladies' LADIES WHITE VOILE BLOUSES Prices $4.50, 5.25, 6.50, 7.50, in tLe newtst «tyeB A lar K e and 9 50 12 50 ich choice Btlfction
      241 words
    • 144 13 i^ THE WAR'S jj4" REQUIREMFNTS FOR kODGC H^^^^H necessitated the erection of this large modern factory. I I It has been built big enough to deal not only •3|B with Government orders, but also to keep the regular trade and retail markets supplied as Lodge Plugs stocked by USUaI. all
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 677 14 Wax or Pxaox, Famine or Plenty. Lifb Inburancx ib worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAX OTHBR PROPERTY »f THE BREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (laaoaraaatas a Btaam SarruMaint) iimAU OVFIOa i Wlnahaata* Hauaa, ■lnga#OM. LONDON OPPIOBi SB, Old Jawry, B.C. The Coaikaj bti aiaOiOOO 3. pouted with tbe
      677 words
    • 382 14 BANKING. THE HO KONG BANK, LIMITED. ■«a« att ice tlagaaars, RsfTiei Chamber t, Ul •pantbtt Malacca, IS$, First Cross StrMt, Huar. 17/71, Jalan twlsiman CAPITAL Registered IB OOO.OOC iHsnod 14,000,000 Subscribed 18,600,000 BOARD Of DIRECTORS Lim Pint Sinn j Esq Chairman Th« Ma. Or. Lin looa I Taa Ckaag Lack,
      382 words
    • 506 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Imcospobatbo in Honokonq) PAID-DP CAPITAL #154)00,000 RK SERVE FUNDS Steeling 41,600,000 at 2/- 115,000,000 Silver 118,600,000 188,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors ■H,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Chairman, J A. Flucinier Eoq.. Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. O. E. Anton C. S. Gubbay,
      506 words
    • 521 14 BANKING. UKARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCOBfOiUTBD IN BNtiLAND bl ROTAL CHARTBK Paid up Capital ia 60,000 eibarce oi 410 eaob «1,500,000 Reserve Vnad.^ m* «i m 41,000,CU0 Rea»rvo Liability at Ptsyiiototi.^ 41,100,000 BANKBBS Tbe Suk of BaglaaJ, Tbe Lcacos City and MldlaaJ Baak. Ltd., Tbe Loadoa Conciy
      521 words
    • 921 14 INSURANCE. THE EMTEIN UNITED AMdUNBf THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE MIPOMTIBN. LTB. INSURANCE COMPANY <«t* CKee Nam llßaaawaßataat fla«aaal lascrporatwJ ta the Straits be*»ume«ti Ail kinds of Life and Endowment PoHcie' tr* Dapartnia/ t, Ri-.i 1 vi^.oi oa >i.ood. BnUdiags aad Mernbaadlie ,f entreßt a, T r-mE 4Co tr< OrnrrMAgent" Si W.
      921 words

  • 601 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Road Repairs and Racing. The Lyons Trade Fair appears to iiave been folly as successful as the abnormal condition of tbe times allowed, and even more so than the sanguine might have anticipated. Though it was understood beforehand, says a writer
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  • 243 15 Actor Of Inimitable Pathos And Humour. Mr. James Welch, tbe actor, died recently |at Uingwood, New Forest, after a lingering illotsb. Hi< age was fifty two, and be had brio thirty years oa tbe stage. He will be > deeply regretted, both for iiin fine personal
    243 words
  • 190 15 Popular UmM bag been excited by certain lo.iiaiksb'e diurnal phenomenon tree in the district of j Karupi ie, Calcutta. In thi morning it holds' its bead erec: witli its outspread leaves, bat j an the appr.icj d evening it* bead bows >lovrn, the leaves touching the ground in
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 159 15 I ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES aw USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY AND OTHER GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 1 ,1 I TREAD TYRE. THIS is the Bm" amonzsi tyrea for Olnnial MB Tue subitajtiil ribi tM? tyre wiMi t i ft lest rabhir propensities possible an] tbi" rdioit ->ob:ain:'d wit'nni sMrificing
      159 words
    • 138 15 Are You Satisfied That you are getting the value per mile out of youi Motor Tyres that you would do if you used jKMvffl^ »hAI Id ALL We ASK bUmB tvMßWwlv \ltii mTjmmmmmH iBmVSK t mimm! mmmTmwmmC mWmi aMIM^S Ettflffi mmmW^Umm^^''' LJmmW' i rOBKtM v fM|flUJ^(*^' I^T-* M I K
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1186 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED In SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT EXPERIENCED COMPOSITORS WANTSD tor tut straits Times tnews department) Good salaries given to capable men. WANTBD, COMPETENT SHOBTIIAND TYPIST. Apply tc Box No. 208, StraitsTime* 2S 4— v WANTED, a competent teacher of Pitman shorthand. Good salary for well qualified person. Apply
      1,186 words
    • 692 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT, Dunrobin, Barker Road. Im mediate entry Apply Lee Cheng Van Co. 1 7— n TO LBT. Honees No. 7, Obanoery Lane. Apply to Ching Keng Lee Co., Auctioneers 181 l—o BUNUALOW TO LET, No. 12, Tai Jin Road (Balestier Road). Apply 8, Prince Street. 24-2—
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    • 251 16 KIAM KIAT it CO. 101 A lO9. Market Street. -Phone same No. 411. Soli Agents. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited (Incorporated In Enilind Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Colours of rosewood, Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT&Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS S-a, Orchard Road,
      251 words
    • 393 16 BUY THEBE BEFORE THE PRICES GO UP HIGHER. Mild Steal Angle*! it" x 1{" x 1/4" x 80/36 feet. U H 1/4 80/86 1] If 1/4 80/86 2 A 1/4 80/86 3 6/16 B></86 3} 9* 6/16 80/86 Si Ri 6/16 80/86 •'it 8J 8/8 80/86 Flat "Crown" Iron Bars:
      393 words
    • 480 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICED 53 and sT seater Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Garage open l>ay and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 215 4 916, Orchard Road (Next to Wearne Bros.. Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations is advurtiaemuntH, such as cuan^ ie sailing dates of steamers,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 321 16 Straits Wimes. Temporary Telephone 1 68. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should bo addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane oqb wants of every description are inserted in the ordinary
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