The Straits Times, 30 April 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,402 SINGAPORE. MONDAY APRIL 30 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 223 1 I MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Priec now $16.90 per c»m NOTICE. With reference to the advertisement of the sale of "HOLLY BRAND" MILK appearing in tne Singapore Free Press over the name of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. Coy., and stating such milk to be as supplied by Joseph Travers Sons, Ltd.
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    • 155 1 Baby Carriages FOLDING GO-CARS. A large selection of various qualities in stock. Fine coach-built baby carriages on ccc springs. Comfortably upholstered in leather cloth. Folding go-cars in all qualities. Cotton and silk canopies and canopy frames. ROBINSON CO. Just arrived by French mail a shipment of GRUYERE CHEESE This Cheese
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    • 15 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoints J AOAMBON ILFILLAM A CO.. LTD I (Incorporate! n Kn«'jui.|)
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  • 751 2 WHAT THE GERMANS THOUGHT ABOUT KUT-EL-AMARA. A Naive Enemy Tout. One of ?ho German prop»g* n d's* n<> nt* in Now York made himself very active in captaining to li:h hypbt.nated clinnts the great results that were to come to Germany (not to Turkey, be it noted)
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  • 288 2 Anger of Captain When Compelled To Leave Bridge. Three Americans and a Norwegian mate, who were taken to Germany on board tbe captured steamer Yarrowdale have arrived at Copenhagen from Berlin. The Americana, who looked very exhausted, were the surgeon from the steamer Voltaire, Dr. Snyder, tbe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 355 2 Tk* Idml Racoonrmatfea Mils Sinsiprtoev For Nerves and I Brain —To restore ,our physical fitness* T noise- d thr nervs system To the results ol ■mills— sad mtiwri take a a}aas of S.i:. s on rising, at »nid moraaßg, midafternoon, and on (,'oing to bed. You will (eel distinctly
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    • 292 2 rTN DAYS' FREE TRIAL »-^rCovpii»ry Flyers L A II 41. KA\ 1 1> >ItTl I V fcj I. j l\i 0' £3 -19,r ti'^M rrr» Art OatAlocuA /MF&n CYCLE COMPANY IWIBi»«a* 0««l.A313 LIVERPOOL. SWELLINGS DISAPPEAR when you rub in Little's Oriental Balm Tbe piin goes ri^bt away and the swelling
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    • 541 2 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. Searing Interest from the date of purchase at 6 per cent per annum, payable HaH-yearly on tbe 15th May and the !sth November. Repayable at par on the 15th November, 1919. PRICE OF ISSUE 100 PER CENT All proceeds ol this issue will be loot
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  • 592 3 Dissatisfied Client who Paraded With Bell and Placard. Before tbe Lord Cbief Justice and a special jury on March J, Lloyds Bank. Ltd., sought -to recover damage* against Francis Young, of Bristol, for libel. Defendant denied publication. Sir Hugh Kraser (for tbe bank) said the aotion was
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  • 326 3 Unforeseen Danger to Trains Travelling Through Snow. A sjstf m of automatic control of trams is strcD>l> advocated by two Board of Trade inspectors, Colonel Pringle and Lit ut. col. Druitt, in tbtir reports, on collisions near Kirtlt bridge, en the Caledonian Railway, on December 22, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 725 3 F.H.S. GOYT. 6 PER CEMT. WARLCAN. Tbe Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Chins are now prepared to receive Scrip Certificate*, of the above loan to be exchanged lor definitive bond*. Delivery cf the boodf wiU be made within a wtek of MM ipt of tbe relative certificates. At the
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    • 454 3 Cockle's Pills are distinguished by the fact that they work by co-operating with the natural torces w iich want to keep healtii; instend of by imta im^ and antagonising them. Your system, therefore, docs not >et up any the SH need not be in- <', or NSMlsl more Irrrjuentlv. Ps?
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    • 562 3 REGAL Motor {Jars 32 HP. 5-SEATER Electric Light, Self Starter Can be had either for caeh or instalment system from all Branches. CYCLE CARRIAGE CO. KUAU LUMPIM, IPCH, PENAN G A SINGAPORE STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Wanted Immediately, experienced Stenographer for Java. Excellent prospects for first-class man. Apply in perion to FRANCIS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 449 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP rOO.. LTD. m ORPOBATSD IN JATAN EUROPEAN LINE A aerviee is maintained between Yokohama, via ports aad London under mail oontraet with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and masaiiiitinl aad are
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    • 674 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. British India and Mpcar L— inc. (Companies Incobpoeatbd in England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PBNINBULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contraot with Hli Majesty Qoverniaent). Ohma, 4lLm*n, Panang, Oaylon, Auati»mlia, India, Aden, K«ypt, M*dit*M«n*«n Ports and London. NAIL LINES. UOMBWABO (FOR EcROPE) Ootwabo (fob Cbina) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 639 4 BTEJMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoorporatbc ia Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisui, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantea, Tabai Bangnara, Telupm, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laeon, Kobsamui, Bandjn, Langsuen, Chum pon, Kohlak A Bangkok. Du> Departure BORIBAT April SO May 2, 3 p.m PRACH ATIPOK May 7 a. a. ASDANO
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    • 599 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBO —HJIUB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. (Incobpobatsd in Rnoland) AM THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incobpobatbd in Enoland) BETWBBN "ramant.a Perth North- w..t Auatralian Ports. Java ■nd Singapo^,. Keuuiar sailinßs between Bin«apor« and Western Australia callin K at Java^a, i» daoement offers), Derby,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 429 5 HDO-CHim stum m. win. I OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA (iNCOtPOBATID IN EnOLAND) OlP*et Sorvio* to Japan via Hon, I I n, ukporatid W Japam) feong Shanghai, and to Calcutta, ouu W«rcant.l« SiaamshiD Co., Ltd.) via Panang. from -intf.por.. KORp RnMßik v LIMP Taking cargo on throogh Bills o( Ladirg i%WOC-«»»jnrlI»«T a_inc
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    • 600 5 1 1 GLENEALY PLANTATIONS. LTD. LOST SCRIP. Application baa beed made to the Directors of tbia Company to iaaae to Helen Findlay, Administratrix o( the Estate of Thomas Hntobeon (deceased), duplicate Certificates (or 690 shares in this Company upon the Statement (bat the original Certificates, viz 1 No. 2185. dated
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    • 79 5 The "HILLSIDE" Press KrU a^aJSiilßflE &*tT^ 1 For packing Rubber into Momi-chests. Saves Chests, Transport if Freight. Price $85.00 This press saves its cost during the first month it is in use. fjniteers UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED llnoopporated in Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE BLAIR ATHOL BLEND WHISKY STOCKS on hand and fresh
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 345 6 LEOLIN A THIN LIQUID POLUH I.BOLIN tiifiert from all existing i rnitore polishes and cream* It contains no wax or oilier dust-harbouring iot' 'dientu it j 1 *vt» a hard and lasting brilliant poliHb. wbioti does Dot fingermark ioJ N moves all dirt. Bts.ilea this, it is a KEVIVEK. an.l
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    • 92 6 bIAMrUKU HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL, Bras Basah Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED Always cool and exposed to sea breeze Furnished Apartments witb or without Board Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached. Electric Fitting! throughout Large Reception Hall and Billiards. Separate Tables In Spacious Dining Boom. TERMS -tha moft raasaaaMa la Town. For farther particulars,
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    • 466 6 NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF TEH PENG. DBOBASKU. Particular* af sals of Valuable Rubber Properties in the Settlement of Malacca. To be sold by Public Auction by Mr. Teoh Hong Tye, at his saleroom, No. 23, Rivet Side, Malacca. On Monday, May 14, at 12 noon. Particulars. All those six
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    • 570 6 PURE I^Sb^UsEL "<_lj i' aD^ aromatic— retaininy as it HMAfT^^?^^|XH^M does the delicate fragrance of llfSt^l **OOlii ifiSSll^^^-'****' the olives. Mayonnaise Sauc:' lyp-'Aumt. 5 %^j^*l Mayonnaise Dresting and K\ Salads, in which Ayaai Pure /*M l\i|B not fail to K VB com P le <1 satis 1 m faction. It
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  • 88 7 FIXTURES. Monday, April 30. High Watat. ffii. 6..' p.m Tuesday, May I. Hifth Water 5.11 a.m., 7.6 p.m -Wednesday, May 2. bi k Water B.SB a vi., 7.91 p.ra Thursday, May 3. fligh Water 7.50 a.m., 8.26 p.m. Friday, May 4. Hipb Vita. 8.^9 am.. B.fi7 p.m.
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  • 136 7 To o»t. Batu Pahat 2.80 pm P. Swettenbam and Telak Ansoo 3.80 pm Mcreing 2.80 pm Saigon, Toorane, Haiphong, Hongkong Shao-;bai as J Japan 8 pm Malacca and Meat 3 pm Kota TinKgi 4 pm Koto Tiiikk 1 pm T: uobbow. Port Swettenham and PunaiiK 11-30 am
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  • 265 7 The mail trains from Singapore tor U> aort! it »vf Tank Road station daily at 7.7 am and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lnmpnr at 7.19 p.m. and 8.45 a.m. respectively. Tb ihrooib express to Penang leaves Kaala Lampcr at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penan;: •t 0.28
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  • 79 7 Lmn Sinoapoki. 1 !m. 26 B. I. <t. 2 M. M. Feb. 8 P. *O. K«*. 9 P. A 0. F«b. It B. I. rib. 28 P. O. ■i b. 28 P. A O. kUr. 6 P. i (>. lar. 17 P. A O. >D1 IM LONDOH
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  • 48 7 Ota attention baa been oalltd to the fact .that oar arrivals in London are mocb behind those pabliahed elsewhere. Oar rale ia to ei»* arrivals only when they are officially «.po*t«d in tbe Poat Offioe notioes, and no iMe« date than tbat printed above bat been oo reported.
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  • 48 7 Time ball* on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on evt ry day excepting oonday when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • 148 7 EXCMANOB. Sixoafou, Airil 80, 1917. J» Lornx,* Baxik 4 m/a 3/4) Demand 8/4* Priv^e.m,. W! On France Bank T. T. 819 On Udu Bank T. T. 0. Ho» 0«0.e...8^ d/d 2,« p. On Sbahosui ...Bank d/d 6.1 j ObJava Bank T. T, l»f 1 -t— i« Sovereigns—buying
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    • 170 7 £5™ B °y™ s*"^ 10 10 Ampang S.CO 6.C0 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.20 I.BS 10 10 Kanaboi 1.2 J 1.40 10 10 Kinta Asaooiation 9.00 10.C0 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 41 £1 Lahat Mines 4.00 600 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.00 12.50 £1 £1 Malayan Tin
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    • 123 7 vSLji Bayem Sellers. 11 41 I. Smelting Co. 7.C0 7.50 II 41 Pwl. 1.8.6 1.f.0 I/- 6/- Bleotiie T'w»ys 4/- 5/--10 10 Ftmb* Ne»ve 47.00 48.00 60 60 W.Hammet Co. 87.00 08.00 LOO HowMth Bmkioe 57.00 6J.00 LOO T%PnI. 100.00 100 100 K»U Bro, Del. par 125.00 10 10
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    • 48 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,600 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £860,000 nom S'pore Municipal 6 $1,878,000 par S pore Municipal *i% ol 1907 •1,800,000 lG^din S'pore Municipal 4f% ol 1900 11,000.000 10%die S'pore Municipal 4% 3,000,000 16%dia S'pore Municipal 4% £300.000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1916 116,000,000 102.C0 108.00
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  • 313 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Fraser Lyali A Co. Evatt. Alor Gajah ($1) 4.00 4.10 4.00 4.11 Aciil. Malay (2) 0.20 0.40pm 0.20 04C Ayer HiUm ($5) 14 25 15.00 14.00 15.00 Ayer Honing (II) 1 35 1.45 1.30 1.1"
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 115 7 JIMAH RUBBER ESTATES. LIMITED. JncoaroaiTiiD in tbb Stbaits Settlbmeitts) LOBT SCRIP. Application has b n maJo to the Directors at thin Company to iaaae to Jules Paal Dt Boiieck of Palaa Bolan«< a daplioatoCertificatr lor 100 Shares in the Company npon the ataeemeot tliat the original Certificate nnm bared 10H7.
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    • 407 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, by a widow, with musical ability post m Companion 01 OoverneM. Apply to H. L c/o Straits Time*. 80-4—2 5 WANTED, temporarily lor Estate, A wist ant Surgeon with British qnalfira'ion. Apply, with refortnoer, to Guthr c Co., Ltd., Kutatew Dpoortmont »0 4 a— n WANTED, 600
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    • 694 7 IMTcivclilx&epy fop The Systematic Treatment of TIN-WOLFRAM ORES CRUSHING CONCENTRATION PLANTS. ELECTROMAGNETIC SEPARATORS. Manufactured in England by FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH, SINGAPORE. The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book. This handy little book has now reached its TENTH EDITION, a sure irdieation of its usefulness. Price. $1 .25
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  • 1095 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY. APRIL 30. TAKING NO CHANCES. The speech of Mr. Lord George i* a real wholesome tonic. It reveals tbe vastness of the improvement in onr military position. Since Jane, 1815, we have not lost a gun, and we have captured four hundred German gong. For eaoh
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  • 14 8 Wolff's Agency is beginning to admit tbe gravity of tbe recent strikes in Berlin.
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  • 11 8 Forty-seven persons wero removed (mm the F.M.S. under orders of banishment
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  • 23 8 during March. A supplement to tbe F.M.S. Government Gazette notifies the prohibition of tbe ex portation of Strait* silver currency from the F.M.S.
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  • 878 8 Mr. H. Cbevallier baa returned from leave. Mr. P. Ambler baa been promoted to Captain. Mr. V. Hill bas been appointed to officiate as District Officer, Upper Perak. W. Heading, of tbe Gan Kee Estate, left for home by last Japanese mail to jjin up. Mr. C.
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  • 396 8 FUNDS WANTED FOR A WORTHY CAUSE. We arc glad to boo that a good start has been made by tbe fund opened by the Malay Mail, Kuala Lumpur, at the suggestion of the Hon. F. W. Nutt. Our contemporary quotes tbe leading article in which we emphasised
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  • 47 8 We have to acknowledge with many thanks ♦'20 from Capt. Bredenberg, being his monthly subscriptions of 110 to the Blinded Soldiers and bailors' Fund and of $10 to the Officers Families and Orphans' Fund, which amounta we shall duly transmit to the respective ban. treasurers.
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  • 127 8 A Government (isz?tte Extraordinary issued yesterday afternoon says With reference to Notification No. 440 published in the Gazette Extraordinary of April 18, 1917, regarding tlie embarkation of women and children on journeys to the United Kingdom or to places west of Sue/, it is hereby notified for public
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  • 178 8 We are very pleased indued to receive, per Mr. W. Millar Mackay, .lo.iore Kubb. r Lands Club, a cheque for $950 to be distributed as follow* To tbe V.M.C.A. Hats in France S5OO To tbe Ked Cross Fond 460 Total 1950 This handsome sum was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 109 8 SMOKE W. D. H. 0. WILLS' feisss* "GOLD LCI ALfLC" CIGARETTES Packed in «C%/\ 4-o n Ba e at air-tight tins of 50 CIS. All D ea i erB 4 Choice French and English I' I Millinery v 3?H^-"> new goods NOW DISPLAYED A I JOHN LITTLE CO., s V
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    • 227 8 FOR FOUR NIGHTS APRIL 30 TO MAY 3. 1917. GREAT SCREEN ATTRACTION AT TUB ALHAMJLRA The House of Quality> Beach Road, i SBCOND SHOW, AT 8.15 »n Exquisitaly Beautiful Photo-slay Mile. Gabrielle Robinne The Sovereign of Screen Peri o -laiitiea. in ~^^y B-^^ in 4 Act*. I From th« Celebrated
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  • 6502 9 BRITISH ASSAULT. Steady Progress Being Made. Enemy Suffering Awful Losses. PRIME MINISTER'S SPEECH Britain Taking No More Chances. RICTES's TILEnKAXS. London, Aptil .'7, 11.35 p.m. Field Marshal Haig r.-ptts. Tbere is nothing of special interest ,>o sl-e battle front, i Tbere is marked air a<'t.vity. Seven Ger I
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  • 166 10 Sixty Russian Prisoners Beaten To Death. A telegram from Pelro«rad states that M. krirtsoff, member of the Senata and presi dent of the extraordinary commission of inquiry on German atrocities, hag published the following story, of which he guarantee* the authenticity. On October v last 60 Russian
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  • 65 10 Departure Fund. We have today closed this fund, and the tjliunn.i; ia tbu final lUWutot of its account* Subscriptions reoeived up to date 16 114 April Vi, 1917.— Paid to the Officer Commanding 4th J'ing's Shropshire Li^ht Infantry 16.000 April 30, I«l7.— Balance paid to the
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  • 78 10 THE MARKET QUIET AND PRICES 1 LOWER. From Our Own Correspondent. London, April 25. Tbe rubber market is quiet and price* are slightly down. Quotations are as follows Fine sheet 2/9 to 2/11 Crepe 2/10 2/11 Fine hard Para 8/- 8/1 The last report was as follows
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  • 526 10 Good Prospects for the Current Year. The annual general meeting of tbe Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Ltd, was held on Saturday at the registered office*, French Bank Buikings. The Htv. N. J. Couvreur (chairman) presided and the others present were Messrs. F. S. Goodall, A. W. Still
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  • 161 10 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, May 4, 1917. Monday, April 80. 8.30 pm. Drill Hall S.K.E.(\\). 6.15 p.m. Maxim Co. V,t,r»Di Ca Raffles Institution 8.V.0. Band. Ti-Ksn.w, May 1. 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Recruit-. S.R.K. V.i and N.C.O.s. ,i ii Maxim Co. 5.10
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  • 1037 10 Chief Justice's Tribute to Fallen Members. Tributes to the memory of three members of the Singapore bar who have fallen in the war were paid io the Supreme Court this morning. The Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknil', K. C.) presided, and was accompanied by the Puisne Judge
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  • 114 10 On Thursday next at the V M.C.A. Hall Mr. Joseph Blasoheck, the world renowned humourist and entertainer from the Queen's Hall, London, will give bis popular entertain ment of humour and music, entitled "SocietySnap Shots." He will be supported by Miss Alyce Austin, the young Australian vocalist. These
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  • 37 10 At the Colombo Police Court on April 13, Sergeant Gomes, charged a Bombay merchant named Doraaainy with failing to obscure the lights in his premises. The magistrate convicted the eccutted and imposed a fine of Rs. 75.
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  • 627 10 Results of the Cambridge Local Examinations. The following am the successful candidates from Singapore who have satisfied tbe examiners at the Cambridgo Local Examinations in December, 1916: Skniobs. Raffles Institution.— I'hoon Seek Koo (class 111 honours, geography and French). Also satisfied the examiners: Chan Jim Swee, J. F.
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  • 216 10 Today's play on this tournament is as follows: MIXKD DoIBLBS, A CLASS. Mrs. Braddeil and Mr. Milligan owe 5 v. Mrs. Cullen and Mr. Griffith Jones owe 3. Mixes Doi'ulks, B Clam. Miss Naugbton and Dr. Naughton owe 3 v. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, scr. Mrs.
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  • 28 10 Tbe Government is contemplating the employment of German prisoners in tliWarwickshire iron mines, where the inioeral is found at a depth of about a yard from tho surface.
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  • 81 10 A telrgram from Shanghai says A ieruian ex-marine, formerly of the Legation of Pekin, was recently caught in tbe Shanghai electric power station in suxpicious circumstance* and handed over to thu Dutch Consul General. He was. acquitted after a secret trial in German, in a private German bouse, the Germau
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  • Correspondence
    • 698 11 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Hi I should like to draw your attention to tbe following hardship entailed upon partners in a firm by reason of tic firm being aasesstd on the total profits, no proviaion being made whereby a partner can elect to be
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    • 246 11 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. sir.- It ia good to see that Mr. K. St. J Braddrll. and Mr. W. A. Sims, two of the Manic. pai Commissioners, appreciate tbe Municipality's duties as regards the housing of pocple outside tbe very rich classes. I aarwstne
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  • 10 11 Pnnirgor.— 4,7l6 sW twain months 6H.WI lbs.
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  • 60 11 U uliin a »..k i.f tin- capture of Kaghdad an advance Kod Cross Depot was opened tL. re and ia bow in charge of Majoi I>< put* Ked Cross Commisuoaer for Mesopotamia Lady Munro has kindly accepted ih« Office of Vice President of the Indian Branch of the Joint War
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  • 840 11 Views of Penang Chamber Of Commerce. Tbe following minutes of a special com mittee meeting to consider tbe provisions of the War Tax Ordinance, 1917. held in the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, on Tuesday, April 24. 1917, an printed in the Straits Echo: Present Messrs. A. F.
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  • 92 11 The Prime Minister, (Mr. Lloyd George) ia president of the national committee which is organising a baby week, commencing on July 1. Similar weeks have been held in Parif, Copenhagen, and big cities of the United States, and have been instrumental in saving the lives ol many
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  • 99 11 The war baa yn atly stimulated industrial enterprise not only in In lia. Ceylon, and the Straits Settlement*, bat also in Netherlands India. Tin- Dutch Government baa liberally subsidised several companies carrying on operations it Java, and Uat month an exten ■M rubber factory wii started
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 358 11 We have just received a large shipment of Guitars, Mandolines, AND OTHER Musical Instruments. We also hold full stocks of MUSICAL INSTRUMENT STRINGS S. MOUTRIE Co., I Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG) VISITS TO JAVA. GRAND HOTEL JAVA BATAVIA. I Cable Addrett i JAVA HOTEL. Code: A.B.C. Bth Edition. Mercuur Code:
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    • 240 11 n BAFFLES DAY T In aid of our Blinded Sailors and Soldiers. A GARDEN FETE WILL BE HELP AT BAFFLES HOTEL COMPOUND ON Saturday, May 5, 1917 COMMENCING AT P.M. Theri will be Merry -Go- Round Brsnplas Fishing Ponds Jumble Sale Fovtuns Tailing Aunt Sally Hoop-La Switchback W Keel ot
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  • 1364 12 HOW THE GREAT MOVEMENT r STARTED. The Czar's Last Words. mlon Daily Telegraph a Petrograd -lint, telegraphing on March 15, sail that tbe r volution wan not serious until Saturday and Sunday, wher the balk of tbe workmen joined in. Even tti"n there was nlmost a complete
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  • 164 12 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, ■npply us witb the following report on tbe position ut tbe Java produce market for tbe week ended April 28 Batavia, April 27, 1917. Kubber.— The market shows a further drop of 2\ guilder
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  • 528 12 How London Drives Some Business Away. There is every indication of revival in the Eastern rubber market, Hays tbe India Rubber Journal. Cables have been received from Colombe. Singapore, Mtdan and Batavia wbich reflect keen business, preoumably en account of American interests. These salee coincided with tbe
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  • 1349 12 ARMS-BEARING RESERVISTS READY FOR SERVICE. A Story of 20,000,000 Rounds. On March 10 tbe New York Times printed a story tbat the Mexican Government had recently cancelled orders in the United States for 20,000,000 rounds of ammunition and bad transferred the contracts to Japanese manufacturers. Tbe following
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  • 460 12 Torn by Pain, He Uses Cocaine And Morphia. The German Emperor is a physical wreck and is constantly under the influence of morphia and cocaine, according to Edgar M. Moore, a real estate dealer of Lafayette, Ind., who has returned from Germany. Mr. Moore, because of ttie
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  • 211 12 A great sHosation was caused in Peking by the publication in the newspapers of April 18 of two tnandiu-s ajgaMd uv tbe President ordering tbe Minister and Vice-Minister of Finance to vacate their post and to submit themselves for trial by a Court of Justice on
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  • 138 12 A well known Sydney jockey who recently returned from the Victorian capital tells tbe following story at the expense of a trainer of that State. Tbe trainer in question employs 20 or 80 stable boys, wbo recently complained that tbe food provided them was not op
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 203 12 /?jpProcWof^L r}<;iV^ I^\JIVJv-»G /ill V V^ of Industry /77 Cigarettes No. 555 per tin of 50-75 cents (including duty) •Cigarettes Sole Manufaoturen ARDATH TOBACCO CO., LTD. LONDON. THE WORLD'S GREATEST THIEF PROCRASTINATION THE ENEMY TO PROGRESS HAVE HIM BEAT BUT AN evinrude Don't Row -Beware of Imitations— Just Go BUY
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  • 1098 13 DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION BY THE GERMANS. The Mutilated Cathedral. Tbe following despatch was received from Mr. H. Warner Allen, special correspondent of tbe British press with tbe French armies, before tbe great offensive, which is steadily poshing tbe Oermans away from Soissons Tbe main road to Soissons rnns
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  • 38 13 During hostilities, an alien woman belong ing to an enemy nation, who has married a Frenchman, will not acquire tbe nationality of her husband, except if the marriage has been previously authorised by the French Minister cf Justice.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 78 13 New Deliveries of FASHIONABLE GOODS LADIES. Ladies' Smart Hats, Trimmed Untrimmed. Ladies' Dainty Dress Materials. Ladies' Fashionable Sports Coats. Ladies' New Dainty Ready-made Costumes. Ladies' Smart Ready-to-wear Skirts, latest style. Ladies' New Dainty Underclothing. Ladies' Smart Walking Shoes, in large variety. Ladies' Blouses, the very latest styles. Ladies' Dressing Gowns,
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    • 97 13 IS YOUR CAR STILL RUNNING ON OTHER THAN BRITISH TYRES IF SO WHY? Fresh Stocks of the following BRITISH TYRES made in GREAT BRITAIN are available, (in alphabetical order) The AVON By The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., London. The ROM By The Rom Tyre Co., Ltd., London. The STELASTIC
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2406 14 WAMor Piaoi. Famine or Plintt. Life Inburanck ib worth 100 oentb on the dollar. OTHAI OTHER PROPERTY IST THE 6BEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Iwooarsaaaan ta Stbajt* SsTTUMatrrt) HIM OWN WlP.a*«y.»e» Ho«s*. •Inaapor*. LOWDOM OsriOl SB, Old ..wry, «.O. •*t, Jomfaay ha* «SO.OOO deposited with the Sopacma Ooart ol
      2,406 words
    • 1076 14 IllUVllflliVlai Estsblished 187«. "|"HE ORIENTAL in r P° nt GOVERKMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. FUNDS exceed $38,500,000X0 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Income in 1916 ...$4,309,517.(9 I Total Out go in 1916 $7,«t0,«11.50 Atsurasce effected in 1916... $4,230,54?.1S incrcaM in Funds $1,119,C99.00 Total Polici:s in force 65,842 adiioring, witl; Bocu' additiotU $72,5H,548.1«
      1,076 words

  • 801 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Agrimotorculture Agent's Test. The Commercial Motor, of March 15, says I The British agaat is on his trial at the moment, as well as being "on vis oiuttle." The scheme of agrimotorculture no Oerman literary proclivities are here intended is shaping
    801 words
  • 230 15 Germany's Crowd of Over-Lapping And Colliding Food Authorities. Io the Berliner Tayeblatt Hen Tbeodor Woltl gives an an.Ußing description of tbo over-organisation which existti in the food supply business in Germany. He once asked, be tells the readers, a competent person what was tbc itsp msible body in matters
    230 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 254 15 Use All-B:k»H;*i=il* ROM TYRES Tyres are of paramount j i/ cisortanx' to yon— and the Jfc iiu oi J ouf r> j•• l^^^l Your safety depends upon j their reliability, yoor rnn- r ing exrx is s vary according J to their iurnbi.ty, your u*t i comtirt is Urtf'-.y affected
      254 words
    • 248 15 Are You Satisfied ft W'aWßs^aWß^'^Hw^S^a^Br'"'' '""aJrtlf ffl~ J— ,IM— rfhJsMal That you are getting the value per mile out of your Motor Tyres that you would do if you used fl DUNLOPS? MrvSv JS^i^ t If not, then give W. them a trial when Wfei next renewing. Jrp^ 7 THAT
      248 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1057 16 ifaOD [TV i No tyr«; by any oth«r I V ■I' t{ name grip* the road tile* Goodrich Safety Tread. WICH Safety comes from sayuM Goodnch Safety Ttmd* when you are buying tyr«a> GQUD 9 "A crip on the road U wortk I cX p two on the •teering wbewL"
      1,057 words
    • 684 16 HOUBEB TO LET. TO LE I' No. 9 a, Tanjong Katontt. Apply Meyer Brothers. It* j TO LKT. Hoanes No. T, Chaaoery Lane Apply to Chin« KeoK Co-. Aocticnebn. 1811— n TO LKT, Lmnrobin, Barker ftoad. Immediate entry Apply Lee Cheng Van k Co. 17-n BUNi+ALOW TO LET, No. li
      684 words
    • 242 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 101 109 market Street.— Phene tame Ne. 421 Soli Aokmts. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited llnccrporatad In EngUnd Have jnit received a fresh shipment of JACKSONS Varnish Stains IS Colours of ROSEWOOD, Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT&Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3a, OrcharO;Road, Telephone No. 10SS.
      242 words
    • 296 16 WE HAVE IT IF YOU WANT IT HUBBUCKS COLOURED PAINTS, OILS AND BUNDRIEB. Tbe Little Nipper" Robber Mangles with wooden rollers, 80" x 4" Morgan's Plumbago. Europe Bass Broom*, 12 x 6 row*. Soytbe Blades and Scythe Stones. Oalvd. Gas Pipes, i" and f Brass Bib Cooks, J', and 1".
      296 words
    • 498 16 NEW MOTOR CARS 'phone I For HIRE promptly attends to I W J J your call with first M ill I class, high priced cars, I Mb^#^# d»y ami n.glit. CHARGES MODERATE STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE SIB A 216, Orchard Road (Naxt to WEARNE BROS., Ltd.) Telegrams: MOTORCAR. Singapore. To ADVERTISERS
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 310 16 Straits J3imes. Temporary Telephone 1 58. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed tc THE EDITOR. All communications relating to businese matters—advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc.—should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Misoellane oas wants of every description are inserted in the ordinary body type of
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