The Straits Times, 17 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 25,391 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. APRIL 17. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 255 1 I MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK $1690 per e»»e J NOTICE. With reference to the advertisement of the sale of "HOLLY BRAND" MILK appearing in the Singapore Free Press over the name of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. Coy., and stating such milk to be as supplied by Joseph Travers Sons, Ltd. (London),
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    • 137 1 ROBINSON CO. Sole Agents for NEW HUDSON MOTOR CYCLES Countershaft 3 -Speed Gear. This machine can be supplied with Clutch Ontrol operated by either hand lever on handle bar or by foot pedal. "rings own" LUCAS "KING'S OWN MOTOR CYCLE PROJECTOR H&T silvered mirror reflector. TTT IP FISH Smoked Haddocks,
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    • 5 1 GOUDRICU I > S s TYRES
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  • 983 2 100 PER CENT. DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR. Trees Destroyed by Cyclone. Tbe eleventh ordinary general meeting of tbe shareholders of tbe Robber Grower*' Co., Ltd., was held at Ambawatte House. Slave Island, on March 30, says the limes of Ceylon. The Chairman, in moving the adoption
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  • 87 2 Tbe China Realty Co.. Ltd., secretaries and general inaDaguis of tbe Consolidated liubbcr rotates i'9l4i, Ltd report that at a ■Meting of the board of directors Jield at Sharghai, on April 3, it was decided to recommend at the forthcoming annual m<-?ting to be htlil on April
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 158 2 "BRUNOUNUM" THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVATIVE The Reliable Stop-Rot Antiseptic and Certain Protector against White Ants. Identical to the German Wood Preserver "Carbolinium" and Cheerap. BRITISH laßlHr^^B^K BRITISH MADFI. OWNED. \oo* .^UalSllillAXV Protects Wood attain st Decay, Dry Rot, Fungi, and the ravages of Insects, Vermin and White Ants. Sold in
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    • 509 2 RELIEF FROM DYSPEPSIA. All rcoditioDß of depressed vitality lend to disturb the prooo«>ei of digestion. Ttiio, waak blood affects dir oily and at once tbe great prtccsses of rurtion Not only is tbe action of th n tstrio and ictestinal glands diminished bat tbe tnascolar action of the ttomacb is
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    • 837 2 THE CHANGKAT BERDANG EBTATEB. LIMITED Inco rpoiutiu in thk Straits Skttlimknts) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat at the Annual Oeneral Meeting of the Company to be held on April 21, 1917, the Directors will recommend that a Final Dividend of 15 per cent, making 86 per cant, for the year
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  • 690 3 (ISCOKPORATBD IN QUBBMBLAND.) Manager's Report for Four Weeks Ending March 24, 1917. Gentlemen, I herewith beg to band you my report on your mining and milling operations for four weeks ending March 24 1817. The accompanying sheet of mine measurements and assay returns
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  • 143 3 Despite their proteased faith in their superiority, Germans are nevertheless superstitious, says the Liberte. Tbo Crown Prince would return to travel in an auto mobile unless a horseshoe, which he himself picked up at the beginning of the war, be nailed to one of the doors. Among
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 339 3 To Keep Your Hair From Falling Touch spots of dandruff with Cuticura Ointment, next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap. Trial free. Sample Each Free by Post With .12-p. Skin Book. (Soap to clnanse andOintmrnt tohi-al i For nampli-s addnin po«t-rar<l: F. Nrwbrry Son«. 27, Charterhouse Sq., London. Sold iverywheiv. PHOTOGRAPHIC
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    • 447 3 eBtate of Byeo assa* bin alwee bin shahab. deceased auction sale: Of TBAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MIKHORS, BTC, At No. 11, Palembang Road, off Jalan Sultan. On Saturday, April 21, at 2.30 p.m. Beautifully carved teak cabinet with mirror panels, bontwood standard and arm chairs and settee*, teak roned tab'e with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 447 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP rOO.. LTD. (Inoobpobatbd in Japan EUROPEAN LINE A suMJoe is maintained ■sttMkS Yokohama, via ports ■•■a London ander mail oontract with tLi Imperial Japanese Government. Tbt New Twin screw Steamers maintaining ■bis service have been specially designed and eoaetrncted, and are fitted
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    • 655 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. (British India and Mpcar Lsßiine. (Companies Incobpobatbo in Enoland). MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR ANO ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with Hli Majesty Qovernuent), for China, •aaan, Penang, Cayion, Australia, India, Acton, *«ypt, Mediterranean Ports and London, NAIL LINES. HOMBWABO IPOB BUBOPB) OUTWABD (FOB CMMaI INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 673 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoobpobatbc in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Binut, Semerak, Bucho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai. Palani, Singora, Laeon. Kcbeamni, Bandon, Langsnen. Champon, Krblak A Bangkok. Due Departure a.s. PRACHATIPOK April 18, 3 p.m. s.s. ASDANG April 23 25, 3 p.m. s.s. BORIBAT
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    • 612 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OK THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTO. iINCOKPOBATBD IN BNOLtNbI ANO THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incobporatbd in Enolamd) BBTWBBN ■remantle (Perth), North-West Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Reguiar sailings betwttn Singapore and Western Aostralia calling at Java (as in dnoement offers), Dorby, King's
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  • 108 5 FIXTURES. ruesday, April 17. Sigh Water, 5.54 a.m., 7.51 p.m. vVedncMUjr, April 18. H vb Water, 7.22 a.m., 8.32 p.m. Outward mail due. I >inoesan Conference, 10 a.m. I iblic meeting, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 10. H:gb Water, 8.3*2 a.m.. 9.8 p.m. Friday, April 20. High Water,
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  • 204 5 To-oa*. Batn Pabat UM pm M. r-inu 2.30 pm P. Dickson an<l P. Sw<"tu-r,b» a 2 80 pm Mi r«in._\ Blair Harbour and Tnngganu 1 80 pm Port Swuttcnharo, Pcnaag, bo and l)uib*L 2.30 ptr Malacca and Mnti I pu Hangkok 4 prj Kota Tinggi 4 pm
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  • 274 5 Tbe mail train 1 from Siniißpore for t> c orth leave Tanit hoad station daily at 7.7 a.m and 7 p.m.. arn'viag at Koala Lumpur at 718 p.m. and 8.45 a.m. respectively. Tb Uiroupo expr«M to Penang leave* Kua a Lam per at 8 a'j. daily, arriving at
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  • 110 5 Oar attention hat been called to tbe fact •bat our arrival* in London are much behind those published elsewhere. Our rule is to <ivc arrivals only when they are officially ••ported in the Post Office notioes, and no ater date than that printed above bai been y
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  • 46 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • 164 5 EXCHANOB. t)ui«Aroaa, April 17, 1917. O« LoaiA,. Bank 4 m,tt 3/4) Demand '*l*t Piivate 8 aim Wj Oh Francs Bank T. T. 819 "MIMDU blUl'.l. On Hono«oiio...B*ak d/d l%pm On S«»i.ii«*i ...Bank d/d Mj OmJat JJMkT. T. M 1841 On J*r»jt Bank 109 1 Soveteigna bnying nte
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    • 166 5 vSZ Baye Sellett 10 10 Ampan K 5.SO 6.C0 1 1 Aver Wbng 1.20 1.35 10 10 Kanaboi .26 1.40 10 10 Kinta Association 9.00 10.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 £1 Lahat Mines 4.00 5 00 10 10. Malayan Collierit.» 12.00 12.50 £l £1 Malayan Tin
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    • 125 5 l e 1 Buyers Sellern. Value <S 4l £1 SuibiUOK Ob 7.C0 7. i.0 Ai «1 fret. 1.8.6 1.5.0 6 Blectno X'wsjb 4/- IfiO 10 Kraset Neave 47.C0 48.00 60 6b W. ttammei Co. 87.00 S4.UU 100 Howarth Bnkioe 53.00 'iu.00 10U 7%Prei. 100.00 100 100 Kmi Bn>, Del.
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    • 49 5 United Engineers 8% »1,J84,600 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 norn a pore Municipal 5% »1,57H,000 t*r Spore Municipal 4|% uclWj7 •1,800,000 i'i.n- S'poio Mucicipa! -.5 fc of 190U tI,OOU,CKIU l'J%di* Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 1 Spore MiiDKipb. 4fc &}GO,UOC X.M.S. 6% loan 1919 »13,000,00 C 102.00 10S.0C
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  • 304 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Fraser Lyall .V .v Co. Evatt. Alor Oajab ($1) 4.15 4.25 4.15 4.36 Amal. Malay (2) 0.20 0.40pm 0.20 0.10 Ayer Hitani (95) 14.35 15.C0 14.00 15.00 Ayer Kuniog l»l) IJo 1.85 1.25 1.35 Ayer
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 358 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WaNTBD for a Commercial House in Singapore, an experienced shorthand typist, male or female. Apply Box No. 189, Straits Times. 17 4— v WAVTBD. EUROPEAN ASSISTANT with kn-w'tdff of bundling native labour aod atati aocountn. Apply Box No. 191. Straits Ti-Dco. 17-4— v OLaWI WANTED immtdiately by Thn
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    • 601 5 REAL WAR i PICTURES LAST NIGHT, TO-NIOHT »T THE IDEAL -m BY TNI SU PICTURE JV I |U m B Of F TNUTKE M S^^aw»« M P'a^.aV^ tm^ lEACN ROAB Second Show 9.15 Sharp. The Greateat Film in History The Bottle ot theSomme In 7 Parts. WHEN CHARLIE WAS A
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    • 79 5 MILITARY BRASS BAND AND BAGPIPE BAND CO. Suppliers of above-mentioned band by nrstclasH musicians in military uniform. Experienced Musicians, Sweet and Melodious Players of English, Malay, Chinese, Indian sad Tarcii Mnsio. Can be engaged to^ilay in a irardtn Party Dance marriage or funeral by ■<l)ort notice. If any gsntleman wishes
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    • 115 5 EASTERN EXTENSION A. C. TELEGRAPH CO.. LTD. (Ihcoki'Okatpd in, NOTICE. Owing to tbe limitation of capacity in and out of i.ondcn, a great number of Deferred Messages has for sometime past been forwarded by Post between tbe Stationn where tbe traffic is congested. This is bating Hrn eflict »f
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    • 42 5 The Fimoui STAR OPERA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, North Bridge Road TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! k Malay Historical Plaj in Two Parts INDRA BANGSAWAN Part 1 Ull I. STAOID To-morrow, Wedneaday, INDRA BANGSAWAN Part 2. Phone 1 311 for suit K. H. CHEONG, Proprietor.
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  • 17 6 WtNiUARDiN On April 12. at Batavia D.J. van Wyngaarden. formerlyof Amsterdam and Singapore aged 59 years.
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  • 1058 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, APRIL 17. ADVANCING IN EARNEST. There hat been nothing in tint present war quite like what Sir Douglas Haig is doing now. When the Germans broke into Belgium, and thence into France in tt« summer of 1914 they were advancing in full confidence of vast superiority
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  • 19 6 The next shoot of the Singapore Ladies' Kid- Asboc ation will be held at Halehtior Uange on Thursday next.
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  • 58 6 Tbe British War < iffice has instituted a,n action against a drag company at Montreal with rtfurenoe to a shipment of shaving brunlx-s «f the estimated value of f'2,000 which is alleged to have been infected with anthrax. The company assorts that the goods were purchased in the United States
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  • 30 6 Shanghai Boches lmv<- had a healthy warning given to them by the Freuch ConsulGeneral there and many are said to hay, removed from that Concession already, says tbe N.C.D. Mail
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  • 48 6 A public meeting of Indians was held on Sunday at Kuala Lumpur, with Dr. Soosay in tbe chair, when it was unanimously resolved to establish au association in Kuala Lumpur for Indians, to be called tlie Indian Association, and a committoe was formed to draw up a programme.
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  • 87 6 French soldiers have just bad their daily pay increased from 2Jd. to 10J. (one franc). At the beginning of tbe war it was tbe lowest in Europe, being at tbe rate of only one halfpenny a day. It was a merely nominal sum, supplemented by grants from borne, and was
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  • 76 6 The N.Y.K. Miyazaki Mara, the first Japanese merchant ship to be armed, ami which left .Shanghai for London recently, tested tbe six-inch gun at bur stern near Oshinia. Chief gunner Sugawara. assisted by three gunners, fired three shots, which proved very effective. As the powder was very strong, portions of
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  • 72 6 Although it has long ceased to obtain in oar columns tbe publicity which it craved, our readers will not have forgotten the German Half-Seas Over Service. The inventor of that appropriate title, says the N.-C. Daily News, notes that tbe Germans here (and probably elsewhere) have changed tbe name of
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  • 81 6 According to a telegram from Ymniden, a steam trawler from Ylaardingen reports having encountered between the Maas Lightship and tbe Scbouwun Bank au anchored model of a seaplane, in which was a dummy figure dressed as an airman. A large number of contact wires were attached to the machine. A
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  • 80 6 The Union Iron Works at San Francisco have received an order for the construction of ten torpedo destroyers from Josephus Daniels, Secretary of tbe Navy. At present eight submarines, two despatch vessels and sixteen destroyers are under construction at tliu Union Iron Works. The Government has »uarranteed a profit of
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  • 120 6 The price of ships haslbeen rapidly going up within the last few days. A British firm set a new record high price by paying V.483 a ton for tbe Yosbida Mp.rn of 9,000 tons, which soon will be completed at the Osaka Iron Works. At the Or^inning of February tbe
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  • 107 6 On tbe arrival of tbe last mail steamer from Calcutta, says the Rangoon Ga/ette of April 11, a large theft of Governmont money was discovered, a box containing Rs. 6,000 in eight-anna pieces being missing. Accord ing to the information received at the local currency office from Calcutta nine boxes
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  • 110 6 Mr. E. L. Hamilton, chairman of the Orient Trust, Limited, stated at the annual meeting that it was expected that tbe production of plantation rubber would be 170,000 tons for this year, and that increases of 80,000 tons per annum were anticipated, so that in 1920 the output of plantation
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  • 125 6 The Peking Daily News says Dr. San Yati-sen has sent his secretary, Mr. Tsai Tren hsu.n to Japan, to negotiate with certain Japanese capitalists regarding the proposal for the establishment of a stock exchange office at Shanghai. He proposes to start the company with an initial capital of $2,500,000. The
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  • 132 6 At the Southern Police Court. Calcutta. before Mr Swinhoe, Chief ('residency MagH trate, an interesting story whs told in connection with the prosecution of a Chinese named Khun Kee, of 28, Bentiok Street, for being in unlawful possession uf thirty-four seers of opium. Babu Jotindro Mubun Ghost-, vakil, prosecuted ou
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  • 276 6 Dr. H. Krasrr bai gone to Salonika Tin lion. Mr. V. Belfiuld has returned from leavo Mr. and Mrs. MoClyw >v.. nenr.. art) going on a trip to J&pan. Mr. l>u Tare de Marsoulie*. who was lately Director of thu Affaires Politigues in Indo China, has gone
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  • 26 6 We are very pleased to acknowledge the following additions to tbe Shropshire' Departure Fund Already acknowledged 18,104 Singing Competition, Johore 14 Total 86.11H
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  • 54 6 Mrs. G. I). Swindell writes: A consignment of Red Cross garments will sbortlj be Bent of! to the British Red Cross at Rome. Garments, ready washed, should be brought to tbe Tanglin Club next Friday morning the 20th, or to I'las Gwyn, Cluny Road,
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  • 130 6 An official message received by the Foreign Office, Japan, from Vancouver on March '26. states that tbe rumour, circulated for the past few days, that tbe British Government has decreed that half the spacu of tbe Canadian Pacific Ocean Service's steamers on their return voyages
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  • 143 6 A report of the International Association for Rubber Cultivation in the Netherlands Indies estimates the total area under rubber in tbe islands of Sumatra and Java at 670,000 acres, about half of the total capital involved being English, the Dutch interest coming next, while France, Belgium
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  • 270 6 Tbe clergy of the Church of England arc meeting this week in Singapore. Tli« following are attending the Conference Tbe Reverends L. W. Coleman (Java) E. L. Dannon (Seremban) K. Gamier (Penang) E. N. Oreenhow (Ipolil H. C. Henham (Batn Oajah) C. J. Simmons (Bangkok) D. J.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 Coutts' OLD TOM GIN Sol* Importers: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (IN< (IRPORATKD IS EVOI.».>D> Two Final Sale Days TO-DAY and TO-MORROW. i REMNANTS. ODDMENTS SURPLUS GOODS AT Half Sale Prices. i Dodge Brothers f^(l^r^^^^^J_^ MOTOR CAR it speaksifor4tself CenxraH (Incerptratcit in Straits Sattlemtitts) JODELITE THE TIMBER PRESERVATIVE
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    • 245 6 POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT GREAT MAHATMA CO. AT THE HOUSE OF QUALITY THE ALHAMBJLA Beaoh Roatd The Leading Theatre in Singapore TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT RETURN VISIT of THE GREAT MAHATMA CO. in an tntirelv new pn n-inoir. Dr. HOWf ia HOW GAMBLERS WIN whan he will RXPOSE methods of Card
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  • 4041 7 FURTHER PROGRESS Great German Attack Defeated. AMERICA'S RESOLVE. Strong Speech by President Wilson. rUciKR* tmm .RAM>. Londu April 16. 1.50 p.m. Marshal Haiti report* We captured Tilleret Village, south-east of Hardicourt and made progress uorth j«l of L«:us. Oar booty captured in Lievin id -r tb>- Mki Km
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  • 18 7 Rrcter's Tklf.i.kam. London, April 16, 1.20 p.m The death is announced of /amenhof, tbe inventor of esperanto.
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  • 286 7 Thirty Per Cent. Dividend for The Year. Tbe directors' report for the year endoi December 31, 1916, for tbe meeting un April 24. reads After makiDg ample provision for depreciation an I bad debts, tbe net profitN amount to 1124,265.70 whirl., witb tbe balance of 16,662.37
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  • 128 7 To-day's Business. Saunder's and Macphail's Daily Report Silver, unchanged 36^. Hongkong unchanged 2/4 1 [1% pm.) Shanghai unchanged 8/6) (06)). Tin.— Sales 150 tons at 102}. Rubber.— 3/o j. Local market quiet about •Mm Rubber Shares. Indragiris are firm on tbe announcement of a 10%, business done
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  • 177 7 Though the Fe« cap is now the popular headgear of the Ceylon Moor, a few still wear tbe picturesque conical shaped hat of many colours, says tbe Times of Ceylon. One of these bats, worn by a young assistant in the branch establishment of Messrs. Macan
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  • 474 8 Judgment for k.P.M. Against McAlister and Co. Mr J.i-Uci' Spruuli' gave judgment in the gaprooK OMrt iMi mmmttf in the action brought by tlir Kuuinklyke Haketvaart Maalnctiapi'ij against the Kllenuao and Huiknall Meauisuip Line, am' Mutters McAli*t«<r and In Ltd., a« agent*, n.'eging breach of contract and
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  • 273 8 Employer's Call for More Statesmanship." A alfoD% plea (or statesmanship id industry is put forward by Mr. W. L. Hicbens, tbe chairman of the groat engineering firm of Irainiell, Laird and Co., in tbe current issue ot the New Age. How can we reasonably expect to find
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  • 188 8 Great Catalogue of All Printed Matter. A actoeci o fonu it complete bibliography of «T*rrt<'-it._ published in relation to tbe war t*M been inaugurated by Mr. Alex. J. PhiKp, with the Itpprt of the Central 4'omuiittei' for National Patriotic Organ i ■ations. This bibliograplij which will be
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  • 75 8 I'uke of Connaught's observance of U." food ration rales led to an amusing ncWfeat. which he related at a meeting of fee SoMiers- CM Annotation. Tk. o&Mr day." he Mid, "tome -tidier* by mistake caoM to have tea witli me at Clarence House, bat ctMit to the new regulation* I
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  • 348 8 A further Area of 230 to Be Opened. The report of llie directors uf the kuala Sidiiu Knbber Co., Ltd., (or the year ended beoeruber 31, 1016, states The management remain* the same. The area of the estate is 8,654.8 acres. The planted area amounts at present
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  • 360 8 Suggested Tiffin Menu And Recipes. The hon. secretary of tbe Singapore Food Reform Society, Mr. C. C. Hailing, forwards tbe following menu and recipes Menu Lentil soup, mock white ash. cauliflower. an gratia, fruit jelly. Rk. iPh>. Lentil soup lngredients Quarter pound lentils (the best obtainable), one
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  • 105 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, April 20: Tcksday, April 17. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Recruits. 5.R.8.(V.) N.C.O.'i. Maxim Co., No. 2 hetaebment. 5.10 p.m. Chinese Co. 5.15 p.m. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. Wednesday, April 18. 430 p.m. Baleatier Range S.R.E.(V.). 5.15 p.m.
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  • 55 8 Dkill Oro»k> Fok April, 1917. Friday, Apiil 20.—Entire Company Parade at Boustead Institute 5.15 p.m. Monday, 23.—Parades at Tanjong Hagar and I'earls Hill 6.16 p.m. Friday, 27.—Parade* at Tanjong Pagar and Pearls Hill 5.16 p.m. Monday. 80.—Entire Company Parade at I'earls Hill 6.16 p.m. An»k*w A ,nkw
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  • Correspondence.
    • 406 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l read the correspondence on Lottery with varying intercut. No doubt it referred to the lottery scheme proposed in Bombay towards tbe War Fund, which appeared in tbe news column of tbe local press, bat I have not seen
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    • 640 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Tbe remarks of the counsel in a recent court case may or may not express popular sentiment, bat tbey are undoubtedly apt to convey a wholly false impression in regard to tbe requirements of local military service. The magistrate
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    • 131 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir, In your leader of a few days ago I noticed tbat eight men in one of the large commercial tinim in Singapore applitri for permission to enlist and were refuw-d. From this it appears to me that these men
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    • 654 8 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,— There was s time wtihin recent recollection when the Mubamedans in general were averse to their children learn ing English. They {eared, and there was gome cause lor tins fear, that English education might wean their children away
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    • 29 8 Lucky Dogs." To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir, -They say the Municipal Couiiniisioners are going to P*7 tbe tax voluntarily. Yours, etc., Scbptic. Singapore, April 17, 1917.
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    • 165 8 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir, A week or t*u ago Veteran wrote complaining of the lack of information in the S.V'.C drill orders as published in the liewßpapera. I also bare a complaint to make. Why cannot the first publication of a week's orders be
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  • 49 8 Tbe Keppel Golf Club men'tt monthly medal will be played for on Saturday and Sunday. April 21 and 'I'l, aod the Ladies' spoon on Monday, April it. Tbe qualifying round for the Keppel Cap, is to be played in conjunction with April medal, the first 16 to qualify.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 200 8 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW Saturday, April 21, RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcountry orar-rs promptly executed. Bread delivered at private residence daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and cars on hire. Ring Telephone
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 252 9 "E.&0." GARAGE PENANG. On your arrival at Penang call the E. O." Hotel office or rinir Telephone No. 322 for Pv;,rs. btM Lnglihh and French Cars on the road. $4 an hour. $2O Round the Island. VISITS TO JAVA. GRAND HOTEL JAVA BATAVIA. Cable Address JAVA HOTEL. Code: A. B.C.
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    • 578 9 WAR TAX ORDINANCE. 1917. Members of tlie publin wbone yearly income from all xoorco, whether ari°inv or reoeived io the Colory or not, amonntH to 58.0C0 or more, aro reminded that on or bnfore tbe 80th April, 1917, they must notify the Colleotor that they are chargeable with War Tax.
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    • 124 9 DON'T Have Factory Accidents. Send for pamphlet and READ How to prevent them XHIS Address W T PLATT, Laidlaw Building, Singapore. RUBBER MACHINES OF BRITISH MANUFACTURE We have made arrangements to have Price of 18 x n these made for us in up-to-date works Machine in Australia and can supply
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 665 10 WARior Pkaoi. Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth ioo cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (laooar«aa*as a Stbatts Sittlshsmts) H« mm OMIOI i WlMoHewtaw Houm, B\nmm*o*. U»MOOM OMIOI i aa, Old J.wry, E.G. Tbe Oompui has stBOiOOO doposited witb Ibe Supreme
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    • 378 10 BANKING. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. Head Office tia|apors, Raffles Chambers, 5 41. ■ranches I Malacca, 155, First Cross Street. Muar, 77 79, Jala* Suleiman. CAPITAL Registered «B,oooroo Isoti.d $4 000.000 Subscribed $8,*****0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: lim Pent Slaag. Esq., Chairman. The Hon. Or. Lim Moa i Tan Chenf Lock,
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    • 502 10 BAMKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Honokono) PAID UP CAPITAL 110.000.0C0 RK SERVE FUNDS £1,600,000 at 2/- 116,000,000 Silver >*****,00P »88,500,000 It Dm 111 Liability ol Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. S. H. Dodwell. Bpq., Chairman. J. A. Finmmer, E«q I'tpnty Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton
      502 words
    • 500 10 BANKING. BHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA_AND CHINA. INOORPOSATBD IN BNOLAND BT ROYAL CHARTBR t>ald op Capital ia 60,000 Shares ol 410 eaeb 41,100,000 Reserre Fnad... 41,803^)00 Reserve LUbilitj o( Proprietors.. 41.M0.00C BANURS The Baak ot Baslaad, The Loadoa City aad ia-idlaad Baak, Ltd., Tbe London Coanty -»d Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      500 words
    • 847 10 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Ikcoporatbd in Honokokg) Matured policies and claims paid during 1916 524,303.51 Matured policies and claims paid 1912-16 1 .680,9 1 6.93 Income during 1916 2,236,759.05 Assurance Reserve Fund (policyholders' security) 5,106,943.44 Assurance in Force 21 ,630,287.26 P. J. FITZGERALD, Resident Manager, The Arcade,
      847 words

  • 1016 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. American Competition in Tyres. In a recent Trade Supplement published by The Times a prominent British rubber manufacturer writes as follows From the West has come a Colossus which they do fear, and with good cause. It soems a harsh thing
    1,016 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 277 11 1917 FORDS SHIPMENT JUST LANDED. These Cars are now being assembled in our Ford Car Assembling Department, at the corner of Stamford RoaJ and Hill Street. (Entrance next to Telephone Office). All interested are cordially invited to call in and see FORDS being built under the personal supervision of an
      277 words
    • 102 11 N Motorist > "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS., Singapore. "SILVERTOWN" PRESERVATIVE will protect your woodwork from the ravages of l^*^~7gja Dad weather, dry rot, white ants f^~T^"TJ THE MOST EFFICIENT j^^ooo^t^ 1^! AND THE CHEAPEST "rrrr^r* A Silvertown gives to low-priced soft-woods the same
      102 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 604 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT EXPERIENCBD COMPOSIiORSi '•'.ANTED for the Straits Times (newe > partn:»nt). Good ialaries given to capable men. WASTED. COM PBTENT BOOK KKEEH. Appiy Bex 101, Straits Times. BOB— v WANTED, a chemists assistant with previonu t-xperieoce. Appiy Uygera. c o Mraitu Timirh. 14-4—
      604 words
    • 574 12 MISCELLANEOUS. LADY TYPIST— Mrs. W. Cooper Abbs. Addreas Bnrlington, Co emau Street. Town Office, Raffle h Chambers. 6-4 4 5 WANTEI). nictly situated bungalow in Taogliu district, with tennio court, nnfurnished. Apply to Box No. lfJ. StraitH T'mes. 14 4— '2o-4 PAYING GUESTS WANTED. Vacancy for two bachelor*, in good
      574 words
    • 647 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET. Nc. 9 a. Tanjong Katong. Apply Meyer Brothers. 8-B— a TO LBT. H. .<.-<■■ No I, Obanoery Lane. Apply to Cbinif Kttng Lee Co., Aoctioneerfi. 18 11— n 1U LET, tiunrooin, Barker hoad. Immediate entry Apply Lee Cheng Van A Co. 1 V-n BUNGALOW TO
      647 words
    • 238 12 KIAM KIAT CO. 101*1 01, Market St reet Phone tame Mo. 4 7 1 Solb Aoknts. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited In orporated In England' Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains Colour* of ROStWOOD Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICKS. glWbert^ PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS la, Orchard Road
      238 words
    • 268 12 WE HAVE IT IF YOU WANT IT HUBBUCKS COLOURED PAINTS. OILS AND BUNDRIES. The Little Nipper" Kubber MauMl'-s with wooden raileta, 20" x 4" Morgan* t lcmbagc. Koropc Bass Broomr, 12 z 6 row*. Scytbe Blades and Soytlip Slodch Galvd. Om Pipt?. ami f Brass Rib Cock*. J", and 1".
      268 words
    • 505 12 NEW MOTOR GARS •phone For HIRE promptly attends to Ml J J your call with firstm m n 1 class, hiyh priced cars, W W llilv Kl i n 'K ht CHARGES MODERATE. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 215 A 316, Orchard Road (N«xt to WEARNE BROS., Ltd.) Telegrams: MOTORCAK, Singapore To
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 316 12 Straits Wmes. Temporary Telephono. 68. All communications relating to editorial th-Tbditor sb nld ddreBBod te All communications relating to businose matters advertisements, subscription-* accounts, printing, etc.— should be addressed to THE MANAGER ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane otu wants of every description art inserted in the ordinary body type of the newspaper,
      316 words