The Straits Times, 12 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,387 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 12. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 188 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK f'rico now $16.90 per e»"«' NOTICE. With reference to the advertisement of the sale of "HOLLY BRAND" MILK appearing in the Singapore Free Press over the name of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. Coy., and stating such milk to be as supplied by Joseph Travers Sons, Ltd. (London),
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    • 49 1 INDEPENDENCE plus ECONOMY Save printers' bills by producing your own advicee, circulars, instructions to Agents, 1 etc., etc., on the new model RONEO DUPLICATOR Your tamby can reproduce 80 copies PER MINUTE at the slight cost of paper and ink. Full details from RONEO, Ltd. Singapore. (INCORPORATED 111 INGLA*I>)
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    • 90 1 ROBINSON CO. Sole Agents fox* NEW HUDSON MOTOR CYCLES Countershaft 3 -Speed Gear. This machine can be supplied with Clutch Control operated by either hand lever on handle bar or by foot pedal. "king's own" LUCAS "KING'S OWN MOTOR CYCLE PROJECTOR s VjJlig^ i silvered mirror reflector. /A JB BUTTER
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    • 30 1 I JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoint.s AOAHBON eiLFILUNi CO., LTB (inravporaUd n Knglamn j BLANCHARD MATA-HARI (BRITISH-MAKE) HI6H-POWER KEROSENE LAMPS. soo coo c. p. Obtainable (rom A. FRANKEL&GO. Victoria Street.
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  • 1069 2 REGULATIONS RESPECTING THEIR TREATMENT. Merchants and Missionaries. The following i« a translation of regula tions respecting the treatment of Germans in China which the Mioi*tt itt« of War and Interior have drawn up. The aame bare been approved by the President and have been wired to the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 665 2 NOTICE. Mr B P Do 8il»a« ("tablmbment wi'l be doatd on Aptil 1U and IS, for tbe Ntw Year. 9-4 *Ji*4 FOR SALE PRIVATELY Tbe valuable freehold ronidentia' property known Cluny," Cluoy Road, Singapore. For partica'ar», apply to POWKLL Co.. Ltd., Auctioneer*. Hi GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. WANTED, European Maternity Nurite
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    • 354 2 |tjj SPRINGS Property of the French E >) i«( ruiLtDt H GAGGINO CO. (■ir*\ *i >' Malacca Straet Mil V Chy ™j«j Cclestins "VICHY Dru c w ter wbich "j***~ j liifcinfix'ts the inteftinen 4n^w l P ;istrv tivei E^^B^^rJ H<»- Ulit infective disease* t^— Mtjg H til, .1 under
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    • 506 2 MUSCULAR BACKACHF. Tbe iuubclih of the baok do the heavy work ot tbe body. When they are overworked or ill noniUhed they ache and people begin to worry netdle*nly about their kidi eys. Backache may be doe to lombtgo, which is rheumatism of tbe muscles of the baok, bat more
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    • 1008 2 I SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL BUILDING SITES SITUATE AND r HUNTING A RSsEKVE FOR ROaD CFF IAIKN HILL, A i Messrs. I ins., Kkno Lek A Co.'s Salvi:i o». Hafhus ("hamnkps, Rakklis Plaik, On Monday, April 16, at 2 30 p.m. Lot 1. All that
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  • 728 3 PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION OF 10 PER CENT. Directors' Annual Report. The directors' report of the Batn Anam Robber Estates, Ltd is aa follows The directors have pleasure in submitting their fourth annual report and statement of audited accounts for the year ended December 81, 1916. The area of
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  • 56 3 A thrilling aviation feat bas been witoessed at Brooklanda. An airman looped tbe loop' sideways, wing ovtt wing, making tbe biplane revolve like a windmill. Tbe feat commenced at 1,600 ft., and continued until tbe airman was 300 ft. from tbe ground, when tbe biplane was gracefully
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  • 97 3 Dry Bones of Religion. Principal St lbie, in bin prraidenti&l •ddreni to (be Council of tbe KvaDgehckl Free Cburcbe*, warned people acaiont aiwouioK that tbe war would cod id good or id pro dociOK a reli|(>ous revival. It would be necessary to wrtwt good out of evil. UaSSSI wp KtaDil
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 406 3 if A 1 'I'll I "rip/ There s a ''I jMj^ saving in cost between !>. -uj;ht ;ikes and homemade. Saveeetzs i»\ and buitu ;md mom y, too, by baking at home. Jk J It li quitu cus), with the help (if I'aisley Hour," "l 1' to )a ;c l
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    • 621 3 Qticura /rT.The^i Great Stan Cure CBffli The Soap to |lUJ£3| cleanse and purify, ml, "HI the Ointment to Ipf'.'ißl soothe and heal iipf^fffjlli trial free I JbM^BpJU^l^ Tli esc fragrant, su n cr creain y cmoi■SS^^S^SSbß^ p iti hinc tnIvS^BIH st;intlv.ik arthc>kin IB^jgpCyai fU m rounhl lksUfe^S a II i
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    • 136 3 THE SINGAPORE AND STRAITS DIRECTORY FOR 1917. o ri o e B's°8 5 P er c °Py- 59.00, post free to places in btraits bettlemente, Federated Malay States, Johore, Kedah Kelantan, Perlis. Trengganu, British North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei to Siam, Saigon, Netherlands India. &c 59.50, post free. Publishers: FRASER
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 443 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP rOO.. LTD. (InooaroßAT.D id Jataji EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained between Yokohama, via ports asd London under mail contract witb tut Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamer* maintaining this ssrvioe have been specially designed and eocwtrooted, and are fitted witb all
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    • 646 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India and Mpcar L-ine. (COHPAMIM ImCOBPOBATID IN ENGLAND). MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR ANO ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with Bli Majesty Government), for Ohms, Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Adan, Kftypt, Maditarranaan Ports and London. MAIL LINES. BuilWitS (POX EOBOP.) Octwaed (roa Cbikal INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 677 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imookpobatid in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baobo, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telnpin, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamai, Band jn, Langan«o, Ciiuaipon, Koalak Bangkok. Dut Departur* PRACHATIPOK April IS IS, 3 p.m. ASDANG 93 25, 3 p.m. s.s. BORIBAT 3O May
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    • 610 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SBRVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. ilncobpobatid in Snuland) AND THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enolakd) SBTW.SN Fremantle (Perth North-West Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular sailings betwben Singapore and Western Australia calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound
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  • 86 5 FIXTURES. Thurso^v April 12. HiliL Water v. vm. 1 '18 p.m. Friday, April I.V H'«h Water, U a.iD., 5..H4 p.m. Saturday, April 14 1.14 i.tu.. H 13 p us Cliiiri: Lire So Theatre. Sunday April IS. Hi?'. Wate* "H a.m., 5.1 > p.m. Monday April 16 H\c
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  • 166 5 To D4t. Batn P*ii»t 2.80 pru Dickon and P. S'TcConhaui 2 30 pm MM \nd Mun 8 pm 4 pm Koto T 4 pm oc ib 8.30 am Falsa Bitau ac"* al»a H'llang n HO am Pnlan So*«i 5.30 mi 9.30 am < ucob 9.3(i am Medan
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  • 483 5 I Tba m*J trains from Singapore for tli •ortii lt*re rank Rood station daily at 7.7 sad 7 pi-i arriving at Koala Lumpur at 7.19 p »i>«i 6.45 a.m. respectively. Tb Ihroopn express to Peoaog leaves Kmi Lamrr^r «r 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penanu it Ml
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  • 171 5 EXCHANdB. Bn«AroM, Ai-ril 12, 1917. Uh Lorn** ......Bank <m|i S/4| EMciaad i 4; Private lull a/4|; O* Kkasci B»ck T. T. BiO U* Inuu Bank T. T. o« Joki»kom«...B»oh d;J l%£m Uh Sbakobai ..Bank did 66J Oa Ml Bank T. I IB7J Oa Imm Bunk 100 SoveteiffiM—
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    • 175 5 vSS Baye atUm> 10 10 Ampang *.£O 6.C0 1 1 Aver WenK 1-W 1-3"' 10 10 Kunaboi 1.26 1.40 10 10 KiDta Association 9.00 10.00 41 £1 KiDta Tin 1.1C.0 1.17.6 41 £1 Labat Mines 4.00 500 10 10. Malayan Collieries VI 00 12.50 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.16.0
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    • 116 5 vXj BuyerB Seller -41 «1 bnibltuMj Co. T.CO T.JO 41 41 t'tut. 1.3.6 1.50 ti- Blecteic T'wnyi 4/- 5/--10 10 Fraae* Ne»ve 47.10 48.C0 60 60 W. Hammer* Co. 87.00 88.00 100 Uowutb Krekint 68.00 60 00 100 7%Prel. IUO.OC luO ICO &M 2 Bic, Del. par IIO.UI 10
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    • 53 5 United Engineers 8% 11,2W,500 par Su^;,,|«li rl Tramways 6% £850,1X J noc ■Vpore Municipal f>% 11,»7H,(aX) far S pore Municipal 4f% of 1907 •1,800,000 lo %ili- IS pore Municipal 41% of IVOV ,1,000,000 lU%dis S'porb Municipal 4% 2,000,000 16%UiS .Spore Municipal 4% &HjO,U'O PJLB. 6'o loau 1918 115,1 A
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  • 328 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. i Fraser Lyail A a Co. Kvatt. Alor Gajab ($1) 4.15 4.25 4.15 4.25 Amal. Malay (2) 0.20 0 40pm O.kO 0.40 Ayer Hitaui (J5) 14 25 16.C0 14.00 15.00 Ayer Kuniog (91) 1 26
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 490 5 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, Apr 1 IS*— Frid*v. An it. 13. 5.15 Drill Hail S.V.A K.-rtuitK. S.R E iV.). Maxim Co., No. 1 De tachment 5.10 p.m. Chinese Co. *.la p ia. Rras Basah Head Malay Co. Katllua Institution S.V.C. BanJ. G.
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    • 319 5 SMOKE W. D. ft H. 0. WILLS' "GOLD CIGARETTES Packed in Ct^\ f On sale at air-tight tins of 50 CIS. AH Dea i erB VICTORIA THEATRE mamm^ m^.^ mm^ m^^ m^, m Saturday next, April 14, for short season only. Cju^ 7 li MAURICE E. BANDMAN presents ga*-^' 1
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    • 45 5 International Circus Beach Road. TO-NIGHT AT 9.15 Entire Change of Programme NE-W ITEMS. To-morrow, Gala Night, Professor ASHRAF ALLY accepts hallenKfi from Alec. WilliamLimited, lo stop a 21-5 H.P. Chevrolet" Car. MATINEE ON SATURDAY. APRIL 14. AT 4.30 P.M. Children Half Price to all parts.
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  • 1 6
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  • 1127 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, APRIL 12. CAN WE FORCE THE PACE? The defeat of tbe enemy in the section between Lens and Arras is complete. 11k wax unable to hold his positions at any point. We gather that where the difficulties of advance were greatest tbe Tanks waddled forward, lay
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  • 14 6 The total of tbe F.M.B. War Relief Fund to date is 1297 ,948 44.
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  • 38 6 The resolotion paarsd on Marcb 24 as to tbe winding up of Kanaboi, Ltd., was corfiri'icd at a meeting huld yesWrda at .he oftic s if the secretaries. Mnssrfi. Barker ldc! Co. Mr. S. Whitakttr was appointed' liquidator.
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  • 16 6 A French consular cable says that tbe Spanish steamer San Fulgencio has been sank without warnicg.
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  • 27 6 The Perak tin export figures for the month of Marcb were as follow Block tin, piculs 1,979.4.". tin ore, piculs, :<U. 184.11; duty, $430,318.33 super tax, 129,526.33.
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  • 30 6 Dinners to Court Officials, as per ancient custom," in tbe Channel Islands cost only £U in 1915, as compared with £124 three years earlier, according to a crown revenue return.
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  • 30 6 It was stated at the annual meeting of tbe Court of Governors of Birmingham I'niversity that 763 of the present and past staff and students bad enlisted or taken commissions.
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  • 32 6 Coder an Order in-Council, from tbe Ist I inst., the regulations for cash on delivery service apply to any parcel (whether insured I or not) exchanged between the Colony and I Shanghai.
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  • 37 6 The stewards of the Royal Calcutta Turf Club applied at the end cf March for per mission to throw the Turf Club 1), rhy Sweep open to th public, the prires to b> given id war bonds.
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  • 30 6 A Proclamation renews for a further six month* the prohibition of the export of certain articles to Sweden, under the provisions of section 5 of tbe Anus and Explosives Ordinance.
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  • 28 6 It in notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette that plague has ceased to exist at Sungei Penang, Pangkor, and the Government notification relating thereto has been accordingly rescinded.
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  • 28 6 The new Treasury Notts are described by a Liverpool business m<in as the Three Georges" King George, Saint George, and Lloyd George (represented by the House of Commons).
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  • 33 6 The tzttc, tbe first armed American merchantman to be sunk by submarines, was an old steamer of 3,500 tons gross, built at Newcastle in 1894, and owned by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company.
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  • 38 6 Tbe trial cf Lieutenant E. C. McWil liam, charged with attempting tho murder of Sergeant Hill, S. and T. Corps, and causing him grievous hurt, commenced at Bombay High Court Sessions on March 26. The case is proceeding.
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  • 36 6 Owing to a second leakage of the matri culation examination paptrx. the registrar of Calcutta university on April 4 issued a notice cancelling tbe examination which commenced on Marcl) 30. Further orders will be notified shortly
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  • 40 6 A tjtiticatinn ij the F.M.S. Gazette states that, bufficient time baviug now elapeed for the presentation of cases for the consideration of tbe Advisory Committees, no further applications will be ncjived by these committees in the F.M.S. after April 30.
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  • 56 6 A Flag Day story A friend, calling on a .Sccuisb firm of three partners aujui lunch time, found only two at home. Are you coming out to lunch.'" he asked, "ft eel, not yet But it's your usual time, isn't it Ah, yen, but we canna came just yet. Ye
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  • 54 6 The Civil and Milftary Gazette says that for political re&'uns seven sons of the late Sirdai Mahoinci Ayub Kuan, son of the late Amir Audar RaLtuan of Kabul, who have been livinu in Lahc lor many years past, have been internal i placed in the custctly of the uiiulaiy ajthi
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  • 59 6 There were some exciting scents at (iovernment House, Calcutta, on March K J when the jute, presented by the jute-balers and merchant?, was pi:* M for auction by Mr. W. M. Briggs asbmted by Lord Carmicbael. In the eiid thu magnificent sum of Rill, £6o was realised, which briugs the
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  • 60 6 According to tbe statement of import* and exports issued by tht Department of Commerce, Washington on litctmber '20. the imports from Japan for the ten months cuding October 81, 1916, totalled 140,734,575 gold dollars, as compared with MJUyMI dollars in the same period of the pievious year, showing an increase
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  • 61 6 We are informed that Leo Lim Vong, proprietor of Chop Choon Seng Chang, 14, Birch Road, Seremban, w»s on April 10 charged under tbe Merchandite Enactment, 1910. with having exposed for sale and sold as Tennents "T beer, beer of Japanese manufacture to which labels of T beer had beeu
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  • 69 6 In tbe Albert Docks recently was the Glenogle with a cargo of 6} million of egga from China. One of the cases was opened in the presence ut a Daily Cbrouicle representative, and to prove tbe freshness ot the eggs several were broken. Tl.e holds in which tbe coses are
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  • 80 6 According to a Bangkok paper, tbe Borneo Co., Ltd., and the East Asiatic Co., Ltd., give notice that they will discontinue the present method of charging freight on rice, meal, paddy, salt, sugar, etc carried by their steamers from Bangkok to Singapore, as from April 18, 1317. On and after
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  • 78 6 At a large and representative meeting of Chinese, says a HoDgkong message dated Marcb '25, a resolution was paastd with enthusiasm to make a voluntary contribution to the Imperial Government of one million dollars a year, during tbe duration of tl>war. Sir Robert Ho Tur« made a speech, in whioii
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  • 367 6 Mr. E. Arnold, of Messrs. Boustead, Hamp shire and I j., Kuala Lumpur, is going home Sir Thomas Braddell, Chief Judicial Commissioner, F.M.S., will bo K V|D H on have id the Dear future. Tbe death is announced of Mr. C. A. Waller, consulting engineer to the
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  • 36 6 The Hon. Treasurer gratefully acknowledges receipt of a cinque from Mr. C. Latham for «U'2.94 [iUh.N.| tt.n^ hall proceeds of a Concert and Bridge d.ive held on board the X.M.S. Thongwa.
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  • 47 6 Mrs. Rupert Manasseh begs to acknowledge the following addition to the Belgian Red Cross Fund Previously acknowledged M.121 Half I'roceedu of Concert and Bridge drive on board K. M. 9 Thougwailf "m. at Urn. J i per C. Lathau. IBM IttftJ 11,634 94
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  • 40 6 We are very pleased to acknowl* following aiMuious to tbe Ahropsiines Depar tiire Fund Already acknowledged |j.'.»34 Mr. Chan Cheng Slew .Malacca) 50 MiS, i, C. Yin 10 Hope Renewed 20 J. R. L. 10 Total 16.0*4
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  • 85 6 Tbe undermentioned prices were realised for rubber bold by Muisrs. Allen L>i uujs and Co., at their auction sale at Peuang, on April s;—5 t( r picul. smoked ribbed sbtet »153 to 1161 plain Huttt I'JO 126 So. 2 suioked sheet diamond IM l.vj L'Dgmoked shtot 120
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  • 236 6 There is still great irregularity in tljo delivery of tbe mails from China and the Kar East generally, says in j London and China Express of February 28. For two successive weeks we received no advices or papers from China, either by the Northern route via Siberia
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 94 6 K r SE HI |M I ]Hk. I "1 a.^ *J "I a. 4 mC3 g" \xP.\ #M "g m LITTLE'S Great War-Economy /ntl\ I wri Now Proceeding. W JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. '-I V (Incorporated in England) Dodge Brothers ta^^^^fe^^^^^ MOTORCAR Zy' It Speaks Jo^itself CENTRA fl TYPEWRITERS The
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    • 218 6 THE GREAT MAHATMA CO. it tack again AT THE HOUSE OF QUALITY THE ■UHAMBRA B«aoh Road The Leading Theatre in Singapore TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT I RETURN VISIT, for a few nights only, of THE GREAT MAH ATM A CO. in an entirely new prf.ii-»niiD« Dr. HOWE in HOW GAMBLERS WIN wnen
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  • 3146 7 BRITAIN'S GLORIOUS VICTORY. Later News of Arras Battle. Huge Captures of German Guns. GERMAN FEMALES. Horrible Conduct to British Prisoners. London, ftp* 11, 1.1.10 a.m. Marshal Haig Operations are being energetically annued, despite heavy snowstorms. We aave reached the out-kirts of Moncby le Preax, five miles east ward
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  • 18 7 Renter's Telkgkam. London, April 11, 7.15 p.m. The death is announced of tbe actor. Mr, James Welch.
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  • 129 7 (From Ocr Own Cokrespondbnt.) Ipob, April 7, 1.30 p.m. The Times of Malaya is t tlicially informed that the restrictions regarding tbe alienation of land to foreigners does not apply to land for mining purposes. Tbe journal points out tbat the decision is welcomed, particularly by
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  • 64 7 (Fuom Ova Own Corrksihshknt Penang, April 11. At the meeting of Parit Perak Rubber Co.. Mr. Waugh presiding, the report and account** were passed and a dividend of 17 j per cent, was declared. Mr. James R. Gordon and Mr. Waugb, directors, were voted $1,500 directors'
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  • 298 7 Company's Claim Against Former Manager. Tbe Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K.C.) gave judgment in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon in an action brought by the General Rubber Company against J. Winfotd Stayton. Defendant aski d tbat an order in this action made on September 29, 1916, be
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  • 48 7 A silver cap and 12 silver medals Lave be»n awarded by the King of Norway to the coxswain and crew of the Blyth lifeboat for tbeir service* in rmcuiDg the master and two seamen of tbe Norwegian Imm Audrr. which stran led at Blytli on February :'M 1916.
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  • 607 7 THE GREAT VICTORY WAR LOAN. From Our City Correspondent, Manh 1,1917. You will doubtless heve received th» figures of tbe great war loan subscription*, but they are really mu;h u-or wonderful than tbe best authorities expected or dared to hope. Try to think, what £1,000,000,000 of new money
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  • 117 7 To-day's Business. Saunder's and Macpbail> Daily Report Silver unchanged 86 5 8. Hongkong do. 'i i; Im > cent, pro.) Shanghai down I 1 I i j (66J.1 Tin —Local sale-- 100 t-.m-. At 10-'t. Rubber. ;> 1 1 The. auction opened vnry firmly and |1M was
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  • 99 7 Mary Ayab wrote to tbe Statesman oo M.irnli IK as follows I atu a Madranie Ayah and bave »..rnel f..r Knuh».i ..j.lf fjr yearn and alno for GHruian iiihh Dnri> g at Calicut and I kn >\> tin difference. 1 am a poor tiji.tD and uave m>
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 144 8 Missing Trophies Found. Tbe match bttwueo tbe SCO. inJ tbe Shrri.-I inn to be pl*Tt^ o tbe former's yroonj llii« afternoon will bo ousidered as hqJ not a league k»u.o. It should proTe a imrticularly inten^t'ai; nicetiDK. The SCl'. Wnmii will -Tiowell; Hill and OalH. Parish, 1-ynoh aurl Lots;
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    • 216 8 -pon.Vnt writ, s: It has now been d. finitely <toei.!c! that the final of tbe Haji l,*t.H lur. played under the auspices of the a K.*at»»ll Ahsjciation, will Uke phot on me lid 111*. Rtclawaii Beach Road, on ...-.taut, beginning at 4.45 pm. Tbe finalists are
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    • 99 8 The following particulars of games played Vt««-«>n ihe Singapore V.M.C.A. and visitors fron> Kuala Lumpnr, over tLe weekend, hay« been sent in for publication TknmlisMlii -A. Van Cuyienbiirk .Singapore l \n Irt*. 6 5. 61. Doubles— R 1» Prinuk and Poh Lange Sineapir< I boat <". Wm an
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    • 28 8 I tpoj Lines Golf Club men's mcd i i has resulted as follow* i jpbell 46 44—8 =92 I I>-iic»u M 51 18 83 juxiin 18 Ho
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  • 177 8 80,000,000 GERMANS Suggestion that the Census Has Been Falsified. '.lowing report, emacaticg from a >><ri_ic source, is Bow h icj industriously c.rcuiatc i in neutial MsWm A> c ir iiog to the I fiiciil returns pubhehi <1 by the German Government in regard to lb> is in GtriLMM\. tLe rx.
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  • 250 8 .•luual general meeting of share- I jab I'm C j IM, (O— M hi Id in I: iDL'k.,k on March BL TL- wire MSJ I o:i:ilr. W. L. Urut, in i. chair Capt. (i. Koo» ami Mr Kay Inger- tors', with M> s«rs H. li. l!>rgert.en. K
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  • 319 8 Judge's High Compliments To Counsel. Id the Supreme Court yesterday afttrnooti the Chief .lastiee i»if John iS.ukmll, K.C.) g«ve judgment fur the plaiutitfi 10 the. cage of llalli Broilier?, of Calcutta, v. Ahmed Mohaiued Salley Augulia, njereLmnt, of Singapore. Tbe ca*e was of an extremely lutrica'.f nature,
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  • 595 8 A Suggestion for the Tower Of London. Id an article which Tim Time* published recently there wax foreshadowed a move men*, which will undoubtedly be made in .lie noar future, for the creation ol a National Military Museum of the Great War. It is obvious that such
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  • 169 8 Discovery of an Explosive Aeroplane in Distress." An extraordinary incident, suggesting a new German tea trap of Home sort, is re(orkd by a Dutch Ktrani trawler arriving at Yuiuit'eu. I- the North S,.a, between the Mm- and S.-liuuin Hack Ligbtithipii, ihp trawler Haw, a considerable dlatanoe aw.ty,
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  • 343 8 Famous Sculptor's Idea of The Goddess of Love Mr. Jacob Epstein has progressed with giant's strides since tbe days when the conspicuous anatomic exaggerations of bis carved figures at the corner of Agar Street caused a storm of indignation, but bis pro grass has been in a backward
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  • 355 8 Mr. Arthur Fell's Estimate Of Cost. The question of tbe Channel Tunnel wan discussed at tbe 97tb dinner of tbe Political and Economic Circle of the National Liberal Club. Yr. Arthur Fell. M.l', chairman of the House of Commons Channel Tunnel Committee, who was the principal guest,
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  • 303 8 Oriental Government Security Company. The secretary of the Singapore branch of the Oriental Govcrnrx.«nt Security Life Assurance Co Ltd has forwarded to us a copy of the report for the year 1016 which was to be presented at the 4'2nd annual meeting at Bombay on the 4th inst.
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  • 230 8 [Tbr Strait* Time* is Dot reupcnmble tot the opiui>oa of it» eorrospondenta. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be abort and to the point. Long, rambling npietlen are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down. Coagulation. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— My attention
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  • 416 8 The following new book* will be ready lor issue on Thursday. Vpnl 12. Barcynaka. Coiiate.sH. If Wishes were Horses S ***** Blytb. Jauif. A Modern Sacrifice 8 1284 -J Comfort. W. L.. Rod Fleece S ***** l)»nr. Cleniencr. \l< yiim Lt of I Women S ***** Deipiun. Warwick,
    416 words
  • 140 8 Banteng Selangor. 31,A91 lbs. eleven months 359,476 lbs. Changkat Salak.-6J.000 lbs. three months 220,000 lbs. Cheviot. -49,190 lbs. three months 181,948 lbs Galang Besar.— 4l,6oo lbs.; nine months 838.750 lbs. HeawjoJ Tin and Rubber.— l4,97B lbs. three months 5P.206 lbs. Kamnning. 68,176 lbs. nine months 716.232 lbs.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 218 8 RAFFLES HOTEL Special Dinner AND DANCE. Saturday, April 14. ADELPHI HOTEL Monthly Rates for Tiffin $2O Dinner $2O Breakfast, Tiffin and Dinner $5O EVERY EVENING DURIN6 DINNER CONCERT BY OUR FILIPINO BAND. Saturdays SPECIAL DINNER SEA VIEW HOTEL Saturday, April 14, SPECIAL ""> CINEMA DINNER '"r" SHOW Sunday, April 15,
      218 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 311 9 AT THE "GAIETY" TO-NIGHT at Bluebird Photo-ptay n I THE CHALICE OF SORROW I I LANGFORD-MACVEA FIGHT 1»— -1 Concluding Esisssts at tha'Qrsat ferial 6 Jkj THE MASTER KEY Law Xt H:uid Plnlm LUKE, GLADIATOR," witb Lonesome bake. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Ts» Itul Picturs Jg f^Tltf'Bf^ lytlMtas Ttnatrt CiMma -J!^sV* »S9
      311 words
    • 559 9 SUNGEI GADUT CLUB. I All persons having oUims against the above clnb arc requested to forward fame to tbe undersigned before April 80, 1917. a. J ÜBARN, Perl entian Tinggi. 7 4 b— l3 4 I JUST ARRIVED METHYLATED SPIRITS In cases— B gallons Strength 95 to 96 per cent.
      559 words
    • 251 9 STMMVMRT-MMTBCHIIPNJ "NEDERLAND" AND ROTTERDAM LLOYD (Inoobporatid ik Holland I ROYAL DUTCH MAIL COMPANIES Regular Mall service between JAVA, SINGAPORE. HONGKON 3, YOKOHAMA AND BAN FRANCISCO. VKI-VBBBA For freight, pannage an"! further particular*, apply to Internationale Crediet-en Handels Vereeaigin* Rotterdam IKCOBPO»*TS1) IH HOLLAMC). NOTICL THE KUALA BAWAH RUBBER CO.. LTD. (Imcorpohatbd
      251 words
    • 78 9 THE MALACCA IMPORT COMPANY, General Merchants and Contractors MALACCA. •Phone Nos. ST A 81. Stores shop, 44 A 48, Blacksmith St. We are willing to undertake contracts for the following Estate Bungalows, Factories and Smoke Houses, Stores and Drying Sheds, Permanent Temporary Coolie Lines, Sink Wells, Extend, Repair and Paint
      78 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 671 10 V^AEtor PZAGX. FaMINZ or PIKNTT, liIPK iNBURANCK IB WORTH 100 OZNTB ON THE DOLLAR. WHAT OTHER PBOPEBTY THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (l«ooar»a»TBD n Bt«ait§ Ssttlbmbhts) HbUIB OHFIOB i Wl..*t NtM Housa, •Ing«POM. LONDON OPPIOB I SS, Old J.wr,, E.O. Tbe Oompaay ha* etaOrOOO deposited with the Supreme
      671 words
    • 384 10 BANKING, THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. Head Office I Singapore, Raf tltt Chamber*, lAS. Branches I Malacca. 15$, Firtt Cross Street, Muar. 77 79, JalBR Seleiman. CAPITAL Kegistered $8,000 COO Issued 14 000,000 Subscribed 18,600,000 BOARD OF DIRBCTORS. Lim Pent Slang, tsq., Chairman. The Hoe. Dr. Lim aeon Tan Chen|
      384 words
    • 497 10 BANKING, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (I.NCURPOBATID IN HONGKONO) PAID-UP CAPITAL •19,000,000 KBSBRVE FUNDS Sterling £1600,000 at i 116,000,000 Silver 818.600,000 188,600,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietor* 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. S. H. Dodwell. Esq., Chairman, J. A. Plummer, E»q Ueputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton B. V, D. Parr,
      497 words
    • 510 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INOORPOBATBD IN BNGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital ia SO.Ono Sbatei ol 4*o each 41,100,0(0 Reserve Fund 41.90Jf100 hoeerve Liability ol Proprietors... 41,100,000 CANKBRS The Bank ot England, The London City aad M.dlaad Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
      510 words
    • 779 10 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incopokatio in Honokokq) Matured policies and claims paid during 1916 $524,303.51 Matured policies and claims paid 1912-16 1,680,916.93 Income during 1 916 2,236,759.05 Assurance Reserve Fund (policyholders' security) 5,106,943.44 Assurance in Force 21,630,287.26 P. J. FITZGERALD, Reaident Manager, The Arcade, Singapore. THI EnfTHN
      779 words

  • 826 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. British Trade Policy. The Association of Ttritinh Motor and Allied Manufacturers, Ltd., tbe offices of wbich body are at 1, Regent Street, London, 8.W., has issued a memorandum in which its policy is publicly disclosed. It is contended, with ample proof
    826 words
  • 117 11 Minnesota and other State, are following thii example of New York, and have issued notice h blacklisting Les Darcy. On the ground that Les Darcy is a slacker Mr. Whitman, Governor of New York State, directed the State Athletic Commission to prohibit bis boxing Jack Dillon on
    117 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 401 11 1917 FORDS SHIPMENT JUST LANDED. These Car* are now being assembled in our Ford Car Assembling! Department, at the corner of Stamford Road and Hill Street. (Entrance next to Telephone Office). All interested are cordially invited to call in and see FORDS being built under the personal supervision of an
      401 words
    • 93 11 TYRES The Very BEST DUPIRE BROTHERS SINGAPORE "SILVERTOWN" PRESERVATIVE will protect your woodwork from the ravages of =^7-^^>> *>ad weather, dry rot, white ants f^'"'''~r^ =^*n THE MOST EFFICIENT lt*^*g*gs»T^l AND THE CHEAPEST A Silvertown gives to low-priced soft-woods the same f& T^H^m protective advantages claimed for the most expensive
      93 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
      580 words
    • 563 12 SITUATIONS VACANT EXPERIENCED COMPOSITORS WANTED for tbe Straits Times (new* iepartrxent). Good salaries given to oapab.e men WANTED, 6 COMPOSITORS. Good salaries to competent men. Apply C. A. Ribeiro 4 Co., Ltd. 24 B—o8 o WASTED, COMPBTBNT BOOKKEEPER. Appiy Box 161, Straits Time«. 808— v WANTED. SECOND ENGINEER for
      563 words
    • 714 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, No. 8 a, Tanjong Katong. Apply Meyer Brothers. g.g o TO LBT. Houses No. 7, Chanoery Lane Apply to Ching Kong Lee k Co., Auctioneers. 18 11— o TO LET, Dunrobin, Barker Road. Immediate entry Apply Lee Cheng Van k Co. 1-7-t BUNGALOW TO LET,
      714 words
    • 223 12 PAINTS OILS OF ALL COLOURS and Makes at reasonable prices for immediate delivery. KIAM KIAT Co 108 and 109, Market Street. Phonb sams No. 421. G.R. LAMBERT&Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS J-a, Orchard;Roaa, Telephone Ho. 1035. THE OLDEBT AND LEADING BTUDIO Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resonroes, and tbe Reqaisite Experience, an all at
      223 words
    • 235 12 VARNISHES. Black Japan Brunswick Biack Copai French Polish Japan, Gold Size Fine Oak Paper, etc., etc., etc. In H, M 1 Gallon Tins. GUAN KIAT Co., No. 3a, Phillip Street Telephone Nos. IMI, 1862 and 1868. Private 1450. Sole Agents FOR THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID Ths ideal fluid tar claming
      235 words
    • 42 12 NFW MOTOR GARS •phone For HIRE promptly attends to 111 J J your call with firstM m la I cliiH-., lnjjh prici .1 curs, CHAROEB MOOEMTE. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 918 A 218, Orchard Road (Next to WEARNE BROS., Ltd.) Telegrams: MOTORCAR. Singapore-
      42 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 757 12 Straits "(Dimes. Temporary Telephone! 58. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters —advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. —should be addransed to THE MANAGER ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellant oob wants of every description are inserted in tbe ordinary body type
      757 words