The Straits Times, 31 March 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,378 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY MARCH 81. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 194 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Prioe do« $15.40 BEAR I I BEAR BRAND s^^^P^^i BRAND WTT AZ BEAR mm WTT IT MliLISa Hvoitmc swiss w^ rf i mIJLIV ir s in its natura I put l^ JJ? or dn 3' f hin™ ci ml Nv llout dJd lio SOLE IMPORTERS: J.
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    • 194 1 Association Footballs REGULATION WEIGHT AND SIZE FOOTBALL GOAL NETS, FOOTBALL BLADDERS, LACING AWLS I nr^s^£^BTi*i^Lr^Bai Vli I i La js^*7*xswfl I >*fl^fct FOOTBALL SHIN* l^gii C: •ji*' Jsws™^ GUARDS iLm^MMF THE SCOn "TUBITE FOOTBALL TUC Dr Tußite is the b^Bt leather that can be proln^d REFEREE FOOTBALL tor the muDUctort
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    • 10 1 KARTELLS WANOY. Soli Aoints ADAMBON. GILffLL/^ •§,lll. Incorpor&tad Id KngUad)
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  • 964 2 EXPERIENCES OF A HONGKONG RESIDENT. Toast to Coming Revolution." Recently a Daily Press representative had a brief but interesting conversation with a gentleman who bat recently arrived in Hongkong from Russia, in which country be stayed for some weeks wben en route to Hongkong from England. About tbrtsfl
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 287 2 Weakness F.vrry movcn hi ol the body use* up a dr'.nuc ..mount of :.,!ny. ih ate) >ou(eel ti rd at thr t-nd ol ihc day. When you overtax you-self, n •nSenyoui ntality is umiermiiioii t>y i !ncs yo>jr whole s\ ■■tun L>rcomc*io4.tsn.iusted lo rcccv er us lost vitality wilhout assistance
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    • 218 2 THE BEST DRINK 1 1 X.3J IN HOT WEATHER. vLli3| Large supplies have lately I arrived from London. Or ALL STOKEKMKPEKS. NOTICE. Mr. Cboa Kah Chwoe has removed to hi* new building. No. MIS, Joo Ohiat Road, so all communications after office hoars to be written to him at tbe'above
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    • 428 2 A Good Example is set by the people who take proper care of their teeth. Never neglect to give your teeth a thorough antiseptic cleansing every day with ICARBOUcfI TooHl Powder StU If hml rifftft mm* SMtm. Mad* h F. C. CALVERTfr CO n Mmmrtttttr, M*g. WHOOPING COUGH and Babw.
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    • 241 2 COMFORTS FOB THE TROOPS, 3Pure Woollen Socks, Stockings, Sweaters, Balaclava Caps, as supplied to all War Funds. Price« and particulars from| ALL INDIA HOSIERY MANUFACTURING GO. Dept. 12, 11 Lindsay Street, Calcutta. 17-as— l6B High-class Tailoring New Season's Goods A choice selection of the latest fashionable materials now in stock.
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  • 883 3 FIRST DIVIDEND PAID LAST YEAR. The Annual Report. Tbe report of tbe directors of Broas Robber Co., Ltd., for tfae year ending December 31, 1»16, states:— Tbe three chief events t» chroaide as bavin" t»kcn place daring tbe year under review, are tbe paying of the first dividend,
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  • 142 3 At a court martial held in London on February 11, Major-Oeneral Sir Francis Lloyd, General Officer Commanding the London district, speaking of the soldiers' perils in London, said tbe public houses ought not to be abused so much. Many publicans were playing the game. He regretted
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  • 51 3 The Amsterdam correspondent ot the Daily Cbronicla reports that an Americas who has just If ft Germany after having resided there since the outbreak of the«war states During the) food riots at Kiel aad Leipzig some time ago the soldiers refused to Are upon the rioters. This was consult ted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 590 3 "ITS AS GOOD TO-DAY WZff/ WHEN I BOUCHT IT'" jjQffl 08E That's aa expression common to //jrWjl SWAN «n of the "SWAN" Fountain— //jifff thaw who have used tfceif MFjrlflljf INK "SWAN" for any period from JwCl tmm »x a»_* V I»X-y..rv Jua. /S4J/ DOCS Ot Cl f d^ "P"
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    • 286 3 PAINFUL ECZEMA ON BACK OF HAND Very Distressing. Caused Disiifi* t uremeat, Irritation and Itching. HEALED BY CUTICURA "I had been a gmt sufferer from a Tory dtotroßslßx and painful farm of •rzcma on the hark of my right hand. The M*k oommenoed with a rod rash which gradually spread
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    • 101 3 THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. (ItrvoavoaATßD in Honokonol Eatnbliahed 1883 f S MANUFACTURERS OT- PURE—ROPE I tTMNB GABLE LAID 4 STRAND »o YT B" to 10" V tv IP* Mas*, BWfiM acd lull partioolars will be forwarded on application to A«ent: ALLAN KEITH, ir.a.Vo'.V" GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. (InaoaPOßATao
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 449 4 STEAMR SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incobfobatbd ih Jatah EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained M- in Yokohama, via port, d London under mail oontraot with Rkl Imperial Japanese Government. Tbt New Twin-screw Steamer* maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 654 4 STEAM SAILINGS. P- 0.-Qritish India AMD Mpcar (Companies Imoobpobatbd in Enolamd). MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PININSULAR ANO ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract witb Hla Majesty Qovernuent). 'op Ohina, Japan, Panang, Oeylon, Australia, India, Aden, aftypt, Msdltswansaii Ports and London. NAIL LINES. BOMBWABO IFOB EOBOPBI OOIWABD (FOB CaWAI INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE
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    • 629 4 STEAMER, SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoobpobatbd in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringvanu, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, K elan tan, Tabai Biugnara, Ti lupin, Panarai. Patani, SingoraTLaeon, Kobsamui, Band on, Langsuen, Chnmpon, Koulak k Bangkok. Oust Depart UN ».s. ASDANG April 2 April 4, 3 p.m. s.s. BORIBAT ..9
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    • 616 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBO SBRVIOB Of THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. ilncobpobatbd in Enoland) MO THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incobpobatbo in England) BBTWBBN ■PSmantlS Parth North- W»at Australian Ports, Java and (iingapupa. Regular Bailings oelwten Mc^aport and Western Australia calling at Java (as in duoement offers), Derby,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 50 5 I Sole Impouert INTERNATIONALE CREDtET HANDELSVE»EENI6IN6 ROTTERDAM. SINGAPORE The only quality 89% (Pure) y\ GLACIAL ACETIC ACID IM'r'ORTEBS: YAMATO CO. 41 Hitfh Street. Telephone 432. ACETIC ACID 99 per cent. Guaranteed. KALIUM JODATUM, JODOFORMIUM, In bottles of 450 gr. Nett Quotations will be forwarded on application to G. OTOMUNE CO.
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    • 601 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Inoorpobatbd im Japax) (•Mini Marcaatila Staanship Co., LM.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. Iho Company maintains a regular cargo aerrioe witb six ateambra oaJlirw at Moji T okkaiohi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Bwel, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, ana on tbe return voyage oalling at Tntaoorin Singapore, Hongkong and Moji.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 H' FIRESTONE" §THE TYRE That Satisfies "First on the Road" "Last off the Rim" AGENTS BRINKMANN CO., Singapore. THE WATERHOUSE CO., LTD. (Incobpokatbd in thb U.S.A.) Muar, Malacca and Kuala T«umpur. R. T. REID CO., Penang. THE SINGAPORE AND STRAITS E H DIRECTORY FOR 1917. CIVIL ENGINEER. ARCHHECT &SURVEYOF 3.
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    • 617 6 MILITARY BRASS BAND AND BAGPIPE BAND CO. Suppliers of akov b mentioned band by first-class musicians in military uniform Experienced Mu-iciaos. -*tet and Melodious Plajors of EngLsb, Malay, Chintse, Indian! and Tamil Music Uau be enusged to play in a I Garden Partj Dauca ui.rriaKe or f oueral by short
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    • 424 6 SIEMENS BROS. DYNAMO WORKS. LTD. (Incorporated in England). Contractors to the Admiralty, the War Office, the India Office, the Pest ()ffic*», the Office of Works, the Crown Agentw for the Colonies, the British Colonial, and Foreign Railways, etc. OUR MANUFACTURES INCLUDE Electric Motor* and Generators, Switchboard, and Special Switchgoar, Machinery
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  • 107 7 FIXTURES -Saturday, March 3 1 <Us?b Waasa. M a.m 6.4* p.m Soaime Battle Piotares, Theatre. Sunday. April 1 di«f> V»u« AM a.m.. 7.21 p.m. Monday, April 2. High Water, f.ta a.m., 8 19 p.m. Tuesday, April 3. High Wales, 7.33 a.m 8.57 p.m Wednesday, April 4. R.tb
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  • 125 7 To-Oit Malaofri. P. Swcttenhaa: and Penang 2.80 pm Madan 2.39 pm Malacca 2 30 pm Saigon 2.30 pm Samba*, i'auiantk it and Pontianak -80 pm Pnlau Soegi 4 ptu Cucob 4 pm Cocob 4 pm P. Batau and Pulau liulang 4 pm Palau Sauibu. Anatuba aid Natuna
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  • 264 7 The m*il trains from Singapore for th aorth leare Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m and 7 p.m., arri" ■"< at Kuala Lumpur a. 7.18 p.m. and 6.4& a.m. respectively. Th through express lo Penang leaves Kuala Lamprr at 8 a.m. dail;, arriving at Penang at 8.28
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  • 103 7 Oat attention has bean called to the tact that our arrivals in London are mocb behind those published elsewhere. Oar role is to give arrivals only when they are officially reported in the Post Office notices, and do late* date than that printed above hat been soMrorted.
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  • 49 7 Time bails on Fort Canning and Mount Faker drop daily at 1, Singapore standard time, correspond ing to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time gun is fired at 1* o'clock noon, indicating Singapore Htandard time, on every day excepting Sunday when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • 90 7 Mr. B. P. Kadnmtaeff, Ruwian Cod»oI in Ceylon, aad Madame Kadomtzeff who were away in India, have returned to (Jolotubo. Kay* the Ceylon Observer. Mr. Kaiiouitzcff'H viHit to India was purely on boniDew, bat he wh able during bia stay in that Continent to oombine a little pit<a»uri He visited
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  • 170 7 BXCMANOB. BIMAPOU, March 81, 1917. U» Lo*ko« Bank m/i h »/«l Demand a 2/4* Private 8 m/i a,4tt On Fiunob Bank T. T. Bio urn Imoia Bank T. T. Oa HoNOKONO...Ban* d/d i%pm Ub Samoa*! ...Bank d/d 66) OMJ4T4 BankT. T. IBS On J4F»n Bank 10« i
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    • 176 7 Valae BuyerB SoUtr 10 10 Ampang 5.C0 6.C0 1 1 Ayer Weuß 120 1.35 10 10 Kanaboi 1.2s 1.40 10 10 Kinta Association 9.00 10.00 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 41 £1 Labat Mines 4.00 500 10 10. Malayan Collieriea l'i.OO 12 50 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.15.0
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    • 123 7 §2£| Bayers Sellers. 41 Mi. SmeUios Oc. T.CO 7.£0 II «1 Prel. 1.8.6 1.5.0 Bleotne T'wmjs 4/- 5/--10 10 Fraaet Nuts 47.00 48.00 60 60 W. Hammer Co. 67.00 08.00 100 Howarth Brakioe 58.00 60.00 100 a 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 Kati Bro, Del. par 110.00 10 10 Maynard
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    • 50 7 United Engineers 8% 11,384 600 par Singapore Klectr ic Tram way b 5% £860,000 norn S'poreMunicipal6% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4i% of 1907 11,000,000 \o%dis Spore Municipal 44% of 1909 11,000,000 10%dis Spore Municipal 4% 3,000,UU0 lu%dis Spore Monicipbi 4% XSOom U F.M.S. 6% loan 1918 115.0J0.000 101.50 103.00
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    • 320 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Fruer Lyall i A Co. Evan. AlorOajah (SI) 400 4.10 4.00 4.10 Amal. Malay (2) 020 0.40pm U.*o 0.40 Ayer Hitam (15) 14 25 15.C0 14.00 15.00 Ayer Knniog (SI) IMO 1.40 1.25 1.85 Ayer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 453 7 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTKD, SBCONDHAND STiPNBY WHEKL Ford ctr aita. State oonditioo and prior to Stepcey. c/o Straits Time*. 81 8-2 4 WaNTED. SMART CHINBHB CLErIK Mii't be accurate calcal»t-r. Salary 1(0 p< r luontli Apply own handwriting to Zeta. c/o ,-traiU T.u < n, SI 8 4 POSITION WANTED, with
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    • 236 7 SMOKE W. D. ft H. 0. WILLS' "gouTsSb! "GOLD CjOARETTE* J Va^Xa#a^ftsß# FLAKE CIGARETTES Packed in £lf\ n l^ On sale at air-tight tins of 50 V\J CIS. All D^j^g International Circus NEW WATERPROOF TENT. Tanjong Pagar Road next to. Empire Cinema. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! GRAND OPENING NIGHT ASHR A.F ALI
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    • 164 7 AUCTION BALE O( MOST VALUABLE 989 YnHRS 1 LEASEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS Situate at North Bridge Road and Coleman Strfet, At Mbsjks. Chino Kbno Lbk s Co. 's Salbroom. Hah lk> Cuambkks, Kapflbs Placb, Off Monday, April 23, 1917, at 2.30 pm. Lot 1. Building Al'otment at the junction of North
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  • 974 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, MARCH 31. AGAINST TIME. The fighting in France goes on without cessation. Cavalry have been largely employed by the British, and this indicates tbat, whatever tbe position may be, it has not yet resolved itself into a straggle by one side to oust tbe other from
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  • 18 8 The first annual meeting of tbe F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce is being beld in Kuala Lumpur to day.
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  • 22 8 The rales made by tbe Chief Justice pursuant to tht Companies Winding up Ordinance as amended are published in tbe Government Gazette.
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  • 29 8 A fee of tl a day or part thereof is prescribed for the use of tbe Government Laboratory at Telok Blanga, by the members of tbe Straits Pharmaceutical Association.
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  • 25 8 Tbe Great and Little Basses and Minieoy lighthouse dues are increased from three sixteenths and one-sixteenth of a penny a ton to three-eights and one-eighth.
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  • 24 8 Tbe Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Company of Hongkong, have launched tin steamer Autoljcae, built to the order of Messrs. Alfred Holt and Co., Liverpool.
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  • 36 8 Tbe Government of India have decided to prohibit the import of old newspaper* it, bulk. The prohibition will only be applied to consignments shipped ostensibly for their value as waste paper for packing and other purposes.
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  • 46 8 Under the Sale of Food nnd Drugs Ordi naooe, Dr. J. K (ilennie and Dr. P. S Hunter are appoiuted analysts or jiogapor«-. and Mr. J. C. Cowap for F (iiao^;. Mr. A. J Cnr-kney is appointed an officer under scc'.iaß9 8 »od 9 for Singapore.
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  • 29 8 The classification of English Schools for Singapore, Penang and Malacca is published in the Government Gazette. Geylang English School goes to Grade I the AngloChinese School to Grade 111.
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  • 37 8 At tbe Boustead Institute on Sunday night at 8.16, service will be held, to which men of the Army and Navy, and the Mercantile Marine are cordially invited. The Rev. A. J. Amery, will give tbe address.
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  • 39 8 A gang robbery is reported to have been effected near the 6} mile, Tampin Road, this morning. Complainant, Ah Kirn Teck, who is in hospital, says he was attacked by three or more Hokiens and robbed of f 116.60.
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  • 41 8 At a public meeting beld recently at Ferozepore under the chairmanship of Lala Mokband Lai, resolutions were passed expressing apprehension at tbe rapid growth of tbe smoking habit among juveniles and according hearty support to Sirdar Gajjan Singh's Juvenile Smoking Bill.
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  • 59 8 A negro named Max Ycrgan accepted tbe call to India for service in the Young Men's Christian Association and is doing noble work aiuong tbe Indian soldiers at Bangalore. Mr. E. C. Carter cabled some time ago to Dr. John R. Mott to send six more such men for work
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  • 62 8 The captain of a steamer on coming aloneside the wharf, at IVr, u.g, reported having eeen tbe body of a Chinese without clothes floating under the wbarf. The Marine Police were summoned and recovered tbe body. It is believed the body may bo tbat of a man who was reporto
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  • 58 8 Tbe Rev. B. J. Baughmao. Vice- Principal of the Penang Anglo Chinese School, was summoned before Mr. V. G. Ez9cbiel in tbe Third Court on Thursday, charged with voluntarily causing hurt to one Mohamed Sheriff on March 16. Tbe complainant in this case was a pupil of the Anglo Chinese
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  • 57 8 Messrs. Tbian Lock Cboo, trader, of 64, Prinsep Street, Singapore, and Francis Paul Lob, trader, of 8, Emerald Hill Road, Singapore, have been granted tbe sole and exclusive privilege of making, selling and using, an invention for manufacturing and refiniug Jelutong and other wild rubber from latices for tbe term
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  • 61 8 According to a cable from Batavia, printed in leaded type by our Sumatra contemporary, tbe Nieuws van den Dag learns that tbe Government (of Netherlands India) has received telegrams which indicate tbat tbe Germans at St. Qaentin received a more severe blow than at the Battle of tbe Marne, further
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  • 64 8 Tbe Chinese Dredger Company, Ltd., has j ist been registered at Somerset House, with a nominal capital of .£20,000 in £1 hhare*. Tbe objects are to carry on tbe business of dredger, tug-boat, bargnand shipowner!), etc., and to enter into bn agreement with tbe Kailan Mining Administration. Tbe company is
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  • 90 8 Talip, a Malay who for many years has made bis living aa a professional crocodile catcher, has for some time been strongly mspected of putting human hair in tbe .bnit with wbicb be catches these reptiles, sajs the Sarawak Gazette, as recently it had boon noticed that every crocodile be
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  • 93 8 In tbe first magistrate's court yesterday when a summons against Mr. Liio Cheng Sab for erecting a stable at Tanjong Katong without permission was being heard, Mr. /.uhnder, for tbe defendant, compared the case to that of Abab and Naboth's vineyard. His clinut owned a piece of land which tbe
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  • 109 8 As is now generally known, says the Times of Malaya, Mr. Maurice Maude, who rediscovered Cicely Rubber Estates years axo when it comprised only 130 acres of rubber and looked like an overgrown Malay holding, is shortly to retire from Malayu. On taking his departure from the country, Mr. Maude
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  • 109 8 The Hon. Mr. W. Oeorge Maxwell, acting British Resident, Perak, and Capt. Moulton. Staff Officer to tbe General Commanding tbe Foroe*, S.S. and F.M.S., have paid a vieit to the Ipob Anglo-Chinese School. Tbe Resident and Capt. Moulton were met by the Rev. W. E and Mrs. Horley, aud the
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  • 107 8 A correspondent writing to a Shanghai contemporary from Venchang, Honan, says On meeting a foreigner tbe first iiuostion asked by tbe natives is UHually How about tbe war 1 and tbe second Have you noone who "an make peace I There is a good deal of intercnt taken in the
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  • 457 8 Mr. R. G. Ladell, of Edinburgh Estate left for home on Thursday. Mr. Joseph Lee on the staff of St. Andrew's School is going home to join up Mr. E. Roberts is appointed a magistrate and an assistant District Judge tor the Sctttloment of Labuan. Mr, W.
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  • 44 8 His Excellency the Governor will present the Military Cross to Major Norman Black on Wednesday, April 4, at 5.30 p.m., on the Singapore Crickot Cluo grou'id. Spectatois should be in their places by !> ij p m. bufore His Excellency arrivts.
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  • 66 8 Captain .1. F. Vygeboom, master of tbe Dutch steamtr Trigonia, reports having on March 20, wbile on a voyage from Hongkong to Miri (Sarawak), picked up fifteen shipwrecked Chinese seamen from tbe Chinese junk Kiuug I'ak Shing, wbicb win totally wrecked on tbe l'aracels Islands about tbe
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  • 105 8 The Private Secretary to tbe Chief Sec retary, has a f pecicien copy of a photograph, in postcard form, of the point uf the (itrman 12 in. shell wLici. struck H.M.S. Malaya in tin: battle of Jutland. He states tbat those postcards have been product d iv the
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  • 215 8 Tbe final gooeral meeting of subscriber^ to the Penacg NargiDK AasoeiaUon under tin presidency of Mrs. Ebden was bold at tlie Town Hall on March _n, nays tbe StraitKcbu. After the adoption of ttie report and accounts for tbe year 1916, a communication from tbe Colonial Nursing
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 107 8 FilbH Stocks of McCALLUM'S JUST ARRIVED. Sole Agents i CALDBEGK. MACGREGOR CO. SINGAPORE and MALACCA. gf LITTLE'S JCash Clearance I SALE }Jk Commences Monday next. 7 JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) For Sanitary Installations rfnnciilt IPENTRAI 1 uinsuii (Uig gL| SINGAPORE. BUCHANAN'S "RED SEAL" "BLACK WHITE" "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD"
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  • 2718 9 WESTERN POSITION. Closing on the German Lines. BRITISH MAN POWER. The Re-examination Of Rejects. IUUTIR* T»LKiKAMM London. March I >. 7 a.ruMr. PbillipG:bbs writing from beail.|tiarter« says the Ki.ger has rocent!y been on tbt British front. It was be who ordered villages jlike lioiwl and Laktcicourt not to
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  • 57 9 Tbe committee acknowledge witb thanks tbe following subscriptions to the above fund Previously acknowledged f'1.439.08 P, Kelantan 50 H Soper per C. W. A 100 •'Motor Car" 1"> Fuji no Obira 100 Part proceeds of M. M. Mirovitseh and Piatttro's Concert at T#tglia Club ou March fi
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  • 519 9 LET US GIVE THEM A CHEERY SEND OFF. We are grateful to oar readers for a prompt response to the suggestion made yesterday, and in order to emphasise it wo repeat to-day At no very distant date— we mast refrain from being moro precise— the Sbropihires will be
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  • 321 9 (From Oir Own Corresiondknt Malacca, Iml HO. During the past week Chief Detective Inspector Nolan prosecuted ten rubber dealers for failing to keep their account books in accordance witb the provision!) of tbe Rubber Dealers' Ordinance of 1910. Fines ranging from tIOO to 1250 were indicted. Beng
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  • 26 9 Owing to the trouble* in Kus«ia H.R.H tbe Prince of Bbisnuloke and Madame de Bbisnuloke bave deferred their projected journey thither, says the IJangkuk Daily Mail
    Daily Mail  -  26 words
  • 71 9 From Our Own CorrespomJWr^ (Dilated in Transmission). London, Ma- C h 26. Tbe rubber market is steady '.hough quiet and tbe current quotations are Fine sheet 3/- to 8/1 Crepe 8/ 8/1 Tbe last report was as follows London, March 12. Tbe rubber market is steadier, prices
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  • 146 9 To-day's Business. Saunden and Macpnail'rf Daily Report Silver.— Up V« :)S China exchanges unchanged. Tin.— £2lB irregular sates 151 ton at 10SJ. Kubbar.— London about \i. down but locally firm 157—160. Rubber shares. As mual od Saturday, tbe market is quiet, but prices are generally well maintained.
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  • 465 9 First Motor Lighter for Malay Peninsula. A very pleasing function took place at Kuala Selangor on Thursday when Messrs- Lighters. Ltd., invited a number of residents to view their first lighter, the Tak Lee. The District Officer, Mr. Wyatt, most of the local planters and five ladie*
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  • 289 9 The beariDg of a charts against Took 8 vee Hong, formerly id Itaa nuploy of M isrs. C&looeuk, Macgregor Hud Co., cf omitting to uiaku entries in an account b iok witl> iuunt to defraud was beg;in in t)i< (bird juin-ti court yesterday afternoon. Tbe Hun.
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  • 997 10 W% (K«om O< k Owa Coukkspondknt Kuala Luuipur. MarcL 29. Yoor *orrr«pm.deni, Magoa t Mt veritas, etc.. in i,i« letter apuearinK in your iwue of tilb in-iti't uuiua-ks a «ü« of cuillpm complan* ia tl.e F M.S. It bu beeo stated r<J «y. for year*, with what
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  • 119 10 Tbe change of programme at tbe Casino to night includes two dramas. The Sultan and A Race *ith Death, and other good fcatarea. A promising programme to be presented at tbe Aluaiubra Theatre tonight includes a It (iold Rooster play, Shadows and Sunshine, featuring a four year
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  • 1513 10 Have N.C.O.'s Adequate Opportunity? (From a foKIKSPDNDINT.) Hon many otticuts and N.C.O.'s know more than the K«nk aud File I (Straits Tiim*. March H, 1917.) Kven granting for a moment tbat the answer to tbe above were None (which c.rtainly would not be trne) could it be wondered
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  • 855 10 Dr. H. C. Mci, B. So., LL.D, who studied in tbe I'.S A. for seven years, au 1 is now practising law in Shanghai, after a very varied experience in interpretation and journalistic, political and editorial work, bas addressed a group of foreigners on tbe subject
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  • 48 10 The Hongkong Polioe Department baa been informed tbat Ernest Krederio Drnry, who j ived the Hongkong Polioe Foroe on December tt, lull, and left (or borne with tbe second contingent of police in November, 1915, where be entered tbe King's Royal Hides, was killed on November 17 last.
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  • 1196 10 Savings on the 1916 Budget. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioner! was held yesterday afternoon. The President, Mr. F. J. Hallitax, was in the ohair, and tbe others present were Messrs. A. W. Bean, M. A. Namsxie, Dr. Teerasamy, Messrs. It. St. J. Braddoll, See Tiong Wah, J.
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    • 78 10 The arrangements for cricket and football matches at Sereniban at Ktator having fallen through, as announced yutterday, it has been arranged to send tbe S.C.C. teams to play at Kuala Lumpur ou Saturday and Monday, Apiil 7 and 9. The travelling arrangements made for Seremban will bold
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    • 95 10 In connection with tbe Garrison Golf Club, the men's monthly medal (bogey) for April will be played for on Saturday and Sunday, 14th and l.'.tb. The ladies medal (stroke) will be played for on Thursday, April 12. Keppel Golf Club, Easter competitions are announced as follow Eclectic competition nine
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  • 350 10 Sir Carson Tells the French What it is Doing. The Petit Parisian publishes an interview with Sir Edward Canton on the work of the British Navy. The First Lord of the Admiralty said Our Navy? Why, it is everywhere. It is in the North Sua, where it
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  • 307 10 Export to Britain Falling Off For Years. Tbe inclusion of soya beans among the articles prohibited entry into the United Kingdom will not be such a great blow to tli,! export trade of Manchuria, as the export of beans Co Britain began to fall off so
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  • 578 10 Menace of German Troops on The Frontiers. I A New York message of February 13 states The correspondent of the Associated Press latoly in Berlin, cables some interesting par. ticulars concerning tbo posit.on of European neutrals whom President Wilson called on to join the United States in its
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  • 403 10 Effect of Food Shortage In Germany. H. Patrick Devitte, the Daily Express coriespondent at Ueneva. writes: I have had conversations to-day on tbo subjict of tbe food situation in Oermany with a number of newspaper correspondents and other American citizens who have arrived at Berne on their way
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  • 432 11 German Music to Charm Money For the Loan. Tlit- iiMisic of the famous Oerman Hymn I Hato v>-n played in public in London on itrst tinif. by th. band ot il.i oldmreaui Uiiaidn, outviie tbe Royal Ezchangp, and jn«t opnosite th> E— s*-*of Bogland. tin hr&dquiirit'rs
    432 words
  • 264 11 Suggested Dinner Menu And Recipes. Tl." hon. tucretary of tbe Singapore Food Reform Society, Mr. C. 0. Hailing, forwards the following menu and recipes: Menu: WHjie soup, mt croquetteK, bread sauce and 1 r. nch beans, lady's fingers seeds on toast. -i cod ut milk jelly, fresh
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  • 204 11 Meaan. Gotljrie and Co. report Singapore, March 20. The weekly rubber auctlbn held yesterday and U. >ay wan marked, after a quiet, kj a steady demand, at prioes averaging r.koßt r > HM puul above those ruling last week Fine ribbed strokcil shtet fetched up Hi
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  • 26 11 Ccloael .iamea O'Hara. of the Army Pay Itepartment. who was stationed in Hougkong in tb« early montliH of the war, lan been boaowec! with a C.R
    26 words
  • 40 11 Tin- marriage is annooaoed at 6, Qneen Margaret Creac* nt. Glbagow. of ChatUn H.. younger son of Mr and Mrs. John Kay, Temple. Mid Lutinan. to Bm> Jean, youngest daughter of the late Alexander Falconer. H.M.C.S Hongkong and Mrs. Falconer.
    40 words
  • 667 11 Sunday, April I, 1917. St. Andriw Cathbdbal. Sixth Sunday in L> at.— 7.80 a,m. Litauy 7.46 a.m. Holy Commuuion (Choral) 9.15 a.m. Matins, followed by Holy Communion; 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 6.80 p.m. Kven.-'inu and Heriuon. St. Matthew*. Sepoy Lines.— 580 p.m. KvensoDH and sermon.
    667 words
  • 118 11 Programme of drills, etc.. for week ending Friday, April 0 Saturday, Maklb 31. 2.30 p.m. Johnston's Pier S.V.A.. Sections 1 and 2. 4.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 8.80 p.m. Kbtupnng Baliro, 8.V.R. P. S. Drill Hall Chinese Co.. Sunday, Apkil 1. 7 30 a.m. Balestier H»nL'<
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  • 41 11 His Excellency the Governor is inspecting the 1/4 King's Shropshire Light Infantry on the parade ground in front of the Officers' Mesa at Tanglin on Thursday. April 6, at 5.16 p.m., to which the public are invited.
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  • 36 11 A Hokien merchant baa reported to the police that he bad seventeen piculs of robber, valued at 12,800, loaded in a bullock cart at Boat Quay yesterday morning, and both rubber and bollock cart have disappeared.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 382 11 We have just received a large shipment of Guitars, Mandolines, AND OTHER Musical Instruments. We also hold full stocks of MUSICAL INSTRUMENT STRINGS MOUTRIE S CO., LTD. (INCORPORATE". IN' HONOiOSG) THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE empire: Tanjonpj Pagar Road Trams Pass the Door. SECOND SHOW, AT 9.80 sha*p hbw'SrtsTHE RED CIRCLE
      382 words
    • 274 11 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW TO-NIGHT RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcuuntry orderß promptly executed, bread delivered at private residence daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and cars on lure. Ring Telephone No. 89
      274 words

  • 1237 12 Articles of association rescinded. Seventh Annual Meetirf. /be adjourned seventh annual general Meeting ot tbe aharahoMwrs of Ayer honing stabksr Batata, Ltd w»« hold in tbe Chamber of Commsrn March 96, says tbe Piaaag Oaaette Mr. A. F. Goodrich, tbe chairman of tbe dir«<*nrs, presided, aad tbe
    1,237 words
  • 988 12 Star Tunis by the Men of The Trenches. H. Smalley Sarson contributes the follow inn to tbe Daily Bxpie— Ooe evening during tbe early •ramei of 1915, wbaa tbe whole western front was quiet, a Canadian battalion was resting at a divisional rest station
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  • 1647 12 A diary o( the w»r up to August 4. 191ft. •u pablisbed in tbe Straits Time* of August 11, 1916. Tbe record of events is dow continued from tbe beginning at tbe third year of war August. 5— A battle has been fought in Egypt,
    1,647 words
  • 79 12 A bank messenger in a train in Jaiao reoently was robbed of V .40,000 in notes, tbe parcel being sastiscUirl from a pooch by a maa dressed aa a merchant. Thief and imingiir jamped off the train, which was running at high spewi. When tbe train arrived at Hiogo fUtioo
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 226 12 JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IMHyipV with all his m<l <>ns cannot buy a JsH^l < I laaßß.^ better Office ChtirMame as supplied TT nil (^^f to the local government. U^ -JT^Zlwb WE SELL THEM. jt JULIAN FRaNKELFURNITURE CO. KVOtVIM ana ECCUHIM Osly Marss*. ORCHARD ROAD. aaly aairew. "BRUNOLINUM" THE PERFECT WOOD
      226 words

  • 902 13 PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION OF LOYALTY. Contributing to War Funds. Jemadar Sawan Singb, president, and J. S. Bhaguan Singb, secretary, sign the following report* of a meeting of tbe Sikhs of Kelantan, held in tbe Sikh (JunJwara, at Koala Lebir, on Sunday, March 11, at which the Kbalsa Diwan.
    902 words
  • 81 13 A representative meeting of Lloyd's and marine insurance company underwriters ban b» tn held in the comuittee room at Lloyd's to arrange for the formation of a new committee to be called The Marine Insurance Committee. It is proposed that the new body shall deal with various matters connected with
    81 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 114 13 "^~»v I fI I \_JJ__— V J 1,l« LJ^A *-> >-J .ANts and ///Sa i^F^-'H -r-t fliCHt^'N HOSPiT/M. fKf MICNEIIN SHetl FAC rcRY lichelin T/res obfainable from all leading dealers I .p»OMPLAP;TS about high costs and War Taxation f^ot nc billc. The one economical factor left in motoring to-day is
      114 words
    • 470 13 j I A Sip of FRAMROZ S I Lemon Squash 1 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Messrs. Ching Keng Lee Company will offer for sale by Public Auction most valuable 999 years leasehold Buildinj? Allotments situate at 'the Comer of North Bridge Road and Coleman Street. On Monday; April 23,
      470 words
    • 259 13 AUCTION SALE OfaB2b.p. «-cyli»der 6 Featrr Hupmobilo MotorCar, 1915 Model K. fitted with electric light and starter, recently done up and in first-class order. To be held at the sale-room of Powell k Co., Limited. On Thursday, April 5, at 11 a.m. Inspection and trial runs by arrangement POWELL Co.,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 666 14 WAXIor PIACX. FaM INC or PLENTY, LIFK INSURANCE IB WORTH 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. WHAT OTKBR PKOPBRCT KBIT THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (booaraaatßS m tTaam Sbttmbbbts) BMAB OFFICE i Wlaa^NatM Houaa, Mug—tip^ UMOOM OffFlOa. aa, Old Jewry, Tbe Oonipaay baa aliTimHT depoaißßd with tae Saavorae Oowl
      666 words
    • 385 14 BANKING. THE HO HONG BANK, UNITED. Head Off ict I Siaaaasrs, Baft las Okamtart, I*l. Branches Malacca. 111, First Cross Stratt, ■tar, 77 79, Jalan Suleiman CAPITAL Registered 98.000C00 lined 14.000.890 «S Soascribei |8,M0,800 i^ BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Lm Pbno Sia*.., Cba» Kamo Bwi. Bw*>, Bsft., ChaißßMn. Tan Cbbkc Lock,
      385 words
    • 495 14 BAMKING. HONGKONG AND BNAN6HAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incobtobatbd in Honqkoho) >AIDDP CAPITAL H6,00i,0C0 itaSERVB FUNDS Sterling £1,500,000 at 8/- 116,000,000 Silver tIB.MW.OOO Ma.608,000 [U-trvi Liability of Proprietors •11,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. S. H. Dodwell. Bag., Chairman. J. A. Plummer, Bsq., Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton- 1 8. V. D.
      495 words
    • 500 14 SMARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INOORPORATBD IN ENGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTBR Paid op OBBiaal ia 80.000 Shares ol AM each ■>««•.*._ 41,100,000 Reaerre Kuad... A 1,800,000 Beaerre LisWUty of Proprietors^. a1.a00.000 BANKBRS Tbe Bank of BncHaad, The London City aad Midlaad Bank, Ltd.. The London County aad Westminster
      500 words
    • 904 14 INBWANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incopobamb in Honocomq) Matured policies and claims paid during 1916 524,303.51 Matured policies and claims paid 1912-16 1 ,680,91 6.93 Income during 1916 2,236,759.05 Assurance Reserve Fund (poKcyholders' security) 5,106,943.44 Asauran«e in Force 21 ,630,287.26 P. J. FITZGERALD, Reaident Manager, The Aroade, Singapore.
      904 words

  • 875 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Perak Motor Union. The first annual general meeting of the resuscitated Perak Motor Union, which has recently secured the support of members of all classes of tbe community, was held in tbe rooms of tbe Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce in
    875 words
  • 127 15 In Roman Catholic c rclet tbe death of tbe Duke of Norfolk on the Feast of Oar Lady of L urJes in regardr! as a remarkable coin cidtuce. The duke for nine years made a pilgrimage to Lourdes in the hope that his 'i. who wa«
    127 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 286 15 1917 FORDS HAVE THE FOLLOWING IMPROVEMENTS i— 1. New Type Radiator, higher and with rounded top, greatly enhancing the appearance of the car. 1 Inclosed fan giving more efficient cooling. 5 Scream line bonnet mergiog gracefully into the curved dash. 4. Crowned mudguards following the contour of the wheels. PRICE.
      286 words
    • 85 15 OILDAG Saves Petrol as well as Oil, and the running is as smooth as silk. XO BE HAD FROM ALL OARXOES. 7ull particulars from DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents. "STELASTIC" m Mv ff/ The only Tyres holding the m WfM !>' R.A.C. certificate for 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. BRITISH
      85 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1008 16 IiQDD No tyre/ by any otht name grips the road lik*. Goodrich Safety Tread. MICH Safety come* from mjimm IllJil Goodrich Safety Tr«J when you are buying tyr«a» bULJeJ "A grip on the road ie worth two on the •teering wkcaL 1 Fit 'Goodrich Safetr Trmd' mc-H L m g
      1,008 words
    • 736 16 HOU&EB TO LET. TO LET, No. 9 a, Tanjong Katong. Apply Meyer Brothers. 8 8 n TO LBT. Houses No. T, Chancery Lane Apply to Ching Hang Lee k Co., Auctioneers. 1811—0 FURNIBHBH SEASIDE RESIDK>CKS TO LBT Belinda and JuaniU. to lot far oinh. r). Apply No. 9. Mt. Sophia.
      736 words
    • 230 16 PAINTS OILS Or 4LL COLOURS and Makes at reasonable prices for immediate veryKIAM KIAT Co. 108 and 109, Market Street. Phonb same No. 431. G.R. LAMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS J a, Orchsrd;Road. Telephone No. 101 S. THE OLDEBT ANO LEADING BTUOIO Unequalled FaoiHties, Ample Resources, and the Requisite Experience, aro
      230 words
    • 227 16 VARNISHES. Black Japan Brunswick Biack Copai French Polish Japan. Gold Size Fine Oak Paper, etc., etc., etc. In \i> \i 1 Gallon Tins. GUAN KIAT Co., No. 36, Phillip Street Telephone Nos. 1861, 1362 and 1868. Private 1460. Sole Agents FOR THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID Ths ideal fluid tor clMmnß
      227 words
    • 489 16 NEW MOTOR GARS I -phone For HIRE promptly attruds to 111 J J your call with firstI M alii cla»R.hichprio«dcars, £sj^#^bT (iay aoH n "-'llf CHARGES MODERATE STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 91S A 216, Orohard Road (Next to WEARNE BROS., Ltd.) Telegrams: MOTORCAR, Singapore. To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 312 16 Straits "(Dimes. Temporary Telephone SS. All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating,' to business matters—advertisements, subecriptiona, accounts printing, etc.—should be addreuned to THE MANAGER. ADVBRTJSEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description arc inserted in the ordinary body type of tht newspaper,
      312 words