The Straits Times, 28 December 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,300 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 181 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MIIK t rice low $12.90 A FEW GOOD THINGS past LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS kAil,j'ls~ In cases of 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortment Wft is made up from the following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and VEGETABLE. tin makes six plates of the ta
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    • 321 1 (ROBINSON CO. I A Few Suggestions f:r New Year Presents. I No. li 9 P.— lB-Carat Gold Brooch, sot with 7^^\ I Stono and Pe»rU m illustration. $35. 00 i ?W%<^c<« No 1108 9 Carat Gold Brooch, Ret wiii rTSriJy I Pr»rl«mnd Amfthy t.orP.n.l.t- $13. 50 W\} M I 4
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    • 14 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoints AOAMSON. 6ILFILUK CO.. LTD (Incorporate.! in Kn K liuid)
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  • 1009 2 DERELICT LAND READY FOR CULTIVATION. Converting Heathland Into Fields. Tbe Home Secretary announces that on October 30 there were 81,488 alien enemy civilians interned in this country (Britsin). Besides tbe ordinary camp fatignes and tbe cooking, baking, cultivation of vegetables, and road making ior the camps, they
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  • 56 2 The President of France (M. l'oincar. on November 19 opened mi exhibition of muti lated works of art from Hbeims, Soissons, Vurdon, and Arras. There were shown man; venerable sculptures in fragments daruDiog evidence of German vandalism. Of the impressive effigy of Christ at Kevigny, only tbe feet and bands
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 409 2 IvNgy There s a '<| ))KJ saving in cost between bought rakes and home-made. Save eggs \A *nd butter and money, too, by baking at home. «X» I I S l uitc eas >' lb e 'P ol a slc y Houf." f V to bake the most delicious cakes
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    • 417 2 A FINE COMPLEXION. A girl's complexion is something more than a matter to c ncern her vanity. It it an indication of th i state of her health. Pallor io a growing girl means a thinning of the blood. Eruption* mean impuntiaa in tbe blood. Parents should be watchfil of
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    • 835 2 FINAL NOTICE. The attention of Motor Car owners is called to the amendment to Bale 81 of the Rules i under the Traction Boginss and Motor Cart Ordinance ol 1911 which reads a* folk ws No bright electric aoetelyne gas, or other head lights shall be exhibited on any rue
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    • 724 2 THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Holiday, New Year Day. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that all work at ths Board's Wharveu will be ruspended during Monday next, .January 1, 1917, and on that day the Board's godowns and bonded warehouses will be oloaed. By Order of the Board, H. TONOCB, Acting Secretary.
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  • 1006 3 MILLIONS OF FIGHTING MEN AVAILABLE. Shall We Use Them? Commander Wedgwood, D.S.O M.P., writing in the Sunday Times, says We shall want men next year to fight— anything from a million upwards. We want t^ese to tight, bat if we are to fight saccessf ally we mast
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 252 3 I Use This \-< Delicious Chewing Sweet regularly after every meal and see how it aids digestion. It relieves t^-e distress from overeating, brightens and preserves the teeih, sweetens mouth and breath and quenches thirst. It is especially soothing for smokers. WRSGLEYS the ideal confection wrapped in an air-tight packet.
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    • 854 3 DISFIGURED FACE lips Nearly Cut in Two at Corners. Sleep Impossible. HEALED BY CUTICURA "I bad a very bod ease of eczema mostly on my fare and ears. My fare was sore and red and my lips were nearly cut In two at the corners. I was so bad that
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    • 22 3 TAILORING New-Season's Suitings, Coatings, Serges, etc. High-class Tailoring at Cash Prices. EVERYTHING FOR MEN S WEAR. J. L. CAMPBELL Co. Raffles Square.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 SIEMKR SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AND Appear ( (Cohfanibs Incorporated n England). viAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL. SAILINGS (Under Contract witb HU Majesty g Qovemuaent), •or Ohina, Japan, Po-ang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Aden, C a ypt, Madit swanssn Ports and London. MAIL LINES UOBSBWABD Uotwabu (FOB China)
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    • 889 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoobpobatbl in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Krttay, Tringgana. Bisat, Semerak. Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai oangnara, Telupm, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsanoi, Bandon, Langsuen, Chumpon, Knhlak Bangkok. Due Departure •s. BORIBAT Jan. 1, 1017 Jan. 3, 3 p.m. .8. AS DANG 8, 10, 3 p.m.
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    • 519 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incobpobatbd in Japan EUROPEAN LINE A servioe is maintained b: 1 en Yokohama, ria ports and Lendon under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining [his service have been specially designed and instructed, and are fitted with
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    • 596 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SCRVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. (Incobpobatsd in Bnoland) AND THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Imcobpobatbd in England) BBTWBSN Fremantle (Perth), Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular sailings between Hctfapore and Western Australia oalling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound
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  • 133 5 FIXTURES Thursday, December 28. Hiab Water 1.0 a.m., 0.7 p.m ('atbolic Club Treat. 6 and S 80 p.m Friday, December 29. ■Vsjb Water 140 a.m., 0.58 p.m. s,mpim alley mt« noon. Siagapon* Kaginenring Co.. nitg., 8 p.m. Municipal Commission, 3.M p.m. Homeward mail closes Outward mul due.
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  • 169 5 EXCMANfIB. Suwirou, Dbcbbbm 38, 1918. UkLw^v. Bank4m/8 3/4 ji Demand »l*l Private 8 m/i 3/4s;; On FBANcs......Bank T. T. 826 On India Bank T. T. 171 j On HoMOßona...Bank d/d 24%r.m On Shakghai ...Bank d/d m Mi O« Java Bask T. T. 186 On Japah Bank m
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  • 187 5 Today. Broome, P. Hedland. Cossack, Carnarvon, Oeraldton and Fretuantle, taking mails for Adelaide. Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane 2.30 pm T. Dickson and P. Swettenbam 2.80 pm Hat j Pabat 2.80 pm Malacca and Muar 8 pm Cocob 4 pm Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan 4 pm TOMOBBOW Rhio,
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  • 261 5 The mail train* from Singapore for th aorthieave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m •ad 7 p.m., arriving at Koala Lumpur a. f .18 p.m. and 6.48 am respectively. Th through express to Penang leaves KuaU Lumper at 8 a m daily, arriving at Penaox at *.28
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  • 75 5 Oev attention has been oalled to the fact that oor arrivals in Loadon are moch behind tbose pabriahsd sleewbare. Ou role ia to give arrivals only wbes they are officially reported m the Post Office aofcoas, and no later date thaa that pr in tod above ha<
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 608 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED BXPERIBNCBD TYPIST, fcr an offoe in Malacca. Apply with copies cf tcstiaoiitl< to Box Nr. 106, Straits Times. S8 12— 4-1-17 WANTED, for a few months ia some respeotable locality, a uma'l honsn or a suite if rooms {famished). Apply to B x No, 797, Str»it« Timts.
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    • 508 5 Have You Tried 0&53&& t the World-famous 11 THREE eSSI CASTLES "tagl CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) Also "Three Castles" Magnums. ON SALE EVERYWHERE. AUCTION SALE Of MAGNIFICENT TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE NEW COTTi r E PIANO, VALUABLE ORCHIDS, ETC. The property of B. Straatmeier, E»q., at No. 80 a, Stevens Road, On Saturday,
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    • 324 5 EMPIRE CINEMA Tanjong Pagar Road -Trams Paaa the Door. Grand Change of Programme TO-NIOHT TO-NIOHT Tha Pninoipal features are I FIGHTING DEATH S Parts THE SNARE OF FATE 2 THE PRINCE OF EVIL 2 THE LION HUNTER 9 ONE WAV TO ADVERTISE Comic A POINTED JOKE HIS UNDESIRABLE RELATIVE- Comedy
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  • 26 6 Mrs. Alfred Troan and Mr. Donaid Troan wish to thank all kind friends for their sincere sympathy and kind thoughts shown them in their sad bereavement.
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  • 1067 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. MILITARY PROBLEMS. With the best will in tbe world, the new British War Cabinet cannot perform miracles. There may be a vaat improvement possible in the general war administration, or there may not, but nothing can be done by merely expressing a pious hope,
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  • 19 6 The Berlin Tageblatt states tbat owing to the scarcity of oopper Germany's new pfenings will be made of aluminium.
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  • 23 6 Tbe Daylight Saving Act takes effect throughout Australia from 'i a.m. on January 1, 1917, when clocks will be put forward one boar.
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  • 24 6 The Idea Nazionale, of Rome, states tbat Germany is compelling prisoners to work in shipyards, where they have already constructed over 200 merchant vessels.
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  • 33 6 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held on Friday when tbe business to be transacted will include the consideration of a oompalsory system of nightsoil collection in tbe Kampong Kapur are*.
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  • 25 6 The importation into tbe United Kingdom ol jewellery, gold and silver articles other than watches and watch oases is prohibited even if sent by post.
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  • 48 6 Tbe big railway bridge across the Amur in Siberia has been completed and opened tor traffic. At present the trains are going from Vladivostock to Russia through Russia via tbe Amur Railway. It is expected the opening of this new railway will relieve the cargo congestion at Vladivostock.
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  • 51 6 Tbe Beningboroagb estate of 6,100 acres, eight miles from York, belonging to BrigadierGeneral Dawnay, was sold by auction at York by Sir Howard Frank for £167,100. Tbe property includes tbe mansion bouse by Sir John Vanbrugb, tbe manors and villages of Newton and Skipton, 88 farms and 2(0 acres of
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  • 58 6 In the Court of King's Bench on November 20, M. Rene Colaert, Mayor of Ypres, sued tbe Pall Mall Gazette and the Manchester Guardian, for libel, for alleging that he waa a traitor, and had been shot for concealing arms and munition in Ypres for the Germans. There was a
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  • 77 6 The whole of the alien interest in tbe Gulf Transport Line (Limited), Liverpool, has been purchased by the managers of the line, Messrs. J. H. Welsford and Co., of Liverpool, from the Public Trustee, to whom these shares were transferred some time ago by order ot the Court. Tbe par
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  • 81 6 Tbe F.M.S. Gaiette contains a bill to amend tbe Federal Rubber Dealers Enactment, tbe object being to render more stringent the terms upon which licences to purchase cultivated rubber are issued. Tbe fee for such a licence is raised from 125 to SlOO and, in place of a deposit of
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  • 135 6 Mr. Iver H. N. Evans gives a most interesting account of a journey undertaken in February last in tbe course of an article entitled Notes on tbe Sakai of the Korbu River and of tbe Ulu Kinta wbicb appears in the December issue of the Journal of tbe KM S.
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  • 149 6 On December 8, a Dutchman named Tops was brought before tbe Presidency Magistrate in Calcutta, on charges, of forgery and cheating Mr. Fraser, of lUicbur, in tbe Central Provinces, of Rs. 1,700. The two men got acquainted in a train and travelled together to Calcutta and lived in tbe Grand
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  • 139 6 Russian newspapers are very much occupied with tbe internal situation in Russia. The food question became most acute in tbe big cities. Some products went up to prohibitive Butter, bdfef and sugar and other necessary commodities of life went so high in price they were only within the reach
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  • 162 6 These are days <^f journalistic brilliance. Tbe editor of a Scottish weekly has just decided tbat all Dickens wants to make him a real good story teller is a little brightening up. He baa heard of tbe success of a play called The Only Way and this in itself is
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  • 177 6 So Germany wants to discuss terms of peace but she has first to lay her cards on tbe table. Tbe Allies have indicated quite plainly tbe broad terms upon wbicb they are prepared to stop lighting and on the day that Oermany announces tbat she is willing to accept those
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  • 461 6 Mr. R. Scott Atkinson, Postmaster General at Sandakao. who bas lately been suffering from gout, is proceeding to England in January on rick leave. He came out from home after bis last holiday in March, 1918. Among those visiting Penang at Christmas were Mrs. W. S. Fawcons,
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  • 39 6 We have to acknowledge »S0 from Mr. and Mrs. J. M. P. Landon (Cluny), 125 from L. E. P. W., and 910 from Mrs J. Earp Myring for tbe Blinded Soldiers' and Sailors' Fund.
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  • 45 6 We gratefully acknowledge J1.75 from T. H. M. for our fund to assist tbe Overseas Club in supplying smokes to our soldiers an I sailors. The total we have received is now $7, 702.41, and the amount paid out is 12,872.16.
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  • 93 6 A social gathering for all members of tbe Young Women's Christian Association will be held at 8. Fort Canning Road, to-day, at 8 p.m. At it, the proposal to form a Members Council, with subcommittees for the devotional, social and educational work, will be considered. Will all members make
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  • 166 6 Tbe installation meeting of Lodge Zetland in tbe Bast, No. 506 E.C was held at Freemasons' Hall, Coleman Street, last evening, whon Rt. Wor. Bro. F. M. Elliot, D.G.M., installed Bro. R. W. Meredith as Wor. Master for tbe ensuing year. Afterward* Wor. Bro. Meredith invested his offioers aa
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  • 153 6 The funeral of Captain Alfred Troan, who died from pleurisy on Tuosday evening, took place at tbe Bidadari Cemetery yesterday afternoon. Deceased, who was fifty-eight yearn of age, was in the best of health up to a few weeks ago, and bis death is regretk-d
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 130 6 |T* f A PI WHISKIES. H] In Two Qualities only. •> BOLE AOENTB: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. THE ROVER MOTOR CYCLE. nett. nett> 1917 Model. 3 H.P. a- Speed Gear. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. ?;r:~ r (ISCORPOIIATIH IN EmOLAUD). Engineering Consult Q KSKR A L ELECTRICAL motor [pentraTl MAICINE |VIIgaNLWOgK!TIL SAMT
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    • 266 6 POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT FINAL EPISODES Of THE MUTEST SERIAL EVER MOOMTTO SINGAPORE AT THE HOUSE OF QUALITY, THB ALHAMBRH B««oh Road The Horn* of Feature Attractions Tbe Leading Theatre In Singapore. TO-NIOHT programme superior that del its competition sontethint away from the ordmary The Topic sf the hour WHO
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  • 570 7 CE THE GERMAN PEACE MOVE. Attempts to Rush The Allies. RUMANIAN POSITION. Heavy Fighting Still Continues. Rbutbb's Tilbokaxs. London, I December 27. 2.85 a.m. New York Germany has proposed an immediate meeting of the belligerents to discuss peace. London, December 27, 2.20 a.m. New York: Germany's pr >posal
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  • 403 7 London, December 27, 7.20 p.m. The Greek Government is still satisfactorily carrying out the Allies' demands and the second Allied Note has not been preseated. Italian Campaign. London, December 27, 12.10 a.m. Rome A naval communique says Several enemy ships on the night of December 28 attacked the small
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  • 145 7 CONFIDENCE IN AMERICA. London, December 27, 2.0 p.m. New York I The Federal Reserve Board has been permitted to appoint the Bank of England its agent under the American banking laws. This most important development is a radical departure from existing financial methods as it practically places tbe
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  • 52 7 London. December 27, 2.0 p.m. The Times says the appointments of the Bohemian Slavic Counts Clammartinii and Cnoennio. to be Austrian premier and Austro Hungarian foreign minister respectively, seem to have an anti Magyar and auti Prussian tendency and are likely to be viewed with displeasure in Budapest
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  • 31 7 London, December 27, 2.0 p.m. Petrograd M. Trepoff has gone to im penal h— <iq«its»s It is understood that bis visit is connected with important minis tec Lai rhsagss
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  • 32 7 London, December 27, 5.15 a.m. General Joffre has been appointed Marshal of France. This is the first time tbe dignity has been revived sinoe the founding of the Empire.
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  • 24 7 RICTFK's TILBORAM. London, December 27, 2.0 p.m. The dna»h is announced of Sir Jesse Herbert, formerly legal adviser to the South China Government.
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  • 291 7 Rubber Planter Confer at Kuala Lumpur. i From Oik Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, December '27. The Planters' Association of Malaya met today with Mr. W. Duncan in tbe chair. The toddy question discussion was deferred till the report of the commission bad been received. A member from Johore
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  • 229 7 A draft for 1840 representing the amount contributed by tbe undermentioned four Indians towards tbe Indian War Relief was recently handed to the General Officer Commanding, Straits Settlements, by Mr. W. Conlay, Chief of Police, F.M.S. Pensioned Subadar (F.M.S. Police) Gulab Kban, son of N'ooran Shah,
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  • 205 7 The announcement tbat tbe L&nadron Rubber Estates is unable to pay an interim dividend, says The Times, is the result of the Income Tax Commissioners' contention that for the purposes of the excess profits duty the pre-war standard of profits must be computed after reduction of the
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  • 821 7 WAR FINANCE AND RUBBER CONSUMPTION. From Our City Correspondent. London, November 16, 1916. So far as tbe Stock Exchange is oonoerned more interest has been taken in the widely signed petition to close tbe House on every Saturday up to the end of March than in nctual business
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  • 40 7 Tbe Berliner Tageblatt declares that busi ness men in Germany tear tbat the compulsory industrial war service will arrest the eoonooiic life of the country and exhaust the tax paying power of the people, thereby involving the Sfate in suicide.
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  • 3096 7 Our Day Result. GOVERNOR'S TRIBUTE TO SUCCESSFUL EFFORT. War Loan Disappointing. Contrary to expectation! there was only a small attendance at the meeting held in the Victoria Theatre yesterday afternoon to hear a statement aa to the result of the Oar Day effort. Those invited were members of the general
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  • 49 8 Toe Garrison Oolf Club's monthly medal lAesMßber' competition resulted as fol mt: JUJotF U Griffith* 84-9=75 CMiii J C. Moultoo Mil 77 .a. ut. J E. A. WoolwrjcL Wbituiort 80 10 80 Couituau'kr K I, K.N. 96 15 81 capuio h. it s. Urn »i i n
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  • 43 8 team r t pruMt-ntiLg Ne«ii Sombilan will b. viHitmti Singapore to play the S.C.C. on «nd another good game if< expected. Kick ullH.ll be at 5 p.m., sharp. The S.C.C. tt-auj will be much the same as that which played agaiunt SelaD^ur.
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  • 87 8 Tbe following tits in tin S.l' C. bowling Uurnamtnt will be pla>ed to-daj To-day Ties. I >oi i i> II MM ip. Katli and Layton v. McKeo/ic ami Sooular. Wmti r and Chill v. McKtsan aod l.^ubart. Friday's Ties. Fkisnklv Paihs, l-yall and Chanty v. McKeczic and
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  • 44 8 An Onii i in Council waxi-ignedon Novea Ur 28 prohibiticg military drill and ovolti Koyal naval and military forcn and ulio< and also t njpowering the autljiiiiuK to prohibit railway excursions other thsa by sainitl traffic. The order >yidifllT inclodrt Ireland in its scope.
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  • 1017 8 Profits More Than Doubled Last Year The fourth animal general meeting of the Broome (Selangor) Rubber Plantations. Limited, was hold on November 10, at the registered offioe of thecompany, Winchester House. Old Broad. Street, 8.C., Sab Lieut. Joseph K-lly. UN VIS (chairman and managing director), presiding. The
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  • 130 8 News Las reached Shanghai of the death in action of 2nd Lieut. K. S. C. Jonee. the only hob of Mr. Frederick Jones, formerly Trade Commissioner in China for the State of Queensland. The deceased officer, who wan b.»ii id Sydney, arrived in Shanghai in 1906 and completed his education
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  • 1320 8 WHERE HE DIFFERS FROM THE RUSSIAN SOLDIER. Some Impressions. As I watched a battalion of Rumanian soldiers entraining this morning (or the Dobrudja front I was struck with the great difference between their appearance and that of Russian troops, writes Hamilton Fjfe in the Daily Mail. One
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  • Correspondence.
    • 152 8 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, Tbe following paragraph occurs in tbe report by the Advisory Board Tbe committee has borne in mind that in all taxation fairness of incidence is a most if not the most important consideration." In view of above may I ask why
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  • 231 8 Hindenburg Grasps the Sceptre Of Power. A wireless message from Zurich states that Baron Kopp, owner of tbe Baltic cables, who although a Ruß»ian subject, has thrown in bis lot with Germany, has arrived from Berlin. He declares that Von Hindenburg has, figuratively speaking, dethroned tbe Kaiser
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  • 167 8 The Milan correspondent of tbe London Daily Chronicle reports:— Messages from] Vienna state that when tbe late Emperor's condition caused grave anxiety Dr. von Koerber summoned the Archduke to Vienna and sought to induce the Emperor to agree to a co- regency. Tbe Emperor at midday
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  • 44 8 One of tbe launches running between Swatow and Swabuo was boarded by pirates reoently at Swatow and, on arrival at or near Kapcbi, they attacked the sailors, killing two of them. They robbed all on tbe boat worth robbing and escaped with their booty.
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  • 107 8 The annual general meeting of the Straits Chinese Literary Association was Leld on the 25th inst. at lienzoline, Katong. The treasurer's report and accounts were read and adopted. The following were elected officers for 1017 President, Key. Gob Hood King vice-presidents, Mr. Khoo Tack Beng and Mr. Litii Uuay Oin
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 292 8 Welcome Re-appearance of the Favourite Society Entertainers The Misses Aileen and Oorls Woods On Saturday Night, December 30. RAFFLES HOTEL when they will present their Famous Society Entertainment after their triumphal tour of Burmah and India. Entirely New Programme! Tables reserved for the Special Dinner and retained for the Performance
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 124 9 Dr. JENNER'B (uk faMM kaxe) ABSORBENT LOZENGES CURES Heartburn, Flatulence AND Acidity of the Stomach Obtainable only tX MAYNARD'S MAYNARD A CO., im THE CHEMISTS 16. BATTERY ROAD SINGAPORE BRUNOLINUM THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVATIVE The Reliable Stop -Rot Antiseptic and Certain Protector against White Ants. Identical to the German Wood
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    • 628 9 BONES REPOSITORY Orchard Road, Tbliphoni 817. Just arrived by M T*- MAN. from Australia H» high- class cobs and poniis and seve>al well-matched pairs. Inrp.ct.on invited. 21 12— 8812 IMPORTANT NOTICE. Particular* cf tbe Scripture Onion, the Berean Band and tbe Bible and Prayer Union, all of London, will be
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    • 209 9 AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BTC. At the Sale-room of Powell 4 Co Ltd. On Friday, Dicim bbk 29, at 11 a.m. A Kood- toned cottage piano, mahogany ■tamed teak telescopic dicing table, waxpoliabed teak and rattan arm and easy chairs, teak pedestal writing deck, teak r* frigerator,
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    • 46 9 TO LEX RAFFLES CHAMBERS Commodious, well lighted and airy offices on second floor, front portion of first floor and ground floor. Will be divided to suit intending tenants. Electric lifts, lights and fans throughout the building. Apply to CHING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers and Kstate Agents.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 598 10 War or Peace. Fami THE GREAT EA MUD O FFIOB I Wlnohns ta» Hoi Tbe Company has sUOiOOO depo ATTRACTIVB PLANB OF ASBURANJ INSURANCE. SUI LIFE OF CANM (INCOBTOBATBD IM CANADA). 1815 has been the most prosperous year in tbe Company's History notwithstanding the war. S. J. HOWB Manager. Battery
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    • 343 10 Nt or Plenty. Life Ihi -WHAT OTHER STERN LIFE AS) (iMOOBPOBATBn Of STI ■ao, aingapoi«a. sited with tbe Supreme Court of Bngland, an 38. MONEY 1 For all particulars, apply to A. MM Ml INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIB. (Incobfobatbd im Fbamcb). bstabusbbd 181 m. RBSBRVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES 44,000,000 Tbe
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    • 508 10 SURANCE IB WORTH 100 OE PROPERTY IB? SURANCE COMP/ BAITS SbTTLSMBMTS) LONDON OFFICE i id complies wtth the British Lite Aanuranoe Coi ?O LOAN. LIBB H. FAIR, Managing Director. RANKING. MMKMN MB tHAMHAI BANKING CBRPBRATIBN (Imoobpobatbd im Homobomo). PAID- UP OAPITAL tII.ODOJN RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41.600.000 at If- 111,000,000 Silver
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    • 524 10 ;NTB ON THE DOLLAft. IN V, LIMITED. 32, Old Jewry, E.C. mpanies Act in every particular. RAL COMMISSION TO BROKERS. 1 J-811 BANKING. HAITBD IMK IF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN BNGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Oapital in 80,000 Shares ot 490 eaah 41.100.00 C Reserve Fund... m
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    • 479 10 INSURANCE. A MARRIAGE ENDOWMENT for 16,000 on behalf of a obild may be purchased by a father aged 86, at tbe rate of 08 cents a day for 18 years, the child being five years of age. Should tbe father die at any time after tbe payment of the fint
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  • 996 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co. Tbe capital stock of the Firestone Tyre and Kubber Co., has been increased from ♦6.000,000 (gold) to X.")0,0C0.OOO, tbe reorganisation having taken effect from November I last. Of tbe new capitalisation, 140,000,003 will be common
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  • 62 11 The Daily Telegraph, in a leading article, advocates tbe arming of merchantmen and declares Every ship should have at least one gun, and preferably two, forward in addition to stern bombs for piratical boarders. It Is knowu that tttepe have been taken to strengthen the Admiralty. Young and active brains
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 187 11 X>ue Sliortly BRITISH PERRY Light Cars Four-Seaters Prices and full particulars from WEARNE BROS., LIMITED. Bole Importers SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR, IPOH and PENANG. 99% Efficient We bays kept a record of every complaint, la'ge and small, made"againat the Series "N Hupmobile. Our record to date from the time tbe first
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    • 309 11 A Customer writes I am sending you a Michelin cover 765 x 105 which has been in use on my car from May 3rd, 1915 to August 4th, 1916 (fifteen months). It has run about 13,000 miles and has never been punctured. Yours faithfully, (This speaks for itself) It is
      309 words
    • 80 11 ALEC. WILLIAMSON, LIMITED (ASIATIC CYCLE MOTOR WORKS) The leading Garage for Repairs, Overhauls Accessories MOTOR CARS on view from $1,450 to $4,570 (two, four, five and seven seaters) MOTOR CYCLES from $375 to $725 (two and four stroke models) A LARGE SELECTION OF SECONDHAND MOTOR CARS and MOTOR CYCLES ALWAYS
      80 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 549 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS LIMITED. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES BOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfilian &Go.. Ltd.. Incobpobatbo in Ekolasd) IMPORT DEPARTMENT. SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. SITUATIONS VACAUT WANTED. A STERBOTYPEH. Applets C. A Hibeirr On. Ltd. 'I'- Vi— n WAN PED, tbofonghW experienced tnna c stononrapbcr. Apply Box No 766, Strait.
      549 words
    • 623 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FUK SALE, otetwos-ater Hoo" motor car, in good running order. New tyres. Apply J. J. Mathew. 15 a, Me Kenz'e Road. 28 n— Bo-13 i SEBDLINOB FOR SALE, trom well grown treex. l-or particular-- and prices, appiy to A Frankel, Sitiap Butate, or kt Vfctcrif Street 1
      623 words
    • 781 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET. 8 n. xiey Road, trom February 1, 1817. Applj it i.rtmift*, '2212—28 12 TO LET, No. 8, Thompson Road. Apply V. A. Meyer, 6. Ma'neca Street. 3 11— 11-17 IO LBT, No. 20, Kirn Reat Koad. Apply to Yeo Hock Hoe No. 8, Raffles Plaoe.
      781 words
    • 286 12 PAINTS OILS OF ALL COLOURS and Makes at reasonable prices for immediate delivery. Xl AM KIAT Co 108 and 109, Market Stre«t. Pbonb samb No. 421. G. R. LAMBERT AND COMPANY. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3a, Orchard Road Established in 1872. Ti l< jbono No. ICOO THE OLOEBT AND LEADING STUDIO IN
      286 words
    • 261 12 ECONOMY MEANS TRADING WITH US GRINDING WHEEi 8 Vi" x x 1" Hole. i. 12* xi"x 1* I."Xj" X 1" 18" xi" x M6T«L POLISH Butttr Cop. a Rtcord. Globe. a Blue Bell. a ii Mirror. Enamelled Latex Measures 4 and 8 Pints. Scythe Blade* acd Handles. Double-pointed Pickaxes, 8
      261 words
    • 470 12 NEW MOTOR GARS For HIRE Don't pay out your well-earned money on cheap, old and delapidated cars when you can obtain first-class, high-priced car at moderate charge from STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE SIS 216, Orchard Road L (Next to WEARN BROS., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations ie advertisemonts
      470 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 326 12 Straits V)imes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 382 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editoria natters and news should be addressed HE EDITOR. All lummonications relating to basinese matters— advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc.— should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellano pas wants of
      326 words