The Straits Times, 22 December 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,296 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY DECEMBER 22. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 126 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Trice row $12.90 per ea 7^S A Blend of fine Highland Malt and other Scotch Whiskies thoroughly matured in sherry wood. The Distillers Company, Ltd., EDINBURGH. BRITISH-MADE I M LETTER FltfeS f T rjj Superior to and cheaper than GermanI a^S^L "--2*° 3 :^1 -nade files
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    • 220 1 ROBINSON CO. A Few Suggestions for Xmas New Year Presents. <uflF No. 1.9 18-Carat Gold Brooch, •<••. with $Jj. Jt/^ Stone and P. arW as HHhatfM. $35. 00 No. 1108.— 9-Carat Gold Brooch, *wMk P.Mlsand Am'.ti'y-,t:i' I'.ri.f-ts $13.50 T \&Jw H^M. 9 i!7"r^ a *cn GO «1 1 »C-~t Go.d
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    • 5 1 GOODKICti vi <^*ri to tyres
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  • 920 2 INTERESTING ADDRESS BY MISS RIDDELL. Asylums and Treatment. We call it the Hospital of tbe Resurrection of Hope. We could not call it a ltper hospital so we call* dit that it has setn tbe n Miinotion of their hopes." It was with this poignant phrase that
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  • 101 2 Tbe Osaka Shown Kaisha, through their legal advisers, have instituted a civil suit in tbe Tokyo Cbiho Saibansbo against tbe Yamasbita Risen Gomei Kaisha, of Tokio, claiming damages to tbe amount of '210,000 yen. A collision took place between tbe steamer Malay Maru, owned by the
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  • 84 2 Hear Admiral David W. Taylor, chief of the bureau of construction and repair of tbe American navy department, baa just made tbe startling announcement that it will require at least three years for the completion of any of the battleships recently authorised by congress. Admiral Taylor ■tatm that this is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 686 2 GOVERNMENT OF JOHORL BATU PAHAT COURT. WASTED, a "Chinese Interpreter and •k (or tbe Batu Fauat Court. Salary »76 per mensem. Applicant* who m:.4< >peak Malay tlaeatly as well a* Ea K liBti, juld |ar«)aad their applicitions, stating ago aad i laiDcitionaj to the Assistant Advi-er, Data I'chat, not later
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    • 316 2 Little Lectures Ml by Nlrse 'Wincakms' ?7 [l.4cturt Ne 1.) I Anaemia M 9£_ Our blood is composed of £3; red and white corpuscles 4/ t the red to ncunsb the if body, the white to Agbt disease. Ib Aszmla or r5 blood less-nesf the red corpuse'es are r.iore~or i
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    • 515 2 MINGS SWEET SLUMBER TO NERVE-WRECKED PEOPLE. That old devil, Insomnia, is the greatest booking agent on earth. The r. sail oi his Db*er-tn4inR labour is ao great that it required thousands of aanatorioms aid hundreds of iopune asyloms to take care of bis bo kiugc Tbe ovetflow ho sends to
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    • 1222 2 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. Bearing Interest from the dale of purchase at 6 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the 15th May and the 15th November. Repayable at par on the 15th November, 1919. PRICE OF ISSUE 100 PER CENT. All procreda of this issue will Oe lent
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  • 820 3 IMPRESSIVE PROCESSION AT SH\NGHAI. The Late Tsai Ao The rmi'iins of the late General Tsai Ao arrived at Woosuog from Japan on Deoember 4, and wirr landed at the China Merchants' Steam Navigation Company's Kiang ken wharf in the French Concession at 9 a.m. yesterday, says the Shanghai
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  • 214 3 Rhodes' Scholarships Kept For British Subjects. The Rhodes EsUte Bill camp, on Notembtr 2, before the Unopposed Bill Committee of the House of Commons, Mr. Whitley presiding. Mr. C. E. C. Brown, for the trustees, ex plaiced that nnder Mr. Rhodes' will the trustees were directed to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 aS sSSSSS^i^S S^^^S3BSbBb£b^S«SS3«SSl '^aji BbbW Cilletle PocVcl Edition tf^*^^!^ aMI coowniant of CilletM P^B^BW a>JPf. Sat* Taken np i>o mnre r(K>m lh«n Iffar 'lijßL .lllil^a^ »IM«*»c«m Triple Silver\mF \fJB^aaJBMILIf/-^7_jll#Wj*|a^fc J^ pUlr ,l R>.<« Trip eS, mBn^B^^^^Bav \>\*\ il Ulaili- Box with 12 ■w -\J!i*— "^B^?MBB> a<.ol.le-e.l«r,lGillel«Maile» VMr2Sߥt/<ii JBBT'" (»4
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    • 824 3 j^====?c=«=^_ .r-irq-j "OUR_DAY" 1 v r r t£& Under the Presidency of H. E. Have YOU heard theGovep: or, a Public Meeting liaVC yUU llCaiU oftheGeneral Committee, Sub- #-Vio K*-.11.n«-»#- noiX r Committees and Subscribers cne DriiiianL new wi n be held in thrt victoria r^ATprr^OßV $&h Theatre (lent by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 728 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O," British India AND Mpcar L-ine. (Companibs Incorporatbd in Enolakdi. MAIL AND PAS3BNQER SERVIC&3 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract witb His Majesty a Qovernuent), f-ar Ohina, Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Adan, Egypt, Maditam*anaan Porta and London. Wiralaaa Talagraphy fitted on all Steamers. VOl'l JK. VII
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    • 813 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD (Incorpoeatbl in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Tabai nangnara, Telupin, Panarai. Pa tan i Singora, Laoon, Kobaamai, Bandon, Langsuen, Chompon, Koblak k Bangkok. Dim Departure s.s. PRACHATIPOK Dec. 25 Dec. 27, 3 p.m. s.s. BORIBAT Jan. 1, 1917
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    • 589 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THEOGEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND THE CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Imcorporatio in Enoland) The Companies' steamers aro despatch! d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa. Marseilles and
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    • 514 4 STEAMER SAILINGS NY. K. JAPAN MATI, STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incokporatbd in Japan EUROPEAN LINE A service in maintained bet a Yokohama, via ports M d London under mail oontract with Ihl Imperial Japanese Government. Vi 1 New Tw-nscrow Steamora maintaining this servioe have been specially designed ana cooHtrncted, aad aro
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 604 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. I si lIRPORATBD IN ENOLAND) Dlp«ot Barvio* to Japan via Hong hong A Shanghai, and to Oaloutt* via Pin«n|, from •mfapors. Taking oargo on tbroogb Bills Lad!B» for Canton, Macao, Swatow. Amoy, Cbel c, Tientsin. Nuwchwang, Yangtaae pirta tot -noes, the Philippines, etc
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    • 416 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BTOOMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ iSTBAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND." (Incorporatbd in Holland) MAIL SKKVICB BETWEEN JAVA AND AMSTBRD4M, VIA SINOAPORB, KELAWANDELI, SABANQ, COLOMBO SUBZ, GIBRALTAR. vn> MBJM Steamers are due to » on the ander mentioned dates OCTWABD. HOXBWABO. l»lfl 1916 P. Jnliant Dec. 30 «MaM Deo 28 1917 1917 Rembrandt Jan. 21
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    • 692 5 THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARO NOTICE RE HOLIDAYS NOTICE is hereby givoo tbat the Oodowns and tbe Bonded War bouses of the Singapore Harbonr Board will be olof ed for tbe delivery of goods to town on Monday, December 25, 1916, and on Mo-day, January 1, 1917. On Monday, January 1,
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    • 279 5 f^i Estate Water ffi^^ Supplies THE SOUTHERN-CROSS W[ WINDMILL a* It. ®i jjfe. Complete Pumping Plants Wr' ''l\&S Mkr -JEst'* THOUSANDS IN USE IN AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND THE BORNEO CO., LTD. .7/ fe (Incorporatbd is England) :^J| •••i^^-lli' 4 SINGAPORE WOOD- MILNE MOTOR CAR and MOTOR CYCLE TYRES. Hade In
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 153 6 Valencia Accordeons. Just received in eight models prices ranging from $7 OO to $30.00 M~K m JEM. ,M^^»^^-^^ (Lati of thb Rcbinson Piano Co., Ltd.) '00 North lrid(e Read, *d«lptii Hotel Buildings, Singapore. Telephone No. 1705. NIPPON PAINT White Zinc, White Lead Paint, Red Lead Powder, etc. 99 per cent,
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    • 251 6 KOBE CLUB. Applications are invited fcr tbe post of Resident Secretary. Such applications, statiog salary required, nboulJ be addressed to tbe Honorary Score tary, Kobe Club, Robe. Japan. References necessary. 20 12— 27-12 Her Highness INCHI BESAR, Sultana the Mother of H. H. Sir Ibrahim, Sultan o 1 Johore, who
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    • 692 6 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. NOTICE ia hereby given that all ont standing bills against the Government shonld be proFonted for payment before the 15th instant. All bills incurred after that date should be presented for payment, if possible, tome days before December 27, 1016. Singapore, December 1, 1916. 112 a— 26 12
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    • 425 6 Intense pains in the joints, and swellings almost deforming these parts due to deposits of Uric Acid disappear by taking PIPERAZINE-MIDY Crutches can then be thrown away, as it is tbe earoat provontative and care of goat, gravel, acuto and chronic rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. It is the greatest solvent
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  • 156 7 FIXTURES Friday, December 22. Hijih Water. 7.22 a.m., 9.10 p.m. Children's Concert, Victoria Hall, 5 pm. A. I). 0k performance, Victoria Theatre. Saturday, December 23. High Water, 8.12 a.m.. 10.1 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail close* Rugby, Singapore v. Selangor, S p.m. A. D. C. performance,
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  • 250 7 To-DAT. ftato Pabat Leony 2.30 pm tnbaui aii't T. Anson K i:ta a. 30 pm M.dac V. Oiemen '2.30 pm Malacca Maa> L»dy Weld 8 pm Batavia. Saiuaraafi KampbitM 8.30 pm L'oloiub Tamasbima Mara 4 pm I'eylor. Icdia and Aden Nankin 1 pm fc-r Ui*trala*ia Mauritius. Kuypt.
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  • 246 7 tvrari] mail steamer Somali baa It ft Colombo and may be expected Is vrin at Penang at 4 p m on Saturday. Deesaaser 28. The vessel should arrive here »t I a ni on Monday. December 25. Tl,-. M. M. outward steamer Perth.... katt Colombo on Tuesday
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  • 163 7 EXCHANGE Swoirou, Dkoxmbeb 22, IWlo On JU>Ni,t Bank 4 m/s 2/4$ Demano 2/4| HriTSto 8 m/» 2/4 JJ On BankT. T. 826 un Imuu bank T. I 172; Cm I!oNOKLHe...BsBkd/(l On Shamohai ..Bankd/d Off O»J*va BankT. 1 186* On J»pa» Bank 109j Soveteigns— buying rate 18.64
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    • 172 7 ITB?ne1 T 8 ne Buyers Sellers, ralue 10 10 AmpanK 5.00 6.00 I 1 Ayer Wenß 0.05 1.00 10 10 Kanaboi 0.90 1.20 II 10 Kinta Association 6.00 11 1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 II £1 Lahat Mine* 3.00 500 10 10. Malayan Collieries 11.50 12.50 El £1 Malayan
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    • 643 7 VaJo^ Buyers. Sullen.. 2/ 2/ A:i» h a. 2,3 2,9 2/- Ack1oJ»»» 5/If- Anglo-Malaj 10/- 12/--2- a/- Batang Malak> 3,2 8/6 *1 £1 Batu Tigi 3 0.0 4 0.0 Bekoh 3/3 41 £1 Bukit Kajanß 2.15.0 3.5.0 XI *i BakitLinUng 3.10.0 4.2.0 2/- 2/ Lakit Mertajan. 3/6 4/6 IX
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    • 131 7 &u c ci Bu y ers saien II 111, melton* IX 8.75 0.10 II 41 Prel. 1.8.6 1.5.0 I/- 6/- Bleetrie T'waja 4/- 5/--10 10 Fruei Neave 61.00 52.00 BO 60 W. Hammer Co. 62.00 66.00 100 Howarthßrskine... 65.00 100 TfcPtel. 100.00 100 100 KaU Bro, Del. 94.00 par
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    • 51 7 United Engineers 8% 11.U84 500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6\ 4860,000 norn 3 pore Municipal 5% 11,878,000 par S pore Municipal 4*% ot 1907 11,000,000 10%dis Spore Mauicipal *i% of 1900 11,000,000 in ilih Spore Municipal 4% '2,000,000 1.1% dig S'poro Municipal 4% 4800.000 F.M.S. 8% loan 1916 115,000,000
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 il Muss! Ipsa I ally at 1 p.m., Singapore BM i.iii; to a.lll. feed at V1 r1.«-k «<uu. iadiostißg JII HUn.Unl time, os very day ■luafiin ■saalM ssmM Isstai r.oncV.l.vk.
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    • 537 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. A STERBOT^PEK Apply to A Bibeim C-. Ltd. 2< 12— n TO LBT, 8 i>, xVy Road, from February 1,1917. Apply at pr.mife° 2-2 '^12, WANTED, a CbinoTO clerk with somej knowledge ol book keenioK- Apply by l«tt r -tatini; Hilary to Box No. '•Vl Strait* Times
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    • 605 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Inoobporatbo in England) Eastern Branch SINGAPORE B I DREADNOUGHT COTTON BELTING TMade of Finest Quality of heavy Lancashire Special Duck. I NFrom 2" to 10" in stock. G _J This Belting has been giving the greitest satisfaction for many years in India, Singapore, China and the Far
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  • 1141 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY DECEMBER 22. THE CALL TO ARMS. There are men of the ri^ht military age in Malaya who are not required for the defence of the Colony. That h the pith of a state aent made by Msjor- Ginnral Kidout aa tin result of very careful consideration
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  • 17 8 An individual from Madras contemplates viniting tbe F.M.S. with the object of forming a Tamil Labour Association.
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  • 45 8 Monday being Cbistmas day there wili be no issue of tho Straits Times, but telegram slips will be issued tbe same as on Sunday v. vi/.., between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Tte Straits Times will be published as usual on Tuesday, I >ecember 26.
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  • 30 8 Prices bare g ne up by leaps and bounds in tbe Bentong district. Condensed milk has been costing 120 per case this week. In Singapore it is quoted at J1'2.90.
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  • 31 8 Members and friends of tho Methodist Tamil Church are invited to the Xmaa Tree and the social on Saturday, the 23rd inst., at 4.80 p.m., in the Short Street Girls' School.
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  • 26 8 The following cable baa been sent to tbe F.M.S. Hospital from tbe Kuala Lumpur Committee:— Committee and subscribers send seasonal greetings staff and patients Hospital. Brockman."
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  • 32 8 Mr. C.E. W. Hogge. of tbe Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, Penang, is leaving towards tbe end of January to become agency manager in the F.M.S. for tha China Mutual Life Insurance Company.
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  • 32 8 A supplement to the F.M.S. Government Gazette contains particulars of the procedure to be adopted for tho iasue of licences to import into France and Algeria certain prohibited goods of British manufacture.
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  • 44 8 At the Boustead Institute on Sunday Christmas Eve there will be a special musical service conducted at 8.15 p.m. as usual. when there will be solos by Miss Cocbranp. male-voice duet, Christmas hymns and an address by Mr. R. D. Pringle. All are invited.
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  • 46 8 Arrangements have been made to give lectures and debates every Saturday at 7.30 p.m. at the Young Men's Arya Samaj, 180, New Bridge Road. Mr V. P. Menon will lecture tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. on Renaissance in Asia." Members and friends of Samaj are cordially invited.
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  • 56 8 The members of the Straits Chinese Literary Association will celebrate their fifth anniversary to morrow at 8 p.m. by an entertainment and social in the premises of the association, and by a picnic at Bengoline," Katong, on the 25th and 26th inst. The annual general meeting will be held on
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  • 100 8 An elderly Chinese was charged in the Ipoh Police Court on Wednesday with having sold cbandn without a licence. The accused was the manager of a mine and lived some distance away from town. For tbe con venience of his coolies be purchased a quantity of cbandu an j sold
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  • 90 8 rteren run I aa acinus ..~*v] or Singapore amateur production. After last night it bad held public interest for five performances, and still the appreciation was as evident as ever. Tbe most sanguine expectations as to receipts have already been excteded, and it will be a very pleasant announcement indeed
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  • 141 8 At about 5.30 p.m. yesterday, there was a collision at tbe corner of Bras Bassa Road, near tbe Ladies' Lawn Tenuis Clab, resulting in serious damage to a Victoria and a tram-car and injury to a horse. It appears that the tram car in proceeding towards Serantjoon. met a driverless
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  • 143 8 Some little time ago we it marked here on tbe fact that some people, arriving lato for the second act of a certain play, spoiled the opening for others. And someone wrote a letter saying that it was someone else's fault the barman's or the curtain raiser's or some other
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  • 234 8 Tbe angel of death is abroad in the Und. You can almost hear tliQAealiagaf kjii'wiuy--Thus John Bright in the H4m* of Cooiuodh Jnring tbe Crimean War. and a friend told him after that he shivered for a moment lest the speaker should say flapping and so rain the speech. It
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  • 491 8 i.iriit. CciKmi I A. R. Adams takes over the duties cf Chief Censor. IVnanjj. at the end of tbe week. Messrß. Nash, Byatt and Warner, of Messrs. Houstead and Co.. I'euaig, are going home to join the army in the near future. Sir Charles Eliot, vice- Chancellor
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  • 114 8 News which reached Ku >la Lumpur on Wednesday morning indicated < ■it there had been some form of labour trouble at the Collieries' coalfields at Batu Aruo°. The police were informed and within a quarter of an hour twenty five police and a detective under Chief Inspector Flood
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  • 128 8 The directors of tho Singapore Engineering Co., Ltd., in their report for the year ending June 30 state: We regret that we have again to show a loss for the period under review (518.431 For the first halfyear we bad to contend against slackness of work,
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  • 237 8 The third report of tbe directors of the Simpam Valley Hydraulic Mines, Ltd., for the twelve months ended September 80 last shows tbat the net profit for the period after making due provision for depreciation and writing off the balance of preliminary ex pensex, amounting to'
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 109 8 Have You Tried f <^^S2«6& > the World-famous ,J:.j=^g THREE |||f CASTLES «3§S CIGARETTES P (VIRGINIA) Also "Three Castles" Magnums. ON SALE EVERYWHERE. *\3*£' A Orders for 13»XIU8 PROVISIONS, *Mfs WINES, CRACKERS, Jf^T^yi'^Jtf-^ Should be sent in »s ewly as possible. -V o jL^j IX THE VU TOY DEPARTMENT \.a
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    • 262 8 to-night: to-night:: FINAL EPISOKS OF TNE GREATEST SERIAL EVER •ROUGH T TO SINGAPORE. AT THE HOUSE OF QUALITY, THE ALHAMBRA Beatoh Road The Home of Feature Attraction* Tbe Leading Theatre In Singapore TO-NIGHT A programme superior that def lei competition something away from the ordinary The Tepic of tha hour
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  • 741 9 SUBMARINING. Impudent Accusation Denied. THE FIGHTING LINES. British Mesopotamia Force Active. Rbctkh's Tklklrams. London, December 21, 1.10 a.m. A wireless report ot m interview with Herr Zimmerman quote* him as saying that the German steamer K Iga was sunk and seven perished. Enfeliob submarines, he adds, steered round,
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  • 171 9 London. December 21, 4.50 a.m. The final report of tbe committee investigation on tbe I loyal Flying Corps generally vindicates the conduct and ad ministration of tbe corps. It pays tribute to the recent wonderful improvement in efficiency which is due to the unremitting labour of the
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  • 121 9 London, December 12. 6 p.m In the House of Commons, Sir E. Cirson, referring to the reply of Germany regarding Captain lilaikie. declared that Britain bad not admitted tbe distinction botween the rights of unarmed merchantmen and those defensively arui-xl. Doubtless Germany aimed at confusing offensive and defensive
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  • 75 9 London, December 21, 1.25 am la the House of Common-. Mr. Hope, on behalf of the Foreign Office, replying to MrHunt, said that the captain of the Blucber and an officer belonging to Ll5 had been removed from Djnnington Hall to Switzerland as exchanges for British officers, unfit
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  • 65 9 London. December 19, 12.45 p.m. Cairo Tbe second anniversary of the British Protectorate finds the situation in Kgypt in every way greatly improve!, com pared with last year. The machinery of Government is running smoothly, the people are happy and contented and most prosper oas, trade is flourishing
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  • 65 9 U. S. War Share Slump. London, December 21, 6.40 p.m. New York There is a sensational slump, bordering on demoralization, in war shares which fell from two to eleven points. A feature was tbe offering of fifty thousand I'nited States Steel at 104 j against yesterday's 108, for a single
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  • 46 9 London, December 21, 1.30 p.m. Tbe difficulties of the political situation in Austria are illustrated by a sadden and unexplained change in the premiership. M, Marti me becomes premier instead of 11. Spitzmuller who takes the Ministry of Finance. The Cabinet otherwise is little altered.
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  • 155 9 London, December 19, 12 45 p.m. I Paris The Congress of Socialis s has i -solved by ten thousand against four I ui-ilred that n i peioe pr >poeals of tbe etemy can be entertained until concrete terms arc offered. Various. London, December 21, 2.35 a.m. Jassy
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  • 43 9 KsOTia'S TBLBOR-iM. London, December 19, 1.245 p.m. The Times says that it it understood that Indian bankers and others are negotiating with the India Office with a view to the relaxation of the restrictions on tbe sale of India Council draft.
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  • 485 9 NOTES FRO M MALACCA. (Fbom Ova Own Cormspoxdbnt.) Malacca. December 21. Tbe following appears among tbe Malacca Volunteer Rifles orders for this week Tbe General Officer Commanding is commanded by His Excellency the Governor and Com-mander-in-chief to express His Excellency's gratification at tbe fine appearance of the Malacca Volunteer Rifles
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  • 111 9 Goebilt was visited by a whirlwind on the night of November 29 which did considerable damage, says the Sarawak Gazette. At 8.80 p.m. there was a brilliant flash of lightning over the bill, immediately followed by a wind which, blowing with terrific force and travelling very low
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  • 87 9 Lady Edith Beatty. tbe wife of Admiral Sir David Beatty, wbo commanded the battle cruiser squadron in the naval engagement off Jutland, is taking the lead among London society in raising a relief fund fcr the widows and orphans of those who fell in tbe only great sea battle of
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  • 402 9 Pronouncement by Governor And High Commissioner. The following announcement approved hy Hu Excellency tbe Governor and liuli Commissioner prior to tbe recent inspection tour of tbe General Officer Commanding, which His Excellency the General Officer Commanding under the authority of His Excellency the Governor and High Commissioner made
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  • 555 9 Clerk's Action Against Methodist Minister. An action claiming »500 damages for defamation of character was brought in the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr. Justioe Sproule. tbe plaintiff being one Tan Eng Tuaa and tbe defendant the Rev. W. T. Cherry, superintendent of the Methodist Publishing House. Mr. T.
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  • 41 9 The Tongkab Harbour Tin Dredging Com paey (N. L.) announces a dividend of 5 per cent, on the paid-up capital (equivalent to one shilling per share) on all the shares of tbe company, payable at I'nWet aorl Hnbart on Jabuary A'l.
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  • 1386 9 QUARANTINE CAMP AT PORT SWETTENHAM. A Case of Crimping. A unoeral meeting of the Kapar District Planters' Association was held at the Kapar Rest House on Wednesday, December 18, says tbe Malay Mail, when there were present Messrs. Noel Fisher (in tbe cbair), N. Bevan, W. L. R.
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  • 429 9 Marked Decline in Offerings And Prices. The 274 th auction of the Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held on December 20, when there was offered (or sale piculs 18.581.98 or 2,477,597 lbs. (tons 1,106.07). Prices realised: Sheet smoked fine ribbed ...f 185 to 1142 good ribbed
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  • 108 9 The committee of the Children's Aid Society gralef ully acknowledge the following further subscriptions Previously acknowledged 1j,0h4.'2» K. Oattcy 10 Carlo Ambrosoli 35 S. A. Lane 30 D. Noble 30 N Niblock 10 8. W. Struyx S C. H. Follett 10 Bapaame 25 H. W. Buckland
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  • 1442 10 AN EXPOSURE OF THE GERMAN MIND. Psychology of the War. Uustave Le lion has written a book entitled Tbe Psychology of the Great War. and in >n it a writer in The Globe says In the space at our disposal it is impossible to do juntice to
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  • 309 10 Attractions for the Forthcoming Holidays. For the children of Singapore their Christmas rejoicings commence at 5 o'clock this afternoon when they are going to be entertained at one of those excellent concerts to which they as well as their parents look for ward. Tbe programme includes songs from
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  • 278 10 The virious legal constructions which can be put upon a will were illustrated in thecoarse of an action in which Mr. Justice Sproule gave judgment in the Supreme Court this morning. Action was brought by A W. Cashin against D. A. Kitovitz and others as to the
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  • 34 10 Tlie committee of the above acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions: Previously acknowledged 1199 Mr. Stephen Will im> 10 Mm! 10 Mai .50 Anonymous 10 Swimming Club 25 mm^_^^^ mmm^ 1254.50
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  • 51 10 Telegrams received at Washington from Colas state tbat the steamer Themis is aground at Colon on the west breakwater. Her holds ooe, two and three are flooded as result of the accident. A diver in inveoti _:atin ii the extent of the damage. Tbe ship is loaded witb sugar from
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  • Correspondence.
    • 391 10 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, The Governments of Singapore and Johore know perfectly well what harm the Johore gambling farms are doing to the Singapore peoplo principally, over the Chap Ji Xi (Twolve tetters) lottery. In reality Chap Ji Xi is a game only
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    • 375 10 I. M.S. Railways. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your issue of December 18 are given the reasons for the raising of fares on the railways. We are told that large orders have been sent to England for engines and rolling stock tbe want of same has
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  • 87 10 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended December IS was 30.86 per mi lie of the population. The total number of deaths was 204, of which 135 were male subjects and 69 female Convulsions claimed 27, phthisis 39, malaria fever 25,
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  • 163 10 The destruction of 150 piculs of opium seized at various times in 1915 and the early part of this yi ar by the Chinese Maritime Customs wad oooimeuced at rootung Point on December 8, nays the X.-C. Daily News. It will be remembered tbat a short while
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  • 254 10 Trouble Settled and Ringleaders Arrested. Further particulars are to hand, says the Malay Mail, of the labour trouble at Batu A rang on tbe Malayan Collieries' coalfields. Recently, it is stated, the management granted the labour an all round increase of 15 cents per truck on coal
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  • 652 10 Remarkable Predictions of Tha War. Whence conies the so-called Mayence Prophecy and when was it made? No one knows. It takes its name from the town of Mayence, where it was preserved in a monastery founded by Ste. Hildegrade; but it cannot well be considered as
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  • 122 10 I Sembrong.— 2,7B2 lbs. The .Madras Times gives us another Kitchener story. "It was at a Rajah's garden-party, and the State Band was in high fettle. Lord and Lady Curzon were there, and also Lord Kitchener. Towards the end of the evening the bandmaster was brought forward
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  • 498 10 Final Dividend of Twenty-Five Per Cent. The seventh report of the directors to the shareholders in Alor Gajah Rubber Estate, Limited, states Your directors beg to submit tbe balance sheet and profit and loss account for the year ended September 30, 1916. The profit for tbe year
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  • 70 10 According to tbe London pruss, Mr. Alfred Knight, in bis will directed that Dr. Joseph Ganner shall sever a main artery to make sure life is extinct and receive £100 for this operation, and his remains shall then be cremated and tbe dust broadcast over the iand. Bat
    70 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 65 10 The S.C.C. were at home to an R.G.A. team yesterday afternoon, and a fairly good game was seen The visitors tried hard all tbe time, but eventually had to admit defeat by 3 0, one goal in tbe first half and two in tbe second. With this result Bell,
      65 words
    • 219 10 The Keppel Golf Club have arranged Christmas and New Year competitions to be played from to morrow to January 1, 1917, inclusive, as follow Kourmuues, 1H boles handicaps. Combined handicaps to bo 12 or under. Entrance fee 11.50 for ench player.— 1H holes stroke handicap. Entrance fee 11.50.— Eclectic
      219 words
    • 117 10 During the Christmas Holidays the s'inioiiDL' club launches will run as under Sunday. 2Uh inst.— Johnston's I'ier h. 9 and 10 a. 111 2.30 aud 3.30 p.m. Club in galow B.:it) and 9.30 am., 12.15, i and 530 p.m. Tide 9 a.m., height 9 ft. 6in Christmas Day. Johnston's
      117 words
    • 67 10 Tbe following tics will be played today BaflMQa*. Hay v. Scoular. Itmi Paiks. Lyall and Cbaney v. McKenzie and Sinclair. Scoular and Snewin v. Lowndes and Brown. Doim lh Handicap. McKean and lr.;ubart v. Doig and Smitb. Saturday. No ties arranged fir today in consequents of
      67 words
    • 154 10 The list of acceptances for the Viceroy's Cup event at Calcutta, on Tuesday next, is as follows Mr. C. N. Wadia's Urn Varna. Mr. C. N. Wadias Wavestar (tt yn.) Mr. H. H. S.s Silver Balm (5 yrs.) Mr. K. K. S.s Bachelor's Weddiu* (6 yrs.) Mr.
      154 words
  • 246 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co's Weekly Circular. In their Singapore share circular, dated December 20, Messrs. Kraser and Co. report Our market has been very dead this week and except for forced soiling by a few weak holders which caused a considerable «> tback to certain local rubbers
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 346 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Latest advertisements of the day appear on pane". The Harinia Hall is putting on gome excellent Christmas attractions to night, including in tbc second sbow a Gold Seal drama, Christmas Memories, a thrilling Bison drama, aud an L-Ko county. The first show is also promising, go altogether
      346 words

  • 392 11 Distribution ol 70 Per Cent. For The Year. The seventh yearly report of tbe directors tc tbe shareholders of Pajam. Limited, ■Ma Your directors bare pleasure in submitting tbe balance sheet and- profit and loas account for the year ended September 80, 1916. The net profit as shown
    392 words
  • 755 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, December 22, 1916. Memrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and ■hare broken, issuo the (ollowinx list of qaotatioDß this morning. The quotations on sterling shares aro only nominal. Nom. Vaici. I BUTIM. -1LL118 8/. AllMM a/- adkIo J»»« 3/- An«lo
    755 words
  • 472 11 An Appeal for the Periscope Fund. Judge Tobia, XC, of Liverpool, has registered nnder thr War Charities Act. 191' what m known as the I'eriscope Fond. Tb« (mid waa started in 1914 with the object of ptesentiag to officers on active service s farm o/ telescope
    472 words
  • 44 11 Charii'd at ll.>o»;kon,j it ti being is poMeaii ltoi u( raw opium, a Cbioere stated that lit bad Oftl] HuDi;k >n>lrnm '.r. where he bail lired (or the last tw.nty jftirr. and did sot know the laws of 11.. CoM*. He was nurd f2K.
    44 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 493 11 We will deliver a MOUTRIE PIANO For $50. You pay the balance in small monthly instalments which will not embarrass you. By buying direct from the manufacturers you save all intermediate profits. Every instrument backed by the strongest kind of guarantee. Full price allowed for pianos taken in exchange. Moutrie
      493 words
    • 265 11 RAFFLES HOTEL NEW YEAR'S DAY GARDEN PARTY ON THE LAWN From 4.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. CAKES, ICES REFRESHMENTS SERVED CINEMA SHOW ON THE LAWN FOR CHILDREN Special Dinner at 8 p.m. DANCING AFTER DINNER By kind permission of His Highness the Sultan of Johore, the Band of the Johore
      265 words

  • 1626 12 DISCIPLINE AND THE TE4M SPIRIT. The Triumph of Co-operation. The suceewsof the Mlien m the WVstoro f root hay. U to widely hailed as. in part at least, the triumph of mutual confidence and loyal co operation between free men over I niirily mechanical discipline.
    1,626 words
  • 267 12 Drastic Amendments in the New Bill. TLe text of the Home Secretary's Bi!l tn amend the law relating to tbe Prevention of Corruption was issued recently. It enacts that a person convicted on indictment of a Uii«dt meini.ur under tbe Prevention of Cor Vet. 1906. or tbe Public
    267 words
  • 248 12 Outward. The following passenger bookings to the Strait* are takuu from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, sabseqaent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
    248 words
  • 2020 12 TRANSPORT WORK ACROSS LONDON. An Early Morning Problem. A correspondent writes to the Daily Telegraph Most Londoners are by this time familiar enough with the sight of the British soldier just home on leave from the trenches. They know the figare well in the soiled khaki, with
    2,020 words
  • 384 12 White Soldiers Wasted on Navvy Work. In the interesting article printed below Sir Harry Johnston, reviews the ares avail able (or recruiting a non-combatant corps of Africans, a :<1 estimates the number available at 348.000 men. He says I do nit think there is much available Asiatic
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 210 12 <^aWi^n>9k9 rM^H JLnnnnnnHoi I "Four Oaks" WHITE ANT DESTROYER British made throughout. Price $35. 00. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO.. LIMITED (Incobporatid in England) KUALA LUMPUR. SPECIAL. X'MAS OFFER. tup) This is the only Genuine "NOVELTY" Wristlet jO^ T^ Watch Band. fflssS UP«-Ver res.» design f »> with K y
      210 words

  • 1123 13 MR. ASQUITHS SPEECH AT THE GUILDHALL. The German Manoeuvres. The Lord Mayor's banquet at tbe Guildball on November 9 was made tbe occasion of war-time speeches by Mr. Asqaitb, Mr. Ralfour, tbe French Ambassador, and others. Mr. Aequitb, responded to tbe toast vi His Majesty's ministers. After paying
    1,123 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 58 13 Xmas Millinery Just Received AT TX. K. WHITEAWAY'S jf jJ%i PANAMA HATS COARSE PLAIT PANAMA HATS eJ^Xr i 57.50 VOILE DRESSES 3 ss in white, spot, md f'vey designs. $750 PRINCES ROBES in great variety jW «-^Jl^ from $4.50 jj W. B. CORSETS WHITE VOILE $515 COSTUMES i $12 50
      58 words
    • 198 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement dming 1916 tO XjpHLSjK and to THE MUNICIPALITY /KiJ^ THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE \^7^o/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the Straits and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1642 14 Was or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (iMooaroaaTas w Straits Sbtilbsibnts) HMD OFFICB Wlnohssttr HouM, Singapore). LONDON OFFIOK i 88, Old Jewry. E.G. The Company has ASO.OOO deposited with the Supreme
      1,642 words
    • 799 14 mgUBAHCE. ALLIANCE INSURANCE CO.. LTD.! THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE (Ikcorporatid Enckakd). INSURANCE COMPANY (Incorpobatkd is Canada). All kinds of Lite and Ecdowuent Policies FIRE AND MOTOR GAR RIBKB i«""d BHTHRIE* Co., LM., General AgontH.Sinuapore. Of every description granted r, S. EVANS, Manager, South East, re Asia. by this Company at rates
      799 words

  • 931 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Modern Light Car. It is doubtful, even after its three or four years' development, whether the light car is yet taken seriously by the majority of large car motorists. There is perhaps something to do with thib in the way
    931 words
  • 114 15 At a meeting; ot the board of directors of the Alma Estate*, Ltd., held at Shanghai oa December 4, it was decided to reoommend to the shareholders at the next annual general meeting to be held on December 21, that after the payment of two interim dividends
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 422 15 Use Aia-Bvl/fcisl* ROM TYRES IkVT^OWSjB«B«S«BiB^B*B*n^B*BMB^BiBMBWB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^a^B^B^n^B i j >fc Tyres are if paramount hPvUb^B mportanoe to yon and the -#l life of jonr oar. ff-.j S Your safety depends upon J3 their reliability, yMir ran ing expeop s vary aooording "1 to thyir durability, yoar tfjd comfort in largely affected by
      422 words
    • 77 15 SmBW vv 3EB uy I> XJ N L O F» not because they are first in point of age that was chance but because they are first in point of merit that is purpose. The tyre that ensures you the best mileage value. DUN LOP RUBBER Co, (FAR EAST) UQ,
      77 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1188 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACAMT WANTKD, thoroughly txpt-rienceJ female sttao.raiher. Apply Box No. 7C5, Straits Tr..g.«. 6 12-n iCROPEAX DOCTOR WANTED as tiinpcrary a^irtant Apply Box No. '6.', Sttaitu Times B 12- v WANTED, an experienced Europsan matron for a first class hctel. Apply Box No. 770
      1,188 words
    • 805 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, No. 8, Thompson Road. App'v M. A. Meyer, 6, Malacca Street. 3 11— 1-1-17 1 O LBT, No. 20, Kirn Keat Load. Apply to Yeo Heck Hoe. No. 8, Raffles Place. 3-12- n TO LET, Dunrobin, Barker Koad. Immediate eetry Apply Lee Cheng Van k
      805 words
    • 359 16 THE MULCOTT BELTING COMPANY, LTD. (Imookfobated in England) Best Multiplar Hair Belting Ordinary and Extra Stout From 2" to 8 stock This belt has gained its reputation throughout Saigon, Rangoon, Sumatra, Bangkok, F.M.S. and the Straits, for its Strength, Durability and Reliability. Quotaiions from KIAM KIAT 6c Co. Market Street,
      359 words
    • 303 16 ECONOMY MEANS TRADING WITH US GKINDING WHEEL S I_' x j" x 1" Hole. 12" x ii" x1" li'xfxl" a 18" x2"x 8" MET AI. I'JLISH BatttrCup. Rcoord. Olobe. Blae Bell. Mirror. Bnamellci Latex Measures 4 and H Pints. Scythe Blades and Handle. Double-pointed Pickaxes, 8 lbs. Oil Cans, Copper
      303 words
    • 475 16 c MOTOR GARS Fop HIRE )on't pay out your well-earned money on heap, old and delapictoted cars when you can obtain first-class, high-priced car at moderate charge from ITRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 218 A 216, Orchard Road (Next to WEARN BROS., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requistd to make alterations ie advertisement*,
      475 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 323 16 Straits Idimes. Telephone!. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 362 Job Printing Department 848 Ul communications relating to editoria matters and nuwa should be addressed THE EDITOR. 11l communications relating to buHincss matters— advertisements subscriptions, acoour.t?, printing, etc.—should be ad dressed bo THE MANAGER ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Mißcrliaue(as want-] of every description
      323 words