The Straits Times, 27 September 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The StraitsTimes. NO. 25,222 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 PESTLE^ MILK y[ ooi y TopNotch King Seorge IV" BRITISH-MADE: H LETTER FILES Superior to and cheaper than German- |J?r^_ made files of similar design. iiS I 5 ROMFO i tc i t~ (Incorporatrd in England) VfJJL^J |Bjj 14-a, Collyer Quay ASAHI DELEaii OF HIGHEST REPUTATION Obtainable from all liquor
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    • 113 1 A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS CONCERNING BEAR BRAND MILK. It is obtained from cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps Pastures. It is therefore a genuine Swiss Milk of the highest quality obtainable. It is Pure, Reliable and Htcher in cream than any other brand. Tbe Lanoet, London, state* "The
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    • 142 1 ROBINSON CO. Are now showing specially selected Millinery Models for Race Meeting ii^Fw/ mi r smart after ilr/ fll i noon wear. I The latest afternoon and even- ing gowns, sports coats, laces, ribbons, etc. ROBINSON CO. CHEESE The 4-iiiowlng are now In Stock ENGLISH CHEDDAR CHEESE ENGLISH ITILTON CHEESE
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    • 12 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. Soli Aohntm AOAMBON. 6ILFILUN CO., LTD. (Incurpor&t*l In Kn«
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  • 726 2 UNLUCKY IN THE LOSS OF POZIERES! Who Commands the Enemy Forces? Extracts from wireless messages sent to America by I'nited States correspondents on tbe German front on the Somme are cabled back to England by tbe New York cone Bpondont of tbe Daily Mail. Tbe
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  • 155 2 At a banquet in London, fixed for September 8, an English dish with a long and curious history was to make its reappearance on an English dinner table. Tbis is Kollo dish, a beef stew, which owes its name to its inventor, Hollo, first Puke of
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  • 150 2 The effigy of Britannia was invented by tlie Romans to represent roughly the shape of l.uxland and W ales and one of Charles ll. 'a lady friends served as model for the Britannia ou our bronze coinc, but which ot three —the Ducbessi* of Kichm >nil Cleveland and Portsmouth
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 827 2 GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. MINING LAND AT MERSIN6. MibiiiKcit^iM ncr pineteen blocks of lani in Hit distr.ct ol Mtr«inK will be dit-pobod of by tender en October 10, 1918. Kuil ptniculars may be obtained on applioat oo to the COMMISSIONER OF LANDS A MINES Johtre Bahru. 20 9—B-10 THE PAWNBROKERS ORDINANCE.
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    • 200 2 ■z'^'-^Jr^ the "*^J OF A SEA TR'P IS*/ ne«d no longer he mjricd by the Sf >irrad ol mal-dtmer MOTHERSILL S SEASICK REMEDY tiulrcd lo prevent and cure St.i 1 and Ttain Sicknesi, or money ie(unded. I MOTHF.RSILL'S has received the un- I qualitirJ rii<li>isemrnt of the leading paprn I
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    • 298 2 NEURALGIA SOOTHED AWAY by Littla'a Oriental Balm. To all wbo aoffer tbe desperate twUtiog K^onipß and spasms ol Neuralgia To all who are acquainted with any of tbe •offerers To all wbo h»ve never goffered ytt wbo wish to bs on the safe side Here's news LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM RELIEVES
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    • 720 2 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tbe partner Bhip between J, Crowtlier Slaw, of Singapore, and KbooChje Hesu, of Henang. carryirg on business as merchant tailors nnder the name ot J. Crowtber Shaw and Cc, No. 30 a, Rafflas Place, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Khoo Cbyn
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  • 997 3 WHAT WE HAVE DONE IN THE PAST. Not Given in War. The naval correspondent of the Evening Standard wrote on August 10 The proposal, suggested in many quarters, and revived again tbio week, to give medals at onoe to the men who have served in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 446 3 WatepmaiS^pFoiiiitaiii Pen "V dc\Y This simple \§V li^J^^^ JWr Filling Device V^| > i "">-— 'i/^^Pi^r '"'kii'il thousands of new t \J nT \u/r l ir convert-; K Fountain Pen i \V £J J l 7<m 1mI> is sim P cit iNclf K c fJr^T the lever, immerse nib in
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    • 822 3 f IY!ake w HAIR v^ beautiful N'aturt intended your hair lo S—jM. When the la'.urjl oil which ptoln Is am! l.eatitih>-* l)i> -it. it must l»e nlrd. Otlitrrw ise the h»ir .ill liccome dull. .Iry. a. ..1 Willie; it »i.l S'lii at the emU and prematurely fall out. If
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    • 187 3 OUR SERVICE TO MISSIONARIES We furoieh supplies for hundreds of miseiousrieß both at home and abroad. They, and their boards, find we «ive greater variety, btt'or valor, lower freight rates, prompt ebipments and gear antes of safe delivery. We include with thtir orders packages md boxes tent in to os
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 781 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AMD Mpcar Line. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTA'. SAIUNSS (Under Contract with Hla Majesty Qovernuient), Pom Grtina, Japan, Psnang, Gaylon, Australia, India, Adan, Bgypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES UuBBWABD
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    • 767 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporatbl in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Bwjbo, Kelantan, Tabai kangnara, Telnpin, Panarai. Patani, Singora. Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Champon, Kohlak k Bangkok. Ou« Departure Mi PRACHATIPOK Oot. a Oot. 4, 3 p.m. MAHIDOL S 7. 3 p.m. ASDANG „0
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    • 581 4 STEAMER BAILINIS. THE OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO., LTD.. AND THE CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. '(Imoorporatbd in Enoland) m The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outward" for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and
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    • 517 4 STEAMER SAILINIi N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incorporatbd in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE A Bervioo ia maintained botA teii Yokohama, via port*, to Marseille* atd London under maii o .ntract witb tin Imperial Japanese Government. Tte New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe bave been specially designed and constructed, and are
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 607 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRALIA byBURNS PHILP LINE (Inco*poratid in Achtralia). KuaAPou to Java Ports, Port Darwin, Tborsday Island, Brisbanr and Stdnbt, via Tobris Straits. Also taking passengers and cargo with transhipment for other Victorian, SOOT! AOSTRALIAN and NoRTB QrjRINSLAND Ports. British Nsw Odinra, Niw Britain, Tasmanian and Naw Zbaland Ports. Smooth
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    • 361 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. IMOO-CHIN4STE*M MV. CO. LTD. (lNcortSs«ATiD in England) Dlr*ot Sarvio* to Japan via Hongkong A Shanghai, and to Oaloutta, via Panang, from Singapora. Taking cargo on through Bills Ladint !t.r Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefor, Tientsin, Nnwcbwang, Yangtase p irta. Foi liona tbe Philippines, eto., eto.. ela •tsamsn. Tons.
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    • 952 5 THE STRAITS TRADING CO. LTD. (IMCOnPOBATBD IM SINGAPORE.) NOTICE is bertby given that an Extra oid'nsry General M«etiDg ot th« Company will be held at tbe Registered Office of tbe 'Company, No. 11, Coilytr Qnay, bingapore. on Wednesday, the i-ix'h day of September 1916, at noon, tor the purposes following
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    • 192 5 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT, 817. Orchard Road. DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW SINGAPORE, 1010. Arranged Floral Baskets, Bonqu<<t«. Wreaths. Showers and Floral Forms of all description!). Wedding orders receive oreoial »tt< ution. Cat Flowers from our own Nurht-rie* qoite Fresh. NURSERIES AND GARDENS VERNON, SERANGGONG ROAD. Plants for
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    • 25 5 B[^^* m# B ft insist on REYNELLS THE ORIGINAL HIRANO Mineral Water, Lemonade, Dry Ginger Ale, etc. SL.: GUTHRIE CO., LTD. (T= 79 w— 292
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 148 6 (I,wf iv tiik Robin-on Piano Co., Lin.) IM, North Bridtc Road. Adalpiii HoUl BaiMiafts, Singapore. Tata^tioiM »o. 170 S. JUST ARRIVED MOUTH HARMONICAS OF EXCELLENT QUALITY COMING Per P. O. NORE TESTED ITALIAN VIOLIN STRINGS E&A GUT. Price, 35 cts. each. I CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN Your Moneys Value JLT
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    • 89 6 SULPHURIC ACID 66 degrees. PROMPT 1 DELIVERY 'Phone 1770. 6-a, Change Alley Jobnson-Pickett Rope Go.. Inc. MANILA MANUFACTURERS OF STANDARD GRADE OILED ROPE DRY WHITE MANILA ROPE THE BEST IN XH E WORLD Manufactured by machines of modern design. Both renowned for their superiority and durability. Great economy can be
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    • 331 6 Ajc You Anaemic? If yen have tbe sort of feelirg that makei jou think yoa have not the strength to da any woik, do matter how light, and your f mm> aod lips look pal», while yoa have not tbe appetite to rat even the daintiest morsels, thrn you are
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  • 116 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, September 27. digti <V»tor, 10.-21 a.tu., 10.80 p.m. Thursday, September 28. •ixilh Watei. 10.43 am 11. H p.m F). I. outward mail dae. Friday, September 29. •I. eh V\'.;r 11.4 a. ii., 11 17 p.m. Legislative Council, 2.V) p.m. Municipal Commission, 2.80 p.m. King Albert
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  • 267 7 To-dat. Malacca Hong I.ian 2.30 pm Blair Harbour AbboWord 2.30 pm Fort Swettenham and Penang Ipoh 2.30 pm Malacca, P. SwetteDham and Teluk Anton Kampar 2.30 pm Medan Medusa 2.30 pm Colombo and Bombay Tenshin Mam 2.30 pm Saigon Nevis 2.30 pm M Swettenham, I'enang, Negapatam and
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  • 110 7 Tbe B. I. contract packet Teesta with mails from Europe left Negapatam at 7.30 a.m. on Saturday, September 23 and waft expected to arrive at I'enang thin morning The M. M. outward steamer Magellan left Colombo on Saturday afternooo. September 28, and may be expected to arrive
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  • 32 7 In illustration of the enormous charges for freight a Bristol yrain merchant instances cargoes of niai/.e invoiced at £69,273, of which tbe value of tbe mai/.o represents £18.426, and tbe freight £.<0.447.
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  • 163 7 BXCHANdB. SINOATOia, SIPTBHBIB 27, 1910. Om Lot.Li.m Bank 4 m/s 3/4|| Demand J/<^ Private 8 m/i 3/4H On Franob Bank T. T. 826 Om India .Bank T. T. 174 j Oh HoNGKona...Bank d/d 6i! Oh SmANOhAi ...Bank d/d 74} On Java Bank T. T. 1864 Om Japan
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    • 188 7 Im™ Buyers Value 10 10 Ampang 50 1 I Ayer Weng 0.40 10 10 Belat 10 10 Kanabol 0.90 n 10 Kinta Association 4. 60 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 41 £1 Lahat Mines 3.00 10 9.25 Malayan Collieries par £1 £1 Malayan Tins 1.15.0 10 10 Middleton 17.00
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    • 676 7 I*" 8 1 Buyers. Sellers. Value 2/- 2/ A 11*. -a. 2/8 2/0 2/- 2/- An«loJav» 5/2/- 3/- Anglo-Malaj 10/- 12/2/- 3/- BatangMalaka 3/2 3/8 41 XI Batu Tiga 3.0.0 4 0.0 2/. 2/- Bekoh 8/2 8/8 XI £1 Bukit Kajans 2.16.0 3 6.0 41 £1 Bukit Lintar 3.10.0
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    • 137 7 J. 88 00 S Buyers Sellers. Valae aj J 41 41 SmoJtinv 0 j 9.10 0.30 41 41 ISO 1.6.0 6/- 6/- Hleeferio Twmye 4/- 5/ 10 10 Fna» Ne»ve 62 00 50 SO W. Hammer *Co 80.00 02.00 100 Howarth Brskine 45.00 65.00 100 7%Prel 100 00 100
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    • 54 7 United Engineers 6% 1 1 ,284 500 par Singapore Bloctrio Tramways 6 i»50,000 norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 par 2„ pm Spore Munioipal 4*% of 1907 •1.000.000 08 Spore Municipal 4+% of 1909 11,000,000 90 98% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10%dia Spore Mnoicipa £800.000 H%di« F.M.S. 6% loan 191
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 106 7 INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. llsc KKI'OKtTKI) I» KN'-LAND). FOR I'BN\SG AND CALCUTTA. The Company's steamer FOOKSANU. 8.10(1 tons T. A. Mitchell, Commander, is due here oa Wedsemlay. September 'it, and will ...lied for abova ports 01. Thursday, Sept. mser M. Mm has eiceUeut accommodation f r fir-t ela«n pM
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    • 625 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, a Chinese junior dispenser. Startirg salary 180 per month. Apply p-rHonally or hi letter to the Town Di« pensary, Sereraipb. 27-9-5 10 FOR SALE, Steam Launch. Length 38 fi tt, 10 inohes breaithTCeet 4 inohes draft B fe< t. In running order. Price 1000. Inspection invited. Vacaum
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    • 526 7 J. F. BELLS l^jiMl NIIIVIQ" JKj^^ TOBACCO An unique production and has earned a high reputation for its fragrance and coolness, sweet flavour and distinctivenese. Sweet when tbe morn is grey, Sweet when they've cleared away Lunch and at close of day, Possibly sweetest On sale at all dealer?. FRASER
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  • 966 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. THE GREEK REVOLT. Un August 28 we wrote that Overthrow of the Greek Government possibly a revolution against the Throne— recall of M. Vcni/elos and final association of Greece with the allied movement to restore Serbia and crush Bulgaria, are possible developments of the
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  • 18 8 The Installation meeting of Tullibardine Chapter will be held at the Masonic Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday next.
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  • 22 8 All officers of the F.M.S. police have been ordered to wear mourning for one month for the death of assistant Commissioner Spinks.
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  • 36 8 Rinderpest, exists among cattle at Hahang, in Negri Sembilan, and the State is declared to be infected. Until further notice, no cattle will be brought into Malacca from the above State, either by land or sea.
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  • 39 8 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held on Friday at which Mr. Sims is putting a number of questions and Dr. Fowlie is proposing an amondment to the minutes of a committee meeting held on September 11.
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  • 42 8 With regard to the present discontent and rioting in Sumatra it is interesting to recall that that island was once a British possession, which in 1826 was exchanged for Chinsurab, a Dutch possession in India a little over twenty mil<s from Calcutta.
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  • 46 8 Gertrude Atherton, who has returned to New York from the French front, state* that the Prussian atrocities are indescribable and beyond the power of the human mind to grasp. Wanton lust for slaughter is behind the minds which direct Germany h burning and sacking of Tillage*.
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  • 19 8 Hussia has ordered 2,000,000 yards of cloth from tho factories in the West Hiding of Yorkshire for tbe army.
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  • 21 8 It was stated in the London Bankruptcy Court that tbe cocoa venture of Sandow, Limited, resulted in a loss of .£30,000.
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  • 21 8 The Russian military authorities have established a motor car service between Petrograd and Archangel to supplement the service by the railway.
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  • 40 8 Mr. T. K. Swaminathan, Editor, Indian Emigrant of Madras, will visit this country in October this year to study labour problems of Malaya and to establish a branch of the Indian Colonial Society of which he is the Organising Secretary.
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  • 57 8 An absurd cartoon was recently stuck up on the walls of Cologne representing King George with a bag of gold, President Poincare with a sack of grain, King Albert with a fat pig, and the German Emperor witli an empty jam pot. The local authorities offer a reward of 1,000
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  • 60 8 In the third police court this morning a Chinese woman was charged with kidnapping a fifteen year old girl, and two men associated with her were charged with attempting to extort 9200 from the girl's father for her return. The hearing was postponed for a week, bail being fixed at
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  • 48 8 With the satisfactory conclusion of the official tests between the high power wireless stations at Funabashi, Japan, and Honolulu, the Trans- Pacific scheme of wireless intercommunication is now complete. It stretches from San Francisco across some 6,300 miles of ocean, the station at Honolulu acting as a relay.
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  • 64 8 The record of the work of the Hongkong police at the front should prove a most honourable one when it is fully compiled at the end of the war. Thirty nine men were serving, and of this number it is officially known that three have been killed, and four wounded,
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  • 70 8 A severe outbreak of anthrax has occurred at the Rangoon zoo by which a number of valuable animals has been lost. The disease started in a paddock where tsine are located, by stray cattle entering the place through a fence, and three died. Then three oxen, one rhinoceros, one tapir
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  • 75 8 Some idea of the extent to which Java sugar has secured the Indian market, says the Gazette de Ilollande, may be formed from the fact that in the 10 months ending January 31 of this year the consignment of sugar received amounted to 369,244 tons, as against 275,306 tons in
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  • 78 8 Information has been received that three unlighted mooring buoys have been placed in Latitude 4 30 47 N and Longitude 113 6H 27 E. 11 880 feet off the shore at Miri. From this position to the Signal Station ashore. 2,600 feet North of the South of the Lutong River
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  • 82 8 A correspondent complains of the large number of dogs wandering about Tanjong Pagai. Adjacent to the Boustead Institute in the early hours of Monday morning, he says, the night was rendered hideous by the howling ana barking of a whole horde of wretched brutes. During the day a number of
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  • 94 8 Tue formation of political parties is now in full swing, says the Peking Gazette. The reorganisation of the Kuomintang and the Cbimputang, in spite of the repeated denials of the leaders, is now an accomplished fact. These two parties form the principal opposing forces in Parliament. The number of independents
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  • 163 8 One of the new D. S. O's, Heuter informs us. is Captain F. C. Selous, the famous game hunter. This is quite remarkable, for Captain Selous is nearly 65 and must have been nearly 63 when he joined the army. At the time of the Franco- Prussian war be was
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  • 156 8 We do Dot seem to have board much of th< Kaiser (or a week or two. Some weeks ago be was stated to be on the move the whole time, banging bin mailed fiat everywhere, no doubt. The imperial train," nays one traveller, has been in constant motion ninet the
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  • 386 8 Mr. K. W. Collins has returned to Malacca from his trip to India. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murray leave Penang for home by the Japanese mail steamer Kitano Maru, on October 18. Lieutenant Sinigaglia. the Italian amateur sculler, who won the Diamond Sculls at the Henley
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  • 64 8 The presentation by H. E. the High Commissioner of the insignia of Knight Commander of the most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George to H. H. the Yang di per tuan Besar of Negri Sembilan is to take place at Sri Menanti,
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  • 50 8 We are requested by the Colonial Secretary to publish the following list of subscriptions to the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Singapore 9500 H. J. and Mrs. Murdoch 100 Tan Jiak Kirn, CM G. 100 Seah Liang Siah 100 C. W. Harrison SO
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  • 181 8 The quarterly meeting of the Licensing Board was held in the District Court yesterday. Mr. W. Langbam- Carter presidi 1. and the other members on the bench were Dr. Middleton. Mr. H. J. Addie and Mr. Tan Kheam Hock. The matter of the alterations ordered to be made
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  • 222 8 A correspondent writes as follows —The 2:<rd instant was made a gala day at Morning, the occasion being the birthday celebration of the H. 11. the Sultan of Jobore. Tlio officials and civilians, both Asiatic and European, mustered strong at 4 p.m. to witness
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 R ONEL° STEEL CABINETS KOK BULKY BOOKS. Fitted with one to *Tt Ss^d IC* ten roller shelves, ad- «A jßßg^^H justable every half 1» T^ESaa|BH inch, and fieproof i—^S£|^3in collapsible curtain. fg r^'^g|fcjj|y '■mjSa^SpJrii I ON SHOW AT K^flE THE LAKE BREEZE MOTOR FAN (Run on Methylated Spirits) KEEP COOL
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    • 220 8 Thar* it something in a name. We have built up a name by studying th* want* of our patron*. That ii why w* lead. Demand your programmes. if you can't get them where you are staying, phone or writ*, and they will be forwarded on to you FOR THE HOUSE
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  • 2224 9 ANOTHER BRITISH ADVANCE. Important Positions Stormed. ITALIAN PROGRESS. Victory Gained by Alpitti Troops. RUCTBF'S TKLK'iRAMs. London, September M, Ml pm. General Haig's communique says tbat a small enemy attack east of Courceiette vas repulsed. London, September 25, 4.15 p.m. We blew op mines yesterday evening north of Neuve
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  • 59 9 Rbdtbr's Telegram. London, September 25, 1.25 p.m. Amsterdam A Handelsblad message from Sourabaya says that three hundred insurgents attacked Moeara Tebo on September 30 and burned the Post Office. Three infantry brigades and a body of armed police have arrived at Moeara Tebo. Bangko is quiet and all
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  • 28 9 Hutu: Tklboram. London, September 25. At tbe inquest on the body of the late Mr. Lampard a verdict of suicide during temporary insanity was returned.
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  • 76 9 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. have to-day received advice from London by cablegram that the directors of Cheviot Rubber, Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 5 per cent., payable on October 24, in respect of the year ending December 81 next, and that tbe directors of tbe Labu
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  • 178 9 Tbe private industrial concerns in Netherlands India employing 5 or more workmen numbered on January 1, 1010, '2,250, with a total of 57,951 workmen. When the Government concerns are included tbe figures ran up to 2,261 business and 68,305 bands. These private concerns in Java and Madura
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  • 84 9 VERY QUIET BUT PRICES BETTER. From Our Own Correspondent. London, September 25. The rubber market is very quiet but prices are better than when last report was sent. The latest quotations are Fine sheet 2/8 to 2/4 Crepe 2/4 2/6 Fine bard Para 8/2 8/8 Tbe last
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  • 565 9 Freehold Land and Rubber Shares. There was a large attendance of buyers at Messrs. Powell and Cos. saleroom on Tuesday afternoon when the following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction. The prices realised at the auction are considered good: Land and business premises known as 50
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  • 112 9 Mr J. de Courtnis begs to thank all sab scribers to the French Red Cross Fund, opened on July 10, under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor, Sir Arthur Young. The above fund was closed on the 20th inst. the subscriptions received have been disposed
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  • 108 9 Jndge Kuliff, in the Orphans' Court of Freehold, N.J., on August 4, admitted to probate tbe will made by Mme. Lillian Nordica just before her death on Thursday Island in 1914. Under the terms of that will her husband, Mr. George W. Young. New York banker, is
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  • 410 9 DON'T FAIL THE MEN WHO ARE FIGHTING. Further Help Needed. We expressed oar warm thanks yesterday to the Sourabaya Britishers who sent us a most generous contribution. Those thanks we must repeat to day in correcting a slip by which tbe amount received was stated as
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  • 304 9 Judgment for the Plaintiffs' Company. Judgment was delivered in the Supreme Court. Penang, on Monday, by Mr. Justice L. B. Ebden, in the suit brought by the Shanghai Klebang Rubber Estates, Ltd., against tbe Banking and Trading Corporation. Naudin Ton Cate and the Hon. Mr. A.
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  • 88 9 On and after October 1 next the British I'ost Uffloe Agencies in China (with tbe exception of Woi Hai Wei) will withdraw from tbe Imperial Penny Post System and will collect the Postal I'nion rates of postage on letters, viz:- -10 cents for the first '20 Kraal mes, 6 cents
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  • 1981 10 HOW THEY HAVE FOUND THEIR PLACE TO-DAY. By a Lady Contributor. I think tbe following from the pen of an American writer is one of tbe most beau tiful and most heartfelt appreciations of our own real England, the land we love, that I have ever read as
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  • 282 10 A Criticism of American War Relief Work. In a long and critical analysis of war relief efforts in the United States daring the first two years of the war the New York Times declares that, measured by the standard of need, and compared with what smaller
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  • 479 10 The Cosmopolitan Troops In Salonika. A Salonika despatch, dated August 22, says Tbe streets of tbe city were thronged to welcome the Italian troops in their neat grey-green uniforms and blue steel helmets. They had excellent equipment, notably the mountain artillery. Long columns marched to tbe
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  • 429 10 Urged as a Future Keeper of The Peace. In a memorial presented to the Prime Minister by the Channel Tunnel Committee, comprising 160 M.P's. of all parties, it is pointed out that three years ago Mr. Asquitb told a deputation that the question wan being considered by the
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  • 97 10 Hon. Captain Ajab Khan Sirdar Bahadur, 1.0.M., who has been nominated by the Viceroy of India as an unofficial member of the Imperial Legislative Council, and who was awarded the Ist Class Indian Order of Merit for gallantry shown in Mesopotamia, U a brother of Mr. Sirdar Khan, Ist Clerk
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  • Correspondence.
    • 104 10 Our Day- Chinese Ladies Committee. To the Editor of the Straits Times. I Sir, In regard to Union's letter, representative ladies of all classes, Teochews, Cantonese, etc., bave been invited. Tbe published list is an old one. A revised list will be published later. The old list was suggested by
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  • 316 10 Superabundant Wealth In Bombay. The finance correspondent of a Bombay journal in his weekly letter on the Bombay money market, Bays gigantio sums of liquid wealth are coming icto tbe possession of Bombay Presidency. The net absorption of currency in the who'e of India during tbe last
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  • 439 10 Presentation to Heroes of the Indian Army. One of the most impressive ceremonies ever held at Viceregal Lodge took place at Simla on September 12, when Lord Chelmsford presented decorations and medals to nearly two hundred officers, non-commis-sioned officers and men of the Indian Army. The ceremony
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  • 63 10 Harr Sommer, representative of the Wolff Telegraphic Agency, in Switzerland, will be tried at Lausanne on a charge of espionage, and also for violating Swiss neutrality. Sommer came to Switzerland immediately the war broke out, and organised a German propaganda in the principal Swiss towns. Later he became chief spy,
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  • 1097 10 A KIPLING STORY OF SUBMARINE Ell. How the Nagara Was Sunk. Mr. Rudyard Kipling's account of tbe exploits of Ell in the Sea of Marmora contains a British version of an exceedingly entertaining encounter between a British submarine and a Turkish transport laden with muni tions, writes
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  • 316 10 Remarkable Discoveries By Professor Bose. The Royal Society publishes certain remarkable discoveries of Professor Bose on the shock effect of wounds in plants These, it is considered, will undoubtedly prove of the highest significance in medical practice; since Dr. Bow, in his previous work, has established an identity
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    • 280 10 Yesterday the S.C.C. met tbo Sea Defences and, after a bard and interesting game, the Club emerged worthy winners by tbe odd goal in three. The soldiers kicked off against tbe sun and play was quickly transferred to their end. Save for an occasional raid which did not greatly
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  • 106 10 Purified paraffin has been in extensive use for medicinal purposes for some time past, and the Lancet does go™! service in pointing out that there is some very poor stuff on the market at present. The oil, the best of which is without Huoiosocneo, odour, or
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  • 87 10 News has been received of the death in action of Lieut. Hugh William Brett, 1). C.L.1., mm of Mr. L. E. Brett, formerly of tht Hongku^s Sanitary Department, and Mr*. Brett. The (ibCtx*:"'! officer, who was born in Hongkong on August, 2f 1896, wa-i educated at Victoria British School Mi
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  • 314 11 None the Worse (or Eating Less. <;• mitn authorities and newspapers enid a> our to gain the sympathy of neutrals by perpetually bewailing the fate of German elulilreu. w ho. they say. are being deliberately starved by tbe barbarous and inhuman British blockade. German doctors, bowover, testify to
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  • 332 11 How a Woman Helped the British Forces. A womli iful adventure and exploit is told of a farmer's wife. Octavie Delaconrt, in Lower Normandy, during tbe second month of tbe war. At tbe height of the German invasion she bad start td out to walk on an
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  • 127 11 Programme ol drills, iic., (vi »ock endin^ Friday, Septembtt iB:— WIDNBSOAIT, &KFTKMHM. 27. 480 p.m. Baleatier Kan«t S.R.KiV.) 615 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 6.10 p.m. S V K 515 p.m. Fire Station, Tan S.V.K. T. P. jjng I'a^ar Platoon. Drill lUll Veteruos Co. liraa Baaab Koad
    127 words
  • 142 11 Well, said tbe lawyer. having lwteoed cartfully to Ins eiieoi's MateiutDt, you've HOt about tbe beat caae 1 ever heard. My dear sir, you can t lulp mooing it. whatever court you take it to I atiall bu uoly too glad to assist you in tbe
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  • 790 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, September 27, 1910. Messrs. Lyall aud Evatt. exchange and share brokers, isMue tbe following list of quotations this morning. Tbe quotations on sterling shares arc only nominal. Norn. Valoi. > Buyiu. SaLtaaa. 2/ Aiugai 2/- Anglo-Java •it Anglo Malay
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 317 11 K. TSUTADA Japanese Dentist, 74 74-1. BRAS BASAH ROAD Telephone No. 1346 EXTRACTION PAINLESS. Charites Moderate WORK OCARANTBED contul tat lod In either English or fetaiaf STAY AT RUNNYMEDE HOTEL SEA SIDE Telegraphic Address Telephones RUNNYMEDE. PENANG 543 635 5-7-0— 8118 Large consignment of MUSIC JUST TO HAND S. MOUTRIE
      317 words
    • 13 11 A»v GO TO e^^ W.J.GIRC*. Orchard Rd h FOR KOM $100 $700. <J
      13 words
    • 271 11 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Bras Basah Road, Singapore, From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS AND LATE SUPPERS A SPECIALITY. Moderate Charges. 812-712 I AOELPHI HOTEL wSk TO-NIGHT Special Dinner Mr. GIO ANGELO j "The Man or Many
      271 words

  • 667 12 Arrival of American Engineers In China. Messrs. M. F. Carey, contractor, E J. Purcell, general superintendent, and G. B. Watson, engineer, have just arrived in China in connection with tbe restoration of the Grand Canal linking tbe Yangtze and Yellow rivers. MuKsm. Carey and Sirums, the
    667 words
  • 369 12 Germany Breaks Agreement In Punishing NC.O.'S. innuiDj baa i^am broken faith in her tii-atiuriit of prisoner* of war. It bad been •Ifreed by tbe British and German Government* that non commissioned officer* should not be employed in any capacity other than that of supervisors, but it is
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  • 380 12 British Returned East Indies To Holland. A hundred years ago on August 10 last Netherlands India was formally banded back to tbe representatives of tbe King of the Netherlands by the British authorities in tuat country, after tbeir brief term of government during tbe Napoleonic wars.
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  • 522 12 Outward. The following passenger bookings to thi Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in tome instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 123 12 Sapprr K. I). James. Koyal Kngineers, of liridgend, has written to his wife a letter in which be says Tbe King and Prince of Wales paid us a visit to day. They came to where Smith and 1 were working Tbe I'rinoe climbed up a
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  • 27 12 In a case beard at Ashbo^e la /.ouch it was alleged that defendant said to complainant You want Casementing a new term for hanging, the solicitor explained.
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  • 670 12 Common Foods that have Become Luxuries. To tbe evidence collected by tbe Women's Co-operative Guild to thow that where the family income has not risen proportionately to the rise in the cost of food the standard of living has been seriously reduced can be added the
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  • 380 12 The War Factories After The Demobilisation. H. Warner Allen, British press representative with tbe French armies, writes Much has been written concerning the terribly destructive effects of modern warfare, and comparatively little has been said as to that constructive aide of it which will inevitably in
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  • 474 12 National Mission Placards And Badges. The opening message of tbe National Mission to England will be delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Westminster Abbey on Sunday afternoon, October 1. Meanwhile, preparation for the mission in London is going forward, and the four great meetings
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  • 372 12 Agitation for New Method of Levy. There are indication?, says The Times, that the amusements tax, which has now been in operation for three months, has seriously affected the prosperity of tbe cheaper places of entertainment. Movements are on foot in London and the country to induce tl
    372 words
  • 102 12 The home secretary announces that the three hours following midnight—" sammer time"— of the night of September 80 October 1 are included in the summer time" period. Toe change does not take place until 3 a.m. "summer time," or '1 a.m. Greenwich time, on October 1,
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  • 90 12 The army authorities have at last awakened to 'the fact that unwilling conscripts can be doped with tbe object of evading military service. The drugs used —which it would bo inadvisable to name in a public print have the effect of making the heart's action irregular. Men
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 185 12 "Four Oaks' WHITE ANT DESTROYER British made throughout. Price: $35.00. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO.. LIMITED (Incobporatkd in England) KUALA LUMPUR. .^r"^ AN ABSOLUTE J^Umk\ DREADNOUGHT A Money Saver [f\ Hr^nsW"*\^/l 'N PRICE and QUALITY \JP\^n2|V^ft>/ SIMPLICITY EFFICIENCY sL^ssssPi* Inductions Required >CT KmH^^Z' Runs on Methylated Spirits The Coolest Spot
      185 words

  • 72 13 The heavy downpour last night resulted in about 26 million tons of water falling on the Metropolitan area. Over 80 million tons fell od Thursday, remarked an evening paper the other week. The differentiation between the rain that fell on London, and that that fell on Thursday irresistibly reminds
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  • 73 13 Speaking at a War Savings meeting at Fleet, Mr. C. Salter, M. P., said that in Aui<Ußt, 1914, fools were going about saying the war would soon end, and there was still fools in August, 1916, endeavouring to befool them with the tame cry. Don't believe them. The war will
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 692 13 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated in Queensland.) Manager's Report for Four Weeks Ending September 9, 1916. Gentlemen, I herewith beg to hand you my report on your mining and milling opera tions for four weeks ending September 9, 1916. The accompanying sheet of mine measurements and assay
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    • 381 13 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the COLONIAL SECRETARY'S Office, up to noon of October 6, 1918, for overhauling, repairi g, painting, white washing and dammar varnishing the Sailors' Home and reconstructing the Officers' Bathrooms and Lavatories. 2. BxWnsion of the Latrines near the Shipping Office. Bvery person applying
      381 words
    • 58 13 High jyl Class TO LET RAFFLES CHAMBERS (LATELY OCCUPIED BY KATZ BROS.. LTD.) Commodious, well lighted and airy offices on second floor, front portion of first floor and ground floor. Will be divided to suit intending tenants. Electric lifts, lights and fans throughout the building. Apply to CHING KENG LEE
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1929 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATBD IN STRAITS SITTLBMBNTg) HBAD OFFICE Winohaatsr House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE I 32, Old Jewry. E.C. The Company has *SaO,OOO deposited with the Supreme
      1,929 words
    • 848 14 INSURANCE, sun life cV:;*;:: of ganaoa (INCORPORATBD IN CANADA). 1016 has been the most prosperous year in the Company's History notwithstanding the war. S. J HOWB Manager. Battery Road Singapore. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England). FIRE AND MOTOR CAR RISKS Of every description granted »y this Company at
      848 words
    • 191 14 THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (INCORI'.IK WKI> CaSAI'A'. All kinds of Lifa and.ELdowment Policies issued. GUTHRIE A Co., US'., General Agents. Singapore. F. S. IS VANS, Manager, South Eastern Asia. 6 9— a THE NATIONAL MUTUAL Jf I ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASID. LTD. (Incorporated in Australia). Income. atl ,478,083. Funds «8,706,49
      191 words

  • 754 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Fuel Problem. On August 1 last the scheme of the British Petrol Control Committee, whereby tbe restricted supply of petrol ootne into operation, made it necessary for all users to take out licences in order to set the quantities allotted
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  • 272 15 Visions of Victories that Are Coining. Just now Sobo is transformed. For tbe moment tbe French tricolour ia almost effaced by tbe Italian flag. Tbe Italians in the quarter, who celebrated the capture of Oorizia by a procession and a hastily improvised band of mandolines
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 552 15 Use All-Bg»:i/fci«** ROM TYRES BMBSBBm s^^ X^gL 'A n^Hft Tyres are < f paramount I'flßv K'° importance to you— and tbe §^D I- life of jour car. Your safety depends upon < their r liability, ysnr ranN J ing cxtens s var j acaording to tii.-ir durability, tour l v*2js
      552 words
    • 149 15 THE VOICE OF TESTIMONY FIELD AMBULANCE, B.E.F. "A Dunlop 820 x 120 grooved was taken off tbe back wheel of a 12/16 Sunbeam, worn through bead and three or four layers of canvas at Christmas. It was on the front wheel of car from date of change till April every
      149 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1201 16 A. B. MACKAYS Q THE ORIGINAL O LIQUEUR WHISKY. JeKblL. Aa su PP lied t0 House 3 oi MJf^jjiry^^ Parliament. iLjI obtainable from all iyßP^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS J^r le Agents ADAMSON, GILFILLAN fcj^Spjfl AND COMPANY. LIMITED wtfT|Hl J j (Incorporated in England) Slcß Singapore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED,
      1,201 words
    • 885 16 HOUBEB TO LET. TO LET, No. 20, Kirn K*at Road. Apply t j Yeo Hook Hce, No. 8, Raffles Place. 8 9-n FURNISHED SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET Belinda and .laanita, to let tarnished. Apply No. S, Mt. Sophia. 1 I o TO LET, two compound bouses, No. 62, Ora'jge Road,
      885 words
    • 427 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 and 109, Market Street. Just reoeiied big sbipiueot of Challenge Canvas Hose IN MANY SIZES Pure Soft Soap Rubber Mangles Europe Life Belts Prices Reasonable. 10-4-9 4 ASIATIC AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 77. Tank Road, opposite Railway Station. Telephone No 1811. Four or seven seater cars on hire
      427 words
    • 275 16 GUAN KIAT GO. 37, Phillip Street Tel. No*. 1174, 1171 and 1133. Private 1450, 1*73 Cable Address: GUANKIAT. Codes uMd H.B.C. sth EDITION ANO A-1 CODES. Hammers Claw, ba I, pane, engineer's, stone breaker'p, and sledge. Chisels: Fist, half round, crosscut, and diamond pointed Files: Flat, 8 square, bait round,
      275 words
    • 464 16 MOTOR CARS •phone For HIRE L Ck promptly attends II 11 to your call with I \M I comfortable oars, J■ day and night. \f \J \J Charges Moderate STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE. 215 216, ORCHARD ROAD To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations in advertisements, such as changes in sailing
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 326 16 Straits Wimes. Telephone!. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should bo addressed THE EDITOR. All ommunications relating to business ii, alters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.- Miscellaneous wants of
      326 words