The Straits Times, 11 September 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,208 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 PESTLES MILK LfoodJ A Blend of fine Highland Malt and other Scotch Whiskies thoroughly matured in sherry wood. The Distillers Company, Ltd., EDINBURGH. BRITISH -MADE RONEO Typewriter Ribbons RONEO Typewriter Carbons THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY 14-a, Collyer Quay Telephone No 288 AS AH I Dtbll OF HIGHEST REPUTATION
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    • 114 1 A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS CONCERNING BEAR BRANO MILK. It is obtained from cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps Pastures. It is therefore a genuine Swiss Milk of the highest quality obtainable. It is Pure, Reliable and Richei in cream than any other brand. The Lancet, London, states "The
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    • 225 1 [ROBINSON CO. LEATHER BAGS LEATHER SQUARE r >"% HAND BAGS S~~ \j&k Superior nut brov»Ti cowhide, lined jean, with claw B clip, as illustration. f Sizes 12 inches 14 inches 16 inches SS $9.50 $10.50 $11.50 V SUIT CASES v^ British made from best sole leather, ■fc^iliaa^l^^. V'jKji closed edges,
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    • 12 1 MARTELL 8 BRANDY Sou Aoimts: AOAMBON. GILFILLAN co.. ito (liU'.>rpornt»l in Kniil.imli
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  • 1155 2 DECISIVE DEFEAT THE ONLY WAY TO PEACE. Enemy's Supreme Arrogance. The Germans are sick and sore, but they are not completely disheartened yet, ami it would be a great mistake to believe they will surrender to the Allies before they are beaten in the field.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 329 2 London Buying Agents 0 W. o«.f ■> .m wrvitr* huvlnf i- lac British or (nn nul Rood*. 1 ••jlh.hi-.l in 1-1. hut Ihoi.nmhly up-to-t iv.- 11l i -ip,lt»U- M.|IN. i--»- dHI -i.-i i .(.-!< nm. buying I! k'>tint* our ii-.Turm-r* all the 4ilviinr*L'< of wnl t\|».r n> I i-iisi.nnit
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    • 431 2 WB\ BRUNNER MONO CO., LIMITED. §l,t If you only realised what I cycling would do for |/L WJ?Z™^r£l Northwich, England. 1 &d a bicycle at once. A ZM^I Bicycle crescent Km&S brand. Three-Speed or Eariie' \Ji \M Coaster is so easy to D E JKlj Tf ride and control that
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  • 1053 3 AMERICA'S FRANK NOTE TO GREAT BRITAIN. The Rights of Neutrals. Below is the foil tf xt of a communication handed, by instruction from the Washington Government, by the American Ambassandor in London to tbe Foreign Office The announcement that his Britannic Majesty's Government his paced the names
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 351 3 Tba Ideal Retcoeutructin Narra FoeeL Sawaphoea. For Nerves and Brain —To restore your physical fitness. To restore poise of the nerve system To repair the results of weariness aod overwork take a glass of Sanaphos on rising, at mid-morning, midafternoon, and on going to bed. You will (eel distinctly the
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    • 361 3 CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No- 25 South Briged Road First class Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crown Bridge Filling aad Vulcanite Duration of Wetr guaranteed CHARGES MOI'ERATB. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powders and Brushes for aaJe CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. Mr*. Nicholson has now returned to Singspore and bas taken over the
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    • 542 3 »rt in the gam* Sargol makes Puny, Peevish People Plump and Popular SAROOL the oonoentrated food tbat pats on good, healthy flech, sometimes at the rate ol a pooiid a day, builds op the tbin and weak, bring* back the rosy blußh ol health .7u°c n kl,°£d effeot/vely": y X
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1091 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AND Apcar Line. (Companies Incorporatbd in England). MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAIUNQV (Under Contraot with Hit Majesty Government). for Ohma, Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India. Adan, Egypt, Meditirrtnun Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapire on or about MAIL LINES HOBBWARD
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    • 812 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inookpokatbc in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai. Patani, SingoraTLaoon, Kobsamni, Bandon, Langsuen, Chumpon, Kohlak Bangkok. Due Departure a.a. PRACHATIPOK Sept. 11 Sept. 13, 3 p.m. a.a. MAH IDOL 14 16, 3 p.m. s.s. ASDANG
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    • 444 4 BTEAMER BAILIMS. THE OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., AND THE CHINA MUTUAL ST£AMNAV. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enoland pa 'If The Companies' steamers are despatchr d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amoterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Oenoa, Marseilles
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    • 536 4 BTEAHEB MlLHrtt. N. Y. K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., UTO (Incorporated in Japan < EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained bet vi on Yokohama, via portu, to Mhrwillon ai d London under mail contract with tie Imperial J-.panese Government. Tie New Twin-screw Steamcrr. maintaining this service have been specially dexigned
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 909 5 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING (Under S R A. Rule« of Racing) Will li HELD OH Tuesday, October 17 1 Thursday, October 19 i and Saturday, October 31, 1916. PROGRAMME FIRST DAY Tuesday, October 17, 1916 I*B TUB VISITORS STAKES AND PUW Ml p.m. and .1.45 pm Value
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    • 843 5 art not leaa than flva Starter*, the property of different owners. NOTE I— The attention of owner* ie oe I led to Rule 1 28. whioh makes tha hour for Scratohing 6 p.m. or thai DAY BEFORE the Raoe. Owners of Griffins are entitled to enter foi either of the
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    • 928 5 THE NATIONAL CASH RESISTER COMPANY OF DAYTON (OHIO. U.S.A.) Wants high grade firm to represent the Company in the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. Apply to H. HBIMBSSEN, General Agent. Riffles Hotel, Singapore from Monday, September 11 till Friday, September 15. 9 9— ll 9 THE STRAITS TRADING CO.
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    • 181 5 COMMERCIAL RUBBER CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) Rubber Merchants. Auctioneers, Hone and Land Agents, Appraierx, Valuers. Brokers, Ccmmission Agents, Surveyors, ttc. Sale* of lands, houses, furniture, jewellery, motor oars, eto., on advertised dates. RUBBER SALES ZTtXHI" r RUBBER MILLING V*'^' 11 QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Office and Oodowns, 100, Robinson Road.
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    • 268 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. MMMHIIM (TOM Ml. Mi 111 (Incorporated in England) OlMot S«rvio« to Japan via Hong «ong A Shanghai, and to Oaloutt* via P*)nang, from Singapore. Taking cargo on tlirou«b Bills Ladm< or Canton, Macao. Swatow, Amoy, Ghefor Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtaae part*, Fo> noaa. tbe Philippine', etc.. eto., ttte Ittamin
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    • 261 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Osaka Msrcantll* Itwmihlp Co., LM KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. Tbe Company maintains a regular osiko wrrioe with six steamers oallirii at Moji, Vokkaiohi, Hongkoog, Singapore, Poet SweV Jontaam, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and an the return voyage calling at Tutioorin, Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. For
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 186 6 JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED A LARGE STOCK OF Mandoline*, Mandoline Cases, Guitars, Guitar Cases, Violins, Violin Cases, Clarionets, Piccolos, Castanets, Flutes (military pattern), Warblers, Jew's Harps, Tin Whistles, Kazoos, ***** Bones, Minstrel Wigs, Zither Music Stands and Piano Sconces. Compare our prices with others and you will be convinced. (Late
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    • 54 6 STAMFORD HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL, Bras Baaah Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED Always cool and exposed to sea breeze rurolßhed Apartment* with or without Board Comfortable Room* with Bathrooms attached. Electric Fittings throughout. Large Reception Hall and Billiards. Separate Tables in Spaolous Dining Room. TERMS-the moit rMMMM* la Tows. For further particular*, apply
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    • 116 6 MASSAGE. Those whohave long been ailing and have found no cure, will derive complete benefit from my wonderful massage treatment, especially in cases ol Rheumatism. A trial will convince you. Miss T. YOSHIDA, Member of Japanese Red Cross Society, 37, Prinsep Street. lit f J\ GOTO "ll W. J. GARCIA.
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    • 99 6 I■ i I! v*"^ WINES Direct from the Celebrated Vergniaud Cellar*, Bordeaux pot case 1 doz. quarts Claret Flying Lion Mcdoc $6.50 Claret Marganx V D S 7.50 Claret St. Jalien V D 4 8.50 Claret La' o«s YD 8 11.00 Breakfast Claret 7.80 Burgundy V D Beaune 10.00 Bargnndy
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  • 124 7 FIXTURES. Monday, September 11. High Water 10.2t a.ra 0.68 p.m Ho »itt Phillips Co., Peg o' my Heart. Tuesday, September 12. High Water, 10.SI a m 10.43 p.m Sungei Hagan Kubber mtg., Barker's, noon. Howitt Phillips Co., l^uinney's. Wednesday, September 13. «..■»> Wator 11.17 a.-v., 11.25 p.m
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  • 147 7 TO-DAT. P. Swettenham and Teluk Anson Perak 2.80 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 3 pm Tomorrow. Pulau Batajn and Pulau Bulang Hock Lim 8.80 am Lucob Edina 8.30 am Ponloe Soegi Aing Hong 8.80 am Colombo V. Waerwyck 10.80 am Surabaya Chunfang 10 3 lam Batavia, c'beribon
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  • 163 7 Tbe 8.1. contract packet Thong wa with mails from London is expected to leave Nt'gapataiu on the Ttb mat., and may be •j arrive at Penan^ on Tues<Hy morniui.' I pit mber li. The I. anil O steamer Malwa arrived in London on Friday fth iust. Our
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  • 168 7 BXCHANOE. SutOATOBB, SbfTBMBBB 11, 1916. O» LohLcx Bank 4 m/s 'J/44.1 Demand M 2,4/j Private^ a, /a m 2/4tf On Kkancb Bank T. T. 826 On India Bank T. T. m 174 1 Oa Ho«okoKQ...B»Dk d/d 7; Oh Sianohai ...Bank d/d On Java Bank T. T. m
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    • 188 7 I"?" 6 Buyers Sellers. VMM 10 10 Ampan« 5 00 6.00 1 1 Ayer Weng d.66 0.50 10 10 Belat 1.35 1.85 10 10 Kanabol 0.85 1.00 13 10 Kinta Association 4.00 6.00 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.5.0 1.12.6 41 £1 Lahat Mines 3.00 5 00 10 9.26 Malayan
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    • 671 7 RUBBE R. V- 2! Allagai 2/8 2,9 2/- 3/- AnRlo -Ja». 6/3/- I/- Anglo-Malay 10/- 12/2/- 2/ Batang Malak. 8.'- 8/8 £1 41 Batn Tin* 3.0.0 4 0.0 2/- 2/- Bekoh 2/10 8,3 41 41 Bakit Kajan* 2.15.0 3.5.0 41 41 Bukit Linta- g 3.10.0 4.2.6 2/- 3/- Bakit MerUjam
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    • 139 7 vXel Buyere Seilen 41 41 SmeitiuK Oo. 8.53 8.75 41 41 net 1.5.0 1.0.0 6/- I/- Bleotrio T'wajd 4/- 5/- c.d. 10 10 Fraaoi Neave 40.00 50.50 50 50 W. Hammer Co 80 00 81 00 100 Howarth Brskin; 45 00 55 0) 100 TitPrel. 100 00 100 100
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    • 51 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284 600 par Singapore Bloctrio Tramways 5% £H50,0 0 norn S'poreMunicipals% »1,87H,000 par 1% pm Spore Manicipal 44% of 1007 11,400,090 08 S'pore Municipal 4|% of 1000 11,00-1,000 SO 08% S'pore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 l(l«.din S'D»r<> Munieinv £800.000 »%dis F.M.S. e t loan 1916 115,030,000 %M
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 189 7 THE MOUTH. THE GATEWAY FOR DISEABE. Professor Miller has proved conclusively that no f > wor than 38 different infections may r> traced to the human mouth as a s'arting point. Tbe mouth thut beine tbe gateway for tbe entrance of dine u>e, it is hu o that precautions are
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    • 750 7 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS^ HILLVIEW, 581. Dpper Berangopa Road, to let furnished: four bedrooms aod btttrooms; garage, stable and tennir cjort; gts Isid on. Apply above addres 11 9— n TO LBT, Lea ArcqoMro. 9M, SoranKOoa K >ad, Brd mile. p&»aes dn>r. Tennis court aod stabim*. En»fj October 1. Apply next
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    • 496 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Ihoobporatbd in Emolano) Eastern Branch 1 SINGAPORE B I IT DREADNOUGHT L COTTON BELTING TMade of Finest Quality of heavy Lancashire Special Duck. NFrom 2" to 10" in stock. G I This Bt-lting haa been giving the greatest satisfaction for many years in India, Singapore, China and
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  • 19 8 Mi *so —On Sunday, September 10, 1916, at No. 46, Morrison Hill Road, Hongkong. Blanche Musso. Deeply regretted.
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  • 1086 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. AGRICULTURE IN THE F.M.S. Speaking at a banquet in connection with the installation of the Sultan of Perak. at Kuala Kangsar. last week, Sir Arthur Young expressed bis regwt that Malays were neglecting general forms of economic agriculture for the cultivation of rubber. In
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  • 48 8 The Kenong Tin Dredging Co.'s output of tin ore for July was: Dredge No. 1, 587 piculs dredge No. 2, 839 piculs and dredge No. 8, 308 piculs (18 days only), a total of 1,139 piculs or 67.80 tons. .Dredge No. 3 only re -started on July 19.
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  • 13 8 Over a thousand Annauiite troops were iDapected by Brigadier-General Kidout, on Saturday afternoon.
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  • 33 8 Germany's first advertisement babies to tbe number of 70 arrived in Holland via Zevenaar frcm Wesel lately. All the children were from pcor families, but they did not look in the least underfed.
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  • 36 8 Tbe steamer Wislty, which was beached at Vungro Bay a few mocths ago while on fire, is now on her way to Hongkong. Though considerably damaged, tbe Wisley is proceeding to Hongkong under her own steam.
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  • 32 8 A Poona correspondent telegraphs to Ceylon that tbe Government has given the necessary passport to Tilak to proceed to England in connection with the suit filed by him against Sir Valentine Chirol
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  • 36 8 Mr. H. P. Clodd\ lion secretary of the F.M.S. War Relief Fund, laforms us that a donation of two hundred guineas has been sent by the Straits Steamship Co., Ltd., Singapore, to tbe F.M.S. Hospital VundT
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  • 36 8 An aeroplane while flying over Harbome came in contact with a flock of pigeons. The propeller was broken and tbe machine forced to descend, close to the main road. Neither the airman nor observer was hurt.
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  • 38 8 Tbe general commanding tbe Stettin (Germany) Military district baa posted a proclamation warning women and girls who walk oat or flirt with prisoners of war that they are subject to one year's imprisonment for committing that unpatriotic offence-
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  • 46 8 Tbe motor ship Glenartney has now been raised, and divers are at work below tbe water line. There are still outbreaks of fire occurring in the removal of cargo ashore, and to quell these it is necessary for the Fire Brigade to be in constant attendance.
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  • 42 8 Severe shocks of earthquake were felt on August 28 shortly after 12 noon at Mussoorie, Delhi, Agra, Lucknow, Srinagar, Simla, and a few other stations in that direction. Beyond a smart rattling of doors and windows no other loss is yet reported
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  • 41 8 Proprietors, editors, and managers of weekly newspapers, summoned by the Yorkshire Newspaper Society in Leeds, passed a resolution urging that the price of all penny weekly papers be raised to three halfpence, and they agreed to give effeci to the resolution.
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  • 44 8 A newspaper correspondent, writing from Paris after visiting tbe Somme front, states that tbe Anglo-French troops have constructed over 000 miles of railway and 100 railway stations for the transport of munitions, and hundreds of mile 9 of roads for the motors conveying troops.
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  • 57 8 It has now been found possible to permit of tbe despatch of the outward mails for India and the Far East one day later than has prevailed for some months. That is as far as newspapers and otber printed matter and commercial papers are concerned tht time for letters
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  • 60 8 Any doubts as to the presence of a tiger on tbe Peak at Hongkong have now been removed, for stripes was seen the other morning calmly stalking a deer, in the vicinity of Barker Road, towards Wancbai Gap, in tbe neighbourhood of the place where rustlings and a roar were
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  • 58 8 <>v board tbe M.M. mail steamer Atbos wbicb left yesterday morning was Mrs. C. Petit, tl)6 wife of :be French Consular Agent in Kuala Lumpur, accompanied by her four children. Amongst otber passengers were Mr. M. Mopin, of tbe firm of Brossard and Mopin, in Saigon, and Mr. F. Houelle,
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  • 86 8 A letter, dated August 12, was read from Oovernment at a meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce Committee on the subjoct of tbe War Tax which the Chamber proposed should be levied in the place of an Income tax. It was resolved that tbe letter be circulated amongst tbe
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  • 77 8 In the Volunteer regulations just issued tbe age is reduced to 17 and exempted eligiblcs are kept in a separate class tor special duties and to do the guarding of points in apare time, says a London cable, dated August 26. Kitles, equipment, travelling expenses, rations, money, and compensation for
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  • 100 8 It is witb regret that we have to report that a cable was received by Mr. J. W. Salmon yesterday afternoon informing him of the death at Hongkong ou the 10th inst. of his sister in law. Mrs. Blanche Musso. Tbe deceased was one of the daughters of the late
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  • 142 8 It is interesting to note, says The Times of Ceylon, that the post ot Director of Kduca tiun, .Straits and X.M. S., has been held by a Civil Servant from the creation of the office. The present holder who has just been appointed is Mr. H. W. Firmstone. the late
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  • 527 8 The Governor will inspect the Penang Volunteer*, cadets and police at PenaDg, to morrow. Mr. F. Higinbotban. assistant traffic manager, F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, has returned from leave. The Hon. Mr. K. J. Pigott. Colonial Engineer, accompanied b_, Mm. and Misa Pigott. has gone to Penang. on
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  • 137 8 Merriment was unrestrained at tbe Victoria Theatre on Saturday evening when the Howitt- Phillips Co. kept a large audience delighted for two heirs with a splendid production of Dear Old Charlie— a farce in three acts. The title role was taken I y Mr. Charles Howitt who put
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  • 280 8 The Secretaries of the Chauber of Cum meroe, Tenant, forwatd for public inform, i tion precis of correspondence which bM taken place between the Chamber and tho management of the F.M.S. railways on tbe subject of a claiui for shortage in a consignment of anthracite coal
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 211 8 J. F. BELL'S mh "THREE |||g NUNS" TOBACCO An unique production and has earned a high reputation for its fragrance and coolness, sweet flavour and distinctivenese. Sweet when tbe morn is grey, Sweet when they've cleared away Lunch and at cloae of day, Possibly sweetest On sale at all dealers.
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    • 170 8 GREATER PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT THAN EVER AT THE HOUSE OF QUALITY THB ALHAMBRfI Bea.oh RoMd Tbe Leading Theatre In Singapore. One of the greatest programmes ever tcrMMd SECOND SHOW AT 9.30 The Blue Bird Photo play Co. presents VIOLET MERSEREAU the bewitching screen favourite, ill THE GREAT PROBLEM FIVE PARTS A
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  • 2390 9 SPLENDID WORK. General Haig's Tribute To The Troops. FALLING LIKE FLIES. Heavy German Losses In Mass Attacks. Rkutbr's Tki.kc.iam>. London, September 9, 12.. M) a.m. General Sir Douglas Haig says in the com munique There was an intense ai tillcry bombardment on both sides. Th; general situation is
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  • 122 9 SATISFACTORY NEWS BEING RECEIVED. London, Sepember 9, 11 20 a.m. The Hague The Governor-General of the Dutch Indies telegraphs that five brigades of infantry left .lambi, Sumatra, on the 6th for Moeara Tambesi, where the rebels have lost fifty killed. Two Dutch soldieta. were slightly wounded in
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  • 17 9 The Perak tin export for Angust was: Block tin 1,657.74 piculs. tin ore 85,089.98 piculs, doty 1875,648.42.
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  • 87 9 STEADY TONE AND MODERATE SALES. From Our Own Correspondent. London, September 8. Tho rubber market is steady and there are moderate sales. The latest quotations are: Fine sheet 2/1 to 2/2 Crepe 3/2 2/8 Fine bard Para 8/2 8/1 The last report was as follows London, August
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  • 726 9 Government and the Shortage Of Labour. The sixth annual general meeting of the Bukit K. B. Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at Exchange Buildings on Saturday. Mr. .1. M. Sime, presided, and Mr. Neo Ong Hee (director) and Mr. C. Everitt were also present, with Mr.
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  • 127 9 The Vaderland recently announced that a wireless communication had been established between Holland and Netherlands India. Dr. C. J. de Groot, engineer of the Indian Telegraphic service, now points out in the Nieuwe Courant that the country has not Jot advanced quite so far communication was,
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  • 343 9 THE URGENT NEED OF LARGER CONTRIBUTIONS. Help to Cheer Our Brave Boys. Since Saturday over 1150 have come in to swell the Overseas Club Tobacco Fond which we are hoping to raise to 110,000 in order that it will be possible to pay out #1,000 per
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  • 397 9 European Bungalow at Katong Gutted. The Fire Brigade had a busy day on Saturday. Besides having to stand by the Olenartney, as has been the case every day now for a week, there was a call to a Chinese house in the morning, and at night a fire
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  • 110 9 A pretty ceremony took place at St. Mary's Church. Koala Lumpur, on Friday, when the marriage was solemnised of Mr. V. U, A Reeve-Tucker, of I'uchoug Estate, and Mis« Sarah Hamilton Williams, sister of Mrs. E. H. Stevens, of Kuala Lumpur. Thu Key. A. B. Champion officiated, the b< nt
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  • 2107 10 NE\ER A DAY WITHOUT SOME PROGRESS. By Our Special Correspondent. London. August 8 One of tbe most telling lights upon German affairs is supplied by tbe sudden and hermetic closure of the country against foreign communications. For more than a year past English newspapers have had
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  • 1233 10 Continued Progress of Company's Business The third annual general meeting of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd., was held at the registered office of tbe company, IA, Malacca Street, Singapore, on Saturday, when there were present Messrs. Tan Kbeam Hock (chairman) presiding, the Hon'ble Dr. Lim Boon
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  • 436 10 Officer's Fine Tribute to Our Munition Workers. Pozieres is just a dust heap and not i much heap, either, said a lance-sergeant to a special correspondent, who has been interviewing tbe wounded at Southampton. Only for tbeir dug-outs and trenches, and some of tbe cellars under,
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  • 73 10 Golf. Tbe September monthly medal bogey competition of the Singapore Golf Club was played on Saturday and yesterday and resulted in a win for R. Oldfield who returned a net score of 3 down. Thirty-nine cards were taken out and tbe following were returned R. Oldfield 12—8 down
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  • 145 10 Lanadron.— lo9,2s2 lbs. Ledbury.— s9,43o lbs. Cluny.- 22,606 lbs. Senawang.— 2B,4B4 lbs. Sandycroft.— 28,638 lbs. Batu A nam.— 18,698 lbs. Batu Vil)age.-2,678 lbs. Pengkalan Durian.- 9,882 lbs Tanah Merab.— l7,oso lbs. Bute —10,441 Ibd. Semambu.— lB,B2o lbs. Sungei 8agan.— 19.249 lbs. Cheng.— lo,o9s lbs. Sungala— 8,748 Ibe.
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  • 92 10 Tho following palpitating item of news was issued by a news agency last month A poultry keeper at Beaconsfield, going his usual morning round, heard a noise of squealing coming from one corner of his chicken yard. Hastening to the spot whence the commotion proceeded, he saw a
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  • 38 10 Mr. Bryan Moore for tbe Austral Company (Siam) has taken a six months working option on Towkay Ab Choy's open cast mine at Tbarleong adjoining Rampibjn, comprising about 18 acres. It will be worked on tbe trucking system.
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  • 235 10 Red Cross Funds. Mr. J. H. Waring writes under date, September 9, as follows I shall be greatly obliged if you will kindly insert, in your next issue, tbe enclosed list showing that tbe contributions to Our Day 1915, and to tbe general fund under the auspices
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  • 499 10 Tbe following contributions and subscriptions for tbe month of August, have been received, and are gratefully acknowledged by Mrs. Wreford and Mrs. Lowther-Kemp Previously acknowledged $8,916.91 Alfred Lea 50 Mrs. Knowles 10 Toft A. Dowland 2 M. Y. S. (July, Aug., Sept.) 6 Anonymous in
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  • 370 10 The following is a list of the War Relief Funds in the Straits and F.M.S., together with the names of the hon. secretaries or treasurers. W« shall be glad to receive any corrections or addition* from those concerned with the respective In m U Princo of Wales'*
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  • 155 10 In compliance with wishes expressed in bis will, tbe body of Lord Newboruuyh has been buried on a farm of bis Festiniug estate. The grave bad been dug in solid rock on the summit of a blull where bis lordship used to enjoy bis favourite view
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  • 184 10 Captain Lionel <i. C'olen, Uoyal Scotn, previously posted as "musing," is now officially reported killed on July 1. says the L. and C. Express. Captain OWM wan tin; only son of Mr. Walter O. Cole«, Chief Surveyor to the Hoard of Agriculture for Scotland, and
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  • 52 10 The oewH cimc to hand that Liuat. It. Mil of Hid IMk Koyal hats, Ute of the Straits Trading Co., Ltd., who wax reported missing, believed killed," wax killed in tlio advauce of July 1 in tbe Suiniue valley by a German sniper, while be wan lying wounded on
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  • Correspondence.
    • 358 11 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir.— The judgment in the recent action of Boustead and Co. v Johnson should prove of great interest to tbe majority of men in tbe employment of firms in Singapore. The judge decided that tbe agreement between the firm
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  • 270 11 Curious South Seas Gift for His Majesty. Th< King aDd i^iet-n received at Backingham i'alace on July 28 Mr. and Mrs. Scoresby It uutlt-dgc. who presented to their Majesties two visitors, nhotie presence recalled one of tlit- stnagest, autl. iv its way. most romantic storiei attHociattd
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  • 179 11 ProKramme of drill*, etc., for week ending Friday, s pt> i^lxr 13 MoM'AY. SM If i IKK 11. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall NCOk as Mm 8.1 A. Maxim Co. Fire Station, Tan I V K T. I. jonu I'ayar. I'latuon. Drill Hall Mfl Co. 6.10 p.m. ChiDche
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  • 71 11 'flu Mattel Traffic Superintendent, Saha •MM ■•Me \uuu~t H. that the down with a goods train at KalaDour at 10.1.1 the pri w.iuh niylit. Three Kiiri.ppKnH ami sWM !o<li«DS wero killed, noil It IsKatoM au<l om; Itritiiih officer were iajnred. aeaacsj the paut-n^ers waa Captain Ktouiinti.
    71 words
  • 715 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, September 11, 1916. Messrs. Lyall and Ev%tt, exchange and share brokers, issne tbe following list of quotations this morning. The ((notations on sterling shares are only nominal. NOM. VALCI. I 2/- AI1»k« 2,'- Anglo Java 2/ Anglo Malay 4
    715 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 605 11 ZONOPHONE Ask to hear the JONES Npij) Fprnrd<i A w b raSS new necoras Mr. hatherley clarke for August. *M9OsS^Sxu m m j The title*, th« Ultnt and Record- Mr. FOSTER RICHARDSON ing »re worthy of the Zonophone A tuition. i? 7« Ye particularly commend- HERBERT PAYNE Mr. FOSTER RICHARDSON
      605 words
      400 words

  • 2125 12 MR. CHURCHILL ON BRITAIN AND THE SEAS. The Great Continental Tyrant. The Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill. Ml., in his third article in the Sunday Pictorial says:— What kind of foe was this that for the first time in history Germany had drawn out against her Many
    2,125 words
  • 70 12 The rircrs Ganges and Jumna continue to rise. In certain quarters of Allahabad, the water has come perilously near, while in others it has flooded the bouses which are falling down. In parts puoca houses, situated oo the bank ot the Ganges in Darahanj, are submerged in water. Such houses
    70 words
  • 1171 12 Fine Aeroplane Work in Somme Advance. The following telegraphic despatch has been received in England from Mr. H. Allen Warner I Much has been written concerning the British offensive in Picardy, but so far the I French authorities, for military reasons, have been unable to allow
    1,171 words
  • 1016 12 Song The Amulet of The Soldier. Song is the amulet of the soldier the never failing charm he carries with him to beguile the first day's fatigue or the last moment's plunge into a belching tornado of destruction. The melody may be facile, the words fatuous they
    1,016 words
  • 43 12 In the House of Representatives at Washington, on August 8, Mr. Iknnett stated that be favoured toe use of the American Nary to break the power of the British black list. He urged that ships carrying blackluted goods should be guarded by cruisers.
    43 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      140 words

  • 1092 13 MR. LLOYD GEORGE AND MISS E. D. PROUD. Munitions Industry Humanized. Just before he left the Ministry of Muni tions, Mr. Lloyd George wrote what is called a foreword to a book on welfare work. We owe this book, be says, to the good sense, industry, and intelligence
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 134 13 SPECIAL SHOW OF NEW GOODS WHITEAWAY'S (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) &y> LADIES COTTON VESTS Np I Just delivered, d j*. a special value %4^?y§\ li ne i n ladies' 1 if American cotAi i ton vests, elas\/y tic fitting, do li| \y^ not shrink. In r white only. 85 cents each
      134 words
    • 285 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to /o^J^/&V and to THE MUNICIPALITY ™E GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE \&7W&/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon" Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Bole Agents for the Btraits and F.M.S.
      285 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1933 14 War or Peace. Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HIADOFFICIi Winohsatsr Hou.e. Bintfapora. LONDOH OFFIOB I 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has atSO.OOO deposited with the Supreme Court
      1,933 words
    • 1101 14 INSURANCE. ORIENTAL LIFE assurance go., ltd. a^aW Established 1874. Incorporated in India. •0 par cent, of tha Funds, or $21,000,000.00 are invested in Governnwnt Securities 4*2 years' record provrens and inorea<-ing lability. LOW RATES for non-forfeitabls Endowment Assurances with Profits payable at DEATH or at the end of 15 or
      1,101 words

  • 970 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A New Type of Motor Vehicle. More than once have I regarded tbe whizzer or scooter," now so commonly used by boys and girlß on the suburban footpaths, as being the forerunner of a motor propelled machine of that type, says
    970 words
  • 138 15 For oar own part we believe that tbe only way in winch our enormous war debt can be satisfactorily liquidated will be by a very large increase in tbe thinking departments of oar industries, wys Engineering. In tbe past this baa commonly been starved, largely no doubt,
    138 words
  • 26 15 A diamond weighing BIT carats baa recent Ij been found in the De Been Mine. Thin it the largest diamond yet found in that particular locality.
    26 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 76 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the British War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, London, E. C, CONTRACTORS XO H. M WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S. Jsf)e "Indian' Motor Qyde BIGGEST VALUE EVER OFFERED Large shipments arriving
      76 words
    • 199 15 DUNLOP PHILOSOPHY If the true benefactor of mankind is he who makes two blades of srrass grow where one grew before, how should one describe the originator of a giant industry, which has revolutionised methods of transport and locomotion the world over. DUNLOP RUBBER Co, (FAR EAST) LTD, INC: IN
      199 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1106 16 J'V THIS IS THE TRACKTO MAKE u4ii v^K fIT Good/ 'w'f. :nd let those tough fingers of superfine rubber cume between you and the skid which lies in wait on every road lit your car with Goodiwi Safety I Tyres and he done with •skid-'dnad.' Make vurwinter tnotorin» as
      1,106 words
    • 843 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, No. 20, Kirn Keat Road. Apply t) Yeo Hock Hoe, No. 8, Raffles Place. 8 o— n TO LET, Dunrobin, Barker Koad, entry August 1. Apply Lee Cheng Van and Co. 17-n TO LBT. Hooaes No. 7, (Jbanoery Lane Apply to Ulung Keng Lee Co.,
      843 words
    • 491 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 and 109, Market Street. 'Phoni- 4?1. Big Stock on Hand ASPINALL S NICHOLSON'S VARNISHES IN ALL SHADES 10-4—o-4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. her' by given that Tampiois Road, between the 9th mile and the 10th mile, is closed to UiOtor traffic until further notice. H. V.
      491 words
    • 340 16 READ THIS!!! We have Just received a shipment of Europe Glur. Malay Parangs, Bmery Wheels 16" x Hr x 1}". 18" x 8* x 11" 18" x 81" x r, 18" x3' x Globe Valves i", i". 1" Stillson Wrenches, Adjustable Stencil Plates (alpha bets aud figures), Stencil Ink (black
      340 words
    • 470 16 MOTOR CARS 'phone For HIRE fl m^ promptly attends |ll| to your call with I \B I oom fort able car*, fll day and night. \J \J \J Charges Moderate STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE. 215 4 216, ORCHARD ROAD. To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations in advertisements, such as change**
      470 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 328 16 Straits V)imes. Telephone!, Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 202 Job Printing Department 348 All communications relating to editoria matters and news should be addressed THE EDITOR. All ii munications relating to business rutiters advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc. should be ad dressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane eras
      328 words