The Straits Times, 12 August 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,183 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. AUGUST 12. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 145 1 g ■*ia KJ r HaMC 1l rA ߣ**j WESTLE^ MILK LfoodJ BEAR g^p^ra BEAR BRAND: BRAND k#II 1Z BEAR BRAND l,Jff JZ MljLl\ HVGIEN.C 5W.55 «a« MILIV a "3'ft?t|. W!!l "> Jj <J^ (f c pf ll »sfruriiv. this niilK "^^l the IP s ld| «al'le for maintaining^ SOLE IMPORTERS:
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    • 238 1 NEW KODAK GAM ERAS At the following prices Vest Pocket Kodaks fll V. P. KODAK No< 3-a F P# X R# R- LenS Gtt-^^ with case Leather cases extra ««>»«^^»^' Kodak tank day- l^^^m Kodak film tank light film develop- JhM powders [^U. *i£&BL For 3 i inches tank
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    • 16 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. Soli Aobntk ADAMSOf. 6ILFILLAN A CO, LTD (Incorporated in Kn K i
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  • 1158 2 The following caaoalties are reported London, July 16. Missing, believed killed Capt. F. S. Blake. Liverpools; 2nd Lieut. E. G. Brophy, West Yorkshires 2nd Lieut. G. 8. D. Carver, Devons Lieut. H. G. F. Clifford, Lincolns Lieut H. P. Evans, Sooth Wales Borderers; Capt. L. D Head, Yorkshire
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 235 2 MOULMEIN CHEROOTS SPECIAL. BRAND. Made from the beat grown Burma and Havana tobaooo, alao MANILA CHEROOTS Small and large size. j^—4 .^^kv .JIL. .^LL. JK^L^. Hotel de 1' Borope Buildings, High Street. 3668-***** DRIPPING Pure Beef Dripping Manufactured on our own premises, can be obtained daily in small quantities or
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    • 189 2 B-.T.-i»ms Pills, they are jus the thing v a family midicinc Nothing to b« compared wnh thtrr. ruu yet been pui before (he oub'i: For over half a century this BM4MM has been an easy Firs Favourite countless households and the name and bM of Beecliam's P'lls have spread all
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    • 389 2 RENEW YOUR BLOOD. Every drop of bl od in yonr body psum right throixb your inn many t mtr* > very day, carrying off the imparities of the body and getting oleaosed cf them in tbe kidneys and laogs. Unless tbe blood itself is abundant and strong it cannot free
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    • 623 2 MADAME CECILE. Has arrived from Messrs. Derry and Toms, London, with a large and most select CONSIGNMENT of MILLINERY, and kindly solicits an inspection of same at the Rattles Hotel, Room 62. 6-B— u JOHORE GOVERNMENT NOTICE. From Aogoct 7, IUIS, the Johore Import Duties on alcoLolic liquors and tobicco
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    • 710 2 THE MALAKA PINOA RUBBER ESTATEB. LIMITED (IsroRFOKATSD IN STRAITS SITTLKMBNTS) NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVKN that a third interim dividend of 6 per oent. on account of the year ending August 31, 1916, will be paid to shareholders on the Register on Ai K QRt2t, lUlfl. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY UI7BN
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  • 1194 3 WELL ON THE WAY TOWARDS 1,000 ACRES. A Distribution of 13 Per Cent. Tbe secretary forwards the following for publication Tbe sixth annual ordinary general meeting of the I'nited Malacca Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at tbe company's office. Malacca, on Monday, July 81, 1916, at ip
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 368 3 SAFETY *K Enjoyable touring and efficient commercial transport aie ali c impossible without th: sense of security imparted hy good tyres. The t ughness of Avon rubber and the st tn^th of Avon casing reduce to a minimum the risk of punctures or bursts, and the sure grip of the
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    • 299 3 PAINFUL BREAKING OUT! LIMBS Itching Terrible. Red and Swollen. Could Not Work. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Completely Healed. 108. Dover St., Norwich, Bug.— "My leg broke open and I could not attend to my work. It first came out In a red pimple on §my arms, then on my bands
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    • 626 3 will ,'Q? m jjp. wcndfrfnl Metmeritni O RingLag'betn made with xnat O^,^3fc^^ abour of materials having astonishing J^^+ > magnetic and electrical powers. This wonder- \P*^V /J^ ful ring is fall of magical powers. Tbe past, the present and tbe future can be very easily ascer- \^^V mf I tamed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1087 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.- British India A pear Lame. (CoaPAMiBS Imcorporatbd im Enoland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contraot wltb Hit Majesty Oovernuienti. for China, Japan, Panang, Caylon. Australia. India, Ad on, Bftypt, Maditarranean Ports and London, Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES.
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    • 793 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoorporatbc in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgana, Bisut, Semerak, Bacbo, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai. Patani, Singora. Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandoo, Langsuen, Chumpon, Koblak Bangkok. Duo Departure «a. YUGALA Aug. IS, 3 p.m. «a. BORIBAT Aug. 14 16, S p.m. The Steamers are
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    • 422 4 STEAMER BAILINM. THE OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., AND THE CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Imcorpobatbd in Bnoland) The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Strait*, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 533 4 BTEAMEI BAILINM. N7Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD (Incorporated in Japani EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained b«t n Yokohama, via port*, to Marseille* and London under mail contract witb th<> Imperial Japanese Government. Tnr New Twin-screw Steamer, maintain intr this snrvico have been specially designed aad constructed, anri ar>-
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  • 125 5 FIXTURES. .Saturday, August 12. digb Water. 10.2S a.m., 9.10 p.m. Anniversary of Settlement of Penang. M. S. V. K. concert, Victoria Theatre. suiMlay, August 13. High Water, 111 a.m.. 10.3 p.m. Monday, August 14. *iffb Wate». 11.40 a.m.. 10 60 p.m Katepaynrs' Association meeting 3.80 p.m Ituxing,
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  • 133 5 To-DAT. Mi -dan Circe 2.30 pm Malacca, P. Swcttenham and Penang Klang 2.80 am Ratavia, C'beribon and Samarang Giang Ann '2.30 pm Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Oilenfalloch 8.3 C pm Batavia, Sourabaya. Macassar, Balik I'apan, Donggala, etc. V. ivtrntraten 8.81 pm Manila Legazpi 4 pm I. Sambu
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  • 256 5 Tbe mail trains from Singapore tor tlisortb leave Tank Road sUtion daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Tb> tbrooph expreos to Penang leaves Koala Lunrpcr at 8 am. daily, arriving at Penani; at 6.28 p.m. tbe
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  • 77 5 The B. I. contract packet Teesta with mails from London is expected to leave Nexapataiu on Sunday. August 13, and may be expected to arrive at Penang on Thursday, August 17. Tl.< I*, and O. steamer Medina arrived in London on Thursday, the 10th inst. The P
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  • 94 5 In TBi SCPUMI COCBT Of TBB Straits Sbttlbmbmts. SbTTLBMBNT or SlNOAPOBB. Id Bankruptcy No. 16 of 1916. aCMMAKY CASK. Re Abdul Kabeem bin Hadji Otbman. Kectmnx Order made July 7, 1918. Date of Order lor Sauimary Administration Auitost 2 1010. Date n( Ad]ndir»tion, .lu'y 7. 101
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 488 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, secondhand rubber tyred trap. Apply Trap, e/o Straits Times. U h— l6 8 WANTBD DRBSBBR. Vasancy filled. Applicant* thanked. Manager, Bernam Batate._ M-B— l6 8 WANTBD, EUROPEAN DOCTOR (or a ■roip ot rubber estates. Send full particulars to Box 684, Straits Times. 12 H— lB 8 WANTBD,
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    • 199 5 E. C. SEAH B Sc. lEnßlneertng) CIVIL ENGINEER. ARCHITECT SURVEYOR 2. North Bridge Road. Prepares Plans. Makes Estimates. Supervises Works and Buildings. Undertakes Surveys. 13-8 b-u SHERIFFS SALE. B. P. De SILVA v. 1 UNKU BBBAR SIAK JEWELLERY AND StLVKRWARB To be held at Messrs. Cuing Keag Lee Co.'s Saleroom
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    • 561 5 VICTORIA THEAT«E. SINGAPORE COMING I FOR FIVC NIGHTS ONLY COMING!! Commencing Thursday, Autfunt 17. THE NEW BANDMAN OPERA COMEDY CO. UNDBB IKK HIKKi TloN M MAURICE E. BJtNnMAN Thursday Tbt. i»<p Ul >r muuoal comedy Autf! 17 XKB CINEMA STAR From thn Soaftesbuiy Theatre, LondnD. Friday, GRUMPY Aug. 19 (which
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  • 1096 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, AUGUST 12. REPRISAL. The ill-treatment of British prisoners, the repeated bombing of defenceless towns which are of no military importance, the foul murder of British subjects, judicially and otherwise, would excuse any kind of reprisals against Germany. Lord Lan&downe made some reference to consultations which are
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  • 24 6 A Dutch service will be held in the Presbyterian Church to-morrow at 6.4S p.m. by tbe Rev. H. Volten, Dutch Reformed Church, of Pontianak.
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  • 28 6 The King will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance with respect to the Ordinance to amend the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1914 and 1015.
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  • 34 6 According to an official statement there were four cases of plague in Ipoli in June, but though a reward of nve cents, per rat was offend so far it has elicited practically uo result."
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  • 35 6 The output of the Ting Kil Tin Mines for July (not for the year 1916 as stated yester day) amounted to piculs 281.20 made up as follows Plant ore piculs 136.60, tribute ore piculs 105.60
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  • 32 6 Sungei Oau Tin Mining Company's output for July was Battery 190 piculs, tributors 87 piculs, a total of 286 piculs. Belat Tin Mining Company's output for tbe same month was 88 piunls.
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  • 36 6 Mr. J. A. Russell, of Kuala Lumpur, who owns tbe New Town, Ipob. in to build a cinema hall in Hume Street, while Eng Kboon is already building one in Brewßter Road, near the Birch Bridge.
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  • 40 6 We are informed that a meeting will be held at the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, to-day, for the purpose of establishing a cooperative society in Koala Lumpur. An address on the subject will be given by Mr. Dunstan A. Aeria.
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  • 39 6 Tl»b disappearance of $5,000 worth of jewellery, belonging to Mrs. Winterhalter (wife of tbe Admiral in command of tbe I'nited States Squadron in the Far East) who is staying at the Palace Hotel is reported to tbe Shanghai police.
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  • 45 6 Since the beginning of this year to the end of July 32.144.88 tons of rubber have been exported trom the F.M an increase of 9,275.86 tons over tbe similar period last year The rubber was valued at $86,067,809 and the duty collected amounted to 12,215,677.68.
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  • 55 6 Mr. Lam Looking, the well-known Kinta miner, is presenting a new gymnasium to the Anglo- Chinese School, Ipob. He has also presented a silver tennis challenge shield, to be competed for yearly by the students of the institution. Two new tennis courts are being laid oat in front of tbe
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  • 56 6 The German Legation denies tbat there is any truth in tbe persistent rumours in the Dutch Press, according to which tbe former military attache at Washington, Capt. Von Papen, is at present in the Netherlands The Legation says Captain Von Papen left for tbe front upon his return from America
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  • 66 6 The number of vessels which paused through the Suez Canal in 1915 was 3.708, of which 2,786, representing 76 per cent, of tht total tonnage of ships using the route, carried the British flag, and the number of troops carried through the Canal was 1 19,812. Six German and Austrian
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  • 57 6 Two Chinese women who were charged with unlawfully receiving a large number of articles stolen from tbe Tanglin Barracks were acquitted in tbe second police court yesterday. Mr. de Mello, for the accused, contended tbat the real culprit was tbe husband of one of the women, who had absconded, aod
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  • 68 6 How a German captain in command of an antiaircraft battery near the Swiss frontier bad bis dreams of winning the Iron Cross rudely dispelled, is related by tbe Matin. At daybreak an aeroplane was heard approaching and the guns were soon pointed threateningly at the French aviator. Four shots were
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  • 75 6 David Davies. known as the Dartmoor Shepherd, was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment at Warrington on July 8, for stealing from tbe poor-box of tbe Church ot tbe Sacred Heart. Prisoner, who is aged 72, said tbat on entering the church be had no intention of stealing. The chief constable
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  • 114 6 We saw very few Germans in the first two lines," said a sergeant of the Middlesex, but when we got to the third line they were like flics. On tbe way across we had a hot machine-gun fire— their machine gunners are the best part of their army, I reckon.
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  • 184 6 It was remarked to us this morning that at the M.S.V.K. concert last night the irritating trick (to quote tbe gentleman who complainedl of 'pay what you like tor the programme was revealed onco attain." It is a common device for raising money at charity concerts and fetes and the
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  • 151 6 Tbe fighting round Peronue recalls (juontin Durward, the novel in which Scott made the experiment of a continental excursion with such happy results, tor most of its absorbing interest centres in Peronne. Tbe novel created a sensation in Paris, according to Lockhart. The French public were delighted to find Louis
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  • 331 6 Mr. J. C. Sugars is to officiate as second Magistrate, Penang. l>r. H. Jacques, of Taiping. is now acting as>uiedical officer to a cavalry brigade. Mr. Lindsay Years, who obtained a com mission in the R.F A is now in Mesopotamia, Dr. Robertson, late of Castleficld Estate,
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  • 74 6 By kind permission of Col. Derrick, V.D.. an Army and Navy Boxing Contest will take place at the Volunteer Drill Hall on Wednesday evening, 16th inst., at 9 p.m., tbe proceeds of which will be given to the Blinded Soldiers and Sailors Fund. There will be two contests
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  • 88 6 The following scholarships have been awarded on the results of tho Cambridge Local Examinations in Decemlwr, 1915: Government Scholarships (Senior Boys). 1. Ng Cboong Yew, Free School, Punang 2. Oon Aik Keong, Anglo Chinese School, Penang; 8. M. J. Matthews, St. Xavier'a Institution, Penang. Government Scholarships (Senior Girls).— l.
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  • 124 6 It appears that some doubt has arisen in the minds of some of the Arabs in the Straits Settlements as to the announcement regarding tbe opening of the port of Jeddah, and in order to remove any misapprehension which may exist on the subject
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  • 240 6 Thf Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Kong presided last night at a meeting of the Amateur Drawing Association at which Mr. A. W. Still yave an addrexs on Some German Methods." Briefly stated, tbe address was a contrast between the autocratic and militarist system of government, with all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 130 6 STOCKS OF AUSOpp'S and Peter Walker BEER NOW RECEIVED CALDBECK, MACGREGOR AND CO. r TRdtals W 1 PIQUE ,'r* FOR GOLF, TENNIS AND 3ggr ALL KINDS OF SPORT OUTFITS t White SI .38 Colours 91.88 (per yard) J\ In extra soft finish that I bang < and washes perfectly. JOHN
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    • 188 6 MOTHER MHMMMME M GREAT AS TNC LAST AT THE HOUSE OF QUALITY ALHAMBRA Biaoh Road Tbe Leading Theatre In Singapore. Come To-night if you want to see a Good Show SECOND SHOW AT 9.18 PATHE PRESENTS Singapore's favounts emotional actress FLORENCE REED k powerful Bold Rooster play m 5 parts
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  • 1854 7 RUSSIANS CAPTURE STANISLAU. Fatal Blow to Austrian Forces. THE ITALIAN SUCCESS. i Fearful Fighting to Gain Gorizia. i i Rh-tkrV Tflit., i:\jis. I London. August 10. 1.10 p.m. It trograd. communique There is heavy fighting in the regions of Mush and Bitli* •ear Van and between Kermanshah and
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  • 88 7 Rbdtm's Tilkobam. London, August 11, 12.15 p.m. Shanghai A great scandal has been iM-.ised by the arrtst of four Yunnanese members of parliament on a charge of smuggling opium, of which seven thousand pounds, valued at a million taels, was found in their luggage which, in view of
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  • 87 7 Rruter's Tklkoram. London, August 11, 2.80 a.m. Copenhagen In tbe course of a debate in the Riksdag on tbe bill ratifying tbe sale of tbe Danish \V,«t Indies to tbe United States ministers expliinml that the motive of tbe sale was th- danger of eventual complications if
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  • 25 7 RIDTNR's TILKtRA* London, August 10, 10.20 p.m. The House of Commons ban passed the second reading of the Government of India Bill.
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  • 161 7 Handicaps for Second Day of The Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 11. Tbe following are the weights for the second day of tbe Selangor Turf Club's sum mer meeting: Race one.— Barnabas 10.7, Sadie 10, Sunstar 9, Idunno 8.11, Keehaat 8.8, Carriok Lad 8.7,
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  • 159 7 Notice is given in the Government Gazette that at the expiration of three months from the 11th instant of the following companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off tbe Register of Companies and will be dissolved Skudai Planting Syndicate, Ltd., Selangor Paddy
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  • 237 7 For the third successive night there was an attack by Sham's troops at Shekwaitong which again met with a stout resistance. says tbe China, Mail of August 4. The number of casoalities was large. During tbe day Shorn bad moved a large number of his men farther
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  • 69 7 For the period from August 18 to 24, inclusive, the value of tbe highest grade of rubber is fixed at 2s. ?}d. per lb.. and tbe duty on cultivated robber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with tbe roles
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  • 2051 7 BRITAIN'S MAGNIFICENT WAR WORK. From Our Special Correspondent. London. January 14. Not a little of Mr. Asqoith's time tbis week has been occupied in filling up the gaps in the Coalition Government caused by the death of Lord Kitchener and the resignation of Lord Selborne. The process
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  • 517 8 Successful Performance at The Victoria Theatre. The M.S.V.K. thoroughly proved their abilities as entertainer* at tbe Victoria Theatre last night, when they gave tbe first of two concerts in aid of the funds for blinded soldiers and sailors. An audience which included His Excellency the Governor and a
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  • 118 8 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, supply us with tbe following report on tbe position of tbe Java produce market for tbe week ending August 11 Batavia. August 11. Kubber Market.— The position is weak, srst standard grades passing hands
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  • 104 8 Latent advertisements of the day appear on page 5. Staninlau, which tbe Kaiwiang have occupied, is a town in Galicia, H7 miles southcam of Leroberg by rail. It is an important railway jtioction of Hoes running north, Mouth, east and west and has a large establishment for
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  • 178 8 There passed away in Kurong Hitam re cently, says tbe Alor Star correspondent of the f'inang Gazette, an old woman named Tob Selania, who was reputed to be 180 years old at the time of her death. Old men of 80 and TO years
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  • 75 8 The death bu taken place of Mr. T. 11. Martin, the Superintendent of the Kegistra tion and Parcels Department of the Post Office, Hongkong. Mr. Martin went to Hongkong from London, as a nupervisor in the Port Offiot early in 1902 and was appoints! HayariaUsflust of the Kegiatration and Parcel*
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  • 418 8 An Ail-Round Improvement In Prices. Messrs. Uutbrie and Co., report as follows Singapore, August 10. Tbe feature of tbe auction which commenced to-day was the exceptional demand for fine ribbed smoked sheet. Competition for this grade was very keen throughout and up to 8122 was paid. This
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  • 414 8 Striking Films Shown at Our Headquarters. At the General Headquarters of the British Army in France there was exhibited before a large gathering of distinguished officers and their gaects tbe latest series of the Official War Films, which in due course, says Rearer's correspondent, will be
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  • 93 8 Tbe rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for tbe week ended August 5 was 29.02 per mille of the population. The total number of deaths wan 195, of which 181 were male subjects and 04 female. Convulsions claimed '20. phthisis 25, malaria fever 30, bnri
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  • 530 8 Proceedings at the First Council Meeting. Mr. A. J. C. Towers, secretary of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mine", sends as the following minutes The first Council meeting to be held in Selangor took place in Kuala Lumpur, at 10 a.m on Saturday, July 16, when the
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  • 99 8 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following ties in tbe S.C.C. lawn tennis tournament are to be played next week Monday's Ties. A Sikoles Final. Rucbwaldy v. Manning. B Sinolks Final. Tinsley v. Hadden or Winter. Xewiomkrs 1 Handicap— Final. Burne v. Paterson. Profession Pairs. Tel. VI Carr and Leggatt
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  • 73 8 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. at their auction sale at Penang, on Thursday Smoked ribbed sheet 1112 to 1116 plain 107 108 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond... 99 100 Lnsmoked 102 108 Crepe line pale thin and blanket
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  • 121 8 A conflagration which will entail tbe loss of probably Home millions of taela occurred at Hankow on July 80. That part of the newer Chinese city bordering on the German Con cession from which it is separated by the Whaginkai, or Friedrichstraaae, is burned oat. In other words, the entire
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  • 53 8 [The Strait* Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to tbe pjiut. Long, rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down. C.C— The win wax in 1900, not 1899, and the jockey
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  • 497 8 Sunday, August 13, 1916. St. Andrew's Cathedral. Bth Sunday after Trinity.— 7 a.m. Holy Communion 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.16 a.m. Matins and Litany 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 5.80 p.m. Evensong and sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy— 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion 5.30 p.m. rlvensong
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  • 226 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, August 18 Saturday, Al'oust 12. 2.80 p.m. Drill Hall S.R.E.(V.). Balestier Range ,S.V.K No. 4 Platoon. 3 p.m. Raffles Institution S.V.C Band. Sunday, August 13. T.:;o a.m. Balestier Range S.V.R., No. 1 Platoon. 2.80 p.m. S.V.R., No. 4 Platoon.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 310 9 '"KfThe Great Effort -.i^y^k made by MICHIXIN has been successful. Rtgu i>r dettver.ey »re nhlaisb'e of ihtse famous Irtish t\ M. "'^fof^Jr, All Ihis RSM MICHEI.IN kM km HafMaj l*'^ lo the Allied 7ttsV> MICHOUN ht» given £40.0(in n> luriher ihe work of French M:illary Aviaion. and is manut.ieiiriiiß io«
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    • 489 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKASHOSENKAISHA (Inoorpobatid in Japan) (Osaka Mercantile ftaamshlp Co., Ltd j KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. i The Company iaa>ottinß a regular oargo ■errioe with six RMianit>rß oallieg at Moji, Vokkaicbi, Hongkong, Singapore, Puit Sw tenham, Penang. Colombo and Bombay, and on the re tarn voyage oalling at Tntioorin, Singapore, Hongkong and
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    • 155 9 .V- V Offer °O, Is J^\ Not Superior fS^m Superior Quality fccisj Prices RAFFLES CHAMBERS TO LEX Commodious and airy offices on second floor, front portion of first floor, the ground floor and basement of the buildings at present occupied by Messrs. Katz Brothers, Ltd. Immediate entry. CHING KENG LEE
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 611 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IK? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated im Straits Settlements) HBADOFFICt, House, Singapore. LONDON O'FIOB I 38, Old Jewry. CO. The Company has £30.000 deposited with tbe Supreme Court
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    • 323 10 INSURANCE. UNTON INBURANCE OFFICE. LIMITED. (Incorpobatbd n Hongkong). CapiUl Subscribed. ..l'2,Boo,ooo Amount paid-up 600,000 Reserve fund... 1,800,000 Hbad Omca, Hongkong. Tbe undersigned, having been appointed tffents of the above Company, are prepared 0 accept Marine Risks at current rates. BOUSTBAD a CO., Agents. SUN LIFE cV:V;. cve v OF CANADA
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    • 464 10 BWLONL HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honokono). paid-up capital ij 6,000,000 rhsbrvb funds Sterling 41,600,000 at 1/- 115.000,000 SilTer H8.000.000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 OOURT OF OIRCGTORS W. L. Pattenden, Bsq Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. O. T. M Bdkins, Bsq Hon. Mr. D.
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    • 512 10 BANKIKB. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Sharoe of 420 each 41,100,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.200,000 BANKBRS Tbe Bank of England, Tbe London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
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    • 789 10 INBURANCE. STATISTICS show that only six persons in each hundred wbo reach "old age" have enocgh to maintain themselves in comfort. Are jou one of the six f You will be if you carry sufficient endowment asouranoe. You will not if you are of those wbo expect to die of
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  • 784 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Points in the Petrol Problem. Charles L. Fteetoo, writing in the Daily Chronicle, of July 6, nays Rarely is it possible to devise a scheme which shall make provision for all eontin gencies, and it is not in any way surprising
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  • 202 11 Governor-General Lung Issues Paper Money. Latest news from Canton shows that in order to meet the ever growing military expenses, Governor General Lunti Cbai Kvrong has decided to resort to the simple expedient of issuing paper money to the face value of »2.000,00i\ says the Hongkong Daily
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  • 36 11 S< inbilan.— 44,sBl lbs. twelve months 48M92 lbs. I'nited Saa Beton^.— 00,153 lbs.; seven months 411,361 lbs. I'nited Terniing.— 46,s74 lbs. twelve months 895,484 lbs. Indngiri (Samatra), 10.808 lbs.; nine months 74,498 lbs.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
      163 words
    • 221 11 TYRES The Very BEST DUPIRE BROTHERS SINGAPORE cr the appearance of the car isequaltothcseselling at m motor of A has 0 /u hore and fl much higher price*, whilrt slnih 4 <rs fl JJJ m cheapness of running it 17y m lirakc mat H(W the most economical car on Bail,-,,
      221 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 581 12 BE RID OF THE SKID ~-Wfi y *£™"^^IT Goodnbi and ma'ce your car sure-footed. oSja lTlic rise lingers of superfine Para grip the I i road you can fee/ them gripping as )ou The skid is always with us. You can't ahsolutelv prevent it any more than you can iBV
      581 words
    • 460 12 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED, shift men for electric generating station. Apply to Derrick Co. 11-8 v A ANTED, COMPETENT SHORTHAND TYPIST; most be quick and accurate Apply IS: x No. <6'J. Straits Times 6 8-u WANTED, competent shorthand typist. Apply office, Messrs. John Little k Co.. Ltd. (incorporated in Borland). 20-7
      460 words
    • 804 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, Dunrobin, Barker Road, entry Aognst 1. Apply Lee CbnDg Y'an and Co. 17- n TO LET. Newton House, No 21, Newton Hoad, spacious grounds. Bntry September 18. Powell and Co. Aactioneers 21-7 a GREEN BUNGALOW, Tanjoog Katong; bori^ootß* with b»thr'xirn» »ttacli«<d. Apply S. Manasoeh 7,
      804 words
    • 370 12 KIAM KIAT CO. lOBandlC9, Market «tre«t. •Phonf 421. Sole Agents. Tbe Muloott Belting Co.. Limited. Stock for immediate supply GALVANIZED WIRE Assorted Nob. BARBED FENCING WIRE GALVANIZED RIGGING WIRE 10-4—94 HUP HING DHOBIE 42- 1, Newton Road Having extended premises, solicits eastern Excellent references. Rates moderate. 8.8—7-9 FOR SALE Dutch
      370 words
    • 163 12 THE FOLLOWING* STOCK IS ALL [BRITISH MILD STEEL ANGLES (ROUND AND SQUARE) Iron Bart BOLTS AND NUTS PAN HEAD RIVETS GEM RUBBER MANGLES GUAN KIAT CO. 37. Phillip Street. Singapore. Tel. Nos. 1174, 1178, 1288. POR Awnings, Screens, Tarpaulins, Boat Covers, Sea Anchors, Oil Bags And Canvas Work of every
      163 words
    • 463 12 MOTOR CARS •phone For HIRE M^ promptly attends "X I I to your call with I\J I comfortable oira, Til day and night. Charges Moderate STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE. 21 S 216, ORCHARD ROAD. To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations in advertisements, such as changes in sailing dates of steamers,
      463 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 328 12 Straits V)imes. TslAph ones. Editorial and General TO Manager's Office 2fl'J Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial' matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All i manioations relating to business ni»i tors advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—
      328 words