The Straits Times, 18 July 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,102 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JULY 18. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 133 1 ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR The All-Steel Raleigh Cycle The Popular The best Raleigh Cycle /^> Jm^^^ r* v-Li fi. \A jrfr\ vv Cycle for Guaranteed if^^ =r J3A t^ N. for ever. \\"*^^^SC J Estate use Complete with lamp, bell, tools, etc. ujr*^ smart and Raleigh Cycle jL**^ reliable
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    • 55 1 GOODRICH a. *J322 K TYRES ALL STEEL 3FFICE CUPBOARDS Fitted with five steel shelves. FIREPROOF and GBRMPROOF Stock Sizes 60" X 80 X 18" MB.OO 60" X 88" X 18* 68.00 72" X 80" X 18" 58.00 72* X M" X 18" 08.00 72* X M" X 34* 78.00 A.
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  • 655 2 The following casualties are reported London, July 8. Wounded.— 2nd Lieut. F. L. Marley, Warwieks; 2nd Lieut. F. Elliott, Sea f.-rths; 2nd Lieut. G. 1). Ferard, K.R.R. 2nd Lieut. N. H. Oibbins, Dublins; 2nd Lieut. W. Ci. Groombridge, Inniskilling Fusiliers: 2nd Lieut. J. J. Kelly Leinsters 2nd Lieut.
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  • 164 2 He Saw the Cities and Knew The Minds of Many Men." To the Halls of High Valhalla Cometh now another guest. Fling the- portals wide to greet him With the seaweed on his breast. Stately from his steel- walled coffin, Resting now beneath the wave, Cometh he,
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  • 135 2 There was an entertainment to wounded soldiers K°ing on in one of the military hospitals near London, when an incident oocurrnl. hiirt wriDymg in its pitbos, but inspiriting an showing the indomitable spirit and cheerfulness of our strickeu heroes. A lady connected with the entertainment was chatting with
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 638 2 GLENEALY PLANTATIONS. LTD. DECLARATION OF INTERIM DIVIDEND AND NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS Noti -i is hort by givi n that a firot ink-rim dm Ii ml cf 10 irr cent, has been declared by the Directors on account of tbe year en i g October Bl 101*, payable
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    • 313 2 Dog's Head Guinness i ~y A^*^^ Hi The TONIC that cheers and soothe* and doesn't harm. A simple nourishing food of high medicinal value. NOTE. The above DOG'S HEAD* Label is on every bottle. Refuse imitations. Sold Everywhere. 18 4—14 7 NOTICE. THE ALIEN ENEMIES ENACTMENT J3HORE 1916. IN THE
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    • 385 2 NEW BLOOO FOR OLD. You cm i ut new hlood into your enfeebled body, wt.&tever y nr age may be. The human bony constantly requires new, rich blood and nearly alt tbe ills from whioh people Buffer aris-« (turn one civw poverty of bloci. Blood is tbe food carrier of
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    • 89 2 i Dodge Brothers HOTOR CAR What owners are thinking and saying the country over constitutes a higher endorsement of the car than anything we might say about it The economy of the car, its quality, the remarkable things it does when called upon are comments you hear wherever the car
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  • 1209 3 SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN THE DIVIDEND. Good Prospects For The Future. Tbe 17th annual meeting of the Jugra Estate, Limited, was held on May 9, at tbe offices of the company. 24, Coleman Street, 8.C., Mr. L. R. W. Forrest (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 478 3 ■BBP DISTRESSING PIMPLES Removed by Cuticura Soap and Ointment Trial Free. Smear thorn with tlie Ointment. Wa»h off in five minutes with Cut'cura Soap and hot water uml eontinui l>:ithni(j for some minutes. Rqx'at aa ri^nß and retiring. These frnemnt super-creamy emollients do much for the skin. Sample Each Free
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    • 274 3 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Which hn9 now tOTSM ISM Stamp of Public Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. ENO'S FRUIT SALT PLEASANT TO TAKE, REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING. IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet— Eating or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic or Goutf
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1094 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AND Mpcar Line. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILIN33 Under Contract with His Majesty s Government). •"of China, Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Port* and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or abont MAIL LINES.
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    • 808 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoorpobatbl in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Stmerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telnpin, Panarai. Patani Singora. Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon. Langsuon, Champon, Kohlak A Bangkok. Dua Departure a.a. ASDANG July 19, 3 p.m. a.a. VUGALA July SO 22, 3 p.m. a.a. BORIBAT
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    • 435 4 STEAMER SAILINBS. THE OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD., AND THE CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporatbd in Enolind) tl Tbe Companies' steamers are despatch' d from Liverpool outwards for tbe Straits, China and Japan every week aM from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles
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    • 513 4 steamer mm%.i N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD (Incorporatbd in Japan) EUROPEAN .LINE A servioe is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, to Marnoille* and London under mail contract witb th<? Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamem maintaining this service have been specially dosigned and constructed, and are
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  • 103 5 FIXTURES Tuesday, July 1 8. High Water, 0.67 p.m. A nulo Chinese School Spirts. 3.80 p.m. Koxing, Palladium, 9 p.m. Wednesday, July 10. High Wale*, Ml a.m.. Us p.m. Thursday, July 20. High Water. Lit a ru 2.9 p.m. Homeward mail clams (train R. I. outward mail
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  • 171 5 EXCHANGE. SiMOaroM, July 18, 1910, Lorn... Bank 4 m/s m 2/41J Demand m 2 r 4J Private 8 rx/i m ll* On Feancb Bank T. T. 820 Imi>ia Bank T. T. m H*i on HoKaKOMO...B«ok d/d 11] >n Sbamobai ...Bank d/d 88i < i- Java Bank T.
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  • 228 5 Today. Port DickHon and Port Swi tu-nhaui l'oli Ann 2.80 pm B»tu Pahat Hong Wan 2.80 pm Muar Abbotsford 8 pm Malacca Calypso 8 pm Kota Tinggi T. Surat 4 pm djim and India A. Lebuu 1 pm Eaf*Manriti'is. Egypt, A. Lebon Bpm far***, etc. Registration up
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  • 75 5 The K. I. contract packet Tara with mails from London wnsexpocted to loave Negapataui on Friday, au] may be expjctci to arrive at I'enan^ at daylight on Wednesday, July 18. The M. M. outward steamer Athos left Colombo on Suu-Uy, July 16, and may be ezpocted to
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  • 119 5 Oar attention has been oalled to the fact that our arrivals in London are much behind those publmbud elsewhere. Our rule is to give arrivals only when they arc officially mportud in the Post Office notices, and no later date than that printed above bai been 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 BTOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY (STEAMSHIP COMPANT) NEDERLAND uKATKD IN HOLLIMD) Tli. rtjaa— i KONINGIN DER NEUBHLANDBN and GRO TIL'S will sail irou Sicgaporr, on, n spestively, July 20 and July '21, at 1 p m sharp. A steam launch will leave Johnston's Pier both days at n>.on sharp. m mi ARRIVI£OI
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    • 705 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED to purchase, gharry or liglr victcria with baruew. Slate price. Addrest dhurry, c!n S»ait« Tim. >. 1" -T— IP.' WANTED URGBNILY, two smart tuanif'-t clerks. Apply, stating prcvionexperience and salary expected, to Manifest r/o Straits Times. 18-7— Ml PLANTEK with expeiitn c wanted for Rabbor (state in
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    • 401 5 MORTGAGEES SALE Ok Monday, Jcly 34, at 2.80 p m tt Mtssrs. Chicg Keng Lee Co.'s Sale room Seven p eoes fre bold building Allotment* situate at Lo-oog IS, eff Gaylan* Roari, and two pieces of freehold building allotments facing OroTd Road. For particulars tee circulars and plans. CHING KENO
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    • 172 5 MORTGAGEES SALE Of VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, NO. 78, PRIX SEP STREET, SINGAPORE, At Powell Co.'s Sale room, On Tuesday, July 2J, at 2 80 p m All that piece of freehold land situate at Prin-w p Street, Singapore, containing an area of H. 466 ft .-t. marked lot 169* of
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    • 338 5 "AMULET" Tobacco A high-class smoking tobacco. Cool and fragrant and ism not burn At IMfM, ON SALE AT IN 2-oz. 4-oz. MOST DEALERS AIRTIGHT TINS MOUTRIE PIANOS New Consignment Just to hand WHY PAY A middleman's large profits when you can buy direct from the Manufacturer at greatly reduced cost
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  • 1023 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY. JULY 18. SIR EDWARD GREY. The elevation of Sir Edward Grey to too peerage removes from the House of Commons one of its most brilliant and one of its oldest members. He entered tbe House in 1885, one year before Mr. Asqaith, and has served in
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  • 17 6 A Su.ila wire of July 10 says: I.i I ti ilc with Jeddah has now be piruiit'.td.
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  • 47 6 V tw iv v I I. D^ali, who hail been (nice convicted provinu^ly thin ymr, was seutenctd kt tUrc. rujutui' rtosMM nuprn >v meat and t toffa «trok>'S of the t)irc!\ in Vio Masai paAaa court, aft >r h-ing cjovi; 1 -I ot Ifaa lUeft ot iM.
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  • 1022 6 Tbe monthly meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association Teachers' Guild is postponed from Wednesday. July 19 to July 26. A man named Poong Ah Loo was sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment in the district court yesterday, on a charge of giving false evidence. Scow Cbin
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  • 226 6 ADDITIONS TO STRAITS TIMES FIND. A few of the subscription lists .vhich were unavoidably delayed are now being received, and one for a very substantial amount is still, we are informed, outstanding. The position briefly is as follows Total subscribed to all the funds, $15H,119; net amount paid
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  • 142 6 When we balance! our accounts with the Malayan Air Squadron Fund recently, we were not aware that (apart from the Negri Sembilan) there was another aircraft in course of subscription, and as we did not feel warranted in handing over two or three thousand dollars and leaving
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  • 97 6 A correspondent wrote last week, observes tbe Malay Mail, of Saturday, stating that, having ordered some tobacco and cigarettes from Singapore, he was made to pay both the SS. and F.M S duties, tbe two together amounting to some 80 per ceut. of the value of the
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  • 82 6 Mrs. Uupert Manasseh begs to acknowledge with many thanks tbe following additional subscriptions to the Belgian Soldiers Vacation Fund, tbe object of which is to assist wounded and war worn men, whose relatives cannot help them, to recover their health and strength Previously acknowledged ...91,877.85 Mrs.
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  • 184 6 The following telegram, dated July 4, I. as been received from KyewitncsH in Mesopotamia.— itasrah, July 1 On June 2H a small body of our cavalry in conjunction with friendly tribesmen routed Ibu linsbid and his followers near Kbaiuii-n-h, in tin- in lyhhourho.i 1' t the K>iphratf:H.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 101 6 Jas. Hennessy's FINE OLD BRANDY Sole Importers I CALDBECK, MACGREGOR AND SO. ~THE>OPULAR RENDEZVOUS ijj, -,7 IJIHIJ v K^^ka| lit I Al llrrlli 4 19 ■Hftw K^S^ CHOICE REFRESHMENTS r QM||l |l«|' and MB Jy Lh| -fxJiy J NICELY SERVEO TIFFINS (Inco-porat-a 'W <p j "f m England > For
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    • 252 6 TO-NIGHT TO MGHT ANOTHER TIP-TOP PROGRAMMETO-NIGHT AT THE ALHAMBRA Bench Road The Houie of Quality— Tne Home of Featuie Attraction!. Tbe Leading Theatre in Singapore. Mitnagt-r: M. H. Kenvoo slade programme SECOND TO NONE in Singapore SECOND SHOW AT 9.15 PROMPT I' a lUX PKKtUNTS The World's favourite actress FLORENCE
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  • 1721 7 SOMME BATTLE. Bravery of British Troops. Every Man Eager For The Fray. Krl'Tlß's TICLCOft AMs. London, July 17, 5.(0 a.m. The troops at tho front proceeded very quickly while piercing the second line foi Hi- first time on tbe Western front. They say the evil spoil was broken
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  • 139 7 Handicaps for the First Day's Racing. Fkom Ola Own Correspondent Penang, July 17. Tbe following are tbe handicaps for tbe first day of the summer meeting, commencing on tbe 25th inst Race No. I.— Loaddeer 11.4. Nullo 8.5, Black Satin 7.8, Welcome One 7.10, Milky Way 7.9.
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  • 36 7 (Fbom Oem Own Cobkespokeent.) Ipob, July 17. Tbe coronation of the Sultan of Perak is tixid for September 9, when tbe period of festivities to be observed will extend to five days.
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  • 145 7 It has been brought to tbe notice of the Government of India that a large number of pa»M njjirs from India are arriving at MarhiilltiH without passports and although not on military duty are wearing uniforms. Tbe regulations of tbe French Government I i >iiit>it foreigners entering
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  • 442 7 Fatal Riding Accident at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. G. P. Owen, secretary to the Straits Racing Association, kindly informs us tbat be is in receipt of a telegram from Kuala Lumpur, announcing tbe death this morning as the result of a fall from bis bone at the
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  • 231 7 Assistance from Aeroplanes in The Sudan. A Cairo correspondent of tbe Pioneer in a letter dated June 8 states tbe pacification of Darfur is proceeding apace. Tbe military administration of the province is being organised under tbe control of Colonel Kelly, who is following up the fugitive
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  • 53 7 Messrs. Derrick and Co. advise as of the following output for the four weeks ended July 15 Bukit Koman. Stone crushed 6,505 tons, gold obtained 798 ozs average per ton 2.458 dwts. Bukit Malacca.— Stone crashed 4,500 tons, gold obtained 353 ozs.. average per ton.
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  • 141 7 A Pioneer cable dated London, July 8. says. The Petit l'arisien's account of yester day's fighting on tbe British front says in the attacks of tbe first two days of July it was discovered that certain German positions bad been insufficiently battered. The in fantry advance
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  • 44 7 Mr. H. D. Muudell, a member of the Straits Settlement* Bar. wa-i a mated to tbe F M S Bar by tbe Chief .Indicia! Commissioner (Sir Thomas Braddell) iv the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. Mr. T. H. T. Rogers moved the usual motion.
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  • 82 7 Several train loads of furniture am) articles from the I'residuotial Palace have bti v reiuovid from K king to l'hangt< h. It is reported tbat tlio Palace is nearly stripped of its valuable fixtures and turmtur,- and it will take some time to refurnish tl,o «aiue for occupation by the
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  • 1263 7 LEVY ON INCOMES OR INCREASE IN ASSESSMENTS. Interesting Local Views. In consequence of tbe divergence of views amongst tbe Chinese community regarding the proposed iacome tax as evinced in tbe reports published in tbe papers, the members of tbe E Ho Hean Club held a special meeting
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  • 310 7 Abject Surrenders of EnemyInfantry. A Pioneer special oable. dated London, July 7, says Perhaps tho most remarkable feature of 1 press correspondent's accounts ol the Anglo- > French offensive is tbe total absence of any I reference to desperate bayonet fighting. One writer complains that he
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  • 354 7 Act as Joffre Requested During Verdun Struggle. According to a Lon lon wire dated July 6. tlajor General Maurice. Director of Military >perations, of the British General Stan, nterviewed by a representative of the Vssociated l'rtss of America, said All the :ime of the desperate fighting on
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  • 146 7 Mou-i. I. Do Courtois begs to acknowledge with thauks tbe following additional subscriptions Already acknowledged »1 1, r A. P. Ager 10 A. Kirumel 50 J. H Linscott Kuila Lumpur) 10 J. Milne Counsel (I'ulau Bulang) 54 Mrs. 8. John MVuang) IS S \V. Aitliur iKuala
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  • 20 7 There have been serious disturbances at Col fH Tho ruili'.iry ft n to tin;. Till police killed ten p noun.
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  • 1195 8 HUMOUR AND ROMANCE AT THE FRONT. Taking to his New Job The fol lowing article, written by Mr. Malcolm Item*, the nflicial Press representative with tlit- New /aland Expeditionary Force, ia issued by Mi '1 Mourns Mackenzie, the H if!i Commissioner for New /salani'. Northern France, May 20.
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    • 37 8 Tbe ladies' July »poon at the Keppel Golf Club was compete*? for yesterday and was won by Ten cards were taken out. drs. Willie* Binnie i, King 58-10=48 65 6 40 65 14 61
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    • 94 8 The ringside seats for this evening's contests at the Palladium have all been booked up. and the others are going well, so a big house is assured. Full particulars of tbe bouts will be found in an advertisement, and there is nothing to add to the information given yeeterday,
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    • 287 8 Although rain threatened to interfere with play in tbe S.C.C. lawn tennis tournament yesterday it held off enabling tbe following ties to be decided Championship. Howe v. Edwards, postponed. A Singles. Stoat v. Kucbwaldy, unfinished. B Singles. Tinsley beat Cassells, 6-2. 6—l. Jackson beat Todd, 6—l, I—6,
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  • 1678 8 GREATLY IMPROVED POSITION OF COMPANY. Dividends Now in Sight. The sixth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Kuala Pahi Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on May 5, at tbe offices of tbe Rubber Growers' Association, 38, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. Thomas Hedley Phillips (chairman of the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 127 8 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, In tbe issue of tbe Daily Mirror for May JB, W.M." in discussing tbe Daylight Savings Bill, writes thus That noble patriotism, which consists in judging all national matters from tbe individual standpoint, and in asking of every new
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  • 137 8 Programme of drills, etc., (or week ending, Friday, July 21 Tuesday, July 18. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. >. S.R.E.(V.) N.C.O.'s. Maxim Co. S.V.R. N.C.O.'s. 4.45 p.m. As arranged Chinese Co. 9 p.m. Bras Uasah Road Malay Co. 4.30 p in. Government House S V.C. Band. 5.15
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  • 37 8 Jasin (Malacca).— lB,ol2 It*. Hekoti.- 81.445 lbd. Hatani; Malaka.-24.779 lbs. Pelepab Valley —88,400 lbs. Clovelly.— 7,6Bl lbs. Burma Development. 2,487 lbs. Siginting (N.5.)— 5,450 lbs. KotaTinggi (Johore).— ll,l9o lbs. Taiping Kubber EsUtes.— l2,B46 lbc.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 275 8 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Braa Baaah Road, Sing pore, From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS ANO LATE SUPPERS A SPECIALITY. Moderate Charges. 8-12—7 12 APEIPHI HOTEL NOTICE A GRAND "REDOUTE" will be given On December 25, 1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 205 9 C" Necessity is the Mother oj Invention." OS COAGULATEx\ «aY v A GA New Discovery for Coagulating Rubber Superior to Acetic Acid Cheaper than any Recognised Coagulant Guaranteed Free of any Vegetable Matter U Equally suitable for or Crepe Rubber Practically Odourless. MANUFACTURED IN PENANG. SOLD IN Mingle Quart Bottles
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    • 563 9 ONG BAM LEONG CO. RUBBER WORKS We beg to announce to tbe public that oar factory at No. 88 1, Noitb Bridge Ro»a (I -to Continental Hotel), which hai bten cqDipped with the latent rabbor machine*, will be ready to rec.ive orders for crefbing acd treating robber on July 2),
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 546 10 Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. H.AD OFMOB. Winer,-*., Hou... ..n.apor.. «-OMDON MMI. 32. O.d J.wry, «.C The Company bas «80.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the
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    • 382 10 INSURANCE. IMTM INSURANCE OFFICE, LIMITED. (Incorporated n Hongkong). Capital Subscribed.. .»2,6oo,ooo Amount paid-up 600,000 Reserve fund... 1,800,000 Hi\i> Offici, HoNOKOMa. Tbe undersigned, having been appointed igents of tbe above Company, are prepared 0 aooept Marine Risks at current rates. BOUSTBAD CO., Agents. sun life :v:;*;." of Canada (INCORPORATED IN CANADA).
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    • 473 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong). Pa ID- DP CAPITAL 118,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at I/. 116,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 188,000,000 Sesstve Liability of Proprietors 118,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. W. L. Pattenden. Bsq Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. O. T. M. Bdkins, Bsq Hon. Mr.
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    • 513 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 80,000 Sharos of 430 eaob 41,200,000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
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    • 669 10 INSURANCE. PLAYING THE GAME The man who plays the game without life insurance is betting bis wife and children that he* will live to make for them a fortune, or at least a competency. Given a reasonably long life, Rood health, opportunity, energy and ability, the chances are that he
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  • 1041 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Engine Valve Springs Generally speaking, motor-cyclists do not appreciate the importance of the engine valve springs. When the machine is travelling at 80 miles per hoar on a ratio of 4] to one in the gearing, the valves are raised and
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  • 30 11 One of the youngest airmen in the French Army in an air fight near Mulhautes defeated and killed the German pilot Kan dulski, who recently killed the French airman I'egood.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 114 11 E3 kj 3-TON I DENNIS ri tJ 1 1 LORRY CHASSIS just landed TO THE ORDER OF HIS HIGHNESS THE SULTAN OF JOHORE. G.C.M.G. v r" This superb chassis, which represents the zenith of British motor engineering, will be on view in our show-room, Orchard Road, for a few days
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    • 166 11 TYRES The Very BEST DUPIRE BROTHERS Singapore: The Ideal Thirst Quencher NON-ALCOHOLIC KOPS STOUT The Lanc a t, after appointing a SPECIAL ANALYTICAL COMMISSION oj incestitjation t,sti/i<s u lt liaxiiuthiw] that is injurious, but is, on the contrary, a palatable btCt raae, possess/ mj distinct tonic and incitjoratiuti properties." PTJ.Collis
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    • 98 11 THE MOTOR HOUSE. NOTICE is hereby given that owing to the death of one of the partners in the above mentioned firm the busioeßS of the Motor 1 House is bain < wound up by the undersigned, the sole surviving partner thorcin. All creditors of the above firm a»e repeated
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 528 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER jfclS JCi X-4 XiL* BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED, a good typist. App'irttion in uwa handwriting te be addressed to Box No. 4«9. strai'H Tim> ■•< li 1 I .VANTEI), COMFETENT BHoKTBaJID TYPIST ujus'. be quick and accurate Apply Hex No. 462 Straite Times 6-6 v WANTED,
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    • 612 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. COCONUT SBBDLINGS FOil SALB, from wellgrowu trees, fror particulars and price* apply to A. Frank I, SigUp Estate, or it Victoria S^rne; 2- 7— n FOR SALE seoond-haod SaiUey 3j lip. motor cycl in goad running condition. Goicg cheap; owner left the C.looy. Apply Box No. 508.
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    • 769 12 HOUBES TO LET. TO LET. Hrnses Nos 7, 8-a, Chancery Lane Apply to ching Kepg Lee and Co., Auctioneer*. 18 11— n TO LET, compound house, known as No. 8, £hort Street Immediate entry. Apply to Messrs, Alsagoff I Co. 17 7— 22-7 TO LBT, Comfortable residence No. 80, Stevens
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    • 458 12 MAM KIAT CO. 108 and 109, Market Street. 'Phonk 421. Sole Agents, Tbe Muloott Belting Co.. Limited. Stock for immediate supply i GALVD. WIRE Assorted Nob. BARBED FENCING WIRE. GALVD. RIGGING WIRE. 10-4-04 NOTICE. I, the undersigned, E. C. Seah Civil Engineer beg to inform the public that on July
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    • 454 12 MOTOR CARS •phone I For HIRE M^ promptly attend* II k to your call with I\B comfortable, oars, fII day and night. \J Charges Moderate STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE. 215 216, ORCHARD ROAD. To ADVERTISERS As requustt to make alterations in advertitttiments, buch as chtinu«s m nailing daten ot xteainers, often
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 331 12 Straits V)imes. Telephone!. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 202 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All < munications relating to business n kters— advertisements, subscriptions, < counts, printing, etc. should be addressed t-> THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—
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