The Straits Times, 30 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,120 BINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MAY 30. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 172 1 ROBINSON CO. THE BEST MANILA CIGARS ARE From the Compania General de Tobacos de Filipinas THE LA PLOR DE LA ISABELA The makers of this brand of Manila cigars guarantee that their manufactures are made from the finest tobacco leaf grown. The following Brands in stock: Reina Victoria in boxes
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    • 4 1 GOODRICB '> !< E TYRES 1
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  • 1071 2 DOING THE KAISERS DIRTY WORK. Seditious Sheets in Dublin. 11 Wolff was being insinuated as a synonym for unreliability when tbe war broke out, and England cut tbe cables, hoping to close Germany's mouth while the boKies of German militarism and Bfll|;iam (Hie) atrocities" to bias the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 618 2 ANOTHER BRITISH SUCCESS THE VERDUN (THE SAFE IMPREGNABLE) FIRE BURGLAR PROOF IRON SAFES All Sizea Correct Prioea Manufactured by Phillips and Sons, Bnrmingham, THE SAFB HOI'SE. JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. Only Address ORCHARD ROAD Ooly Addnss (No connection wlln any other Furniture House) NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Tbe Manager of tbe
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    • 341 2 WEEPING ECZEMA ON CHILD'S FACE And Ear.' ltching and Burning Bad. At Night Could Not Sleep. Used Cuticura. Now Well. 21, St. Mark St., Boothtown. Halifax, Kiic. "Mr Httk boy bad weeping eczema when be was a fortnight old. It began with a a little rod spot and '.hen spread
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    • 295 2 t r i -<<it <> "*■"s jl* j B^H| tt&Miif-»s^.T| ■pr 'r )"r w^jfilHk tail jMHEjA^./' J NOTICE is hereby given that the above Trade Marks are the property of Ihe Nippon Match Manufacturing Company, Limited, incorporated in Japan, and are used on boxes of "matches manufactured by them. Legal
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  • 1069 3 SATISFACTORY RESULTS OF YEAR'S WORKING. A 20 Per Cent. Dividend. The Timcg of Ceylon of May 17 repoitn Tbe tentb ordinary geLeral meeting of tbe Kibu K ibbtr Co. was held to day at 3 p.m. at tbe office of Meagre. Lfwig Brown and Co Ltd agents
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 305 3 Made in Dublin BOTTLED 9 FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION b,READ BROTHERS, imm I CbkjrtfiaNlP Dog's Head Guinness i 1 V V**^ A iH •OLD IVtftVWHIftK. ORDER IN FAMILY PACKAGES (3&7-jtf4£J6BSGfeAA^MHMiJB3DBMHBBBV 18 i— 417 AVON I BRITISH and BEST TYRES m CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No. 25 South Brlged Road Firs* clhhh MccbaDird
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    • 81 3 UNITED STATES TYRES Stand for absolute supremacy in Tyre construction. Made by the largest firm of Tyre manufacturers in the world. Only actual, tests can prove their exceptional service. Write us Jot further particulars and prices CENTRA! SINGAPORE FRESH BUTTER in 1-lb. and %-lb. pats. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., ID.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1082 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. r^. Q. Oritish India ano Apcar L-ine. (CoMI'AME-l InCUBHOHVTEP IN EnOLANDI. VI AIL ANO PASSE NQEP SERVICES PENINSULAR ANO ORIENTA'. SAI-1.-433 Under Contract with His Majesty Qovernment). •or China, Japin, Panang, Gaylon, Australia, India. Adan, Egypt. Meditai»ranaan Ports and London. Steimers will leave Singapore on or abou: NAIL
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    • 805 4 BTEAMEH WILINBB. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringsann, Bisat, Semerak, Bacbo, Keiantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telapin, Panarai, Patani, Singora.Laton, Kobsamai, Bsndon. Langsuen, Chumpon, Koblak A Bangkok. Due Departure I* PRACHATIPOK May 81, 3 p.m. Tbe Steamers are fitted throughout with electric light, and have
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    • 475 4 steamer Sailings, ocean steam ship co.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) The Companies' nteamers are dtspatclu d from Liverpool outwards for tbe Strait", China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 527 4 JTEAMER MILINIS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE A servioe is maintained botwoon Yokohama, via port", to Marseilles and London under mail contract with tho Imperial Japancso Government. The Now Twin nerow Steamers maintaining this w rvico havo been specially designed and constructed,
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  • 92 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, May 30. Hub Water, am Ml P- Wednesday, May M. High Wnter 10. 11 -,i., 9 M 0 Municipal ComuiisHion, 2.30 p.m. Thursday, June I. gitb Wator 11.18 am., p.m. rriday, June 2. w%tet. 11.54 ».'n., \OM p.m. Homotv.irl mil SBMM (;r*in.) Saturday,
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  • 307 5 To-DAT. n and P.irl Switteiihaiu ilypso 2.50 piu ■iaraw tk .ml Goebilt R. uf Sarawak 2.80 pm Batu Pahat Hong Wan 2.30 pm Malacca and Muat Lady Weld Bpm Kot* Tinggi Meranti 4 pm Kan^knk (i. K. Seng 4 pm Bangkok I>• vawongsc 4pm Msjsi ll.iiphong 4
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  • 256 5 The mail trains from Singapore for tl i north leave Tank Roal ttvion daily at T.I a.m. ami 7 p.m arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Th through I tpn«s to Penang leaven Kuala Lnrrrrr at H am. daily, arriving at Penang at
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  • 136 5 I and i>. hU nruer Mongolia arrived it I I ...l.i> m-lit. tho JBth mat. Our atWu'.ion ba« been called to the fa- 1 list our arrivals in Locdon are much behind those published elsewhere. Our ruin is to give arrivals only when they are officially reported
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  • 229 5 Outward. The following passenger booking)! to tbe Straits are taken trom the London and China F»puh-. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to tbe ißsaance of this list in London I Per
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  • 138 5 .''rogramme ut drills, etc., for week ending, Friday. June Tcisday, May 30. Ml p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. s.V.A. Officers and N.C.O.'s. S.R.EtV.i Officers anJ N.C.O.s. Maxim Co. S.V.R. N.C.O.s Chinese Co. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. Drill Hall S.V.C. Cadets. Wednesday, May 31. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall
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  • 191 5 EXCHANGE. Smoapoua, May 80, 1910. Oh I cmc* Hack 4 m/s 2/44] Demand 2,4$ Private 8 ru/s 2/4 On I-'kani'r Bank T. T. 826 l» India Bank T. T. 174* Ok HoM<KOMO...Bank d/d 8% On SiAMbBAi ...Back d/d '.7', Ok Java Bwk T. T, m 1; t*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 134 5 THE SANDYCROFT RUBBER CO.. LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of tiie Members of Dm Saniycroft Rubber Company, Limited, will bo held a', the Offioes of tbe Company, Chartered Bank Chambers, on Tuesday, June 18, 191 P. at \i o'clock noon. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HBREbY
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    • 604 5 W. D. H. O. I J WILLS S \JV[ *VW\\ mixture \Vy CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET, with immediate possession, unfurnished, Fairfield, Cluny Koad Grounds ol upwards of two acres. Apply -U en and Gleihiil, Sinnapore. 30 5 v WANTED, s first-class Chinese lite assurance (gent, salary $100 and
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    • 175 5 {zONaPHONEJ PzONOPHDNt:] \rFJ y ou Xjy simply must hear these New May Records r Every single selection is a shining example of the unparalleled Zonophone Recording -perfect reproduction, pure and natural tone, with amazing fidelity to tbe original. And the talent Foster Richardson. Harold Wilde and The Sisters Southgate are
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    • 543 5 The Traveller s Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book. Tlmh banoy little bock has now n ached its TENTH ErITION, a furo iociication rf i-.H ustf.ilcoffi. Price: $1.25 per copy Post Free, $1.50. Publiahera FRASER NEAVE, LTD, Collyer Quay, Singapore. 8 J-31 12 ANOTHER BIG PROGRAMME AGAIN AT GAIETY PICTURE PALACE JUNCTION OF
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  • 1190 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, MAY 80. LAWS OF WAR. It is difficult to determine when President Wilson talks as a statesman and when he is merely "tickling the ears of the groundlings." He has been delivering a speech to a thing that is calle i the Loaguo to Enforce Peace."
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  • 988 6 The inhabitants jf Penang have made a further contribution of £349 11s. 2d. to the Prince of Wales s National Relief Fund. Mr. li. B. Osborne will shortly be leaving Penang not for Brunei, but for Labuau, whose acting Resident. Mr. (1. E. Cator. succeeds the late
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  • 169 6 GOOD PROGRESS OF "ANZAC" BALANCE. Six fighters fully paid tor am! alre-i ij at the disposal of the Wai iMlice, and a substantial balance available for the Anzic is the record of tho effort wo began on May 6. It is a very good record, lint M are
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  • 80 6 The report to September 30, 1915, states that during the fifteen months undi i review the tribute)'- have continued work in different parts of the property with varying numbi rs of men and at rates of tribute according to circumstances. The accounts show a small loss.
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  • 138 6 Miss E. Merry, the acting secretary of the Decimal Association, which is urging the adoption of a new decimal coinage, said to a representative of the Daily News that the advocates of the metric system felt encouraged by the fact that in the City of London alone
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  • 148 6 The captain of the P. and steamer Namnr in Colombo, on May 20, stated that there was a cyclone in tbu Hay of Bengal. and that all vessels coming from I'cnany would be delayed. The Namur, which was due from China and the Straitat
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  • 211 6 A correspondent writes Mr. K. Chidambaram I'illay, patron of the ivakananda SaDuar^a !-annaui and others Lave sent mi H»axi s of condolence to the family of Mr. O. Subraiuania Iyer, of Madras, who passed away recently and who was the editor of the I'nited
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  • 191 6 The following prupcitien MM Mmhl u> by auction ;it MeHsrn. CLiin^ Kcd^ Loo autl C'u.'s saleroom yc-HtiTiluy afternoon Kubbor plantation situaU at I'uhiu TtkoDK area 111 acres aud ninu poles ImbUm uilh all tools and implement bouylit by bag Uw and Voo C'lioon Senj> for t.'lH.ooO: rubber
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 131 6 A FRESH SHIPMENT OF Coate's Plymouth Gin JUST RECEIVED. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., Wine) and Spirit Merchant!, SINGAPORE nnd MALACCA. tLa Giralda m Cigars *T*~' The All British Factory. r Per Box of i'h $2 t f Sole Ayt l tn i t II JOHN LITTLE CO.. mm,^ m LIMITED mmOßm4tS3SjSmm
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    • 186 6 Tonight! To- night I! ATTHI ALHAMBRA Beaoh Road, Tbe House of Quality The Home of Feature Attraction!. Tbe Leading Tbeatre In Singapore. Macagtr M. H. Kenjon-Slade We are nillios to let tbe pictures convinct you that tbe following m tbe greatcHt programme U\U NONE hl. owing iv Singapore. A broid
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  • 1243 7 ALLIED UNITY. Important Russian Statement. SALONIK4 POSITION. Bccraping the Creek Flag. Kii'ni't Tilii.i ms. London, May 29, 12.4.'. p.m. 'I In Times correspondent at Petrograd states that Mr. Sa/.onott in an important statement, said he had read with the deepest gratitude and appreciation tin- King's address t. thi
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  • 21 7 L.i in:'- TkLKOKAM. London. May 29. It is reported that Yuan-Shi- Kai is in the gravest condition. Poisoning is suspected.
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  • 82 7 (From Our Own Cormspondknt.) I poh, May 29. Lecturing here, yesterday, before the L'entral Perak Planters Association, Mr. O. irantham, of the Agricultural Department, laid all soils found in this country were favourable to tbe growth of rubber He referred to the manurial experiments with rubber as unsatisfactory
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  • 23 7 (From Oc« Own Correspondent.) London, May ML Final dividends announced are Strathuore 10 per cent, and Bukit Cloh 1 'd.
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  • 425 7 Counsel's Arguments for The Defence. Tl.e hearing of certain claims concerned with the starting of the Titi Tin Mine Do., Ltd. was resumed in the Supreme L'ourt this morning. Two suits are brought by Mr. A. G. Crane and two by lan Chin Kook. the defendant
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  • 305 7 We understand that it has been decided to keep the subscription list of Uabrakol Syndicate, Limited, open until Monday, June s. The prospectus came out at a time when everyone with capital was tempted by tbe Biz per cent, bonds of tbe F.M.S. war loan and the
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  • 33 7 Mr. P. A. Lewin, ao English engineer, in tlit Mmm railway service, whose services were dispensed with on account of a moral insult to the Siamese army, bas been reiustated in his position.
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  • 2320 7 AT ST. STEPHENS-IN LONDON AND IN DUBLIN. From Our Special Correspondent. London, April 28. Tbe wanderer in Fleet Street may somi» times bear tbe jaded journalist declare, in the language peculiar to his craft, tbat newspapers ought to cease publication at holiday times. If this pious wish
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  • 336 7 Among the British troops at Salonika there are a number of regulars who were stationed in Singapore sometime previous to the war. One of their officers, well known here, hearing how greatly the Singapore gf's of pineapples to the Navy are appreciated wrote to a
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  • 279 7 Tbe rejwrt of tbe Sholford Kubber Estate. Limited, state* that tbe yield of dry rubber from tbe Sbelford Estate amount to 167,7761 lbs., against an estimate of 160,000 lbs. Thin-compared with a yiuld of 157,130 lbs for 1914. Tbe estimated yield of dry rubber for 1910 is
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  • Correspondence.
    • 279 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The labour problem is an ever re curring one with the planter. Advantage was taken of the slump some three years ago to ix wages at a level whi-h while consider ably lower than boom rates were more than sumcicDt
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    • 268 8 To tbe Editoi of the Straits Times Sir,— Several complaints and protests have tx r-n made in your paper lately against the sc.ndal of the Gambling Clubs, and I am nit. that they have had no effect D its c ntmuation. It is quit*' r. tK. i\able that tht
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  • 317 8 War Souvenir of its Indian Troops. < >ne of the most interesting events of the war. on its humane side, was the use made "f tin Kuyal Pavilion at Brighton as a military hospital for tbe Indian troops who fought in France in the early days of the
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  • 154 8 hat it a rooiit asked Charlie. -A roont, my w>n, is a pole upon which chickens sit at night. "replied Ins father. And what's a perch, .lad I A perch is what chickens pt rch on. Then 1 suppose. dad, a chicken could roont on a perch?" came
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  • 149 8 Singapore Women's "Star And Garter" Building Fund. i A home for permanently disable! British bailors and Soldiers). Thecoinmittee gratefully acknowledge tbe following further subscriptions Previously acknowledged 813,746 Mrs. O. I 1 Owen 100 M. H. Wolskel 100 Koopman Wreford 20 C. J. W. Bart 5 I. M.
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  • 82 8 The collections at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday amounted to 5352 and a cheque from "An American Friend has since been received for $500, making a total of $852. Tbere may be others who were prevented from being present at the Cathe dral that day who would
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  • 315 8 The following is a list of the War Belief Funds in the Straits and F.M.S., together with the name" of the bon. secretaries or treasurers. We shall be glad to receive any corrections or additions from those concerned with the respective funds Prince of Walesa War Belief
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  • 258 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 5. We are asked to state that in future all communications intended for St. Andrew's Cathedral should be addressed to direct to the Colonial Chaplain. From Fighter to Detective is proving a big draw at the Alhambra this week.
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  • 9 8 Saport; -!»,H501 lb* to 'at« ill
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  • 699 8 Three Days with a Mounted Patrol. Mr. G. Ward Price wrote from Salonika, on April 12, as follows We have a force oi cavalry stationed at a convenit-ut distance from the Greek frontier, who ride out to watch tbe Germans just as tbe Lilians come !to watch
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  • 403 8 Australian Light Horsemen's March. Writing from tue Suez Canal, Mr. Ma- *y says: The raid on Jifjaffa (50 miles north-t iat of Suez) on April 13, was typical of theenterprise of our detachments serving od Sinai I'eniusula. The Turkish posts were continually harassed and surprised by
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  • 58 8 Tbere will be a football game today on tbe S.R.C. ground betwfen tbe S.C.C. and B. Company of tbe Sbropfchirca kick off 6p m. sharp Tbe S.C.C. team is J. L'termark, W.C.Hill, R. 11. Gale, R A. Parish, J. Lyncb, J. Lee, W. Landuborough, R. W. Sinclair (Capt
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  • 57 8 Tbe spoon competition on May 26 resulted as follows T3 T3 5? Mrs. Muyliston 82 21 SS Pajne 2? 27 56 Scott 28 31 57 Hanter 21 22 48 Brooke 28 26 49 Ridout 25 28 58 Lady Evelyn Young... 21 25 46 1 H 68.78
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  • 846 8 Dividend of 60 Per Cent For The Year. The so.c-tu ordinary general meeting of. tbe Kampong Kuantan Rubber Company, Limited, was held on April 17, at 5. Fenchurch Street, E.C., Mr. K. A. Oovett i chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said The happy position of
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  • 119 8 The story of how a bribe of 1500 went abegging in Ipob was related by Mr. K. Little, assistant Superintendent ot Chandu, to Mr. W. D. Scott, in the Ipoh Police Court on Friday, when Lcong Chee Nam, the owner of a well known liquor shop in Lahat, was produced
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 300 8 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM AD.JOININO CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Brat Baiah Road, Singapore, NOW OPEN From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS AND LATE SUPPERS A SPECIALITY. Moderate Charges. f 12-7-12 ADELPIU HOTEL Great Charity Masquerade Ball In aid of the funos for
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 720 9 SALES BY AUCTION. TANJONC OKMOK ESTATES, LTD. IN LIgI'IDATION. AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LANDS AND MINES, To be hrld ;i( his offices in Johore, On Saturday, June 24, at 3 p.m. All that pifce of land situate at Joborn and estimated to contain an area of
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    • 354 9 AUCTION BALE Ol VICTORIAS HORSES AMD MOTOR CTOLBt, fobebtlJat Me sere. Cbiog Keng Lee and Co.'s sale room, On PanaMV, Jcnk 8, at 1130 v.m 1 bay Auß'.ralian eoS imd 1 4-seater rubber ty red victoria th Liirnees and lamp-, etc.. 1 bltck Australian thoroughbred mare broken to sidile and
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    • 420 9 j STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Osaka WareantU* tttamihlp Co LM.) KOBE BOMBAY LINE. Ibe Company maintains a regala' oargo servioe witb six sicamers tallies at Moji Yokkaiobi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swet tenbam, Ponacg. ;Viombo and Bombay, and on tbe return voyage oalliot; at Taticorin Singapore. Hongkong and
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    • 247 9 C v Nectmtif it the Mother »i Invention." O\ COAGULATEX aT^L is GA New Discovery for Coagulating Rubber Superior to Acetic Acid Cheaper than any Recognised Coagulant Guaranteed Free of any Vegetable Matter U Equally suitable for c heet or Crepe Rubber Practically Odourless. MANUFACTURED IN PF.NANG. SOLD IN Mingle
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1941 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY 18? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporate in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE i Winoheate* House, Singaporo. LONDON O =FICE i 32, Old Jewry, E.G. The Company ban C2C.000 deposited with
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    • 803 10 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE A policy in the Phenghai Life Inturacco Co., Ltd., is a Guarantee that the tcirue cf the crntrict will be fulfilled in spirit ard in letttr and IMMEDIATELY when dtrxord is trade. A chargliai Life Policy brings with it the atfursnee that the Directors vu»h tbat
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    • 28 10 f POSITION UNKIVALLHD IN LONDON. ENGLAND. THE LANGHAM HOTEL, Portland Pl.c< tui IUeM Si 1-. „J.n. W. FAMH.Y HOTEL OF THE HIGHEST ORDER, In F«»hio.,ail« Ami Heiithy Locality.
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  • 763 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Motor Tax Comedy. H. Mariac Biiist. writing in The Observer of April 28, nays —The third week's developments in connection with Budget proposals in regard to incroased motor taxes are of a delightfully comic character. According to seine it now
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  • 247 11 The report of the directors stated ihat the vimting agent at the close of tbe year reported that the cxtate is in very good order throughout and the work has been brought to a high standard." The dry rubber liarTtsted and sold amounted to 276,865 lb., an compared
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  • 84 11 An anemic elderly woman, who looked as if she luight have as much maternal affection a» an incubator, sized up a broad should ered cockney who was idly looking into- a window on the Strand, and in a rasping Toioe said to him My good man, why aren't
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 50 11 WATCH THE FORDS GO BY MADE THROUGHOUT IN CANADA WEARNE BROS., LTD. Sola Importer* Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. THE FULTON (Registered Trade Mark) BOILER FLUID IS THE MOST ECONOMICAL and POSSESSES both PREVENTATIVE and CURATIVE QUALITIES. Particulars on application to McAlister&Co., Ltd. iIm ■I'l.i'OßAmn in Imnuapobi) BOLE AGENTS.
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    • 136 11 m^ m^ m^^ m^ m^ m^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^m^mm^mmm^m^mmmimmwmmWmimm^mmu^tmwmuwmammmm^mm I S j^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. I Vmm i Cjinirr, 17\i 111 .1.I 1 Emfimn. Tks Motor Car for tin' Million Bmmhji Tht Car is ateeptitmall if economical to rum, Anjn Cam mtrmft ■>■')
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1152 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER I BEER. BREWED in SCOTLAND OFFICES TO LET. TO LBT, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brotbeis. 18 l—o TO LET, 4. Prince Street. Immediate entry. Apply Acg Hock Siew, c/j Straits Steamship Co.. Ltd. aO-3-p id LET. first and second floors of He.
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    • 689 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LKT, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Paul A Co. 16 1-n TO LET. 8, Chacceiy Lane, 8 bedrooms, -.tabling and tennis court. Apply Ching Kong Lw Co. il-'i-u TO LET. No. 45, Cairuhill Road. Immediate entry. Apply to Ching Keng Lee A Co,
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    • 560 12 810 STOCK OF ENAMEL COAGULATING PANS JUST ARRIVED. SPECIAL QUALITY. Sises 15" x 10- x 4' and 18' xf'x 84" Reasonable Prices from KIAM KIAT CO. lOBandlC9, Market at root. Sole Agents for THE MULCOIT BELTING CO.. LTD. 10-4-9 4 MASSAGE. Those who have long been ailing and have found
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    • 324 12 They buy from us and sell, It means our profit and theirs. Their profit will be your own If you buy direct from us. You wish to save your money You will do so by spending it at GUAN KIAT GO. SINGAPORE. HUBBUCKS WHITE ZINC THEY PONT HAVE IT. WE
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    • 479 12 NOTICE. How to folve servants difficulties such as cooks, boys, amahs, ayabs gardeners, clerks, conductors, shorthand typists, biok-keepers. etc Charges moderate Also shorthand (Pitman' si and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal Sc Co 9. Selegle Road. Singapore. 8
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 346 12 Straits IBimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 348 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVi.I:TISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane on wants
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