The Straits Times, 27 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 Wnt JJtoaite Warn. NO. 25,118 BINQAPORE. SATURDAY. MAY 27. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 I MILK BEAR fff^SMB BtAK BRANDl s i^s|illl^i BRAND wit iz fi£Afr m MM V MlLtlX "vowtic Swiss »M4* I IV11L/IV its JS?"^ 'n us natural purtj JjJ r or I aiD^JJ JJHl without Jddltion o\ J lorC^dluabk- for maintain^ he j] i SOLE IMPORTERS: J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD. (INCORPORATED
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    • 132 1 ROBINSON CO. New Millinery Wan^ The Latest Models g\ T (J\ for smart afternoon V*L I wear, also Morning AS 7 and Untrimmed Hats Smart and up-to-date Gowns Afternoon W 1 1 Morning and Evening Wear. H. BOLTER'S NEW STOCK: nFHP^ niPROARIK IjUr I IjKtAlVI ijMljtjIiL strong and Mild) ""^^St^t™*"™
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    • 16 1 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. j AOAMSON. GIIFILUN I A CO III. ]l tln,...ri».< i«»l in MfM
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  • 987 2 Tbe following casualties are reported Dublin Casualties. London. May 10. Wounded.— Lieut. W. J. Anbton, Dublin Fusiliers 2nd Lient. M. F. Ay mo Aymard, R.A. 2nd Lieut. 11. J. Barnard, Irish Fusiliers 2nd Lieut. H. M. Barnes, Lancashire Fusiliers -ol Lieut. D. J. Beaton, Seafortbs 2nd Lieut. K.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 668 2 NOTICE OF REMOVAL Mil. M MASSABM matt rnity none, iiu reniMvil to 1 Dlioby Ohaut. top floor. 11-6-28 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Owing 1 1 tli i d i'ay io the arrival of Badge the annual regi*tntion of dogn fixed tor June 1 baa bv'on poatponod to June 15. 1916. By Ordor,
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    • 522 2 DON'T MIND PIMPLES Cuticura Soap and Ointment Will Banish Them. Trial Free. These fraenint super-creamy emollients Ho bo murh to cleanse, purify and Ix-mitify the skin, prnlp, hair and hands thut you cannot ufford to be without them.' Besides they moot every want in the use of toilet preparations. Sample
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    • 555 2 WOMEN 111 THE TROPICS. Every womm kooo-H from experience thi debiliUtick i II«ot M i climate hat upon bet health, at d difflcnty olio has in keeping btr etreoK L up to par. Men, who go out ol the bo: se to work, and feed themselves better than women are
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    • 224 2 D f t iit a r O JWfe-^ flS^^^^^H^F *ct vBtV 2E NOTICE is hereby given that the above Trade Marks are th .e property of the Nippon Match Manufacturing Company, Limited, incorporated in Japan, and are used on boxes of r matches manufactured by them. Legal proceedings will be
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  • 1020 3 CHARGERS AND MI LbS SL4IN FOR FOOD. Story of the Privations. The following telegram has been roceived at Simla from Eyewitness, Mesopotamia: Basra, May 9. I Four British officers from Kut arrived here 1 today They are Lieutenants Maclean, 78th Punjabis: Bullock and Portsmouth, 2nd Nor
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  • 28 3 According to the Ceylon Observer coolie immigration from South India baa been temporarily suspcaded swing ts the large number of eboltra contacts at the coeNe eau.p at Ragama.
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  • 31 3 A fire which resulted in R78.000 damage occurred on Ms; 14 at the Col aba Cotton Green, Bombay, in the godown of Messrs. Tata and Sons. Abont COO bales were damagtd.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 359 3 "ITS AS COOO TO-DAY ty%Ui AS //"^mV WHEN I BO'JCHT IT!" USE "SWAN" SWAN" Fountain- f/jjff V** /MM I U If the -aim- i>n f^e OMf^ J^ jf//£/ Www mm thiSr FCUNTFEN. -f fo/flr Tl»- T.-n's made right to write right. Sold l»y all Stationers, Jewellers and Importers. fW'
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    • 243 3 MORTGAGEES SALE At Mi hsis. Ching Keng Lee k Co.'h Sale roc m On Monday, Mw 26, at 2.E0 r.M. Freehold land and bouse No. 675, <B Estate Real, being Lots Nor. 766 to ?6S and THO to 788 of parts of Grant No. 2, estimated to contain the
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    • 524 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) (Osaka Msrcantllc Itsamthlp Co Ltd KOBE— BOMBAY LINE. The Company maintains a regular oargr servioe with six steamers oallicg at Moji Yokkaichi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swet tenham, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and on the return voyage oalling at Tatioorin Singapore, Hongkong and Moji.
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    • 753 3 AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND BITUATE AT JBRVOIS ROAD, To be held at Messrs. Ching Keng L .0 k Co.'s Sale-room, On Monday, May 29, at 2.80 p m. All that piece of freehold land situate at Jervois Road, off River Valley Road, Sings pore, be ing part 1
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    • 438 3 NOTICE. THE ROYAL JOHORE TIN MINING CO.. LTD. NOTICE is hereby given that thn nMm 11th Ordinary General Meeting of the abovo Company will be held on Tuc day Jnno 13, at 2-80 p m., at the Company's Registered Office, 18, Collyer Quay, for the following pur pot 08 1.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1103 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND rApcap Line. (CoMi'vNim fan MaM in KsiLiso). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVIC&S PENINSULAR AND ORIBNTA'. SAILINGS Under Contract witb His Majesty Qovernuent). < far Chmi, Japan, Panang, Gaylon, Australia, India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. 1 Steamers will leave Singapore on or about
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    • 768 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (Incorporated in Siami. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgami, Bisut, Stmerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin. Panarai, Patani Singora. L»con, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Chumpon, Kohlak A Bangkok. Due Departure PRACHATIPOK May 29 81,3 p.m. The Steamers are fitted tbr-jughoat with electric light, and have
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    • 489 4 STEAMER SAILINBS. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO.. LIMITED, AM) CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporatfd in England) The Companies' RtFamers are despatch- d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Jauan every week and from lapan homewards for L~ndoo, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa. Marseillofl and Livorpool and
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    • 517 4 STEAMER SAILINIS. N. Y. K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTO. (Incorpokatid in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Oovernmont. The New Twin-screw Steamnrs maintaining tbix service have been specially designed and constructed, and aro
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  • 101 5 FIXTURES. Saturday, May 27. High Water, fi.;.O a.m ,1M |>.t. St. .In-wpli's School Sports, 2 p.m. Sunday, May 2H. High Water. H. 4 p. v. h 3 p.u. Monday, May 29. High Wator, 9.5 a.m.. ill p.iu Tuesday, May 30. High Water, Ml a m 9 15
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  • 196 5 To-day. Mantok .mil I' il< mban^ V. (ioons 2. .50 inn Malacca, P. Swcttentiam an<l 'nan*; Klaox 2JiO pui M lan Mi .lux* 2.50 ptu Bata Pahat Hone Wan 2.30 pm Pontianak P*MBSj 2.80 pm ettenham and Penant; uiton 4 pm Kota Tin^i TanjonH Sarat I pm
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  • 262 5 Tl:c Mail trains from Singapore lor th. aortli leave- Tank Koad station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at and 6.43 respectively. Th ibrouyl; express to I'-jnang leaves Kuala Lua-f ri at 8 vru. daily, arriving a*. Penans; at 8.-. w p.
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  • 45 5 Tl.i- I. ami <>. outward mail steamer Nagoya haw lift Colombo and is due at iYuang at ti p.m. on Sunday May 2H. She will probably arrive here at daylight on Tutwlay, May :<O, and will leave at 5 p.m. the nanir day.
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  • 107 5 Mails for Europe. Our atuioti-in hM born called to (he fact Ihat oar vrriT»U in London art' much bctiind olihlu.l I'laewlinrc. Our iv i> is Ie t;ivo arrivalh only when lliy are officially I poftui id tlit' Post Office notice*, and no later ilato Mian that printed above ha I
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  • 27 5 Tin iiiivirnor in ('onßcil ia naiiHDol that Hank l-\.otba,ll Hub ba» I iy will \M and 8..M) p.m., I BU, 12-1."... I am. Height 7
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  • 177 5 EXCHANOB. Swa*poaa, May 27, 1916. On LofcLo. Bank 4 m/s 2/4 t f Demand 2/4| Private 8 m/t 2/4,', On Franci Bank T. T. »26 im India Bank T. T. 17-4} On KoN.iKONa...Bank d/d 7% On Shanghai ...Bank d/d On Java Bank T. T. 1 H On
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 412 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, a hand sewing machine. Particulars to T.T.8., c/o Straits Times. 27-6—296 FOR SALE, tennix net and posts, latest pattern, marker, marking pins, mower and wire netting with posts, all in good order. Apply Craig, Sandilands, Buttery Co. 27-6—29 6 WANTED, competent shorthand typist, l'itman's phonography preferred, for
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    • 114 5 AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE POSTAGE STAMPS. At Povrell t Co.'s Sale-room, On Mondat, May at 2.80 m. For fall pnrticalars ste catalosuee. Now oc vitw. POWSLL 00. AactionoerH' 27 S— S7-6 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217. Orchard Road. DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW SINGAPORE, 1910. Arranged Floral Baskets,
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    • 508 5 OIARD AGAINST DISEASE Use Disinfectants and Germicides. The use of Disinfectants and Germicides will reduce the danger of disease to a minimum. We have all of the good DISINFECTANTS, GERMICIDES INSECTICIDES, etc., etc. Make war on disease now We have the ammunition MAYNARD CO., LTD., Pharmaceutical Chemists, 16, Battery Road,
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  • 1029 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY. MAY 27. IRISH PROBLEMS. War can work wonder*. Before the war Britain argued year after year about a Daylight Saving Bill, and clever men made clever speeches to show that if we moved the hands of oar clocks the sun would get out of gear and
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  • 19 6 Calcutta is again experiencing a severe heat wave which on May 14 was nine degrees in excess, or 103.1.
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  • 23 6 Aloe Gajah Hubber Estate is paying a second interim dividend of 20 per cent, on account of the year ending September 30 next.
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  • 33 6 Lists of 221 existing societies registered and of 195 societies exempted in Singapore in accordance with the provisions of the Societies Ordinance, 1009, are published in the current issue of the Government Gazette
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  • 54 6 .Mr. S. 0. Davidson, of Belfast, is granted patent rights in connection with inventions relating to the manufacture of rubber and coagulation of latex, Messrs. J. 11. Hall and P. C. l'aynter, of Beaufort, B. N. B are granted leave to tile specifications of an iir. untiun for a latex
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  • 17 6 Mr. Chan Kang Swi is appointed a Com missioner of tbe Peace for Malacca.
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  • 14 6 Mr. J. L. McFall is appointed to act as assistant Protector of Chinese, Singapore.
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  • 12 6 Captain T. Robinson, of tbe Singapore Pilot Association, returned from leave yosterday.
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  • 25 6 Dnring the fortnight ended 16tb inst. 33 vessels put into Sabang for coal, and bunkered 4,648 tons. Twenty-one were Dutch, eleven British, and one Japanese.
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  • 30 6 Tbe death occurred on April 23, of pneumonia, of James Campbell Ker. 5.M..1. of Brighton, late Private Secretary of H.H. tbe Sultan of Johore. He was 69 years of age.
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  • 28 6 Master Charles Brown, second son of Mr. James Brown, has received a gold medal for three years' attendance at tbe Victoria Institntion Koala Lumpur without a single absence.
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  • 30 6 Dr. Yogel. tbe bead of tbe medical department, says tbe Sumatra Post of the 22nd, has left for Semarang by Melchior Treub in order to investigate tbe recent plague outbreak.
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  • 32 6 The award of Military Crosses to Temporary Capt. G. M. Kidd and Temporary Second Lieutenant T. P. Coe, officers of tbo I .M.S. Civil Service is notified in the X.M.S. Government Gazette.
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  • 32 6 Tbe Straits Ecbo says tbat Mr. K. B. Osborne leaves Penang to-day for Singapore, whence be proceeds to Brunei to succeed tbe late Mr. E. B. Maundrell as acting British Resident there.
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  • 40 6 Tbe Bar Committee for Singapore is composed of tbe Hon Mr. K. M. Elliot, Hon. Mr. C. I. Carver, Mr. C. Everitt and Mr. R. St. J. Braddell. Tbe Hon. C. I. Carver has been appointed to act as secretary.
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  • 29 6 The Dutch Government has voted 48,000 guilders for the erection of a new Dutch Malay school at Poerweredjo, sayß tbe Sumatra Post, and 10,000 guilder* towards tbe electric installation.
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  • 32 6 Che Resident of tbe south eastern division of Borneo states that the military com mander informs him Lieut. Wordenan has arrested Pangeran Singa, the leader of the mutineers of Semarmgkatin at Tabalong.
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  • 38 6 Under tbe powers conferred on him by section 3 (3) of The Statute Laws Ordinance. 1910," His Excellency tbe Governor has been pleased to appoint tbe Hon. (J. I. Carver tbe Commissioner under the Statute Laws Ordinance. 1910.
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  • 39 6 The Rev. T. Reigbton Jones, of tbe Methodist Episcopal Mission, wbo has been officiating in Ipob for a few months, has gone to Seremban, in view of tbe return from furlough this week of the Rev. W. E. Horley.
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  • 35 6 Lieut. C. U. Olliver, Royal Garrison Artillery, has been permitted to resign bis office as extra aide-de-camp to H. E. tbe Governor and be is succeeded by Lieut. Gilbert Day. of tbe Singapore Volunteer Rifles.
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  • 41 6 In tbe current issue of tbe Government Gazette. 11. E. tbe Governor records witb deep regret tbe death of Mr. Ernest Barton Maundrell acting as Resident. Brunei, who was killed in tbe execution of bis duty at Brunei on May 18.
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  • 53 6 The friends of the late Mr. Ernest Barton Maundrell are asked to accept this intimation that a short memorial service will be held in St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday (tomorrow) at 10.10 a.m. It is hoped that as many as possible will be able to attend. There is choral matins
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  • 54 6 I iy the P. and O. Nyanza there has arrived Mr. J. R. Tytc, formerly of Rahman Tin Mines, who after fighting for some months with tbe East African Mounted Rifloa in tbe campaign against German East Africa was some time ago discharged with an injured knee, caused by a
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  • 54 6 The organ of the Church of the Assu nip'on, Penan?, by Messrs. Morton and Moody. Oakham, which costs 1600, landed in Penang, is in a mahogany case with 640 pipes of the highest quality and voiced to suit the requirements of the church. The console is reversed and detached, tbe
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  • 62 6 At a meeting of the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago last evening, tbe District Grand Master. Wor. Bro. T. M Elliot, announced that Wor. Bro. Arthur Knight had been appoint*, il a Grand Fast Assist. Director of Ceremonies of tbe Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kngland. an
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  • 85 6 In Johore during 1'.<15 the revenue from spirituous liquors, the only dutiable import, was 1279.627 as compared with 52C4.897 in 1914, an increase of »75,230 or 36.8 per centum. General prosperity due to a general rite in the values of exported products, and the influx of a large labour force
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  • 132 6 Is there any real connection between mangoes and boils, asks a writer in the Bangkok Daily Mail. Some of my friends seem to think that there is and it is certainly a fact that when mangoes are most aplenty in the market what our medical men describe an furuncles are
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  • 394 6 ANOTHER MALACCA AIRCRAFT PROBABLE. Patriotic Chinese Endeavours. Six figbters fully paid for and already at tbo disposal of the War oilier, and a balance of 18,299 available tor tbe An/no is tbe record of the effoit we began tbrco weeks ago, tbe money actually sent to our office
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  • 69 6 Kor tbe period from June '2 to 8, 1916, inclusive, tbe value of tbe bi^bent of rubber is fixed at 2s. 9d. per lb and tbe duty on cultivated rubber on wbicb export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance witb the rules
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  • 104 6 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended May '20 was 33.78 per mille of the population. The total number of deaths wan '227, of which 163 were male subjects and 64 female. Convulsions claimed '26, phthisis 2H, malaria fever 40. small
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  • 175 6 At a regular meeting of District <>rand Lodge, held at Freemasons' Hall, last evening, the Distiict Grand Master, Ht. Wor. Uro. F. M. Klliot, installed the following officers for the ensuing year: D.D.G.M., P. J. Sprouie D.5.0.W., W. A. Sims; D..J.D.W., K. H. l'inhorn; D.G. Chap., A.
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  • 146 6 Tliu Transport of Wounded branch of the lied C'rosH Fund liaH, gays the L. and C. Kxpri hh, received from Ptnang tliu imDdhowe douation of £1,500, sent by the IVuan^ (jemral Belief Fund, to provide and towun.lttunning expense" of two motor aiubulunctH. 4WMt the other subscriptions acknowledged
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 A Fresh Shipment of pucQUOT £w U HAMPAGNE J ust received 6/ SOLE AGINTS CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., Wine and Spirit Merchants. La Giralda i Cigars *To[ 19* 7ht All British Factory. i3>*^ Per Box of 25, $2 s^wJPje^B^aA Bk jj&#?lffi Sole Agente bSbMBHSB i Incorporated in England) When it's Repairs
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    • 184 6 To-night: Tonight!! ATTHI ALHAMBRA Bea,oh Road, The House of Quality— Tbe Home of Feature Attraotlont. The Leading Theatre In Singapore. Manager M. H. Kenyon -Slade We are willioß to let the picture" convince you that tho followinw is tbo greatest programme BAR NONE showing in Singapore. A broad statement bnt
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  • 2769 7 KINGS THANKS. Five Millions of Men Volunteer. VERDUN STRUGGLE. French Begin Taking The Offensive. RIUTKRS TKLIumXs. London, May 2.1, 7.85 p.m. The Royal assent has been given to the Bill which cons quentlv conia* into force on .lune 24. London. May 25, 11.40 p.m. The King has issued
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  • 181 7 We are indebted to the French Consulate for tbe following telegrams: Paris, May 25, 6.30 p.m. The French 3 per cent, bonds are at francs 62.50 and tbe 5 per cent, bonds at francs 88.10. Yesterday, on the left bank of the Meuse, we recaptured trenches on
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  • 100 7 Rbutkb's Tkleoram. London, May 25, 10.40 p.m. Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s bullion report attributes the sensational fall in the price of silver to the coincidence of tho absence of competition and the suddt a eagerness of the Indian bazaars to sell not only small holdings in London,
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  • 92 7 Rkutkb's Tklkgiumn. London, May 25. Shanghai The independence of tbe Province of Szecbuan was officially proclaimed on May 22. London, May 26, 12.15 p.m. The Times correspondent at Peking states that tbe political deadlock continues. The real difficulty apparently is the absence of an agreement upon tbe successor
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  • 246 7 TONE QUIET WITH PRICES STILL DEPRESSED. From Our Own Correspondent. London, May 26. Tbe market is 'quiet and the demand is rather slow, with prices lower than in last report: Quotations; Fine sheet 2/6 to 2/8 Crepe 2 7 2/0 Hard Para 9/8 2 9 The last
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  • 1506 7 RUBBER TAPPING AND A PURE WATER SUPPLY. Double Rickshas Still to Run. Mr. F. Hallifax presided at tbo meeting of the Board of Municipal Commissioners yesterday afternoon, and the others prevent were Dr. Fowli.*, Dr. Samy, Messrs. E. Tetaensobo, R. St. .1. Braddell. A. W. Bean, Leong Man
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  • 207 8 Programme ot drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, Jrue 2 Sailkhay, May 27. i.tjp.m Drill Hall Transport to Tiong liahru S.R.E.iV.i. Fall in at Drill Hall S.V.H. Ml p.m. Chinese Co. Kail in Bras Basah Road. Malay Co. 415 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.C. Band. Sunday. Mm 28.
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  • 70 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5. Attention is drawn to the advertisement t the Straits Motor-car Service appearing in another column, which should read Straits Motor car Service, instead of Straits Motorcar Syndicate. The sihuuw are >;iviun the usual display of pictures on
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  • 85 8 Dr. !i. L. Spittel, of lolombo. with the .-•Ktaur nl Mr. A.I). Cotton, of the CM Medical Stores, Lias placed at the disposal of i Linent a substitute for salvarsan. I'lie latter ilrug which was being largely used in the treatment of paran^i in the north. uij Sabaragauiuwa provinces is
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  • 1361 8 SATISFACTORY POSITION OF THE COMPANY. Proposals at the Annual Meeting. The twelfth ordinary general meeting of the Sandycroft Rubber Company, Ltd., was In LI in the offices of the secretaries, Messrs. Barker and Co., Chartered Bank Chambers, at noon yesterday. Thfi Hon. W. W. Cook took tbe chair,
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  • 543 8 Sunday, May 28, 1916. St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Rogation Sunday.' 7 am. Holy Communion; 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion iCboral) 10.30 a.m. Matins {Choral): 4 p.m. Children's Service; 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Setmon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines. 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion 5.30 p.m. Evensong and eermon. Hymns. Lessons. M. Deut.
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  • 167 8 Tbe physician of tbe West End Hospital, London, writes in tbe Lancet that be recently estimated the regulation supply of food at a prominent London club was about twice tbe quantity actually necessary, and a large proportion of the habitues gave evidence of the havoc which prolonged overeating bad
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  • 376 8 Late Chief Clerk Committed To The Assizes. The charges against Francis de Rozario, late chief clerk at the Singapore Cricket Club, were investigated in the third police court yesterday afternoon. Accused is charged on three accounts with making false entries, the amounts being 517.76 entered instead of 527.76,
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  • 222 8 c Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Kranci-i Peck and Co., Singapore, supply us with tbe following report on the position of the Java produce market for the past week Bstavia, May 26. The rubber market is still juiet only very limited business being done
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  • 233 8 Half-way Round the World en Route For Germany. One of the German uses to obtain rubber from America was described in the Prize Court at home, when the Brazilian ship K&ldanba da Oama and her cargo were formally condemned, say -i the Daily Mail. Mr. Wright, counsel
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  • 167 8 Hail the whole of tbe I'nited Kingdom when war broke out shown the same spirit that ran through tbe Hebridean Isle of Lewis there would have been no task, or at most an easy one, for Lord Derby. Lewis men (says tbe Yorkshire Post) did not stand
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 86 9 Straits Settlements F^'" -^Hin .____j^ceivj NC Fom I No. pf.Message. .r F ">m.YSft./ S£ I ~^«^iziiiii~f^r^ I I fe»?mirf^ o^ -^^^—JJtCutT fc>/ 7 I a t ~uf~ pi«(it 9 At7,fu/T~r, A(^ I AUCTION SALE Of PAWNBROKERS' UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, On Thi-h-day, Jcne 1, at 1080 am. On Saturday, .Tcnk S, at
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    • 194 9 I LCKtN-DOWN STANDARD RUBBER PROCESS. With n'eience to tbe pamphlet issoed aod dated March I,1U«, tbe Patentees deeire to inform planters tbat as Glycerine is unobtainable at i resect in quantity, in its place Coconut Oil is used and is equally efficient The'juantity of Coconut Oil required fo* 100 Kallone
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    • 76 9 ORIENTAL TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC CO.. LTD. iInI'OHFOKATBD IN THK I'SITKD KINi.DuHK NOTICE TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS A new Telephone Directosy is now in:. course of preparation acd Telephone Sub j j f cribers are reqneßted to advise the Company. t by letttr to the Manager, before the 31st iust.. t of
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    • 80 9 THE AVER MOLEK RUBBER CO.. LIMITED. NOTRE is hereby given that the I'ircctors have declared a second Ml rim Dividend of 10 for tbe yrar enjiog October HI, 1916, payable to Sharebolders on tte Utgi Icr on Jane 7, 1916, and tbat tbe Tran-f r Books of the Company will
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 550 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IK? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlkmbnts) HEAD OFFICE. W.nohsttsr House, Singapore. LONDON OWOli 32, Old Jewry. E.G. Thu Company lian £20.000 deposited wit j the Supreme
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    • 414 10 INSURANCE. GUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED, LONDON. (Incorpobatkd in England). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 local Invested Funds *8,260,000 Annual Inoome .41,100,000 The undersigned, Agents for tbe above Jompany, are prepared to accept fire and Earthquake risks fcr -bert periods of ten days as longer periods at ourrent rates to be named on
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    • 469 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Imcokpobatkd in Hongkong). PAID-DP CAPITAL m. 110,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling £1,600,000 at >/■ 1164)00,000 Silver 18,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTOR* W. L. Pattenden. Bsq Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. G. T. M Edkins, Bsq Hon. Mr. D.
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    • 514 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 80,000 Sharos ot 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve Pond 41,800,000 Reserve U-hili^ of Proprietors 41.300,000 BANKERS Tbe Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County md Westminster Bank,
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    • 767 10 INBURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE A policy in tbe Shengbai Life Imuranre Co., Ltd., is a Guarantee that the tcims cf tic ccnlnct will te fulfilled in IfM srd in IttUr 'and IMMEDIATELY v.t<n dtaard it hboY. A^Lai Life Policy brings with it the axursnee tt»t the Dinctcrs with that
      767 words

  • 756 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Dodge Brothers' Car. A few months agn. says the Australasian, the Dixlue Brothers' motor car was almost unknown in the Australian markets. Today the name is becoming tliu household word amoDg those who use that form of locomotion. There are many
    756 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1073 11 The Canadian Ford Company has Spent Over a Million Dollars on New Equipment Since the Beginning of War To increase tbe ffici*-ney ftcd the c pacity man can operate two or three of these ol the Fort Canadian tint and its servic machine-, a fa-* which kives some indication ntatioDH
      1,073 words
    • 337 11 j^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. WRIGLEY S CHEWING GUM j—— aMa;— —^jsf^ Wrlgley s Chewing Oums are delightfully >f IAIDI.fI CYC > THEI YwITI^HLLQ I »3^^ Avoß flavoured morseU whloh quench the thirst V lummklf^^m^^ without causing profuse perspiration by ™t
      337 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 654 12 W' Ll SAFETY TREAD^> •Be. tyres mil. B v' I' Tluy convert every ounce of \W. "W* Engine Power into speed. JThey transform treacherous surfaces into safe ones. They repay every dollar of cost in miles of service. The Climax of tyre security. The Limit of tyre durability. SITUATIONS VACANT.
      654 words
    • 555 12 MISCELLANEOUS. BULL, DOG WANTED Dceciipt ion giving colour, age and pedigree, together win photo and price required, to be sent to R. E 8., Unit id Eotineers. '22-5— 27 6 PAUNG GUESTS WANTED by res p.ctable private family in Tanglin district matrix i couplo or bachelors, tennis. Apply Tauglin c
      555 words
    • 873 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LRT, Roouih at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Pant A Co. 161 TO LET, 8, Chancery Lane-, 8 bedrcopjn stabliutt and tounia court. Apply Cbin^i Ken* t h«- k Co. ai-'^-i. IU LET No 45, Cairo hill Road. Immediate fntry. Apply to Cbing Kec^ Lee
      873 words
    • 546 12 BIG STOCK OF ENAMEL COAGULATING PANS JUST ARRIVBD. SPECIAL QUALITY. S-Bes 15" x It 1 x 4" am 16" x 8" X 81" Reasonable Prices from KIAM KIAT CO. lOBandlC9, Market Streat. Sole Agent? for THE MULCOU BELTING GO.. LTD. 10-4-94 FOR SALE. DUTCH STEAM-LAUNCH JANUS. 22 tons nett. Apply
      546 words
    • 317 12 They buy from us and sell, It means our profit and theirs, Their profit will be your own If you buy direct from us. You wish to save your money You will do so by spending it at GUAN KIAT GO. 81NOAPORE. HUBBUCKS WHITE ZINC THEY DON T HAVE IT.
      317 words
    • 484 12 NOTICE. Bow to solve servants difficulties such as cook?, boys, amahs, ayabs. gardeners, clerks, conductors', sborthartl typists. bDck-keepers. etc Charges moderate Also soortnand (Pitman's; and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacner. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal lc Co 9. Selegle hoael, Singapore, H i—
      484 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 349 12 Straits V)imes. Telephones, Editorial and QsMtal 70 Manager's Office; '262 .lob Printing Department 34b All communications relating to oditona. matters and news should be 1 addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters— advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc.— should be ad drr««od to THE MANAGER. ADVKI.TISBMENT RATES.— Miscellane
      349 words