The Straits Times, 25 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,1 !<> SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MAY 25. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 205 1 MILK A FEW GOOD THINGS LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS y?Ut/'jAS' I n cases °f 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortment Jisfz.-'** made up from the following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and I^fnpj VEGETABLE. K tin makes six plates of the n&BWi^ 1 i l bt rou V
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    • 338 1 ROBINSON CO. NEW SHIPMENT OF BIBPSOII 8 Specially seltcted irom n Subjected during manuBEST SEASONED BRIAR ROOTS Dfi LllXfi PIDGS SSffA'Sffl SSSSg some of which are over UO LUAU I lUUU an d smoking qualities of the 150 years old. f Briar. AND BEWLAYS PIPES Sole Agents for the F.
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    • 12 1 MARTELLS BRANDY Soli Aoints; ADAMSON. GILFILLAN A CO., LTD. (Incorporat*! in
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  • 1032 2 The following casualties are reported London, May 4. Killed.-2nd Lieut. M. N Barney, RE.; I.ieut. E. L. Beatty, Connaught Rangers 2nd Lieut. A. K. Carrette, Dublin Fusiliers (apt. E. R. Cooke, Irish Fusiliers 2nd Lieut. N. 11. Collins, Inniskilling Fusiliers; 2nd Lieut. R. M. Cowper, Highland L.1. Lieut.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 773 2 ROSELY RUBBER ESTATE. LIMITED (IKroII'OIATBD IN Tilt. *rK»l11 SfrTTIBMMTs) (IN LIO.I IDATION). NOTICE IS 11KKKBY GIVEN that in pumuanoo of Sections M and 244 of tbe Companion Ordinance 1915, a General Mm tic« of the abovenamrd Company will be lit id at the Registered Offices of the Com parj French
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    • 446 2 IS YOUR DAUGHTER PALE? The aeaxnia ot young girls may be inherited, or it may be canned by bad air, unsuitable food, hasty eitiog, insufficient outdoor exercise, and not enough rest and sleep. It comes on gradually, beginning with languor, indisposition to mental or bodily exertion, irritability and a feeling
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    • 527 2 AUCTION SALE Of A WOLSELEY MOTOR CAB, At Powell ft Co.'rt Saleroom On Monday, May 29, at 11 a m One 13/14 b.p. 4 cylinder 5 SKATER WOLSBLEY MOTOK OAR with stepney wheel, hood, windscreen, horn and set ot lamps. In good running order. The property of J. T. Lloyd.
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    • 441 2 MORTGAGEES SALE At MoHsrs. Chiog Iv'-i' I (p Co.'h Sale- room On Monday, May i 9, *T 2.80 p.m. Krwlmld land and house No. ITS, off CoLfeduiato Ketato Hc-a-i being LntH Nor. 756 to 763 and 7sO to "hrn nf parts of Grant No. 2, estinia'od to contain tbo total
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  • 983 3 THE LOWEST DEATH RATE ON RECORD. Exceptionally Good Year. In the course of his report on the Municipality of Singapore for the year 1915 Mr. F. J. Hallifix, the President, says Births registered daring the year numbered 7,848, giving a birth rate of '25.37 per mille compared with
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  • 141 3 The amuning story of the ex Guardsman who capt uncl a German Fokker unaware, recalls a curious incident during Clive'n campaign in India. Admiral Watson took gome heavy ships op the Hooghly to assist iti the reduction of the Calcutta forts. The force was landed overnight to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 452 3 ACETIC ACID (European and Japanese) 99 per cent, strength. S. J. JUDAH CO., 29, Robinson Road. lh 1362. 24 5—24-6 YOU MAY REST ASSURED I Mm Seeihatri's Pills will be oi grett seivice to you if your stom&ch is ou< af r y 1 yjur ii vr ii s!ntyi.jli. Tiu-
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    • 520 3 ITCHING BURNING Ml NECK And Chest. Spread Over Face and Body. Ashamed To Go Out. Used Cuticura. Trouble Disappeared. 8. Bclßravo Villas. Wllnoroto. Tamworth; SiatT.v. Eng. "A rash began to make in appearance on my norW and cheat. I found §the Itching and burning Intolerable. In a day or two
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    • 210 3 i m**^^^^ -^dflR^R^RHBk fi^'V^ mrm kM NAT J Vi/A Si :ji r -~*r* v r *i ■1- UjT* 2. -*f.*7r i*^ *^"i i^^t ttm-iii 'im heir— inasM n r NOTICE is hereby given that the above Trade Marks are the property of the Nippon Match Manufacturing Company, Limited, incorporated in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1082 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND AVpcar L-ine. (Companies Incorpokatbd in Endlind'. MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR ANO ORIENTAL BAIUH23. (Under Contract with His Majesty s Qovermdent). For Ohms, Japtn Penang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Ad*n, Egypt, Maditairanaan Porta and London. Steuners will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES
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    • 805 4 STEAHER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Siah). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Scmcrak, Bacho, Kelantan, Tabai BaDgnara, Tl lupic. Panarai, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Chumpon, Kohlak Bangkok. Due Departure ■.a. PRACHATIPOK May 29 SI, 3 p.m. The Steamers are fitted throughout with electric light,
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    • 473 4 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in En*ol«nd) I The Companies' steamers are despatch. J from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and
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    • 518 4 STEAMER SAILINSS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained betwoon Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail contract witb the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are
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  • 135 5 FIXTURES. Thursday May 25. Hligh Wat«r M H \.m %M p.m. Star and G irtcr Building Fund. ontertainmont, 5 p.m. Singapore Automobile Club. Tanglio Club, 9.15 p.m. Friday, May 26 tfigb W*te* IbM a.m., 6.83 p.m Qbjsjm M try m Itirtli'lay. Sandynroft Kiibbnr, noon. Municipal Commission, 2.80
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  • 264 5 Today. i'l-nang •"■Unfallocb 2.80 pm Hongkong, Amoy and Sv II, id^ Wan I 2.30 pm Bengkalis, Laboean Bilik, TaD<ljont< Haiti and Mt-dan Singsrdja 2.30 pm Port Dick ton and Port Swettenham Sappho 2.80 pm IVnang and Rangoon Glenogle "2,t0 pm Malacca and Muai Kaka 8 pm Saigon,
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  • 252 5 The mail trains from Singapore tor Mm north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. .in>l 7 p.uj arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.1H p.m. an.l 8.45 a.m. respectively. Th tlirtn-'li vxprettM to I'enang leavoH KaaU Lnuri-r at H m. daily, arriving at Penaox tu. Urn Hame
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  • 43 5 I I. contract packet Tboagwa with ft N't uapatam un Men aWf Mny 'J2. ana u>ay bo o* j«-<-* i tv I'cnan^ at 10 a.m. uti May ML ■Hi Khiva airivi 1 m l.i niJ. o on Turmlay, 23id mat.
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  • 119 5 Our attention has been oalled to the fact •hat our arrivals in London are muoh behind those published elsewhere. Our rule is to i{ivo arrivals only when k)Mf are officially reported in tbe Post Office v tio.-B, and do later lato than that printed above ha t
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  • 70 5 Programme of drill,* etc., for week ending, Friday, May 26 Thossdat, Mat 25. Nil. Fkiuay, Mat 26. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. 5 pm. Tanglm Barracks S.V.A. Officers and N.C.O.'a S.R.E.IV.) Officers and N.C.O.'i 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. Veterans Omcers and N.C.O.s Chinese Co. Bras
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  • 92 5 1 At tho Eastern Produce Exchange rubber auction at I'enang on Mcuday 34,289 lb. were i sold out of 94,940 lb. offered, at tbe following 1 prices i Diamond smoked sheet from 1128 to $137 Diamond smoked No. 2 127 i Plain smoked sheet 127 Plain unpmoked
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  • 182 5 EXCMANdE. SnotniM, May 'if, 1918 jOn Lome Bank 4 m/H 2/4JJ Demand 3,44 Private 8 m/t 3/4y On Kkam-m Bank T. T. 826 Oh Imdu Bank T. T. 17-i t On UoN<iKoN9...Bank d/d 8% On Shanohai ...Bank d/d 77 ii Oh Java Bank T. T. I.U j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 120 5 'His Master's Voice' REC^2p>S The May Records are ready. The greats -t list of records ever isuel You are catered here no nutter what your taste is. Ask today for the fun list. M u.n l>«n?e On;i-sti» > i M !-T.lßi Guirdl ...'flm Gu»idl I II »i. ieitr»
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    • 810 5 W. D. H. O. A WILLS S \j\\ *VWl\ MIXTURE Ml 3 AND \Vy CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) JUST UNPACKED HAVANA CIGARS Finest Selections AT HIGH STREET. 25 8 k-24 5 17 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET, first and peooori tlaors of H* 9-a, D' Almeida Street. Apply Vide Co., No. 8, I)
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  • 1042 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, MAY 25. WHY THE ALLIES WILL WIN. This is a war of democracy. If it were not a war of democracy I would not be in it. The whole future of democracy in Britain. France, Russia, Italy, all aver the world— is involved. It is a
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  • 26 6 The Hongkong Volunteer Force is organi sing a Mounttd Section, and the names of a number of volunteers who have been transferred are published in ordeis.
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  • 53 6 The Chinese Government has telegraphi c»lly instructed Chang Ming chi, Governor uf K wangtung, who fled to Hongkong on the declaration of independence, to come to Peking to report on the recent conditions of the province. In response the Governor states lhat he is unable to come up on account
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  • 106 6 The fourth of the w-ries of lectures on Religion and War will be given in the V.M.C.A. to-day at 9 m., when Archdeacon Swindell will give an the subject of his paper The Crusaders' Attitude. corrct-p.iu.U in writes that it is interesting to note that whilst the Crusaders fought tj
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  • 969 6 Tbe Penang Kongsi are now collecting for a motor ambulance (about 14,000), the sums oversubscribed from the fighter going to this fund. The steamers Grotius, Orange, Rembrandt and Fondel will maintain the Dutch services, with three Rotterdam Lloyd vessels, between Holland and Netherlands India. Captain G. R.
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  • 404 6 PAYMENT FOR SIX CABLED TO LONDON. Continued Help for the Anzac." Wo have received the following letter from the Manager, Chartered Hank, Ipuh The Managing Editor, The Straits Times I'm Ltd., Singapore. Ipoh, May '23, 1916. Dear Sir,— We arr in rceeipt of your letter of 22nd inst.
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  • 119 6 Pineapples for the Troops At Salonika. Aiiion;; the British troops at Salonika there are a number of r. ynlars who were stationed in Singapore sometime previous to the war. (Joe of their offieerr. well known hrre, hearing how greatly the Singaporo gifts of piueapples to the Navy are appreci»ted wrote
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  • 231 6 We have received a oopv of an interesting brochure published in lUngkok with the title of Tbo Buddhist Attitude Towards National Deft nee and Administration. It is an Eugli»h traOHlittion of a work by the Supreme Patriarch of Sianj, made by ono of tlit I'atriarcb's disciples. ac<l
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 SCOTCH WHISKY BpJ D. J. McCALLUM, Edinburgh. Sole Agents CALDBECK, MACGREGOB CO. Singapore and Malacca. 11 -81 12 I La Giralda _>, *'*k v Ihe AUBritith Factory. .iiflr-*" L Per Box of 25, $2 ffc ,<V B Sole Agcote 1/ |j JOHN LITTLE CO.. LIMITEO QfiffPlffßiiWßfMßß _^B_ (Incorporated in England)
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    • 177 6 SOMETHING PLEASING SOMETHING STARTLING 1 SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY To-nitfhtl To-nWhtll ATTHI ALHAMBRA Beach Road, Tbe House of Quality— Tbe Home of Feature Attractions. Tbe Leading Tbeatre in Singapore. Manager M. H. Kcnjor-Slaile The Ambrosio Film Co. PRRSENTS A Sensational and Fascinating Spy Drama THE HONEYMOON In S Paits.
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  • 2120 7 VERDDN BATTLE. Ninety-Fourth Day's Struggle. Germans Making Desperate Attacks. tmtt TlLliil!\MS. London, May 23, 5.25 p.m. Paris The ninety fourth day of the battle of Verdun was marked by more violent bghting than ever. A communique states that throughout the night tho struggle was of intense tiercejness on
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  • 556 7 Reutrr's Telegrams. London, May 23, 8.40 p.m. In the House of Lords, tbe Government of India Bill was read a second time and was referred to a joint committee. London, May 24 4.40 a.m. In the House of Lords, Lord Is ington in moving tbe second reading of
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  • 42 7 I!* men's Tklh.kam. London, May 24, 12.40 a in. Tbe Gazette says the Siamese Minister bad an audi me of the King and presented bis Majusty wit I. his appointment as honorary general of the: Siamese atmy.
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  • 41 7 I'M IKK S T> 1.1-..UAM. [.onion. May 24, 140 p.m. New York I Mr. il >oh< ve.ll has accepted an offer by a committee of Republicans from thirty states to work on behalf of his candidatnre for the presidency.
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  • 22 7 Rkcter's Tklkubam. London, May 21, 1.40 p.m. The Canard Line has arranged to absorb the Commonwealth and Djuiiui m line.
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  • 24 7 (From Oir Own QmMMMK) London, May 24. Dtnnidtown pays a dividend of 20 per cent, aid lljtaug M.i!ik» 10 per cent.
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  • 1522 7 FOUR SUITS AGAINST FORMER OWNER. Disputed Options. Claims connected with tho starting of the Titi Tin Company, Ltd., and involving large sums of money, have led to the action which was opened in tbe Supreme Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Earnshaw. Four suits, which have long been
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  • 461 7 Better Demand and Satisfactory Prices. Tbe Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 244 th auction waa held on May 24, when there were offered for Rale 6,468.05 piculs, or 862,406 lbs. (tons 385). The prices realised were Sheet smoked fine ribbed ...5139 to UM good ribbed 183
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  • 111 7 The death took place in Ipoh on Saturday if Mobamcd Huwwin tladjiyar. brother of I t.itoh I'migliiua, K t.ti, no I Ml of the- late hatili Mubarned Voot-iip I'aoglima, Kiutu, The deceased was a comparatively young man of about twenty years of age and *v in possession of much property
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  • 113 8 Belgium Relief Fund. On behalf of Mrs. H. B. Salmond, Mr. M. li. olivtr, care of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Singapore, acknowlt dgt s. with many thanks, the following further contributions: Previously acknowledgtd 188,947.09 I! .1 Saiinders 30.00 Mr- 1 W. Abrams 50
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  • 64 8 On b< half of the Lady Evelyn Young, the hon. tr<a-iu. Mr. 11. li. Ward, of Evatt and Co., French Kank Kuildirgc. Singapore, gratefully acknowledges the following contri tions Previously acknowledged 11,***** Dr. ami Mis P. Fowlio ICO.OO Nancy I. 2.00 liebr and Co. 250.00
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  • 230 8 Thf commitee gratefully acknowledge the following fnrtlu r contributions Previously acknowledged >7,:!28 Mrs. C. Eiias (building of a room and equipping it) 3,0(0 A Sol. tier's Daughter 6 Anonymous 5 "Chypre 100 Pearls Hill School 90 Mrs. A. .1. Scandrett 60 J. P. Hallaway 50
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  • 85 8 1 MS War X.lief Fund, including the following objects 1. I .M.S. HmM J Usistance to K.M.S men incapacitated by war service or to the dependents of those killed in the war. iaa UU I .in.!. I S. ibian iUli. t 1- hikl. I I .rial
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  • 137 8 lie porting on the hn,gapcir Fin Briga^i in IMS, the l'r(hi(leot of iWMnuiipaJity ►ays Ih<w xn M calls to fins dunug the year, of wlmh ;(2 proved to be genuiui fin >. Here tim&l alarms, including 7 false alai 111- 11. t total value of property at
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  • 47 8 ut me. ticg of the Ceatral Com 1 uuti it v MrvMg under the HfTiM f. 1 Uafe should be tv .1 tin m trim until they 1 attaint tl the ag.M.f hfty five. Hitherto the I 1 be. n fixed al forty fight yean of I
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  • 39 8 (The Straits Time* is not responsible for the opinion* of its correspondents. Correspondent* should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long, rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down.]
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  • 741 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— At the annual meeting of the Plant era' Association held in Kuala Lumpur last month, Mr. J K. O. Aldworth, the Con troller of Labour, put in a plea to break down the power of kanganis over coolies by encouraging
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  • 144 8 (From Our Own Coru.sponi>bnt.i Trengganu, May 20. For the last week, the weather has been all that could be desired, and the fishing tli el is again in full force. Hand fishiog in small eanoe-s outside the harbour is a 1.11 asure indulged iv by some of
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  • 133 8 Thirty three American drillers who have It ft the Huriua Oil Company left Kan goon fur America with their wives* on tho 15th instant, by tho IVgu of the Patrick HinJir sin line. The reiuaioirg drillers frum the 11. 0, laJAi in tl..' Kagva district expected to
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  • 33 8 '1 In 1 i,u miueut of ludia is about to issue a rttolulion reproducing in a couipcudious I' r.ii all the rules relating to scholarship* Unable iv Great Britain by students from India.
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  • 743 8 The One Bright Feature of The Company. The eighth annual general meeting of tbo shareholders of the New Tambun Mines, Limited, was held at the registered office, 49, Beach Street, Penang, on Saturday. Mr. G. N. Saye was in the chair, tho others present being Messrs. G.
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  • 147 8 In the course of a letter dated April 20 Sir William Taylor writes as follows:— The number of patiects in the hospital today is 56. A batch of 20 is due to arrive whicli will bring the number up to 76. The Director General of the Medical Department
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  • 132 8 The Kirchlichrs Yerurdnungsblatt pub hiihis a memorandum from the Consistory at Kit I which i-tati h that the firm of Ottu Leyh, of Merlin, sent a circular letter to thi w man MM Mitring to purchase all the church livii-i in (i.tuuny nud furwarj them to the
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  • 310 8 Information for Intending Travellers. The following regulations, made by the Governor in accordance with the provision! of the Order of His Majesty in Cousoil dated March 21, 1916, wbich was brought Into force in this Colony by Proclamation dated May 30, 1916, and published in a Gazette Extraordinary
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  • 599 8 Some Impressions by One Who Works Late. Time: 1.30 a.m. Scene: The one (legitimate) restaurant open to night workers—* Government or otherwise -'somewhere in London." It is a night that has been distinguished by a tvrtain liveliness." owing to a playful little habit indulged in by a
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  • 121 8 Stnibrong.— l,72s log. Katil. 7,556 lbs. twelve luonthc. I 90,215 lbs. A Pioneer cable dated London May 15 ■wys Tho Times naval correspondent is JmpuiL'd to (jive Home ertdtnee to tho report of a pn ji-i-tod (itriuan naval and military .itfiu-m. a^aiiist Iti^a tho writer a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 RAFFLES HOTEL On Saturday, May 27 Special Dinner CINEMA SHOW AND OANCIN6 AFTER DINNER. 8-12—7-12 ADELPHI HOTEL Great Charity Masquerade Ball In aid of the funds for Blir ded Soldiers specially ananged with Fancy Fair in the Gardens and Lawn of the ADELPHI Masquerade Ball, Friday, June 30 Fancy Fair,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 341 9 ■MpaaaaMMßMMM^^l^^ja^MiMlMMjl^^ '-■-ittw.^i <^|^»»^u^fcajM|MßjajMMaj^Maa^ijfr^^BMßa^|MaaM mt§ a j WK6EWT TEk FfiuxM class n.l. t *-twnAIH. MM p .__RECEIV|NG FORM M No. of Message- r- rom p Words _^2 9 ■jgH &4L*i -~~20- rt// y" os i U/iU U,<<. ?<!"<<A ,ita u </s '"iir"^- f m 7~ AUCTION SALE Of 600 BTKIT JBLOTON"
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    • 37 9 ORDNANCE 8 OF 1916. COMPANIES ESTABLISHED OUTSIDE THE COLONY WITH AGENTS IN THE COLONY. Atttntioo is drawn to notion 6 of this Act, amending section '487 of tbu CcmpaniL'ti Ordinance 1916. C.J SACNDERS, Re«iHtra» of Con paniex.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1951 10 „..,,—t Mrm *ar— i...-..,. m.m War or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GOMPANY, LIMITED. (Incobpobated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE i Winohaatar House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company lirs
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    • 925 10 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE A policy in the Shtngbai Life Inturanre Co., Ltd., is a Ouarsntee that tbe teims cf tic ccntrict will te fu'fil'cd in tpirit ard in IttUr sod IMMEDIATELY »l»n ditmtd io rrtdr. A rh.rgbai Life Poliry brings with it the utunucc tbst the Dinctcrs wifb thkt
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  • 1147 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. After the War. It is pleasing to record that the British motoring industry realineH that it is only by co operation within its ranks that it will be i able to meet the tierce commercial coiupeti tion with enemy countries after
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 63 11 WATCH THE FORDS KJKJ DI MADE THROUGHOUT IN CANADA. WEARNE BROS., LTD. Sol* Importer* Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. BELTING DICKS Original Balata x 2p* These Belts can be run In any atmosphere, either damp or dry, even through water If desired. SPECIAL PRICES for LONG LENGTHS. Sole Agents
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    • 108 11 Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. The Ideal Thirst Quencher (NON-ALCOHOLIC) KOPS STOUT The LailC =>t, afttr appointing a SPECIAL ANALYTICAL COMMISSION ,;t mr, 5h,,,,ti,,n testifies "It hasno'hinti that is injurious, }nit is, on the contrail/, a palatable ktMVMf^SMtrsffJtJ iliatinct tonic and iuciijoratiiuj
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1118 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS <jf LIMITED. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan fiCo., Ltd., llM'i'Kl ■•KAIFI' IN KM. LAMS IMPORT DEPARTMENT. SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. SITUATIONS VACAUT. wanted, experihnced clerk for t n mine in Trengganu. Apply dutbru and Co. I.t.J. Sini«porc. 24 f— v WaM 80, A
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    • 805 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Paul a Co. 18-1 r, TO LET. H Chancery Lane, 8 bedrcoms stabling and teuni i court. Apply Cbing Kttng Lt-f Co. ill -a— u TO LET, furti-hed sea-side residence, Mafening, No. 14, Tsijong Katong. Apply to
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    • 507 12 810 STOCK OF ENAMEL COAGULATING PANS JUST ARHIVBD. SPECIAL QUALITY. S ars 15" x 10' x 4' and 18* X 9" X 8|" Reasonable Prices from KIAM KIAT GO. 108 and 109, Market Street. Sole Agoots for THE MULCOIT BELTIN6 CO.. LTD. 10-4-U4 KUALA LUMPUR hJSBER AUCTIONS. Sales will be
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    • 301 12 EVERY DOLLAR SPENT 6ETB FULL VALUE GUAM KIAT CO. SUPPLIERS OF FIREWOOD To The Singapore Municipality Public Works Department and the Marine Ddpartment. FIREWOOD. How many Thousands do you want please I Sole Agents for the GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal fluid (or cleaning and uresert ing (team boilers. 16
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    • 481 12 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties ■ucta as cooka. boys, amahs, ayabs. gardenprs. clerks, conductors, shorttiarrt typists, bookkeepers, etc Charges moderate Also sbortband (Pitman's) and typewriting arc taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal Ie Co 9. Selegle hoad. Singapore. H4-7R To
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 353 12 Straits IBimes. Telephones. Editorial and Ueneral TO Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editona. matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications- relating to businiss matters advertisements, subscription!), account!), printing, etc. should bo addres«cd to THE MANAOKIS. ADVF.i; ISEMENT RATES.- Miscellano oi'
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