The Straits Times, 20 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Strai ts Times. NO. 25.112 KINGAPOBE. SATURDAY. MAY 20. 1916. PRICE 10CENTH
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 233 1 MILK T^X dt~* *~W* "W At~* TCP JT^I %^P M. Ml. m 0 MZLtm We beg to jiive notic* that for the present the products of the Bernese Alps Milk Ccmpany will be imported by us under the BEAK Brand instead of under "Sledge" Brand as heretofore THE MILK REMAINS
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    • 208 1 i NEW ARRIVAL OF SELECTED GOODS FOR THE Spring Race Meeting INCLUDING FULL R* lf OF OOLOURINOS IN Barathea and Crepe de Chine BATBWING BOW TIEB. Fancy Foulard BOW TIES. Barathea and Ccepe d.« Chin© WIDE-END TIES. Plain and Fancy j*g PYRAMID HANDwcr AB euiDT-e KERCHIEFS, in full NEGLIGE SHIKTS
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  • 686 2 PROFESSOR BALDWIN SOUNDS A REVEILLE. A Nation in Peace in War Time. Professor J. M. Baldwin, the distinguished American psychologist, who with his wife and daughter wagon board the cross Channel steamer Sussex when she was torpedoed, has made a statement to the Paris correspondent of the New
    Reuter  -  686 words
  • 195 2 How War Has Made Famous Gardens a Wilderness. It is a wilderness, lady, but we need men and money for killing people not for growing flowers." He said this in explanation to a visitor who had come from afar to see the beauties of Hampton Court, and
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  • 86 2 Budge Badge jute mills will pay 80 per cent for the half-year or at the rate of 60 per cent per annum, the profit was about 12 lakhs on 800 looms. Albion jute mills will pay the same as last halfyear, viz 80 pei cent for the half year. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 303 2 ACETIC ACID (European and Japanese) 99 per cent, strength. S. J. JUDAH CO., 29, Robinson Roadi Tel 1362. 34 5—21-5 !T0 THE GENERAL PUBLICCUR NEW WEBSTGRS DICTIONARY IS MINUS THE WORD "FAIL"— I WE SCRATCHED IT OUT. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW WHY h drink REYNELL'S Ufa! yikN^^ai \u *?>
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    • 156 2 AUCTION SALE Cf FREEHOLD LAND SITUATE AT LORONG 29, OFF (UYLANG ROAD, To be held at Mews. Ching Keng Lee Co.'s Stlt-rosm, On Monday, May 22, at 2.80 p.m. All those thirty pieces of land situate at Lorong No. 2?, in Gaylang, Singapore, being lots Nos. 164 to 218, of
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    • 343 2 NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. Nervous dyspepsia in a disease of the nerves, not of the stomach. Indigestion one day und complete freedom from symptoms the next usually mean nervous dyspepsia, especially if tin- patient is of a nervous or highly emotional temperament. The attacks recur at more or less regular j intervals
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    • 377 2 Made in Dublin BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION BjREAD BROTHERS, lmm CbfcteiaNlP Dog's Head Guinness SOLO EVERYWHERE. OROcK IN FAMILY PACKAGES 14 4—lB 7 AUCTION SALE On Monday, May 22, at 2.80 i m. Freehold land and Bungalow No. 120, Bukit Timali Road, estimated to contain aecordiD); to the Govtri.nient Poeurvty
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    • 635 2 IPOH TIN DREDGING. LTD. (Im-JRI-ORATKH IS i-'.Mil.\>.!>). An Interim Dividend of f free of Income Tax lim been declare I for the year 1918. payable in London nn Hay H\ THE BOUSE > CO., LTD., Singapore Agents. m m KUALA LUMPUR RU3BER AUCTIONS. Sales will bo held once a wttk
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  • 861 3 PATHLESS WASTES MADE MPREGNABLE. Finding the Ranges. O. Ward Price at army Headquarters, Salonika, writes The top of tbe Matterboio is certainly a pleasant place this warm spring morning. It is an eyrie commanding nearly one-half of our position, a lonely, conical, rocky height, only second in
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  • 239 3 The report of tbe Lower Perak Rubber K«taten. Limited, states that tbe output of dry rubber dining tbe Tear waft 75,000 lbs, all of wbicb was sola in Singapore, tbe avtrsgr groan price being 2«. 8 6d. per lb. tbe all in cost, including deprivation of buildings
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 183 3 COMES OUT A ersona Appearance Pi R I 880 N*#^ is improved by LIES FLAT /^llrY g°° dteetll Have vtsfiFcp\ better teeth by ON THEJTO. using the best BRUSb^^^&> d «f^ K Colgate s cleans, preJB^£sQglP^r serves and polishes Tp"Y'jUy*»\^^ antiseptically. As deliy^Fw^^ 1^ cious as it is efficient. *>r
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    • 483 3 PIMPLES BROKE OUT ON HANDS AND ARMS Also Face, Irritation Caused Scratching, Terrible Burning. Unbearable at Night. Cuticura Healed. Tanyllan; Garthprenfry. noar niwon; S. Walos. "The ronmicncemeDt of my complaint, waa a few red pimples appearing on my hands, ami; and fare wbirh got rapidly worse. The pimples broke out
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    • 448 3 OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorporatbd in Japan) i Osaka Mercantile Itaamship Co., Ltd KOBE— BOMBAY LINE. The Company maintains a regular cargo •orvice witb six steamers oallirg at Moji. Yokkaiobi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swettenham, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and on the return voyage oalling at Toticorin, Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. PACIFIC LINE.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1094 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.B ritish India AMD Apcar I— inc. (Companies Iniohpukatkd in Enhlindi. MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR ANO OHIENTA SAli.lM«Sl Under Contraoc with His Majesty a aoverniaent), «or China, Japan, Panantf, Oaylon, Australia, India, Adjn, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. iSttum?™ will lettre Singap >tv ou or iboa.
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    • 820 4 BTEAIER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorpobatbd in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Scmerak, kulantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Chumpon, Koblak Bangkok. Dua Departure a a. BORIBAT May 38 May 24, 3 p.m. a.a. PRAOHATIPOK 29 31, 3 p.m. The Steamers
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    • 471 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorpobatkd in England) The Companies' htramers are rirspittcli' d from Liverpool outwards tor the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 523 4 STEAMER SAILINIS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00.. LTD, (Ini oki-okatbd IN sWaY) EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohama, via port", to Marsiillns and London under mail a ntract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tht Now Twin-Rorew Steamem maintaining this hi tvico have beon specially designed and
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  • 135 5 FIXTURES. Saturday, May 20. Eti«b W»tet. 0.86 p.m., 1187 p.m. Races. Third Day. Entertainment, V.M.C.A. Hall. 5 p.m. Sunday, May 21. High Water, 1.26 p m Monday, May 22. High Water, 0.2* a m 2.22 p.tu. Tuesday, May 23. High Water, LSI a.m.. I 26 Singapore
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  • 208 5 To DAT. Hongkong Sangola 2 pin Malacca, P. Swtttenham and Penang Klang 2.30 pm Baean Sembilan 2.30 pm Modan Medusa 2.30 pm Hatu Pahat Mena '2.80 pm Selat Pandjang. Bent;kiilis. Si*k and I' Haroc Brouwor 2.30 pm Saigon Shiu -.30 pm Soengei Liat aD>I Kwi'ljci ni.iH-i,i s>Baa_M
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  • 266 5 The mail trains from Singapore for tho D(.rth leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 km. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.1H p.m. and 8.45 a tu. respectively. Tb through rx press to Penang u-aves Kuala Lurrpcr at 8 a m. daily, arriving a. Pen,io_
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  • 62 5 B. I. contract packet Tlionsjwa with .vails from I, id.lon is expected to leave \ei(apataiii on Sunday, the 21st inst. Mi, 1' in 10. outward mail steamer Nyan/.a lias left I'uloiubo and is due at Penany at 1 p.m. on Snnday. May 21. She will probably i
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  • 103 5 Otir itf m o baa b-fii calktl to the (act io l«>ndon ar<' mnch behind too*. publiHlio.l l«< <»li<*e. Our rul« in to alaa arrival* oaly wbes they are officially noit.'.l in tli.- P Offer notices, aad no Ktet 'late than that rr,rt..d abore ha< bres .apukb.
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  • 177 5 EXCHANOB. ttiMaaroßa, May 2C, 1910. Oh Lokl>c« Bank 4 m/s ;4|| Demand _,4i Private 8 n m 2 4\., On Framcb Bank T. T. 826 On India Bank T. T, m l 4 On UcN.»OH»...Bank d/d 4\% On SaUMoBAi ...Bank d/d 78; On Jata Bank T. T.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 524 5 LITEST ADVERTISEMENTS^ TO LKT, big compound bouse, No. 7, St. Thoma«'s Wa'k. Apr!/ ti lim Kirn Hint, No. 5, Telok Ayer Street. .0-6-. -b TO LET. important bnsinuiis rremiaes at No. 82, Raffles Place, formerly occupied by Messrs. Kelly and Walsh. Ltd. Immediate entry. Apply Lim Kirn Kiat, No. 5,
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    • 660 5 W. O. H. O. fj WILLS'S »J\\ S^\^\ MIXTURE I I \1 AND \V CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) SINGAPORE WOMEN'S STAR AND GARTER BUILDING FUND. A Popular Entertainment will take place in the Theatre, on Thursday. May V at 5 o'clock. Tickets, o-e dollar, to be bad at Meesrs. Kelly and Wash,
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    • 236 5 AUCTION SALE Of A WOLSELBY MOTOR CAR, At Powell Co.'h Sale-room On Monday, May 29, at 11 am One 12/14 h.p. 4-cylinder 6 SKATER WOLSBLEk MOTOR <AR with stepney wheel, hood wind creen. born and a set of lamp-, in t,ood atoning order. The property of J. T Lloyd. POWEt.L
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    • 446 5 ILCKEN-DOWN STANDARD RUBBER PROCESS. With n'erenci to tbe pamphlet isxucd and dated March 1, 101", tbe Patentees deaire to inform pUnte-o tha*. as (ilyceriae is tin obtainable at r.rcsejt in |uautity in its pi tec Coconut Oil is used and is equally efficient The quantity of Coconut Oil required fur
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  • 36 6 Cuia Chv». Hat Nio.— On May ML at No. 681, North Bridge Koad, Chia Cbye Hay Neo, the beloved wife of Mr. Cheong Koon Seng. Interment Sunday, May 21, at 10 a.m. 17-5-k— 2o 5
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  • 1083 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY. MAY 20. AEROPLANES OBTAINED. In a formal sense, we close today the appeal which we began a fortnight ago for adequate representation cf European Singa pore in the Malayan Aircraft Fleet. Our aspiration was modest enough. We aimed at completing two partly subscribed craft, and hoped
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  • 32 6 Mi \V. 1). Mcl ullagu will sing at the evening service at Wesley Church to-morrow. The sermon will be preached by the Pastor Key. L. Oechsli who is leaving for Sumatra shortly.
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  • 40 6 The following are appointed visitors to the Lunatic Asylum, Singapore Hon. Mr. F. M. Kllint, Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Kong, liaji Ali liin Haji Muhammad Nur, Dr. E. A. Elder, I >r. ,T. M. Handy and Mr. Liong Man Sau
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  • 55 6 The ;;roup of men who broke into cheers and sans.' The Ked Flag in the Edinburgh High Court of Justice when the Glasgow tx teacher, Maclean, wag sentenced for sedition tendered a humble apology to the court through their counsel the next day when brought up for contempt of court.
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  • 1819 6 Results of the Local Effort. Six Aeroplanes Paid For. Solid Help for Anzac Fund. We formally close our special appeal to- d ay bat it is within oar knowledge that various causes have delayed tbe arrival of subscriptions, and we slull keep the bank account open and shall
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 A FRESH SHIPMENT OF Coate's Plymouth Gin •JUST RECEIVED. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., Wine and Spirit Merchant., SINGAPORE: and BAA.LiA.CCA. La Giralda ?JISL S I.^' pfe Th. MMMM Factory. L Per Box ot X, S2 Sole Agriit* JOHN LITTLE CO.. jgML- rg. LIMITED 81 RKmB Incorporated in England) When it's Anything
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    • 193 6 AGAIN SOMETHING GREAT, ANOTHER BIG DETECTIVE DRAMA Supported by in txoollMt (election of high-dan pictures AT THE To-night To-night I ALHAMBRA Bench Road, The House of Quality -The Home ol Feature Attractions. The Leading Theatre in Singapore. Manager. M H. Kenyon Slade The Ambpoulo Co., Ltd. PRESENTS 808, A 5-ya«p
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  • 184 7 h to us a dnme fu. MM beiu;; the 4th eduction luailu by Iki ou behalf of tho Women of Malaya- \ircraft Fund. She asks us to record tin names of subscribers and to torwaul the chttjuc to the liou. Treaxurur. t harti-rod Bank Kuala
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  • 584 7 SELECTIONS AND HANDICAPS FOR TO-DAY. Many Entrants Scratched. The results on Thursday justified the handicaps. It was not a case of all tbe light weights or the other way about, and as the baudicappcr is supposed to give every horse in the race tbe same chance we congratulate
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  • 91 7 Recently we published an appeal by Mr. E. A. Brown to fellow Lancastrians for a little help tv the Manchester and Salford Boys and Girl* Refuges and Homes. As the result of that appeal Mr. Brown was able to send £51.5.2 to the Homes, abd be now
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  • 105 7 It is with deep regret that we have to record the death, under tragic circumstances. of Mr. Ernest Barton Maundrell. the acting Resident of Brunei, who was killed at Brunei on Thursday. Full official details have not yet reached Singapore, so we are
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  • 44 7 At a nut-tint: of the directors of the I'lu I'iah i iu>p»ny, Limited, held at Penang. r>n tin: lsth mm., it was decided tv pay a divide >d of 5 per cent, on the 24th instant this being the nr«t interim dividend declared in
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  • 2527 7 THE IRISH RISING. Revelations By Mr. Birrell. AROUND VERDUN. French Make Successful Attacks. Rbctib's Tblbobams. London, May 18,2.10 p.m. At the first sitting of tbe Irish Rebellion Commission, Lord H&rdingc explained that it was proposed to inquire what was tbe nature of the official system of obtaining information
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  • 36 7 Ridtir's ThlkukaM. London, May 18, w.30 p.m. The death is announced of Major Yeldmau author of Lays of Ind. The deatii has occurred of Sir Edward Lee French, formerly of the Indian Police, aged 59.
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  • 38 7 IifLTKK- TKLC.KAM. London May 19, MM p.m. The situation in China is calmer It is understood that the assistance ottered by foreign btnks through tl i I' ink of China .at Shanghai, ui*y Ml Ml i
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  • 1105 8 (Kkom Oik Own (kMMMHj Kuala Lumpur, May 19. A small shipment of aniline colours of lii itisli manufacture arrived hero tbe other day and realised a price three hundred per cent, above tbe prices prevailing at tbe beginning of tbe war. Merchants bave no difficulty in disposing
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  • 397 8 Mr. W. M. Sime has left Malacca for borne. Mr. P. J. A. Williams, of Bentong, has gone on a trip to India. Second Lieut. H. C. Butler has assumed temporary command of tbe Malacca Volunteer Rifles. Mr. W. V. W. Ker has resigned his appointment as
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  • 93 8 Haiti s Hotel is again to-night making preparations to entertain visitors. A special dinner is to be followed by a cinema show on the lawn in which there are several films of more than ordinary excellence. There will be dancing at intervals. While grown upx bave bad
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  • 113 8 A very useful hint comes from the Malay States Information Agency. It is that residents returning home from the Hast should send their long deck chairs to the X.M.S. hospital. Blackmore End, Wheath ampatead, Herts, for the use of soldiers being treated
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  • 190 8 Yesterday afternoon, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, the marriage was celebrated of Dr. L. F. Randall, of Singapore, and Miss Jeanne 4e Bondy, the only daughter of the late Comte de Bondy and of Comtesae de Bondy. In consequence of the recent
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  • 71 8 For the period from May 29 to June I. l'.Ufi. inclusive, the value of the highest Krade of robber is fixer! at 2a. 9}d. per Ib aad the duty on cultivated robber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem bawH in accordance
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  • Correspondence.
    • 39 8 I Tbe Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long, rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cat down.
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    • 207 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— ln your issue of the 17th instant T.B.T. has sounded the right note wbicb every right thinking individual must appreciate. Gambling is a pernicious vice wbicb leads to all sorts of immorality and crime. The subject is well known and
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    • 329 8 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir. —I notice a letter in your issue of yesterday signed Acting Sapper." For a period of about 18 months tbe S.R.E.(V) bave assisted in tunning tbe searchlights, and in addition bave cleaned up tbe barrack room floor, cleaned tbe searchlights
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  • 173 8 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, supply us witb tbe following report on the position of the Java produce market for th« past week Hatavia. May 19, 1916. Tbe rubber market is weak with a further decline in prices. Business
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  • 472 8 Sunday, May 21, 1916. St. Andrew's Cathedral. Fourth Sunday after Easter. 7.80 a.m. Litany 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.15 a.m. Matins and Holy Communion 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines.— a.m. > Holy Communion 5.30 p.m.
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  • 196 8 Golf. The result of the Garrison Golf Club men's medal competition for May is Lieut. O. H. Bright 18 3 down. Woolryche Whitmore 10 5 Lieut. Col. W. Basevi 18 6 Capt. H. Wace 16 7 Seven cards were returned. The twenty- third annual report and balance sheet
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  • 75 8 The seventh consignment of Red Cross garments will be despatched next week. At the request of Hrn Re] Cross Secretary in Alexandria, this consignment will be sent to Basra. Mr. E. Walker, acting agent, has most kindly consented to send the cues, free of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 8 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page ">.
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    • 187 8 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., (or week ending, Friday, May 26 Saturday, May 20. 2.80 p.m. Balestier Range S.V.R. Sunday, May 21. 7.30 am. Balestier Range S.V.R. Monday, May 22. i.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. Officers and X.C.O.'s S.R.E.(V.) ii H Motor Cyclist Section. ii ,i Veterans
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    • 188 8 RAFFLES HOTEL Special Dinner TO-NIGHT CINEMA SHOW ON THE LAWN The following pictures will be screened DAUGHTER OF THE JUNGLE IN 3 REELS. INSIDE FACTS IN ONE REEL (and an L-Ko Comedy picture) SILK HOSE HIGH PRESSURE IN 3 REELS. All these pictures produced by th* Universal Film Manufacturing Co.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 238 9 Whatever size of Michelin Tyre you use, the quality is always the Best. Right from the selection of the raw material down to the wrapping up of the finished article, the greatest care is exercised in the manufacture of Michelin Tyres. Our trial department is constantly making exhaustive tests In
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    • 107 9 VaMaSUa^i^Hl^ ~*<^* JWa^KT^ In Prices, Quality and Excellence J Despite heavy advance in Cost. FRAMROZ CO. k NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Mrs. m. m %MUmZ*m+ nor r, i FOR HIS MAJESTY THE BABY removed to 1 l)\:>\j>i). at. tip tl or. a 5 2 HIS ARGUMENT SETTLED japan^JJiifst, Baby Perambulators 74
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 974 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED: (Incobi'Oßatkd in Straits Settlements) HMD OFFICE i Winohsstsp Houis, Gin c apors. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with
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    • 470 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Imcobpobatkd in Honokono). paid-up capital M M »i 6,000,000 RBSKRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at I/- 116.000,000 BU»ei 118,000,00 a •88,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $16,000,000 GOURT OF DIRBOTORS. W. L. Pattenden. Ksq Chaiiman. S. H. Dcdwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. G. T. M. BdkiDs, Bsq
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    • 530 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 80,000 Shares ot j 430 each 41,J00,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 I Reserve Liability ot Proprietors... 41,300,000 I BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midi*? < Bank. Ltd., The London
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    • 879 10 INBURANCE. I DO NOT ABANDON YOUR POLICY The only policy cne cau w t 11 abandon is a poor policy and thero sic fow poor p licies in life ansnrance. A m«n i K e 85 for an annual payment of 1.^44 secutes a 16 year Limited Payment Life Policy
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  • 806 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Effect of New Taxes. Tin re is little doubt that the new license il'.itn-s will L'ivc a desirable til ip to tlio British small car industry, nays the Daily Telegraph of April h. Kngland c%n clßitu that it first produced the
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  • 67 11 In a Parliamentary answer. Mr. Pretyman says that tbe value of motor tyris and tubes, and parts and accessories thereof, imported into tbe l/nited Kingdom from all sources during I<Jl3, 1914. and 1815 was £2.557,000 in 1918, £1.893,000 in 1914, and £1,987,000 in 1915. Tbese amounts are exclusive of the
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  • 280 11 Deeds of Gallantry Amid Storm And Shell. Aftir the ste4mer I'olloksbields left England heavy weather was encountc red in the Atlantic. I or him n days do obseiTations were poßoible, and, anddenly, land was seen, being light, the vesbcl would not answer ber ht'lui. so that presently
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 683 11 One Million Seven Hundred and Twenty-four Thousand Dollars for New Buildings inCanada Since the War Began WHY? it the Empire prosperous I The Ford branah at Toronto, 872-682 A:c «v jjatititd in having the courage and Dupontst ,is a five storey buildingeontaiuing confidence to pi* on (all speed ahead in
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    • 244 11 j^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think so!- I as none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore.; WRIGLEY'S CHEWING GUM Jf\ 1 lAftT>l^»l ri/IT -k.ThfT"l Wrl «leys Chewing Gums are delightfully j?j^^^ ITI\JILE¥O^'^ VOR lUvoured morsels which quench the thiret without causing profuse peraplritlon by Ft J C GUM r|A^ s
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 659 12 SAFETY TREAD^y m TYRES "^ivv They convort every ounce of \wX, *'w* Engine Power into Bpeed. \SjSj: They transform treacherous "^s^: mirfacps into safe ones. Jfyffl They repay every fHlar of cost <fyu7^ in miles of service. The Climax of tyre security. The Limit of tyre durability. SITUATIONS VACAXT. WANTKD.
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    • 581 12 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, a n cuu.i IhlJ tUrn t'^rl or Overland Ml n good lULLing ulgt.ioo. An-'y to S. c, Stiar.s T.puc». 11 i— U-6 I'AHNU UUEST^ WANTED by respectable private ftunuy in TangUu oi-trict married couple or bache oi* lecnib. Apply Tan^lin. c/o Strain liu-es 2 b M-f. MUSIC xbAiUSrl
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    • 1241 12 HOUSES TO LET. big stock OF TO LET Rooms at Zetland House, CUA||CI RflA ßill ATI NH Armenian Street. Apply Stephbns Paul Co. klMHIkh UUnUULnllllU i 8i PINS TO LET, 8, Chancery Lane, 8 bedrooms, WIIW stabling and tennis court. Apply Ching Keng JUST ARRIVED. SPECIAL QUALITY. Lftp *Co n
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    • 298 12 EVERY DOLLAR SPENT GETB FULL VALUE GUAN KIAT CO. SUPPLIERS OF FIREWOOD TO The Singapore Municipality Public Works Department and the Marine Ddpartment. FIREWOOD. Eow many Thousands do you want pleaae Solo Agents for the GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal fluid for cloaning and preserving Bteam boilers. 18 I— l7l
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    • 476 12 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties, such as cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs, gardem rs. clerks, conductors, shorthand typists, look-keepers, etc. Charges moderate Also snorthanct (Pitman si and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal tc Co 9. Selegle Koad. Singapore,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 348 12 Straits Vtimes. Telephones. Editorial and General TO Manager's Office -fi'i Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editotia. matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to busincso matters—advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc.—xhould be ad drr^cd to THE MANAGER. ADVF'nsEMENT RATES.-Miscellane .vantfl of every description
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