The Straits Times, 19 May 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,111 BINGAPOBE. FRIDAY. MAY 19. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 213 1 NEW ARRIVAL OF SELECTED GOODS FOR THE Spring Race Meeting INCLUDING FULL RANGE OF COLOURINGS IN Barathea and C*epe de Chine RATSWING BOW TIES. Fancy Foulard ROW TIES. Barathea and Crepe de Chine WIDE-END TIES. Plain and Fancy j& PYRAMID HANDs* IT"' <V Henry Heath's Plain and Fancy renowned CASHMERE
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    • 4 1 GOODRICB < wq~* v, TYRES
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  • 1123 2 WHERE THE CENTURIES MEET AT SALONIKA. Unloading a Ship in Quick Time. .lust what the average British soldier ordered to Salonika expects to find when be gets there is probably not vory clear even to himself. His ancle has sent him a cholera belt, because yon
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  • 36 2 Mr. Bachner, tbe Ocr.uan director of music to tbe Viceroy of Imlia has, on medical grounds, tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by His Excellency. Mr. Buchner's resignation will take effect on October 1, 1910.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 222 2 ACETIC ACID (European and Japanese) 99 per cent, strength. S. JT. JUDAH CO., 29, Robinson Road. Tei 1862. 24 5— 28-5 IT'S interesting to note in these careful times the increased demand among men of all classes for the NO STROPPING NO HONING Wastefulness is out of fashion. Men are
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    • 555 2 TO PUT ON FLESH AND INCREASE WEIGHT. A Physician's Advice. Mont tbin ptoplo eat from four to nix pound* of good solid fstniil>ii.n f o.i every day and still do not inert- use in weight one ounce, while on tbe other band many of <he plump, clmnky folks eat very
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    • 311 2 there's Purity and Vigoi IN V CRY iJROr Uh KEASS Dog's Head Gu.nness The TONIC th*t cheers and soothes and doesn t harm. A simple nourishing food of high medicinal value. NOTE.— The ax>ove DOG'S HEAD Label is on every bottle, rtefuse imitations Sold Everywhere 6 —6 14-4—lB 7 THE
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    • 612 2 IPOH TIN DREDGING. LTD. (hMMMUMB IN ENfIIAND). An Interim Dividond .if C",, fret of Income Tax bis been declared fir the year 1016. payable in l.>ndon on M >y 3D. THE BOKNE CO., LTD., Singapore Agents. 18 6— 24 S NOTICE. NOTICU is her by given tbat Mr. Walter Franklin
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  • 881 3 CONCESSION OFFERED BY THE GUILD. Consulates' Compromise Rejected. At a meeting of tbe China Coast Officers' Guild held yesterday morning, says tbe N.-C. Daily News of May 5, which was attended by 48 of the 75 members, now in Shanghai, tbe suggestion made by H.M. Consulate, by
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  • 196 3 The report of the Snngei Batu (Malaya) Kabber Estates, Limited, Mates that 176,200 lbs. were batvested during tbe year, as com parod with tbe luanagt >'» estimate of 142,000 lbn the avenue urotts price realined being equivalent to 2.4. 5.03 d. per Ib. London landed terms. Tbe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 321 3 RHODINE A GREAT FRENCH TRIUMPH OVER GERMAN ASPERINE. RHODINE "USINES DU RHONE" means acetyl salicylic acid of the purest quality. It is the e<|iiiva'ent of the German ASPERINE and surpasses this product when implied for the same theripeutic purp>se*. Each tablet contain* 0.50 gramme of pure RHODINE. RHODINE is a
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    • 309 3 Mf^i^Hl^^^*<f^vjß^B'jX CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No. 25 South Bridge Road First class Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crown Bridge Filling aod Vulcanite Daration of Wear guarauteed CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powders and Brushes for sale. M JAVANESE DEPOT mm** accommodation 2CO coolies. CHINEBE DEPOT m im acnrnDiodation 17S coolies.
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    • 102 3 THE RETAIL PRICE OF DEVOES Imperial Brilliant Kerosene OIL should not exceed $4.90 per case. STANDARD OIL GO. OF NEW YORK, Singapore Branch. The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book. Thiß bandy little bock has now reached its TENTH EDITION, a sure indication of its ostfolnefs. Price: $1.25 per copy; Post Free,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1089 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.- British India AND Mpcar L-ine. (CottfANlKs INCORHUHATEO IN En<IL\ND). A AIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICS3 PENINSULAR AND ORIENT A. SAILINGS. Under Contract with Hla Majesty Government). Fop China, Japan, Penang, G«»ylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Meditarranean Port* and London, Steamers will leave Singapore on or aboat MAIL
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    • 809 4 BTEAMEK BAILINBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, St-merak, Kelantan, Tabai Ban K 'nara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Chumpon, Koblak Bangkok. Due Departure m. BORIBAT May 98 May 84, 3 p.m. a.a. PRACHATIPOK 89 31, 3 p.m. The
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    • 471 4 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enolind) The Companies' Rtcainers are drspatclxd from Liverpool outwards (or the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards (or London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Gbnoa. Marseilles and Liverpool and
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    • 524 4 STEAMER -SAILIMK. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Is. 'iiihii: vi kd in Japan) EUROPEAN UNI. A service IB mtintainnd between Yokohama, via port-, to MsmsMm and London under mail c >otraat with the IruDorial Japanese Government. The New Twin scraw Steamers maintaining this service havo been specially
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  • 758 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, May 19, 1916. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. Tbe quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. NOM. VALU1. BOTIB*. SlLLIM. 2/- Alla K a. 2/- 2,4* 1 Ani<lo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 552 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. ITI. ,I\, MM M »1 t l\ K\c;LAND>. Dlraet B«rvi< a to Japan v a Hint kong Shtrgho, and to Oai< utt* via P«r«n<, from Singapoia Taking e»ruo id thoovb Kills oi r,»din fot CantoD, y«cac, Svatcw, AD>oy Che oc, Tientnin. Ntukoliwurn, YaDgtMO For
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    • 328 5 fy i/> Little Lectures l)jr NIRSE 'WINCARNIS.' (Lnturt So. 4 •I Weakness i F.\. ry movement of ;*>ebody I] I\i nses up a definite amount of O jj| vit.ilil Wlien you overtax M yourself, or your vitality is 1 3E undermined by illness, your jSeJ vM(t whole system becomes too
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    • 255 5 CIGARETTES "Sl* No. 555 KRTI OF 50-60 CEHIB gsiiig|| Packed i" patent vacuum tins ensuring the perfect condition of the M vj^'e/ cigarettes in all climates. Sole Manufacturer* 1 W ■^s^'u^ ARDATH TOBACCO Co, Ltd, LONDON. L CiGAPEif.TES CHOPS BAN SAN. BAN SAN CHAN AND TONG ANN TONG. NOTICE IS
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    • 38 5 CREOSOLUME AND CREOSOTE OIL Antiseptic for Wood and Preventive against Insects. Just try once to paint and saturate wood with a little Creosolume and you will see how durable the wood becomes. HIGH STREET. Tel. 819. 17-2-h— Ml
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 120 6 We are fully equipped to design and build Chimneys, Towers, Reservoirs, Silos, Lift Towers, etc, ■jjfci^l. 3* ~*"*^Sj ivHnt'orecd coneivtt* cliimg]WjKf£Jfc f FShSiB neys are cheaper than brick E^B^H or steel chimneys. 1 i I ><*i<l»s and mtimatis on application jp- M BROSSARD OOPIN •jfifj &*■*£s* Reinforced Concrete Specialists, I
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    • 459 6 LATEST ADVEKHSEMENTS. WANTED, A DOCTOR to Uke np priyate practice in F. M. S. Apply by letter e/o P5. Seltgin Road, Sjpgapore. 19 s—l 6 I WANTED at once, sn > xperienred man- sger to tsko charge ff a large boardiDg h.u-ii. Must be temperate. App'.v c/o Straits Times. lQ.g—
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    • 226 6 PIANOS TUNED and REPAIRED Cheap, Prompt. Thorough BY H. C HUDSON (Lath oc Tui Robinson Puno Co.) 100, Adelphi Hotel Buildings, NORTH BRIDOB ROAD. Any work personally attended to and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Tel. 17OS. ST. Andrew's house. TH e SINGAPORE MARINE MOTOR A Church cf England liaardi^ H.u.e for SERVICE,
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  • 127 7 FIXTURES. Friday. May 19. 4igb Water. 11 4 M a.uc 10.5.') \\-l. Homeward mail rh-ton rain.l KntirUinmi nt N Nt IUII, 8.45 p.m. Saturday, May 20 4igh Wator. 0.84 p.m. ILM p.m. Kacus, Third Day. Kntortainment, ■> M Hall. 6 p.m. Sunday, May 21. Hi<h Water, l.!(l
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  • 267 7 Today. P. Swettenbaui and Teliik Anaon Kinta Ml pm Billiton, Sourabaya and Sin^arailja B. P. Uuan 2.30 pui Mi Ian V. I lienien '2.80 piu Saiyon S. Harley Ml pm LanjocwiiDKU 1 rl 'VBrooiuc. I'irt IIi-ill'in<l. Uosaack. Onslnw. larnaivou. Gi-raidton and Fremintle Mimluroo -'.80 ptn Malacca and
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  • 262 7 The uiai! trains from Singapore for the north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 1. 18 p.m. and «.!.'> a.m. r< speotively. The through express to Punang leaves Kuala i.-in i at h am. daily, arriving at Penany
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  • 35 7 pastas) Tiioii^wa with c;«il to leave Niijapataiii mi S'liiluy, the Jl-t mst. I mail steamer Nyan/.a liai left Ccluiulh) in. l is dm at I'inaui; at will probably M ly S3, n
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  • 109 7 Onr attention has boen c»lled to th« fa-t ibat onr arrivals in London are ruuch behitd tbooe pablis'jed elsewhere. Our rale i* to give arrivals only when they are officiiily rjported in the Poet Office notices, and no liter date than that printed above ba< bun s
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  • 180 7 Outward. The following passen^'r book:ugN to the Straits are taken from tlm Londnn and China Express. It should be understood that, in tome instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 398 7 The report of the Chersonese iK. M.S.I Estates, Limited, states that, after writing off depreciation of buildings, machinery, etc., the year's .voiking has resulted in a protit of £59,602, which, with the carryforward, N£M, amounts to £69,595. Deducting the interim dividend of 5 per cent, paid November VI.
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  • 294 7 The report ut tlie Odmangara (Selangorl l.'ubbt'r nupioy. Limited. state* that the profit for the year, after writing of XI. 7*6 t<>r It i reciation of buildings and machinery, MM Ui,6hO; to tbis inust be added tba balance brought forward, £2,394, making a total of £51,074; deducting tbe
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  • 51 7 Tlicwt- who pr.^ncwtieatol a buiupor :nani;i< liai\. tins yi'.ir iii>' in fur a dismal i.ulurt says Mm Stat> »iuan, becaus. the 1 ,n< s iu I hailsturoig io many parts of tlie Province bave wrmit'Lt liavoc and bii> JaiuaRefi, tuorc specially in Bankiporc, i bare t»<.n simply denajed of their
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  • 183 7 EXCHANQB. Suioaiohb, May 19, 1916. U« Lcmi Put 4 m/H m 2/4)5 Otnaici 2/4 Irivate I d/i On France Bank T. T. x>f> I m lM'i> Bark T. T. 174) m Honii one...Bark d/d S," b Ow Suiiaiii ...Bank d/d 72, Oh Java Bank T. T. On
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    • 177 7 J3E Bu er SellerB -10 10 Atupan" 6.00 7.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 0.85 0.50 10 10 Belat 1.85 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.(0 1.05 1 10 Kinta Association 5.00 11 1 Kinta Tin 1.6.0 1.12.6 II 41 Labat Mines 3.00 500 10 9.25 Malayan Collieries 1.50 dis par
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    • 639 7 Buyera. Sellera 2/- 2/- Allagat 2/. 2/0 41 41 Anglo-Java 1.1.0 1.2 6 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 8/0 10/6 2/- 2/- Batons Malak* 2/7* V £1 -'1 Batu Tiga 3.0.0 8.15.0 V- 2/- Bekob 2>B 2/10 £1 41 Bukit Kajanv 2.12.0 3.0.0 41 41 Bakit Lint»ag 3.0.0 3.6.0 2(- 2/-
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    • 126 7 vSLi BuyerB SllerB £1 41 SmaliincLj 8.30 8 :,0 41 41 Peel. 1.4.0 10.0 6/- 6/- Blectrio Twajs 2/9 8/--10 10 Frwier Nero 49.00 50.00 60 60 W. Hammer A Co. 80.00 Al.OO 100 Howartb Hmkiau 25.00 4J.00 100 7% Prof. ***** 100 100 Katz Bra, Del. 8000 10
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    • 56 7 United EDgineora 6% 11.J84 500 par Spore Maaicipal 44% SinKapore Eloctrio o i 1909 $1,000,000 98% Tramways 61, 42)60,000 dodo Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10% din SporeMnnicipal 5% $1,878,000 par S'poro Municipal 4% £300,000 H%4\i Spore Municipal 4*% of 1907 $1,600,000 98 ,*,(,>aoUtioob of sterling sliareu mast be regarded
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 301 7 FRASER 4 CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in Enolano) Eastern Branch: WINCHESTER HOUSE, Singapore. Are now in a position to manufacture Electro-Magnetic Separators For Tin- Wolfram and other magnetic ores. In addition to magnetite, which is highly magnetic, this machine will pick up Ilmenite, Wolfram, and Monazite, or. in fact, most of
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  • 1126 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, MAY 19. MESOPOTAMIA. It seems probable that there will be a great development of events in Mesopotamia at no very distant date. We do not know the position of the British forces which failed to complete the rescue of General Townshend, but it is quite evident
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  • 25 8 The Dutch Government hai paid compensation to several East Indian Civil Servant* on account of the extra tirr taken la travelling by the mail boats.
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  • 1684 8 Six Fighters Fully Subscribed. Balance for the Anzac Growing. It was with very groat pleasure that we wero able to announce, yesterday, that our Sixth Fighter, the "Malacca," bad been fully subscribed. Oar figures showed a balance of $171, and with that we opened our effort to taise a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 193 8 w. d. h. o. i f.y WILLS'S \J\\f > Yr\l\\ M IXTU RE j j AND \S) CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) Usher's Green Stripe SCOTCH WHISKY Per dozen $1 7.50 Lesa 5 par cent, disoount. Duty extra Vt-| J Wholesale and Retail from the 3ole Agents i j JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD.
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    • 211 8 AGAIN SOMETHING GREAT. ANOTHER BIG DETECTIVE DRAMA Suaparttd ay aa aicallaat aalaetloa of hljh class plctarw ATTHI To-nitf ht '.To-night I i ALHAJHBJLA B«»oh Road, The House of Quality -Tbe Home of Feature Attractions. Tbe Leading Theatre in Singapore. Manager, M. H. KenyonSlade. The Imbroiio Co., Ltd. PRBSBNTS 808, A
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  • 34 9 (FhOM Ol t)«N COKMM-ONDBKT London. May 17. final dividend* are announced as fol lows:— Third Mile 20 per cent., Malaysia I'-'., Tangga Itatu 15. Ledbury 25, Lanadron 17* and Sembawaag 10.
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  • 64 9 Meemu. Marker ami Co. inform us that they have received a cable from London advising that the Hoard of Directors of Ledbury ltubbtr Estates and Lanadron l.ubbt i Kstates will recommend to shareholders at the forthcoming general meetings that a final dividend of 25 per cent, and
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  • 120 9 Vuiong the very first in Malaya to volunt« > r foi service at the front were a number of employee* of the Singapore Harbour Board. They were a most enthusiastic little crowd m 4 their unms was undoubted. Writing from El Ii Uu on the Sue/Canal,
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  • 39 9 a marriage lias Duett Arranged and will •.liwtly take plan: between Mr. Kdwiu Lioael Sim. inmnUll of the Mercantile Bank of India. Hongkong, awl Miss Gertrude A: r, m y Mm., cldtwt daughter of Mrs. It Nan i. wtkin.
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  • 2383 9 MORE ONSLAUGHTS. French Repulse Further Attacks. THE ITALIAN CHECK. An Austrian Plan Which Miscarried. RerTKK's TlLK.KAMS London, May IT, 4.25 p.m. l'aris: Tin defeat of farther German attacks at Verdun is a feature of the couununique. The enemy made grenade attacks on the edge of Doad>uin Hill, which
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  • 115 9 WHY THE MORATORIUM IS NECESSARY. Riutib's Tiliuham. London, May 17, 5.86 p.m. In the House of Commons, Lord Robert Cecil said the rebellion in China showed no signs of abatement. He understood that the moratorium did not affect the Chinese Government's obligations. Any measures necessary to safeguard British
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  • 981 9 Cheap Homes to be Hud In Australia. We noted the other day that .Mr. Gco. 11. Stacey. Director of Orchard l'lanters, Aus tralia, Limited, is paying a visit to Malaya in the hope of interesting Civil Servants, Planters and others in a scheme which may be highly attractive
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  • 198 9 Mrs. Rupert Manasseh has received froiu Mons. M. F. van der Heydc a letter of grate ful thanks ii: acknowledgment of .£l4O sent from Singapore to the land for paying the vacation expenses of worn out and wounded Belgian soldiers who are cut off from all
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  • 1307 10 CAPTAIN HUNTER GIVES VIVID EXPERIENCES. Dreadful Crater Fighting Cap. H. I*. Hunter, of the r M. S. Chandn Monopolies, was wounded on March 18, bat is happily recovinng, aud expected to be back at the front by May 15. Writing to a friend out here be
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  • 770 10 Mr. G. F. L. Moir. of Bradwall Estate Siliau, is laid up in Seremban hospital. By Wednesday tbe subscriptions to the Penang Aeroplane Fund had increased to 912.543. Mr. F. S. Forster, of Ayer Hitam Estate who is a captain in the Australian Forces, has been wounded.
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  • 1529 10 INTERESTING EVENTS ON THE SECOND DAY. Though the sky was very overcast about midday yesterday it cleared away later, leaving a cool and pleasant afternoon for racing. Tbe second day's programme attracted a good attendance, and anticipations of another interesting series of events were not disappointed, for
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  • 161 10 First Race.— Tbe Britisher 94. Michael Graham 9.3, Brown Comet 9, Shein Shin 8.10, Laksfoss 8.10. La Vie 8.1, Nick 7.10. Second Race.— Kitty 11.7. Diddle 10.7, Oh La La 10, Carrick Lad 10, Starlit 9.4, Black Marie 9.4. Sadie 9 10. Dat Mcc 9.2, Night Hawk 8.12.
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  • 168 10 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 6. A strong and unusual programme will be put on at the Gaiety Pic'ire Palace to-night, when two dramas of exceptional merit and two new episodes of Neal of the Navy, entitled respectively, Backed by the I'.S.N., and Tbe
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  • 96 10 a great detective serial, Lord John's Journal, in twelve episodes, tbe first of which will be shown to night, in four long reels, is tbe special feature at the Harima Hall Cinematograph. This is a gripping story with thrilling and absorbing sitaations. An L Ko comedy feature, I nder New
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  • 107 10 The report of Malacca Kubber Plantations fur 1915 shows profit £'252,006, and forward f16,;i.">0 lens debenture intereat, £15,771 income tax, £25,926 French taxation, £8,129 debenture sinking fund, X19.C80 leaving £204,449 nual dividend, 30 per ci nt. tax free, making I') per cent, forward .£62,864, out of winch
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  • 1118 10 Dividend of 70 Per Cent for The Year. The eleventh report of tbe directors of the Sandycroft Rubber Company to the shareholders states that tbe net profit for tbe period after making duo provision for depreciation amounts to 91:16,277.24, to which has to be added tbe balance of
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  • 385 10 The n port of the K m pony Kuantan I lubber Company, Limited, states that the profit for tbe year, after setting aside the >urn of £/iOO for depreciation, amounted to MT,4M. After payment of the two intorim dividends of 10 per cent, and U per cent
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  • 280 10 The report of the Batu Caves Rubber Company. Limited, states that, including MJUfI brought forward (after making the appropriations and adjustments applicable to 1914 and after paying three interim dividt am each of 25 per cent., les- tax), the profit and loss account shows a credit balance
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  • 121 10 On Thursday morning of lunt week Mr llnjl, ao assistant on the lioelee Telabg Kubber Kstate, Tandjong IVhtj, whilecrtlling the coolie roll, was attacked by iJmmi coolie, who juicped out of the line an<l rut off part of bis face and his left ear. The mandore
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  • 78 10 Improvtd terms for civil assistant sur gcons voluutteripg foi military duty during the present war an: vow MMi IsM accepted wi lieutenant in the Inliau Me. lie. i; Harriot iogH ther with allow ances also pay at ML ■'■'0, plo allowances in India or 21s. a day with do: rations
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  • 129 11 Further Decline in the Prices Recorded. The Singaporu Chamber of Commerce Kubtxi Ansociation's 2 IHrd auction was held on May 17 and IH, when there wrre offered for aale piniU 6,065.68 or .111.404 lbs. (tons SCa.2B). Prices realised Sheet HBokcd fine ribbed ...tlB7 to 1144 wood ribbed
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  • 350 11 Hewn. Outline and «'o. report: Singapore, May 17. kly auction which finished today I a further decline in puces. At the commencement yestc r.lay standard grades I. i in. l there wan no improveiueut tlisrint: the MWM "f the sale. At the clone Ibabigbeal pu,-e realised was >150 paid for
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  • 273 11 The report of the Kuala Selangor Rubber Company. Limited, statis that the profit earned i5X'47.717. whicli with the amount brought forward of IMM, mak»s a total of i::>4.l'JB. Dtdootiag from this iuv rim diM.lends paid n- follow- liv MlS,Mp*l ct nt I r c.-"t.. lauuaiy. 1918 I
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  • 221 11 The rcpinl of the r iK.M BJ Hubbtr KsUU Lit., Hi st.ii. s tlml the crop for tlie year aiuouuti.i t.> i M»* Ik's, mmmfmmi with an .KliiuaU d li*uXKJ lbs., ant tin average gru^t, puce u.tliseii wan equivalent to 2-. 1.6 M [x r Ib 1..m10n
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  • Correspondence.
    • 39 11 [The Straits Times is not responsible for thu opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that litters must be short and to the point. Long, rambling epistles are liable to be r« jeeted or ruthlessly cut down.|
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    • 88 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Your correspondent Acting Sapper baa. I thirk, got hold of the wron^ end of the stick. To my mind the crying shame is that such as he should bo privileged to do a man's job, and. if be feels that
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  • 211 11 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. A iljll tone still prevails in all sections of our market an 1 there are but few alterations o make in our cjuotations ovtrloaf. A few local rubbers stand at slightly lower values, but otherwise, the dealings r ill for no
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    • 39 11 Swimming Club launches for Sunday will leave at 10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3 30 p.m., and will return at 980 and 10.30 a m., 12.15. 3 and 530 p.m. Tide 1.26 p.m. Height 7 feet 8 in.
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    • 23 11 The Ktppel Golf Club monthly medal for May will be played on Saturday and Sunday and the ladies' spoon on Monday next.
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  • 264 11 The repoit of the Oolconda Malay Rubber Company, Limited, states that the year's crop was estimated at 445.000 lbs. of rubber, and later in the year was increased to 465,000 lbs the actual output proving to b*. 47i,669 lbs as against a yield of 427,374 lbs. in
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  • 42 11 The hon. treasurer, Mr. H. B. Ward, of Evatt and Co., French Bank Building* Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks the following contributions to the above fund:— Previously acknowledged 19,638 Methodibt lVblibbing House 50 Total to date 19,588
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 93 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., (or week ending, Friday, May 19 Fi:ii.av, May 19. 5.15 p.m Diill Hall S.\ A. Maxim Co. 4.45 p.m. Parade at Drill S.V.A. Officers Hall. Transport and X.C.O.'s to Tanglin. S.K.R.tV.) Officers and N.C.O'f. 4 30 p.m. Balestier Range S.V K. I p.m.
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    • 536 11 PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE STAMFORD HOUSE Bras Batab Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED Always cool and exposed to sea breeze Furnished Apartment! Without Board. Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached. Electric Fittings throughout. Large Reception Hall and Billiard*. TERMS- tha most rtatonaMt la Town. NOT!. Spacious Dining Room, witb separate Tables at tbe disposal
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    • 168 11 kZQNOPMONCI I ZONOPHONE I you xgjjr-/ simply must hear these New May Records Every single selection is a shining example of the unparalleled Zonophone Recording —perfect reproduction, Dure and natural tone, witu amazing fidelity to the original. And the talent Foster Richardson. Harold Wilde and The Sisters Southgate are names
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  • 3067 12 1914. June -'7.- A Htwwxi nation of Archduke Franz Krnliaand and hia consort at Sarajevo. July 25.— Austrian ultimatum sent to Serria. August I. Germany declare* war on Russia and France, and invades Belgium. 4.— Britain declares war on Germany. 38.— Battle of Mona begins, an
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  • 371 12 Mr. R. N. G. Bingley, presiding at tbe meeting of the Java Hevea Rubber and Tobacco Estates, Limited, at the London Chamber of Commerce on April 7 said the accounts presented were for tbe period from July 1. 1913, to June 30, 1914, and also
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  • 315 12 Tbe report of the Bujong Rubber Estate, Limitt J, states that tbe rosults for the year, after cbargiof; to revenue account 50 per cent, of tbe auperiotendence and general eatate expenditure, full depreciation on buildings and macbinety and the whole of tbe London expenditure, ahow a net profit
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 187 12 ■IS bHe I^jSi m I 98 Sk "Four Oaks WHITE ANT DESTROYER British made throughout. Price $30.00. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LIMITED (Incobpokatk.d in Enqlavd) KUALA LUMPUR .FOR HIS MAJESTY THE BABY HIS ARGUMENT SETTLED Baby Perambulators All Designs All Size* Correct Quality Corroot Prices 80LD BY JULIAN FRANKEL
      187 words

  • 1074 13 BATHS,PARKS,PIERS,DANCESAND GAMES. Railway Tax Bombarded. Some vagaries of the proposed new taxes came out in discapsion in the House of Commons on April 10, and tbe impression left in tbe minds of mnmbers was that tbe railway tax would be amended I probably dropped), the amusements and
    1,074 words
  • 44 13 A new loan of 20,000,000 guilders is being floated in Holland to purchase provisions in or'lcr that prices may be kept at a normal level. One quarter of the loan will be taken up by the Government and three quarters accepted by the Municipalities.
    44 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 131 13 'WHITEAWAYS' FANCY TABLE LINEN Wft 1 1 iv.- a -plendid range of Irish and Scotch tahle linen just delivered. Inspection invited. i r LINEN CRASH CHAIR FANCY CHAIR BACK B AC K n a l va et y °f designs as sketch $0.90 $0.95 DUCHESSE BETS -<yS| >V in muslin,
      131 words
    • 170 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement dining 1916 to y/b^D A?sv and to THE MUNICIPALITY fflf^^f^ E GOVERNMENT of vC!w of SINGAPORE \^o/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon" Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents
      170 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 538 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAX OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incjrpobateo in Straits Settlements) HIADOFFICti Winchester House, lingapora. LONDON O'FIOBi 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company hao fiSO.OOO deposited with the Supremo Court of
      538 words
    • 402 14 INSURANCE. GUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. UMITEO. LONOOH. (Incorporatbd in England). Sobsoribed Capital 4-2,000.000 Total Invested Funds 46,300,000 Annual Income 41,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for the above Company, aie prepared to accept fire and Earthquake risks for short periods of ten days sh longer periods at current rates to be named on
      402 words
    • 461 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honokonq). PAID- UP OAPITAL 1)8,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 1/- •16,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors •16,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTOR*. W. L. Pattenden Esq., Chairman. 8. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Q. T. M. Bdkins, Bsq. Hon. Mr. D.
      461 words
    • 516 14 BANKING, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA ANO CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 60,000 Sharos of 430 oaoh 41,100,000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANE&RS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County md Westminster Bank,
      516 words
    • 715 14 I BALEB BY AUCTION. TANJONG GEMOK ESTATES, LTD. IN LIQUIDATION. .AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LANDS AND MINES, To be held at his offices in Johore. On Saturday, June 24, at 3 p.m. All that piece of land situate at Johore and estimated to contain an area
      715 words

  • 1031 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Penang Automobile Club. On Saturday afternoon a time and speed judging competition was held amongst members of the Penang Automobile club, and, for a first competition of this kind, proved very successful. The competitors started from the corner of Barrack Road
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 198 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the British War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability I TYRE 5^ JIM i I (ixAW ''M BRITISH THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, Ltndon, E. C., CONTRACTORS XO H. M. WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F.M.S. Your Moneys Value
      198 words
    • 274 15 a j? NOT WORDS, BUT jmk.fom HARD FACTS m!T CONVINCE! S B Extract from a letter received from ■BJ^ V» CECIL MILLER, Headquarters Staff, Wjf Yj \l 100 th Infantry Brigade, 13. E F 3 /f "I notice the Army cycles and care, at least \Hk MM Vi those I
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1161 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED in SCOTLAND MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, a Kcondhand either Ford or Overland car ia good running condition. Appiy to B. c/t Straits Timth. 11-6 24 5 PAMNG GUESTS WANTEU by respectable private family in Tanglin district married couple or bache'ore tennis. Apply Tanglin. c/o Straits Times. M— M4
      1,161 words
    • 808 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Paul Co. 16-1-q TO LET, SandlandH, Taujong Katong Water and electric light laid on. Apply Meytr Brotherß. 6 I— a TO LKT, Fl RNISIIED, Barnsley, Gallop hoad, Tyersall. Entry early in June. Apply t.. Outlirie A Co.,
      808 words
    • 570 16 810 STOCK OF ENAMEL COAGULATING PANS JUST ARRIVBD. SPECIAL QUALITY. S:«c» 15" x If x 4" and 18" X 9" x 8 f Reasonable Prices from KIAM KIAT CO. lOBandlC9, Market (treat. Sole Agents (or THE MULCOTT BELTIN6 CO.. LTD. 10-4-94 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all Roads within
      570 words
    • 357 16 EVERY DOLLAR BPENT GETS FULL VALUE GUAN KIAT CO. SUPPLIERS Oh FIREWOOD TO The Singapore Municipality Public Works Department and the Marine Ddpartment. FIREWOOD. How many Thousands do you want please I Sole Agent" (or the GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal tluid (or cleaning ami preserving bteam boilers. IP I—l
      357 words
    • 482 16 NOTICE. How to solve servants dlUlcultles such as cooke. boys, amahs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, oonductort. shorthand typists, bookkeepers, etc. Charges moderate Also soorthand (Pitman si and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Fatal Co 9. Selegle Hoad, Singapore. S 4-7
      482 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 344 16 Straits V)imes. Telephones. Editorial and Ocucral 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 'MH All communications relating to cditona. matters and newx should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to buainrsß matters—advertisement)*, subscriptions, accounts, printing, rtc.—should bu addr. *sed to THE MANAGER. ADV.' TISEMENT RATES.—Mihcellanc i" wants of
      344 words