The Straits Times, 18 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,110 BINGAPOBE. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 168 1 MILK A FEW GOOD THINGS LIBBYS ASSORTED SOUPS I^Tv In cases of 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortment IST is made up from the following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and WBftlT 1 1 VEGETABLE a tin makes nix plates of the fTGniif fi l!^ he*\ Soup
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    • 284 1 NEW ARRIVAL OF SELECTED GOODS FOR THE Spring Race Meeting INCLUDING FULL RANGE OF COLOURINGS IN Barathea and Crepe de Chine BATSWING BOW TIEB, Fancy Foulard BOW TIES. Barathea and Crepe de Chine WIDE-END TIES. Plain and Fancy PYRAMID HANDNECUCE SH, R TS R" '■Bp v k ip^ ,>^v Henry
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    • 60 1 MARTELLS BRANDY Solj Aoints: ADAMSON. GILFILLAK CO., LTO. (ln.-..rpor:>tu.l ill Knul.tiul) ALL-STEEL OFFICE CUPBOARDS Fitted with five steel Bhelvea. FIREPROOF and QBRMPROOF Stock Sizes 80" X 80 x 18" $48.00 60" X 86' X 18" 68.00 72" X 80" X 18" 58.00 72" X 88" X IH' 68.00 7i" X
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  • 1134 2 POKING FUN AT LEADING FICTIONISTS. A Wells-Bennett Ministry. Mr. Sebastian Bryce writes thus whimsically in the Evening Standard These are days when evory true man has a plan to win tbe war. Let me state mine. First, we mast get rid of tbe Government. That is not
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 Acetic Acid (European and Japanese); Sulphuric Acid; Bleaching Powder; Formalin; Lubricating Oils Grease Vermicelli Latex Cups Corrugated Iron Wire Nails Zinc Buckets French and Asbestos Roofing 7 iles Coir Fibre, etc. S. J. JUDAH CO. 20, Robinson Road. Til 1862 '24-4—28 5 YOU MAY REST ASSURED ihn S«n.him'« Pills wil!
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    • 454 2 KINDS OF RHEUMATISM. Id popular language the word rlieumatißai is a term which covers a multit'ido of ills, of wl ifli paiu is tbe chit f symptom. Articular rheumatism, iutlamumiory rheumatism, and rheumatic fever are all names for the same disease. Mimcular rheumatism affects the muscles and does not spread
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    • 292 2 Made in Dublin BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION 1 I BvPEAD BROTHERS. u»iwi QafctoiaNlP i Dog's Head Guinness SOLD GVERYWHCnc. W9?» iN FA ML* PACKAGES WVf^^K-^at II lIIOTTiI —IMW 14 4—lB 7 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore: Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., Raffles Place. Money
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    • 644 2 NOTICE. NOTICE ig berebj rfwa that Mr. John Forrtstir (having j i: oJ anothrr firm by mutual arran^'iucntl in no Inigor connoctud with tho firm of Sauuder* mid Forrester. BAUNDEUS AND FiMRKSTER, Singapore, May 0. 1010. 14 6 1« 6 MEDICAL HALL. LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) The Liquidator invitt s cfTura
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  • 719 3 OUTWITTED BY THE CALCUTTA OFFICERS. Ten Chinese Arrested. The Englishman of April 28 says Opium smugglers in Calcutta wuro under the im- pressioL tbat during the Easter holidays the 'usual strict vigilance of the Customs 'authorities wonld bo in a manner relaxed land, ever ready to seize an
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  • 426 3 Directors Recommend 12$ Per Cent. Dividend. I The report of the Serrtany Central Plan tutioDu. Liiuitfd. -tat. h tliat the (juantity of rubrci harvt Ktt d ilnrinj; tlj> year to December II t'.taii.'l J14.4T0 lbs., agaiuhl the entiuiate of IMOQI ibn., aud nonius! 1.'!1.4T6 it-, liar verted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 95 3 The 1916 "DODGE BROTHERS" BBaB^ BBBBBaBBaB j BBBBaBBBBaBBBaBBBBBaBaBBBBBaBB i Car Shipment arrives end of May. aJMNtU rrit( i'ir rarth' r ]>irtimltrt of this famout I fENTRAI SINGAPORE. CREOSOLUME AND I CREOSOTE OIL Antiseptic for Wood and Preventive against Insects. .lu>t ;ry oik*; to paint and saturate wood with a little
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    • 428 3 REAL SKINJttMFORT Follows Use of tutictra Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. By b:ithiii-» and anointing these fra(rrant snpcr-onamv hboKhMNI impart to ti'iuli r. wiwitivp or irritntixl, itching skins :i li-lnu' (if ktkHH rninfort diHicult lor MM to rinlhr who has never us»xl them lor like jiurposcs. Sample Each Free by
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    • 335 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorpobatrd in Japan) O««ka mercantile Steamship Co Ltd KOBE— BOMBAY LINE. l'he Company maintains a rogalar oargc service with six steamers oallicg at Mi ji Yckkaiohi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swettenham, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and on the return voyage oalling at Taticorin Singapore, Hongkong and Moji.
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    • 324 3 Tke Straits Times FBK F.M.SJIEJIDERB The Mail Train posUl eorrioo cnaMt* as to Read into the fr.M.S. oao'i eveninf; a Special Rdition ot The Straits Timos contaiainn all tbe important teleßrams and newß rooei vod op to a late hoar in t(jc afternoon. This edition oan be bo\i||hl la Mie
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1086 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Appear L- ine. (Companies Incori-urateo in Enoland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICQ3. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTA SAILIM3S. Under Contract with His Majesty s Oovernuientt. <op China, Japan, Penang, Oeylon, Auetralia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London, Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL
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    • 833 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. i (Incorporated in Si am 1 SINGAPOfIOANfiKOK For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisot, Sc-mcrak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, TelapiJ, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Lacon. Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsaea, Taka, Chumpon, Koblak A Bangkok. Due Departure ASOANG May 18, 9 a.m. •a. BORIBAT May SB 94, 3 pm.
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    • 478 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Fnuhn'.) The Companies' xtoamors am despatch- d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for t h-uon. Marseilles and
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    • 526 4 BTEAIER SAILINIf N. Y. K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHir 00., LTC. (Incorporated in Jafan) EUROPEAN UK. A servioo is m^intain'vl botwuca Yokohama, via port", to MirsoiUoo atid London under mail c intract witb tli<> Imperial Japanese Government. Tbr New Twiu screw Steamers maintaining tbis strvice bave been spocislly denigned and constructed,
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  • 128 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, May IH Hiß.'i Wnter 111 a.m., 1).1S pm Ootwanl mail e\r«ect«l. Races, Second Day. Friday, May 19 Hißh Water. II 4h a m 10 5S p.i). Homnward mail elopes rain.) Entertainment. M.C.A. Hall, 8.45 p.m. Saturday, May 20. Sigh Water, n.Sft p.m.. 11.37 p.m. Races,
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  • 298 5 To-day Laboran Itilik, Tandjong Italei and M. I in Singkel 2.30 pm Port Dicknon and Port Swettenham Sappho 2.30 pm Batu Pahat Hong Wan 2.30 pm I'enang Hong Wan I 2.80 pm l'enang and Calcutta taking mails for Durban Yatshiog 2.80 pm Malacca and Muai Kkka 8
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  • 258 5 The mail trains from Singapore for Hinorth leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lnrapur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.4S a.m. respectively. Tinthrough expriAS to Penang leaves Knala Lutrrrr at h a m. daily, arriving at Penang at 9.VP p.m. tho
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  • 30 5 The mail" from Kurope by the P. and O. packet Siio^ola arc expected by train to niorrow niornio((. C'orreoponilcuee will be ready for delivery about 10 a.m.
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  • 121 5 Onr attention has been called to the fact hat our arrivals in London are much behind those published elsewhere. Our rule i« to give arrivals only when thry mo officially reported in the Post (itln n to a, aod no later date than that printed at><>vo ba
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  • 716 5 Palunu-gala or the Rock That Split. Six miles np the Kaluganga. writes a correspondent in the Ceylon Observer, a' large rock stone blocks tbe waterway across I half itH breadth. The water washes through a siDgle flit in rock, Palonu g»)a !Uie rock that split).
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  • 50 5 I am the greatest criminal in history. 1 have killed more nieo than have fallen in all the wars of the world. I have turned more men into brutes. 1 have i:..nli. millions of buiiies unhappy. I have transformed many ambitious youths into hopeles* parasites. I am Alcohul.
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  • 37 5 Mrs. A. S Bailey and former members of The Pawns an Riving a performance in the Town Hall. Kuala Lumpur, about the middle of July. Tbe proceeds will be devoted to tlie Malayan NY omen's Aircraft Fund.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 566 5 W. D. H. O. fy WILLS'S vA\f !> Y^J\\ M IXTU RE \v/ CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET, twoi-torpyed godown by the river suitable for produce speoia'ly rubber, from July 1. Apply to Box 844, Straits Times. 186— a SUIT! OF RO MS comprising one large and two small
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    • 253 5 'His Master's Voice' The May Records are ready. The greatest list of records ever issued You are catered for here, no matter what your taste is. Ask to-day for the full list. I Black k W., 11. lUliori Mt.*. O H M.rfalf Uance Uichcitra l!lu>iw.-W.lrj Ho.ii (V.-») smajsafe Uuit Orchestra
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    • 719 5 FINANCE AND COMMER EXCHANOB. PRODUCB. SiNOArou, May 18, 1010. Sinoapom, Mat 18, 1916. Omhofn. Bankim/s a/4Ji G ambiot ...118 00 D w O o^ B £SSS 8>1) pick-a :::::9-«b Private 8 m/i a/4fj{ do Mixed 980 Fepper, Black 25 87J On Francb Bank T. T. 836 do White Sarawak 84
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  • 29 6 Lloyd— On May 13. at the Military Hospital, Southport, England, Private Edwin Francis Lloyd, Manchester Regiment, son of Mr. J. T. Lloyd, Singapore aged 26 yoare. R.I. P.
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  • 1063 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, MAY 18. GERMAN HESITATION. It is reported from a somewhat unreliable source that the Gorman Oeneral Staff, witl> the consent of the Kai.ser. has recalled th« Crown Prince from Verdun with a view to Hiving him a long rest or another command. The news is not
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  • 23 6 Ipoh Tin Dredging. Ltd., has declared an interim dividend of 0 per cent, for the year 1916, payable iv London on May 30.
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  • 76 6 TUe Calcutta kqddj market closed at time o clock in tbo afu moon recently ou account of tut' heat, and the jut*; market followed suit the next day with a similar coucesaiou tv iul'Uoio.'okic cuD'iiliooii and the susct'plibiii ties of tiiu brokers. There was uome talk of the Share Exchange
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  • 1425 6 Whole Cost Fully Subscribed. Help to Give the "Anzac" A Lift. If we were a little doubtful of being ablo to complete the Malacca Fighkr before Saturday we need not have been for it is done already, with two full days to spare an! now we ask earnestly,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 A Fresh Shipment of pLIGQUOT y \J HAMPAGnE CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., Wine and Spirit Merchants. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 1 New Season's READY-TO-WEAR FROCKS Fop the Races NOW DISPLAYED AT St JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. (Im opi orated Ks iam>\ When it's Motor Carsthen IPENTRAjn SINGAPORE BUCHANAN'S "RED SEAL" "BLACK WHITE"
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    • 194 6 AGAIN SOMETHING GREAT. ANOTHER 818 DETECTIVE DRAMA upporttd bj an .xcM.nt Mkctlon tf high c »»l Mm ATTHI To-nltf ht Tonight I ILHAMBRA Bench, The House of Quality— The Home of Feature Attractions. The Leading Theatre In Singapore. Manager, M H. Kenyon Slade. The Ambroaio Co., Ltd. PHHSBNIS 808,
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  • 600 7 MONTHLY COMFORTS FOR EVERY SOLDIER. A Cape Town Lady's Letter. 1 he writ i of tht litter from which wo are privileged to make the following extract had no idea that it woul.l I vetr appear in print. It is just her explanation of the
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  • 151 7 tlwin^ to br< ik liinus in the wire's on tin Siaun-i side' li ir^knh has recently l>*n cut i.i: trom nil urupl m: communication ith Singapore tor hcvitj.l days at a time No Re ut<r win-N cuuM gi i ti.rou^h, anil for war new the- Suuuuw ti'i'.al was
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  • 2182 7 WESTERN FRONT. Primitive Fighting At Close Quarters. RUSSIAN THRUSTS. Wedge Driven Into Turkish Lines. Rei-tkr's Tiligbams. London, May 16, 4.35 p.m. Paris, communique There is only lively artillery work in the V. rdun region and a complete defeat nf a small German attack. London. M w IT. 1.80
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  • 50 7 CARRANZA GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE. Rictbr's Telkgram. London, May 17. 3.30 a.m. Washington An agreement has been reached with Carranza by which tbe latter is given an opportunity to show whether be can control the situation in Northern Mexico. Meanwhile the American troops are to remain on Mexican soil.
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  • 53 7 SUSPICION BUT NO PROOF OF INCENDIARISM. Rf.itekV Tklki.i.ams. London, May 17, 12.20 p.m. Ottawa Tbe report of the commission of investigation into tbe burning of Parliament buildings finds that, while there is a strong suspicion of incendiarism, nothing in the evidence justifies tbe finding that the fire
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  • 216 7 Tbc Ordinance for the Registration of Domestic Servants became law, but is not operative until brought into force by special order. It is in a condition of suspended animation, no order having been issued. Meantime here is an illnster of what happens, sent to us by one ot
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  • 140 7 Tbe returns compiled by Lloyd' 4 Rogihti r of Shipping, which only take info account vessels of 100 tons md upwards thn construction of which h is actually MM*i show that there were 424 merchant vessels of 1,423,435 tons gross uuder construction in the laitiil Kingdom at the
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  • 126 7 The price of sovereigns in Bombay has advanced to Ks. 16 H each. The Times of India, in its commercial columns, says They are required to supply gold for tho manufacture of ornaments. Tin i. has boon a great rise in the prico of commercial silver bars, the quotation f
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  • 580 7 SECOND DAY OF TMb SPRING MEETING. Selections and Scratchings. Tbe handicaps for to-day's racing were not out by two o'clock yesterday so had to be omitted by us. Wo trust tlio old arrangement of having them posted up by eleven o'clock will be reverted to to-morrow. The First
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  • 89 7 We have receive d from the Methodist Publishing Houso a MtqM Cm |1M with a request to distribute it M I Uowa: M John's Ambulance 950, l Soldiers and Sailors 150, liclgian Hospital $00. We have Rent Amm to the) treasurers of theso I mils. The contributions
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  • 117 7 In reference to the list of Chinus" sub scriptions to the F.M -S. War Loan puli ished by us yesterday it is pointed out that tl It includes ouly those for tIOyODO or nine by Chint »i' individuals and tirujs whose c isont has been obtained for
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  • 79 7 Messrs. Allen IKnnysand Co., state that tbe undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them at their auction sale at Penang ou Tuesday Smoked ribbed shoet 1137 to »14"> plain 1M No. -2 smoked sheet diamond 127 18tt I'nsmokeil sheet IH I No. '2 unsmoked sheet
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  • 523 8 (Frk Oir Own Cop.kkscom.knt.) Trengganu, May 13. On the Hth mutant a moat daring piracy was enacted on the high seas off Minara, Siaui. A Trtngw-iuu nchooner, owned by Haji Mamst, au I loaded with salt from Trenggnnu for Singora, was off Minara. wh n the ciew
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  • 327 8 Resident-Councillor Presents The Trophy. The town band played, and the perimeter was gay with tUg* and stands of the various club*, xayis thti Huang <>azt-tte, when the Malay Cup Final w*s kali on Saturday, in the prLgeuce uf the lion, the Resiilent-Couik-iIKt, Lit nt. Col. Adan.s, and
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  • 170 8 Writing under yesterday's date, Messrs. Outhiio and Co., state: Por this week's aucli uu Kiiue 4»'..'i tons were catalogued fjr Kale. I K viand duriiig the forenoon was Kood, but was not maintained and at the close wan quiet. Standard sheet ami crepe am $5 ami t'J
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  • 45 8 tputs from the following conipaniett fir tin ln>t half of May are notined Kamuntiuii Tin Dredgiug, Ltd., picula 2bo. liour* turn ;ill i 1,, iiuerinuy Tin Dredging, i Ltd, Kieiigt, (iu-iilh loj, huurs run 801. i iivdrauliu- KU-vstom, picuUSO. Total output I
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  • 145 8 A telegram wag received this morning announcing the death at the Military Hospi tal, Southport, England, as a result of a fall from a pier, of Mr. K F. Lloyd, a private in the Manchester Regiment, and son of Mr. J. T. Lloyd, of
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  • 68 8 The cane against tlio former Lead tamby of ill' Singapore Cricket Club, who is charged wit 1 criminal breach of trust, haa been set ilunn fur hearing in tlie district oonrt. Kraoci- dc I:, zario, clork at tin- club, who ia rharcji J with aidiDt! and abutting the tamby and
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  • Correspondence.
    • 38 8 [Tbe Straits Times is not responsible for tin- opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that lottera must be short and to the point. Long, rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down.]
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    • 178 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l write to you upon what I consider one of the crying shames of our Volunteer Service. For many months the S.R.E. (V bave assisted tbe R.E.s in running tbe search lights. This is undoubtedly a great work. At the
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  • 223 8 Star and Garter Fund. The Singapore committee of the Star and Garter Building Fund for a home for permanently disabled British Bailors and soldiers gratefully acknowledge tbe following contributions Previously acknowledged 13,586 Mrs. A. W. Bean 500 Pountney 100 Pigott 100 Wolff 100 Daly 100 Miss Daly
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  • 227 8 Latest advertisements of tbo day appear on page 5. The Waterbouse freighter Grena arrived at Moji on tbe 16th instant. There is a complete change of programme at tbe Alhambra to night, and the films to be sbown are well up to the standard which thiß popular
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  • 32 8 Bukit Jelotong. 4,793 lbs. eleven months i 54.036 Ibi Indragiri (Sumatra).— B,3B3 lbs. six months j 4 1.-'xj lbs. < Sapong— March 80,296 lbs.; to April 80 81,777* lbs. t
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  • 945 8 Sir E. L. Brockman, K.C.M.G. baa gone toll Taiping Hill. j On Monday tbe Penang Aeroplane Fund 1 1 amounted to »7,678. The death occurred at tbe General I Hospital, yesterday, of Mr. T. A. E. Rooke, I late doctor of the Hums Philp cteamer I Mataram.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 806 8 TRAFALGAR, LTD. The Company Pays Ten Per Cent. Dividend. The sixth ordinary general meeting of Trafalgar, Ltd., was htld at the registered offices of the company, Messrs. I'ntergon. Simons and Co., Ltd.'s premises, yesterday at noon. Mr. C E. Winter presided, and the other* present were Meßxrs. A. P. Cameron,
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    • 260 8 RAFFLES HOTEL RACE WEEK Special Dinner TO-NIGHT CINEMA SHOW ON THE LAWN SPECIAL ATTRACTION See that great Broadway Star HOBART BOSWORTH in the most powerful play of the decade THE SCARLET SIN in 5 gripping acts. A pay that will make rou think. Produced by th^ Universal Film Manifacturin? Co.
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  • 507 9 Experts at American Speed Restaurant. Tho doctor writes Latin on your prescription in return for a five-dollar fee the lawyer may even venture into Greek. The chef says Potage Parmentier when be means potato soup; the sport- writer describes his favourite form of mania in flowing imagery that
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  • 308 9 Man who Rode on Horse Back in Forbidden City. The death took place at his residence. 110, liubblingwell Hoad, Shanghai, on April 21, of one ot China** most prominent statesmen. Sheo Rung poo. Mr. Sben was bom on October 5. Ist.'., at Chanuchow. His family has been
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  • 127 9 The following casualties are reported Indian Expeditionary Forces. Simla, May 'I. Killed.— Capt. O S. J. Barrett, I A. Died of Wounds.— 2nd Lieut. I. W. Agbfortb, I A.R.0.; 2nd Lieut R. L. Holme, Welsh Kuniliere; .'ml Lieut, li. S. Listes, Donets; Lit ut. O. B. Mulders, K.Q
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 242 9 FOR HIS MAJESTY T**E BABY His A HCJUMENT SETTLED Baby Perambulators All D«»i«n* AH Sizes Correct Quality Correct Prices SJLD BY JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. Only Address ORCHARD ROAD Only Address No connection with any other Furniture House) THE HONGKOND ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. (Established 18S3) MANCFAi-TrREIIS 0V 1 I PIRE»-«ROPE
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    • 243 9 Light Railway Material We hold GOOD STOCKS at Singapore and Branches: RAILS. 10, 12, 14, 18 and 20 lbs. per yard with FISHPLATES and BOLTS and NUTS. SLEEPERS. CORRUGATED. To suit 20" and 24" gauge with CLIPS and CLIP BOLTB and NUTS. POINTS and SWITCHES. RIGHT and LEFT HAND, to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 560 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY 18? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (IKCOKroBATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS) HEADCFFICEi Winohaatap Houta, Singapore. LONDON O'FICEi 32, Old Jewry. E.C. The Company has £20,000 ilrponit"d with the Supreme Court of
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    • 403 10 INSURANCE. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. LONDOk (Incorporated in England). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 fotai InvtstoJ Fonda 48.260,000 Annual lucomo 41,100,000 Tho nndcrsi^nid, Agents for the above Oompauy, aio prepared to aoaopt fire and Earth, .akt- ritaBfl IH Hhort periods ol ten dayB as lonyur periods at current rates to be named
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    • 469 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND 8HANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Ikcobporatkd in Honokono). PAID-UP CAPITAL m UflOOG.UM RESERVE FDND8 Sterling 41,600,000 at 2/. 118.000,000 SilTer 1 18,000,090 188,000,000 Keteivo Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRBOTORS. W. L. Patienden Esq., Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. O. T. M. Bdkins, Esq Hon. Mr.
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    • 543 10 I BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AU8TRALIA_AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY j ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital La 00,000 Sharos ot 420 each 41,100,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 r.s«iarve Lfe&ility of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS I The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and
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    • 821 10 INSURANCE. DO NOT ABANDON YOUR POLICY The only policy one can well abandon is a poor policy an.l thtro ire few poor pchcioF in life assurance. A man sge 86 for an annual payment of 1544 seonres a 16-year Limited Payment Life Polioy with Tho Shanghai Life Insurance Co., Ltd.,
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    • 148 10 AUCTION SALE Ok Monday, May «2, at 2.80 p.m. Freehold land and Bungalow No. 128. Bukit Tiuiah Hoid, >tiu,at«d to ooutain i-xordiD;; to tlie Oovirumcnt Resurvey an area of o uoios, aod llpoks and forminr part of Grant No. 9. About 7 acres are planned with rubber au4 the ruxt
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  • 755 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Verdun Lorries. Mr. H. Warner Allon, special correspondent of tbe British Press with the French armies, writes as follows Since the beginning of tbo war I have visited every section of the front held by tbe French armies between tbe
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  • 270 11 On April 7 Driver Sontbcott at Peshawar wrested the championship of the world for sword swinging from Gunner Parker, who had thrice been champion, beating him by three hours, Gunner Parker's best up to then being :i" hours. Not to be outdone Gunner Farker, K.F.A., at Agra
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 96 11 MADS THROUOHOJT IN CANADA. A Gent Saved is a Gent Earned lie who invests wisely in a sturdy FORD earns Dollars, In the first cost— and expense of upkeep— its the most economical car. Ask your neighbour what he thinks of his Ford and why. WEARNE BROTHERS, LTD., SINGAPORE, KUALA
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    • 115 11 "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. Wfwt ''^W^K Extract of Malt and ■army fnftmim. In fawtur, Bmt't < 'ml Liver Oil ami Malt it lar Mtpmw to am/ otlirr frefm*NO OILY FLAVOUR. fjm i>f thi mm B--w )rom any ili*a<jrt,ahli' "iltj sun liar iliiwii:
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 626 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS LIMITED. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan £Go K Ltd.. (In, ..hi ■■•k.mki' in England) IMPORT DEPARTMENT, SINGAPORE. PEN ANG and MALACCA. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, a g"xl typist with knowledge of shorthand. Application in own liar. 1 writing to be* addressed to Box No.
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    • 503 12 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, s econd hand eulur Ford or Overland cir in good running condition. Ap^yJc^S. c/o Straits Times. lit— '2ls PAYING GUESTS WANTBD by resI pt-ctable private family in Tanglin district married coaple or bachelors tennis. Apply Tunglin. c/o Straits Times. 2 s— l-6 MUSIC TEACHER (London diplome) is prepared
      503 words
    • 718 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Paul a Co. 16-1-0 TO LET. Hoaxes Nob. 7, B-a, Chancery Lane Apply to Ching Keng Lte and Co., Auctioneers. 18-11—0 TO LET, Sandlands, Tanjong Katong. Water and electric light laid on. Appiy Meyer Brothers. 6 I—o1
      718 words
    • 493 12 810 STOCK OF ENAMEL COAGULATING PANS JUST ARRIVKD. SPECIAL QUALITY. Sisea 15" X IC' X 4" and 18 1 X 9" X t\" Reasonable Prices from KIAM KIAT CO. lOBandlC9, Market Street. Sole Agents for THE MUIGOIT BELTIN6 CO.. LTD. 10-4—94 NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks
      493 words
    • 295 12 EVERY DOLLAR SPENT GETS FULL VALUE GUAN KIAT&CO. SUPPLIERS or FIREWOOD TO The Singapore Municipality Public Works Department and the Marine Ddpartment, FIREWOOD. How many Thousands do you want please Sole Agents for the GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal fluid for cleaning and preserving steam boilers. 18-I— l7-1 TIN ORE
      295 words
    • 481 12 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties auota as cooks, boys, amahs, ayalis. gardeners, clerks, conductors, short band typists, b .ok-keepers. etc. Charges moderate Also shorthand (Pitman s, and typewriting aretaugbt by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal Ie Co 9. Selegle Koad. Singapore.
      481 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 349 12 Straits V)imes. Telephone*. Editorial and General TO Manager's Ofliee 262 Job Printing Department 34» All communications relating to editona* n;itt( '-s and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertiBcnientH, subscriptions, accounts, printing, rtc. should be addled to THE MANAGER ADVr.l. TISEMENT KATES.- Miscellane
      349 words