The Straits Times, 16 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,108 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MAY 16. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 219 1 MILK O TIC JE2. We beg to give notice that for the present the products of the Bernese Alns Milk Ccmpanv will be imported by us under the "BEAK" Brand instead of iinder "Sledge" Brand as heretofore THE MILK REMAINS UNCHANGED; the trade mark alone has been altered, and for
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    • 178 1 NEW ARRIVAL OF SELECTED GOODS FOR THE Spring Race Meeting INCLUDING FULL RANGE OF OOLOURINGB IN '•Barathea" and "Crepe de Chine" BATSWING BOW TIES, Fancy Foulard BOW TIEB, "Barathea" and "Crepe de Chine" WIDE-END TIES. Plain andTancy >_' PYRAMID HANDi KERCHIEFS, in full NEGLIGE SHIRTS > Range of Colouring 6
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    • 5 1 GOODRICH s HI s TYRES
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  • 990 2 The following casualties r*e reported London, April 28. Killed.— 2nd Lieut. M. R. Armstrong, R.E.; 2nd Lieut. C. S. Brindley, Soots Fusiliers Capt. A. C. Bruce, Army Service Corps; 2nd Lieut. S. P. Darcb, Gloucester^ 2nd Lieut. C. A. Hitchcock, Shropshire* Lieut. A. Johnstone, Shropshires Major H. W.
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  • 37 2 According to reliable sources, Mr. H. Itonnafous. interpreter at the French Lega lion in Bangkok, who is a prisoner of war in Germany, has not had bis feet frozen and amputated, as reported wrongly on several occasions.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 217 2 Acetic Acid (European and Japanese 99% trengtb); Box Strapping, V; Castor Oil; Calcium Chloride; Grease Lubricating Oils Creosote Methylated and Rectified Spirits French ard Asbestos Roofing Tiles and Ridges; Sodium Bisulphite; Formalin Boiled Linseed Oil Cement, etc. S. J. JUDAH CO. 29, Robinson Road. Tel. 1363 24-4—28 5 H^^M^ <r
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    • 413 2 WHAT HEADACHES POINT TO. When a patient mentions headaches tbe doctor seeks for the cause, and in most cases fieds it in some derangement of the nervous or digestive system. Headache, as is well known, is one of the commonest symptoms of a weak disordered stomach, or exhausted nervous system
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    • 350 2 Made in Dublin BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION b,READ BROTHERS, u»ifa Q^kiaNlP rv D ij Dog's Head Guinness •OLD KVIRVWHf Hi. OHDFR IN FAMILY PACKAGES 14 4— 13 7 AUCTION SALE On Monday, May '12, at 2.80 r x. Freehold land snd Bungalow No. 126, Bukit Timah Road, estimated to contain
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    • 525 2 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Mrs. M. MASS ABM, maternity nurse, has removod to 1, Dhoby Ghaut, top floor. 8-5— 26 NOTICE. Mr. John Forrester has been admitted a partner in this firm as from May 9, 1916. Dated May 10, 1816. LYALL 4 KVATT. 11 5— 17 6 NOTICE. NOTICE is
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  • 1078 3 DIVIDEND OF 50 PER CENT FOR THE YEAR. Another Donation to War Funds. The N. C. Daily News reports The annual meeting of the Senawang Rubber Estates Co., Ltd., was held at Shanghai on Marl. The Chairman said :—Gentlemen,—The directors' report and accounts for the year ended January
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 579 3 ERUPTIONS COVERED BABHFACE Awful Sight. Burned Like Fire. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Face Quite Free. Tilbury Grow, Waltham St.; Lawrence. Berks.. Eng— My baby face was completely covered with eruptions which broke /SSJj^jJj. and ran all over his face. It /^T^\\ M an awful slghl II wou| d /jlf^LMMf
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    • 89 3 The 1916 "DODGE BROTHERS" Car Shipment arrives end of May. You should tvrite us B for /iiiiini- particulars of this famous (Ur. yEgONE WORKS IT jL| SINGAPORE. Aerated Water Bottles (PLAIN). THEY HAVE J A LARGF GAINED V^ ST OCK OF A HIQH IV REPUTATION J^ 7 OZ. &14 OZ.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1090 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.- British India AND Mpcar Lsßiine. (Companies Incorporated iv Enuland). HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVIC3S PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILING 3 Under Contract wltn Hl* Majesty a Government). for Ohina, Japan, Penang, Oeylon, Auetralia, India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte and London, Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL
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    • 819 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (Incorporated in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisat, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupia, Patani, singora, LaoOD, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Taka, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Doe Departure a. ASOANG May 17,3 p.m. a.*. BORIBAT May 99 94, S p.m. PRAOHATIPOK .29 31, 3
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    • 473 4 STEAMER SAILINBS OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (INCORPOEATED IN Ev.L'Mi) f,The Companies' steamers are despatch' d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 508 4 STEAMER BAILINII STY. K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINt. A servioe it luiintaim-d butwotm Yokohama, via port', to MarKeillns and London under mail omtract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tht New Twin-screw Steamem mnintaining thin service have been specially designed and constructed, and aro fittid
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  • 106 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, May 16 High Watnr 924 a.'n., 911 p 'D Singapore \ssi/vs. Singapore Raco meeting. Wednesday, May 17. High Water. 10.13 a.m., 9.44 p.<o. Trafalgar, Ltd meeting, noon. f'hur.tday. May IM. Hieh Water. 11.1 a.m 10.H p.m Ontwanl mail expectod. Races, Second Day. Friday, May 10.
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  • 269 5 Today. ii and 11.I 1 it Swittenhaua Calypso 2.30 pui Sarawak aud < bilt R. of Sarawak 2.30 pm Malacca ano Muar Lady Weld Bpm n^, Shanghai nii'l .lapan SUirala SM pm Bangkok Dovio 8.30 pm Kota Tinggi Meranti 4 pm To-mokkow. Pulau Batam and Pulau Bulang
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  • 255 5 The iua'l trains fr.->m Singapore lor th< north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respt-ctively Th. tlirui't'li express to Penang leaves Kuala Lnn-rrr at H a.m. daily. arrivint! at aaaj at A... put.
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  • 44 5 It. r to outward mail steamer SangoU i i- kw at Peaang al expected to arrive h«< uu Tliurday afternoon tli,< Wh idem, aac will Kail at a.m. th. n> \t day and <>. stt'ituit'r Moliaa ii >vi lid^. the Mtli inst.
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  • 113 5 Our attention ha- boon callc.l to tb« fact that mr arrivals in London arc much behind (hose published els. -where. Oar ralo i« to >;iTB arrivals only when they are officially reported in tbe Post Office notices, and no I kter date than that printed above ha
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  • 207 5 Outward. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from tbe London and China Bx press. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and thit intending passengers may alter their arrangomonte, sabeeqaent to the issuance of this list in London Per
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  • 102 5 The Busier Nachrichten hitherto notoriously pro-German publishes a letter from a younu Geruian officer referring to the heavy officer losses before Verdun. Tbe terrible ferocity of thf nghthing was increased and there was a tempest of French shells. He concludes they are now within a hundred
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  • 172 5 EXCHANOE. Sinoapou, May 16, 1916. On Lomiv Bask 4 m/H m a/4(| Demand 3/4^ Private 8n m 2/4*,) On France Bank T. T. 826 On Imiia .........Bank T. T. 174} On Ho* 3KoM«...Back d/d 84 dis On Seakobai ...Bank d/d 72 Oh Java Bisk T. T. m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 322 5 THE SANDYCROFT RUBBER CO.. LIMITED (INCORPOIUTED IN SINGAPORE), NOTICE h hereby given that the Twelfth Ordinary General Meeting ct the Member* of tbe Sid iyc-ctt Rubber Company Limited, will be b Id at tbe offi:t of the Company, chartered Bank Chamders Singapore on Friday, Maj £6, .'jlO, at 12 o'clock
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    • 773 5 w. d. h. o. l/y WILLS'S a[\\( > YrJIV MIXTU RE ft I V AND \V/ CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE, set of oob pitent harness, best quality, brass moantingi, almost new. Box No. 342, Straits Times. 16 5—17-6 WASTED, a go*l typist wish knowledge ot shorthand. Application in
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    • 645 5 HUPMOBILE CAR SHIPMENT. ot VALOAELE FREBH( LD n^m^^ M-MSH advice of "acta,l .'..pmcat,. TUL PROPBRTY KNOWN AS FAlKfrom both Atlantic and Pacific ports having FIELD, CLUNY ROAD, SINGAPOKB' been received. Mar i now ablo to de6citely i To be held at Pownl! kCn 's sale room, offer tbe public the
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  • 1110 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, MAY 16. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. It is announced that Mr. Theodore Roosevelt has agreed to become a candidate for the Presidency of the I'nited States. We have some doubts as to whether his candi dature will be successful, but it will be intensely interesting to see how
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  • 68 6 Messrs. Li Kirn Chuan, Quay Pin Siang and Lim Kian Hock are endeavouring to form a corps of Chinese Volunteer Infantry. JO strong, among the Straits i binefte of Klaug and Port Swettenham, subject to tho approval of tbe Government. A circular has been issued, and already :>5 men have
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  • 1408 6 The "Malacca" Fund Rising. Help Those Who Helped Us. The great Fighting Aircraft bund continues to prosper. We hear of several folk who are considering big gifts like those made by Mr. Tan Jiak Kim and Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co., but our own immediate ohm ness is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 125 6 j SCOTCH WHISKY HP H D. J. McCALLUM, Edinburgh. Sole Agents i i ■CALDBECK, M4CGREGOR CO. Singapore and Malacca. 1-1 81 12 -WW*«fl*w.. mm* A CHOICE ASSORTMENT g New Season's 1 READY-TO-WEAR FROCKS For the Races vow DUVL4TBO \T S JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. HNUISI IN Bni.LAND). 2. Engineering Consult
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    • 174 6 PEGIAL RAGE WEEK ATTRACTIONS MAMMOTH FEATURE PRO6RAMME. mo of the finest programmes ever presented ATTHB (.LHAMBRA Beaoh Road, 'he House ol Quality Tne Home of Feature Attractions. Manager M. H. Kenyon Slado Sentitional »mbroilo DttMtlvt Dramt THE MYSTERIOUS YACHT 4 Reels rHRILLS THRILLS" THRILLS!!! system upon Myttari I Sansation upon
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  • 418 7 A Light Calendar for The Chief Justice. A rcrj KajM .-alendar awaited the Chief Jaaaw Bit J a S liucknill K.C., at the third kaaiaaa, which opened this morning. A cause list of four indictments compared very favourably with that of the tirst criminal aaMMMM In 1 1
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  • 156 7 The report of the X' neral manage* Mr. W (i. harbyi and e-onsulting committee of tl > hiu.i Borneo Company. Ltd., fur presen tntion to the shareholder! ut tin thirteenth hi uuaiy yearly meeting at Hongkong on the 1 in-t atatai The balance at the credit of
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  • 98 7 from Bangalore, dated Muy 1 hayi Krow BMaa 01 less complete lists now 1 South India planters who bave In ir out of a total of 144 men, Jl an from the t oor>:. 2tf from West Coast, 21 fr, in Mundakayaiu. It! from Kanuan he-van,
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  • 569 7 CASEMENT TRIAL. Second Prisoner Also Charged. DESPERATE FIGHTING. Fierce Work Ia Persian Territory. RII'TEB'S TBLIC.F.AM-. London, May IS. 12.40 p.m. Extraordinary interest was taken in the opening of the Casement trial. Long lines ot people, including many distinguished persons, waited for hours ia Bow Street. Only a few
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  • 141 7 MORATORIUM LEADS TO BANK RUN. Kictik's Tklioram, London, May 15, 12.20 p.m. Shanghai: Despite the moratorium the Bauk of China will remain open, thereby preventing an unparalleled panic, as there has already been a run on another bank. Immense crowds are besieging the banks, in order to convert
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  • 304 7 Captain von Papen's Understudy Trapped. The Daily Mail is publishing a story of a German agent who was arrested some time ago, kept in custody in England, and then sent to America to testify against the German bomb and dynamite conspirators In the eai ly days of
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  • 172 7 As a sequel to the recant Drummond shooting case David houaldson wan on May 2 round guilty of perjury. The Magistrate of Alipore in sentencing him said. In pass lag aaaaaan l t&mumkm the fact that you have already suffered severely from wounds indicted upon you.
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  • 56 7 The Ministering Children's League (Joncert to be held at the V.M.C.A. Rooms on Friday next. 19th inst.. in aid of Red Crow Work, has been fully booked, but there will be a matinee on Saturday at the same place at 5 p.m. Admission, children, 20
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  • 97 7 The supply of Berlin newspapers to Scandinavia and Switzerland is interrupted. This is attributed to the de-.-iru of the Germans to conceal the riot of the Ist to the Mk inst. The Daily Telegraph's Milan correspondent mentions that Swiss reports are that rioting was on a considerable
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  • 91 7 ESCAPED GERMAN STEAMER AT TANJONG PRIOK. Damaged by British Gunfire. We have received the following official message from headquarters, Fort Cunning A steamer of about 4.000 tons arrived off Batavia on May 14. On anchoring in the Priok roads she hoisted the German mer cantile Hag. The officers
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  • 464 7 THE OPENING OF THE SPRING MEETING. Selections for To-day. Quite a number of visitors are in town from the F.JIS. and the neighbouring Settlements especially keen ou the Spring meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club which opens at the Racecourse this afternoon. Given fine weather there should be
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  • 233 7 Un Saturday, May 13, at the Bethesda, Bras Basah Koad, the marriage of Harry Donald Andre.', of Kuala Lumpur, son of the late R. W. Andrec, of the F.M.S. Railway service, and grandson of Jonathan Andreo, Chief Police Inspector, Ceylon, and Florence Dulcibel Rankin, youngest daughter of
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  • 30 7 We beg to acknowledge from G.W.W., with many thanks *2!i for the Charing Cross Hospital, on bpliilf nf vMah in appeal appeared recently in our column*.
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  • 1366 7 CITY VIEWS OF THE MONSTER BUDGET. From Our Own Correspondent. London, April 7, 1910. I This has been Budget week and little else has been discussed in the City or eilsowhere. The figures are staggering in their magnitude and if there are still any professional whim perers" who
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  • 314 7 Owners Refuse to Recognise The Guild. The Cliil.i ewai ihipytafl ah Eki I. the decision having been reached at a iunt ing in Shanghai which lasted on May 1 from 2.30 to 7.30. Thirty nine members of t!.i GuiH attenlel, many uf whom h.o on tin
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  • 53 7 The lion, treasurer, Mr. H. 11. Ward, of Evatt and Co.. French liank Buildings, Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks the following contributions to the above fond Amount previously acknowledged $9,393 Well wisher 50 H. K. A. Day 60 B. P. de Silva 26 Total to
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  • 69 7 We bave pleasuro in acknowledging, un behalf uf the Blind Soldiers Fund, a cheque tor 148. This is forwarded by Mr. fao Clinon HiiiD. lion, treasurer of the Chinese Christian Association, tin; monoy having been collected at the 26th Anniversary Meet ing of .lie Association
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  • 100 7 The annual exhibition ot tin Support Art Club will be held uu Tuesday and Wed nesday, May and 21. at the Taiijjiii: Club. iiud will bo ope-uod mi tin- Tuesday, at 4 p.m., by the Lady Evelyn Voting. We an informed tha 1 MR is a latßJl
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  • 721 8 AN APPEAL TO AUSTRIAN INNOCENTS ABROAD. The following heroic effort naturally loses much of its bombast in the translation, says the N. C. Daily News. It brings to mind the Aimtrian-or more often German—" tourist," who, clad In all the paraphernalia of the mountaineer, alpenstock, feather in
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  • 152 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear en page 5. Rattles Hotel to night and on Thursday and Saturday is making fine arrangements for racegoers. Special dinners, cinema show on tbi lawn and dancing at intervals should unki the evening pass pleasantly. It is whispered that the cinema
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  • 152 8 i oiri'spon.lint has t.irwardid to us on account of the orxniDg meeting of the IndiaCeylon Association of 1916, which was held at Ulan liharu. Alor Star, on the 7th iust.. Supt. |P. and T Kedah) presiding over a large company, including Messrs. N. ,J. Kay, S. Asirvadam, N.
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  • 587 8 Power of Great Nation Thrown Away During Peace. A lay scruiou. iu Lloyd's, took for its text, He sure your sin will find you oot," and tbe writer, Mr. Arthur Mee, said Not a week goes by in the story of the world but Eternal
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  • 214 8 Foreign Mission Station Attacked And Robbed. A correspondent ot the S.C. Morning Post, writing from Canton on the 3rd inst., gives the following detailed account of the attack made by armed robbers on a foreign mission station North and West of Canton City the country lutricts are infected
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  • 158 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week onding, Friday, May 19 Tuesday, May 16. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. S.V.A. Officers and N C.O.s S.R.EIV.) Officers and N.C.O.s. Chinese Co. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. Drill Hall S.V.C. Cadets Wednesday, May 17. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co.
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  • 360 8 Geography and Boundary Disputes. Colone Sir Thomas Holdicb, lecturing before the Royal Geographical Society on Geographical Problems in Boundary making," showed how costly mistakes bad been made owing to lack of geographical knowledge. That was, be said, the first rock on which delimitation treaties split. Where
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  • 185 8 Total Enlistments to March 31, 233,729. The Minister tor Defence (Senator I'earcti at Melbourne on April 13 issued a comparative statement of the number of troops raised up to March 31 in the several States since the beginning of the war. New South Wales beads the list with
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  • 262 8 Indian Government and Claims For Delays. A Press comiuaniijue, issued at Simla, says The Government of India wbili' i.j tin tainio<; in principle their previous decision that no claim* in respect of telegrams stopped, delayed or otherwise dealt with by censors whether for the reimbursement of
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  • 76 8 Punggor.— 3,9so lbs. I nited Serdang.— 24o,7lo lbs. Sungei Kari.— 23,066 lbs. Asanan.— lB,99B lbs. TanjoDg.— loo,loB lbs. Sialang.— 81, 950 lbs. Anglo Sumatra. 68,151 lbs. Ampat- 11,753 lbs. Tanah Datar. 1,175 lbs. Bah Lias Tobacco and Rubber.— s,64s lbs. ToeraDgie.— 3,Bl6 lbs. Mi mIaMH ;i,l ■>:•<
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  • 703 8 Dump I >i! Dembal, Pilot Superintendent of the Rivers Steam Navigation Co Goal undo, accidentally fell overboard on May 1 aod was drowned. At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday, the resolutions, passed on May 1, debarring enemy subjects from the privileges of the Chamber
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  • 43 8 The Government of India has decided to raise the upset price of opium sold at tho Calcutta sales from the present minimum of Rs. 1,800 per chest to Rs. 2,600 with effect from July 1 next until further orders.
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  • 169 8 The Government of India's decision no longer to maintain the scheme announced on March 25 last year (or controlling the export of wheat, has been received with satisfaction by Indian dealers of wheat in Bombay. The export of wheat from Bombay was largely in tho
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 283 8 RAFFLES HOTEL RACE WEEK Special Dinner TO-NIGHT CINEMA SHOW ON THE LAWN SPECIAL ATTRACTION. A moving picture entitled SCANDAL," in 5 Reels, produced by the Universal Film Manufacturing Co., "at every word a reputation dies;" written by Lois Weber, author of "HYPO RtTES" Direction of Lois Weber and Phillips Smalley.
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  • 927 9 DIRECTORS TO RAISE FURTHER CAPITAL. Company's Satisfactory Progress. The fifth annual ordinary general meeting of tlio Lower Perak Coconut Co. lias been held at Colombo. There were present: Messrs. K. ,T. llawkes (chairman), M. Kelway Bamber, U. H. Golledge (directors), F. R. Smothurst. by attorney Messrs. C.
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  • 133 9 The Peking Government approaching the family of the late Tnan Fang, a bigh Mancbu official of the late dynasty, for the purchase of a large collection of curios and other valuable articleß which the deceased Manchu had collected daring bis tenure of office an Viceroy at Nanking, Bays
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 256 9 FOR HIS MAJESTY THE BABY HIS ARGUMENT SETTLED Baby Perambulators All Designs All Size* Correct Quality Correct Price* SOLI) if JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. Only Address ORCHARD ROAD Only Address iNo connection with any other Furniture House) THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. Established 1883) 1 MANUFACTURERS OF PURE- ROPE 8
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    • 339 9 rll^ns Points Worth Noting tti§|ji|sl Security Roofing is first of ;ill perfectly weather-BWS-v<vx! 9 a P^tection and not an element of danger in BB^SSh It is durable, and wears for years without needing S Jl BpJJJgMggl 1* oeB no require painting in order to preserve it. 1 It will not
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 548 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFIOB 1 Wmoheatep Houae, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 1 39, Old Jewry, E.O. The Company has 4820.000 deposited with the
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    • 402 10 INSURANCE. lUAROIAN ABBURANGE COMPANY, LIMITED. LONDOk (Incorporatkd in England). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Investod Funds £0,360,000 Annual Income .£1,100,000 The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to aooept fire and Earthquake risks for short period* of ten days as longer periods at curront rates to be named on
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    • 457 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong). paid-up capital ub.000.000 reserve funds Sterling 41,600,000 at 1/- •16,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 $88,000,000 Re«e»ve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OP DI RIOTOUS. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. O. T. M. Bdkins, Esq. Hon. Mr. D.
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    • 527 10 BANKING^ CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER I Paid up Capital in 80,000 Sharos ot «!20 -oh 41,200,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Beeerve Liability of Proprietors... 4)1.200.000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster
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    • 936 10 INSURANCE. DO NOT ABANDON YOUR POLICY The only policy one can well abandon is a poor policy and there are few poor policies in life assurance. A man tge 86 for an annual payment of 1544 secures a 16 year Limited Payment Life Policy with The Shanghai Life Insurance Co
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  • 979 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Ipoh Automobile Industry. A subject that largely interests the commercial world in the present day, says the Times of Malaya, is the future of the motorcar industry, and some local views on the subject elicited from the manager of a large
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  • 82 11 I A Japanese merchant who, according to the Hochi has been commissioned to collect rides and ammunition for the use of the Chinese Revolutionist!?, landed at Kobe on April 17. but finding it impossible to discover any dealers with sufficient stocks to satisfy his demands, went on to Tokio the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 110 11 MAD! THROUGHOUT IN CANADA. A Cent Saved is a Cent Earned He who invests wisely in a sturdy FORD earns Dollars. In the first cost— and expense of upkeep—it's the most economical car. Ask your neighbour what he thinks of his Ford and why. WEARNE BROTHERS. LTD., SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR,
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    • 280 11 Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. The Motor Car for the Million. The Anjo Car is the first to combine loir cost uith utility and leauty. It is a sturdy <ar, The Argo it the envinl car in the low- in every sense.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1085 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED in SCOTLAND MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED to rent, small godown convenient for shipping to roads. Apply Box 889, Straits Times. 16-5—17-6 WANTED, a tecond hand either Ford or Overland car in good running condition. Apply to S.. co Straits Times. 11-6—24-5 PAMNG GUESTS WANTED by respectable private family
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    • 703 12 HOUSES TO LET. Ttl LBT, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian stieet. Apply Slephe>aa Panic Co. 16-I—o TO LBT, No. b, Thomson head. Entry May 1. Apply Meyer Brothers, 14, Coliyer Quay. 8-4— o To LEX. Housea Nob. 7, 8-a, Chancery UknL Apply to Ching Kecg Lee and Co., Auctioneers. 18
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    • 581 12 BIG STOCK OF ENAMEL COAGULATING PANS JUST ARRIVBD. SPECIAL QUALITY. S acs 15" x U' x 4" and 18* x 9" x 8J" Reasonable Prices from KIAM KIAT CO. lOBandlC9, Market Street. Sole Agents for THE MULCOIT BFLTING CO.. LTD. 10-4-9 4 TO CONNOISSEURS AND COLLECTORS OF CURIOS. For sale
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    • 289 12 EVERY DOLLAR SPENT GETS FULL VALUE GUAN KIAT CO. SUPPLIERS OF FIREWOOD TO The Singapore Municipality Public Works Department and the Marine Ddpartment. FIREWOOD. How many Thousands do you want please i Sole Agents for the GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal fluid tor cleaning and preserving bteam boilers. 181—171 TIN
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    • 476 12 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties such as cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs gardeners, clerks, conductors, shortband typists, book-keepers, etc. Charges moderate Also shorthand (Pitman and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, app.y to the straits Employment Afionoy, Agents Patal Co 9. Selegle Road. Singapore, 8 4—7 6
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 351 12 Straits V)imes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Offiue 2A'2 Job Printing Department 348 All communicationH relating to matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc. should be ad dressed to THE MANAGER. ADVI I, TISEMENT RATES.—
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