The Straits Times, 12 May 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Time. NO. 25,105 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. MAY 12. 1916. PRICE 10CENTR.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 184 1 MILK KATZ BROS., LTD. NEW SHIPMENTS OF COAGULATING PANS TAPPING GOUGES Size 15 x 10" x 4 Size 5/16" FAIRBANKS SCALES WHITE GLAZED TILES Size 1,000 lbs., 1,200 lbs., Size 6" x 6" 1,500 lbs. and catties. MARBLE SLABS Size 24" x 24" PRICES ON APPLICATION. KATZ BROS. LTD. fvNEL
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    • 181 1 PERIOD FURNITURE DuTi if, I J if I* 5 ii THE JACOBEAN DINING-ROOM SUITE An Artistic Reproduction in Teak. Finished in Dark Antique Oak Shade. The suite comprises Side- board, Dining Table, two Arm Chairs and four small Chairs. PRICES OK APPLICATION. ROBINSON CO. The following are now In stock
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  • 1172 2 THE PROPER WAY TO TREAT YOUNG FOLKS. The Perverse kind of Parent. Mr. Edwin I'agh writes thus helpfully of children and their treatment Most lower animals, I believe, are born blind and tbeu quickly develop a sense of sight until their vision is more or less perfect. Most
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 247 2 Acetic Acid (European and Japanese 99% strength); Box Strapping, V; Castor Oil; Calcium Chloride; Grease Lubricating Oils Creosote Methylated and Rectified Spirits French ard Asbestos Roofing Tiles and Ridges; Sodium Bisulphite; Formalin Boiled Linseed Oil; Cement, etc. S. J. JUDAH CO. 39, Robinson Road. Til. 13ea 24-4-38* I—IOW can any
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    • 436 2 WHAT THIN FOLKS SHOULD DO T6 GAIN WEIGHT. Physician's Advice For Thin, Undeveloped Men and Women. Thousands of people Buffer from excessive tbinnsßß, weak njrvis and feeble stomachs I who baviDK tried advorti^d flesh-makers, food-fad)-, physical cu.ture stouts aod rubon creams, resign themselves to life-long akiriniDeßH and think notbiDK w
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  • 925 3 SATISFACTORY POSITION OF THE I COMPANY. I Kedah Government Loan. The seventh ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Kuala Sidim Kubber Company, Ltd., was held at tbe company's registered office, Penang, on Saturday at noon, with Mr. \V. Duncan in tbe chair, reports the Straits
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 181 3 there's Purity and Vigou? l\ HI RY DKOP Or KtA i Dag's Head Guinness Thfi TONIC cneers and soothes am .'oes.i t harm. A simple nounshing food of high m.dkinal value. NOTE. -The above DOGS HEAD Label l* on every bottle. Refuse imitation*. 3 Id Ever vvli JL e^
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    • 202 3 I ESANOFELE ANTI-MALARIA PILLS. Sold Everywhere. Greatly need by the Italian Government A sure cure for Malaria Fever. Highly, renommended by those «ho have used them. OAOGINO CO. 20-11 a— lt GHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No. 25 South Bridge Road First-class Mechanical Dentistry, 'io'd Crown Bri<*«<> Filling and Valcanite Duration of
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    • 384 3 Sulphuric Acid 66° READY STOCKS H. WOLSKEL CO. Singapore and Kuala. Lumpur-. 1-7—Bo 6 "ARMCO" CULVERTS What they are; A rast- proof iron of corrugated section— in circle and halt circle form of Rrcat strength made in light, easily transportable, unbreakable sections, each section ooly 2 ft. long. Ea<>y to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1119 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.- British India AND Mpcar Line. (Companies Inlorpokvikd in KsohndK KAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR ANO ORIENTA BAIUN<aB .Under Contract with His Majesty s Qovernuient). for Ohina, Japan, Panang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte and London. Stesmers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES.
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    • 789 4 STEAMEB mums. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kre'.ay, Triagganu, Bisat, Sjmerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupio. Patani, Singora, L»33n, Kobiamui, Baudon. Langsuen, T**u, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Duo Departure s s. ASOANG May IS May 17, 3 p.m. aa. BORIBAT 89 94, S p.m. a.a.
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    • 469 4 STEAMER SAILINfiS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LIMITED, AM) CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (IhCOKI'OIIATKIi IN KnilL«Mi) '.The Companios' Rttaiuor* aro dispatch' d from Liverpool outwards for tho Straits, China and Japan every weok aod from Japan homewards (or London, Amsterdam aod Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 527 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN UNE. A service is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London ander mail ontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tb'. Now Twin- screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designod and constructed, and
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  • 723 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, May 12, 1916. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and sbare brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. NOM. VALOB. BotlM. 8»LL»E». a/- AiirngM a/- 2,4* 1 Anßlo-J«*m 30/6 25/--2/
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 600 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INOO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTt. I v. HI -h V 1!■ IS KSDLA.NO). Dlp«ot Sarvio* to Japan via Hon* kontf Jk Shanghai, and to Catcutt via Panm-ig, from Singapore Taking oar^o ou turougb Bills ol Ladin. for Canton, Macao, Swatow. Amoy, Che'.; Tientsin, Newohwang, Vanytsse i'orta he. moaa,
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    • 573 5 ill tv V'-^l 5 Little Lectures l>y Nursk WlNCAhNls.' {Lt:lnrt No 3 Vhan ycir system nndpr ?ji ii'ine-d l>v worry or over- %S y work when your vitality 3£ is lowered when you feel ,X!E "•ay-how" when your j^fr:ervcsare"npr(i,;e" when J^lK tlie least exertion tires you Sk you are in
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    • 493 5 "I AM nilAI ITV'O IIUIT" f\ A^^^^k I AIM BUALIIYS LIMIT fu\p a ffl y a TO attain and moreover n tain p< rfect J s\ *'VV^ I s-> 1I L quality this has been ihe motto of \*L* J State Exprtfs CigaretUn cvir Biccc tLiy jJ^K _^T JSi Bfc^
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    • 110 5 GAIL BORDENS EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MiLK Borden's Sterilized Natural Milk Purity of Quality Guaranteed. Best and Oldest in the World. CHINA PRODUCTS TRADING COMPANY Sole Agents, Telephone 1689. SINGAPORE. The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book. This handy little bock has now reached its TKNTU EDITION, a fure indication of its usefulness.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 100 6 PIANOS TUNED and REPAIRED Cheap, Prompt. Thorough BY JEL. <2. HUDSON (Laii or Tm Rciunson Puno Co.) 100, Adelphi HoteP Buildings, NOBTH BKIDGB Ri>AD. Any work personally attended to and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Tel. 1705. We are fully equipped to design and build *f; Chimneys, Towers, Reservoirs, Silos, Lift Towers, etc,
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    • 34 6 THIS I 18 MARK jk THE guarantee: o( tbe Absolute Parity of oar Bottlingg ol BURTON PILSENER AND GUINNESS'S STOUT. W. A. ROSS BROTHER, LTD. Bottling Specialists, IMOOH, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST and LEU I. 69
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    • 627 6 TO BTAMPJOLLECTORB. INDIAN STATES POSTAGE STAMPS ONIA. ALL FINB PICKBD COPIES. UO varieties for »IW6; 150 for 18.70; 200 for »8; 800 for 111 and 400 for |42 86. PER!- UN stamps: '26 varieties for 40: 50 for 11.10; 76 for 12.20; 100 for |3 70 and 150 for 18.60.
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  • 110 7 FIXTURES Friday. May 12 k r Wi.rec 5.5 a.ra. 6 44 p.m. llonn wur I mail clows drain !<• initiative Council, 2.'<o p.m. Saturday, May 14. Ilith Wikr, MB a.m.. t.fJ p.m. Sunday, May 14. '•iitii 'Vator. 7.:t1 :i iv H I p.m. Outward mail MBfMli I
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  • 217 7 v Swittt'nham and Tel uk Anson Kinta 2.30 pm Batu Puhat llnnn Wun 4 pm Malacca an Mnar I.ady WcH Bpm i any ami S irabiiya, taking maiN for I'ott M in ■'by, l'.risbanc, >yliii v ;.!< Ibourne v.l A -li Ui K'imphius 8..J3 pm Meranti 4
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  • 209 7 I'lll f' t' 1 Kcad station daily at 7 .7 %.vr. md 7 p. n. ifcMaa, at Kuala Lompur %t 7.18 p.LL, > ctivdy. Tv throofl; I', uaog leaves b ll I f 1 1 1 iat H a.m. daily, arriving a. Nbmm l.iy. Tli tad w,u\
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  • 84 7 llii K. I. contract packet Kultala with from London may be expected to arrive it NaaM »n --iturday. the 13th inst. H M. oat ward Hteamer Cordillere nib-) j.\ 5 p.m. on Monday, the Mh DHt., and miy bu expected to arrive here m Saturday ni'unint;.
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  • 76 7 I no fact v ion *r> much behind iir ru'< n to ;i- >nly whoa they art officially md no m date thaa that oriatad above t>a bioii Har. M) V. t April 7 It. I. \|.ril s M. M. \,.r,l W M M. \tn! II P.
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  • 207 7 Outward the fot!owin« pa»ienßer h^<k>n4!s to the Straits arc taken from tbe Ijondon and China Express. It should be understood that, in Rome instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passenKers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 114 7 A new story of Sir John .lullicoe is told in the Christian World. A Muall boy, tbe son of an officer on tbe Admiral's riagsbip. wan talu uup to Scotland to sec his father. He was allowed on tbe ship KaaM, and while tbe little fellow was on
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  • 176 7 EXCMANCIH Sinu»pobb, May 12, 1916 On Lcm l Bcnk 4 m/s 2/4i|! Demand ii/ 4} Private 8 m/i 2/4 On Franck Bank T. T. Cn India Bank T. T. .74; On Jdonot.,No...Bank d/d :ij dis On Sbamobai ...Bank d/d 73; OmJata Bank T. T 136* On Japan
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    • 177 7 M INING. ue Buyers Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 6.00 7.00 1 1 Aver Weng 0.P5 0.50 10 10 Belat 1.H5 2.00 10 10 Kaoabol 0.(0 1.05 I) 10 Kinta Association 5.00 El £1 Kinta Tin 1.5.0 1.12.6 [1 Jcl Lahat Mines .1.00 500 10 9.'25 Malayan Collieries 1.50 dis par
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    • 626 7 v3£j Sellet8 2,- 2/ IIHK -',6 £1 £1 Anglo-J»va 1 .1.0 1.26 2,- AngloMalaj 8/B 10>6 Katun* MuJBt» '4/74 £1 il Batu Tiga 3.0.0 8 15.0 -V 2/- Bekoh 2/8 2/10 k\ £1 'inkit Kajai 2 .12.6 3.0.0 d £1 Bakit Lic;aug 3.0.0 3.5.0 iickit Mcrtajam 3/- 3/6 il
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    • 132 7 fete! BnyerB Be c 1 II 41 1. Smelting Ok 8.40 8.00 (N £1 Pief. 14.0 1.c.0 If. 6/- Blootne T'wajs 2/9 8/--10 10 Frmser Neave 49.00 50.00 xd SO 60 W. Hanjmor A Co. 60.00 61.00 .00 Howarth Brekine 26.00 85.0 a 100 7%Pref. ***** 100 100 K»t«
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    • 57 7 United Engineers 6% 11,384 500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £860,000 com -> pore Municipal 6% »1,878.000 par S pore Municipal i\% of 1007 •1,800,0G0 08 Spore Municipal 4J% of 1908 •1,000,000 »M% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,0C0 llifcdis Spore Municipal i% £800,000 B%dis The quotations of atorliny shares must
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 195 7 KUALA LUMPUR RUBBER AUCTIONS. bo lie d oc;e t> week on Tuarsdayrf C'ons:»;Qc;i,'Q h iboaU reach ns two dajs prior to utch BkU to la"ilitatv :ottit>e and c*»alotioinxCha"get 1 on prioea realised. 46 cts. per pioul lotting, etc. MORGAN'S AGENCY R lbber and Preface Broken. Kaala L^mpor. JC 4 19-7
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    • 465 7 FRASER 4 CHALMERS, LTD. iImuKI ORATED IN EN'iiLANO) Eastern Branch: WINCHESTER HOUSE. Singapore. Are now in a position to manufacture Electro- Magnetic Separators For Tin- Wolfram and other magnetic ores. In addition to magnetite, which is highly magnetic, this machine will pick up Ilmenite, Wolfram, and Monazite, or. in fact,
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  • 943 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, MAY 12. PRESIDENT WILSON'S FINAL. We have frenimuly said hard tbio"» about the manner iv which ('resident Wilnon has conducted the correspon ieacu with Uumany arising out of the wilful murder of American cituens on the high seas. Therefore we are the mere eager to say
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  • 30 8 Frauds and m. -tubers of tbe Tamil Church Kpworlli Loague are reminded of the Literary and Social evening to day at 8 p.m. in the Sliort Strt et Girls' School.
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  • 30 8 From Aptil 17 till May 2 thirty five steamers put into Sabang for coal. They bunkerbd 4,613 tons and flew the following ttiLjs: 27 Dutch, 4 English and 1 Spanish.
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  • 38 8 During the half-year ended December 31 last H alligators and 96 eggs were "officially" destroyed in Kuching und district and rewards were paid out amounting to $79.53. Tbe total measurement of the alligators was 212 feet 11 inches.
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  • 44 8 General satisfaction is expressed at the Government's selection of officers for the Chineee Company of the I'enang Volunteers. The Chinese feel that if they had had to ballot for their own officers tbe three men who have been selected would have headed tbe list.
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  • 75 8 The bead Tauiby, at the Singapore Cricket Club, Ooodoomeab, who is charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of three aums of HO, 110 and 920, has been committed to the district court, whore the case will be heard on May IH. Francis dello/.ario. clerk at the club, who
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  • 694 8 Four Aeroplanes Already Assured. LADY EVELYN YOUNG HEADS OUR NEW LIST. We are more than grateful to our friends (or their splendid response to the appeal oq behalf li the Malayan Aircraft Fund. It shows that the heart cf Singapore is sound, and tint all the people
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  • 730 8 Messrs. Latham and Co. are opening 'a branch in Kuala Lnmpur on Juno 1, Mr. F. K. Dickson, late of tbe Eastern Smelting Co., will be in charge. The marriage took place in Shangnai last month of Mile. Louise Hcgnault, the Mhl daughter of the French Ambassador
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 101 8 at W. D. H. O. 4 WILLS'S vJ\\l *T(iv M URE \V/ CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) <—mjom Special Show Gentlemen_s Wear '^S^J The Ra c e s NEW SHIPMENTS OF Scott'? Hats Shirts and Neckwear EXCLUSIVE STYLES. JOHH I T,B C0 Singapore _^T~ Am OKPORATKD IN ENGL4NDI. BUCHANAN'S -RED SEAL "BLACK WHITE'
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    • 210 8 ANOTHER UNBEATABLE PROGRAMME AT THE ALHAMBRA Beach Road, Tbe House of Quality— The Home of Feature Attractions Tbe Leading Theatre in Singapore. Manager. M. II Kenyon Slade. A Powerful Isasationsl Drama In 3 Partai LITTLE GREY HOME IN THE WEST Amcd rnfilu) vemon of the old familiar tovg: It's a
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  • 804 9 GERMAN ATTACKS. How the French Meet Them. THE IRISH REBELS Extreme Measures Now Ended. Ridtks's TklegkamLondon, May 11, 1.5." p.m semi official statement explains the methods of meeting ti>e German attacks at Vi r.lun. It says that under tho de'uge of large shells the French begin to yield
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  • 30 9 (Fkom Oil: Own CoBRCSPOXDBNT.) Kuala Lumpur, May I*2. Killed iv action in Egypt. C. Bousfield, of Muar Kiver Estate, -lohore, a Lancecorporal in the Worcester Yeomanry.
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  • 431 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. lv t! iir share circular, dated tl.. 10th iu^t.. Lan Unm and Co. state: In spi'.i of the lower price of the cotumo dity there has been a moderate amount of attention given to local rubber throughout tiiis we k. The
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  • 3614 9 BRILLIANT SCENES AT JOHORE BAHRU. s Governor Presents Grand Cross Insignia. Bathed in the soft light o( a plrasantly cool afternoon, decorated superbly in honour of a great occasion, and thronged with visitors from far and near. Johore Bahru, always beautiful because it has one of the
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  • 616 9 King's Medals Awarded in Straits And F.M.S. Owing to pressure on our space yesterday we were unable to give iliu full story nf the gallantry of P. C. Mahomed Ali bin Kali. No. 154, a Bengali, who was presented by his Excellency the Governor with the Kind's Police
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  • 39 9 A uavai band will play in th Botanic Gardens, weather permitting, from 6 to p.m. to morrow (Saturday.) lt li hoped that there will be a lurge attendance as we are •on that Mod iii'i-h-
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  • 1531 10 PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE CONSIDERED GOOD. Tamil Labour Force Established \tb ordinary general meeting of shareholders in this company was held at the oftofcH of the secretaries, Messrs. Brand Kroa. and Co No. 111, The Band, Shanghai. on Vpnl H, says the N. C. Daily News. Ihe
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  • 445 10 Successful Raid on the Ga'at Dyaks. On April 1 His Highness the Rajah of Sarawak left Kuciiing in tlie /ahora accompanied by the Hon. H. B. Crocker and Mrs. Lang, and on the same evening arrived at Lunda, the journey from the mouth of the river being Baii
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  • 30 10 Captain Norman Murray Ingram, engineer, works department. Colombo Municipality. and Officer Commanding the Ceylon Engineer Volunteers, was married at Colombo on the Ist inst. to Miss Etbei Ina Nelson Kolfe.
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  • 39 10 Staying at the Oriental Hotel. Yokohama, is Mr. M. Kalthof, an experienced business man, who has been Malta Japan by the Dutch East India Government to make investiga tions for farthering trade relations between Japan and the Dutch possessions.
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  • 133 10 ii old Shanghai resident has passed away in the person of Mr. Robert Henry Gore IS icth, who came out to the Settldment in the eaily sixties. Deceased was 7H years of age. lit tjok an active share in volunteering matters in liis younger days and took a prominent part
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  • 2527 10 TYPHUS HORRORS OFFICIALLY DESCRIBED. Conditions at German Pest Spot. The horrors of Wittenberg camp, the Blackbole of Oermany," are revealed in the official Government report issued in London, on April H. Eighteen typewritten pages describe the epidemic of typhus which raged through tho barbed- wire bound camp, when
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  • 59 10 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, priday, May 12 Fkidav, M\y HL 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. Tanglin S.R.E.(V.) Officers and N C.O's. Officers and N.C.O.s Diill Hull Veterans Officers and X.C.O.'s Chinese Co. Bras liasah Road Malay Co. Drill Hall SVC. Band S.V.C.
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  • 34 10 Malaka Pinda. -22,873 lb.=>. eight months 211/J59 lbs. Ayer M01ek.— 8.7)3 lbs. six months 61,:!49 lbs. Djasinga.— 3o,37l lbs.: ten months 17M19 lbs. Langen (Java!— 7s,4oo lbs.; eight months 624.J98 lbs.
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  • 169 10 The following casualties were auuounced in a recent wire froui home Killed. Capt. F. C. Dietrichson, Lieut. H. C. Daffeu, Lieut. W. V. Hawken, and Lieut. P. 0. Perry, of the Sherwoods Lieut. A. L. ISamsay, R. Irish. Wounded. Lient.-C'ol C. Face and Major H. Hanson, Sherwoods
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  • 138 10 At Hongkong the Chief Justice merciful sentence on the youth named William Pomeroy, alias William CtMMg, alias Chung Wai Lim, who pleaded guilty to two counts conspiriug to tic fraud and aiding and abetting the uttering of two fcrged cheques fnr »4,524 75 and IM7I OT. The
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  • 92 10 The Mails Passengers Delayed. The outward mail steamer Sangola was expected to leave Colombo yesterday and should arrive at Singapore about Wednesday May 17. She carries no passengers. The Sangola, will, on leaving Singapore, proceed as far as Hongkong only. Passengers for the Straits, China and Japan who left London
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  • 43 10 The hon. treasurer, Mr. 11. B. Ward, of Evatt and Co., French Hank Buildings, Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks the following contribution* to the above fund Amount previously acknowledged 98,488 Vade and Co. 250 Total to date 18,683
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  • 52 10 The advance statement of tin exported, approximate value (in Singapore) and duty collected, during the months of January to April, 1916. the following figures Block tin, 26,188 pels., 1915, 24,097 pels. Tin ore, 218,438 pels, against 2H5.411 pels. Total duty *****,710 against $2,872,376 in 1915. .in increase
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 42 10 •Swimming Club launches for Sundny will leave at 7, 9 and 10 a.m., I 30 and MO pin and will return at h.iiO and U.llO a.tu., 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. High tide nt 7 M a.m height, T ft. 1 inch.
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    • 71 10 Interested Spectator writer with refer ence to the match between the Simpulao Muhcbah Club and the Kota Raja first team, in the President's Cup competition, whiob was played on the Malaya Football Associalion's grouud on May 6. He suggests that the defeat of the SMC by one goal was tlie
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    • 58 10 The Bingle handicap of the A class at the Singapore Catholic Club, has resulted as follows Winner, Mr. W. Meabera, n Runner up. Mr. J B. Mjice; 1 Mr. W. Aeria i, Mr. W. Scully. For the highest break1, Mr. W. MosbirgMi, 4H; 2, Mr. Urift, 47: t, Mr.
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    • 336 10 A fast and even game was the result of tho meeting of the S (.'.C and the Slirop-ihires on the Club ground yesterday afternoon. It was so fast indeed that what nii^ht !>•■ term cd"a certain liveliness developed in the latter stages, and there was an impression in some
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  • 319 10 Latest advorti uuients of the day appear on page 1 1. The Palladium is indeed goiu^ strong. Tonight's all-British prourainme, as last night's audience discovered, is ijnite out of the usual. Lil (>' London is a tragedy that It is real life. Clancarty i every one should
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  • 117 10 The Englishman writes: It is MVyrWsg to see after more tli iti twenty mouths (if war enemy goods being sold iv MfM qiuulititti even at roadside shops. Pencils in particular, which were in so great a demand as to preclude any suggestion that the original stock
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  • 51 10 The U 1 1. lo l.inu >teaw Navigation Co., Ltd., declined to recommend the payment of 7 additional bonus in respect (I the ilefi ri< I mged I. elders to iittt r><! til* annual meeting of the company In Id at the offices of Messrs. Jardiue and MuU.ltou, Hongkong, last
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  • 1755 11 VOLUNTARY APPROPRIATION TO WAR PLNDS. A Dividend of 20 Per Cent. At the annual general meeting of the Cbemor 1 oiled Kubberl'o.. Ltd .held on April '2ft, at tbe offices of Messrs. R. N. Truman and Co., Becretarien and managers, Shanghai, a Mum not to exc<cd Tls.
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  • 209 11 Tbe following contributions and subscription* to the Singapore Women's Fund fur Minded Soldiers and Sailors for tbe month of April have been received and are tr^ti hilly ackiiowledged by Mrs. Wreford and Mth. Lowtber Kemp: Mrs. Lyall 3 W. 2 Wolskel 8 Booty 8 Pountmy
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  • 85 11 On the Ypreß Aruientirrcs front mormon* diihm of German troops are btiOK concen trated, olatcM a Dutch wire to the Sumatra I'oet. The (itTtuann arc making preparations fur a uioviujtut <v a gigantic tc ale to a victory on the Itritiah (root, and of artillery have bun pcmu titrated
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 713 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET, No. 1278, Upper Seraneoon Road, within 60 yards <f tram tension". Five bedrooms and teonis court. Apply 81. Waterloo Street. 12 6-11 6 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. John Forrester (having joined another firm by mutual arrangement) is no looger concocted with the firm
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    • 140 11 dRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE STAMFORD HOUSE Bras Basata Road CSNTRALLY SITUATSD Always cool and exposed to sea breeze Furnished Apartments Without Board Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached. Electric Fittings throughout. Large Reception Hall and Billiards. TERBU— the most raiaoaaM* la T ow«. NOTE. Spacious Din ir q Room, with separate Tables
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  • 3045 12 1914. Jane 27— Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand aud liis consort at Sarajevo. July 25.— Aantriau ultimatum sent to Servia. August I.— Oermany doclares war on Russia and Kranoe, and invades Belgium. 4.— Britain declare* war on Germany. 28. -Battle of Mons begins, and the French
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  • 485 12 Dividend of 15 Per Cent, for The Year. The directors' report has now been issued and, as is usually the case with reports of companies of which Messrs. R. N. Truman and Co. are managers or secretaries, it is both complete and comprehensive. The area of tbe
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  • 125 12 Yet another record year is reported by the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, a prugu-MMve institution which goes from strength to strength. Not content with keeping up the excellent figures of peace years, th company duiing 1915 far exceeded the busiuesH lone in any previous
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 182 12 "Four Oaks" WHITE ANT DESTROYER British made throughout. Price $30.00. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LIMITED (IsCOKroKATKD IN ES(.I.AM>) KUALA LUMPUR FOR HIS MAJESTY THE BABY HIS ARGUMENT SETTLED Baby Perambulators All Design* All Sizes Correct Quality Correot Prices SOLD BY JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. Only Address' ORCHARD ROAD ODly
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  • 176 13 A wearied and hardly tried drill sergeant ordered the recruits to Stand easy it was the first command that they obeyed promptly and efficiently," writes Mr. Pett Ridge in Lloyd's. I want,' said tbe drill sergeant, 'to tell you chaps a little story of my early
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  • 83 13 A Simla telegram to the Englißhman says that it ia an interesting (act tbe reoent winter on tbe North West Frontier Las been tbe quietest oi tbe last five yean. Wben tbe (act of tbe worldwide unrest which now prevails is taken into consideration, tbe situ ation
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 133 13 VOILE DRESS MATERIALS ON SHOW AX Whiteowoys A lovely range of new patterns in Spring Dress Materials 55 cts. 65 cts. "NAINSOOKS" The Ideal Material for the Tropics, fine lightweight cotton, washes and wears well $3.95, $5.25, $5.95 per piece of 12 yards. "MADAPPOLAMS" Fine light-weight cotton for ladies' wear
      133 words
    • 506 13 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LTD. (In. okporatid in (Jukknsland.) Manager's Report for Four Weeks Ending April 22, 1916. Gentlemen,- -I herewith beg to submit my report on your mining and milling operations for four weeks ending April 22, 1916. The accompanying sheet of mine measurements and assay returns
      506 words
    • 179 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement daring 1916 to /v^^QJ&v and to THE MUNICIPALITY ™E GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE \§7w*&/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the Straits and F.M.S.
      179 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 543 14 Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorpoiatrd in Straits Settlsmbnts) MC AD OFFICE, W.nohe.t.r Hou.e, LONDON O'FIOB. 3«. Old J.wry, K.C. The Company has £30.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of
      543 words
    • 404 14 INSURANCE. BUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOtt (Incobpobatbd in Enuland). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total luvt itod Funds 48,260,000 Annual Inoorae .£1,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agonts for the above 3ompany, are prepared to aocepi fire and iarthquakt.' risks tor short periods of ten days longer periods at ourrent rates to be named in
      404 words
    • 460 14 BANKING. 1 HONGKONG AND BHANGHA! BANKING CORPORATISM. (Imcobporatkd in Honqkono). PAID-UP CAPITAL 118,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 1/- 116,000,000 Silver ♦18,000,000 »8»,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DI RIOTOUS. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. G. T. M. Edkins, Bsq. Hon. Mr.
      460 words
    • 509 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIAJND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Sharos ot 430 each a 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and luidland Bank, Ltd., The London County Westmtnater Bank, Ltd.,
      509 words
    • 865 14 SALES BY AUCTION. SALE UNDER ORDBR OF THB SUPREME COURT. AUCTION SALE 3f VALUABLE LAND AND SHOPHOUBES SITUATE AT MALACCA STREET, On. Monday, May IS, ss>t 2.30 p.m. 1. All that pieoe ot land situate at Malacca Street, Singapore, comprised in Government Lease No. 1546 for 999 yoars from April
      865 words

  • 1176 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Many colUhiodr bare ocenrred through traffic ran ryiny from side streets on to main, or more itupottant. thoroughfare*, at too fast a pace. Theoretically, traffic from miner streets shoulil «ive way to tbat on the main thoroughfare bat legally no cognisance
    1,176 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 179 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the British War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability (Cxi^^^if BRITISH THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, London, E. C, CONTRACTORS TO HH WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S. CREOSOLUME AND CREOSOTE OIL Antiseptic for Wood and Preventive against
      179 words
    • 267 15 a g NOT WORDS, BUT Al£ hard facts miT CONVINCE! fyfo. 9 S Extract from a letter received from a&JKA/C CECIL MILLER. fllß^Nf W Headquarters Staff, WtfYj 10Oth Infantry Brigade, 13. E F 111 "I notice the Army cycles and care, at least IMI ill/ Vi those I have come
      267 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1021 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED In SCOTLAND SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED by a young man (European) of 20 to serve bis apprenticeship in a shipping firm. Apply A. B. C, c/o Straits Times. 105—166 YOUNG EUROPEAN, 81 years of age, with 6 years' meroantile experience in the F M.S., is open for
      1,021 words
    • 728 16 HOUSEB TO LET. TO LBT, No. 8, Thomson Road. Entry May 1. Apply Meyer Brothers, 14, Collyer 3uay. 6-4— v TO LET, 8, Chancery Lane. 8 bedrooms, ttabling and tennis court. Apply Ching Keng Lee Co. 31 3-n TO LET. Houses Noa. 7, Ba, Chanoery Lane Apply to Ching Keng
      728 words
    • 617 16 BOARD AND LODGING. OXLEY BOUSE, Oxley Road. Two double rooms with verandah, butbroom. Also two rooms tor bachelors. Oarage, Tenniv. Immediate entry. 10 s— u TO LET, well- furnished rooms in Tanglin verandah and bathroom attached, with or without board, tennis, gas, garage. Apply Box No. 819, Straits Times. 24
      617 words
      347 words
    • 473 16 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties sucli sb cooks, boys, amabs. ayahs. Hardeners, clerks, conductors, abort hand typists, book-keepers, etc. Charges moderate Also sbortliand (Pitman's) and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agoncy. Agents Patal tc Co 9. Selegle Road. Singapore, 8-4—7
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 347 16 Straits Wimes. Telephone!, Editorial and General 70 Manager's Offioc 262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to cditona. matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, BubßcriptiooH, accounts, printing, etc. should be add-. «1 to THE MANAGER. AVXY TISEMENT RATES.— Miscellano
      347 words