The Straits Times, 10 May 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,103 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 10. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 MILK KATZ BROS., LTD. NEW SHIPMENTS OF COAGULATING PANS TAPPING GOUGES Size 15 x 10" x 4' Size 5/16" FAIRBANKS SCALES WHITE GLAZEDTILES Size 1,000 lbs., 1,200 lbs., Size 6" x 6 V 1,500 lbs. and catties. MARBLE SLABS Size 24" x 24" PRICES ON APPLICATION. KATZ BROS., LTD. Typewriters?
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    • 109 1 A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS CONCERNING BLED6E BRANO MILK. It is obtained from cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps Pastures. It is therefore a genuine Swiss Milk of the highest quality obtainable. It is Pure, Reliable and Richer in cream than any othe brand. The Lanoet, London, states ■The
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    • 157 1 PERIOD FURNITURE B^r T ill Ifttllt 1 HQUH HbSHI Vf VJLfi'v'x.l If Mjm ?^^ih v -.J THB "JACOBEAN DINING-ROOM SUITE An Artistic Reproduction in Teak. Finished in Dark Ar.tique Oak Shade. T suite comprises Side-board, Dining Table, two Arm Chairs and four small Chairs. PRICES ON APPLICATION. ROBINSON CO. The
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    • 14 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoikts i AOAMBON. GILFILLAN CO LTt (Inrorpur.itwl in Knit! m.l)
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  • 1180 2 A DIVIDEND OF THIRTY PER CENT. The Current Year's Estimates. The ninth annual general meeting of the members of the Labu (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on March 29, at the offices of the Robber Growers' Association, BH, Eastcheap, E.C., Sir John Anderson, presiding. The Chairman
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 342 2 Acetic Acid (European and Japanese 99% strength); Box Strapping, \s\ Castor Oil; Calcium Chloride; Grease Lubricating Oils Creosote Methylated and Rectified Spirits French aud Asbestos Roofing Tiles and Ridges; Sodium Bisulphite; Formalin; Boiled Linseed Oil; Cement, etc. S. J. JUDAH CO. aO, Robinson Road. Til. 1362 244-2S-5 fe^/ Spring Gleaning
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    • 494 2 A Rtputalion of over 100 yean. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills 1 are to-day one of the most useful remedies that the family medicine chest contains. For sudden attacks of biliousness, sick headache or the depression arising when you are "out-of-sorts," Cockle's Pills give you prompt i relief without any weakening effect
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    • 421 2 SALE UNDER ORDER OF THB SUPREVK COURT. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE LAND AND SHOPHOUSES BITUATE AT MALACCA STREET, On Monday, Maty IS, at 3.30 p.m. 1. All (hat pieo« of laod eat Malacca Street, Sioßaporr, c iupri»ed in Govern. ment Lease No. 1548 lor 869 ye*rs from April W,
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  • 982 3 PREVENTION WORK IN THE F.M.S. IN 1915. Damage Negligible. Mr. F. W. South, in the current issue of the F.M.S. Agricultural Bulletin, gives the following report on locust work during 1815 In SelaDgor there have only been from one to five flying swarms present at any time.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 590 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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    • 416 3 Bovril at the Front I\\ i tlj But for a plentiful supply of Bovril -Ji I W r don't know what we should have 1 jftfj^^^wffcfS^jffflWlffl^' done. During Neuve Ciiapelle and irei|j*S^B£ifiS|jjHp w other engagements we had big cauldf^KS S»BßKlßa^Slß<llll rons BO' n >? over log fires, and as we
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1104 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India ANO Apcar I— >inc. (Cohpanixs Islorporatro in England). riAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTA SAi-i.MSS 'Under Contract with Hla Majesty b Qovernuient), (or China, Jtpm, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Adan, Egypt, Meditarranaan Port* and London. Ste»mer«|will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES
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    • 801 4 STEAMEi BAILINBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (Incorporated in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Triugganu, Bisut, Semerak, Kelantau, Tabai Bangnara, Telapin, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobiamui, Bandon, Langsuea, Tafcu Champon, Koblak and Bangkok. Dua Departure a a. PARACHATIPOK May 10, 3 p.m. sb. ASOANG May IS IT,3p.m. as. BORIBAT 22 94,
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    • 473 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Ihcobporatrd in Enuiand) I* The Companies' steamers are despatched (rom Liverpool outwards (or tbe Straitu, China and Japan every week and (rom Japan homewards (or London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles aad Liverpool
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    • 525 4 STEAMER SAILINtI N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD (iNCORPOKtTBD IN JAPAN) EUROPEAN i-IKi. A service is uiiiu'.aintd botwonn Yokohama, via port?, to Marseilles and London order mail ointrao'. with the Imp-'rinl Japanese Govornmont. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been spe^ii'ly designed and constructed, anil aro
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  • 757 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Sinxapore, May 10, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. Tho quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. No*. Vall-i. Botibs. Sillim. 2/- AllaKai 2/- 'i.H 4 1 Anrf!o-Jk*a 20,6
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 612 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTL llncuki "ii \ir i is Ksqland). Olroot a\*i>vio« to Japan via Mo" hong 4k Shanghai, and to Oaloutc. via P*nan<, from Sir»«apor° Taking c*rt;n on tLroovh Bills d La^n "or Canton Msb\ S^atovr, Amoy, Tientsin, Kawahwaa* Van ,t<<Ee Port* "-.i niosa. tl'c PUilippin**,
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    • 330 5 CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No- 25 South rfridge Road First class Mfctauiral Dentistry, Gold Crown Bridge H'illiug and Vulcanite D-irition of VV ,ar ;;iiaracteed CHARGES MOI»EIt\TB. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooib Powdtrs and Brushes for Bale. 11 PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO. Amateurs' Work Developing, Printing and Enlarging. Repairing Cameras. BCONG Him
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    • 149 5 (d m Wm I Tjheres Purity and Vigour iN -:> I.RV UROF K)f REAii j Dag's Head Gu.nness The TONIC ttttfl cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. A simple nourishing food of high m.d' inal value. NOTE.-T!ie above j DOGS HEAD Label is on every bottle. Refuse Imitation* 3 Id
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 113 6 PIANOS TUNED and REPAIRED Cheap, Prompt. Thorough KY JEK. C HUDSON (LateofThi Kcbikson Puno Co.) ICO, Adelphi Hotel Buildings, NORTH BKIDGK I-.OAD. Any work personally attended to and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Tel. 1706. We are fully equipped to design and build 4^* Chimneys, Towers, Reservoirs, Silos, Lift Towers, etc, tr --T^
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    • 32 6 THIB 18 MARK THE GUARANTEE 1 of the Absolute Purity of our Bottlings of BURTON PILSENER AND GUINNESS'B STOUT. W. A. ROSS BROTHER. LTD. Bottling Specialists, LMDM, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST md LEIIH 68
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    • 617 6 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Mas. M. MASSABNI, maternity nurse, has removed to 1, Dhoby Qhaat, top floor. 8-5—26 NOTICE. The Manager of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, begs to announce that on and after Monday, May 8, the bat in orb of the Bank wi.l be transacted in
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    • 289 6 TRAFAL6AR. LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given tbat the Transfor Books of Trafalgar, Limited, will be closed from May 11 to May 17, both days inolusive. By On'or of the Board, PATERSON, SIMONS CO.. LTD., Secretaries. 95— 10 6 KUALA LUMPUR RUBBER AUCTIONS. Sales will be held once a week on
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    • 260 6 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places iv Singapore Kolly and Walsh. Ltd., Raffles Place. Money Changer, Hotel de l'Burcpe. Money C banger, Adelphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Money Change r, Raffles Hotel. Koh Co., Bras Basah Uoad. Kwong Seng Chiang, Selegie lUad. Low Yong
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  • 105 7 HXTURES. Wednesday, May 10. High Water KM a.m., 4.35 p.m Thursday, May 1 1 High Water, :5.35 a.m II p.m. tie* at Jobore. Friday, May 12. -ligb Water. 5.S a.m. 6 44 p.m. Homeward mail c-loneH (train Legislative Council, 8.80 p.m. Saturday, May IA High Water, fi.HO
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  • 300 7 To-DAT. Fort SwottenLam and Penanu Ipoh 2.30 pm Malacca, P. Swittenham and Teluk Anson Selan^or 2.30 pui M, dan Circe '2.80 pm Mt in till; ami Citli-mbanK UtaJ 2.80 pm Batu Pahat Mersing 2.80 pm M.rmns; anl Komaman Hock Lee -'.30 pm Iv.mbay iftV so l ltn
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  • 87 7 Till- I: I contract packet Kultala with in Lnnliiu may be expected to arrive it I'enang on Saturday, the l:<th io-t I'll. M. M. outwanl nteaiut-r Cordillcre iibo at 5 p.m. on Monday, tin -tli mst and may be expected to arrivi Inn i iv mniuins;. May
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  • 99 7 Our attention lim born eall< tlio fact that oar arrival* in London art> much bcliind IboM ■aaliahed elMwbere. Our rul. h to uivc srrivalH only whon they arc officially I in the I'unt office- d >ticon, and do latur date than that printed above ba< btvci ■O
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  • 74 7 ■IMMMI it made tbat Lord •il Mr*. Aitliu: Cim ill be married within tli. Ml i.-w uiootli*. Tho engage uj. Nt km MM .< rout, m Lord llnvvkc km I'^iril'.l tHS hardened bachelor. venth baron ail I in 'illy th, j. m>t .i^t In his tiiuo h< was a ricki
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  • 173 7 EXCHANOB. Sinda'pou, May 10. 1910 On Lorn Bank 4 m/x 2/4JJ Demand 3/4^ Crivate 8 m/» 3/4f j) On Kkanck Bank T. T. 326 Om Imh. Bank T. T. 174,; On UoMaK>HS...Bank d/d 4} On Shanuiiu ...Bank i 76,; Oh Java Bank 1 136 On Japan Bank
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 588 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAN rE> by a young uaa (European) of 20 to h» tvo bis apprenticeship in a shipping i firm. Apply A. B. C, c/o Straits Times v 10 6— 16 6 OXLEY HOUSE, Oxley Road. Two doable rooms with verandah, bathroom. Also two rooms for bachelors, (i»rage, Tennis.
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    • 385 7 W. D. H. O. 4 l) WILLS'S vAll > yWl\ MIXTURE I I r NO X^J CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (INCORPORATED IX ExiiLAXD) Eastern Branch: WINCHESTER HOUSE. Singapore, Are now in a position to manufacture Electro- Magnetic Separators For Tin-Wolfram and other magnetic ores. In addition to magnetite, which
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    • 536 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFFS SALE. S. A. ADAIKAPPA CHITTY veri-us S. MAHMOOD BIN sYED ABDUL RAHMAN. At Messrs. Cbing Keng I.'-c A Co.'s Saleroom, On Monday, Mat Is, at 2.80 p.m. 89 Years' Leasehold land situate in the District of Rcchore, Singapore, estimated to contain according to Government Resurvey an area
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  • 45 8 Antuom>/..— On May 9. at l-.\, Orchard Road, Singapore, Charles Richard Edgar, eldest son of Mr Herbert Edgar Authonis/ and Mrs. Jeanie M. Anthonisz, in his twentyfirst year. Tbe interment will take place at Bidadari Cemetery to-day, at 5 p.m. Ceylon papers please copy.
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  • 1222 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10. GERMANY IN FUTURE. We are not sceptical as to the success of the Allied arms. It seems to us as we study the spirit of France. Russia and Britain, that these nations arc resolved to win even if the effort brings them to the
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  • 238 8 Appeal to the Singapore Public. FUNDS ADVANCE BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS. We have the authority of His Excellency tbe Governor for stating that tbe Malayan Aircraft Fund organised by Mr. Alma Maker has his warm approval, and thai he is most anxious to see the European population of
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  • 218 8 Tue announcement repeated above was published for the first time in onr issue of Saturday, May 6, and at the same time we intimated that it was our intention to appeal for funds for a Straits Times Fighter," towards which we ourselves subscribe $11,150, and for tbe
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  • 137 8 i Estimated cost $19,200.) Straits Times Press 1 1 1 50 H. E. The Governor 1,000 Already acknowledged 2,925 Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Limited 500 Kvatt and Company 500 A. Krankel 400 H. B. Ward 250 Mr. Justice Earnshaw 100 Dr. Sansorae (Kuala Lumpur) 100 "H.F." 100
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  • 325 8 (Estimated Coat »19,200.) Where the slightest doubt exists we have credited the amounts received to the Singapore Fighter. We were, frankly, a triHe anxious about this fund, because tho appeal is purely local, but the generosity of oar friends has dispelled all that, and success is within sight.
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  • 148 8 Cheques or cash should be sent to Editor, Straits Times, Singapore. It will greatly assist us if our friends wiK mark their cheques Straits Times Fighter or Singapore Fighter as the case may be. or state in their coveting note how they wish the subscription to be
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  • 23 8 Collecting Cards for both Fighters are now ready, and may bo had on application at our office personally or by post.
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  • 78 8 Recently we published an appeal on behalf of the Charing Cross Hospital, Loudon, which is making special provision for wounded soldiers and sailors. We were able to send a few subscriptions from here, and wo now gratefully acknowledge a bank draft for £6 6s. Id. from
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  • 47 8 King Albert's Civilian Hospital Fund. The bon. treasurer. Mr. 11. I!. Ward, oi Kvatt and Co.. French Bank Buildings. Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks tbe following contributions to the above fund Amount previously acknowledged 57,951} D. ioo I. H. Burkill ."■0 K.L.O 26 Total to date Jh,i_<-
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  • 231 8 lteferring to the death at I poh of Mr. Blaze at the aye of sj. a. correspondent to whom the late Mr. Ida/, wan well-known, writes that about 4 I years ano, the dcceaHod. who came from Ceylon, was apothecary in charge of the Government Hospital
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 148 8 Rome. 0 steel cabinets FOR BULKY BOOKS. Fitted with one to 0 JH^E^HBMBk fj ten roller shelves, ad- jTT- 1 9 ju^tahle every half X inch, and fi eproof S^^SSS collapsible curtain. 5 ON SHOW AT Ts! 14a, COLLYER QUAY. jp '-^H for brain-fag, dyspepsia, anaemia, and loss of weight.
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    • 166 8 ANOTHER UNBEATABLE PROGRAMME ATTHI ALHAMBRA Beach Road, The House of Quality -The Home of Feature Attractions. Tbe Leading Theatre In Singapore. Manager, M H. KcnyooSlade. Powerful lenMtlonal Drama In 3 Partti LITTLE GREY HOME IN THE WEST A modern film ver-ion of the old familiar eong It's a Intern of
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  • 1959 9 WILSONS REPLY. Text of the Note To Germany. VERDUN BATTLE. Matters Taking a Favourable Turn. KICTIIH x TllLKliKAMl.ondos. May 6 45 p m. V\ sjsWagkH Following is thu text of the American Note:— The Note of the Imperial Government dated M>y I has received msideration. It in especially
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  • 27 9 (Fiiu.M Oil; Own Cokkksponhknt.) London, May 0. Merlimau pays H| per cent., Consolidated Malay 58), Sungei Matang 5, Ulu Ranted 20 and Emerald 10.
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  • 105 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 9. Mr. W. Duncan, presiding at the Kuala Sidim Rubber Co. meeting yesterday, said the financial position was satisfactory, the year g profit being »27,516. There was every reason to believe that the company during the current year would be able
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  • 558 9 Suggested Payment of Ten Per Cent. Dividend. Messrs. I'dtereon Simons and Co. sign the report of Trafalgar, Limited, for the year ended March 81. 1916. to be presented tj the shareholders on Wednesday, May 17, at noon. The profit for the year, it says, is 18,242 97 which,
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  • 86 9 The Spanish steamer Legazpi which arrived at Colombo from Barcelona, on April 27, on her voyage to Singapore, was refused coal by the local authorities on the ground that her papers were irregular. As the vessel had only a limited amount of coal on board, the
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  • 135 9 The following extract from a letter by an Australian motorist is interesting, as showing the value placed upon rubber even iv the earliest days of the war A rather interesting relic or souvenir was recently picked out from the wreckage of the raider Euiden at
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  • 100 9 I. T. Tribitsch Lincoln, the former M. P. spy, was removed to solitary confinement last month, following his unsuccessful effort to escape. Lincoln arranged to pay a company of gangsters $325 to rai i the gaol and to free him. He wrote a twenty-two page letter
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  • 378 9 Prohibitions in Netherland East Indies. The Government Gazette Extraordinary issued on Monday afternoon contained a pro clamation prohibiting trading with certain persons, or bodies of persons, of enemy nationality or enemy associations in Argentina and Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, all countries in Central and South America, Greece, Morocco,
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  • 334 9 iFltoM A CoRKKSHOSDKNT.) Trengganu, May 6. Yesterday, the people of Trengganu witnessed an unique spectacle. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the inauguration of the Chinese school, the pupils, about 50 children, turned out in military style, armed with toy rifles, and marched to the
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  • 199 9 The large increase in cases of theft of zinc and other metals led to the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. O. O. Seth, pressing for a heavy sentence in a charge of this nature in the second police court this morning. Supt. T. Leonard, in charge of
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  • 876 9 THE GUILD'S DEMAND FOR RECOGNITION. Companies' Position Defined. The companies concerned have given the N.-C. Daily News the following statement of their position in regard to the demand by the China Coast Officers' Ouild for recognition as the body entitled to speak ou behalf of the officers
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  • 78 9 That tbo lot of the Good Samaritan is often hard is illustrate 1 by the case of P.C. .MM. Ho befriended Mohamod, a Bengali, house. I him in his room at the Kandaug Kerbau police Btation, and fed him, and Mohamed replied by stealing the oonsUbli s cloth**, to tb<
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  • 439 10 leasehold Land in Bukit Timah District. The following properties wore disposed of by auction at Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co.'s sale room on Monday afternoon. Thero was a large attendance' of purchasers. Freehold land at Bukit Tiiuah Road, area 28 *cr.-< 1 rood and '2 poles,
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  • 372 10 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear a page 7. The Mishima Maru leaves Singapore for Hongkong, Shanghai. Kobe and Yokohama M JmM 8. instead ot on the Bth inst. as advertised in this issue. To night is the last opportunity of visiting I irque. as it leaves
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  • 218 10 Captain Rasacll Grey, writing from Meso ii itainia to a friend in Kuala Lumpur, says that he has got through Ins first action safe and sound, though "how 1 §m\ oil scot free goodness only knows, as the bullets were as thick as tain from
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  • 11 10 Mok iSuuiatrai. jj.v.ii lb«. I uiMh.— ll.24l lbs.
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  • 1039 10 The output of the llu Piah Tin Minefor April wao 430 picuis. Tingkil Tin Mines April output was plant ore 168.80 picuis, tribute ore 68 picnls, a total of 236 80 picuis. Lady swettenham, senior, arrived yesterday morning by the Bteamer Andre Lebon from South France and
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  • 1006 10 New Types of Players at The Tables. A special correspondent, writing to Tbe rimes from Monte Carlo, on March 21, lays:— The noonday train draws slowly into tbe itation. A Hood of passengers pours forth. Leaving tbe station, tbe crowd surges up tbe marble steps and skirts
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  • 93 10 The reports for 1915 states that the net profit amount* to 1157,931, and with 15,297 brought in and 51.474. proportion of rebate, oo quit rent in respect of 1914, the total is flf'il 70.1. it is proposed to transfer to reserve acouuut $25,000, to pay a tiaal
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  • 309 10 Sapper's Remarkable Feat At Suvla Bay. Sapper Stephen Kelley, of the 3rd Australian Light Horse (now in London suffering from wounds), is a man of remarkable gifts as a water diviner. At Suvla Bay Sapper j Kelley responded to a call for a display of bis special powers
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  • 220 10 Striking Suggestion by Lord G. Hamilton. A novel suggestion was made at a meeting of the Royal Statistical Society recently by Lord George Hamilton, who presi led. Referring to tbe need for making good tbe human wastage duo to tbe war, he pointed out that a large
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  • 232 10 The report of the Bikam Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the crop harvested for the year amounted to 290,510 lbs., against an estimate cf 800,000 lbs. and a yield in tbe previous year of 241.573 lbs. The average gross price realised for 280,012 lbs. was 2s. 6
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  • 225 10 Among the last batch of 1,515 Mabomedan pilgrims who returned to Bombay from Jeddah by the steamer Akbar ou March 11 about 1,200 were found to be destitute. These belonged not only to Bengal, Madras and other parts of India, but to distant countries like Java, Bokhara, etc.
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  • 90 10 Lady Mabel Smith, sinter of Earl Fit/, william, has set an example to the women of Yorkshire by taking a situation on a farm. Id a letter to the Ujthc.-ham Bjard of Guardians, of which sho is a uiuuiber, Lady Mabel says I I have just taken a situation on
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  • 900 10 Some Notes On The Chief Leaders Tbe N. C. Daily News gives the following brief notes on tbe most prominent men connected with the present political crisis in China, choosing those names that are of daily occurrence in reports from all provinces. Tang Chi-yao— Tutuh of
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  • 132 10 One does not look for a literary model in a cabled war dispatch, says the Statesman, but is there any reason why the ugliness of bloodily repuUed should be allowed to follow the banality of a certain liveliness into stereotyped phraseology The expres siou doubtless represents the
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    • 19 10 iin Friday tbe S.C.<\ Rugby team will meet a Naval team do the Club ground, matcli ronimencing at p.m.
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    • 30 10 The Coronation Cup of the Sclangor Golf Club has been won by Mr. 11. 1.. Rcnnett, who beat Mr. C. J. K. Grieve in the final by 4 and 3.
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    • 23 10 There will be cricket match, played between the V.M.C.A. and tho Shropshire* on Saturday next at M 0 p.m., on the polo ground.
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    • 59 10 Mr. I-. Billet's string of horses comprising Tongkab, Batu Ciajah. Putty l'>oy. l.o.uMeer and Bonnie Doon left IVnang on Saturday for Singaporo by the I poh for the races here. Mr. W. H. Ross' string consisting of Glorify, Sador, Tom Tom, Hedonist. Milky Way, Laksfops, Sing Soon, N'ullo, and Lady
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    • 80 10 Mr. V. K. S. Crawford, the well known cricketer, who was a member of the Ceylon Contingent and took part in the operations iv the Dardanelles, is just now in Kogland on a short holiday. He is reported to be lit and well. Tbere is a reference to him in
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    • 26 10 Tbe Sepoy Lines Golf Club ladies medal for May has been won by Mrs. Wallace Cook. Scores: Mrs. Wallace Cook 51—10 Hallifax 44 scr. 44
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    • 152 10 A good game, resulting in a wiu for the visitors, was seen on the S.C.C. ground yesterday afternoon between the Club and a team representing the Shropshire's. The teams were Sbropshires. Pte. Robinson Capt Morris and L. Corpl. Carter I'to. Anson, Pte. Haseley, and Corpl. Abbott; Lieut. G. L.
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  • 150 10 An accountant writes to The Lancet suggesting a simple method which will help us to realise what the increase in thu British Army means. Before the war the strength of the Army was about 805,000 men, now it is about 4,000,000. Thero are 810,697 words in the
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  • 154 10 Much interest has been aroused by the return to Yokohama on April IU of the (IS K liner Manila Maru, which left that port two days before for Victoria, Ii C. Shortly after the vessel's departure from Yokohainu. her chief fireman, S. Kobayashi, became dan gerously ill.
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  • 158 10 The uneful nature of tin win which are being rendered by Indians iv South \fiica is brought out in tin' report for last year of the protector nf Indian Immi grants in Natal, which has low r. a. mj| India. In all 237 Indians were recrnited
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  • 85 10 The i hit f .t tin- l.iv.i I .-tai Num m vow busily engaged ou estimates for tlin establishment of a viMMM mmVm at Bandoeng, vhich In h;m MM mji I ■■■I! r;ii to mm up iiii mediately. These will be completed with the least possible delay
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  • 550 11 £5 Prize Bounty for the Carmania's Crew. A dramatic account was Rivon in tho I'rir.e Court on March 27 of the sinking of tho German aruie.l cruiser, Cap Trafalgar. Tin- ntory was told by Captain NoW I rant, f Hi« MajiMty'n nhip Carmania, in tho course
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  • 284 11 Touching Story of Transport Driver's Devotion. A Cnlocc'i'd Wife writes to the Daily News: 1 thick this story w wortli publishing aa a coiirn- nt on Mr. CanJler's excellent dispatcli from Mesopotamia in a recent i«9ne of your paper. The incident occurred at I Suvla. where ivy
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  • 132 11 W itli tbe approval of tliu Secretary of State, the ludr.m (mvi ruiiM-ut have dic<dt<l that cltioiTH who have j mcd or a j Bta the ai-:;v id liidia or received couiuiic n. n- -luci tin- iinbrtak of the war iihall outht allowances as ladicatiii May:
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  • 112 11 Oae of the worst hailKturuiH on rirord took plai. in South Sjllut district. Calcutta. Ftooie of tl.i vtry Uxt uarJt-DH »ift cut tv pit em. The Htuiiu apptani to have come Waal tioui I.Uhkerpore Vali.y. Uunu^ Hi |>r 'i-rtHH it cut up Kusidpur, Dara^Hoi Sat^aou,
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  • 181 11 Germans Said to be Opposed To Sultan's Wishes. According to information from neutral diplomatic sources in Constantinople German staff officers arc now organising a defensive line Ix'twi i n Augora and Konia, where all available reinforcements are sent and tht v rushed eastward with the object of
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  • 194 11 Ammunition and Weapons Found In Ipoh. Chief Detective Inspector Callen has charged, before Mr. W. 1). Scott, in tbe Ipoh police court, a Chinese, residing in tho New Town, Ipoh, with being in unlawful possession of tin-.irms and weapons aud documents belonging to Chinese Triad (Secret) Societies.
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  • 290 11 Brussels Sheet Printed in Motor Cellar. lntcrt^t Be details concerning the paper Free Boigiuui, which is secretly printed in 1.r, an<l »hich tho German authorities are tiding to stamp out, was given to a Daily Dispatch representative recently by Meyboom, the famous Dutch international swimmer, who is staying
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  • 101 11 Programnio of drills, etc., for week euding Friday, May H Wkdnrsdat, May 10. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. )tlici n and NC.O.'s Motor Cyclist Section. Vi tcrans Co. Chinese Co. Bras Basah Koad Malay Co. Thikmiav, Mat 11. 7 a.m. Balestier lUn^e Malay Co. Fmi.v\, May
    101 words
  • 53 11 Col. Calvtrt, Principal, Medical ..lit*. rfotivod on April 'H an Ka*U r i gj> which .Miituint d a fcift uf X«. IKK) from a KimrouH Btuuali douor. i I I'&lwi' ssys he in pro pared to rtcrive as many inure > UK" of this dmcrijition a- Ui<
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • 1325 12 Aii Interesting Theory with Some Instances. Win n MJ MMi OmmmJ Tales written for Occidental consumption, some of uh feel uuMMM\- MMMMM lacking, l'trhaps au analysis of tbis something would reveal H that the. wrc.u* motive is assigned to native ways of thought and word aud Iv
    1,325 words
  • 273 12 Shanghai Chamber of Commerce And a False Statement. The two following letters appear at the end of the annual leport of tbe Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and, tbe Committee state, are merely published for the purpose of record Shanghai, May 13, 1915. Sir,— l have the
    273 words
  • 346 12 The report of tlu KIMMMJ Produce CornTiny, LimiteJ, states that the crops secured during the year were as follows Rubber, 459.U91 lbs against an estimate of 440,000 lbs. L'p to the present date 411,269 lb?. bave been sold, tbe average gross price realised being 2s. 4.04 d. per
    346 words
  • 158 12 I The report hi l'U ,i,,!i tlj it EM profit ou Hoiking for llic year amountexl to X'l't .4l9. A mini of IIjQM I,n btec VMittcDetl for il« |Te.:i.iti .v of buildings and m.iohiuery and! X'l.CilJ p'aucii to reserve. AfUi deducting i l!io ut. riui divideud of
    158 words
  • 708 12 Confidence and Enthusiasm In Paris. Mr. H. Warner Allen, special correspondent of tbe British Preaa with the French armies, writea as follows from Paris on March 24 In previous despatches 1 have quoted at soniß length letters found upon the persons of Oerman prisoners in order
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  • 228 12 £500 Damages Against the Sporting Times. In the King's Bench Division on March 23, before Mr. Justice Avory and a common jury. Mr. JAse-ph Tabrar, a writer of lyrics and songs, was awarded £000 damages against tbe Sporting Times Co., Ltd., proprietors cf the Sporting Timer, for
    228 words
  • 190 12 The report (or 1915 states that 34 acres were opened during tbe year, thna bringing tbo total planted acreage op to tbe round 1,000 acres Buildings and waste land account for 27 J acres and reserve jungle (or 59 acres, or, say, a grand total of 1,086>
    190 words
  • 783 12 Stories From Sir E. Shackleton's Letters. A telegram received from Buenos Ayres state* that the Knduranoe, which left there on October 26, 1914, with Sir Ernest Shack leton and tbe members of his trans Antarctic expedition for the South, is expected daily to return to tbe Argentine
    783 words
  • 171 12 The report of tbe Edinburgh Rubber Estate, Sclangor, Limited, states that the yield of dry rubber amounted to 300,208 lbs., against an estimate of 280,000 Its. Tbe estimated yield for 1916 is 827,0(0 lbs. Tbe average price obtained was 2s. 7.77 d. Pr r lb as compared
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  • 155 12 The report (or the year 1915 states that the crop harvtsttd amounted to 280.510 lbs agaiost estimate 100,000 lbs. and 241.573 Ib. in 1914. The average grufts price realised (or 280,012 lb. was 2s. 6 83d. per pound, Loudon ,|uiv;iknt. 498 Ib. were suppliel to Kubber Koadway*.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 191 12 GRIFFINS INDISPENSABLE TO RUBBER ESTATES. Owing to the very larse demand, orders should be placed without delay. So'e Agents for F.M.S. and S.S.: THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LIMITED (ISCOBPORATKD IN ENGLAND) KUALA LUMPUR. 'FOR HIS MAJESTY THE BABY HIS ARGUMENT SETTLED Baby Perambulators All Deaigns All Size* Correct Quality
      191 words

  • 1117 13 THE THINGS THAT FIRE THE BLOOD. David and Goliath Again. Mr. Austin Vane writes in tbe Evening Standard Although the world is now throbbing with ulvt nturoi Bucb as man never experienced before, it is wonderful how little we hoar about them. The battle for VerduD, for
    1,117 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 90 13 SPECIAL DELIVERY PER POST OF" Spring Millinery EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS ON SHOW TO-DAY WhitGflways ALSO LOVELY RANGE OF LADIES' FRENCH UNDERWEAR EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. /?»ak W. B. <"or-*-t«. the pflX &%M latest style *%t^fe Pries $7.50 i IWB ill W B. ("nr^-t^ sketch W. B. Corsets, thepopularshape Price $5.50 Ribbon Cot W
      90 words
    • 148 13 To build up m weakness To make you well and keep you well— this is the work or SCOTT'S Emulsion. In ca&es of ANAEMIA WASTING DEBILITY RICKETS oCOTTS FmuUion h.< no <-qu.l fo, Ringing h:cU th- energy, strength and vi»c:: of glorious health. Still the best at ,11 agei of
      148 words
    • 39 13 Because It Is THE Best Acetic Acid Tapping Knives "Latexj Cups Mosquito Netting Momi Cases! Barbed Wire Sodium Bisulphite and all Estate requirements. QUOTATIONS FROM THE ASIATIC SUPPLY TRADING CO., The Dispensary Building. ESTATE AGENTS 6:J a— 6 A
      39 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 504 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY I«? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Stbaits Skttlkxekts) HEAD OFFICE i Winoh«at«r Houae, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE I 32, Old Jewry, E.C. Tbe Company has £20.000 deposited with the
      504 words
    • 391 14 INSURANCE. •UARDIAN ABBURANGE COMPANY. LIMIT! D. LONDOH (Incorporated in England). Sutraeribed Capital 42,000.000 lotal Invested Fonda £8,250,000 Aanoal Income £1. 100,000 The undersigned, Agents for tbe Above Company, arc prepared to aocept fire and Earthquake risks for short periods of ten days as longer periods at ourrent rates to bo
      391 words
    • 493 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honokono). PAID-UP CAPITAL m. m, 15.000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 116,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 •88,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq., Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Q. T. M. Edkins, Esq. Hon. Mr. D.
      493 words
    • 497 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Sharos of 420 each 41,200,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reset. T -i«bility of Proprietors... 41.500.000 BANKERS Tbe Bank of England. Tbe London City and Midland Bank. Ltd.. The London County and Westminster
      497 words
    • 714 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Establishbd 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incoki-oratbd in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exceed $28,000,000 ..ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holder* at last Valuation 91,118.673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE BRAND! OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHERSON, Secretary for
      714 words

  • 1124 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Hupmobile Cars. I In some rpopects, says an exchange, the Hupmobile. motor-car is a leader, although practically unknown five years ago. The company producing tiles" cars is formed of six experts from as many other automobile works, who, profiting from errors
    1,124 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 173 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the British War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability I IlvLOA^a KitoS& /[J(/ BRITISH THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, Lrndon, E. C, CONTRACTORS TO H M WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S. GUARD AGAINST DISEASE Use Disinfectants and
      173 words
    • 335 15 a g NOT WORDS, BUT .Jujf HARD FACTS mIT convince; ]3jfej> B m Extract from alt tter received from jHpJ o^^ CECIL MILLEK, iWC(v^; f Headquarters Staff, H/ in 11 100 th Infantry Brigade, 15. E F., 1 1 111 I notice the Army cycles and care, at least fIU
      335 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 586 16 A. B. MACKAY S Q THE ORIGINAL JS LIQUEUR WHISKY. Jj MllTi^ As supplied to both Houses of /■jTWBT^^V Parliament. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. <*WgU ADAMSON, GILFILLAN AND COMPANY. LIMITED. fitfjr^Jl ill (Incorporated in Hngland) Singapore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, COMPETENT SHORTHAND TYPIST. Apply Messrs. John Little
      586 words
    • 540 16 MISCELLANEOUS. LOST, a fox terrier dog, white with tan markings on head and back. Registered number 2704 Mrs. F. K. Marsb, Fir Tree Hill. Keppal Harbour, 9-s— a PAHNG GUESTS WANTED by respectable private family in Tanglin district married couple or bache'ors tennis. Apply Tanglin, c/o Straits Times. 2-6 815
      540 words
    • 716 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT. No. h, Thomson Road. Entry May 1. Apply Meyer Brothers, 14, Coilyer Qoay. 6 4— n j TO LET. 8, Chancery Lane, 8 bedrooms, stabling and tennis court. Apply Ching Keng Lee k Co. 21 2-u TO LET. No. 45, Cairnhill Road. Immediate entry. Apply
      716 words
    • 514 16 KIAM KIAT CO. Nos. 108 and 109, Market Street. Just Received A Big Shipment of HUBBUCKS COLOURED PAINTS PRICES REASONABLE. 10 4-9* THE SINGAPORE LANDOWNERS AND RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION. NOTICE. Forms of application Jor membership and copies of the Rules can cow be obtained from the Secretaries, BARKER CO, CHARTERED BANK
      514 words
      375 words
    • 474 16 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties, such as cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs. gardeners, clerks, conductors, shorthand typists, took keepers. etc. Charges moderate Also snortliand (Pitman's) and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal Co 9. Selegle Koad, Singapore. 8-4-7 To
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 348 16 Straits "(Dimes. Telephones. Editorial and General TO Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to cditctia. mattcrv and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVEI, IISEMENT RATES.— Mmct>llane our
      348 words