The Straits Times, 6 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,100 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MAY 6. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTH-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 220 1 io »^u I MILK We beg to fcive notice that for the present the products of the Bernese Alps Milk Ct mpany *il] be imported by us under the "BEAR" Brand instead of under "Sledge" Brand as eretofore THE MILK REMAINS UNCHANGED; the trade mark alone has bten altered, and
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    • 204 1 ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR New Hudson Motor Cycles 1916 MODELS Enduring satisfaction is only derived from the Motor Cycle which is produced in a factory where expert knowledge, tho-oughness, and perfect or^anisition prevail. Comfort, convenience, and restful enjoyment of motor cycling depend upon the skill of 1 the'desi^ner and
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    • 7 1 GOODRICH ill mm Tj ith W TYRES
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  • 969 2 Tbe following casualties are reported Indian Expeditionary Forces. London, April 12. Wounded. 2nd Lieut. A. B. Campbell, Gordon 2nd Lieut. M. J. Daly, Inniskilling Kuailiers 2nd Lieut. S. O. Evan*, Welsh Fusilier* Lieut. A. C. Gordon, Scots Fusiliers 2nd Lieut. V. I. Hardj, Suffolk's Lieut. W. Keen, Viand
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 499 2 NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. Nervous djtpepsis ii s disease of the nerves, not of tbe stomach. Indigestion one day and complete freedom from symptoms tbe next usually mean nervous dyspepsia, especially if the patient is of a nervous or highly emotional temperament. Tbe attacks recur at more or less regular intervals and
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    • 932 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING {Dnder 8 R.A. Rulxi of Racing WILL UK HRLD ON Tuesday May 1 6, Thursda y, May 1 8, ■nd Saturday, May 20, 1916. PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tuesday, May 18,1916. 1. THB OPBNINO STAKKS 2.45 p.m. Value 1600 and 160 to to Hocood
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    • 763 2 the hour for Sor ohing 8 p.m. on the DAY BEFORE the Raoa. Owners of Griffins aro entitled to onter for either of the following none* of Raoee Fus Seriei No 1 First Day— Race No 4 Seoond Day— Ra* No. 1. Seriei No. 9 First Day— Kaoe No. 7
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  • 757 3 FOUR MILLIONS MADE DAILY AT HONGKONGLarge Supplies for the F.M.S. In the past two yean, and especially in toe last six months or so, writes the L.S. ConsulGeneral, George E. Anderson, of Hongkong, there has be-en an immense increase in the imports of leaf tobacco from the United
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  • 208 3 A speciftl correspondent at the Italian front writes to the Morning Post, describing Gorx as the heart of the Italian War and the main objective ot tv« Italians, who are fighting heroically from Switzerland to the Adriatic. 200/ (Xl picked Hungarian soldiers, with tbe boldest
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  • 50 3 A Time* of (.'< ylon London wire of April 17 state* that the Treasury baa related the rule governing the sale of shares held out ot England ao far that it will allow xterlinp shares comic*; from Ceylon to be sold subject to the proceeds bein^ invested in OoTorn ment
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 266 3 LATEST ARRIVAL SIX MILES OF ENGLISH TILES 81ITABLB FOR KITCHENS. BATHROOMS AND SHOP FRONTS. Different Designs All Colours Prompt Delivery Correct Prices FROM JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. Only Address ORCHARD ROAD Oniv Address i No connection with any other Furniture House). GUARD AGAINST DISEASE Use Disinfectants and Germicides. Tho use
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    • 267 3 IRRITATING RASH MINER FACE Suffered Pain and Disfigurement Very Itching and Burning. Used Cuticura. Free From Breaking Out <:»T'« Bungalows, White BUI, II. m:-; Knu. "1 had an itching rash c ime out all over my face and 1 suffered much i *iiu 1 lit it go on for nearly
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    • 495 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) t Osaka Mercantile Itaamthlp Co Ltd KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. Tha Company maintains a regular cargo Borvioe with six steamers oallirg at Moji. Yokkaichi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swottenham, Peaang, Colombo aad Bombay, and on the return voyage calling at Tutioorin. Singapore, Hoagkong and Moji. PACIFIC
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    • 673 3 NOTICE. Chop Gaan Cbin bcf.s to inform the public that the above Chop will be removed to No. 114, Cross Street. 23 4—6 5 NOTICE. The Manager of tbe Chartered Bank of India, Anstralia and China, bege to announce that on and after Monday, May 8, the bniiinesa of tbe
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1117 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AMD npear Line. (CuXI'ANIEH In< ORI'ilKtrKD IN En iHSD). 4AIL ANO PAS3ENQER SBRVICSS P«Nt*JSUL4H ANO ORIENTA SAILIMJii Under Contract with Hl9 Majesty Qoverniaent), «op Qhina, Japan, Ponang, Oaylon, Australia. India, Adan, Egypt, IMaditorranaan Port* and London. Stoimors will leave Singaoore on or about MAIL
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    • 804 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Stmerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telnpin. Patani, Singora. Lason, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuea, Taku, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Due Departure ■S. PAR4CHATIPOK May 8 May 10, 3 p.m. •.ASDANG 15 17,3 p.m. aa. BORIBAT 88 84,
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    • 453 4 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED, AMI CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (ImoRpoRATKn in Em;l«nd) I B^EEa^aaEEa^EaV The Companies' steamera are despatch' d from Liverpool outwards for tho Straita, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for no». Marseilles
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    • 531 4 STEAMER SAILINM N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN UM. A servico is nmintained botwivn Yokohama, via pnrt-, to Mnr-i ill.n and London nnder mail o -ntrac'. witb the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamern maintaining this service have boon sperially denignod and constructed,
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  • 96 5 FIXTURES. Saturday, May 6. Hub Water I 16 fm. Opening of Chartered Bank. sundav, May 7. High Watnr 0 a.m., 1 56 p.m. Monday, May H. Sigh Wj'.nr 0 M a.m.. I 41 p.m. Tuesday, May High Water. 1.32 a.m.. 3.44 p.m. Wednesday, May 10. High Water
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  • 234 5 To DAT. Malacca, P. Swettenliam and Penan^ Klany 2.:i0 pm M' Medusa 2.:t0 pm Hagan I 'onggala '2.M0 pm Selat Pandjang. Bcnykalix. Siak and I'akan Baroe V. der l'arra 2.30 pm Muntok and Palembang Van (ioens 2.30 pm Saigon Mai Yang 4 pm Au.imb.l. Natuna Islands
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  • 255 5 llif null tr.iu^ liLioj niusitiwrt.- lvi tn_. jortii leave Tauk koaci Htation daily at T.T am. .v I 7 |'.:u., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at T.lB p.m. and 8.45 a.m. respectively. Th throii'-l. I'onang leaven Kuala it 8 a vi. daily, arriving at Penanu' at LM piu. the
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  • 95 5 itr.i.t pack.'t KulUla with u.uU London may be. \pccteil to arrive it RmMM <'U -< itur l.i y. tlir 13th innt. i.'ainiT An<li> I. Ixiu i. it iVluiubu ut 5 p.m. on the 4th inxt., and may be expected to arrive here nn Tuesday MrMa, V
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  • 86 5 n ti.u. buen oallrd to the (act ■iat mil irrival* ie London are much behind iblixliod eiw.-whurtv Our ri. I m arrivals only when tiny are officially i port.- 1 oner notioett, and no than ttiat rir.u<d above I 1. 11 I !MN It M. Mar. Ml
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  • 209 5 Outward. Tbe following passenger bookings to the Straits arc taken from the !or. and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings msy be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequeut to Hie issuance of this list in London Per
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  • 104 5 The following orders, which supersede all previous arrangements, are published at Calcutta All persons desiring to enter Egypt, whether neutral, allied or British subjects, and irrespective of sex, should apply to the nearest British Consul for passport authority in time to permit of the application, which
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  • 174 5 EXCHANGE. Simsafou, May 8 1910 On oku Back 4 m/s 2/4i| Demand 2/4} Private 8 m/s a/4{ On Francs Bank T. T. 320 On km Bank T. T 174 Om lo> KONa...B(iub d/d par On ShaM'.bai ...Back d/d 69; On Java Bank T. T. 184 On Japan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 312 5 GORDONS THE ORIGINAL LONDON M Thip inc.tct distiiicry wao fsUbisbed in 1T69 Bt "Old Tom and Dry G:cs cf which are wcrldfamoas Ttty are obtaiaable at ali the bust .1 .telo aad Dealer?. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (HI OKI HUM IX EnuLAXD) Sole Agents for THE STRAITS TIMES Can be
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    • 242 5 W. D. H. O. 4 fj WILLS'S vJ\\ irlXi M IXTU RE ft v ANO \^J CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) i iiese are Ne r cu Records ij-t ttm In. ii- ihr superb li«l fnr AlV'I W« AaM b^- very p!e«icd ,iu m.u ll-.c full I-.1 in:.! pi. any >ou nroulj 1'
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    • 345 5 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, capable Stenographer for office in Medan, Sumatra. Apply in writing with testimonials, stating salary expected, to Box No. 330, Straits Times. 8 B— u CLERK WANTED for F M.S. with knowledge of typing and estate accounts salary (70. Unfurnished quarters provided. Appli cations, with copies of
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    • 441 5 MORTGAGEE'S SALE Of W YEARS' LEASEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES, sittate at Sel gie ttoad, Singapore, On Monday, May IS, sat 2.30 p.m. S A«. ,JSSI Month., rent 1 I 1 142, Solegio Koad. 1.C62 »<■ ft. 80 cents »28 2 144, do. 1 108 do. 80 cents. $23 8 146,
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  • 31 6 Tan Pi. k Gkuk —On May 4. 1916, at tbe Tony Gak Chinese Temple, Bukit I'urmcl. Kampong Bahru Koad, Singapore. Tan Peck Geok aged 42. Funeral on Monday, May b.
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  • 978 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY. MAY 8. GERMAN EAST AFRICA. Early in tbe present war an attack was made on Tanga, in German East Africa, and in a small way it proved somewhat disastrous. but under tbe brilliant leadership of General Suiute we arc now masters of tbe country. The Germans
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  • 24 6 Tbe intermediate M.M. steamer Lougsor, which arrived here yesterday, left again this morning for Saigon, after coaling, but with out loading or unloading cargo.
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  • 35 6 The Mercantile Bank of India have received a telegram from their bead office, in London, advising tbat tbe Mercantile Bank of India. Ltd.. has absorbed the Bank of Mauritius, Ltd.. an from tbe 3rd inst.
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  • 46 6 ttigbts are granted to Mr. A. E. lieavis, of Singapore, in rexpect of an invention for the collection of latex, known as tbe Beavis Latex Spout and to Hamper Kottluann. of Labocan Bilik, Sumatra, in respect ot an invention for improvements in rooting for tropical countries.
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  • 20 6 The monthly meeting of the Ministering Children's League will be held on Monday, at tbe V.M.C.A. buildings, at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 25 6 Tbe Port Health Officer and tbe assistant Port Health Officer, Singapore, are appointed Deputy Registrars of Births and Deaths for the rural area of Singapore.
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  • 33 6 It is just a year ago, to-morrow, that the Cunard liner Lusitania was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine of the old Head of Kinsale, near Queenstown, witb great loss of life.
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  • 38 6 Messrs. Wimtall and Co. have received advice from tbe secretaries of the Chota Rubber Ustateti, Ltd., tiiat at the annual meeting, to be held on the 10th inst., the directors will recommend a dividend of 15 per cent.
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  • 43 6 The outward bound M.M. mail steamer, which was obliged to stop in Port Said, left again on April 25, having transhipped all the passengers on board the AnJrt' Lebon. which left Port Said on April 23, and is due here on Tuesday next.
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  • 67 6 With reference to a paragraph which appeared in tbe Times of Malaya that it is considered likely that the French Consulate in Singapore will be raised to tbe status of a Consulate General in the near future, Mr. Pierre de Bondy writes to our Ipoh contemporary stating that he has
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  • 66 6 A cbetty in tbe position of defendant was a feature of the second police court this morning. Charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of the sum of $260, be admitted receiving the money and lending it out, asking for time in which to collect it. The case was
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  • 58 6 One of tbe largest river front fires in tbe history of Shanghai broke out on the Chinese bund above the China Merchants Steam Navigation Company's wharves on April 24, and continued to burn fiercely for nearly twelve hours. Two godowns belonging to the Ningpo Ningsbao Company were completely destroyed. The
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  • 66 6 The orders cf tbe Malacca Volunteer Rifles, dated April 29, state under Complimentary "The Commanding Officer has much pleasure in recording tbat tbe General Officer Commanding has expressed himself as well pleased witb tbe Corps. He considers the members may well be proud of tbe progress made. In regard to
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  • 139 6 Tbe resignation of Sir Matthew Nathan from the post of Under- Secretary for Ir> land has a certain interest in this quarter, lie was Governor of Hongkong from 1903 to 1907, and they say in Hongkong tbat he was a very tine Governor. Eager, alert, virile, sympathetic— so we have
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  • 139 6 Tbat tbe neutral shipowner is skimming rich cream from the British market is not to bo questioner!, says a bnme paper, and it is only natural tbe British owner should object. Tbe neutral, however, is not getting all the cream, as a glance at the shipping companies financial reports shows.
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  • 158 6 Is Servians or Serbians correct? wo are asked. Well, the Serb* tUmselves spell it th a b, ami they ought to know. The oi-eeks, we believe have always called them Seibloi. Tbe word Servians, of course, dates back a very long time and we have seen it stated tbat the
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  • 218 6 Then-; are illuminating figures which Lml Curzon offers respecting shipping, l-'orty-three per cent, of British shipping has been taken over by tbe naval and military autbo rities and 14 per cent, more is engaged in carrying foodstuffs, munitions and raw materials for tbn Allied Governments. Tbat is to say tbat
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  • 382 6 Mr. ,1. Mitchell is to be local chairman and Mr. .T. Benson to bo a ujombcr, of the Tenant Harbour Board. Dr. I). Bridges, Medical Officer, KM I Government, has been granted ten months leave, with effect from April 14. Mr. B. C. Oriffin, late of Dcnnistowo
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  • 69 6 For the period from May 12 to 18, 191fi inclusive, tbe value of tbe highest grade of rubber is fixed at 3s. per lb and the duty ou cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rules
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  • 63 6 Th<> report on tbe income and expenditure of the Education Board for 1915 shows that the amount of Education rate from tbe Municipalities and liural Boards of the Straits Settlements during the year 191 C was 5170.878.M8. School fees amounted to $61,367.50, or 84,732.50 less than the
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  • 107 6 Thij rate of mortality in tho Settlement of Singapore for the week MtM April 29 was 0J.44 per mille of the population. Tho total number of MMM WM 218, of which 159 were male subjects md batata. Con vulsions claimed M, plithisi-- _>n, MMWia I n 1
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  • 52 6 Messrs. Latham and Co. advise us of the following particulars of output for the month of April No. 1 Ureilg''. No. J I Hours run 610 646 Cubic yards treated 109,000 99,000 Tin oxide produced, Piculs 7:17.6;; 905.77 Total piculs 1.643.40 Workiug costs £1.961 Realised 00
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  • 155 6 As His Kxctlloncy tlie Uovorour announced only a abort tini<' aj^o, sayo tlio Hon^kon^ I > iily I'rous, that everyone in the Colony bad now unrolled in one or otber of tbe <|. f< n-.u. forei-H except those wbo were oitbei medically unlit or cxi nipt. 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 SCOTCH WHISKY UJj D. J. McCALLUM, Edinburgh Sole Agents i CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. Singapore and Malacca. 1-1 81-12 A CHOICE ASSORTMENT New Season's 1 READY-TO-WEAR FROCKS J Fop the Races NOW DISPLAYED Ai JOHN LITTLE ft CO.. LTD. (Ini ORI'OBATID IN Bsi'LAND). IT I When it's Anything Electrical then- 'CPJieAfl
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    • 175 6 A PROGRAMME BECOND TO NONE IN SINGAPORE AT THB ALHAMBRA Beaoh Road, The House of Quality— The Home ot Feature Attractions. Tha Leading Thaatra In Singapore Man&eer M. H. Kenvou Slade To-nUht TO-nltfhtl WART WAR!! WAR!!! The Ambrosio Film Co praunU a tptetalar war drama THE BELLS OF DEATH In
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  • 1952 7 FRENCH PROGRESS. Recovering the Verdun Positions. ZEPPELINS. One of the Big Raiders Wrecked. Rbctkr's Tblbubaxs. London, May 4, 12.35 a.m. Paris, roiuinunique There was a violent bombardment in tbe Avocourt sector. Our troops made a brilliant assault at tbe close of tin .ft' moon and carred a German
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  • 45 7 Rkltkr's Tklkokam. London, May 4. In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquitb said tbe Government had adopted the Commission's recommendation regarding free diagnosis for the treatment of venereal diseases but did not promise legislation on the other recommendations owing to their controversial nature.
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  • 105 7 Kkitbk's Tblboram. London, May 4. la the Honse of Commons. Mr. Afquitb said he hoped to arrange an early dale, for the discussion of the Daylight Saving Bill. The lit. Hon. H. L. Samuel has written to Sir lie'Ui) Noiuian, who has given notice of motion on tl.e
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  • 31 7 Reutbb's Telei.bam. London, May 5, 4.35 a.m. Washington An agreement has been reached providing for the co-operation of the Carrao/isi... «nd tbe American troops in clearing Northern Mexico of bandits.
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  • 19 7 Rrl'TEr's Tm.kcram-. London, May 5 5. .30 a.m. Tbe death is announced of Admiral Lord John Hay. G.C.B.
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  • 762 7 Medical Practitioners and Foreign Qualifications. A meeting of the Legislative Council wax held yesterday afternoon, at which there were present H.E. the Governor iSir A. H. Young, K.C.M.G.), H.E. the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Brigadier-General D. H. Hidout, C.M.G.), tbe acting Colonial Secretory (Hon. W. G. Maxwell,
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  • 892 7 Appeal to the Singapore Public. STRAITS TIMES PRESENTS A SCOUT." We Lave tbe authority of His KxcelU ney the Governor for stating that tbe Malayan Aircraft Fund organised by Mr. Alma Bakor has his warm approval, and that be is most anxious to sec tbe European population of
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  • 98 7 (From Oir Own Corbispondknt.i IVnang, May 5, 11.44 a.m. The attention of tho Penang Chamber of Commerce has been drawn to the German advertisements on walls and shops. The Reiidont Councillor states that steps will be tau. for their removal. The question of meeting foreign compoti tion after
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  • 306 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In their share report, dated the tth inst., Messrs. Fraser and Co. reix>rt A few Easturu holders of sterling shares are taking advantage of tho opportunity to sell through the Stock Exchange and invest proceeds in British war securities, which has
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  • 139 7 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.. Singapore supply us with tbe following report on the position of the Java produce market for the past week Batavia, May 5, 1910. Rubber market prices have declined conni derably aud tho position at close
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  • 853 8 lKmom Oik <>»n I'okbesponkknt.) Koala Lnmpur, May 4. Mr Lll llHnipnliirc uas returned from his trip to .lapan having neon away for a couple of month* lie looks all the betttr for his holiday. Mr. H. J. Kalgar has returned to Kuala Lumpur from lVnang, to join
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  • 129 8 Latest •dvortiaomeots of the day appear n |i :^> 5. Mth laaVkM II .t. 1 tv in-lit tlier* to a 'UN. i ii tli. l.iwu t,i 6. followed by a ilinplay of pictures Tomorrow tbe hotel band will |il:iy in the afternoon and during lidiht. W« i
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  • 436 8 Entries for the Forthcoming Meeting The entries for the Spring Race Meeting which closed at noon to-day are as follow First Da>. Tuesday, May 16. 1. Tiik OMM Stakks, Sandy Creek, Tbe Milky Way, Nullo, Welcomo One, Black Satin. 2 6. Tbk Malay Status Ii R>* \m> Plate,
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  • 172 8 The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. H. B. Ward, of Kv;itt and Co., French Bank Buildings, Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks the following contributions to tbe abovefund Amount previously acknow ledged $6,460 Miss Abel 23 \V. G. Stirling (proceeds of sale of pictures) 75 Collected by Mr.
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  • 28 8 .li()uiu round for tlie Iv'pptl Cup will be pliiyed nn the Keprx-I (iolf Club links, on May I aud 7, 1H holes stroke handicap, t'nst M t qualify.
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  • 893 8 The Attack on the Wig and Gown Spirit. Mr. H. Ci. Wells, wbo wants to reform tbe legal profession by getting rid of what be calls its wig and gown spirit," hag undertaken a pretty tough job. Wiglomeration," as Mr. John Jarndyce called it, is a stnbborn
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  • 57 8 Milk Cans." Bearing on what a correspondent signing himself Tanglin said in yesterday's issue about "Morning Horrors, a correspondent tells us that, this morning, motoring down between Orchard Koad Police Station end Aremeniaii Street, time occupied 8.30 a.m. to 835 a.m., be counted twelve handcarts loaded with milk cans and
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  • 103 8 Tbe Australian jam, tinned meat, con densed milk, and other industries using tinplates are seriously threatened owing to a shortage of this material due to the Ministry of Munitions' demands upon tho manufacturers for steel and tbe restriction on their ontput to tbe tin plates required for war
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  • 592 8 Sunday, May 7, 1916. St. Andrew's Cathedral. Socond Sunday after Easter. 7.45 am. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.15 a.m. Mating and Holy Communion 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 5.80 p.m. Festal Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines.— a.m. Holy Communion 5.30 p.m. Evensong and sermon.
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  • 189 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, May 12: Satli:i>av, May 6. to^'m'i Balestier Range Chinese Co. Sirsiuv. May 7. B^-««««W» Chinese Co. Monday, May 8. 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. Off and N.C.O's. S.KK(V., S.V.H. 5 p.m. sth Mile Ayer Motor Cyclist Kajah Section.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 1093 9 A TALK WITH RESCUED GERMAN PRISONERS. "We Could See Nothing." John C. Van der Veer, London Editor of tbc Amsterdam Telegiaaf, writes in The Times With some colleagues of other neutral countries, 1 was kindly allowed to visit at Chatham the rescued ccew of the first
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  • 48 9 >'%Ihv lde Maru, wboae whereabouts bad been unknown since bt-r departure from Seattle (or Yladirostock on February '2.*>, arrivoi at llouululu ou April 13, having drifted id the Northern Pacific for marly f"t-.y days after having ber rudder dtstroynl tlu «iaiskan coast in a storm on March 6.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 545 9 HAS FOPCED V J^\ '<* v^-^» TSELF ON THE PUBLIC s^^S^/ TH^yfe.H SHEPR SALES 8Y AUCTION. auction sale: •i ONE VALUABLE HCBBER AND COCONUT ESTATE NEAR BUKIT PANJANO RAILWAY STATION. To be beld at Messrs. Ching Kong Lee Co.'s Sale-room, On Monday, May a. 1916, at 2.30 p.m. All tliitt
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    • 351 9 Unceasing Growth in the Popularity of r_^ Michelin f^\j^^^v^\ Tyres j^^^^^^ is the outcome of their excdient Quality. Wlicn you purchase Mitlielin Tyre you obtain an artirlo which is the result of years of study and endless tests. Real economy is obtained by Hug MicbeUn Tyre*, lor they arc the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1897 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? < THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) MEAD OFFICE i Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE i 39, Old Jewry, E.G. Tho Company has £20,000 deposited with
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    • 762 10 INSURANCE. LET THE BHANGHAI LIFE SOLVE YOUR LIFE ASSURANCE PROBLEM. As long as you are alivo and receiving your salary, tUo wife anil children will be provided for. Granted. Suppose, however, you die. What then Dp you wish the wife and children dependent on your people or her's What provision
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  • 833 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Motor-Assisted Bicycle. I A writer in The Australasian says: Numerous references have been made to several small motor-units for attachment to the ordinary bicycle, chief of which is tbe Wall auto-wbeel, driven by a lh.p. engine. This unit is securely
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  • 309 11 A writer in a London paper says: -A friend has just brought me a batch of Norwegian papers, ot which a most remarkable feature at the present mouiunt is the number of advertisements heralding the birth of Norse shipping companies— l counted as many as a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 85 11 MADE THROUGHOUT IN CANADA. A Gent Saved is a Gent Earned He who invests wisely in a sturdy FORD earns Dollars. In the first cost— and expense of upkeep— it's the most economical car. Ask your neighbour what he thinks of his Ford and why. WEARNE BROTHERS, LTD., SINGAPORE, KUALA
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    • 323 11 1^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. MrfiEl Extract of Malt and i «Li JC£"^^Mfj Bl^;'.irSSß I s known throughout the irorld as a yreat nourishing I W /"<■'</, behuj ri'h in ilesh-furmiinj snlislaiices, and 1 j|^Bh|giH<sj]ffl3Bp^ S^s^S^JKt* H dii/ested quite easily In/
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1107 12 •Writ <?* SAFETY TREAD^^ ifcrir TYRES Ml 1. 1 They convort every ounce of \w. *W* Engine Power into speed. v They transform treacherous '^^r surfaces into safe ones. yfcZ^ They repay every riWlar of cost /Lu^ in miles of service. The Climax of tyre security. The Limit of tyre
      1,107 words
    • 701 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT, Nc. H, Thomson Read. Entry May 1. Apply Meyer Bratbe-». 14, Collyer Q'i»y. 8 4 TO LET, No. 7 8, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Cheng Van Co 10. Malacca 3treet. 8-6—o TO LET, W, Cairnbiil Circle. Entry May iO. Apply John O. Campbell, Solici'or,
      701 words
    • 627 12 KIAM KIAT CO. Nos. 108 and 100, Market Street Just Received A Big Shipment of HUBBUCKS COLOURED PAINTS PRICES REASONABLE. 10-4-9 4 KUALA LUMPUR RUBBER AUCTIONS. Salos will be held onoe a week on Thursday?. Consignments should reach us two days prior to each sale to facilitate lotting and cataloguing.
      627 words
      290 words
    • 490 12 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties, such as cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, conductors, shortband typists, book-keepers, etc. Charges moderate Also sQorthand (Pitman s and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency, Agents Patal Co 9. Selegle Road. Singapore. 8-I—7-6 To
      490 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 368 12 Straits 'Wimes. Telephones, Editorial and General TU Manager h (Mm 2rVJ Job Printing Department Mi All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed tc THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be ad dressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT HATES. -Miscollane
      368 words