The Straits Times, 25 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,090 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. APRIL 25. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 201 1 MILK T* OTIC lE. We beg to give notice that for the present the products of the Bernese Alds Milk Ckmpany will be imported by us under the "BEAK" Brand instead of under "Sledge" Brand as heretofore THE MILK REMAINS UNCHANGED; the trade mark alone has been altered, and for
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    • 201 1 New Goods for Gents Wear JUST UNPACKED S HENRY HEATH'S ™co SOFf FELT/ V/ HATS op in the latest shapes and shades. X a X ACyT'O ELLWOOO S HELMETS /^fr HOSE in all shapes. in a textures ALB X a4^^ r X f° r day or even ing wear. The
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    • 11 1 KARTELLS BRANDY Soli Aobhts: AOAMBON. 6ILFILLAN CO., LTD (Inr..rporate.l in Knglaml)
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  • 714 2 The following casualties are announced London, April 7. Wounded. Major J. Berkley, Artillery Major V. J. Heather, Artillery Major O. R. Crosfield, South Lancaster!! Major P. C. Moreton, Engineers Capt. W. Q. Hutchenoe, Darhamß Capt. D. W. Jackson, Welsh Fusiliers; Capt. M. K. Wardle, Leiceaters Capt. D. Ware,
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  • 282 2 Story that the French Began The Battle of Verdun. The semi official Review of Events, dated Paris. March 10, includes the following: It has been seen that German wireless telegrams annonnced the capture of the village and fort of Vaux, which were never taken. Of such outrages against
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 551 2 Carbide, Box Strapping, Elephant Brand Tapping Knives, Veneer Cases, Carbolineum, Castor Oil, Linseed Oil, Zinc Buckets, Acetic Acid (European and Japanese), Calcium Chloride. S. J. JUDAH CO., Tbl 1862 29, ROBINSON ROAD. 24 8— 26 4 NOTICE. NOTICE i U- reby Kiven that the Power of Attorney given by A.
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    • 129 2 MR. WALTER PALLISER. COMTRACTOR, LATE OF SINGAPORE All partis* having claim) against the above are requested ta rend in details of same to tbe snbicribera on or before April 29 current, GUTHRIE a Co., Lid. li-4 d-27 4 PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO. Amateurs' Work Developing, Printing and Enlarging, Repairing Cameras. KONG
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    • 296 2 PALE BEAUTY F*D£B. The girl who returns home from school or work thoroughly tired ont every evening may be beautiful, but her beaut* will soon fade. She will be fortunate if i>be escapes a physical breakdown, because thi-i getting tin d so quickly is the first warning symptom of a
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    • 935 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RUE MEETING (Under SHA kulrs of Boeing), WILL Bl HELD ON T ueaday M ay 1 6,Th ur.d a y M ay 1 8 and Saturday, May SO, 1918. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, May 16,1916. 1. THE OPENING STAKES 2.45 p.m. Value 1(00 and }60
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    • 843 2 I tha hour for Scratching 5 p.m. on the) DAY BEFORE tha Rao*. Owners ot Griffins are entitled to enter for either of the following serie« of Races Knee Son>« No 1 First Day— Race No 4 Second Day— Race No. 1 Berien No. First Day— Race No 7. Seoond
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  • 1171 3 PROSPECTS FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. Reduced Production Costs. Tho fourth ordinary general meeting of Pegob, Limited, was held on March 17, at tbe Rubber Growers' Association, 38, Eastchcap, El, Sir Ernest Woodford Birch, K.C.M.G. (chairman of the company), presiding. Tbe Chairman said In tbe Bret place I wish
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 471 3 FACE BATHING WITH Cuticura Soap Most Soothing to Sensitive Skins. Trial Free. h ia#T "Ik'H followed by little touches of CatfcNn Ointment to red, rough, itching and pimply surfaces. Nothing hwt.T for Urn Hkm'tli:in these fragrant ■■^■MSMRRf cmollionts. Sample Each Free by Post \Vilh 32-p. book. Addrv-ss F. Newbory Sins.
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    • 789 3 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Which hag now borne Urn Stamp of PDMk Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. END'S FRUIT SALT PLEASANT TO TAKE, REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING. IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet Eating or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic or Gouty
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1086 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.- British India Apcar Line. (CoMHtNIBS Isi .IKIOKATK3 IN ENGLAND). MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR ANO ORIENTA BAILIN33 'Under Contract with Hit Majesty s Government), For China, Japan, Panang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports and London. Steimors will leave Singaiore on or about MAIL LINES
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    • 794 4 STEAMER BAILINBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK For Kretay, Triuggana, Bisat, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangn^a, Telnpin, Patani, Singora, Lvson, Kobsamai, Bandon, Langsuen, Taka. Champon, Koblak and Bangkok. Dua Ooparturo s.s. ASDANG Mpr 86, S pm. a.s. BORIBAT May 1 May 3, 3 p.m. aa. PARACHATIPOK
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    • 443 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STtAM NAY. CO.. LTD (Incorporated in Enoland) The Companies' steamers are despatch, d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 520 4 STEAMER SAILINB& N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A Rorvioe is'.ained between Yokohama, via pcrtn, to Marseilles and London under mail contract witb the Iniporial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servico have been sporitlly dooignodand constructed, and are fitt
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  • 112 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, April 25 Hi«b Water. I.IH a.m 5.14 p.ii. Wednesday, April 26. Hinb W»t«r 3.51 vm. 640 p.m \nnual raeetinK, 1". M., Knala Lumpur. Thursday. April 27. Ili/h Water, Mi a.m., 7.89 p.m. Friday, April 28. High Water 7.9 a.m.. H. 16 p.m. I^yislativ.' Council, 2.80
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  • 167 5 To-DAT. and Port Swettenham Calypso '2.»0 pm Itemnu and Komaman Hock Lee LM pm Batu Pahat Hon« W»n '2.30 pm K. l'aliany. Pekan, Kciiiaiiiiui, K. Dunnun and TrenuKanu Hon({ Ho 2.:K) pm Malacca and Mu*r Lady Weld Bpm »an K kok llv Ml pm Tomorrow. Pulau BaUm
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  • 243 5 Tin' mail trains from Singapore for Ifca north leav* Tank Koad station daily at i.< am and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lmupu' at 71H p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Th P— MB l-ave- Kaala Lunr ■lay. rJ bound mail tram leave 8 a -n. daily, arrivius; at
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  • 47 5 Tin I\ and O. homeward mail at 0 Nagoya haa left Hongkong and in expected to arrive here at daylight Thursday, April Hiiiln at H a.m. on Friday. 11,, U. 1. contract packet Tar with luailH from London wan expected to leave Ncgapataiu yesterday.
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  • 96 5 Our attention has been called to the fact that oor arrival* in London aro much behind thorn' pnhUatoed etaewhete. Ow rokj* to give arrWaU ooly wbee they we ofiojally revolted in the Pont Office nottot*, and do later Int. than that printed above ba I been §1
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  • 55 5 At IliiKkom; an actum i« t*-inn fought between Hi. SI. hi IliUkt Sloamxliip Company m.l nI t >il 1 uipooy of Sew Nork, i claim »100,(>(JO for damage all' mil to have been caaatx 1 an the n their tmml, the -l,n I 111. :ll|.| Tlie latwr are oounWr cuuiuitm
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  • 174 5 EXCHANGE. MNUAPOM, APRIL 35, 1010 OaLoxii. Bank 4 m/tt 2/44; Demand .m Private 8 m/» 2/4 On France Bank T. T. 826 On India Bauk T. T 174 j On H^.- iKONa...Bank d/d »j On Sha*..hai ...Bank J/d 79( Ok Java Bank T. T ia» On Japan..
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 231 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTEM FO* SAMHUNiV Cbine c ol«rk who cau Ap If in writioß to Box 111. Straits Timea. V 5-4 —27 4 YOUNO GENTLEMAN (BNGLHHi, well i ducat til and connected, require- position as irir&'c wcretary or similar position. Uaid to IravellioK. --I" ■«k» Kr.-i.cli. tot n on writing
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    • 364 5 JUST ARRIVED A small shipment of THE FAMOUS "BULL DURHAM" SMOKING TOBACCO. Price 20 cents per big including packet of hi^h-class cigarette papers. OS SALE AT A. P. Noor Mahomed, No. 1 -a, d'Almeida Street, M Sultan, 8, Prince Street. THE TANGLIN CLUB. NOTICE is hereby Riven that the Annnil
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    • 180 5 AUCTION SALE Of ONE OOOD-TONRD COTTAGE PIANO BY THE KOBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. To be held at Messrs. Ching Kecg Lee Co.'s Saleroom. On Wiunksday, A pril 26, at 11 am. CHING KBNG LBB CO., Anctionesip. •J2-4— 25-4 THE SWIMMING CLUB. SINGAPORE. The Aioaal Oenera' Meating oi the Clab will
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    • 376 5 NOW READY The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1916. Price 18 < 0 p; r copy 19 00, pest free to places in Stiaits Settlcmonis, Federated Malay States, Johor', Ktdah, Kolantan. Perlis Trengkanu, British North Horn. Sarawak and Brunei to Siam. Saigon, Netherlands India, ttc., $9 50 pmt free Publishers:
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  • 1174 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, APRIL '23 SUBSCRIPTIONS. A correspondent sends us a copy of a letter published by tbc O'Connor Don with reference to the muddle that ii bciny uiaJe over tbe distribution of money due to the dependents of men who are serving at the fi out or who
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  • 59 6 The local branch of tbe St. JoLu Anjbul ance Association European War Fund has collected *;,905.93 for tbe joint benefit of tbiBritish Kul CroHS Society and tbe Order ut St. John of Jerusalem in England, tin. latent addition bcin^ J6O, tbe proceeds of 50 cents per ticket at tbe supper
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  • 25 6 Jewish offices in town were closed yen j terday and will be closdw again to-day for the final of tbe annual festival of tbe Pasiover.
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  • 24 6 The local talent in Taiping under the leadership of Mrs. Oliver Marks are busy rehearsing for a Folly entertainment to take place next month.
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  • 27 6 The third anniversary of the Sepoy Lines Funeral Association wan celebrated on Sunday last at Belmouut House, Tanjong Ka'.ong, A large number of members were in attendance.
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  • 53 6 The course of lessons in conversational Malay at the Young Women's Christian Association Institute, 8, Fort Canning Koad, will begin on Tuesday, May 2, at 9.45 a.m., prompt. The class will meet every Tuesday and Friday at that hour. Any ladies wi»hing to join are invited to communicate with the
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  • 72 6 Inspector Wylde was very busy at lYnang on Friday night executing gambling warrants. He made no less than four raids at different places and produced about 28 accused for playing in places which were kept or used as common gaming bouses. Five men were fined 916 each, and the rest
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  • 95 6 An important capital scheme is announced by this Orient Steam Navigation Company, the effect of which will be, it is stated, to increase the income of tbe shareholders by 44 per cent. Six per cent, cumulative preferred stock not guaranteed by the management is to be substituted for existing guaranteed
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  • 86 6 At the Seaview Hotel last night a number of the residents gave an entertainment tbe proceeds of which go to the British Red Cross Fund. The function was a success in every way and was largely attended by residents in tbe Tanjong Katong district and by qnite a number of
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  • 87 6 The steel twin-screw steamer Aki Maru. 6,456 tons, of the Nippon Yusen Kaisba line, which was proceeding north on her voyage to Japan, met with a mishap at Townsville on March 30. A message from the harbourmaster at Townsville to tbc Marine Department announce that tbe vessel was entering port
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  • 109 6 A Lonelon telegram of March M says: After redoubling in intensity during the night the blizzard exhausted itself this morning, after iuliicting severe damage in all parts of Britain. Nine men and boys were found dead iv the snow in the mountains of South Wales. There; is widespread railway dig
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  • 159 6 Evidently troubles do not come singly either for men or for nations, as China is tbe latest to discover. The sinking of a trans port is an especially unfortunate occurrence just at present. Nevertheless tbe trouble in China is not nearly so strions as it was in 1911 or 1914,
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  • 155 6 Keuter waxes quite enthusiastic today over the woik of the Canadians, and cviJcuily tbe praise is well deserved. By tbe way. one seldom finds officialdom similarly lapsing into enthusiasm, whatever, happcus. So seldom does it occur, indeed, that such a lapse sticks in one's memory. A tine youug officer." said
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  • 224 6 Wo commei ted here the other day on the fact that the younger generation of Chinese was learning to play games with not a little skill. One example of this is seen in tbe defeat of Mr. H. A. Nisbet by Mr. Ng Tse Kwong in tbe Lawn Tennis Championship
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  • 319 6 Mr. I>. K Law*, aicittaey of the Kaste-m Smelting Company, lVnany, who Ini- l>< I unnill shewed inark<<l improvement on Saturday. Tuan Sytei Haxsnu Itarakabah. Chief Judge of the High Court, Kcdah, has couiu to Singaporo from l'enaug on route for Java. Syed Ibrahim has also arrived.
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  • 53 6 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent telegraphs that there was a good attendance at the War Loan meeting at Seremban, which was addressed by speakers of all nationalities. It was announced that ;iOO,(KX) bad beon subscribed from Negri Setrbilan and it was hoped to increase tbo amount to half
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  • 48 6 Mrs. Itupert ManaKseb, li.eiilis Hotel, bfgl to acknowledge with thanks the following additions to the fund for provieliuy wounded and warworn Hilgian soldiers witt. tion Total up to to day 51,4r,'.i In Mrs. Burkill 10 W. K Vowltr 10 Mrs. 11. 11. Kllis 10
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  • 59 6 The hon. treasurer, Mr. 11. >:. Ward, of Evatt and Co., French hank huildings, acknowledges with many thanks tbe following contributions to the above fund Amount previously acknowledged *J,OJ" Tan Jiak Kirn, C.M.G. 500 A. <1. Anthony 60 Mrs. T. Sibary 60 R. J. Addie
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  • 171 6 Although the performance' at the Victoiia Theatre last evening was similar to that presented on Saturday it went with the MM swing and was equally appreciated by the audience, which, by tbe way, was very small and to a company of tbc Humphrey Itishop standing must
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  • 215 6 Ceylon if very satisfied at the turn matters took in connection witli tin no ut debate iv the Madras Legislative Council regarding the .supervision of emigration, when the 1 1 n Mr. Cardew stated that emigration to Ceylon and the Straits Settleim uts was free and could
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 &g| WILKINSONS 11 has none. jlk :The Choicest of all Choice Waters. V l l if CALDBECK, MACGREGOR GO. Johon Agmtn: A. C H»RPER CO. nii USHER'S GREEN STRIPE Jlj^ Scotch Whisky Vg-J 12 Quarts $17 LESS 5 DUTY BXTRa. A Sole Agents JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (ISCOKPOKATED IN EtioLAND)
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    • 172 6 To-nitfht! To-nlrfht!! AT THI ALHAMBRA Beach Road, The House of Quality—The Home of Feature Attractions. The Leading Theatre in Singapore. Manager, M 11. Kc-nyon-Slnde. PATHE PRESENTS The worlri-ranovvnod aotOP HENRI KRAUBS WHERE GENIUS FAILB In 3 Parta. A powerful tmotirukl drama of exceptional ability; a «roode>ful. fasciDatirg «orl appeal ing
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  • 1204 7 GALLANT CANADA. Splendid Fighting Form. King's Message to The Tsar. London, April M, 12 To p.m. The Canadian share in the rocent crater cuntoat at St. Eloi was of the most splendid character. The craters caused by the ruines by means of which the Fusiliers captured tin in
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  • 60 7 Mr. lielloc, the statistician, shows that tho total ol the German losses, given as 650,000 killed at the end of 191;. is below the truth. raa ons for estimating that the true figure is more than 1,000.000 dead, and that th. iii i man (onset), killed, wounded and must have
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  • 112 7 Reitkr's Tklrgkam. Londoo, April 24, 1.5 p.m. I'll Tituts \V ishinjjt >a corr.spon -l>:nt s»yn that in view of tlio passing by the House of Representatives and the likelihood of the Sjnate'* passing thr? bill excluding Asiatics and legalising the agreement of 190H restricting the entry of
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  • 85 7 Keuter's Telbgkam. London, April 24. 1.5 p m. Lord Hardinge arrived on Saturday. In an interview he merely remarked that India was perfectly quiet. On tbe occasion of Lord Hardinge's return tbe Times has a three column review of bis work, as an editorial. It welcomes the
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  • 110 7 Renter's Tklkgram. London, April 24, 12.5 p.m. Shanghai During a fog to the south of the Chusan Islands the convoying cruiser Haiyung collided with and sank the Chinese transport Hsinyu. Only thirty have so far been reported saved out of a thousand soldiers and crew. The Hsinyu
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  • 95 7 (Fkom Oil: Own Cukrespondent.) Penang. April 25. In a well-contested football match the Central Union beat tho Singapore Chinese by one goal to nil. The goal was scored uear the close of the second half amid tremendous excitement. In the tennis champion pairs, Fjo Joo Wan and
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  • 42 7 (From Our Own Cokbesponoknt.) Kuala Lumpur. April '25. At the annual meeting of the Negri Sembilan Planters' Association Mr. Dupuis Brown was elected chairman and Mr. Fane, secretary. It was decided to invest 13,000 n the F.M.S. War Loan.
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  • 179 7 The Sue/ correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says There was a great scene of enthusiasm on March 25, when the Prince of Wales attended Major-General Sir Archibald Murray's inspection of the Australian infantry brigade and artillery. When the parade was over the men were permitted to
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  • 115 7 At the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday, the treasurer will move That this Council approves the loan from Colonial Funds, from time to time during the current year, of sums not exctoding in the abrogate J. *****0 to the Singapore Harbour Board to moot expenditure in
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  • 1255 7 Enthusiastic Meeting of Singapore Followers. On Sunday, a large gathering of the Khoju Ismailies Mohomedans, the followers of H.H. the Aga Klun, at the bungtlow of Messrs. R. S,j in, St. Michael's B ttd, IfUMIli hearty thanks to his Majesty the King Emperor for honouring their
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  • 868 7 Thrilling Experience on Western Front. Mr. T. Gray, of Kildonan, Acmub, York shire, has Jreceivtd from Trooper Kobort J. Dewar, 3rd Troop, "B Squadron, Royal Scots Greys (Prince Arthur of Connanght's Kegimcnt), who are on active service on tho Western front, a thrilling story of his experiences
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  • 166 7 Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Joan Kennedy, wife and daughter of Dr. W. W. Kennedy, have left Calcutta for Mhow to join the section military hospital there. On the same day Miss Graham left for Lucknow and Mihm Hathaway (or l'oona. Those ladies have been trained by the
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  • 85 7 In a letter to Mr. Claude A. liickman, vine commodore of the Kimx Yacht Club, who had promised to assist in the races tor thu Aim ric m'h Cup. Sir Thomas Lipton ntateM that it is hoped to bring off the caole-t m \t year. A recent examination of the
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  • 954 7 MAGAZINES AT SIAM NAVAL STATION WRECKED. Shock Felt in Bangkok. The Bangkok Times of the lHth inst. says: The magazines at tho naval station at Bang Na exploded last night at a few minutes before midnight The liptftw was felt over a very wide area and P*j>ff*i
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  • 94 7 Mr. Hoo Wei You, Consul General for China, forwards the following copy of an otlicial t t;r:iiii re c- ived by him from IVUiu^ on April 23 Kxcept Yunkwei aud Vuehkwoi all pro vinces quiet. Cbekiang assumes ni utral character. Fengkuocbuug in 1' i I discusses witL
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 51 8 Results in the billiard tournament for the Adelphi Hotel Cup are: t. Uct-cli, owe 45, 218, P. G. K. Williams, owe 40, '250. W. M. Maker, rec. 40, A. Van Rent use. owe 95, 250. In the semifinal tonight, Van H»a( owe 95, plays K G. K. William*, owe
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    • 164 8 A bowler of considerable merit has been discovered in cricketing circles in Colombo. His name is C. lioran, and he is a member of the NuiuleHcriptx Club and the Police t rirket Club, and, according to a Colombo paper, he is iiuite good enough to rank among the b<>st
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    • 389 8 In connection with the Singapore Golf Club, tbe following competitions were com peteil (or over the Kaster holidays Kviimi v. 'I'm Ki-r. I 'lay til on Saturday, on the Racecourse links. Scores: 0 A. 11. Ilctp ;tn<) W. E Hooper v. K. C. H. Woltt and K. L. Talma
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    • 129 8 I Mowing arc the ties fixed for to dsyMixn I I Class. Mr«. Kemp an 1 Mr. I'pcott owe 1 v. Mrs. Brooke and Mr. Mu^liston owe 2. OaVMeii hun>. Mrs llartnell and Mr. Day v. Mrs. Owen and Mr. I.U.u U M.s. Ridcut aud Mr. Lee Warner
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  • 176 8 The a^i lit of tin Great Indian Peninsular Kail way ban issued notice that the members •>f tlie domiciled Anglo Indian community, employed by the railway who are willing to MM in the army, will be afforded facilities. 1 to enlist will be allowed name conocasioae aa Kuropean
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  • 432 8 Singapore Chinese v. Penang Chinese. It will be remembered, says the Pinang Gazette, of April 22, that during tbe Chinese Chap Gob Meh the members of the Penang Chinese Recreation Club visited Singapore and piayed a aeries of matches lawn tennis and football -with tbe Singapore Chinese Recreation
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  • 396 8 Mysterious German Spy said to Be Involved. A telegram from London, dated March 23. says: A sensational case is being trie! before Mr. Justice Horridge in the Divorce CYurt. in which the King's Proctor is opposing the divorce of Mrs. Eva Black, an Australian, from Horace Black,
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  • 124 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, April 28 Tcisday, April 25. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. 4.80 p.m. Balestier Kango S.KK.jV.) 5.15 p.m. Tanglin Barracks S.V.K Officers and N.C.O's. Drill Mall Co. Bias Baaah Uoad Malay Co. Wbdnksdav, Apkil 26. 5.15 p.m.
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  • 993 8 Good Progress Made During The Year. A ten per cent, dividend was declared on April 7 at the third annual general meeting of the Bute Plantations (1918), Ltd., which was held in tbe board room of Messrs. A. R. Burkill and Sons, general managers, Shang hai. Mr.
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  • 84 8 The Ley Und Line officially state that the experiment of employing women for porter inn work at the docks was a succenp. and other firms contemplate following tbe example. Tbe first batch of HO women conductors, who have started work on the omnibuses of tbe London Oeneral Omnibus Company, will
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  • Correspondence.
    • 121 8 To the Editor o' tbe Straits Times. Sir,— We are very thankful to the C.P.O. for ordering the policeman to stop tbe trams, when a motor car or motor cycle is cross ing that dangerous corner between Stamford Road and North Bridge Road. Won't it be still better
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    • 90 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l read a letter in your valuable paper of the sth inst. re Oxley Hise, signed A Ratepayer." I quite agree with him as to the danger. lam frequently on my cyclein that road, and it makes me nervous coming
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  • 504 8 Prospects of Better Results For Current Year. The twenty-seventh ordinary annual meeting of the Green Island Cement Company was held at the offices of tbe general managers, Hongkong, on Apiil 10, Dr. J. \V. Noble presiding. In the course of bis speech, tbe chairman said Our
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  • 235 8 Dealing with Problems of State Exploitation. Mr. H. J. E. Wenckebach recently delivered an interesting lecture on the Djambi con tracts and the question, in what manner tbe petroleum exploitation should be further continued in Netherlands India. Tbe speaker agreed with the scheme developed by Mr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 235 8 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Bras Basah Road, Singapore, **O W OPEN From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS AND LATE SUPPERS A SPECIALITY. Moderate Charges. 8 12—7 12 ADELPHI HOTEL EVERY EVENING DURING DINNER OUR MANILA BAND WILL
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 710 9 GOVERNMENT^ JOHORE. Auction sali of land for arrears of rent to be held at tbe Government Office, Johore Babru, on Saturday. April 29, at 10.80 a.m. (1) AU that piece of land situate in the District of Srgamat, Joboro, comprised in Lot No. 109, Grant No. 82, dated October 14,
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    • 693 9 LUNAS RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). NOTICE is hereby given that application has been made to the Directors of this Company to issue duplioatc Share Certificates in place of those which are alleged to have been lost:— Certificates N. s 605 and 6%, for 200 shares of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 565 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OXHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorpobatko in Straits Skttlemksts) HEAD OFFICEi Wmohostor House, Singapore. LONDON O "FICE 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £30,000 deposited with the Supreme
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    • 388 10 INSURANCE. GUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. (Incokporatko in England). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds £6.260,000 Annual Inoome 41,100,000 Tbe underpinned, Agnnts for the above Company, aro prepared to accept fire and Earthquake risks for short periods of ten daye as longer periods at ourrent rates to be named on
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    • 493 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong). PAID- UP CAPITAL 1)6,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 2/. 116,000,000 Silver 116,000,000 •88,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. G. T. M. Bdkins, Bsq. Hon. Mr. D.
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    • 537 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paul ap Car'.al in 90,000 Sharos ot 420 eaoh 41.200.00 C Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.200.00 C BANKBR3 Tbe Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and
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    • 788 10 INSURANCE. LET THE SHANGHAI LIFE SOLVE YOUR LIFE ASSURANCE PROBLEM. As long as you nrr alivo and receiving your salary, tho bjHj ami children will be provided for. Granted. SuppoHe, however, you die. What thon Do you wish tbe wife and children dependent on your people or her'H I What
      788 words

  • 814 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. American Statistics. A cartful census of the motor ye Licit s re gistered in tbe United States on January 1 tbis year, compiled by tbe Automobile, shows tbe colossal total of 2,428,788, of which commercial vehicles number 71,026. This is equivalent
    814 words
  • 202 11 According to Brigade Orders issued on March 8). the Calcutta Volunteers were to be relieved from guard doty on and after the following Monday, it apparently having I* <d di -cided that the various guards required can, without difficulty, tx furnished by the regular garrison. No reason
    202 words
  • 64 11 A Dutch wire to Sumatra says: The Netherlands Government has addrocscd 1- n^'hy nates in almost identical terms to (ir at hritain and France on the subject of the mi/ me of iusilh aboard Dutch vesasls by Allied wartihips. Holland maintains her original attitude on the subject, demands the immediate
    64 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 158 11 SERVICE. Have you considered this question WE can give you Better Service than any firm in Malaya for the following reasons 1. WE stock in Singapore and at our branches, for the cars we sell— spare parts and accessories to the value of $100,000. 2. WE have fully equipped branches
      158 words
    • 186 11 1^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. •/.wpSBBrS'"--' tfc I"! 51 I*l*sloll ffgr y n ucia cioij jfff y New 16 2OH.P. Model. l_ 1 I lit lit ir l>, l.i'.r, Mm!, I "Painii'i ii jirr.ifiils llh r,nj hiffktti /"■ini i>i txcrlleuct in
      186 words
    • 38 11 NEW GOODS JUST UNPACKED. AN EXCELLENT VARIETY OF Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware Silverware and Gold Jewellery, etc., etc. At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION INVITED. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO., Noa. SI S3, Hlrfh Street. Ml M«
      38 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 520 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER Wm F^a w^a BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACAHT. WANTED, A HOUSEKEEPER to look alt; r Iiousl; for a bachelor. Apply Box No 809, StraitH Times. 24 4—9 6 \V.\NThl>. 1 r Ba'avia, competent tttuo grapl er and typi-t. Aptly iv writing, Ptating ions, ixrxrii .ic< ted salary des
      520 words
    • 516 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE one 6-6 h.p CLYNO twin cyl. 'i-i-peed motir cycle, 1400. Kten by appointm- nt. Apply H L.J., Royal Engineers, Pulau Brani. 22-4-b— 27-4 COOMTOT SEEDLINGS FOR SALE,, fro™ well grown tr«-eH. For particulars and j pri~'R, apply to A. Franktl. Siglap BBtate. or at Victoria
      516 words
    • 642 12 HOUSEB TO LET. TO LBT, Rooms at Zetland, House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Paul k Co. 161— o I TO LBT, No. 7 4 h, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Cbeng Van Co., 10, Malacca Street. 3-6— 0 TO LET. No. 45, Cairnhill Road. Entry April 1, 1916. Apply to
      642 words
    • 425 12 KIAM KIAT CO. Nos. 108 and 109, Market Street. Just Received A Big Shipment of HUBBUCK'B COLOURED PAINTS PRICES REASONABLE. KING EDWARD VII MEDICAL SCHOOL. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION. The Preliminary Examination for entrance and scholarships will commence on May 17, 1916, at tbe Medical School, Sepoy Lines. Candidates matt give their
      425 words
    • 297 12 ALWAYS AT THE TOP BICAI'SK OF ODB ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES GUAN KIAT CO.. SUPPLIERS MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES TO THE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. COTTON WASTE We sell a lot ol it. Cc me before it is all cold ont. Sole Agents tor tbc GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal fluid (or cleaning and preserving steam
      297 words
    • 472 12 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties. such as cooks, boys, amabs. ayabs. gardeners, clerks, conductors, shortband typists, book-keepers, etc. Charges moderate Also snorthand (Pitman's) and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to tbe straits Employment Agency, Agents Patal Co 9. Selegle Road, Singapore. 8-4—7 6 To
      472 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 344 12 Straits "(Dimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 348 All communications relating to editorial matters and newß should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should bo addrewed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscollano ouh wants
      344 words