The Straits Times, 24 April 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,08!) SINGAPORE. MONDAY. APRIL 24. 1016. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 151 1 MILK X: ATZ BROS., LTD. THE STORE FOR MEN'S WEAR. a The Latest Designs and Shades "FA in Men's Neckwear WIDE END TIES t M Extra long $1.50, $2.00 each. Mjiiare and round ends W 34" and 36" long f,h\ jgj£\ 75 cents, $1.00 each. y THE LATEST DEBIGNB Cp*B
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    • 111 1 A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS CONCERNING SLEDGE BRAND MILK. It is obtained from cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps Pastures. It is therefore a genuine Swiss Milk of the highest quality obtainable. It is Pure, Reliable and Richer in cream than any othe brand. The Lanoet, London, states "The
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    • 195 1 New Goods for Gents Wear o JUST UNPACKED HENRY HEATH'S ™co SOFT FELT/ V/ HATS in the latest shapes and shades. ELLWOQD'S HELMETS /^fr HOSE in all shapes. in all texture. f y for day or even ing wear. The Sirdar Shikar /O c UIDT o White Singapore A^ Khaki
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  • 1077 2 GERMAN WORK IN SCIENCE CONSIDERED. No Greater Than Our Own. Sir Robert Hadfield writes apropos of a discussion on British trade and applied science in a borne paper In my own line of rest arch— the science of metallurgy— l say unhesitatingly tbat Germany's advance has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 165 2 Carbide, Box Strapping, Elephant Brand Tapping Knives, Veneer Cases, Carbolineum, Castor Oil, Linseed Oil, Zinc Buckets, Acetic Acid (European and Japanese), Calcium Chloride. S. J. JUDAH CO., Til. 1362 29, ROBINSON ROAD. 34-8—284 t qw>T^rfX\ST^'JifS m 1 a -*v .wj^ri^ry. r. tj.?* v. v. y, r. r. v. v. el/
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    • 316 2 A Reputation of ox-er 100 years. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills FOR BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, DEPRESSION. O/Chemistt throughout the iror.'.l PriOM in England I/It and 2 9 JameiCockleaCo .IC-atOrmond St London.W.C A KNIFE THRUST would be welcome to many compared with the vioious shooting, stabbing pains of Sciatica. I Yet tbeie are
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    • 565 2 Poor Health To {ace the clangers of weakness and disease with a weakened constitution, is to iiken oneself to the captain who sails a disabled ship to meet the perils of the storm. In both cases disaster must surely follow. Failing appetite, nervous irritability, loss of weight and lack of
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    • 792 2 NOTICE. UMON INSURANCE SOCIETY OF CANTOV, LIMITED (iNCbKPOKATKD JN HoSiih Mr. D. B. Murray libh been appointed Manager of this Society in Sirgiporo and aMuruea (barge tf tbe Branch as from Monday, April 17, 1910. By order of tbe Board of Directors, W. E SCHMIDT, Manager. Singapore, April 15, 1916,
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  • 902 3 Tbo following casualties are announced London, April 8. Kill. <1.- Capt. O. .1. Noxon. ltoyal FusiHere Lieut. J. W. Davies, Welsh Fusiliers •2nd Lieut. G. O. Boddy, Royal Fusiliers; 2nd Lieut. L. II Howard, Royal Fusiliers 2nd Lieut. W. S. Pcrrier, Hoyal Fusiliers 2nd Lieut. O. I. Totbill.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 226 3 Special Food lor Starved Nerves. SANAPHOS I *I" THE IDEAL RECONSTRUCTIVE NERVE FOOD \.\MU\!'.l! ik\ll\l l\ SIIItVMHIMA Miftc>ll> HWI.PNA \M> \*>4 MIA "Sjnaphos" supplies the element: Moreover Sanaphos contains other is ii ciit.l by our nervis and i>rain food blhskMi wliuh at once are assimimil which is not supplied in
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    • 797 3 Just look, Mary, at those Robinsons. Three months ago they were as thin as you and I. And Robinson says all they have dote is Take Sargol and grow fat.' HOW THIN PEOPLE MAY PUT ON FLESH We Lelieve the tbinceat nun or woman can fill out," become plump— yes,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1110 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.- British India AND Appear Line. (CoXPANIIS I.M .IRIMKATRD IN ENGLAND). MAIL ANO PAS3ENQER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL BAIUU3S. Under Contract witb Hit Majesty's aovernuient). «or China. Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Port* and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES
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    • 795 4 STEAMER BAIUNBS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (Incorporatbo in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Stmerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Pstani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kotlak and Bangkok. One Departure a m. ASDANG Apr, 34 Apr. 26, 3 p m. a. a. BORIBAT May 1 May
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    • 439 4 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAMSHIPCO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorpobatbd in England) The Companies' steamers are dospatchi d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for
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    • 519 4 STEAMER SAILIMS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LMt. A service is miintainod betwoen Yokohama, via ports to Marseilles and London under mail ontract witb the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamnrs maintaining this servico have been sponitlly deigned and constructed, and are
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  • 788 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 20, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. No*. Valoi. Bdtibs. Siuiu. 3/- Allagar 3/- 2,4* 4 1 Ani<lo J»v»
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 515 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INOOCHiNA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTu. iKPI>»AT«I> IS KviLAND). Dli»*ot barvio* to Japan via Hon. hong Shanithai, and to Oaloutt* via Panang, from Singapoi-*. Taking can: uu NMBjgl Mil oi Laiia for Canton, Maoac, Swatow, Amoy, Uheto Tientsin, Nt'»ahwitnK, Yauvtiiae Ports Ku (uoaa. tbe PI lippine*-, etc., etc. en
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    • 521 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (itiCOKP. RATED IN JAPAN (Osaka KercantlH Itaamthlp Co Ltd i. KOBE BOMBAY LINE The i ooipsny m»-nUim a regular ca'RC' servioe with six BSeaujbrg ca, lies? at Moji Yokk»io l >i, HonKkoDß, Sioß.pore, Port Swet tonhtm, Penang, Colombo »ud Bombay, and on tbe return voya** o-i
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    • 258 5 Plantation Rubber Machinery, It is generally recognised that machinery for dealing with Rubber should be STRONG, SIMPLE, AND EASILY ADJUSTABLE. Strength and rigidity are especially necessary t r ea^y runnirg if economical consumption of power and regularity of output are 'o be assured. Th< n with regard to the rolls.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 121 6 P3ANOS TUNED and REPAIRED Cheap, Prompt. Thorough BY (Lath or Th« Rcbinsi.s Puno Co.) 100, Adelphi Hotel Buildings, NORTH BKIDGB ROAD. Any work personally attended to and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Tel. 1705. Before deciding to build a Steel Structure of any kind, ask Brossard and Mopin to give you a design
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    • 96 6 NOTICE. NOTICE h h reby given that tba Power of Attorney givm by A. S. P. S. Supramanian i Cbit'y to A. S. P. S. Yoerappa Pilliy has bi t d revoked. Dated thie Wtb day of April. Itl6. A S. P. S. SUPRAMANIAN CHITTY, by bis Attorney A. 8.
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    • 936 6 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING [Under S.R.A Rulei of Racing), WILL BB BBLO OH Tuesday, May 1 6,Thuraday, May 1 8. and Saturday, May 20, 1918. PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tuesday, May 18, 1916. I. THE OPENING STAKES 2.45 p.m. Value 1600 and 160 to tbe Second Hone A
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    • 521 6 tha hour for Scratching s p.m. on the DAY BEFORE the Rao*. Owner* ot (irifflna are entitled to enter foi either of the following series of Races Frii Strict No 1 First Day— Raoe No. 4. Second Day— Race No. 1. Btriet No. 8 First Day— Race No. 7. Second
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    • 184 6 •^•Jw A 9T*W aWi.^^ Psar* sh^ CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No. 25 South Bridge Road Firnt class Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crown Bridge Filling and Vulcanite Duration of Wear guaranteed CHARGES MOIiKHATE FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powders and BruHhcs for sale. It AUCTION SALE Of EXCELLENT WAX POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD
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  • 119 7 lIXTURES. Monday, April 24 ■Jiai. Water 1.21 a.m., 8.3« p.:u Kasti'i Monday. Public Holiday. Tuesday, April 25 '■Ltfli Wat3r, '2.1H a.m., Ul p.o. Wednesday, April 26. High Water Ml a.m.. 8 40 p.iu \nnual mcteting, P. \.M.. Kutla Lampur. Thursday, April 27. ■aft Water, Ml a.m., 7.88
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  • 178 7 To DAT. Muar and Malacca Sri Muar noon Selat I'aml] M(, lien^kalip anil Kauan l'ontianak noon P. Swi tt. nh, mi and T. Anson Perak noon Malacca and Muai Kaka noon Port Swettenbam I 'i mint;. NcKapatam ami Mad. a" taking mails fur Durban Kultala noon Malacca
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  • 265 7 Tbo mail trains from Singapore lor t'u north Imm Tank Koa<l Htatioo daily at 7.7 a.iv. an 1 7 p.'u arriving at Kuala Lumpuat Tin p.:u. an 1 6.45 am rp^rHTtiv. I^. Tli through MM t'i i'fuAua IMM X;. Luirpir at iv. daily, arriving a l MM| at
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  • 16 7 t Tara with uiailn irciui Lod<l»u in expected to leave N'eyapatain to day.
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  • 176 7 EXCHANGE. SINQAPORa, AIKIL 'JO, 1916, O»LoM.i. Bank 4 m/s -j/4t» Dem&ad _''4 t Private 8 m/i 2/4 On Franc* Bank T. T. 326 Ok Inoi4 Bank T. T. 174; On UoNu^oMO...Bank d/d 10,; On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 80) On Java Bank T T 182J On Japan Bank
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 42 7 LEE BROTHERS STUDIO. HBNOWNCD FOR HIOH-CL.ASB "HOTOQBAPHY. THCRKfORB ENS'JRINO BEST RESULTS. NMMJ your Photograph i«ktn at our StudioPHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO. A matenrs' Work Developing, Printing and Enlarging Repairing Cameras. &BNG KING CHEBNG .COMPANY Adatahl Hottl Build'ngt. iingapore. BrMMb at J'Ltacn I 11-5-16
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    • 426 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAV LED, A HOUSEKBRPER to loak aft r boos > for a bachelor. Apply Box No 809, Strait* Times. 24 4-9 6 LOST, small black and tan terrier bitcb, lonu wiry bair, answers tl't name of Ketcbie. Plevc retnrn to Clovtllv, Orange Grove K or Qoodall Co. Boat
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    • 351 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incokpobatid in Bnuland) Eastern Branch: WINCHESTER HOUSE, Singapore, Are now in a position to manufacture Electro- Magnetic Separators For Tin- Wolfram and other magnetic ores. In addition to magnetite, which is highly magnetic, this machine will pick up Ilmenite, Wolfram, and Monazite, or, in fact, most of
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  • 31 8 Kou Km, Li\n..— On April 22, at her residence No. 83, Kampong Bahru Road, Singapore, Mrs. Koh Eng Liang, widow of the late Mr. Cheung Beng Poh aged .'y years.
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  • 1075 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, APRIL 24. COMPROMISE. For a time it looked as if the Cabinet wreckers were to have their way at last. When we wrote on ThursJay, regretfully yet calmly because we know something of these things, it seemed almost inevitable that several ministerial resignations would be announced
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  • 18 8 Shipping at Constantinople is at a standstill, as all vessels leaving the port are sunk by tbe Russians.
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  • 40 8 Messrs. Barlow and Co. have received a telegram Iroin their London house advising them that the directors of the Highlands and Lowlands Para Rubber Co., Ltd., have declared a final dividend of 20 per cent, payable on tbe 28th instant.
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  • 36 8 It is intimated from Saigon that Cape St. JamcH Light has been extinguished, and that the l'ort is closed between sunset and sunrise. All vessels are required to n main outside six miles during such time.
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  • 16 8 The next P. and (>. outward mail may be expected to roach Singapore about Wednesday. May 8.
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  • 48 8 The dress shirt is suffering a pathetic slump," judging by a display in a Holborn outfitter's shop, which exhibits a large collection of brand-new dress shirts and announces that it has 200 dozen for sale at Hid. each! In Singapore they are catalogued at $3, or 7s. apiece
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  • 48 8 A public meeting of those interested in a proper celebration of Empire Day (May 24) will be held at the Ipoh Club tomorrow. A programme of events will be put forward for consideration, and members of all communities are invited to attend. The Hon. A. Payne-Gallwey will preside.
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  • 63 8 The horse which Mr. Alma Baker present ed to Col. Frank Fillis on his previous visit unfortunately broke its leg on Friday. It was being trained for the ring. Un the way up from Rangoon to Penang the Circus lost a young elephant from dropsy and both Col. Fillis and
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  • 64 8 There is in Germany a society whose sole object it is to encourage the people to keep rabbits. According to tbe Lokal Anzeiger this eminent body has constructed special hutches designed to replace the useless window box, and it is beseeching the housewives of Berlin to instal the rabbit in
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  • 85 8 An F.M.S. Government Gazette Extraordinary notifies that whereas it appears to the Resident of Perak that a disease viz., plague -exists at Pulau Pangkor Besar, it is hereby declared that tbe island of Pangkor and the islands adjacent thereto are infected places within the meaning of the (Quarantine and Prevention
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  • 130 8 An extraordinary scene took place in the House uf Common- on March '10 An Army Medical lieutenant leapt from the Distin guished Strangers' Gallery, and dropped '25ft. to the floor of the House. lie fell on his face, and, springing up, made a wild rush to the Treasury table, shouting,
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  • 127 8 The Suez correspondent of the Daily Telegraph states that German wireless messages are circulating fantastic stories of antiBritish feeling in Egypt, including stories 1! bloody collisions between the natives and the military, in which '■>'> were killed in the streets of Cairo in a single affray. Other wireless messages state
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  • 159 8 While the question of submarine tricks is hot it may be worth while recalling a statement made some time ago by tbe master of a Harrison liner whose vessel was sunk in tbe Mediterranean. When interviewed by tbe naval authorities he stated that the ship was fired on without any
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  • 173 8 We had believed the chain prayer to be I ad and buried years ago, but we find it still alive and actually cropping up in Singapore. Moot of our readers must know tbe kind of thing. You receive, on a postcard, a written prayer with the hope appended that you
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  • 186 8 Oue interesting statement in the latest ***** of papers from Home is to tbe effect that a strenuous publicity campaign on behalf of tbe Kaiser and the Crown Prince is being conducted in Germany. Books dealing with their deeds un the battlefield are pouring hot from the press and they
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  • 348 8 Mr 11. IS. Tike, manager of tho NMM branch of the Hc.n^koiijj and Shanghai Hank, has returned from his trip to Ceyl >v. Mr. W.O. Macrrady, distant Postmaster (ii ■ueral. Colombo, is retiring this year. He has been connected with the Post < >flice for tho last
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  • 105 8 In a letter addressed to the (iovernmi nt of India Home Department by tin European Association of Calcutta, they llais that they are of opinion that much harm was done by the tardy manner in which tlie (ieiiuan missionaries wm either iuiirmd or repatriated and they
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  • 152 8 Examination of the stranded Chiyo Maru is now progressing and it will shortly be known if the vessel can be salved. The weather outside has calmed down considerably and this has enabled divers to go down. The ship is well insured, but it is feared that if
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  • 147 8 The case was heard by the Kuala Lumpur magistrate on Thursday afternoon of the case in which John George Grey, assistant telegraph engineer iv the IV and T. l>,|urt ment. Kuala Lumpur, was chargid with that he, on or about April 14, 1916, at Kuala Lumpur,
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  • 208 8 Kairplay, the ships owners' organ, refers to Hit Helti'li folly of tin Australian wheat farmer in insisting on bis crop being carried at any cost, regardless of the claims of other members of his community, or the interests of tlie I'nited Kingdom. It hopes that Mr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 209 8 JUST ARRIVED A small shipment of THE FAMOUS "BULL DURHAM" SMOKING TOBACCO. Price 20 cents per tng including packet of Li h class c g*rette papers. ON SALE AT A. P. Noop Mahomed, No. 1 -a, d'Almeida Street, M Sultan, 8, Prince Street. I BASS'S LIGHT BITTER ALE 1 Qtfe,
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    • 198 8 6REAT HOLIDAY ATTRACTION To-day at S p.m. SPECIALLY SfLECTEO MATINEE PROGRAMME BY THE Melbourne Comedy Company. New Songs! New Dances!! New Sketches!!! NO PICTURES. Admmion 91. 50 Ot«. and 25 cts. ATTHI ALHAMBRA Beach Road, Tbe House ol Quality Tne Home of Feature Attractions. Manager, M II Kenyon Slade. To-ni^ht
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  • 2332 9 GERMAN FAILURES. Liquid Fire Attack Repulsed. GERMAN BRUTALITIES. Painful Revelations in South Africa. Rki in. Tklki.kam-.. London, April 22. 1.-S5 am. I 'an- coaituuni<iar We occupied the northern lip oi a cratoi caused by tin- ex plosion uf a < u riuan mine at Hill 2H.1, in the
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  • 190 9 PRESIDENT MAY BE FORCED TO RETIRE. Financial Difficulties Feared. Reutib's Tklegeams. London, April 21, 2.55 p.m. The Times Peking correspondent says that indirect negotiations between the Government and its oppouents are understood to be proving futile owing to the latter insisting on the resignation of Yuan Shikai.
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  • 22 9 Rbi°tkr's Tklkubam. London, April 22, 12.45 p.m. Washington Villa apparently is living as the body exhumed was not his.
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  • 61 9 (From Ocr Own Cokhksi'undknt.) Penang, April 23. The Singapore Chinese won the football match by three goals to one. It was a capital game. Penang led till midway in the second half when Singapore broke the defence and scored three times getting the last goal just on
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  • 52 9 The steamer Saint Ronald, which arrived at Sydney on March 22 from Formosa, brought a cargo of 6,000 tons of sugar, buiDg the first consignment of 12,000 tons of Japanese sugar bought for the Commonwealth Government. It is yellow sugar, and will need refining before it is put on to
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  • 650 9 Impressive Burial Ceremony Ai Bidadari. Draped io tbe tricolour Hag of Franct and bearing an ancient Toledo consulai sword banded down to the late Counsal for France by his father together with Count de Bondy's numerous decorations, tbe coffin containing tbe remains of the late
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  • 416 9 British Consul's Activities In Siam. In the Mandalay conspiracy case the evidence of the ninth witness regarding doings in siam, says The Englishman of April 1, was somewhat more interesting as showing the activity of the British Consul at Bangkok in discovering the Gbadrites. This witness stayed
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  • 796 9 THE STRAITS AND F.M.S. ANNUAL COMPETITION. Win for Mr. J. Crabb-Watt. The annual Straits and VMS. (iolf meeting began on Friday, on the I poll Course uml.-r very promising auspices, tin: attractive card o( events having drawn full > ntrioi all round. On Saturday the chief golfing cvont
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  • 80 9 The following telegram from thu Secretary of State, dated March 29, has been reuuivul by the Army Headquarters in India and torwarded to the Secretary to the ment of Bengal The Chairman, Calcutta Wur Kunil Committee, reported at ameitiui.' on March Unit v representative of the Joint War Comiuittoo at
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  • 1252 10 SUBSTANTIAL BLOW TO THE ENEMY. Profitable Stratagem Brought Off. A message from London, dated March 17, is as follows: -An interesting letter from M offloer in the Kgyptian Frontier Expeditionary fori-e says Mersa Matrub, January Western Frontier Force has been successful in a third engagement of impor
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  • 584 10 Vivid Pictures of Verdun Fighting. An impressionist picture of the battle at Douaumont is given in the Morning Post from The Figaro by a wounded soldier who took part in it. Despite the horror of it," he writes, despite the ceaseless flow of blood, one wants
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  • 133 10 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, April 28: Monday, Apbil 24. Normanton Bar- S.V.C. Officers racks. and N.C.O.'s Tl.-B-.DAY, AIKIL 25. 5.1,-. p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. 4.30 p.m. Balestier Kango S.K.E.(V.I Mi p.m. Tanglin Barracks S.V.K. Offioers and N.C.O's. Drill Hall Chinese Co.
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  • 103 10 Latest adv .rtiseiuents of the day appear an page 7. ii miv be draw v to the fact that bi a hmhjW matinee, commencing *t five o'clock, at the Whumura this afternoon, when the wlule programme will be given M< Ibourne Com< ly Co. This little :oiupany
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  • 446 10 Report on a very Successful Season. The report of the committee of the Singapore Swimming Clnb for the year ending January 31, 1916, has been issued and is as follows The working account for the year shows a i profit of 949.46 as compared with 11,155.64 for
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  • 179 10 At Hongkong, Ng S/e Kwong defeated H. A. Nisbet in the semi-final of the Open Championship Singles after a magnificent exhibition of tennis, 6-3, 4-6. 6-3, 8-6. Cricket. An eleven representing the H G.A. succeeded in defeating an S.C.C. eleven on Saturday afternoon, thanks, in the main, to
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  • 309 10 Heartrending Scenes in Ruined Town. The particulars to hand of the Pakokku fire, through the arrival at Rangoon, on March 81, of a correspondent from the scene show that nearly two-thirds of the town has been .1 The fire, it appears started in the house of an indigent
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  • 647 10 Open Their Season at Victoria Theatre. The audience to which Mr. Humphrey Bishop and his company opened at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night was not Urge, but that in itself need not discourage the management for first night houses in Singapore, with occasional exceptions, never
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  • 173 10 German Suggestion for Feeding Russian Prisoners. What is the reason of the general aversion from luirsi t!. -li Dr. Heyking, writing in the Kolnische Zeitung, ascribes it to the survival of an old religious prejudice. He goes on to advice the more extended use of house flesh,
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  • 180 10 Mr. Hughes, Australian Prime Minister, has given the Sunday Pictorial which has a circulation of 1,800,000, a message to the English concerning the future of the Empire, and in which he states, The future rests absolutely in the bands of the people of Great Britain. Mark
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  • 82 10 The sale of the steamer Hondagua by tbo Manila Railroad company to Miguel J. Ostorio, for the sum of 1*275.000 is announced. Tlie new owner h I the steamer at the expiration of its present Shanghai charter, which expires on January 1, 1917. The Hondagua is an iron screw steamer
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  • 410 10 Prices all Round Appreciate Steadily. With a strong demand for practically all descriptions of tin and a comparative scarcity of spot material, says The Ironmonger of March 18, prices all round have appnci it. I steadily, the advance in the home market being about the same as
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  • 336 10 To Impress Economy on Young Minds. Sir K. Blair, the London County Council Education Officer, has issued a booklet containing suggestions to help parents and teachers in talks to children on the impera tive necessity for individual economy in every penny if we are to win the
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  • 307 10 Premier Replies to Suggestion Of A Scandal. In the Dominion House of Commons, on March 7, Sir Wilfrid Laurier moved a resolution for a Parliamentary inquiry into purchases and contracts for munitions made by the Shell Committee of Canada. He charged the Shell Committee with responsibility for loss
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  • 578 10 NAVY'S SHORT WAY WITH THE SUN. Permission to Set by Admiralty's Orders. A grand Meet chaplain gives a delightful account in the WestmiuiU-r of the Navy's Short Way with the Sun. He thus describes the ritual of sunn t To begin at the beginning, tho correct time is mado by
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  • 458 10 Wholesale Denial of Their Very Existence. You really ought to be able to manage yonr own wife," said Mr. Fordbau), magis trate at Wist London Police Court, to a man seeking his advice for his marital troubles. The Applicant I can't do anything with her. Mr.
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  • 131 10 The Newly- Married Young Officer. 'Hi.' "good buy attitude of thi m mljmarried youug ollicer out wuh Ins arid) li joy li the mmHm (Mfl writer in tinStar.) He duui whatever In is t.< 1■ i without pr >ti st. even wlnn the c mimands are tho most foolish. I
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  • 1215 11 Annual Report of Planters' Association. The- annual c >rtf < f tin \egri Seuibilan l'lauteix \ssociation states Duriu" the year tlw following meetings l,,ivc b,u held General nunting, 1 com ■saMaM. 6. Tin uintinss were all well attended, and in addition there were hi viral informal iu<
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  • 244 11 Private Firms Manufacturing In Australia. Referring on March 16 to the manufac tare in Australia of shells for tbe British Government, the Minister for Defence at Melbourne (Senator Pearce) made tbe following statement When the manufacture in Australia of shells for the British Government was tir-t undertaken the
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  • 233 11 Death of Capt. Bond Shelton at His Irish Home. Tin last survivor of the Biikenhead disaster, Capt. Halph Bond Sbelton, has died at his resiience, The Argory, Armagh. Capt. Bond Shelton, whose name was originally Bond, whs a cornet at tbe time of the disaster. He was
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  • 199 11 The doings of tin German fleet during the post week are thus <lt scribed in semi official not rec«-i»td by wiratess Berlin, Monday —Our Grand Fit et diligent Iv searched tho North Sea from half past o'clock till 0 minutes past 10 o'clo.-k thin morniDg, aud coulJ
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  • 148 11 A bmliop of the Church of England bad imiud MM ckruyim-n of his see to a week end party at the Episcopal residence. Tbt KueHt of hunour was a bishop from an ad j.iiduk diocea*. The first morning at breakfast as the visiting bixbop was
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 530 11 PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE STAMFORD HOUSE Bras Basab Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED Always cool and exposed to eca breeze Furnished Apartments Without Board Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached. Electric Fittings throughout. Large Reception Hall and Billiards, TERMS the most rtatoaaMa In Town. NOTB. Spacious Dining Room, with separate Tables at the -iiMpoHal
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    • 210 11 NOTICE. I, WALDEMAR K KNKST SMITH, of The Union Insurance Society of Canton, Limited, at present residing in Singapore, heretofore called and known by the name of Waldemar Ercofct Schmidt, hereby give public notioe that on the twentieth day of April, 10.6, I forma ly ani absolutely renounced, relinquished and
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    • 173 11 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Braa Baith Road, Singapore, now op:e::biT From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS AND LATE SUPPERS A SPECIALITY. Moderate Charffea. 8 12— 7 12 ADELPHI HOTEL TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER The Management will present to
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  • 942 12 Hopeful Husband's Views on Man's Emancipation. leeming aspects of the great war is that it will entirely reform the nUtus and labour bondage of husbands, writes a correspondent in an exchange. 11,I 1 —.imiisim often :i-k what scrap of ultimate ■M will I'ome out of this
    942 words
  • 208 12 uatious .it war arc bucj thinking out Dew Kmm for making war. Ate any ol thorn thiuking out new ideas for making peace asks Mr. James Douglas in the Sunday FMmW, I see no si^n of it. lint we cannot lm-t thix war
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  • 269 12 Germany's New Policy and Her Past Practice. my announced that from March 1 on-.vaid she would torpedo and sink armed merchantmen without warning. The Secretary of the Admiralty appropriately issued the following list of forty unarmed British vessels torpedoed and sank by enemy submarines without warning in
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  • 477 12 Gambling for War Loan Would Be A Blunder. Objection was taken in an editorial in The Daily Chronicle to the proposed issue of Premium Loan Bonds, or Bonus Bonds, for the purposes of the war. In the following iutmiew, Sir Thomas Whittaker, M.l.. chairman and managing director
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  • 120 12 Dicing out the Rats." (>u< inrilent of the debate deserves nel Churchill said with mime heat. I cannot underxtand lion with :,ir pi v. i than Lor I Fisher and uimandod. it has not been possible to carry out wore lully the policy of destroy ing '/.<. ppehn shods which
    120 words
  • 384 12 Exciting Scenes and Narrow Escapes. A buffalo ran amok in the streets of Calcutta the other day and set the police authorities a task for its capture which took up a good deal of time to effect. All that is known of the buffalo is that
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  • 386 12 Advice in Great Work of Imperial Reconstruction. Mr. Alfred G. Gardiner, editor of the Daily News, in a two and a half columns character sketch of the Hon. W. M. Hughes, entitled John Bull and Sons, compares Mr. Fisher to a door, determined Scotchman with a
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  • 297 12 Important Decision in the High Court. An important decision affecting the rights of newspapers in reporting meetings of public bodies was given by Mr. Justice Shearman in the King's Bench Division. Mr. John Nicholas Sharman, formerly superintendent of the Shooter's Hill Cemetery, 8.8., and now engaged in
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  • 482 12 Wrecked Sailors' Trials in Admiralty Court. A thrilling story of a shipwreck on the coast of Morocco and a fight between the crew and Moors, rivalliug the exploits of the famous Captain Kettle, was told in the Admiralty Court, in an action brought by Captain Edward George
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  • 476 12 Amusing Guide Book for Soldiers In Egypt. By way of intellectual relaxation, the army is endeavouring to become proficient in Arabic. A number of thoughtful Egyptians have compiled little phrase books for the use of our soldiers, the study of which is more refreshing
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  • 141 12 The Times History of the War, up to the completion of the Gallipoli campaign, says that the real ultimate cause of the failure was probably not the generals, nor the untried troops at Suvla not the luck of water, nor the defective staff work in Rome sectors, though
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 183 12 GRIFFINS UTEXOMETER INDISPENSABLE TO RUBBER ESTATES. Owing to the very large demand, orders should be placed without delay. So'e Agents for F.M.S. and S.S. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGEKGY CO., LIMITED (IsCOHI'IiKATKII IN Ev.I.AM" KUALA LUMPUR SILENT SALESMEN OUR WINDOWS Watch them JUST LANDED *C/v g\g\g\ WORTH OF NEW GOO3S AT
      183 words

  • 1026 13 ONE-THIRD HEAVIER 'THAN THE ARETHUSA. Germany's Monster Submarine. It <s just sixteen months since we first began to receive from neutral capitals vague reports of new and exceedingly formidable submarines that were said to have been put in hand in German shipyards within a fow weeks of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 586 13 Acetic Acid Tapping Knives Latex Cups Mosquito Netting Momi Cases Barbed Wire Sodium Bisulphite and all Estate requirements. QUOTATIONS KROM THE ASIATIC SUPPLY TRADING CO., The Dispensary Building. ESTATE AGENTS. 6 3- a— 6-6 SALES BY AUCTION. prell m i nary notice. auction sale: of VALUABLE LAND AND HOUSES, Nos.
      586 words
    • 375 13 JBY ORDER OK THE STRAITS CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., LTD. AUCTION SALE Of STOCK INTRADE AND OFFICE FURNITORE, To be held at No. 15, Battery Road, On Wednesday, apiil 28, at 11 a.m. Comprising Showcases, writing tablet-. new Patbe gramophone records (English, Chinese, Malay and Hindustani song*), new gramophones ihornltss
      375 words
    • 189 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of MONfi "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to /^^Mt< and to THE MUNICIPALITY /fee M\ E GOVERNMENf SINGAPORE NfcryjjgS.X JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the Straits
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 551 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHA.X OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Stkaits Skttlkmints) HBADOFFIGCi Winohsjata* House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 1 32, Old Jewry E.C. The Company has £20,000 ilcpositcd with the Supreme Court
      551 words
    • 390 14 INSURANCE. GUARDIAN ASBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON (Incorporatkd in Enoland). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 total Invested Funds £8,360,000 Annual Inoome .£1,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to aooept fire and Earthquake risks for short periods of ten days aB longer periods at current rates to be named on
      390 words
    • 482 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporatkd in Honokono). PAID-UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at >/■ 116,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 •88,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIREOTORS. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq Chairman. 8. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Q. T. M. Bdkins, Bsq. Hon. M D. Landale.
      482 words
    • 512 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 80,000 Shares ot 430 each 41,100,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
      512 words
    • 789 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incoiuoratid in Ihdia. GOVERNMENT BECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exceed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profita to Policy-holders at laat Valuation $1,116 673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE BRANCH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHERSON, Secretary
      789 words

  • 1030 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Economy in Petrol Supply. Mr. J. \V., secretary of the Royal Automobile, Club, Londou, wrote to the press, on March 10, as follows: The committee of tbe Royal Automobile Club has for some time past been carefully studying the question
    1,030 words
  • 39 15 The annual meeting of the South China Educational Conference met in Canton on the 7th and nth mat. This is the second meeting of the Conference since it ban been meeting under its present constitution holding annual meetings only.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 640 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the British War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability 0T THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, Lrndon, E. C, CONTRACTORS TO H M WAR OFFICE.: MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S. F.M.S. 6% WAR LOAN. NOTICE. The Government of the Federated
      640 words
    • 127 15 THE COLLECTIVE FRIENDLINESS a^' ne buyers of Dunlop Tyres pract icall v MEBKry J<*^^ constitutes the basis of the Company's I ivgH A creation and preservation of this goodwill is 1 v b^^M first-class article at a reasonable price, and ill \l4 '.J^r by treating the buyer with exceptional enW
      127 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 521 16 W/»* SAFETY TREAD^ fit TYRES IW»»\V l' They convort every ounce of \Uv "m* Engine Power into speed wvv w*; They transform treacherous surfaces into safe ones. /fyjTf T' icy re P ay every <i">Har of cost /QZjf in miles of service. The Climax of tyre security. The Limit of
      521 words
    • 501 16 MISCELLANEOUS. j WANTED TO RENT. GODOWN with frontage on Sin, .pore River, area approxim--1 ately 12,000 hi. ftet Apply to Box No. 255, j Straito Timet. 17-B— u j PAYING GUESTS WANTED by res--1 pectable private family having large rooms 1 available for marrii d coupl>, or bachelors. Apply C.
      501 words
    • 692 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Paul k Co. 161— n TO LET, No. 7*B, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Cheng Van Co 10, Malacca Street. 3-6— a TO LET. No. 45, Cairnhill Road. Entry April 1, 1916. Apply to Ching Kong Lee
      692 words
    • 585 16 KIAM KIAT CO. Nos. 108 and 109, Market Street. Just Received A Big Shipment of HUBBUCRS COLOURED PAINTS PRICES REASONABLE. KING EDWARD VII MEDICAL SCHOOL. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION. The Preliminary Examination for entrance and scholarships will commence on May 17, 1916, at the Medical School, Sepoy Lines. Candidates mast give their
      585 words
    • 331 16 ALWAYS AT THE TOP BICAUSI OF OCR ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES GUAN KIAT CO.. SUPPLIERS MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES TO THE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. COTTON WASTE We sell a lot of it. Ccme before it is all cold ont. Sole Agents for tbe GLOBE BOILER FLUID. Tbe ideal fluid for cleaning and preserving steam boilers.
      331 words
    • 481 16 notice:. How to solve servants difficulties sucb as cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs gardeners, clerks, conductors, shortband typists, book-keepers, etc. Charges moderate Also snorthand (Pitman's) and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal Co 9. Selegle Koad. Singapore. 8-4—7 6 To
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 355 16 Straits Wimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc.— should be addressed to THE MANAGEH. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous naats of
      355 words