The Straits Times, 22 April 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times CO. 25,08N SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. APRIL 22. 1916. PRICE 10CENTH.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 224 1 MILK We beg to pive notice that for the present the products of the Bernese Alps Milk C<mpany will be imported by us under the "BEAK" Brand instead of under "Sledge" Brand as heretofore THE MILK REMAINS UNCHANGED; the trade mark alone has been altered, and for the following reasons
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    • 205 1 New Goods for Cents Wear o JUST UNPACKED BEWRY HEATH'S benowhed SOFT FELT/ V/ HATS in the latest shapes and shades. a f PCIIT'Q ELLWOOO'S HELMETS /^b HOSE in all -hapee. in all textures ALSO y M^^k V f for day or even ing wear. The Sirdar Shikar Cw White
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  • 1078 2 HIS MIRACLE AND HIS LACK OF CREDIT. Britain's Work Not Understood. Amongst all the nations at war, England is tbe only one which does not know bow to secure a good Press," as the French put it. After eighteen months of stupendous effort on our part
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  • 56 2 Nai liai. a soldier of the Siamese Royal Giurda, attempted to commit suicide on April Id, by stabbing himself in the cheat. He also stubbed another scldier aftt rwards but tlicj id juries are Raid to be not very It m said that the man is not of sound mini.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 485 2 BAYS NO ONE NEED REMAIN THIN NOW. Physician's Advice For Thin, Undeveloped Men and Women. Thousands of people suffer from excessive thinnesH, weak nerves and feeble swmaohs who having tried advertised flesh-makers, food-fads, physical culture stunts and rub on creator, reoign themselves to lite-long skinninest and thiuk nothing will make
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    • 461 2 WEAK BTOMACHB CAUSE WIND. Wind in the stomach is caused by the food being retained so long that it ferments if it is vegetable food or putrifies if it is animal food. The usual treatment is to forbid the eating of the food tbat causes tbe trouble. This stops tbe
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    • 701 2 KING EDWARD VII MEDICAL SCHOOL. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION. The Preliminary Examination for entrance and scholarships will commence, on May 17, 1916, at tbe Medical School, Sepoy Lines. Candidate* must give their names with the subjects they intend to take np by May 1, 1910, to tbe Principal. lfc-4— S7-4 CHOP THONG
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    • 808 2 NOTICE. UNION INSURANCE SOCIBTY OF CANTON, LIMITED (InCOKI-OKATKD IN HuNiiK >N'i.) Mr. D. B. Murray libn been appointed Manager of this Society in Singapore and assumes charge of tho Branch as from Monday, April 17, 1916. By order of the Buard of Directors, W. E. SCHMIDT, Manager. Singapore, April 16,
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  • 1056 3 A SITUATION OF EXTREME DIFFICULTY. Strong Need for Drastic Reform. There is throughout the country a widespread convictiou that our naturalisation laws are in gore need of reform, writes Sir George Makgill to a home paper. In the days when the British Empire was in the making,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 185 3 ss^*-^^ SOUNDS A LITTLE #p-<A-#^ SUMMERY, DOESN'T IT' wf-'^ ALL TriE YEAR ROUND X'&ZaJf in club, hotel |O^^lfl HONE AND THE. Af^^i REFERENCE IS ttADE TO heymell-5 HIRANO THE FINEST MINERAL WATER IN THE EAST. GUARD AGAINST DISEASE Use Disinfectants and Germicides. The use of Disinfectants and Germicides will reduce
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    • 431 3 ECZEMA BURNED AND ITCHED Very Painful. Decidedly Unsightly. Caused Loss of Sleep. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Effected.Cure. 1. Talbot St.. Stout-bridge. Worcester. Eng. "I had suffered from sk.n trouble •luce a child. It finally developed Into erzema. It was very painful. f burnt and itched severely. It 'was decidedly unsliditly.
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    • 650 3 Carbide, Box Strapping, Elephant Brand Tapping Knives, Veneer Cases, Carbollneum, Castor Oil, Linseed Oil, Zinc Buckets, Acetic Add (European and Japanese), Calcium Chloride. S. J. JUDAH CO., Tu. 1369 29, ROBINSON ROAD. 24 8— 284 THE RETAIL PRICE OF DEVOES Imperial Brilliant Kerosene OIL should not exceed $4.90 per case.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1109 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AMD Mpcar I— inc. (COKPANIBS InIdKI'OKITRD IK ENGLAND). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTA'. BAIU.M3S Under Contract with Hit Majesty s aovernuk<mt). For China, Japan, Penang, Gey lon. Australia, India, Ad Ml, Egypt, Mediterranean Port* and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or
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    • 793 4 BTEAMER BAIUN6B THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorpobatbd in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisat, Scmerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamai, Bandon, Langsaen, Taka, Champon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure a a. ASDANG Apr. 24 Apr. 26, 8 p m. as. BORIBAT May 1 May 3,
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    • 443 4 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enolind) PI The Companies' steamers are despatch- d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and
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    • 527 4 STEAMER SAILIRiS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained betwoen Yokohama, via port*, to Marseilles and London under mail cntract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been Rpociilly designed and constructed, and are
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  • 791 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Sicgapcr*', April 20, 1918. Mem™. Lyall and Evatt, »xcbange and Miaro brokers, ifwue the following list of (juotatinDs tliis morning. The .potations on sterliuj; shares are only nominal. N<m. Vaioi. fct;Y«»». 811 MM. V- Ml 1 Anrfo Ja.a iO/- 25/--2/
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 584 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NflV. CO. LTD. (Incokpuiatkh is KsoLaxd). Dleoot Sarvie* to Japan via Hone hong (hanghm, and to Oaloutt j via Nnan|, from Singapo<*i Takin« cart: on tti'ough Bill* vt Lftdi I r Canton. M», v S**Uw, Aiuoy I Tientsin, NiwoliwaiiK, Yan:<t*»e Port* t* tnoaa the Philippine, etc..
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    • 371 5 i v%§Jl/ Little Lectures by NURSF. WIN'CARNIS.* S (L t z;ur, No. 4) ;i Weakness ijw Every rcovement of the body J^f j$ Mup a definite of t- j :3t vi'Mitv. When yon overtax pE j S yourself, or your vHaiity is i L^ unJerm:ued by illness, your MA whole
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    • 347 5 sr«regpis» CIGARETTES C\^ dSlLsia COMFORT LUXURY f N^ Z[\ V«5 rpHERB'S "Luxury' in the tUvcur f ,A^~~^^^^ I *s«jn OUS --*-~"i^ and aroma, f SUte Express Cigar>w, \m~^^i^. \3LM? TJt tttes. They are gx>d to the very last. fIH I ~^^fc P% A 8t l w c 'K art t<s
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    • 44 5 BELTING (DICKS Original Balata THE fijBaEBJS no These Belts can be run In any atmosphere, either damp or dry, even through water If deslrci. SPECIAL PRICES for LONG LENGXHS. Sole Agents for Messrs. Ft. J. DICK, LTD., Glasgow, McAlister Co., Ltd. (INCOBPOBATKD IN SIMiAPUBK).
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 234 6 AUCTION SALE |Of EXCELLENT WALNUT-STAINED JAVA TBAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC., The property of J. Van Duyn, E«q. At No. 103, River Valley Koad, I On Satlhday, Apbil 'ii, 1916, at 233 p.m. A very tiue dts'gced walnut-stained Java teak Bideboard with n.irror panel; rattan f incy chairs and tables a
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    • 781 6 AUCTION SALE Of FREEHOLD UNI) A*Nf) H )USE No. 28 A, Newton Koad. At Messrs Chiog Keng Lee Co. 'a ra'e-room On Mokdat, May 1, 18J6, at a 3 m. All tbat pifce of fmlnld land sitouto at Newton Koad, ostima'c 3 to contain an aroa of 19,24) square feet,
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    • 128 6 ▲J BRILLIANT A| J DURABLE II J EFFICIENT T^ ECONOMICAL SIEMENS] I BROS. DYNAMO WORKS. LTD. INCOHPOHftTCD IN CNOUANO. 9 SINGAPORE. o m CREOSOLUME AND CREOSOTE OIL Antiseptic for Wood and Preventive against Insects. Just try onci to paint and s .tutwta wood with a litt'e Creosolunia and you will
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  • 109 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, April 22. flifcb Vitri. 0.4 a.m., 1.82 p.m. Public Holiday Humphrey Bishop Company, opens, Victoria Theatre. Sunday, April 23. High Water, 0.41 a.m., 3.24 p.m. Kastor Day. Monday, April 24 High Water 1.21 a.m., 8.36 p.m. Kast<-r Monday. Public Holiday. Tuesday, April 25. High Water,
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  • 176 7 PRODUCE. Simoapob*, April 20. 1910. Gambier I 20.76 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10 00 Copra Snndried 9.76 do Mixed 9.50 Pepper, Black 20 60 do White Sarawak 80.60 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.20 do Brunei No. 1 Pearl Sago 7.00 Tapioca, small flake 9.60 do small pearl
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  • 219 7 To-DAT. ikliw Alma noon Moraing, K. Pabang, Pekan and Kuantan Ranee noon Xelantan Hye Leong noon Malacca, P. Swettenham and Penang Klang noon Sourabara. MacaMar, Menado, Ternate and (iorontalo Sweardecroon noon Pcnang anil Calcutta takiDg mails for Durban Wollowra noon Priyi Rajah, Teuibilalian and Indragiri Koomai noon
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  • 262 7 The mail trains from Singapore for tlinorth leave Tank Road Htatiun daily at 7.7 A.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7. 1S p.m. and 8.45 a.m. respectively. Tbthrough express to Penang leaven Koala Lan-pcr at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penaou at A M p.m.
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  • 50 7 11,. I:. I. contract packet Tara with mail* from London is expected to leave SYkj.pataii! sbout the HtU inst. Tin 1' and >. outward mail steamer Novar* will probably leave Colombo on Thursday, rnurum^ the JVtli instant, and staaM arrivt' at I'enang about daylight on Tuesday, May
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  • 63 7 <>n tin '20th iDHt.. the iui-nib>:is of the Siuuapori- Shorthand Writer*' Association Hfcsir l'r.-..1. ..t M. W N lU.«h. at a amour at Uieir vice preaideat's re ■iiinsßpm. 17. Martin Lam-. Speech—- ware made by Mr. llai«li, Mi. Chia Cheng Jin, Um> vice prtwd. tit l>r l.iiu Soon Kian, tbe
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 705 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. naeS-6 h.p.CLYNO twin cyl. 8 speed motor cycle, 1400. Seen by appoint m'nt. Apply HU., Royal Engineers, Pnlao Brani. 2i 4-b— »T-« WANTED, for Batavia, competent ateno grapher and typist. Apply in writing, stating qualifications, experience, and talary desired to Standard Oil Company of New York.
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    • 460 7 JUST ARRIVED A small shipment of THE FAMOUS "BULL DURHAM" SMOKING TOBACCO. Price 20 cents per bag including packet of high-class cigarette papers. ON BALE AT A. P. Noop Mahomed, No. 1 -a, d'Almeida Street, M. Sultan, 8, Prince Street. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that tbe Power of Attorney
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    • 175 7 1 hese are New Records Jum a few from the superb lift for April We ahall be very pleased lo dive you (he full list and pUy any vnu would like lo hear *M 1 1 1 New Sjrmpl.nru Oichatlr. ZnaiOnnm, I.i IK/. New Sjmphoo) IMkaM ,IV I </«*.. -TV,/.
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    • 138 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Eastern Branch: WINCHESTER HOUSE, Singapore, Are now in a position to manufacture Electro- Magnetic Separators For Tin- Wolfram and other magnetic ores. In addition to magnetite, which is highly magnetic, this machine will pick up Umenite, Wolfram, and Monazite, or. in fact, most of
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    • 126 7 LEE BROTHERS' STUDIO. RINOWNID FOB HIQH-CL.ASB PHOTOGRAPHY, THKBBFOBB ENSURING BEST RESULTS. Have you* Photograph taken at our Studio. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. TENOERB FOR BALVANISED PAILS AND COVERS. The Municipal Commigsionere aro prepared to receive tenders for the supply ot 1,000 galvanised nigbtsoil pails and 8(0 oovers. Specification, plans and sampled
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  • 1161 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, APRIL 22. THE LAST WORD. President Wilson shook bis list and then bis tinner, bat tbe killing of American citizens still went on. Even if we admit tbat tbe killing of other than American citizens is a matter about which Mr. Wilson need not concern himself,
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  • 85 8 Messrs. Paterson, Simons aud Co. on Thursday received a cable from tbe secretaries of the Henrietta Rubber Estate, Ltd., advising them that the directors recommend a final dividend for tbe financial year ending December H last of 7) per cent., payable on 26th inst., making 15 per cent, for tbe
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  • 28 8 Roman Catholic authorities in Germany have received tbe news tbat a million Armenians have been killed by the Turks and tbat among the victims were 100,000 Roman Catholics.
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  • 42 8 On Saturday, May 6, the Presbyterian Church in Selangor will inaugurate a building fund for their new church and manse in Kuala Lumpur, by holding a garden party and sale of work in grounds about two miles out on tbe Ampang Road.
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  • 40 8 Very few letters were received by tbe outward mail yesterday and are probably at tbo bottom of the English Channel, as eleven sacks for Singapore and four for Penang, containing mainly letters were lost when the Sussex was sunk recently.
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  • 46 8 His Majesty's Consul General at Shanghai has received a telegram from tbe Foreign Office stating tbat Harold Edwin Gee, of 57, Fencburch Street, London, E.G., has been convicted of trading with tbe enemy firm of Lud Voigt and Co., at Shanghai, and has been fined £500.
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  • 51 8 It is understood that up to tbe present the subscriptions to tbe F.M.S. war loan made through tbe Chartered Bank. Taiping, aggregate $100,000, exclusive of a sum of 950,000 which Towkay Cbnng Tbye Pbin and another Towkay are collecting by individual effort among the Chinese in tbe Larut District of
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  • 54 8 Tbe Sumatra Post of Saturday report* an attack on an assistant on tbe Boeloe Telang Estate, Tandjong Poera, by about 30 Javanese coolies. Full particulars were not to band at tbe time of going to press. Boeloe Telang Estate is the property of what is popularly, but incorrectly, known as
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  • 56 8 Tbe following further donations to the Red Cross Fund are announced Batavia Cricket Club (monthly contribution!, j£so staff of Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company, Cocos Keeling Islands (fourth donation), J645 Britons and friends in Ichang (January contribution, to maintain bed at Saidieh H.C. Hospital), £i 6s. 6d. collected
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  • 88 8 There has been no local disturbance over the declaration of Kwangtung's independence, but the population is of course keenly interested. The Chinese papers have been issuing special bulletins every few hours. In some quarters, tbe declaration is feared as a trap to induce tbe rebel leaders to declare themselves: bnt
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  • 93 8 A cable from Holland to a Sumatra paper announces that the vessels Jan Pieterszoon Coen, Prins der Nederlanden, Prinses Juliana, Insuliude, Goentoer. Tubanan and Tambora have been taken off the Netherlands Indian run and docked. Other large steamers will also be laid up and the run carried on by smaller
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  • 124 8 The Pinang Gazette says: We observe that tbe Bishop of Singapore and the new Scotch pastor, the Rev. Donald Ross, are regularly riding bicycles. Whether this sensible lead on tbe part of muscular Chris tianity is likely to be followed by any general substitution of pedalling for petrol remains to
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  • 176 8 How Kingsley, who was an early and fierce exponent of muscular Christianity, would have rejoiced over the exploits of the lit v. I'd ward Mtllish, the cbaplcin V.C. We mi not know, of course, that the ex Deptford curate is a muscular man but it is evident from tbe brief
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  • 219 8 Toe Koyal Society of St. George sends us a communication regarding St. Oeorge's Day, which falls to morrow. There is something fitting in the circumstance that Kngland h Day should fall on Easter Sunday, while we are at war, and tbe society urges that the utmost should be made of
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  • 384 8 Lieutemant D. R. Swaine, of Penang Free School, is now in East Afiica. Mr. A. T. MacDermott is to be a lioute nant and local captain in the M.S.V.K. Capt. and Hon. Surgeon James Kirk, of tbe Penang Volunteers, is promoted to be Major. Tbe Rev. J.
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  • 72 8 F .M.S. Rubber Export Duty For tbe period from April 28 to May 4, inclusive, the value of tbe highest grado of rubber is fixed at -'Is. 1 Id. per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance
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  • 171 8 A thoroughly enjoyable evening is assured when members of the Association of Engineers assemble in their cosy rooms in the French Hank Kuildings to entertain »n<l be entertained. < >v Thursday they held a smoking concert and, with their characteristic hospitality, invited a number of guests to participate
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  • 303 8 The change of programme by the Melbourne Comedy Co. on Thursday i.voning attracted another good audience to the Alhambra, and also gavo this popular quartette further opportunities fur MOWiMj what they can do. From beginning to end they work with a right good will and tho pity
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 107 8 LONDON if SUPERIOR OLD TOM Sole Importers CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., WINK and SPIRIT MERCHANT"! ■jj USHER'S GREEN STRIPE Jli Scotch Whisky $17 LESS 5 DUTY EXTRA ■I Sole Agents JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Em. land) Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. When it's Anything Electrical thon— IPENXRAII SINGAPORE. One of
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    • 186 8 GREAT HOLIDAY ATTRACTION ON Easter Monday, at 5 p.m. SPECIALLY BELECTED MATINEE PROGRAMME BY THE Melbourne Comedy Company. New Songs! New Dances!! New Sketches!!! NO PICTURES. Admission i %1 SO ot a. and 26 ot a. ATTHB ALHAMBRA Beaoh Road, Tbe House ot Quality— Tbe Home of Feature Attractions. Manager,
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  • 4169 9 RUSSIA'S EFFORTS. Her Soldiers Arrive In France. AMERICA AND GERMANY. President Wilson Explains His Policy. RIITKKS TILIOKAMS. London, April 20, 7.25 p.m. Paris: A picked Russian force arrived at Marseilles to-day. General .Toffre, in the Or.lersof the D.iy, rejoices to welcome the faithful and gallant Allies who will
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  • 145 10 RBTTEK's TrLK'.KAM. London, April 19, 8.10 p.m. In the House of Commons, Mr. Chamber lain said tbe Raj bad been informed of tbe scope of the economic conference at Paris and had been assured tbat if, as a result of the conference, any action should be contemplated no
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  • 143 10 Arrival of the Chinese From Singapore. (From Oir Own Coruksponhknt.) Penang, April 22. Fifty Singapore Chinese arrived by the Ipoh. The weather is tine. In the tennis match, Foo Goo Wan, C. R. C. Champion, beat Tan Chong Kee S. C. R. C. champion, 4—6, 7—5, 6—o
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  • 32 10 iKhoM Oi R Own CoßßK>iomi- st i London, April 20. Final dividends arc declared as follow L'nited Sumatra 2j per cent., Langkat 17 1, Glenshiel 15 and Seremban 9.
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  • 255 10 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir. In case it should not yet have come to your notice I beg to draw your attention to the following paragraph in a recent issue of the Sour ibaya HandeUblad Astounding News from Buitenzorg. Acting under instructions from tbe
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  • 62 10 I'nru-e Albert, tho King's second son, at U>e opening of a rifle range beneath the Royal Gallery at St. Stephen's fired the tin* shot and jast missed tbe bull. Prince Henry, the third (on of the King, ran in the Ku.n -Mrnplcchase, aad despite that he got a UN docking
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  • 57 10 Much regret is felt ia Simla at the news which has been received of the death in action ol Captain Dubson, Worcester Regi ■vent. who was loaic coaaccted with the Siula Vblunfawrs. He ww known and liked aa a keaa soldier, a mat fellow and an exceptionally capable adjuUut. He
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  • 489 10 Consul for France Passes Away Suddenly. With painful suddenness to most people in Singapore this morning came the sad news tbat Count de Bondy, the Consul for France, had died. It was not even generally known that he was seriously ill and tbe end was
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  • 501 10 Company Reports Dividends And Notices. The following is from the London and China Express of March 21 Tbe slight fluctuations in the commodity market litve not bad any influence on shares. There has been a good deal of buying, and there would bave been a good many
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  • 6 10 ScmbconK.— l,722 lb-
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  • 1358 10 THE BREASTPLATE SHE M\DE FOR SAM. An Echo of the Middle Ages. A very charming story of an English forge is told under the familiar initials of J. E. 5. de M." in the Contemporary Review. It tells of that never-ending forge on the top
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  • 423 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In their share circular, dated April 19, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state Advice has been received from home that the Treasury restrictions regarding colonial dealings have so far been removed as to enable any holders here of sterling shares to sell
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  • 189 10 Gift From Chinese Ladies. We are very pleased to announce the following subscriptions, collected by Mrs. Song Ong Siang, in connection with Mrs. Noel Walker's scheme to raise the cost of a military aeroplane among the women of Malaya. As requested, we bave forwarded tbe cheque for
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  • 107 10 Tbe following is tbe agenda for the next council meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines, to be held on Tuesday, the 25th inst. to read, and if approved, to confirm tbe minutes of the previous council meeting and of tbe emergency council meeting held on
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  • 25 10 A bill lor putting all clocks in Holland on one boar to Central European tinio has beou drafted aod tent to the Council of State.
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  • 361 10 Municipal and Companies Laws. A Government Gazette extraordinary issued on Thursday contains the text of two bills about to be introduced into tbe Legislative Council. An ordinance to amend the Municipal Ordinance of 1918 gives power to tbe Governor to postpone for a given period of time the
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  • 353 10 Thirty Per Cent. Per Annum For Shareholders. The report of the board of directors of Fraser and Neave, Ltd., for tbe year ended December 81, is as follows: After making ample provision for deprecia tion and bad debts, the net profits amount to II 16,399.80, wbicb,
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  • 264 10 Latest adv rtisoments of the day appear on page 7. Tbe Waterhouse steamer L'nkai Mam, which left Singapore on March 10, arrived in Vancouver on Saturday, 15tb instant. Tbe Palladium has a fine programme for the matinee this afternoon and a rare op portunity is afforded parents
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 168 10 The following are the teams for the Singapore Golf Club foursome match to be played this afternoon between England and Tho Rest:— 8.15 A. H. Heap and W. E. Hooper v. E. C. H. Wolff and E. L. Talma. 8.20 H. T. White and F. W. King v. T.
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    • 147 10 Following were the results of Thursday's play in the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club tennis tournament Championship Pairs. Mrs. Owen and Mr. Edwards beat Mrs. Lowtber Kemp and Mr. I'pcott, 7—5, 4 6, 7 5. Mrs. Sal/.mann and Mr. Howo beat Mrs. Saunders and Mr. Hartnell, 6—l, 6—4. Mixki.
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  • 306 10 Encouraging Prospects for Current Year. The directors of the Middleton Tin Mines, Ltd., will submit the following report to the fifth ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders to be held at Malacca on April 26. Your directors have pleasure in submitting the balance sheet and profit
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  • 109 10 Kvidence from Imlia, (Vylun, China, and the West Indies leads im to believe, says tho London Morning Post, that tin.' Imperial Government b-.gan this war with the <l> lib crate policy of shielding (iertuttn goMMM and the (itriu.ui li.ili i trum the juil i ll' I
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  • 636 11 Headquarters Ban on Use In Reports. A divisional order wan recently issued, writ, i W. lleach Thomas from MM la-a<l Kraaoe, that in future no reports i,. lii.rli t'i lit adquarti ex Id xhmy I, .is an order caused more scratching* •i,..iV paiuH. In the trenches
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  • 167 11 Programme of drills, etc., (or week ending Friday, April 2n Saukkw, Aikil M INorrnnmuD liar- S.V I. Ommi racks. ami X.C.O. a >. Aiiji. T-\. ImmMhlh S.\ Officers racks. and N.C.U.'s A I 1:1 L 24. Xorn ;inton iiir- tXjO. Mm and N.C.U.b Tlbmiay, Ai'iiiL Mb Ml
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  • 90 11 The umli ruii'iiti.iDi d prictx were realined for rubtxr -.1.1 by Mtaass. All. n. I >. nny H and Co. at their auctiou (ale at IVnaDg. on Tutwiay iuioki.i ril.Uxi »!.>. t I plain io. i Miioktd Hlxtt iliauiood nMuuk. I klh i 2 vii' iiK'ktii i-Iki
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  • 617 11 Growing L'scs and Possibilities Of The Railway. Tbo worst part of tbe journey to Pitnanuloke is tliu loDg dreary strttcli north from I'aknaiupob. For several hours the train passes through a level monotonous plain, at certain seasons of tlio year inundated and at others covered with waving
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  • 319 11 I. aster Sunday, April 23, 1916 St. Petkk's Ciickl'h, Stamford Road. 9.30 a.m. (Hokkien) 2 p.m. (Cantonese^ 4 p.m. Foochowi I.M p.m. (Malay) Kn^lish 1-t and 3rd Sundays of t vrry mouth at 7.3 p.m. Holy Couiimiuion I Malay i Ist Sunday ut iv. ly month illokkieui, every
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  • 172 11 Do you want to koow our profession And «lii> the devil we air 1 \V, r. tl.<- Knuts of tin ludiau Army, Tlii' KLoysof the I. A. K. W.i. K lutl<jn* wh.'re work la concerned Sir li.v. ilk- our favourite call, Uyuinaxiuoi a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 685 11 MARK Jjfflx* E i GUARANTEE of the Absolute Parity of oar Pottlk'gs ot BURTON PILBENER AND CUINVESS'S STOUT. W. A. ROSS BROTHER. LTD. Bottling Specia'Uts, LONDON, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST and LEI H 68 REGEGRHE CUMM!NG. DECEASED. All pf rsoos havine any claim against the esta'e of the above doretfed are reqnooted
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    • 132 11 BAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT Special Dinner CINEMA SHOW AND DANCING AFTER DINNER. 8 12— 7 12 SEA VIEW HOTEL SPECIAL D CINEMA QPFN DINNER AIR SHOW TO-NIGHT. Music by the Sea Dinner on Lawn View Orchestra by the Sea. Easter Monday APRIL 24 SPECIAL DINNER to be followed by a CONCERT
      132 words

  • 2926 12 1814. Jane i7.--Asfuu»ination of Archduke Frana KrrdiuinJ an.l hrn consort at Serajovo. July 25.— Austrian ultimatum sent to Servia. August I.— Germany declares war on Russia and Franc, and invades Belgium. 4. Britain declares war on Germany. 23.— Battle of Mons begins, and tbe French and
    2,926 words
  • 575 12 Neutral Observer on the Country's Plight. There would be wholesale starvation within three or four weeks if the importation of food into Belgium were stopped," is the carefully considered opinion of Mr. F. C. Walcott, who was sent to Belgium by tbe Rockefeller Foundation, to investigate the work
    575 words
  • 211 12 The seriousness of the situation created by the shortage of dyes in the country was brought home to many in Cawnpore, says a correspondent of a Madras paper, and probably, eUewhere, in the United Provinces by the remarkable absence during the recent Holi festival of
    211 words
  • 53 12 Id the Norwegian Consulate General Court at Bankkok on April 10, before Mr. H. B. Borgersen, the boatswain of the Kjeld was charged witli RinuKKling opium by the Custom*. The prosecution stated that defendant wav fouud in possession of T6 boons of prepared opium. He was fined To*. 25 and
    53 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 189 12 GRIFFIN S LATEMOMETER INDISPENSABLE TO RUBBER ESTATES. Owing to the very large demand, orders should be placed without delay. So'e Agents for F.M.S. and S.S. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LIMITED (Incobpokatkd in Enuland) KUALA LUMPUR SILENT SALESMEN OUR WINDOWS Watch them JUST LANDED Aj-H AAA WORTH OF NEW GOODS
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
      411 words
    • 77 13 AV-^ '87 CICIt STRCCT. S.I NGAPORE'VI CROWN CORK BOTTLES ftC Eft per CM3 of 9WtUU, (ints of tcda «atir or any t water' £7 nn p<r i r> yf UU 6dc/. pints Extra Dry Oingora!r. FRAMROZ CO., 87, C ECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. FORTHCOMING FURNITURE SALES. April 21, at No.
      77 words
    • 449 13 You can reduce the running expenses of your car by using Michelin Tyres. Tyre bills are the heaviest item in the upkeep of a car therefore every motorist who wishes to economise should ask himself this question Am I using tyres which are the cheapest per mile run If you
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 552 14 Wa Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Inoobi-obatko in Straits Skttlsmbnts) HBftOOFFIG.. W,noha.t.,H O uaa,«ir,«apor... LOMDOH OFFIO.. 32, Old J.wry. 8.0. Tho Company ha, 430.000 deposited witb tho Supremo Court of England,
      552 words
    • 391 14 INSURANCE. MIMOIM MttIMNCE COMPMT, LIMITED. UWDOk (Iniorporatbd in Enuland). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 total Invested I'ands 46,360,000 Annual Income £1,100,000 The undersigned, Agents tor the above Company, are prepared to aooopt fire and Earthquake risks for short periods of ten days as longer periods at ourrent rates to be named on
      391 words
    • 495 14 BANKING. BANKING. nUnUrVURb AnU onAPIunAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honokono). PAID-UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS 1 Sterling 41,600,000 at 116,000,000 Silver 1 18,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability oi Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRKGTORS. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. G. T. M. Bdkins, Eeq. Hon. Mr.
      495 words
    • 525 14 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Sharoe ot 430 each 41,100,000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Roserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,300,000 HANKERS Tbe Ban* sj ilngland, Tbe London City and Midland Bank. Ltd.. The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      525 words
    • 861 14 INSURANCE. POLICY PROTECTION The Shanghai Life Ineuranoe Co, Ltd., is incorporated nnd. r Hjngkong Ordinances; bas complied with the Life Assuran c Companies Act, 1909 (Great Britain) and deposited witb tbe Supreme Conrt of Judioature i England) £20,000, which i» invested in interest-bearing Trustee Securities; has complied with tbe Indian
      861 words

  • 602 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Quest of the Car. ii. They brag— yet do not heed howe'er these others boast of safety, smoothness, speed, or trips from coast to coast. For even if they ■bow a vase for silken flower*, they have j not— well
    602 words
  • 219 15 Onlookers' Etiquette at Changing Of Guard. Officers and men who tind themselves in tbe neighbourhood of Buckingham Palace at tbe time of the changing of tbe guard (11 a.m.) are expected to observe strict military decorum Officers salute and men stand to attention ou the kerb while
    219 words
  • 156 15 The London EveniDg Standard publishes au amusing leading article hca'ltri Samson and the I'liilistinea. It warn* Mr. Hughes "not to losu the precious quality of virility I whicb in so pleasant a contrast to our fttatta men. CivilUation has advanced ho far that it does not
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 216 15 SERVICE. Have you considered this question? WE can give you Better Service than any firm in Malaya for the following reasons 1. WE stock in Singapore and at our branches for the cars we sell- spare parts and accessories to the value of $100,000. have fully equipped branches at Kuala
      216 words
    • 166 15 j^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can," DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. ||iS||BBfc Extract of Malt and imisinq jiriil'msion. In flaronr, limit's '.,</ /,/jvr NO OILY FLAVOUR <W ami Matt kjar mmtritr H amy tiker preparm t'uw nf tlir same nat mi biiiuj nl'snliiirlii fete /row anii <lisa<jrnalil<'
      166 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 608 16 _4 <T SAFETY TREAD^ V I' They convort every ounce of waV Engine Power into speed. wkv They transform treacherous surfaces into safe ones. J&uY/ They repay every dollar of cost /^2/7 in miles of service. The Climax of tyre security. The Limit of tyre durability. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, at
      608 words
    • 510 16 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO RENT. GODOWN with frontage on Singapore River, area approximately 12,000 eg. ftet Apply to Box No. 255, Straits Times. 17-B— u PAVING QUESTS WANTBD by respectable private family having large rcoms available for married conple or bachelors. Apply C. R c/o Straits Time;. 1-4— Bo 4 WANTED
      510 words
    • 621 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT, No. N, Thomson Road. Entry May 1. Apply Meyer Brothers, 14, Collyer Quay. 6 *—a TO LET, 8, Chanoery Lane, 8 bedrooms, •tabling and tennis court. Apply Ching Keng Lee* Co. 21 3— v TO LET, Sandlands, Tanjong Katong. Water and electric light laid on.
      621 words
    • 398 16 KIAM KIAT CO. Nos. 108 and 109, Market Street. Just Received A Big Shipment of HUBBUCKS COLOURED PAINTS PRICES REASONABLE. KUALA LUMPUR RUBBER AUCTIONS. Salei will be hold fottaightly on Thursday?. Consignments siicu'd reach us two days prior to each na!e to facilitate lottiDg and cataloguing. rharges 1 on prices
      398 words
    • 298 16 ALWAYS AT THE TOP HH VLSK Of ODB ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES GUAN KIAT CO.. SUPPLIERS MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES TO THE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. COTTON WASTE We sell a lot of it. Ccme before it is all sold out. Sole Agents for the GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal fluid for cleaning and preserving steam
      298 words
    • 475 16 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties, such as cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs. Hardeners, clerks, conductors, shorthand typists, book-keepers, etc. Charges moderate Also shorthand (Pitman s) and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For parti oulars. apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal 6c Co 9, Selegie Road, Singapore.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 346 16 Straits V)imes. Telephone!. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 'M'-l Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EIHTOK. AU communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be to THE MANAGER. ADVEIiTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous w tints
      346 words