The Straits Times, 19 April 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 25,080 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 19. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 143 1 MILK THE STORE FOR MEN'S WEAR. The Latest Designs and Shades WR&< in Wen's Neckwear. WIDE END TIES. Extra long. $1.50, $2.00 each. TheßatswingßowTie K s({uare and round ends m 34" and 36" long. H A^Mk 75 cents, $1.00 each. THE LATEST DEBI6NB kV *W C^ T THE WIDE END
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    • 109 1 A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS CONCERNING SLEDGE BRAND MILK. It is obtained from cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps Pastures. It is therefore a genuine Swiss Milk of the highest quality obtainable. It is Pure, Reliable and Richer in cream than any othe brand. The Luoet, London, (total "The
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    • 170 1 ROBINSON CO. New Goods just received ffi m /7*r* for Ladies Department. Millinery: Dressy Afternoon Hats, II Felts and Panamas, Flowers, etc. j\ Smart Voile Gowns, Coats Skirts B1 uses New Dress Materials m Fancy Ribbons K Embroidered Muslin and Voile Floun- VtkuA c cinqs, White Lisle Thread Hosiery, etc.
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    • 5 1 GOODRICH i ;>> 'till g^^^ TYRES
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  • 957 2 SHARPENING AND SOFTENING EFFECTS OF WAR. The Englishman's Brand of Humour. The war may at least resuscitate the blighted British joke, if it does nothing better for Great Britain. This is the hope of one Englishman, something of a humourist himself, Pelham Grenvillo Wodehonse. In America, says
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  • 132 2 The Weekly Dispatch of March 19 states that a X) Canadian soldiers secured seats in tl.e < juctn'a Theatre, and ridiculed, and then stopp>J a silly melodrama entitled "The Love Thief, believing that it derided Canada and the Canadians. The disorder was not serious till the military police interfered. Many
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 721 2 NOTICE. The Power of Attorney granted by u» to Syed Ham/ih bin Omar al Idroos has been withdrawn as frcm April 18, 1916. BYKD ALI BIN IB AUIM BILFAOIH. SHAIKMOHIMEDB N SALIMBARADJA 17-4—22-4 KING EDWARD VII MEDICAL SCHOOL. F. M. 8. HOSTEL. A Superintendent is wanted for tbe Medical School
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    • 133 2 To build up ii weakness To make you well and keep you well this is the work of SCOTT'S Emulsion. In cases of ANAEMIA WASTING DEBILITY RICKETS SCOTTS tmuUion ha* no equal foi bringing back the energy, strength and vigour of glorious health. Still the best at all ages of
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    • 429 2 A Rt put at ton of over 100 ytart. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills are to-day one of the most useful remedies that the family medicine chest contains. For sudden attack* of biliousness, sick headache or the depression arising when you are "out-of-sorts," Cockle's Pills gtva you prompt relief without any weakening
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    • 928 2 SINGAPORE SPORTINC CLUB. THE BPRING RACE MEETING (Under B.R.A. RuUt of Racing). WILL BK IIHLI' ON Tuesday May 1 6, T h May 1 8 and Saturday, May 20, 1918. PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tuesday, May 18,1918. 1. THE OPENING STAKES 2.46 p.n: Value $800 and $50 to tie Secoad Horst
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    • 458 2 tfw» hour for Sorntchm* S p.m. OK the DAY BEFORE the Rao*. Owners of Griffin* are entitled to enter for either of the following -ktio- of Kaoes Kkii Strict No 1 First D»y— Hac* No 4 Second Day— Race No. 1 Btriei No. 2 First Day— Race No. 7. Second
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  • 966 3 NOVEL ACTIVITY OF THE GERMAN FLEET. Significant War Council It waft an interesting coincidence that at the moment when Colonel Churchill was making his warning about a lack of driving force and mental energy in our naval administration reports were coming in from Holland that tbe
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  • 40 3 Meat is now fetching fabulous prices in Germany, while the shortage in Great Britain is a matter of daily comment. It is patent, says a Loadon wire, that tbe War Office will have to depend very contidtrably upon overseas stipplieti.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 372 3 I Anaemia I or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so
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    • 765 3 HI«Hl»IJ.|BiilBi!l Bill Bill! lllllliMllllllllMlllllMlillMllllMlil notTceT n- ei?°u ice is hereb y Siven that the above trade mark is the property of D. Akiha of No 6 trinza bbichome, Tokio, Japan, and is used by him on rubber rickshaw mats manufactured by him and sold under the trade name of The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1095 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Mpcar L-ine. (CoUI'AMK-- ImoRPOHATBD IN EnDLASD). MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR ANO ORIENTAL SAILINQS. (Under Contract with His Majesty s Qovernuient), for Ohina, Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Adsn, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steimera will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES
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    • 825 4 BTEAMER BAIUN6B. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Scmerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telopin, Patani, Singora, Laooo, Kobsamni, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku. Champon, Koalak and Bangkok. Due Departure a a. PARACHATIPOK Apr. 19, 3 p.m. aa. ASOANG Apr. 24 96, Sp m. c.a. BORIBAT
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    • 427 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enol4Nd) The Companies' otramerß are despatch* d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London,' Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 520 4 STEAMER SAILIMS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintainod between Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilln* and London under mail oontract witb the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this be rvico have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitt
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  • 851 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 19, 1916. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and chare brokers, issue tbe following list c( quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. NOM. VALOL BOTIM. S«LL«M. 3/- AUaga* 2/- *M 4 1 An«lo Java
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 611 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INOO-CHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. ll vim i>h i H' is !'.v;land). DlMOt »*rv>o« to Japan via Mont, kong Shanghai, and to Caloutt. via Psnant front Singapore Taking cargo on turooub Hub o< La4m for Canton, Mac*), Snatow, Amoy, Cue. Tientsin, N ivtoliwkug V»a<t«w' Porto > Lions, the
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    • 355 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorpi rated in Japan) Ouki M«rcantlls (tsamsNl* Co Ltd KOB£ BOMBAY LINE Ihe Company ma'ntftins a regular oargu service with six steauibrs licg at Moji Yokkaichi, Hongkong, Singapore Port Swet '.*-nh«m, Punang, Colombo and Bombay, bIJ .d tho ret>irn voyage ctlliurf at Toticorin Singapore, Hongkong and
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    • 613 5 FOR BALE 3 small lots STRAITS TRAD RS 6 fluriß 2927 6/ JO 10 1446U/20 2S •.UiB»7/il at $50 per share. 6'end due June 10. J. R BUWICK, Malacca. 14 4 a— lB 4 THE MALAKA PINDA RUBBER EBTATES. LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS bETTLEMBNTS). NOTI'E h lcnby given
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    • 70 5 "PALMETTO" Perfecf packing for Strength and Endurance. The long life of "PALMETTO" Packing is due to the fact that it is made of heat resisting materials so perfectly lubricated in each strand as to remain soft and pliable in service. "PALMETTO" PLAITED PACKING "PALMETTO" TWIST PACKING Long Life in Service
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 174 6 MARK Jk THE guarantee: A Ibe Abeolate Parity of cur Bottiit ks o BURTON PILSENER AND GUINNESS'S STOUT, W. A. ROSS BROTHER. LTD. Bottling Specia'Uto, lONDOH, LIVERPOOL, lELFUT and LEI H 68 PANOS TUNED and REPAIRED Cheap, Prompt, Thorough i H. C HUDSON (Latk M Tm R< HSSW IVmi .'I
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    • 554 6 PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE STAMFORD HOUSE Bras Baaah Road. CEN-RALL.V SITUATED Aiwa} s cool and esprced to tea bieeze Furnished Apartments Without Board. Comfortable^Roomi with; Bathrooms HStraß attached. Electric Fittings throughout. Large Reception Hall and Billiards. TEMIt— Mm moit;rtnonabl« in Town NOT*. SpacioDS Dining Room, with separate Tables at the disposal
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    • 158 6 DRINK Kola Wine MIDY The beat pick-me-up. Kola Wine Midy contains in an agreeable form all the qualities of the African Kola Not, also tanin, caftin, thecbrcmin, eto. As a Ftimnlating trnic it is without rqnal. It excites a Rood appetite, stimulates circulation cf the tlocd, restore* energy, and is
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  • 109 7 FIXTURES Wednesday, April IQ. Hi.' W»wr 11.11 t.iu.. 11.1 p.i]. Thursday, April 20. Hi XtK t Water. 11.57 a.n ILM p.m. Homeward mail closes (train Friday, April 21. High Wstc-r, 0 4 t p.iu Good Friday Outward mail expected. Public Holiday. Saturday, April 22. 4itfh Water 9.4
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  • 231 7 To-day Port Swettenham and Penang Ipoh 2. 50 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Teluk Xnnon Kampar 2 :)0 pui Ifedan De Kerens 2.80 pot Medan Circe 2.80 pm Muntok and Palcmbang Alting 2.30 pm Ithio, Temb. Un. Pontianak, Singkawan^, Pamangkat and Sambas Indragiri 2.30 pm Batu I'abat
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  • 261 7 The mail tra.nn from Singapore for t 1 I north learo Tank Road station daily at 1.1 a.m. and 7 p.m.. arriving at Knala Lumpuat 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a m rehpectivdy. Th throrj^h express to Penani> Ifaves Ku»U LuiL-prr at H a.m. daily, arriving at Penaoj at
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  • 59 7 Th. I', an 1 OL jutw»rJ mail Htoauier Nankin ban left Colombo and is dae at Penaßg at I a.m. on Thursday, the 2Otb instant. She may bo expected to arrive here ab it 5 p.m. on Friday. I: I contract packet Tara with mail* from Loadoo
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  • 84 7 Our atiofcti m urn burn oalleJ to tht< tact v.l.m ant much butiind tin c publi nlapwbera. Our rale is to Mval* only wh"n tK'y mx officially »nd do tbna that ptia'ed abort ha< be<u »HO»«. I) Mai. li. I M*r 17 P. x O Mar.
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  • 181 7 EXCHANOB. SIHOAPOBB, AI'RIL 19. 1916. Ok Lorn i I ......Bank 4 m/s 2/4 J 5 < Demand 2/4 J L Private 8 m/s 2/4)3 On Francb Bank T. T. 326 On 1md:« Bank T. T. 174] On UoNo«oiia...Baiik d/d in, 1 J On Sbano^i ...Banb -i,d 80
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 687 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOX SALK, one set Rubber Machines, •> FE and 3 Bridge maobint-, in fairly wood condition. Price »8,800. Arply W. T. PJa*», M, The Arcade. 19-4-22 4 WAKTEO, ARCHITECTURAL ASSISTANT. Experience anl bjm! draftsmanship essential. Apply with testimonials acd st to salary expected ;o Box No. 306 Straits
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    • 319 7 JUST ARRIVED A small shipment of THE FAMOUS "BULL DURHAM" SMOKING TOBACCO. Price 20 cents per bag including packet of Litfh-class cigarette papers. ON SALE AT A. P. Noop Mahomed, No. 1 -a, d' Almeida Street, M Sultan, 8, Prince Street. A TOILET ARTICLE known throughout the Malay Peninsula MAYNARD'S
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    • 245 7 ESTATE OF J. R. LAMBERT, I. ECBASED AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND 999 YEARS' LEASKH 'LD LAND AT BUKIT TIMAH ROAD AND CHUA CHU KANQ ROAD To be bed at Messrs. Clung Keng Lee A Co.'x Sale ruiu, On Monday, May S. 1916, at 230 p.m. ot Description. Area
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  • 18 8 The family of the late Mr. N. Soobramany beg to thank all their friends who attended tbe funeral.
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  • 1181 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 19. ART AND INDUSTRY. There has been handed to us a small booklet bearing outside tbe words A New Body with New Aims." It is produced by what calls itself tbe Design and IndustrieAssociation." Tbe object of tbe association. we gather, is to demonstrate British
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  • 23 8 Mr. Robort P. Porter, of tbe London Times, has been in Tokio collecting materials fur a series of Japan numbers of tbat newspaper.
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  • 23 8 April 24 being Easter Monday, there will be no monthly meeting at tbe Young Women's Christian Association Institute, as printed in the Bulletin.
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  • 26 8 The Waterbouse freighter Urena arrived on tbe 18th inst., and is expected to be ready to load for Vancouver and Seattle direct about tbe 27th instant.
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  • 31 8 Tbe case in which Mr. J. O. 11. Orey is charged in connection with tbe shooting of Mr. J. P. Mead has been postponed until Thursday, says the Knala Lumpur paper.
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  • 31 8 It is stated that thore is a regular exodus of wel' to-do Chinese in progress from the treaty ports in China to the Straits and passage rates have advanced considerably.
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  • 29 8 At a special general meeting of the Mntua! Provident Association, at Kuala Lumpur, it was uuanimously decided to invest a sum of $15,000 in the F.M.S. Government war loan.
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  • 34 8 Mr. A. E. Baddeluy presided at the annual meeting of the Jesselton Ice and I'ower Co., which was held at noon to-day. A full report of the proceedings will appear in our issue to-morrow.
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  • 39 8 Mr. A. J. C. Towers has already obtained 46 signatures to his list of those who are in sympathy with tbe registration of servants. Lists have been sent all over the I ..M.S. to clubs and to prominent men.
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  • 32 8 Tbe smoke bouse on Mr. Malcolm Duncan's rubber estate at Chenderiang was destroyed by fire on Sunday night. It is understood, however, that it was covered by insurance with the Commercial Union.
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  • 32 8 Oar Ipoh contemporary hears that Mr. C. M. Seymour, assistant engineer of tbe Singapore Harbour Board's electrical depart ment, is in Taiping studying the question of the introduction of electric lighting there.
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  • 37 8 It will be a year to-morrow since Mr. Lloyd George said in Parliament, Tbe Government are not of opinion there is any ground for believing that the war will be more successfully prosecuted by means of conscription."
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  • 45 8 Thieves recently broke into tbe factory on a well-known estate not a 1,000 miles from Kuala Lumpur. They took a jar of acetic acid, but ignored some of the best smoked sheets. The manager is highly indignant at the implied slur, says the Malay Mail.
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  • 52 8 In view of tbe fact tbat Japanese steamers calling at Durban and Capetown will bring Japan and South Africa iato closer economic relations, the Japanese authorities have, says the Japan Chronicle, decided to station a trade commissioner at Duiban for the promotion of Japanese interests there. The appointment will be
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  • 96 8 on March 28, at 9 a.m., fire broke out at the German prisoners' camp at Kajima-cho, Osaka. The dames were put out an hour and a half later after 13 buildings had been totally and two partially destroyed. Of the buildings destroyed, six were in occupation by German officers, but
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  • 136 8 Colonel Churchill sat on the front opposition bench, say tbe wires to day, and there probably he will remain. He was almost bound to go there sooner or later. But he will go with the reputation of a man who seriously tarnished his record when big events were afoot and
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  • 179 8 There is something peculiarly Uiitish in the fact tbat tbe recruiting discussion and the differences in tbe Cabinet occupy so much space in the wins today wbilo tbe fall of Trebizoud is quite curtly flsMßhasd We Kriiish dearly love something to aigue over and seem to take a delight in
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  • 176 8 The wires today htatc that Mr. LloydGeorge, in bis attitude on compulsion, has iho bupport of Lord Kitchener and Lord C'urzon. That is rather a notable combination. There may not (teem to be much in common between Lord C'urzon with a mind uard and polished as Steal or Lord Kitchener
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  • 366 8 Mr. and Mrs. U. H lUnmitn. of Kuala Selangor, have left for home to day. M. Maurice Oourbcil, the Governor of Cochin-china, is expected iv Singapore shortly. Mr. .1. S. Allen, of Edinburgh Estate, has obtained a commission in tho sth Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Mr. J.
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  • 269 8 An Urgent Need We are requested by Lady Evelyn Young '.<; publish an appeal for the above fund which is in urgent need of further help, to enable it to carry on operations in connection with the establishment and maintenance of hospitals and other relief
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  • 171 8 At a women's patriotic meeting, lielil on April 14, which was attemle I by over a hundred .Singapore women, the question was discussed as to how they could take some share of the burden which is fulling upon the whole Empire at this time. Among other
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 175 8 Rone: 0 steel cabinets FOR BULKY BOOKS. Kitted with one to jJJr^^WP^* ten roller shelves, adjustable every half > inch, and fireproof B HJ^Lf%-. collapsible curtain. ON SHOW AT &d^B 14a, COLLYER QUAY. C SUPERB NEW MILLINERY EASTER NOW DISPLAYED John Little's wmifiiimt mni'ii 'rfi^'lfcliililllilHM— SIDEROSTHEN Anti-corrosive PAINT The Best
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    • 178 8 ALHAMBRA Beach Road, Tbe House of Quality— The Home of Feature Attraction!. Manager M. H Kenyon Slade TO-NIQHT I TO-NIGHT II LABT NIGHT of this Stupendous Programme Watch for Announcement To-morrow. THE MELBOURNE COMEDY AND REVUE COMPANY Support*' i by the follc wing pictures RUTH ROLAND AND HENRY KING THE
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  • 2294 9 RUSSIAN SUCCESS. Trebizond Captured. BRITISH POLITICS. Cabinet Crisis Threatened. RIDTKK'k TkLFOKAM^ London, April 17, 10.45 p.m. I'etrograd. communique Tbe Russians have occupied the village of Aiseuekellessi. t\w lye miles east of Trebi/ond. London. April 18. 9.30 p.m. Putrograd Trebi/ond has fallen. French Arena. London, April 18, 12 35
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  • 283 9 The Registration Question Revived. Tbe following circular letter, with form attached for tbe filling in of certain particulars, has been sent out by Mr. A. C. .1. Tow'jrx, of Ipob Having received numerous letters from ladies and gentlemen all over I'erak urging that immediate steps be taken to
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  • 326 9 Yesterday in the second police court, the magistrate, Mr. C. H. O. Clarke, uttered a severe warning to a Mala; Volunteer, who, together with a Straits-born Chinese, also a Volunteer, was charged with using criminal force to a Straits-born Chinese named Kwek A Lim. The accused were
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  • 576 9 German Influence on Indian Revolutionaries. The following report has boon passed by tbe censor for publication On March 80 the Special Tribunal pronounced judgment in the Lahore Conspiracy Supplementary Case. Of tbe 74 accused six were sentenced to death, 45 to transportation for life, eight to various
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  • 193 9 Speaking at a public meeting in connection with the F.M.S. War Luan held in tho Council Chamber, Seremban, on Monday, and at which there was a very poor attendance, Dr. W. L. Braddon said that he had made some calculations. Supposing that there were 250 people in
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  • 217 9 In the senior magistrate's court this morning, Syed Omar bin Mobamed Ashibli pleaded guilty of being in possession of goods of enemy origin, imported into the colony, namely, a quantity of aniline hydrochloride. The information upon which Mr. W. Hartley, assistant registrar of imports and exports,
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  • 60 9 Whilst the Japanese HUanjuhip Makumaru «aB Waving Marseilles in January some of the enijiLii is demanded an increase in wat;es. The eapt .in refused the demand and the men ceased work. The captain signalled fur assistance to the look oat at Marseille's, and tugs were sent which brought the vowel
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  • 667 9 DIVIDEND OF 35 PER CENT. FOR THE YEAR. A Shortage of Labour The directors of the Ayer Panas Rubber Estate, Ltd., iutliur sixth yeaily reiutt to the shareholder* sta" The directors have pleasure in submitting their report and statement of accounts for the year ended January 31,
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  • 92 9 It is 1.11. 1< rstoo.l that altogether ttvi have been made in connection with the ruurder of Mr. Lautour at Sepang I toad, two at Kepong and three at Mautin. The meu found at Kepong had in their possession Mi. Lautour's watch and a little money, while
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  • 1338 10 GERMANY'S LAST DESPERATE GAMBLE. Super-Submarines .lam. s Dunn, the special correspondent of thi I'niy Mail, writing from Rotterdam, says: Germany's canal bound fleet is preparing to move. For many weeks I have been receiving information, aud now I am able to Htat< that tin vaunted High
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  • 711 10 Fruits of Skilful Begging injThe Far East. Among the vagrants collected from the streets of Shanghai, it is probable that none have made so close a study of their "business as has J. K. West, who was recently convicted of the offence of vagrancy and
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  • 93 10 The death occurred in Sercinban last in tt v. lir ithw William Joseph us, of St. Paul's lustitution, Sereoiban. The deceased was 76 yean of age, being born in Ceylon in I*lo. aud had beai: IT yuan a Christian Brother. At the time of his death
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  • Correspondence.
    • 441 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Two letters recently published in I your paper touch upon subjects meriting, I think, more than passing interest. 1 refer to those letters, one upon the taxation of dollar companies and the otber proposing that Chetties subscribe to the Malayan
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    • 187 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. air, I was passing along Selegie Road about 4 p.m. on Monday and saw a small boy, about 10 years old, being carried into No. 87, Selegie Koad, with what appeared to me a badly damaged bead and face. Also I
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  • 212 10 New War Work for Women And Children. The Women's Herb Growing Association, recently formed to encourage the cultivation and collection of the medicinal herbs and wild plants now so urgently required, has now over 500 members, and is making a practical start by the establishment of its
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  • 52 10 A conscientious objector at Llanfairfechan declared that when a boy be obeyed the Scriptural injunction to turn the other cheek to the sinitcr when anyone struck him. Ho hated the sij-ht of bk..d, and if he saw a German attacking his wife he wonld not strike him, but trust to
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  • 26 10 Lieut. D. O. Denley, a brother of Mrs. Clark, of Phrapatoin, Siain, has been at the front in Krai, -oilo time. Ho is in the Warwickshirt*.
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  • 657 10 Terrible Fate of Wilson Liner's Crew. A graphic story was told at Hull by two survivors of the Wilson Liner Sappho, which was abandoned in the White Sea. There were twenty two on board 'he vessel, including Captain Martin, and only throe are believed to have
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  • 375 10 Proposed Ground for Annulling Marriage. One of the most serious social evils of the present day is dealt with in a Bine Book, in which a Royal Commission makes recommendations for combating what has been described as the hidden plague." The most striking proposal is that the law
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  • 25 10 Pelepah Valley.-15,000 lbs. Koto Tinggi.— H.6oo lbs. Siginting.- 4,500 lbs. Clovelly.— 4,o6» lbs. Langkon North Borneo.— l9,ooo lbs twelve months 150,000 lbs.
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  • 541 10 The Celebration of the Tenth Anniversary. There was a lari>n attendance at the Lokc Yew Hall (V.M.C.A.'. Kuala Lumpur, ou Thursday evening, when a social evening and public meeting was held to celebrate the association's tenth anniversary, says the Malay Mail. The evening opened with a musical
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  • 490 10 Farewell of a Captain and His Men. M. Bokanowski, a French deputy, who is among the survivors from the French transport Provence, which was recently sunk in the Mediterranean, has given M. I'oincar. the French President, an account of the last moments on board the vessel.
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  • 35 10 The Daftafc clerical paper Tij-.l bears from itomc that the Popu is considering frosh peace proposals baited on recunt speeches of Mr. Asquith and Herr von Uetlimann lli>llw>>>. His Holiness is sounding the tk laments.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 103 10 Swimming Club launeli.s will run as follows during tho Baatet holidays: Good Friday.— Joiiaatoa'a I'ier at 9, 10 and 11 a.m '2.83 and 3.30 pm. Club Bungalow at 9.30 and 10.30 a.m., 12 15, 3 aud Satiuday, 22nd. Johnston's i'ier at Ml and 3.30 p.m. Club Bungalow at 3
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    • 190 10 The following is the result of yesterday's play in tbe Ladies' Lawn TonnisClub tennis tournament MI\KH Dill T.LKS B. Miss I). Lamb and Mr. Hughes roc. II hi at Miss Kcrr and Mr. Thomas rec. 4, 6—l, 9—7. CUAMIIiINNIIII' P\lK-. Mrs. Lowther Kemp and Mr. I'pcntt v. Mrs.
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  • 354 10 Straits and I .M.S. Championship At Ipoh. The straits and F. MS. Golf Championship meeting, organised by the Ipoh Golf Club, takes place next weekend on the Ipoh Links. With a number of other events taking place at about the same time, says tho Times of Malaya, the
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  • 198 10 Considerable prepress has been made in the work on the railway line lU link Bangkok with A lor Star, nays th<: Sti .iii-s Kcho In February the line was opened south of Koh Lak, another 26 kilometri h to limy Yang, and it was proposed to open
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  • 1569 11 (.1 VIWING AGAINST FORMER ERRORS. Soon on a Dividend Paying Basis \t Mm "ixth annual general mfeting of the /iangbe Hubber Co., Ltd held at Shanghai on April t, nt the ufl'iern of Messrs. J. A. Wattle ami Co, Rccn tarien and managers, thin win prtxeot tin- following
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  • 315 11 Outward. The following passenger bookings to tbe Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter tbeir arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of tbi& list in London: Per P.
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  • 79 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday. Apiil 21 WIDNKsDAY, Al'lllL 19. 4.80 p iv. Balestier Kango S.KE(V 5.1 J p.m. Sijual Hi adijuar- Motor Cyclist ters. Section. Drill Hall Veterans Co. Chinese Co. Bras Basab Koad Malay Co. Ti i'av, Ai'RiL 20. 5.15 p.m. Drill
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  • 156 11 According to the return of the Kegiatrar General the number of perconß married in Kntiland and Wales during the third quarter ul 1015 i2(."i.l:it corrfHpoud« to an annual rate of 21.8 per 1.000 of Uiv population it ii the highest rate recordtd in any quarter wnoe
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 739 11 Victoria Theatre Singapore:. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Saturday, April 22, 1916 Each Evening at 9.15 on HUMPHREY BISHOP LONDON STAR COMPANY. EACH ARTiST A STAR! AND THE WEDGWOOD CLASSICS A potpourri of ORANO and LIGHT OPERA, CLASSICAL POSING and DANII'vG. Admitted by PRESS and PUBLIC to be the finest ARTISTIC
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    • 323 11 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Bras Baaah Road, Singapore, Noiar open F"rom 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS AND LATE SUPPERS A SPECIALITY. Moderate Char^et. 8-12—7-12 ADELPHI HOTEL EVERY EVENING DURING DINNER OUR MANILA BAND WILL PLAY. 27 11—
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  • 2183 12 PROSPECTS OF THB COMPANY EXCELLENT. Nearing the Dividend-Paying Stage. llu sixth annual gemral meeting of tbe slMieliuldtrs of tin- Auglu- Dutch (Java) Plantations, Ltd., was held on March 81, at the offices of the secretaries and inanßgers, I V Truciuau and Co., Shanghai, says the V C. Daily
    2,183 words
  • 123 12 burly looking sergeant bail junt lift the uus when two «irU wlio lia.l sit uppoHUe him hmm >n riinmiin liim "Hex nut a private, I ono. No, dear," was tin ri-|ily, 11> m a nun cum., you know." "A D ouj com was the iunuctnt comment ami bin, after a
    123 words
  • 879 12 Mr. H. Belloc on German And French Methods. The battle of Verdun was the sole sub joct of Mr. Hilaire Belloc's article iv tbe issue of Land and Water for March 2." It is a full and lucid statement of the object of tbe German attack, tbe
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  • 195 12 It was in the little city of Verdun, it may be recalled, that Napoleon, in 1808, interned ibe greater proportion of the English tourists in France, who were suddenly arrested, on May 23 of that year, on the rupture of tbe Treaty uf Amiens, as a reprisal
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  • 637 12 Government Loans With Chance of A Fortune. If the Government takes tbe advice given to it by some of tbe greatest financial ox- perts, bankers, insurance managers, and the heads of great industries, says the Daily Mail, it will attach to its next loan issue a companion
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  • 405 12 Presentation to Mr. Frederick Hanbury. At Liverpool-street Hotel, London, recently, the employees of Messrs. Allen and Hanburye, Limited, presented his portrait to the vice, chairman, Mr. Frederick Jansou lUnbury, and a case of plate to bis co-director. Mr. \V. Kalph Dodd, with illuminated addresses. The presentation was
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 178 12 GRIFFINS LATEXOMETER INDISPENSABLE TO RUBBER ESTATES. Owing to the very large demand, orders should be placed without delay. So'e Agents for F.M.S. and S.S. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO.. LIMITED (Incorporated in England) KUALA LUMPUR SILENT SALESMEnT OUR WINDOWS Watch them JUST LANDED *CA C\f\C\ WORTH OF NEW GOODS t
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  • 974 13 GERMAN PLOT AGAINST PRESENT FRIENDS. The Central Europe Idea. A considerable number of German busines men are actively engaged in the advertising of what is known in Berlin as the Central Europe Idea, writes the Amsterdam correspondent of tho Daily Express. The scheme is simple enough,
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  • 55 13 The Times IVtrotfrttd correspondent Bays that tbe new war minister. M. Shiivaieff, Hpcakint; tv jjurualists on the necessity ot auyn.entini; tin supply of munitions express ■I ttir view that Germany was showing exhaustion and added, Don't imagine that tli( war will soon tini»li. The enemy will rce you to bul't
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 120 13 ASK FOR fffl) LAIRD 0' LOGAN JL uiuifiifv Lb* A TfiIBOIII, "i BONDINGS FROM 1880 TO 1900J plM^My NO MONEY CAN PRODUCE t j BETTER OR OLDER. pSi^^ DIWLLBRSi MACKIE CO., DISTILLERS, LTD., Laftavulin and Malt Mill Diatillariaa, ISLAND OF ISLAY. ESTAB. 1742. Acetic Acid Tapping Knives Latex Cups Mosquito
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    • 109 13 Keep to the Maxim and save your Charge Buy the Supreme Quality. FR AM ROZ Sl CO. j A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to /o^..^&V and to THE MUNICIPALITY KH^^k THE GOVERNMENT of vC^v of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 555 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Imobi'obatid in Stkaits Skttlemints) HEAD OFFICE! Winohsstsr Heuss, Singapore LONDON OFFIOE i 32, Old Jewry, E.C. Tbe Company liai £30.000 deposited with tbe Supreme
      555 words
    • 391 14 INSURANCE. BUAROIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOk (Incorporated in England). Subscribed CspiUl 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds 48,380,000 Annual Income .41,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents tor the above Company, are prepared to accept fire and iarthquake risks for short periods of ten days as longer periods at current rates to be named on
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    • 493 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incokporatkd in Hon-ikono). paid-up capital 116,000,000 rbsbrvb fundB Sterling 41,600,000 at I/- 116,000,000 Silver 118,000 000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS W. L. Pattenden, Bsq Chairman. S. U. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Q. T. M. Bdkins, Esq. Hon. Mr. D.
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    • 514 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENOLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Sharoa ot 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.200,000 BANKERS Tbe Bank oi ?n« land The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd.. Tbe London County and Westminster
      514 words
    • 619 14 INBURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Establishid 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incok^oratii. India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITBD. exceed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders at last Valuation $1,116,673. LOWEST Apply (or Prospeotos and full information to LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE BRANCH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHERSON, Secretary for S.S. A
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  • 1148 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Willys-Overland Co Wbea the last freight train palled oat of tbe big Overland yards on January 81, it was found that a new shipping record bad been established by The Willys-Overland Company. Exactly 722 automobiles bad been shipped daring tbe day.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 640 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the British War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability I I S r^' y 5 THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, Lr ndon, E. C, CONTRACTORS TO H M WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S F.M.S. 6°o WAR LOAN.
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    • 289 15 THE COILEGTIVE FRIENDLINESS of all the buyers of Dunlop Tyres practically constitutes the basis of tbe Company's a^r 'frffaiß A U creation and preservation of this goodwill is V I '^VV H\\ the ultimate object aimed at in adopting a i By unfailingly selling a branded and ;V j^J^v first-class
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 571 16 A. B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL E LIQUEUR WHISKY. JPrnLmj^ As supplied to both Houses ol ig^HT^v Parliament lyl OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. Sole A^ ents: o> %jy ADAMSON, GILFILLAN AND COMPANY. LIMITED. r|l II I I Incorporated in England) Singapore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, an English
      571 words
    • 517 16 SITUATIONS WANTED. I SITUATION WANTED by a Japanese couple as cook and housekeeper, respectively Apply Japs, c/o Straits limes. 17 4— 12 4 WANTED, BILLET by conscientious and hardworking conductor, nsefal in office work also. Please reply U., c/o Straita Times. 10-4— 9-5 j TWO JAPANESE YOUNG MEN want to
      517 words
    • 682 16 HOUSES TO LEI. TO LET, No. x, Thomson Read. Entry May 1. Arply Meyer Brothers, 14, Collyer Quay. 6 4 n FURNISHED SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. Belinda and Juanita, to let far nishtd Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 1 6—o TO BE LEtf, unfurnished, Fairfield, C uny Road rent $90
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    • 539 16 KIAM KIAT CO. Noa. 108 and 109, Market Street. Just Received A Big Shipment of HUBBUCKS COLOURED PAINTS PRICES REASONABLE. NOTICE. It is hereby nttifi»d that the Exchange Banks will be closed on FRIDAY. APRIL 21 SATURDAY... 22 jMONDAY. 24 15-4—20-4 MR. WALTER PALLISER. CONTBACTOR, LATB LF SINGAPORE All parties
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    • 478 16 NOTICE. Bow to solve servants difficulties, such as cooks, boys, amahs. ayahs, gardeners, clerks, conductors, shortband typists, book-keepers, etc. Charges moderate Also shorthand (Pitman si and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal Co 9. Selegle Koad, Singapore. 8-4—7 6
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 344 16 Straits Wimes. Telephones. Editorial and Gencrul 70 Manager's Office 'Mi Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, 1 tc. should be addrcsoed to THE MANAGEH. ADYEKTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants
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