The Straits Times, 11 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,079 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. APRIL 11. 1916. PRICF 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 137 1 4 IWIILM SLEDGE BRAND MILK ALL comes from Cows grazed on the famous Berneee Alps pastures. The quality, therefore, may be relied upon to be always of that unrivalled standard of excellency which has gained for Sledge Brand the first place among all Canned Milks. It is most important that
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    • 157 1 ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR The ALL-STEEL RALEIGH CYCLE M*^*^m^ The B* st c y cle RALEIGH^^l Complete with Lamp, Bell, Tools and Toolbag. U^!m~mmjQ\ Fitted with oil bath The First Grade /V lNk gear case and jf%^ /^Vv jfflx finisn ed in olive A smart C>cleof II IL**^ jj
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    • 11 1 MARTELL'S BRANDY Sols Aqinti: ADAMSON. 6ILFILLAN CO., LTD (Inc..rn..r:iti..l in Knulan.l)
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  • 1099 2 WHAT LIES BEHIND THE ENEMY'S FRONT. Colossal Nature of Defence Works. In a recent number of the Vossischc Zeitung. Dr. Max Unborn, the well known military correspondent, gives a striking account of the strength and disposition of the German lines behind the Western front. Dr. Osborn claims
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 344 2 FRESH BUTTER in 1-lb. and J^-lb. pats. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO.. ID. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN LOVE MONTGOMERIE (DECEASED). Pursuant to Tbe Trustee Ordinance, 1914 section 26, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES tbat all creditors and other persons having any claims or demacd* against
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    • 307 2 PALE BEAUTY FADEB. The girl who returns borne from school or work thoroughly tirod out every evening may be beautiful, but her beauty will soon fade. She will be fortunate if she escapes a physical breakdown, because this getting tired so quickly is tbe first warning symptom of a thinning
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    • 918 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RAGE MEETING (Vndtr B.R.A. Bultt of Boeing), WILL BB BBLO ON T ueiday M ay 1 6,Th u raday May 1 8, and Saturday, May 30, 1916. PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tuesday, May la, 1916. 1. THE OPENING STAKE 3 2.45 p.m. Value 1800 and ISO
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    • 662 2 NOTE i The attention sfownM la oall»d to Ruls 133. wKioh makaa tha hour for Scratching 6 p.m. On the DAY BEFORE the Raoa. Owners ot Griffin* are entitled to eater for t either of the following series of Raoet- Kkii Strict No 1 First Day— Race No. 4 Second
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  • 948 3 COUNT IGNATIEFF ON LANGUAGE AND CHARACTER. English Influences in Russia. Mr. Harold Begbie, the special correspondent of tbe Daily Chronicle gives the following account of an interview he had at Potrograd with Count Ignalieff, who is one of tlio three greatest men in Russian public life
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  • 231 3 Before the I ulliam tribunal a War Office clerk named Lymc, aged 19, Raid that he was converted in 1911 and had a conscienti ooh objection to take lif« niu the life of an cneujy. Asked why he had in t given up bis position
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 480 3 ONLY A FEW PIMPLES But Many More May Come If You Neglect Them. Cuficura Soap and Ointment are most effective in clearing the akin of pimples. S:imi>!e each free by post. Address F. Xewbory Sons, 27, Charterhouse Square, London, E. C. Sold everywhere. STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Inlorporatid is Japan)
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    • 756 3 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Which line now borne the Stamp of l'ublic Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. END'S FRUIT SALT PLEASANT TO TAKE, REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING. IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet— Eating or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic or Gouty
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1097 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AND Apcar L (Companies Incobporated in Enoland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTA SAILINGS (Under Contract wltb His Majesty s GovernLaent). for China, Japan, Panang, Oeylon, Australia, India, Adjn, Egypt, Maditarranaan Port* and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL
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    • 820 4 BTE*MER BAILIW6B. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgann, Bisut, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Laocn, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Dua Departure s.s. BORIBAT Apr. 12, 3 p.m. ss. PARACHATIPOK Apr, 17 18,3 p.m. ASDANO 84 S6, 3
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    • 456 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAMSHIPCO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enqlind) I* Tbe Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every weok and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for
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    • 513 4 STEAMER BAILINI* N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD (Ikcorpokatbd in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A servico is maintained between Yokohama, via port', to Marseilles and London under mail cntract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The Now Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servico have been specially designed and constructed, and are
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  • 92 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, April 1 1 Id th Water, 2.56 a.m.. 6.12 p.m. Wednesday, April 12. High Wat«r. 1.1.1 a.m 7.26 p.m B. I. outward mail expected. Thursday, April 13. High Water, 6.0 a.m., 8.15 p 'v Friday, April 14. -ligli 'Vate». 7 29 a.m., 8 4S p.m.
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  • 228 5 Today. P. Dickson and Port Swettenham Calypso 2.80 pm Batu Pahat Mersing '2.80 pm Itatu Pahat Mena 2.80 pm Malacca and Muar Lady Weld Bpm KoU Tinggi Tanjong Surat 4 pm Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Oanfa 4 pm To morrow. l'ontianak Broawer 7.80 am Hongkong Albiana 4
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  • 259 5 The mail trains from Singapore lor tie north leave Tank R<^ «»it on rtai'y at 7 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Thtthrouph express to Penang leaves Kuala Lnrrpcr at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penang at 6
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  • 108 5 The mails from Burope by the B. I packet Tara are expected by train to morning. Correspondence will be lor delivery about 10 a.m. The MM. outward steamer l'orthos left Colombo and may be expected to arrive here tv morrow moroinu. The I", and homeward mail steamer
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  • 79 5 .t oti.m lia* beea oalU Jto the fact .lon are much behind Our rale is to ,vo a:i t'"> arc officially ■i Atom, and no later date Uun tbat priatoH »>■<■■> > 'iq^. |T_"J*» .eft) blar. P. kO. «U. 0 II I War 17 P. V War.
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  • 352 5 Outward. The following passeogur bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Exprose. It should bo understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and tbat intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per I',
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  • 52 5 An extraordinary general meeting of the Java-ChinaJapan Line was called for March 20. says the Gazette de Hollande, with the object of asking the shareholders' consent to increase the share capital by f1 .'2,000,000. with a view to the execution of the plans for new lines, including a communication witb
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  • 177 5 EXCHANOB. SIMOAPOBB, APRIL 11, 1916 O* LokLi Bank 4 m/s 3/4|| Domand 2/4 Private B.iu/b '2/4,;. On Fkam k Bank T. T. M On Imuu Bank T. T. Us] On UuMOKOM«...Bank d/d 12,, On Sila* .uai ...Bank d/d 81) Oh Java Bank T. T. 181J On Japan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 215 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET, Compound House, No. 1865, off Scranitoon Koad i Woodsvilk Entry May 1. Apply at No. 4, North Bridge Road. 114 a WANTED, (QUALIFIED DRESSER to take charge ot small hospital. Apply to tiatbrie Co., Ltd. (Mines Department). Singapore. 11-4 a PIANO FOR SALE, an excellent toned
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    • 595 5 "TIIRFF K^^f CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) Also "Three Castles" Magnums. ON SALE EVERYWHERE. KIKUGHI ACROBATIC TROUPE, DIRECT FROM JAPAN. Location Beach Road. TO-NIOHT, AT S. Don't pass over the wonderful acts of the I greatest and most famous Oriental Acrobatic Party which has just arrived at Singapore. The graceful Artiste's wonderfnl acts
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    • 509 5 AUCTION SALE Of NINETEEN CASES OF LOOKING GLASSES OF DIFFERENT SIZES (496 PIECES) To be held at Messrs. Cbiog Keng Lee A Co.'s Sale roon', On Satukdai, April 15, 1916, at 11 a.m. CHING KBNG LBB CO., Auctioneer*. 114—14 4' To-night at tb3 Popular cinema House GAIETY PICTURE PALACE JUNCTION
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    • 70 5 MORTGAGEE'S BALE On Momd^, Apbil 17, 1916, at 2.30 i-.m. All those three undivided fourth parts or ahari s in 99 years' lea ehold land and lioumj No. i 9 (formerly No. V 0) Upper Cross Street, Singapore, estimated to contain an area of 1 ,'260 Ftjuate fut't > <1
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  • 16 6 Ki.wahd*.— On April 10, at I'ayu Mas Johore, Charles Walter Kdwards. Funeral at Bidadan Cemetery.
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  • 1246 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, APRIL 11. SOME GERMAN WAYS. There is a sneer at Britain in one of Bernhardi's famous war books because, after a hundred years of rule in India, she has made no rial impression on the religious beliefs of that country. The stupidity of the sneer is
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  • 17 6 The German community at liatavia gathered G. 15,000 for prisoners of war during a rtcent fete day.
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  • 21 6 The Penang Chamber of lommercn is approaching Government on the subject of tbe provision of a fire float for Penang harbour.
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  • 27 6 I nder writers at Lloyd's, for a premium of 25gs. per cent., undertake to pay a total lohs should peace not be proclaimed by September 80, 1917.
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  • 24 6 Sabang coaled fifty two ships from March H to 30. Thirty-six wore Dutch, fourteen British, one Norwegian and one Japanese. They bunkered 8,689 tons.
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  • 29 6 The night express due at Tank Road at 8.15 a.m. to-day was running two or three hours late. The delay is reported to be due to a defective engine.
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  • 30 6 Last year, the Green Island Cement Co., of Hongkong, made a gross profit of 5388,.'!85. They are paying a dividend of 60 cents per share and carry forward Ji11, 338.
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  • 27 6 Rs. 90,000 have already been collected in Calcutta towards the five and a half lakhs required from India for V.M.C.A. work in Mesopotamia, East Africa and France.
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  • 30 6 The members of the Arya Sangam will celebrate the Sreerama Nanami festival at the Sangam's Hall, 52, Bencoolen Street, to night, at 7.15. All tbe members and friends are invited.
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  • 43 6 Tbe Itatavia Newsblad states that the safe containing 13,000 guilders which was stolen from the agricultural station at Banjoemas has been discovered buried in the garden. There tbe thief had tried to force it open but had failed. All the money was recovered.
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  • 47 6 The F.M.S. Tile Co., Ltd., is being formed for tbe purpose of acquiring from Messrn. Kiuil Scherrer, Chew Karn Chuan, Cheony Vok Choy and John Hands, the partners of tbe present F.M.S. Tile Company, tbe right to manufacture tiles by a process invented by M. Hmil Scherrer:
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  • 54 6 As St. George's Day this year falls during the Easter holidays, it will not be marked by any public function. The Kuala Lumpur paper understands, however, that rehearsals are in progress for another amateur production in aid of the War Fund, which will probably take place in Kuala Lumpur in
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  • 55 6 In the second police court yesterday a young Chinese girl named Tan Chwee Neo was charged with the theft of jewellery valued at J4.00D, the property of Chan Gwtk Pin, and a man named Tan Cheng Seong, with abetting her. The hearing was post poned until next Monday, bail on
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  • 151 6 That outbreak of typhus amongst British prisoners in Germany induces reflections on the part played by cholera, the plague, pestilence generally, in the world's history. The ravages of these epidemics, and their ever-present menace, brought out the finest qualities in man. The weaklings were killed by disease the robust survived.
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  • 164 6 Ihe best way to get a thing done is to give full powers to one mad, we wrote yesterday. This prompts a reader to remind us that Spurgeon said the best committee was a committee of three." but is this not another example sj a quotation chopped off in tho
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  • 175 6 Keuter today describes the latent German attack on Verdun ax resulting in another hecatomb. The expression is <juite happy and realistic. Originally, among the Greeks and Romans, it meant the sacrifice of a hundred oxen. Gradually it came to mean a great public sacrifice and finally was employed to express
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  • 487 6 In the Lancet of March 1. appoars tho name of Or. It. l>. ntaaHaM, of the Straits Medical Service, as being promoted from temporary Lieut, to i apt. It. A M.C. Among the passengers on boatd the Kitano-maru. wtiirli n.uli.d Singapore from Hongkong this morning, win' Mih-iv
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  • 115 6 The directors of the Labu (F.M Si Rubber Company, Limited, recommend a tinnl dividend of 2S\ per cent, in respect of the year to December 31. 1915, making 10 MI cent, for the year. The sum of tl been placed to reserve, leaving £'10,9.~>f> to be carrL-d forward.
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  • 148 6 In proposing a vote of thauks to Mr Salzmann ami his party at the V.M.I.A. musical evening, ye.stt rtlay, the Rev. W. Murray remarked that Mr. Sal/.mann had given many musical evenings there, each of which had surpassed its predecessor in point of excellence, but that
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  • 277 6 Much credit has been given to the derail Co. of tbe S.V.C. for the huccchs of their team in the competition in which both Voluu teers and Territorials took part on Sunday morning. The men mustered at the junction of Orchard Hoad and Grange Road, iv bum of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 168 6 9H ■m^fflJtfl'C WILKINSON'S I '•< has none. The Choicest of all Choice Waters. I^Wlni SOLE AGENTS V L J CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. V^ •_J "z??n. here /|Ji nth: C.'HA RPER A A CO. |In<.OI:I'OB VT»I> IN Ev.UND) r ■^-^fc^fe m /^d^Ha^H A ~^w a^H L^aaaw la now proceeding. Fop Two
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    • 187 6 A L HAM BRA Beach Road. The House of Quality— The Home ot Feature Attractions. The Leading Theatre in Singapore. Manager, M. H. KenyonSlade. »nothar Thrilling Gold Rooiter Masterpiece fc aturtog William Elliot and Ruth Roland COMRADE JOHN In 6 Masmive Reels Adapted from tbe famous novel by Samnel Merwin
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    • 9 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pag* f
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  • 737 7 FORTY-EIGHT DAYS' FIGHTING. Big Battle in Verdun Area. K«CTm'* Tn.K.iil;AM~. London. April 10. U a.m. Paris, communique West of the Meuse there was a violent battle all day on tbe whole of our front from Avocourt to iimieres, extending even to tbe eastern bank. The premeditated evacuation of
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  • 203 7 H> i r*ai T> UMBA& London, April 10, 1.45 p.m. Although the tbe Industrial Commission does not assemble until October, Sir Arthur Holland is to arrive in Bombay early in May to arrange for prompt and businesslike investigation. This is desirable, says the Times, not only on account
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  • 32 7 RfcCTEK'.s Telm.bam. London. April 10. 1.30 p.m. V\ ashington A manifesto signed by seventy-five leading eastern Republicans urges tbe claims of ex secretary Root as a candidate for the Presidency.
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  • 28 7 (From Oir Own Correspondent.) London, April 10. Chersonese pays a final dividend of 15 per cent, and Sungei Kari an interim of 15 per cent.
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  • 268 7 The report of the Selaba I lubber Estates, Limited, states that the crop harvested for the year amounted to 577,595 lbs against an estimate of 600,000 lbs., and a yield in the previous year of 529,998 lbs. Tbe average gross price realised for 676 685 lbe. was
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  • 76 7 One ut the officers of the Norfolks writes home the following from Franoe There is a nice Mm Scotch tale of a raw Highlander from a northern depot who was put on guard at tbe commanding ofhcer'B tent. In the morning the colonel looked out, and though be pri.u-il himself
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  • 576 7 Crews Perilous Plight on A Rock. The Daily Press of Monday, April 3, says:— The Hongkoog office of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha received a message through the Naval authorities on Saturday night at 850 tbat the Chiyo Mara was flying distress signals and tbat thu i- hip
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  • 233 7 Considerable Exports From China To Japan. Since tbe Chinese Government prohibited the export of currency, last year. Chinese- li coins have been broken up and imported in tbe form of scrap metal into Japan. Such imports from January to the end of February amounted t09,084,791
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  • 144 7 A soldier describing tbe retirement from Ornes in the Matin, speaks of tbe "French Scythe," that is the work of the 755." Of tbe retirement he says:— "l have fought right through from tbe beginning. I was at Suippes and at Souain. They were nothing. Battalions advanced upon us in
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  • 136 7 Bangkok has bad a ricksha strike, says tbe Siam Observer of .the 4th inst The struets have been tolerably tree from the ricksba nuisance all to-day. It was pleasant driving along the chief thoroughfares, despite the beat and tbe dost. One could bare appre ciated wbat Bangkok would be without
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  • 2322 7 COLONEL CHURCHILL DEMANDS LORD FISHER'S RECALL. From Our Special Correspondent. London, March 10. Unstable as water tbou sbalt not excel." Genesis XLIX. L. Tbe outstanding event in politics this week has been the meteoric and dramatic reappearance of Mr. Winston Churchill in tbe House of Cummons, and
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  • 613 7 Provision for Further Working Capital. Mr. A. K. Baddeley si<;ns the annual report of the Jesselton Ice and Power Co.. Ltd., for the year ended December 11, MM, to be presented at tbe annual meeting. It is as follows It will be observed that the
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  • 85 7 Reports of an extraordinary development in motor ship construction in Denmark wore mentioned in a Renter message from Copenhagen. The East Asiatic Company, for which the pioneer large motor ship Selandia was built in 1912, is now pinning its faith entirely to motor ships. Last year the com pany owned
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  • 83 7 An officer in a West Country regiment was recently lecturing souie very raw recruit* on the value of discipline. Having carefully explained the great im|»>rtaDce of placing prompt obedience to orders before: .ill porHonal matters, lie concluded his remarks by sliuut ing, 'Tention \ll straightened them IK. up except one
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 69 8 Tin Adelpbi Hot< 1 billiard tournatuoDt romilts are t'apt Flak, rue. 10, 145, J. T. Andrews, owe H5, '250. A. Lewis, owe 160, •260, A. Pierbux, rec. 40, 211. Ties for to niubt. A. I.owim, own 150 v. J. T. Andrews, owe Mi. \V. M. Maker, rec. 40 v.
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    • 98 8 The Straits Chinese Football Association will play the S CUD. at soccer on the S.C.C. ground on Thursday, the 13th instant. The following will represent the S.C.F.A. Goal, Ang Koh 1 1 in backs, Tan Eng Piow and Cbua Cheng Yew halves, Lee Kiali Wah, Chua Seng Chye and
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    • 171 8 The Naval eleven which met a Shropshire ilimu .m tbe Esplanade yesterday, found the soldiers much too strong both in tbe field and at tbe wicket. The men from tbe Garrison batted first and put up tbe very creditable ■core of 2C3 for eight, at which stage the innings
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    • 372 8 Following are the results of yesterday's play in tbe Ladies Lawn Tennis Club tennis tournament Lum- Dm Mrs. Wn Ih 1 ml Miss Kerr rec. IftJ beat Mr-. Waco and Miss liasevi rec. 15, w.o. Mi- llartnell and Mrs. Saundtrs scr beat Mrs. Lowther Kemp and Miss Pasea
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  • 120 8 li.. aoa. treasurer of the Penang Mutual Imaroreuu'Dt Association Dramatic Company's performances at Singapore from I i bruary H to February 1(>, in aid of the Itritish Ked Croos Fund, forwards a statement of accounts showing vet proceeds of •9.908.44 at 2 4.8 33 £1,107 .lj
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  • 1474 8 I Another Sensational Capture in Shanghai. The N.C. Daily News of March 27 says: Owing to the trained observance of an alert foreign constable, tbe police of tbe Gordon Road station seized eight cases of artillery sholls aud eighteen cases of pistol ammunition shortly after nine o'clock
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  • 357 8 Activities During the Past Year. A booklet has been issued, embodying the report of the East Indies Station Naval Fund, for the period ending December 31, 1915. It is an interesting survey of the work of an organisation whose beneficent activities extend over the waters from
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  • 398 8 Mr. S. Wilkinson on the Prime Minister's Duty. Lecturing at Oxford on The Way to Victory, Professor Spenser Wilkinson said the question that millions of Englishmen, in live Continents, were asking themselves was, How are we to be led to victory They could and must make
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  • 13 8 (The Straits Times is not responsible tot the opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 258 8 To the E liter of the Straits Times. Sir, As I gazed at tbe stars from my long chair I thought of the Municipality for the night was oppressive. Enthusiastic commissioners might be interested to know what occurred to me 1. Set back tbe building line in Orchard Road.
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  • 361 8 To the Editor of the Straits Timoa. Sir,— The brutal murder of Mr. W. B. Lautour last Tuesday removed from oar midst one who commanded the very greatest respect of all who came in contact with him. Of a ijuiet and unassuming nature,
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  • 82 8 The Chinese dhoby, says a I'tnany paper, had issued bin mandate in three lincrent languages, the Koglish portiou of which roads as follows We beg to inform the public that our wa»hing materials had born increased of pric. lad we therefore, to increase of our prict'H of all kinds of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 123 8 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, April Ml— Tuesday, April 11. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. ii Maxim Co. N.C.O's. 4.30 p.m. Balestier Range S.K.E.(V.) 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall s.V.R. Officers and N.C.O.s i, Chinese Co. K.V.C. Cadets. Wednesday, Apkil 12. 5.15 p.m. Balestier Range
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 228 9 Genuine Italian Marble Flooring Tiles OA Any Quantity. Correct Quality. Correct Prices. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Fl-tOM JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. OF ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone: Telegraph: "JiUAII." NEW GOODS JUST UNPACKED. AN EXCELLENT VARIETY OF Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware Silverware and Gold Jewellery, etc., etc. At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION
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    • 684 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE Tti3 Municipal Commissioners of Singapore invite Tenders for tbn Erection anfl Crmplo tion tt a Wa«oD Sbed, Store Koom and Lavatory at the Sewage Pumping Station in Park Road. Drawings and Specifications may be inspected and Tender forms obtained at the Municipal Engineer's Office during office hoars. Tenders
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    • 72 9 White Glazed Tiles. For lining the walls of LATEX COAGULATING TANKS. We hold a large stock of all the necessary parts, specially imported for this purpose. Full particulars and prices may be had on application to UNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED Damar Road, Singapore. Branches at Bangkok, Ipoh, Penang, Seremban, Malacca and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 570 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE i W.nohaata- Houaa, S.ngapora. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry. E.G. Tho Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme
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    • 396 10 INSURANCE. BUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONOOH. (Incorpobated in Enoland). •Jabsctibed Capita.' 42,000.003 Total Invested Fonda 46,260,000 Annual Income Jfl. 100,000 The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, aio prepared to accept fire and Earthquake risks for short periods of ton days as longer periods at current rates to bo namod
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    • 496 10 BANKING. i HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honokonq). PAID-UP CAPITAL •18,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at V- 116,000,000 Silvor 1 18,000 000 188,000.000 Rcsarve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. G. T. M. Edkins, Bsq. Hon.
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    • 527 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTED Paid up Capital in 80,000 Sharos ot 420eaoh 41,200,000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200 000 BANKERS The Bank oi" "-viand. The London City and I Midland Bank, Ltd.. The London County land Westminster
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    • 1265 10 INSURANCE. POLICY PROTECTION The Shanghai Life In'urance Co., Ltd., is incorporated uudir HongkoDg Ordinances; has complied with the Life ARi>uran-o Companies Act, 1909 (Great Britain) and deposited with tho Supremo Court of Judicataro (England) j£2O,Oofl, which i» invested in interoHt-btaring Trustee Securities; has complied with the Indian Life Assurance Companies
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  • 969 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Spare Parts for Obsolete Models. One of the principal hindrances, so our experience teaches us, says the Commercial Motor, to the makeshift employment on a wider scale of some of the older classes of commercial vehicles is the uncertainty which often
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  • 111 11 The I. S. Consul General Georgo E Auderson, of Hongkong, China, in a recent report btates that the war has changed the course of the paper trade of South China and the Far East materially, and the chief beneficiaries of the change have been Japan and native
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 158 11 SERVICE. Have you considered this question? WE can give you Better Service than any firm in Malaya for the following reasons I. WE stock In Singapore and at our branches for the cars we sell— spare parts and accessories to the value of $100,000. 2. WE have fully equipped branches
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    • 172 11 1^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can," DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. jr**"^ t New 16 2OH.P. Model. L 2_J 1 'Hi,' nnr Ih Luxe Modti "Dmnmeq" n/hhhU tiu very highest paint tx&Utnct in j^^ nmtnr car ntiislni, linn. Verfi-cimn t<> t'axtidioHstirss JmmMmmM&^T^^B I *^*ff JFJTiltfl M-— I"
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 536 12 I JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, COMFKTENT SHORTHAND TYPIST. Apply Messrs. John Little ACo Ltd.. Office; 10-4-n WANTED, A NURSE, OR NURSERY CtO\ MinUS, for a girl cf live years. Apply by letter, stating terms, to Mrs. H. W. Them son, Taipins- 14b— 18 4 WANTED.
      536 words
    • 513 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE *FOR SALE, one 6 inch transit theodolite and stand, also chains, scales, etc. Owner leaving the Colony. Apply to 81, Tank Road. 15 3— 14 4 COCONUT SEEDLINGS FOR SALE, from well-grown trees. For particulars and prices, apply to A. Frankel, Siglap Estate, or at Victoria Street.
      513 words
    • 643 12 HOUSES TO LET. OXLEY HOUSE, Oxley Road. Double and single rooms. Immediate entry, 7 4—6 5 TO LET, No. '28, Orange Road, Vi la Adriana. Apply Messrs. Gtggino *Co 6 4 ii- 11 4 TO LET, No. E2, Hill Street, suitable for school or hotel. Apply B Silas, 8, Prince
      643 words
    • 488 12 KIAM KIAT CO. Nob". 108 and 109, Market Street. Just Received A Big Shipment of HUBBUCKS COLOURED PAINTS PRICES REASONABLE. SINGAPORE SHIPCHANDLERY CO. SBIPCUANOLKR3 AND PROVIDING CONTRACTORS THE COMPANY'S LAUNCH MEETS INCOMING SHIPS. OFFICEB. I6. BATTERY ROAD Take lift to top floor Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly attended to for
      488 words
    • 339 12 GUAN KIAT CO.. 87, Philip Strkkt. Telephone .os. 1174, 1178, IL>.'!B. (Private 1460 and 1078). SUPPLIERS OILS AND PAINTERS' STORES TO THE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY ALUMINIUM PAINT (In 1-llj. Tins). WE HAVE IT YOU WANT IT. Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal fluid for cleaning and prcservicg steam
      339 words
    • 487 12 NOTICE. How io solve servants difficulties, such as cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, conductors, shorthard typists, book-keepers, etc. Charges moderate Also s&orthand (Pitman s> and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal Sc Co 9. Selegie Road, Singapore. 8
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 344 12 Straits Wimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Mauagi-iV omm '28Job Printing Department 348 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relatiug to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should bo addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellano ous wants of
      344 words