The Straits Times, 8 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,077 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. APRIL 8. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 MILK SLEDGE BRAND MILK ALL comes from Cows grazed on the famous Berneee Alps pastures, "flic quality, therefore, may be relied upon to be always of that unrivalled standard of excellency which has gained for Sledge Brand the first place among all Canned Milks. It is most important that Mil!',
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    • 186 1 ROBINSON CO. SOLE AQENTS FOR The ALL-STEEL RALEIGH CYCLE RALEIGH J^^^/^\V y^\ m^%\ Complete with Lamp, Belli Tools and Tool bag. The First < iradfi /A^^™ "^^lk Fitted with oil bath m \lk gear case and RALEIGH JIPK^^ Wished in olive Cycle. V grCe makes> X smart C\cle of PI&5I
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    • 10 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. ADAMSON. GILFILLAN CO LTD. (Incorporate! Knitl in.ll
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  • 830 2 The following casualties are reported France or Belgium. London, March 21. Killed.— Capt. S. C. Bartley, R.A. Capt. A. H. Burrows, Northamptons Capt. H A. Saunders, U.A. Major F. Taylor, York and Lancasters. Now reported killed.-Lieut. J. K. Duggan, Irish Regiment. Died of wounds.— Lieut. W. H. Bainbridge,
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  • 122 2 I A Hague cable rays the naval and military acini tv In Holland is not the result of any action by any of the belligerents, but is cauaed solely by the general aspect of the j war at the moment. The situation, more ovt r. is not disquieting. In the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 114 2 Just received Carey's Box Strapping, Solder, Corrugated Iron, Z'nc Buckets, European and Japanese Acetic Acid, Wire Nails, Formalin, Tapping Knives, Linseed Oil. French Roofing Tilen, Asbestos Tiles, Veneer Cases. Castor Oil, Sodium Bisulphite, Arrack, Methylated Spirits, etc. S. J. JUDAH CO., Til 1362 29, ROBINSON ROAD. 24-I—2B 4 <% fIPJT
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    • 504 2 WEAK STOMACHS CAUSE WIND. Wind in-the stomach is caused by the food being retained so long tbat it ferments if it is vegetable food or pntrifies if it is animal food. Tbe usual treatment is to forbid tbe eating of tbe food tbat causes the trouble. This stops tbe discomfort
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    • 915 2 Singapore sporting Club. THE SPRING RACE MEETING (Cndor 8 R.A. BuUu of Boeing). WILL Bl HILD ON Tuesday May 1 6, Thursday, May 1 8, and Saturday, May 20, 1918. PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tuesday, May 16, 1918. 1. THB OPENING STAKES 2.45 p.m Valne ICOO and 160 to tiie Second
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    • 757 2 NOTE i The attention of owner* oallad to Rule 128. Wnoh m«kM the hour for Scratching S p.m. on the DAY BEFORE the Rtoe. Owners ot Griffins are entitled to enter for either of the following series of Kaoeft Fk»i Serin So 1 1 First Day— Raoe No 4 Second
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  • 1108 3 CHURCHILL'S SENSATIONAL SPEECH. Optimism of Mr. Balfour. In the House of Commons on March 7 the First Lord of the Admiralty (Mr. IJaKour), when introducing the Naval eiitimatef>. haid that he only proposed to give a general impression of the coarso the Admiralty was pursuing. Thote was no
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 952 3 HUPMOBILES. Due to thr tremendous increase in fnigl'ts which are continoallyincr«»aiiiD», tbe public art lii-iby notified that frctn dale we bavp drcid.d to tfler HL'PMOBILBS for local d. livi.ry tba United States prices plus the ACTUAL oost of freinht acd insoranca to land +rs in Singapore. W. b lievo
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    • 334 3 IN TERRIBLE STATE WITHJP On Scalp, Face and Body. Had to Sacrifice Hair. Deprived of Sleep. Used Cuticura. Now Quite Well. 20. Richardson Rd., Went Ham. Essex, Eng. "My complaint started with ptomaine poisoning and In a week It had developed Into edema affecting my scalp, face and body so
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    • 447 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorporatbd in Japan) (Osaka Wercantlis ttsantthlp Co Ltd.), KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. The Company maintains a regular cargo service with six steamers oallirg at Moji Yokkaicbi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swettenham, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and on the return voyage calling at Tuticorin, Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. For Port
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1092 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.- British India AND Apcar L-ine. L(COHPANIES InIdRI'OKATKD IN ENGLAND). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL BAILIN3S. Under Contract with Hit Majesty a Oovernuient). For China, Japan, Penang, Oeylon, Australia. India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte and London. Steimrrs will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES
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    • 808 4 STEAMER SAILINBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (Incorporated in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telnpin, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kobsamoi, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Dud Departure BORIBAT Apr. IO Apr. 12, 8 p.m. •.PARACHATIPOK IT 19.3 p.m. ABOANG 94 96, S p.m.
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    • 470 4 BTEAMEI BAILIIIIS. OCEAN STEAMSHIPCO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) Tho Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for GeDoa, Marseilles and Liverpool acd for Marseille*,
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    • 534 4 BTEAMER SAILING? JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN UK. A service is miintain":! between Yokohama, via p""t to MirseilUm and London under mail n ntra-'. witb the Imperial Japaaese Govcrnmout. The New Twin-screw Stea-ncrs maintaining this MtlM have bco-i sneri illy designed and oonstrncted, and aro titt
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  • 90 5 FIXTURES. Saturday, April 8 High Watur O.j a.m., 2.14 p o Sunday, April 9 Sigh Water 1.21 a.m 8.1 p. a. Monday, April 1(7 High W»» w LSI a.m 411 n.rn Musical Evening, V MCA. Tuesday, April 1 1 High Water. ftM a.m.. 6.1] p.m. WednesJay, April
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  • 241 5 To-DAt. Hongkong. Shanghai and .lapan Nmuur 2 pm It >mbay I Maru '2.90 pm Hatu Pahat M-rsing 2.80 pm P.itii I'ahat Mena 2.80 pm Malacca. P. Swettenham and Penang Klang 2.30 pm M. l.m Mi <lusa 2.30 pm Mm V. liiemen 230 pm 1 Sclat Pandjang. Keoukalis.
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  • 260 5 The mail trains from Singapore for Mm north leavo Tank Road station daily at 7.7 am. and 7 pin arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Tb through express to Penaog leaves KaMa Lairr/cr at 8 am. daily, arriving at Penang at 6 '2t
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  • 65 5 The outward B. I. packet lira with mails In 'in I. >n lon was expectod leave Nogapataai y.-*t« r.lajr, and may be expected to arrive here al. ut the Mfc 'QHt. Tin- P. and homeward mail steamer Malta has left Hongkong and is expected to arrive here
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  • 102 5 Oar attention has been called to th« fact that our arrivals in London are much behind thoae published elsewhere. Oar rul»- to K'Ve arrivals only when they are officially r ■ported in the Post Ofßoe notices, and no Uter date than that printed above bat bten •o
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  • 181 5 EXCHANCIB. Sinoapom, Aikil 8, 1916 OaLokLC. Bank 4 mx 2/41J Demand 4 Private 8 m/s 2/4.-; X On France Bank T. T. 325 Oh Imou Bank T. T, 174 On HoNOKONG...Bank d/d 18$ Oh Shanghai ...Bank d/d 82,; Oh Java Bank T. T. Ml Oh Japan Bank
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 508 5 LA TEST ADVERTISEMENTS. B">ARD AND RKSIDEVCK wtb private '»iv It- *wo room* and »fr*n '%h or nn«ll hnoittlnv. Fe»»id\ Appy B>x No. SBS, Strait) Tinjps. 8 4— 14« PUBLIC e CHOOL MAS with sooni knowledge of R ibbnr and C ipoout Planting, emtriencd in Chinese Javanese, M*lay, and Tamil Üboti',
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    • 490 5 "The time bat come, tbe public said, "to talk of otber things NEAL OF THE NAVY Deals with things other than jou have been accattomnd to in other pictarrs. It's a K'rat Btory by Wi liam Hatuil.on Oaborne. k tsle of patriotism. o( stirring adventaie and lovr, and has tbe
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  • 33 6 Tbe friends and relatives of the late Mr Tan Cbay Yan are respectfully informed that the interment of bis remainH will take place at Malacca, on Sunday morniop. April 9 next. 20 3—8-4
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  • 976 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY. APRIL 8. FUTURE OF SUBMARINES. Sir Percy Scott has frequently been ahead of his times and possibly be was right when he said that tbe day was not far distant when the great Dreadnought with hundreds of men on board would have to give place to
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  • 14 6 The Malay Service Marine Club has been registered in Singapore under the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 22 6 Tbe outputs for March of Sungei Gao Tin Mining Co. were battery 262 piculs, tributors 43 piculs, total 805 piculs tin ore.
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  • 31 6 Daring tbe month of March 9,483 Chinese deck passengers left Singapore, and 17,895 Chinese immigrants arrived at Singapore. Tbu total arrivals for tbe first three months of this year numbered 42,674.
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  • 46 6 Mr. F. E. Hooper, managing director of Messrs. Maodowell and Co., Ltd., Madras, who was charged with the offence of trading with thn enemy, was fined in all Rs. '2.5U0 and sentenced to undergo three months' sircple imi|ii iHoniiient. MSSOSSBBj i- apuealiug n^ iL»t the sentence*.
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  • 19 6 A large cobra was discovered tho other day hidden in tbe strong room of tho Customs Office, Port Swottenham.
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  • 27 6 Tbe publication of tbe Saigon newspaper l'Opinion was suspended by tbe military authorities from March 25 to April 1 for having published information suppressed by the censor.
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  • 34 6 The Governor has authorised the forma tion in Penang of a Chinese doable company to form part of tbe Penang Volunteers, and of a Chinese company to form part of the Malacca Volunteer Rifles.
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  • 44 6 The following are the members of the Education Board The Treasurer, the Kesi dent Councillor. Penang, tbe Director of Education, the Resident, Malacca, Mr. l>. A. M. Brown, Mr. J. W. Campbell, the Hon. C. W. Darbishiro and tbe Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng.
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  • 46 6 Tbe Golconda which left Calcutta last year with some 450 alien enemy subjects for Holland has returned from Middlesbro. Arrangements are now being male in Bombay to repatriate another batch of enemy subjects en board the Golconda, and the vessel will probably said for Holland sLortly.
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  • 51 6 Tbe following is tbe list of licensing justices for Singapore The District Judge and First Magistrate (chairman), Mr. K. Peirce, Dr. W. R. C. Middleton, Mr. Tan Kheam Hock, appointed by tbe Governor, and Messrs. It J. Aildie, A. Agnew. and A. I). Allan, elected by the Justices of the
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  • 58 6 The P. and O. company's liner Simla bad not been engaged in the passenger traffic for sonjn time past as she was requisitioned by the Governmtnt for special service and was so employed at tbe time that she is reported to have been sank. She had a gross tonnage of
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  • 45 6 On March 21 the Japanese Red Cross party, which weut to (ireit liritain in December, 1914, arrived at Bakl by tbe N Y.K. Fusbimi-maru. Daring tbe ten months of their stay in England, 2,195 wounded soldiers of the Allies received attention from the Japanese Mission.
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  • 55 6 In an interview with a representative of a Russian newspaper, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, M. Sazonoff, said he did not believe that the economical condition of Germany was such a bound one that the country could continue the war for a long time. Most pro billy tbe war will
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  • 77 6 A Vancouver despatch states that on the night cf March \H a party of Japnn<se voluntrirs attacked and wrecked the office of tbe Caaaria Shimpo, the Japanese journal published at Vancouver. The outrage is said to be due to the discovery of an iutrigue on tbe part of the conductors
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  • 87 6 At Calcutta, on March IT. Mr. Arathoon Stephen instituted a suit against Mr. bandmann and tbe Bandmann Varieties, Limited, praying for possession of the Empire Theatre and for an injunction restraining tbe Bandmann Varieties, Limited, from using the vacant piece of land alongside the theatre otherwise than for tbe purpose
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  • 163 6 The Figaro publishes a thrilling story of the Verdun action. It states Tbe Germans were re ported to the eastward at i o'clock in the morning. Flares and rockets lit up the bit I. ti -Id as in broad daylight, and tbe enemy mm clearly seen advancing in itrried ma^o,
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  • 169 6 There is one observation in Or. von Beth hi m v Hollweg's speech with which the Allies will warmly agree. The peace, be insists, must be a lasting peace He may rest assured that it will. The Allies will ire to that, though v it perhaps in tbe way he
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  • 173 6 The Hongkong Chamber of Commerce proposes to t n'.ablish a scbool for the teachiDg uf Chinese. Sli ioi>liai Inn already done »o aad the move is a good one. There is do escaping the fact that me rchauts in rioDgkuug and China have beeu t-xceediDgly lax in tuu past.
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  • 404 6 Mr. W. Prydo is appointed to officiate as assistant District Officer, Larut. The will of the late Sir Cecil Clementi Smith has been proved at Jtl7, i 29. His many friendn in Singapore will be pleased to hear that Dr. Elder has returned and entered into partnership
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  • 71 6 For the period from April 14 to 20, 1916, inclusive, the value of tbe highest grade of rubber is fixed at Bs. 3 Jd. per Ib and tbe doty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with
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  • 78 6 The F.M.S Government notifies that it has made arrangements with tho Chartered Bank to accept payment in full with application for bonds iv tho F.M.S, War Loan, in caeet> whire applicant* desire to made their payments in ibis manner. As a full half year's interest
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  • 115 6 According to a Kirin dtxpatcu, dated March 17, to the Asalii, tlie BjMSM MiuiHter m Peking sUHpecls that German aeroplanes, have been transported in partH to Mi slum prefecture, in the province ol Kirin, with the object of attacking Vladivostok and tbe railway track aud
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  • 219 6 The annual general meeting of tho Jeram Kuantan Rubber Kitate, Liuii'ed, was held y< tttrday at the nxi->U;iixi offices of tbe Company. Winchester House. Mr. LeoDg Hung Toon presided, others present bting Messrs. Cheau Kid^ nod I.iap Ninp I'udk (directors*, Wee Koh Dm, Chiew Woon Poll, Oaw
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 \V^ LONDON m SUPERIOR OLD TOM Sole Importers CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., WINS «nd SPIRIT MERCHANTS (bSMMSMBi Is now proceeding. Fop Two Weeke, One* y.«r only. I U \Loaris sow kiai>\. When it's Anything Electrical men lvfENG!NEv.oh_KcT T rL| SINGAPORE. Acetic Acid Latex Cups Momi Gases ~l <>l IT K>\s
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    • 215 6 ALHAMBRA Beaoh Road, The House ot Quality Toe Home of Feature Attractions. The Loading Theitre in Singapore. NUuagr, M. H Kenyor Maue LAST NIGHT OP Salinf(i-r dt Ol^a Carneffle CONTINENTAL DANCERS. ■Bother Thnllng Bold Rootter Maittrpiecs f.aturirg Wlllitm Elliot md Ruth Ro'ind COMRADE JOHN In 5 Maaaive Reele. Adapted from
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  • 1949 7 GERMAN EFFORTS. Great Loss for Small Result. MESOPOTAMIA. i Dashing Action of Relief Force. i Rltm.H's TKLKOKtMS. London, April 6, 5.5 p.m. Paris Great enemy activity in tbe region of Venlun is recorded in tbe French com ■uunique. West of the Meuse, following a violent botuhirdment in the
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  • 108 7 Rutkr's Telegram. London, April 7 3 10 a.m. Peking Japan has taken the serious step of withholding from China a million dollars surplus from the Salt revenue which has been deposited in the Specie Bank on the plea that the critical situation in China is endangering tbe
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  • 186 7 Prisoner from Hongkong to be Tried In Macao. At Macao on March 29 a preliminary enquiry was held into the two charges of forgery against R. Y. Ribeiro, a former clerk in tbe office of Messrs. Jardine, Matheson and Co., Ltd. Mr. G. N. Orme, the Assistant
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  • 241 7 Results of Messrs. Morgan's First Sale. < Considerable interest was evinced in tbe rubber auction which took place yisterday at Messrs. Morgan's Agency, Kuala Lumpur. Out of thirteen tons put up for sale nine tons were sold, tbe following being the prices per picul realised Singapore
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  • 207 7 The directors of the New Crocodile River (Selangor) Rubber Company have just declared a fioal dividend of 10 per cent, for 1915, making 15 per cent in all. Tbe crop harvested, according to tbe monthly return*, was 362.34S lbs but for further particulars of tbe working
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  • 97 7 An extraordinary story is printed in tbe I >anisb papers regarding one Captain Roewer. a German engineer, who is said to have escaped from Tsingtau after tbe capture of that place by the Japanese. It is stated that the captain's wife took ber husband on board a
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  • 375 7 Further' Details of the Murder Of Mr. Lautour. Authentic particulars are now to band, says the Malay Mail, of tbe circumstances in which Mr. W. B. Lautour met hia death. Mr. Lautour came up to Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday morning to get money and returned by tbe 4
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  • 320 7 The following examination results are announced Final Yk»b. Tbe following have been granted the L.M.B. diploma: Tan Bin Chiang, i lite Peck Lian, H. S. Meenshi, Pandak Ahmad. II R. Saravanamutbu and Lee Lian Hoe. Fourth Ykar. The following have passed in pathology, hygiene and
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  • 165 7 Aycr Panas.- 26,200 lbs. Alor Oajah.-S.ISO Ibe. Balgownie.— lo.9Co lbs. Olenealy Plantations.- 10,500 lbs. Pajam.— 2B,ooo lbs. Pantai.-6,1W lbs. Teluk Anson.— lo,ooo lbs. Tambalak.— s.o63 lbs. Lanadron.— 72,102 lbs. Ledbury.-;i7,135 lbs. Cluny.-ll 319 lbs. Senawang.— ll,7-H lbs. Sandy croft 15,*U2 lbs. Batu Anam. -10,045 lbs. llatu Villa.c.
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  • 826 7 STRIKES ROCKS IN FOG NEAR HONGKONG. All the Passengers Rescued. The Hongkong Daily Press of April 1 gives the following account of tbe wreck of tbe CLiyo Mam. Since it was written tbe vessel has broken io two Tbe handsome T.K.K. liner Chiyo Mam. 22,000 tons displacement,
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  • 123 7 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Perk and Co.. Singapore, supply ns witb tbe following report on the position of the Java produce market for tbe pant \Ftek BaUvia, April 7. All markets viry weak and big decline in prices. Rubber is seJliou at
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 36 8 In coDM.<|ae^e of the S.C.C. ground being Riven up U) the Army and Nary lor the pnrpotw of pUymK cricket on Monday. there will be no lawn tennis practice on the B.C.C. ({round on that day.
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    • 126 8 Tbe I! Claw Single Handicap id the Singapote Catholic Club has resulted as follows WinmT. Mr. W. H. Mosbergen. liunnir up, Mr. C. A. Phipps. ■lliir.l I 'rise, Mr. F. bratta. Fourth Prise, Mr. R. Langellier. P»IZE> FOX Hll.llltST BRKAK> First prize, won by Mr. W. H. Mosbergen. Second
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    • 367 8 Following are the results of yesterday's play in the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club tournament Mi\Ki' l>m m>> A. Miss McLiren and Mr. Greene rtc. 3 beat Miss Abrams and Mr. Bornemann r<-c. B, ft— 2, 6-4. Miss Uunn and Mr. Dyne owe 2 beat Mrs. Puirce and Mr.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 490 8 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir— With reference to tbe F.M.S. war loan, touching tbe question of the issue being in the form of bearer bonds, which has been raised by critics, and replied to through the Malay Mail, by tbe Chief Secretary, may
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  • 509 8 Sunday, April 9, 1916. St. Andrbw's Cathedral. Fifth Sunday in Lent D assion Sunday). 7 am. Holy Communion; 745 a.m. Holy Communion iCboral) 915 a.m. Matins and Litany 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 5-30 p m. Evensong and sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines.— am Holy
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  • 33 8 The steamer Golconda left Bombay on March 30 for Holland with 400 alien enemies Of these 100 are from Madras, two from Bengal, one from Quetta. and the rest from tbe Bombay Presidency.
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  • 1207 8 Prospect of a Dividend in The Current Year. The sixth annual ordinary general meeting of the Val dOr Robber Estates, Limited, was held on February 21, at the registered office of the company, 45, Leadenhall Street, E.C., Mr. Samuel Ku'eal, D.Sc.. J.P. (chairman of the company),
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  • 594 8 Sir George Paish on Germany's Finance. Though it rallied slightly later, tbe German mark at Amsterdam on February 17 suffered a record fall, viz., 43.60 to 42.60. The capture of Erzeroum by the Russians was thought to be one of tbe causes. French and English currencies maintained
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 315 8 PIBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. LattHt »d\ertiseuiint» of tbe day appear mt page ft. To morrow at II p.m. the Key. L. Oechsli will conduct the nervice at the Buutttead lnhtitute. Tbe subject of his addrr-n will be, Auj IMy lircthtr »K. .per Mm. Willi»tu Ron and Mr. Baker will sing sacred
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    • 216 8 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, April 14 Saturday, April 8. 2.30 p.m. Balestier Range Veterans Co. 4.30 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co. Sunday. April 0. 7.30 a.m. Junction of Orange S.R.E.(V.| Road and Orchard Rifle team. Road. 7 a.m. Balestier Range Veterans Co. Monday,
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  • 749 9 FAREWELL TO THE IMPERIAL LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Tribute to Lord Chelmsford. The cold weather session of the Imperial Legislative Council closed at Delhi on March 24 and with it Lord Hardinge bade farewell to the members. In concluding a lengthy speech bis Excellency said It only remains for me
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  • 304 9 Aerial Torpedoes by Day From Height of 18,000 ft. Mr. T. K. Macmechea, President of the Aeronautical Society of America, in a strik ing letter to tbe New York Snn. says: Wilbur Wright, tbe doyen of practical aerodynamics, once said, with that rare insight, now so strikingly
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  • 40 9 I dream at night of the ghastly, crumpled heapn of shattered urey, green bodies. Git many s wives and mothers mast curse the Kaixir in their prayers," said a French artil'cry offioer in speaking of the fighting ■j mil Viilun.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 240 9 Genuine Italian Marble Flooring Tiles Insize^ c 18" x 18 24 x 24" Any Quantity. Correct Quality. Correct Prices. IMMEDIATE DELIVEHY FROM JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. OF ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone Telegraph: "JSUM." A TOILET ARTICLE known throughout the Malay Peninsula MAYNARD'S ORIENTAL HAIR-WASH ONCE USED ALWAYS USED Sold at $1
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    • 197 9 I Gti the Bolt Valve smilt;" (M^l^^^P^^A\\ Michelin gjj Bolt Valve WM Wmtk Security bolts are \\^J^\ \JK^\ quite unnecessary v^ ViFmV\ \^wl\\\ U\ The Michelin Bolt Valve is a great JJ>?L!| improvement over the cumberiome and ?u;-er- 7^fesß// /Jik. üß\\\ w mious security bolts which it has rendered use-
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1765 10 or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAX OXHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Sikaits Skttlkments) HEAD OFFIOt Winoh-f, Hou... B.n,J.pora. LONDON OFFIOB. 3«, Old J.wnf. SO. Tbe Compmny has «20.000 deposited w.tb the Supreme Court of
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    • 185 10 the hast, on the Continent, in Great Britaii America and Australia, and transacts bat k,D business of every description. Current accounts opened and deposits r< ceived on terms which may be ascortaine on application. C. W. A. M GROSKAMP, A gen NETHERLANDS-INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK (NtD.-IND. HANOELBBANK) l»tabllih«d lit). ■MM MTMMIU
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    • 946 10 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incokporatsu in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ABSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITBD. ASSETS exoeed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders at last Valuation $1,118,673. LOWEST Apply lor Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES SimPOIIE BRANCH OfFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPBERSON, Secretary for
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  • 1048 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Transport. While the automobile has not superseded the railroad as a means of transporting troops and supplies in the present war, says a writer in Dun's Review, its utilisation and efficiency have been immensely increased. At the t-tarting point the
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  • 85 11 Satisfactory progress is beiog made in the work of erecting telescopic drop Kates in various parts of Calcutta and its suburbs as a precautionary measure against taxi- ilacoitu h. It is proposed to erect two hundred of these gatts, of which about a j dozen Lave already been put up.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 173 11 SERVICE. I Have you considered this question WE can give you Better Service than any firm in Malaya for the following reasons I. WE stock in Singapore and at our branches for the cars we sell spare parts and accessories to the value of $100,000. 2. WE have fully equipped
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    • 210 11 Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. llfPrafflfl **k x^ rac^ °f Malt and nur*in<i profetsio*. In iliirmir. But' Cod l.tV'T NO OILY FLAVOUR. Qg tmi Jfaft k'Jm mptritr H any ¥ker freftrmtimi if the sann' natiirr. sVtWff »h*olut(ilf fttt Iran ami d isaiinrahli-
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1063 12 Marseilles Tiles "SWAN BRAND." For prices and particulars, apply to the Sole Agents: Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd., (Incobioratkd in En'.lind). SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTKD, A NURSE, OR NURSERY, GOVERNESS, for a girl cf live years. Apply I by letter, stating terms, to Mrs. H. W. j Thornton,
      1,063 words
    • 615 12 HOUSES TO LET. OXLEY HOUSE, Ozley Road. Double and Hiogle rooms. Immediate entry, 7 4—6-5 TO LET, No. 7*B, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Cheng Van Co 10, Malacca Jtrtxt. a-6— i TO LET, Sandlands, Tanjong Katong. Water and electric light laid on. Apply Mi) r Brothers. 61— n SEASIDE
      615 words
    • 553 12 KIAM KIAT CO. Xoa. 108 and 109, Market Street. Just Received A Big Shipment of HUBBUGK'S COLOUREO PAINTS PRICES REASONABLE. THE SINGAPORE SLIPWAY AND ENGINEERING CO.. LTD. NOTICE is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the Ccmpany will be closed from April 1 to April 8, 1916, both days
      553 words
    • 395 12 GUAN KIAT CO., 87, Philip Strkkt, Telephone l<os. 1174, 1178, 1238. (Privat< 1460 and 1078). SUPPLIERS OILS AND PAINTERS' STORES TO THE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY ALUMINIUM PAINT (In Mb Tins). WE HAVE IT YOU WANT IT Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal fluid for cleaning and preservioi steam
      395 words
    • 478 12 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties, such as cooks, boys, amabs. ayahs, gardeners, clerks, conductors, shorthand typists, book-keepers, etc. Charges moderate. Also sborthand (Pitman b and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency, Agents Patal Co 9. Selegle Road. Singapore, 8 -4—
      478 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 346 12 Straits TBimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 282 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to bußineso matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be> addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of
      346 words