The Straits Times, 5 April 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,074 BINGAPORB. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 MILK KATZ BROS., Ltd. THE STORE FOR MEN'S WEAR. New J Latest Gl Mf j| i J9|j^^ Shapes. In the Latest Shades and Styles. Price, $2.75, $5.00, $6.50 each STOCKED IN ALL SIZES, S* TO fffi KATZ BROS., Ltd. ANOTHER BRITISH SUCCESS. f* LETTER FILES MADE IN ENGLAND Jo)** IN
      192 words
    • 466 1 Mis Master's Voice THE LATEST. Bric-a-Brac Watch Your Step! RECORDS. NEW RECORDS. GERTIE MILLAR BTHBL LEVY U-inoh double-Bided record*, 52.75 e«h. lainch donble-Bided record, 52.75. M o4BJi°y. Town Lionel Moncktcc MM7 Uly Bird of Paradi'e I Neville was a de»il Lionel Monckton al M/ Settle dow am r one horse
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    • 14 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. AOAMSOH. GIIFILLAN A CO. LTD tin. nr|i..i v.-l in Kii.l in>l)
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  • 1049 2 SURVIVORS' STORIES OF THEIR ESCAPE. Difficult Rescue Work. The Dover correspondent of the Daily News, writing on February 37, sayi The P. and O. Company's liner Maloja, 12,400 tons, was sunk today by striking a mine in the English Channel, within Bigot of Dover. She was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 599 2 Just received tmn Carey's Box Strapping, Solder, Corrugated Iron, Zinc Buckets, European and Japanese Acetic Acid, Wire Nails, Formalin, Tapping Knives, Linseed Oil, French Roofing Tilee, Asbestos Tiles, Veneer Cases, Castor Oil, Sodium Bisulphite, Arrack, Methylated Spirits, etc. S. J. JUDAH CO., Tbl. 1362 29, ROBINSON ROAD. 24 B—2B 4
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    • 955 2 NOTICE. How to solve servants' difficulties, such «s cooks, boys, amabs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, coi.duoton. aborthand typists, book- keepers, eto. Charlies moderate. Also shorthand Pitman s and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to tbe Straits Employment Agency, Agents Patal te Co., 9, Selegie Road. Singapore.
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  • 1173 3 INCRE\SING PRODUCTION AND ECONOMY. Dividend of I2| Per Cent. For The Year. Tbe sixth ordinary general meeting of the Oedong (I'erak) Robber Estate, Limited, was held on February 25, in tbe Council Room of the Robber Growers' Association, 88, Eastcheap. E.C., Mr. J.L. Loodoun Shand (chairman of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 435 3 I Debility 1 When you feel limp and washed out, weary f| If and fatigued with no inclination for exertion U h your body is in a run-down condition— you are A g debilitated. You need something to put fresh 5 g go into you you need a fortnight's Iron
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    • 208 3 PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO. Amateurs' Work Developing. Printing and Enlarging Repairing Cameras. KONG HINGCHEONG& COMPANY Adalphl Hot.l Buildings. Singapore Bransb at PoLaoß 16 31 5 16 0: Bovril makes other foods nourish you. It has a Body-building power proved equal to from 10 to 20 times the amount of Bovril taken.
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    • 261 3 NOW READY The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1916. Prioe IB.CO per oopy. 19.00, post free to places in Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis Trenggano, British North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei; to Siam, Saigon, Netherlandi India, eto., tt.SO pout free. Publishers: FRASER V NCAVE. LTD. THE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1081 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India Apcar L—inc. (COHPANIKS Inmißl' IKATKD IN En'ULAND). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with Hla Majesty a Oovermaent). for Ohina, Japan, Panang, Gaylon, Auatralia, India, Ad an, Egypt. Maditarranaao Ports and London, Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL
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    • 795 4 STEAMER MILIBtt. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD. (Incorporated in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisnt, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telnpin, Pa tan i, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsnen, Taku, Chumpon, Kotalak and Bangkok. Due Departure o.s. ASOANG Apr. 5, S p.m. •.BORIBAT Apr. IO 12,3 p.m. PARACHATIPOK 17 19,3
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    • 459 4 STEAMER MILWM. OCEAN STEAMSHIPCO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Bnoland) The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homeward? for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles,
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    • 536 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN UNI. A service is miintainid botwoen Yokohama, via pnrt-4, to M«rseilli>R and London under mitl o >ntract with tb* Imperial Japanese Government. Th~ New Twin-screw Stea-oers maintaining this service have been specially designed and osnstruoted, and
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  • 769 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April S, 1916. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. Tbe quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. Norn. Valci. Bdtibs. Silliu 3/- AII&K" 2/- -i 4i 4 1 Adklo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 571 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INOO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. (In. I HUM. IN KNiiLAND). Dlraot Sarvloa to Japan via Hong kong A Shanghai, and to Oaloutt* via Panang, from Singapore Taking o«iyo oa Uiruuyli Bill* o: l^al»i lor Canton Maoao, Swatow, Amoy,'a Tieotnin, Newchvito*. Yangtze Port* ho doii, the PbilippiDor, etc.,
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    • 164 5 Made in Dublin BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION b,READ BROTHERS. u»i,« QakJtfiaNlP Dog's Head Guinness SOLO KVKRVWHCRK. CRDEa !N FAMILY PACKAGES 1' BRITISH INOIA STEAM NAVIGATIOK COMPANY. LIMITED. APCAR LINE. FOR PENANG, R WOO )S CALCUTTA. Tbe Company's steamer FAZILKA. 4.152 tons, 'J. C. McNair, Comoaudtr, will be de*patebed tor the
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    • 111 5 "GREYHOUND" Brand Composition "GREYHOUND" Brand Composition for painting Ships' Bottoms, is now used by the most important Steamship lines, and has gained its position in spite of keen competition by sheer force of merit. "GREYHOUND" Brand Composition is not tainted with Enemy capital, but is BRITISH THROUGHOUT. ANTI-CORROSIVE COMPOSITION No.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 134 6 PIANOS TUNED and REPAIRED Cheap. Prompt. Thorough BY (Late or Thi Rciukson Tlno I o.) 100, Adelphi Hotel Buildings, NORTH BKIDGB ROAD. Any work personally attended to and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AN LI m jjb m^^ V^ Columns, I^&r^^^m^3^^ g !^??r*i i 11 Footings. -i^^SJJS^ffn i r^JL^JJala^afc-^*^ Balconies, a. Staircases, tffil,."
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    • 32 6 THIB i 18 MARK /Sk THE GUARANTEE of tbe Absolute Pnrity of cur Bottling* ot BURTON PILSENER AND QUINNESS'S STOUT. W. A. ROSS BROTHER, LTD. Bottling Specialists, LOHDOH, LIVERPOOL, KLFUT and LEITI.
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    • 728 6 NOTICES. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF 1 HE S [RATS SETTLEMENTS, SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE Originating Summons No. 10 of lfilfl. IN THE MATTER OF CHENG KIT NEO, LECBASEO, BETWEEN TAY SWEE KIM NEO (Married Woman) Plaintiff, AND ONG CHUAN GUAN Defendant. Purflnant to a Decree made in the abovo action
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    • 224 6 o*«"*y Qtpjjitc TimpQ Ppaqq I tri Hi *^*'vfe? i^«»M» 0 OUallo I Illlco il 000, Liu. \l ASK FOR £3 LAIRD 0' LOGAN A UIIIiCIIV I^. ffniOliii BONDINGS FROM 1880 TO 1900. fafe^M NO MONEY CAN PRODUCE BETTER OR OLDER. DISTILLERS: MACKIE CO., DISTILLERS, LTD., Lagivul.n and Malt Mill Diat
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  • 86 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, April 5. High Water, 0.12 p.m., 11.53 p.m. Thursday, April 6. rliph Water 0.51 p.m Friday. April 7. High Water. 0. II a.m.. 1.81 p.m. .Li-ram Kuantan mtg.. Barker's, 2.90 p.m Saturday, April 8. M'tti Water, 0.'.0 a.m., 2.14 p.m. (> -it ward mail expected.
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  • 228 7 To DAT. Ilatu I'abat Mona 2.80 pm Hongkong, Auioy and Swatow (ilenfalloch 2.30 pm Batn Pahat Mersing 2.30 pm fort Swettenham and Penang Ipoh 2.30 pm Medan Circe 2.80 pm Sarawak Mai OaaWM H.uf Sarawak 2.30 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Teluk Anson Kampar 2 :S0 pm
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  • 264 7 Tbe mail trains from Singapore* tor the north leave Tank Koad station daily at 7. 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.. arriving at Kuala Lump'i at 7.1 H p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Tbthrough express to Penany leaver Koali Lou-pur at 8 am. daily, arriving at P.uaos> at 8
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  • 62 7 Tin I' and O. outward mail steamer Namur has left Colombo and is due at Penang at 7 iiu U> morrow. She should arrive lieie on morning, and leave the same afternoon Tlir I. an>l <>. homeward intermediate Steamer Nora will now leave here at 3 p
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  • 93 7 Our atMilion haa btwa called to the fact ttu>; oar arrival* ia I. arc much behind tbote aiiMialmil i *li«rc. Our rut" is to giv.' arrivals I I officially i.itpmtui above Ui been ■C i ]orWd. IMTt SniGAI OKI. I Keb. 1- I I-Vli. J5 It.
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  • 269 7 Outward. Tbe following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per I',
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  • 394 7 Serious Outlook for the Jute Industry. The Calcutta jute mills are suffer ing from a scarcity of coal, a state of affairs wbicb promises to become serious very shortly un less quicker methods of transport are adopted by the railways concerned. On Saturday, says The Englishman
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  • 426 7 Country the Germans Could Not Colonise. In the north of tl,- former German colony of South West Africa there is a race of 1 ".0.000 people, known as ttie Ovambos, whom tli- Q«MH had been unable to conquer. Major 8. M. I'ritchari, the officer inchar^o of Native AtUirs in
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  • 182 7 EXCHANOB. gIMOArOBB, Al'Kll. 6, 1916, On Lorn Bank 4 m/s 2,4 1] Demand 2/4J Private 8 m/s a/4 i 7 On Francs Bank T. T. 3*25 On India Bank T. T 171, On Hoi. «KOH«...Bfcnk d/d 184 Oh Shax ,bai ...Bank d/d 82, Ok Java Bank T.
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    • 174 7 MI NING. c Buyers. Sellnn 10 10 Am pan a 6.00 I 1 Ayer Won» 0.86 0.50 10 10 Belat ISO 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.86 1.05 I 10 Kinta Association 5.00 II £1 Kinta Tin 1.6.0 1.12.6 11 1 Lahat Mines 425 10 9.35 Malayan Collieries 2.00 dis El
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    • 615 7 f. ne 5 L Bayers. Sellers. 7 line (J l I/- 2/- Allasat 2/- 2/6 II 41 Aneio-Jav* 1.0.0 15.0 1/ 2/- Anglo-Malaj 9/0 10/6 a/- Batons Malak* 2/0 8/El £1 Batn Tiga 3.0.0 8.15.0 I/. 2/- Bekoh 2/7 2/10 Cl 41 Bukit KaiMia 2 12.6 3 0.0 El
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    • 132 7 J?"P c Buyers. Sellers' Values!; Ml 41 B. Smelting Co. 8.40 8.60 41 41 a Prel. 1-4.0 1.8.0 5/- 5/- Hlectrio T'wayt 2/9 8/--10 10 Fraeer Neave 50.00 51.00 60 50 W. Hammer A Co. 80.00 SI. OO 100 Howarth Bnkioe 25.00 85.03 100 7%Prel. 85.00 100 100 Rats
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    • 61 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284 600 par Singapore Kloetrio Tramways 6 £860,000 norn S'poroMunicipal 6% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4+,% of 1907 11,600,000 90 98 Spore Municipal 4j% of 1909 11,000,000 90% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10%. 1 i* S'poro Municipal 4% £800,000 8%. I is I Tbe quotations of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 458 7 "THREE |~ibis| Castles j PACT. EC" CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) Also "Three Castles" Magnums. ON SALE EVERYWHERE. FRASER CHALMERS. LTD. (In'ChRI'ORATKD IN BN'.LANO) Eastern Branch: WINCHESTER HOUSE, Singapore, Are now in a position to manufacture Electro- Magnetic Separators For Tin-Wolfram and other magnetic ores. In addition to magnetite, which is highly magnetic,
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  • 33 8 The friends and relatives of the late Mr Tan Chay Van are respectfully informed that the interment of bis remains will take place at Malacca, on Sunday morning. April 9 next. 20 3-8-4
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  • 1045 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6. INDIA'S NEW VICEROY. The appointment of Lord Cbelmsford as Viceroy of India created somn surprise. Kor that groat post he is a comparatively young man— being still on the sunny side of fifty, and his experience Las not lain along the lines that are
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  • 11 8 The Chinese Volunteers at Ptnang had their first drill on Monday.
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  • 22 8 The Dispensary, Ltd., Penang, shows a profit of 91,510, compared with $3,198 last year. A dividend of 5 per cent, is recommended.
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  • 28 8 The Prime Minister of Queensland has received a cable from the Agent General stating that there were no Dominion or British troops on the French auxiliary cruiser Province.
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  • 55 8 The British Board of Trade tables (or 191 5 show that in 1918 Oreat Britain imported goods the value of £516 000 from Siam, in 1914 £814,000 worth, and in 1915 £1.615,000 worth, while the value of British bhipmeotit to Siam are, of coarse, down, baring fallen from £1.353,000 in
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  • 16 8 A naval band will play at the Botanical Gardens on Friday at 5 p.m., weather permitting.
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  • 34 8 The Erin, Sir Thomas J. Lipton's yacht, familiar to many ports of the world, is an auxiliary cruiser in the British navy, attached to tbe fleet that is guarding the North Sea against submarines.
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  • 45 8 Tbe Handelsblad states, regarding the pieces of bronze found in the Tubantia's boats, that torpedoes with bronzo air chambers are manufactured only by the firm of Schwatz Kopf. Berlin. Germany, Holland, Spain, Japan %nd some South American Republics are tbe only countries possessing such torpedoes.
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  • 55 8 Leading shipbuilding firms on the Tyne and the Clyde arc, it is understood, estimating for one or more steamers of about 500 ft. in length for the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Tbe vessels have to be of the most modern type, and suitable for the special requirements of
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  • 76 8 Many of the agents of the Bangkok Lottery have ceased to do business on the ground that it is not worth while continuing for a few days. In the case of those wbo are left it is "becoming customary to refuse small amounts, and to write a ticket for nothing
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  • 76 8 United States Census Bureau experts in Washington estimate that tbe population of tbe United States on January 1, last was 101,208,815. Tbe census estimate is that the population of the country is increasing at the rate of 4,438 a day 184 every honr and 3 1-15 persons evory minute. New
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  • 159 8 Mention is made, in another note today, of d'Annunzio. One wonders whether British people fully realise the part he played in the war. It was his tireless and persistent campaign, supported by tbe King and one or two patriotic editors, which did as much as anything to bring Italy definitely
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  • 191 8 Some of the reasons given by claimants for exemption from military service at home make quaint reading. One man advanced tbe excuse that he made a noise like a trotting horse in a picture house. That man's place is at the front ho may be quite useful there for frightening
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  • 207 8 Save in respect that Zeppelins manage from time to time to do a little damage in Britain, the Allies seem to have established a superiority in the air. Our men, that is to Bay, are better than their opponents. French and Italians have native nerve and daring. British airmen have
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  • 239 8 The story told in the third police court yesterday in support of the charge of stealing a large quantity of cigarettes from si ops and sUUs iv Chinatown, brought MJaWfl a ricksha puller named Taug Ah Teng, exposed a very ueat method of defrauding the way side tobacconists. Numerous complaints
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  • 420 8 Sir John Anderson crossed the Channel the day previous to the torpedoing of the Sussex. Mr. F. S. Monteith, late manager of Melville Estate, Labis, has gone as superintendent on Mengkibol Estate, Kluang. Tbe Bishop of Singapore said farewell yesterday to the Hey. F. W. Haines and
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  • 144 8 Thore appears to be an impression iv Singapore that European applications to the F.M.S. War Loan will not be favoured by the F.M.S. Government. This impression is wrong. At the Federal Council meeting on March 28, the High Commissioner spoke as follows on the reading of
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  • 99 8 Tho Editor of an esteemed contemporary in Java wires us as follows Your brilliant article on Dutch opinion has been translated by vs many thanks. This is perfectly spontaneous, as we made no effort to draw attention to the article in question, which appeared in tho Straits Times,
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  • 107 8 The German steamers which have been sheltering in the Tagus since the outbreak of war have been seized and the Portuguese flag hoisted over them. The reason given is that they might seek to escape, as some other vessels have essayed to do. The two
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  • 130 8 >-i Saturday and Sunday there was considerable delay to tne train service \> hw Ipoh and Penang occasioned by sumowhat heavy Quoding of the line between Kamunting and Kriau ltoad, ii ports the Times of Malaya. Heavy rains in the distiict uiu said to hare Hooded
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 163 8 Rone. 0 steel cabinets FOR r BULKY BOOKS. Fitted with one to 'i i J^^lnSl ten roller shelves, ad- v justable every half I^^^^^SS inch, and fireproof c<? s£B£E2 collapsible curtain. f I^3. ON SHOW AT M i JOHN LITTLE'S (INCORPORATED IN BNGLAND) is now proceeding. CATALOGUE OF BARGAINS ON
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    • 134 8 ALHAMBRA Beach Road, Tbe Leading Theatre in Singapore. Manager, M H. KonyonSlade. GFO. W. SALINGER AND OL6A CARNEGIE IN THEIR Great Spectacular and Sensational SPIDER WEB DANCE A s performed by them at the Opera House, London, THE BRAZILIAN MAXIXE, THB PARISIAN TANQO, THE AMBRICAN RAO, ETC. au|m*ata* by Emotional
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 7 and 11.
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  • 1847 9 FRENCH SUCCESS. The Efforts at Verdun Checked. ANOTHER AIR RAID. Zeppelins On The North East Coast. Rcctir's Tblbgiam>. London, April 3, 5 p.m. Paris The French are gaining the upper hand in tbe lighting in the Vaux region. A communique says: The battle was continued at night time
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  • 72 9 Rei'TKK's TKLE..KA.M. London, April 4, 1.30 p.m. Bombay Tbe new Viceroy, Lord Cbelmsford, has arrived and was welcomed by rousing acclamations from multitudes of people. There was a very brilliant gathering including native princes, the Governor of Bombay and naval and military officers. A procession attended by
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  • 19 9 Rbctik's Tklcobam. London, April 4. The Hon. and Rev. Edward Lyttelton has resigned from the headmantership of Eton.
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  • 29 9 (From Our Own Cuhkksl'undknt.) Penang, April 4. The Perak River Valley Rubber Company declares a first dividend of 5 per cent., payable on April 15.
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  • 363 9 RETURN OF THE AURORA Rcutbk's Tklkhkams. London, April 8, 6.25 p.m. Donedin Mr. Stenbouse was welcomed at the harbour. [n a speech, ho paid be was fully confident that Sir Ernest Shackleton would wiu through. He did not doubt that the landing party would manage to lay depots
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  • 139 9 Post-War Protective Measures Suggested. (Fhom Och Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. April 4. At the Selangor Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, Mr. Clodd, tbe chairman, emphasised tbe necessity for post- war protective measures for British trade. He advocated a uniform Imperial coinage with a rupee unit as likely to
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  • 279 9 Another View on Government's Concession. The Hon. E. Macfadyen, writing in tli Malay Mail, says Sir Edward Brockman has drawn attention to the fact that a full half-year's interest is to be paid on F.M.S. War Bonds on November 1. Tbe value of this concession is perhaps
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  • 71 9 A London telegram to Australia, bearing date March S, aays An Allied Trade ton ference will sit in Paris at tbe end of Maßh Tbe British Government will propose a strong offensive and defensive anti enemy trade alliance. A prominent commercial man has helped to draft the proposal, and forecasts
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  • 476 9 Dealt with under Government Control. In view of a telegram on tbis page to d*y the following from the Sydney Sun, of March 5, will be read with interest The development of tbe scheme to deal with all Australian metal products through specific channels undnr direct Government control,
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  • 518 9 Arrest of Prominent Portuguese Lawyer. A considerable sensation was caused in Portugut se circles in Shanghai on March 18, says the N. C. Daily News, by the arrest, and tbe circumstances of it, of Mr. C. J. da Silva. a prominent Portuguese lawyer. The matter seems to
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  • 93 9 With reference to the Dutch sugar producing companies in Java, and the Dutch East Indieb generally, a prominent banker in Amsterdam expresses tbe view that the year has been an extraordinarily favourable uue for them, the increase in profits being estimated at abont fl. 95,000,000. He points out that tbe
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  • 2181 9 SAVING OUR PENNIES TO WIN THE WAR. From Our Special Correspondent. London, March 8. The much-advertised and long-expected national noimj campaign has burst on us at last with almost M ;'reat a > eusation as attended another campaign an erstwhile Chancellor of the Exchequer announced his
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  • 334 10 Merchant Tries Lady Clerk and Is Disappointed. Fourteen thousand appeals under tbe Derby scheme or the Military Service Act have been lodged with the City of London tribunal, due to tbe fact that tbe tribunal has undertaken to deal with cases from the provincial branches of firms who
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  • 198 10 The Elbe Blocked with Mines Before the War. A seaman, formerly employed on the City of Berlin, has returned to bis home at Bristol after being a prisoner in Germany since the commencement of tbe war. On August 1, 1914, when his ship was near Heligoland she was
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  • 98 10 Singapore Para.— 85,430 lbs. Inch Kenneth —19,500 lbs. Glenshiel.-20,900 lbs. Kajang- 10,150 lbs. Sungei Kamal Syndicate.— 2,9lo lbs. Tapah. 22.121 lbs. three month 80,338 lbs. Bertam.— ss,ooo lbs. Johore Para.— 12,845 lbs. Bukit Sembawang.— 46,7oo lbs. Singapore United.— 3B,3oo lbs. Anglo J0h0re.— 15,383 lbs. to date 235,841
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  • 105 10 Tbe death of the late Lieut. Rowan Shaw, a member of the liar of tin- Ipoh Supreme Court, wan referred to on Monday in feeling terms before Mr. Justice Farrer Manby at Ipoh. There was a full attendance of mem bers of tbe Bar. and
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  • 1236 10 SOME COMPARATIVE NOTES. By a Hongkong Visitor. i A visitor, familiar with some Eastern ports, in naturally curious as to tbe progress made during tbe pant decade in this important outpost of Empire. Cariosity prompts enquiry, and reflection suggests a comparison witb places which lay some claim
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    • 28 10 The Garrison Golf Club monthly medal competitions for April will be played off as follow Men's on Saturday and Sunday (Struts. Lad-os on Thursday, the 18th (Bogey).
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    • 114 10 Tbe team selected by the Straits Chinese Football Association to meet a Shropshire eleven pat np a most creditable performance on tbe Esplanade last evening. They lost the toss and faced tbe son daring the first half, but for all that the soldiers at times were hard pressed to
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    • 84 10 A billiard tournament has been in progress in the Singapore Catholic Club and tbe final stage in tbe B class single handicap has now been reached. The final tie will be played off to morrow, at 8 p.m. between Messrs. C. A I'hipps and W. H. Mosbergen. For this
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    • 394 10 The result of yesterday's play in the Ladies Lawn Tennis Club tournament was as follows Lapik-.' BatJßMa, Mrs. Brooke and Miss Tabor rec. 15 heat Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Braddell rec. 15.4, w.o. Mrs. Lowtber Kemp and Miss Pasea 15 beat Mrs. Skey and Miss Abrams 4, 4—6,
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  • 161 10 Daring the bombardment of Verdan throe men who bad just finished the packing of a mine were proceeding to the surface, when an 18-inch shell blew in tbe roof of the gallery. They thought their last boar had come. One drew his revolver for the purpose of
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  • 2223 10 ANNUAL REPORT OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The Past Year Reviewed. The following extracts are from the ninth annual report of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce, which is signod by Mr. H. I. C'lodd as chairman Twelve committee and the two statutory general meetings were hold during the year.
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  • 841 11 Hearing of Dismissed Servant's Claim. Id tlic Supreme Court this morning, before Mr. Justice Karnshaw, there came up for hearing a caw in which Mr. Andrew Brunei Klyne claimed payment of 12,326.63 from the Municipal Commisnioners, being tbe amount of his contribution* and donations standing to bis
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  • 23 11 Mr. W. Adi-uU. >>f Sua Manuka Estate, is now Imi In ufa'Daot in tbe Middlesex Hmmis. H" is at pr... ot training iv
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  • Correspondence.
    • 167 11 To tbe EJitor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l beg to draw the attention of the Municipal Commissioners very much to tbe dangerous sUte of Oxley Rise. I don t mean the road itself, but the fenceless part of it. From opposite tbe Synagogue entranoe down to Tank
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  • 338 11 British Chamber of Commerce At Work. At a time when the question of tbe protect'on and extension of British trade is being diecassed in comDiercial circles it may be interesting, says Tbe Standard, to hear what is t»ioK done by the British trade communities in the treaty ports
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  • 319 11 Internal Volcanic Explosions In Distant Suns. In lin second lecture on the Liylit of tht Stars, the Astronomer Kojal, Sir K. \V. Dyxon, spoke on February 17, at the Royal institution, about tbe variable stars. He begin with tbe best known of tliem. Algol, wliicli sonietimm
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  • 65 11 Mrs. A. R. T. Dewar acknowledge* witii ui»uy thankfi, the folluwiD« sabscriptiona and donations to the Officer*' Families Fund March *üb.... Mr. S v Loiian 125 O. N. All, n S April sub Mr. S. ft Lo«aa 25 U. N. Alieo S Boxca per Mrs. Fountoej
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 73 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Prouramu) nf drills, etc.,. lor week ondioK, Prulay, Ajri! 7 WkliNKKUAY, Al ML 6. S.15 p.m. S.|u»U Headquar Motor Cyclist Uth Section. Prill Hall VetoruiB Co. 1'bineeeCo. 5 p lu. Mal»y (Jo. Thu>m>ay, Aikil 6. Nil. Khimi, Aikil 7. 6.15 p.m. I>nll Ukil S V.A. Maxim Co.
      73 words
    • 514 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALB, teak dining room suite iv Jacobean style, by Robinson Co. Suite comprises sideboard, dinner waton, four chsim, two screens. Rate leg dining table, two flower pot stand*, one r. aod-backed arm chair, one ottoman, obo writing bireaa, one smoker's cabinet, one «m%ll gatelffi table, one very
      514 words
    • 145 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PAY l Nil GUESTS. Rooms for two bachelor-* si paying gnesti. Honse c'oae to town. Tenois. Apply to Box No. 281, Straits Times. 6-4—ll-4 INDO-CHI N A STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. Tho Company's Steamer KOOKSANG, 8,100 tons, T. A. Mitchell, Commander, is dne here
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  • 1795 12 SUFFERINGS OF PARIS THROUGH BISMARCK'S POLICY. Britain's Blockhead Blockade. Mr. A. M. Thompson (Dangle) gives tbe following recollections of what Germany inIlictt '1 on I'ans in tbe five months' siege there. Tbey point their own moral. The Germans have in this war done many lar v '<
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  • 401 12 Problem of Providing New Capital. Mr. r \V. Hirst, editor of the Economist, spoke on February 15, at tbe London School ot Economics, on the future supply of capital to our Colonies. Sir Charles Addis, who presided, said tbe reported establishment of a Central European illverein
    401 words
  • 32 12 A Bangkok paper says that the army uiaun'uvrt n wbiuli began on March 15 and t-udol on tin 20tl'. MM on a larger seal* than in previous year*, and pruved very Duccewiful.
    32 words
  • 1287 12 THE GERMAN OFFENSIVE IN THE WEST. A Tottering Empire. Co). F. N. Maude, C.8.. writes in The Stan dard as follows For tbe last four months at least special correspondents stationed at many points along the Dutch frontier have warned as to expect a renewed outburst of
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  • 516 12 Saving British Wounded From Death. A soldier tells of how a German priest, under a fusillade of fire from tbe British, rushed to the assistance of some of oar wounded and ministered to them in tbeir dying moments. It happened in a recent engagement in which
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  • 421 12 Introduction of the Election Principle. Among the business that is being done by the Legislature during the extra session, says the Manila correspondent of the N. C. Daily News, is tbe consideration of the bill for a new charter for tbe City of Manila. It
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 1091 13 V. Harris Deans writes in the Daily Chroniclo One of the few places where the communal system really exists is, appropriately enough, in France: that part of France officially known as somewhere. As far as the receiving of parcels is concerned there are no lonely soldiers in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 435 13 /v^K M, Here's w fe^T Where V We Excel. FRAMROZ Co. Acetic Acid Tapping Knives Latex Cups Mosquito Netting Momi Cases Barbed Wire Sodium Bisulphite and all Estate requirements. QUOTATIONS FROM THE ASIATIC SUPPLY TRADING CO., The Dispensary Building. ESTATE AGENTS. 6 3a— 6 6 AUCTION SALE Of I S
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    • 183 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to /O^-^V and to THE MUNICIPALITY m^^m ™E GOVERNMENT of yl^wy of SINGAPORE \^T^o/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon" Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 547 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated im Straits Settlements) HKAOOFFICCi Wmohsitsi- Houia, lingapors. LONDON O-FICEi 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has J820.000 deposited with tbe Supreme Court
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    • 385 14 INSURANCE. LIMITED. LONOOh. (Incorporated in Enoland). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds 18,260,000 Annual Inoome .41,100,000 The undersigned, Agents for the abovi Company, are prepared to accept fire anc Earthquako risks for short periods of ten dayi as longer periods it current rates to be namec on application to PATBRBON,
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    • 488 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honokono). PaID DP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RBSBRVB FDNDB Sterling 41,600,000 at I/- 116,000,000 Bilver ,18,000,000 •88,0004)00 Re«e»ve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS W. L. Pattenden, Bsq Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. O. T. M. Bdkins, Bsq Hon. Mr. D.
      488 words
    • 510 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA INCORPORATED IN ENOLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 90,000 Shares ol 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 *to£?rve Li-.Liility of Proprietors... £1.300,000 BANKBRS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank. Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
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    • 767 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incorporated in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITBD. ASSETS exceed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Pohcy-holdera at laet Valuation $1,116,878. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE HMOH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHERSON, Secretary tor
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  • 905 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Position of User and Maker. 1 It is impossible to give a numerical estimate of the demand for industrial motors now and in 1914, says a writer in The Times, but it is the belief of representative manufacturers that the orders
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  • 152 15 The fifteenth general meeting of tbe Siam Steam Navigation Co, Ltd., was held on March 28 at the Company's office. The chairman proposed the adoption of the statement of accooanta and directors' report including the declaration of a dividend of five per cent, for tbe half
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 136 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the Br.tish War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, L- ndon, E. C, CONTRACTORS TO H.M WAR OFFICE.: MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S. A TOILET ARTICLE known throughout the Malay Peninsula MAYNARDS ORIENTAL HAIR-WASH
      136 words
    • 304 15 A WORD Ji ON TYRES, TO OWNERS OP trio r»i.f» on I «it»c <♦>?»« V.*\ AllltM Itdll Ldl IS l%fswWsm vi r j Dunlo.' Headqvarters, Singapore. My Dear Sirs, It occurs to me that you may possibly be unaware of the substantial reductions that have just been made in the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 516 16 A. B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL LIQUEUR WHISKY. As supplied to both Houses of fjßTVnr^fiKi Parliament t; v OBTAINABLE FROM' ALL 0 FIRST-GLASS DEALERS. Soler;Ag«uts: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN fl") H ,3 in England) 1= J, Singapore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, SMART INTELLIGENT EUROPEAN, abont 22 y* ars, with thorough
      516 words
    • 521 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE, a MOTOR-CAR, 10 hp Standard Light car, 1914 model, in ti rat-class order. K J. Blair, Cable Depot 4-4—5-4 FOR SALE, one B inch transit theodolite and stand, also chains, scales, etc. Owner leaving the Colony. Apply to 81, Tack Road. 15-B—l4-4 COCONUT SEBDLINOS FOR
      521 words
    • 679 16 HOUSEB TO LET. TO LBT, Mo. 7*B, Institution" Hill. Apply to Le» Cbeog Tao a Co 10, Malacca itn*'. B.»— a TO LET. 8, Chancery Lane, 8 bedrooms, xtablintt and tennis court. Apply Ching Kong Lee a Co. 21-9— a TO BE LET, Compound House, 102, River V»lley Road, from
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    • 676 16 NOTICE. I am instructed to advertise tbat tbe KELANTAN PRODUCE AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, went into voluntary Liquidation on January 18, 1916, and the Liquidator JAMES URB, E«q., of 59- 01, Nkw Oxfobd Stbht, London, W.C. has requested me to advertise tbat all claims against the Company shou'd be forwarded
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    • 421 16 GUAN KIAT CO.. 87, Philip Sthkkt. Telephone Nos. 1174, 11*8, 1238. (Private 1460 and 1078). Ship Chandlers, Hardware Dealers, Government and Municipal Contractors. General Importers and Exporters, Estate, Rice and Saw Mill Suppliers. PRICE IS ALWAYS A STRONG ATTRACTION FOR CUSTOMERS. WE KNOW HOW TO COMBINE QUALITY AND PRICE. QUALITY
      421 words
    • 447 16 KIAM KIAT CO. Nos. 10H and 109. Market Street. JUST RECEIVED Big Shipment of Hub* buck's Coloured Faints. PRICES REASONABLE. To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alteration* advertisements, such as changes in sailing dates of steamers, often reach us too late to be complied with, we wish to refer advertisers
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 343 16 Straits ISimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should bo addressed to THE EDITOR. All] communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellanooos nants of
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