The Straits Times, 28 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,007 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MARCH 28. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 134 1 MILK SLEDGE BRAND MILK ALL comes from Cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps pastures. The quality, therefore, may be rflied upon to be always of that unrivalled standard of excellency which has gained for Sledge Brand the first place among all Canned Milks. It is most important that Milk
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    • 150 1 AMERICAN REFRIGERATORS ICE-CHESTS HM^HESHBm Perfect {K'lli!! BB^B*^-; mSSt^M^^Bßi^M Insulation. jjflHi'' «l£ f- >~ WW i> ilmH^Llmm Zino Umn !^H ''I l' BWp^lmwW^^^Bb Fittad l^H I i- B^B^jJflH^^^H^^fl with CaatOPS. "'t^B- -2^ ffVi' REFRIGERATORS. ICE-CHESTS. Height. Width Height. Width. 43 ins. x 24 ins 25 ins x 24 ins. 4b x27
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    • 14 1 NARTELL'S BRANDY. Sou AoiNi'i: ADAMBON. BILFILLAN CO., LTD (Incorporate in Kn B l
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  • 826 2 A LOAN ASSOCIATION CASE AT HONGKONG. The Chief Justice Puzzled. Amahs are very versatile beings, and the most dense- looking of their number may be the head of a flourishing money loan association, skates the Hongkong Daily Press. Two of their number figured in an action at
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  • 218 2 Admiralty Refuse to Issue A Distinctive Badge. Tbe Imperial Merchant Service Guild has not succeeded in inducing tbe Admiralty to iuae a distinctive war badge (or the officers of merchant ships that are not taken over by the Admiralty. Officers of ships taken over have been given
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 207 2 Just received i^ A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SODIUM BISULPHITE S. J. JUDAH CO., Til 1381 29, ROBINSON ROAD 24 2—26 8 WEILL ZERNER PARIS SINQAPORS LONDON Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, Precious Stones and Watch Dealers. WATCHES. A tine assortment of Wristlet Watches has just been received in silver, gold 14
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    • 390 2 WET WEATHER RHEUMATISM. Why should rheumatism, a disease of tbe blood, be worse in wet weather than in dry I Tbe rheumatic poison in tbe blood is the predisposing cause of the disease. If yon have the taint in your blood you may have rheumatism whenever tbe excitiDg cause stirs
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    • 914 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE BPRIN6 MCE MEETING (Under 8.8.A. Bul»* of Boeing), WILL Bl HELD JN Tuesday May 1 B.Thuraday, May 1 8, and Saturday, May 90, 1918. PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tueaday, May 18,1018. 1. THE OPENING STAKES 2.45 p.m. Value WOO and $50 to the Second Hone. A Soiling
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    • 791 2 NOTI i The attention of owner* called to Rule 13S. whioh makes the hour for Soratohing B p.m. on the DAY BEFORE the Rao*. Owuers of Grifflns are entitled to enter for either of tbe following series of Races Varna Striu No. 1 First Day— Race No. 4. Seoond Day—
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  • 797 3 Profit of Over $11,000 for The War The sixth report of tbe directors to tbe shareholders of tbe ISatang Benar Rubber Co., Ltd., state* Your directors beg to submit a duly audited statement of account* for tbe year ended December 81, 1916. Tbe profit on rubber production
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  • 156 3 French genius, it is said, baa solved partially at least tbe problem of an invisi Die" aeroplane by tbe employuitnt of an amalKam called "oellon" wbicb is composed of cellulose and acetic acii, tbe composition being a transparent substance of rubber like pliancy, toughness and fume resisting powers.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 296 3 CUTICUIU_SHAMNG Is Up-to-Date Shaving for Sensitive Skins. Trial Free. Pn>t»r* ra«or. Dtp braati In bot waur and mb on Cutkura Soap (Me cv«). Tb*n make Utber on face and nib Id lof a moment with lloncm. Makrawrond lathmng and »h»ve. Rub bit of Cullcura ointment ovrr ahavra paru (and on
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    • 145 3 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Which lias now borno the Stamp of Public Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. ENO'S FRUIT SALT PLEASANT TO TAKE, REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING. IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet Eating or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic or Gouty
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 773 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Mpcar Lsiine. (Companies Ini orpukatkd in Enoland), MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PfeNINSULfcR AND ORIENTAL SAILING!. i Under Contract witb Hit Majesty Government). for Ohina, Japtn, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Ad an, Kgypt, 0 Meditsppßnaan Ports and London. Htetmirs will leave Singapore on or
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    • 286 4 COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. (Incorporated in Enolxn-d) THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) BETWEEN Fremantl* (Parth), North Wast Australian Ports, Java and Singapore Regu'ar sailings between Singapore and Western Australia calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port for
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    • 770 4 BTBWH BAILINB3. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imoorporatid in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kro'ay, Ttiagganu, BUut, Sem?rak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telnpin, Patani, Singora, L»3on, Kobaaoui, B*ndon, Lsngsueo, Takn, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure s.s. PR4GHATIPOK Mar. 39, 8 p.m. NO STEAMER Mar. SO Apr. 1, 8 p.m. SB. VUOALA
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    • 475 4 STEAMER BAILINJB. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Imcorpobateo in England) The Companies' steamers are despatcbt d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan i homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and
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    • 527 4 STEAMER SACINBS JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A sorvice is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail ointraot with th* Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this sorvioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted witb all
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  • 126 5 FIXTURES Tuesday, March 28 High Wa«er 3.«'2 a ra.. I.U p.") The Scampi. Victoria Theatr*. Wednesday, March 29. High Water. 6.44 a.m., 8.34 n ra The Scirapn, Victoria Theatre. Thursday, March 30. High Water. 7.M i.m.. 9.1S rm. Tlir Scamps, Victoria Thnatrn. Friday, March 31. High Water
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  • 175 5 eXCHANOB. SmoAPoaa, Mahiii 2d, 1916 Ow^Lomo. Bank 4 m,' B... n» Demiuid i x »*rivat« 8 a</i 2/4J3 On France Bank T. T. 824 Oh Inuu Bank T. T 174j On UoNuicoMa...Bank d/d 14 On Shanohai ...Bank d/d 83,; On Java Biuk T. T 188 On Jap
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  • 49 5 Oar attention lias boen ci.l!ed to tL< fact that our arrivals in London are much behind those published elsewhere. Oar rale is to give arrivals only when they are officially reported in the Post Offios notices, and do later .late than that printed above ha I been so retorted.
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  • 62 5 LI)T SINOAI'ORI. U K.b. 12 M. M. Keb. 18 P O. Feb. B. I. hVb 2« M. K. Mar. 3 P. *O. Mar. 10 B. I Mar. 17 I ft O. Mar. 17 M. M. Mar. M B. Mar tl M. M. i K IN LO! March
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  • 514 5 To-DAY ''cnaii',' Anjou 2 30 pm T»rt Id. ksnn and Port Swi.ttcnli.tiij Krian 2.30 pm I'ort Swrttenlijin. IN o au ami Mii.lra" taking mails for Durban U. Apcar 2.30 pm Malacca and Mnar Lady Weld Hpm Kota Tinggi Tanjony Sarat 4 pm To morrow. I'nlati Batatu ami
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  • 69 5 Tlk I', anil O. homeward mail steamer Novara baa loft Hongkong and may be I'xptvU-'l to arrive here at 6 a.i to morrow She nails at H a.m. on Friday, March 81. The N. Y. K. steamer Ilirano Mara ;irru. I Mi warning, and will Hail for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 416 5 UfEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. TWO JUNIOR ASSISTANTS for Rubber Estate. Previous experience not necewary. Apply in writing to Box No. 371, Straits Times. 28-B— SO 8 FOR SALE, large E.n.iuau ithidmce standing high, extensive view, lofty cool rooms, two public, six others, with fonr bath rooms and storerooms in basemen*. Convenient
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    • 282 5 OE3 Qffl RXo? 8 Be \r \rt aei Sa a<6 cJm ac lj ua r^. t_j W. D. H. O. WILLS S 99 THE NEW SMOKING MIXTURE DE LUXE es g« A PERFECT PIPE TOBACCO OFALLTHB LEADING BL IB ss fs is 9^ fa i i HIGHEST-GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. kerosene;
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    • 448 5 MORTGAGEE'S SALE On Monday, April S, aat 2.30 p.m. Valuable frt« hold cocoon- plantation situate eff Paya L bar Koau, sirjyapore, estimated to c ctain an area of 21 fijuare acres and comprised in 'irantn Nos. 208 and 'ill ard part of Grant No. »8. CHING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers.
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  • 1135 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, MARCH 28. WHAT IS THE LIMIT? One wonders whether there is any limit to German perfidy. Pare "ft ightfulness," we could understand if it were straight and masculine. But the Germans descend to things that are not masculine. The Appam was taken by a ship which
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  • 14 6 Messrs. Solomon and Co. forward as a copy of their new and artistic calendar.
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  • 37 6 There will be a service in English at the Johore Church on Sunday, April 2, at 9 a.m. A Naval band will play in the Botanical Gardens on Wednesday, the 29th inst., at 5 p.m., weather permitting.
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  • 17 6 The Federal Council meet in Kuala Lumpur to-day, the High Commissioner, Sir A. H. Young, K.C.M.G., presiding.
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  • 24 6 The I'enang Chamber of Commerce intend approaching the Government with a request to extend the hours for business at the wireless telegraph station there
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  • 38 6 A fatal accident occurred at Seremban on Saturday afternoon, a hired motor car colliding with a bicycle in Birch Road near Messrs. Wbiteaway, Laidlaw's new premises, and the Chinese rider of the bicycle being killed on the spot.
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  • 40 6 The Mitsui Bussan Kaisua forward a couple of artistic advertising posters for the forthcoming Taiwan (Formosan) Industrial Exhibition and inform us that the NY K. and O.S.K. are preparing to issue special return tickets at a discount rate for visitors.
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  • 47 6 The ladies who are assisting the St. Andrew's Cathedral Choir, for the rendering of the Crucifixion, in HOI 7 Week, are reminded that the next practice will take place in the Cathedral at 5.15 p.m., on Thursday next, the 30th inst. A full attendance is earnestly desired.
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  • 73 6 Nearly all the residential houses in Kuala Lumpur which were vacant a few months ago have now been let, and several people are on the look-oat (or suitable houses. When the war is over and the soldier men come back the Malay Mail thinta there will probably be a bouse
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  • 73 6 Much interest was shown in a murder case in the Criminal Court when judgment was given this afternoon, says the liangkok Times of the 23rd inst. One Ai Lai, who was found guilty of murdering a woman and her daughter at Samsen, accused Luang Satban Bhidaks of having instigated the
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  • 78 6 The P. and O. mail steamer Mooltan which arrived at Bombay on March 14 bad the invoices of mail parcels which were lost on board the Maloja. The invoices show that the Maloja had on board 1,019 insured and 4,226 ordinary parcels coining from London. It had also on board
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  • 82 6 Sergeant Neil Morrison, late of the 2nd Camerons, Bangalore, and now lieutenant, sth Battalion of the same regiment, has been awarded the distinguished conduct medal for conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty between June and December, 1915, in laying wires in the open continually in full view of the enemy
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  • 96 6 At a meeting of the committee of tho Penang Chamber of Commerce, it was resolved to address Government pointing out that export of gunny bags to the Netherlands Indies is only allowed when articles ore consigned to British Consular officers in Netherlands Indies, but the Harbour Master has discretion temporarily
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  • 122 6 We remarked the other day that the German Bureau for the Manufacture of Colossal Victories was not maintaining its form. It began too well. Having sunk the British fleet before the war had well begun, it left itself handicapped. But it did somo fine work for quite a long time
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  • 171 6 The Germans and Bulgarians, says a wire this morning, have been driven clear of Greek territory. And King Ferdinand must be seeing his plans beginning to go all awry once again. He bad an idea recently that he was to be crowned King of Macedonia, at Ochrida, and bis chances
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  • 171 6 Lord N'orthclinVs statement that (ierman prisoners admit to being glad to get away from the ferocious English, read in coujunc tion Kith earlier statements, reflects the seriousness of the German position. The story told by a German officer of the wreak of the whole Verdun plan nan bad enough from
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  • 429 6 Tho Rev. H. B. Mansell leaves for .lava on March 31. Mr. W. H. BragK, of Batu Ti K a, and Mrs Bragg have returned from borne. Lieut. Sneosby, R.E., and family leave Singapore this week for Europe by the P. and O. Novara. Mr. Cecil Rae,
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  • 33 6 We have to acknowledge *.i 0 fcr this fund from A Tamil Friend iht J. P. A., and have forwarded it to the treasurer of the fund.
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  • 52 6 The following is the result of crushing operations for the four weeks ended March 25. Bukit Koman. stone crushed 6, 429 tons, gold obtained T">B ozh., average per ton 2.358 dwts. Bukit Malacca, atone i-tu-lu I l/_Wi tons, !>old obtained 87.'! ozs. average per ton
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  • 67 6 The fallowing telegram, received by the General Officer Commanding, is published in the hope that it may meet the eye of the person for whom it is intended South African records to (ieorge Henrys Courtneys, Malay Straits Settlements. G. 119 regret inform you Courtney 759 S.H
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  • 119 6 Singapore Fighter." May wi repeat the announcement we mode yesterday i* Mr Alma Baker inforas us that MesHrs. C. F. F.and T. J. B. W< arne of Messrs. Wearne Brothers, have generously subscribed 110,000 towards the cost of a "Fighter" aeroplane to be called the Singapore." Mr. A. K. Baddeley
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  • 157 6 A Pioneer cable, ditcd London, March 17 states The Central News correspondent at Amsterdam says that although reports of the burning of German dead in blast furnaces is contradicted he has obtained the ovidencc of an eye- witness, a Belgian resident ol Seraing, who, despite strict orders
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 B CLARETS. Yin Ordinaire Medoc M St. Emilion St. Julien St. Estephe punt* Ch.Leoville Ch, Larose Cb. Lafite Ch. Haut Breton PALDBECK. MAGGREGOR GO. Wine and Spirit Merchant*. "If CRAWFORD'S OLD SGOTGH WHISKY Per case of U qr». $1 4.00 '"1 ICUTT KXTRA). „^^^^j SOLE AGENTS: jfij JOHN LITTLE CO.,
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    • 193 6 JkLHAMBRA Beach Road. TUe House ot Quality Tne Home of Feature Attractions. The Leading Theatre in Singapore. Manager, M. H. Kenyon Slade THE FAMOUS PLATERS FILM CO. PRIBINTB The I>i*tiDKQ>Bhed American Actor WILLIAM FAHNUM of The Sign of the Oroaa Fame THE REDEMPTION OF DAVID CARSON In 4 Parts. A
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  • 619 7 THE ALLIES' WAR COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL SHIPPING CASUALTIES. Rictkr's T(lboram>. London, March 27, 6.20 a.m. Paris Mr. Asquith and the other British delegates to the Allied War Conference have arrived and were ovated. The Daily Telegraph says it is understood that Mr. Bonar Law is to attend the Allies
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  • 42 7 Rrctrr's Trleokams. London, March 27, 12.55 p.m. Washington The escape of Villa from the Mexican forces is announced by the United States leader, General Perching. He ia taking to the uijuntaina near Mamiqaipa and American cavalry are pursuing him.
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  • 65 7 (From oik Own Cobkkspondint.) Information has just boen received that a destructive tornado has swept over the Trong, Selama and Taiping districts. Lar^a forest trees were uprooted at Selama and thrown on estates. One estate h rep-vrt 4 to have lost over 800 trees. At Troo
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  • 488 7 Music and Mirth at the Victoria Theatre. If the Victoria Theatre had been crowded U-t ui-ht it would have been no more than the Scamps deserved, for anyone wbo had fault to find with the entertainment must te hard to please. There were points about the tir t
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  • 155 7 The installation meeting of Batu Bertanda Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall, Koala Lumpur, on Saturday, when Bro. J. G. T. Pooley was installed W. M. M. for the ensuing year and invested his officers as follows 1 I. M Wor. Bro. F. H. English;
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  • 89 7 The death has occurred, in his 87th year, at Cowes, ol Captain Frank Spencer, the oldest yacht master of the port and widely known in yacht racing circles forty yean ago. Among many yachts which he bad coiuiuamlui were Mr. James Ashbury's two famous schooners, the Cambria and the Livonia,
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  • 278 7 Those taking part in the Imperial Trans antarctic Expedition, according to the latest list available are as follow Weddell Sea Party Sir Ernest H. Sbackleton, leader of the Expedition Mr. Frank Wild, second-in-command, in charge of provisions Mr. Gpor«f! MarstoD, io charge of general stores, artist Mr.
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  • 135 7 An ingenious device for carrying letters across the German frontier is stated to have been discovered reoently. A Dutch nurse, who waa returning from Germany to Holland, made the acquaintance in the train of another nurse who professed to have been working for the German Red Cross. She had, however,
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  • 697 7 Alleged Illegal Use of liquor Labels. Yesterday afternoon in the District Court* Mr. R. Scott bad before a case in which a Chinese 1 named Ong Swee Gaan wa« pro oeeded against in connection wtth the infringement x>f a well known tradA mark. The primary chargo
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  • 852 7 Interesting Lecture at The KM.C.A. That the social and religious oustous of the multitudes of the Middle Kingdom are vastly interesting to many people was evidenced by thoVcrowd that attended Mr. Tan Teck Soon's lecture at the V.M.C.A. last night. The Chief Justice (Sir John Buckmil, Kt'.l
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  • 198 7 The leading Chinese doctors wbo have received foreign training and Western degrees have reoently formed themselves in the National Medical Association with a view to conserve their interests and act for the welfare of China. Though distinctly indigenous they express a strong desire for a closer cooperation with
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  • 13 7 A telegram from Allahabad says that a Russian Lrct hat laudti at laiuailia.
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  • 1798 7 (Fkom A Corrhpondcnt.) Malacca, March 27. Billiards.— B- class handicap— lso up. For a place in the finals, G. Beatty, scr beat A. B. S. Morton, owe 15, rather easily. The latter was not up to his usual form and put up rather a. poor game against his
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  • 249 7 Proclaims Himself "Kaiser," And Gains 300 Followers. Considerable excitement has been caused in tbc Urewera country of Now Zealand on account of tbe behaviour of tbc Maori pro pbet," Kua, who is the nominal, political and religious leader of about half the natives in those parts. Kua
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  • 73 7 The managers of the above school grate fully acknowledge the following further donations towards the Building Fund Already acknowledged 11,730 Chinese Commercial Bank 100 Sze Hai Tong Bank 100 Chartered Bank 100 Mercantile Bank of India 100 A. Braddon SO Messrs. Bateman and Co. 50 Straits Steamship
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  • 48 7 Prince KonoHchuff, who succf* <1h M. Kroupennky as Russian Minister n lokmx. is at pn Mcut Chief of the Chaucelu ly of the Cjuinjarjiier-in Chief of the Russian Army. He was also formerly First Socn tary of the Russian Legation at Tokio and spant few months in nUag.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 23 8 Mr. K. K. Uickson is expected back in Kuala Lumpur from Australia shortly. He is bringing with him the Selangor Turf Club griffins.
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    • 29 8 Ptrak have born invited to send a cricket team to play Sclangor in Kuala Lumpur during the Easter holidays (Saturday and Monday, April 23 and 24i. They have MMJM
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    • 45 8 The Sepoy Linos Oolf Club March bogey competition for ladies bas been won by Mrs. Vicbolnon Tbe March medal for men bas been won by Mr. Monk. Scores: II K. Monk 86—6=80 H. Marrio't 90 8 82 J W. Had. loo 90 8 82
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    • 153 8 Ties for Wednesday in the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club tournament are as follow Mixed I in i i Mr. and Mrs. Day, rec. 4 v. Miss J. Gnnn and Mr. Hartnell, owe 15.2. Miss Pasea and Mr. Bateman, tec. S v. Mr Men/it aii'l Mr. Cameron, owe t.
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  • 105 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, March 31 Tcisday, March 28. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. S.R.E.(V.) Chinese Co. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. Drill Hall S.V.C. Cadet*. Wednesday, March 29. 4.30 p.m. Balestier Range S.R.E (V.) 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.K. 5
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  • 241 8 The Lausanne Gazette learns that the Kaiser intend* to make the Crown Prince a tit -Id -marshal when he has captured Verdun. The Daily News Paris correspondent says It is generally believed that the Crown Prince has gone too far to recede, and that hi must
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  • Correspondence.
    • 172 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I crave space in your columns to call the attention of onr City Fathers to the danger of exposed, disused wells. At the top of Emerald Hill Road, at the junction of Cairnhill circle, one such well exists.
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  • 128 8 European War Fund. For the joint benefit of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Previously acknowledged 15.674.98 List No. 46.— Collected by Mr. A. Klly. Port Swettenham. H. Fraser »10 A. O. Wilson 10 K. C. Sansom
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  • 421 8 The sixth consignment of hospital garments, etc was despatched last Friday, the Jtth. for Egypt. By kind permission of Mr. R. J. Addie, the cases were taken free of charge on the steamer Glenstrae. The cases contained lB5 night shirts, 86 helpless case shirts.
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  • 2304 8 DIFFICULTIES THROUGH LACK OF EXPLOSIVES. The Manager's Hopeful Statement. The seventh annual general meeting of the Monglembu Lode Syndicate, Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the company, No. 1, Downing Street, Penang, on Saturday, reports the Pinang Gazette. Mr. W. H. Thome, chairman of the directors,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 158 8 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Latest advertisements of the day appear od page .">. Tbe Redemption of David Carson, in fonr wm 1-. id whicli tbe well-known actor William Karuuui tiyures, is tbe trump card of tbe Alliauibra programme to-night. It is supple uicnted by an excellent two reel drama His Mother's
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    • 219 8 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Bras Batlh Road, Sing, pore, iroisr oph:n From O a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS AND LATE 8UPPER8 A SPECIALITY. Moderate Charges. ADELPHI HOTEL EVERY EVENING DURING DINNER OUR MANILA BAND WILL PLAY, SEA VIEW
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 52 9 WALKER'S LION packings for all purposes BLOCK STEAM PACKING EXPANDING STEAM PACKING AUTOMATIC WATER PACKING GOLDEN "WALKERITE" JOINTING See thai you get the Thin Red Line that runs through all ''LION 9 Packings. NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Your Orders will have our immediate attention. lAENTRAI [ENGINE WORKS LTDIL SINGAPORE^ Phone
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    • 514 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) i Osaka Mercantile ttaamihlp Co LM.), KOBE- BOMBAY LINE Ibe Company maintains a rciftiiar oar^o crvioo witd nix steamers oa'licx at Moji. Yokkaiohi, Hjoukoog, Singapore. Pjrt S*et tenham, Ponaon, Colombo and Bombay, and jn the return voyage o»lliai( at Tatieorin Singapore, UonKkong
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    • 66 9 there's Purity and Vigout IN E> KRY DROP Or READ'S Dog's Head Gu.nness The TONIC th.t cheers and soothes and doesn t harm. A simple nourishing food of high medicinal value. NOTE.-Th? above DOG'S HEAD Label is on every bottle. Refuse imitatiooK S Id Svcrvwlrr- k ACETIC ACID (European and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 552 10 Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) v ■■.<.„.. LOMDOM OPFIOBi 32, Old Jewry, E.O. HBADOFFIOBi Winoh««t«i. Houss, Sintfapora. Tbe Company has -WO.OOO deposited with the Supreme Court of England,
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    • 1201 10 INSURANCE. BANKING. lUAROIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI limited, lonooh BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Emoland). (Incorporated in Bubtcribed Capital 42,000.000 PaID-UP CAPITAL m, m. 115,000,000 Total Inverted Funds 46,360,000 RRSBRYB FUNDS I Annual Iooome 41,100,000 Sterling The undersigned, Agents (or the above 41,600.000 at 116,000,000 □ompany, aie prepared to
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    • 506 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER 'aid up Capital in 90,000 Sharos of 430 each 41,300.000 ieaerve Fund 41,800,000 teserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS Che Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County md Westminster Bank,
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    • 950 10 INSURANCE. POLICY PROTECTION The Shanghai Life Inturanoe Co Ltd., is incorporated nodi r Hongkong Ordinances; has complied with the Life Assuranre Companies Act, 1909 (Great Britain) and deposited with the Supreme Court o' Judicature (England) X20,000, wbioh in invested in interest -bearing Trustee Securities; has complied with tbe Indian Life
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  • 906 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A Romance of the Industry. At a time when we are beginning tardily to give thought to the problem of what is to become of oar industries after the war, write-* H. Massac Buist in The Observer, it it well to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 120 11 The happiest man at the present moment is the man who placed his order for a FORD and has now got delivery. ,^B^i^^^^^^*^kuHßß^H9s/^B*^H*^*^9sw^H^B^NEMß> Place yours now and be made happy when next shipment arrives. WEARNE BROS., LTD., Sol* Agents for the F.M.t. and S.S., SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH AND PENANG.
      120 words
    • 167 11 1^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. ft t >^* <b*^^^^S**bv* The Bc"^P* U3PP cICC| Kiffi^^s^^^ Can. IsiW 8^ jf; New 16 2OH.P. Model. I i —1 The new I>e Lnx< Mi'ihl Darracij n/ntmtt tin rcry ]ii<jitest point uf rnWlffW M motor car
      167 words
    • 36 11 NEW GOODS •JUST UNPACKED. AN EXCELLENT VARIETY OF Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware Silverware and Gold Jewellery, etc., etc. At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION INVITED. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO., Not.Sl 4t 89, HlrfH Street.
      36 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1018 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER JL$ A A XlL# BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. JTNIOR SHORTHAND WANTED to buy. a st oond^hand at b.£ T\ PIST. Apply Office, John UMh and Co New Hudson Motor Cjclt, State lowest cash Ltd. (incorrorkJd in England-. iM-8-u P»«>- A »'plj £T. 8., c/o Straits
      1,018 words
    • 675 12 HOUBES TO LET. TO LBT, Rooms at Zetland House, At uenian Street. Apply Stephens Paul a Co. 18-1-u TO LET, No. 62, HiU Street, suitable for school or hotel. Apply B. Silas, 8, Prince Street. 10-2— v TO HIT, No. 7 S, Institution Hill. Apply to Lea Cheng Van a
      675 words
    • 841 12 NOTICE. 1 How to solve servants dlfflcultlei, such as cooks, boys, amaba, ayahs. gardeners, clerks, conductors, short- band typists, book-keepers, eto. 1 r Charges moderate. Also shorthand I (Pitman's) and typewriting are taught i by an expert enced teacher. For parti oulars. apply to the Straits Employ- ment Agency. Agents
      841 words
    • 296 12 THE WBY AND WHEREFORE OF OUR POPULARITY GUAN KIAT CO.. 87, Philip Stbbrt. Ship Chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractor* Quality of Materials a 1. Prices Normal. Attention to Clients... Prowst Civil. Don't be afraid of having to stand outsido the counter. We do not keep any. Come right in, wn
      296 words
    • 458 12 BIG SHIPMENT OP COAGULATING PANS Just arrived. Sizes 18" X V x 4* 18" X 9" X 8i" 15* X 10" rf 4" Special Quality- Price* Reasonable KIA.AC KIAT&Co., 108 ft 109, Market Street. Tolephone No. 421. 1-7 80-6-16 To ADVERTISERS As requests to nake alterations advertisements, such as changes
      458 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 344 12 Straits Wimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 202 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. AUJ communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, eto. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscollane ous wants
      344 words