The Straits Times, 24 March 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,064 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. MARCH 24. 1916. PRICE IOCENTP.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 182 1 I MILK KATZ BROS., Ltd. THE STORE FOR MEN'S WEAR. B New jl LateBt Goods Jk ij Shapes. bT^< m 4 M. JL gf*> In the Latest Shades and Styles. Prices: $2.75, $5.00, $6.50 STOCKED IN ALL SIZE*, 8. TO 7J. KATZ BROS-, Ltd. rvNEP CLIPLESS FASTENER REQUIRES NO STAPLES
      182 words
    • 173 1 AMERICAN REFRIGERATORS ICE-CHESTS la^B la^aVL r '^^dP^atfHlHa'vl^H t^^w SHjf'JS *~**-> fu |H^^g^z^^"^?T7Z^^^^^^^ BHH^Maagafl^t VH j^^l jPaVFVBMMBfIBJBjpB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^I Vial vl^Bw SB^S! '^■Sll^i^E^El^a«M Insulation. 'M| i mjp ImK MtStlii^ ia Zino Lining Irs I llMa^alt'!: ■B^att^M^aßaHl'j with Castor*. -Vi^R f REFRIGERATORS. ICE-CHESTS. Height. Width Heigh\ Width. 43 in.-, x 2-i ins. 25 ins
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    • 14 1 MARTELL'S BRANDY. Soli Aoints: ADAMBON. BILFILLAN CO., LTD I <In. .Tpcir.Ue.l in Knglan<l) I
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  • 1125 2 SHELLS DISCOVERED IN A GERMAN GARDEN. I Reminiscence of Indian Arms Case. An interesting discovery was made on Saturday morning, the 4th inst., by tbe French Police, when, as tbe result, eight cases, each containing 25 shells, wore found, in most suspicions circumstances, says tbe North China Daily
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 327 2 A Great Jf3| Success -/\ife f M i pocket y| Iself-fillingYJ Waterman's f (Ideal) Fount|irrFenl Raise lever, dip nib Ml in ink. lower [.<•> ri.ish with the surlac* of the JL^Pf BflßMipnlE Thi.-. new type of the K.untain Pen xv: LTBL 'H |v,pul.iriM.d handwriting, flMflrVfl 1- the outcome of much
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    • 494 2 A MESSAGE TO THIN. WEAK. SCRAWNY FOLKS. An Easy Way to (lain 10 to 30 lbs. of Solid, Healthy, Permanent Flesh. Thin, ntrvotii, undeveloped men and women everywhere are heard to say, "I can't anderstand why I do not get fat. I eat plenty of good, nourishing fuod." The reason
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    • 610 2 AUCTION SALE Ol VALUABLE TEAK AND RATTAN HOUSEHOLD ftIRNITURB, PLANTS, ETC., To be held at No. D 2, Tanjong Katong (Old Fort) Opposite Katong Pier, eotranoe from Grove Road. On Satuboat, Mabcu 30, 1916, at 8 p.i. Comprising teak wardrobe, teak almeirab. wax-polished teak writing table, washbtaod, iron single bedstead,
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    • 410 2 MORTGAGEES SALE Of A VALUABLE FREBUOLD LAND AND BRI K BUILT DWKI I.INU HOUSB No. 19, HBBREN STREET, AND A RUBBER B9TATB AT DUIiIAN TUNGGAL, MALACCA, To bo held at my sale room, On Thursday, March 80, at 13 Baas, Pahticulaks: 1. All tbat pieoe of freehold land sitaate at
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  • 558 3 MR. LLOYD GEORGE AND MR. GIBSON BOWLES. A Charge Withdrawn. At the great city meeting on February 14, a vigorous speech on tbe Government's conduct of the war was delivered by Mr. Gibson Bowles, in tbe coarse of which be alleged that Mr. Lloyd George had provided golden
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  • 445 3 Repartee of a Highlander on A Donkey. An interesting picture of the surroundings ol the Expeditionary Force in Egypt baa been received by Heater's Agency. Imagine a narrow strip of land not much more than a mile in width, consisting of a long ridge of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 388 3 'Wincarnis' offers you New Health and New Life. i| ■ffl Whai a comfort (o know that you need not remain Weak, few Q An.innc, 'Nervy, "or Run-down toknowthat 'Wincainis' pr offers you new health and new lifr. The reason is that Wincarnis (the wine uf life) possesses a tour fold
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    • 242 3 *P'J^PJ JMCKciM»JMrtMfJM3MIX lea d-perrins' saik b J^tJMJ MCMJMCM QHP.M3J C if 1' I Variety of uses. The uses to which LEA PERRINS' SAUCE j can be put, are innumerable. At Luncheon, Dinner or Supper, it is the ideal "Sauce for Roast Meats, Fish Game, Cheese, Salad, etc. J In the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1081 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Mpcar (COMPANIBS INCURPORATBD IN EnQLAND). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract witb Hit Majesty Government). For China, Japan, Panang, Caylon. Australia, India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Porta and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES HoaiwAßu
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    • 775 4 BTEAHEB BAILIHBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporatbd in Slim). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamoi, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Duo Departure a.c. BO»IB«T Mar. 25. 3 p.m. a.a. PRAOHATIPOK Mar. 97 99, 3 p.m. Tbe Steamers are
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    • 469 4 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAMSHIPCO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (IMCOBPORATBD IN ENOL4ND) I* The Companies' steamers are despatch* d from Liverpool outwards for tho Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and
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    • 537 4 STEAMER SAILING* Ky. k. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTO (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained betweeo Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail oontraot with tinImperial Japancso Government. The New Twin-screw Steamors maintaining this service have been specially dosignedand constructed, and are fitt d witb
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  • 763 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 24, 1916. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. Norn. Valui. Bot«m. Situu. a/- aiukw %*i i 1 An«lo J»t» 18/-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 548 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTC. (IsO'M'tißATMi IN KNULAKD). Dlp*ot SarvK)* to Japan via Hong hong Shanghai, and to Oaloutt* via Ponang, from Singapore. Taking oargo on tbrongb Bills ol Ladin, tor Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Choto', Tientsin, Nenchwang. Yangtsso Ports Fo> □josa, the Philippine" eto.. eto.. eto. •taamora.
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    • 144 5 .Wte^W Rubber io^^ MAchinc?^ If IHVIIII I W^pil The "CENTRAL" Rubber Machines, (both Hand and Power) are specially designed, and are manufactured in our own Works. They are the outcome of considerable experience in actual working on Estates,and will be found EFFICIENT and SATISFACTORY IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Follow the Specification
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 578 6 CIGARETTES 4*l uMzLa* COMFORT LUXURY "M S I SPHERE'S "Luxury' in the flavour f j^-^^ iK/ te?" 005 Btm^-j! »nd aroma I f State Express Cigar- V I^A \~~^^£_\£m?''¥ ettes. They are sjood to the very last. *J^^^ <^BIK'«M A test few ci R are 8 c n emulate. N
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    • 211 6 CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No. 25 South Bridge RoadFirst- class Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crown Bridge Filling and Vulcanite Duration of Wear guaranteed CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIEB. Best Tooth Powders and Brushes for calr 4^ GO TO f^y W. J. GARC'A. Jtf Orchard Rd. "4^M Ji FOR $700. <J Commencing
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    • 160 6 H. C HUDSON (Latk of Thf Robinson Piano Co Violins, from Z~ 912-0O to $SS-0O I. oases, from.. s-oo to 18-OO bo** 3-BOto S-oo stands '.-75 to 3-6O •< bridges 10 to as pegi 10 to 15 a blankets, each 1 .50 Uilpitces 1-OO t, pitch pipe A., each 35
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  • 94 7 FIXTURES. Friday, March 24. Hie!) Wat«r. 0.27 a.ra 1.26 p.T. It I. Homeward mail clohos itrain.) Saturday, March 25. Higb Water, \:l a.m.. I p.m The Scamps, Victoria Theatre. Sunday, March 26. Higb Water, lit a-iu., 3.4 J p.m. Monday, March 27. High "A*%tor, -J.:(7 t.m., r
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  • 281 7 To-mv. V I'lein. v 2.30 pu Vi Hin 2:tJ pui Ucnhaui and Takah PoDtianik Ivlioin Foeug 'J.3'l pm Malacca ami Mua- l.'ily Weld 8 pui Batavia. Saini and Sourabaya M. Treub 3.30 pm Port S»iit» oliam I P> narj':. Oolossbs .mil liniibay Lu/.ou Maru 4pm Kota Tiuggi
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  • 23 7 Tlk liHiK \»ani M. M. Bteamer Lotos and 1 ■Jiay be expectt-d to arrive here oo Monday tcorDioi; Miircli 27.
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  • 268 7 The mail trains from Singapore for the north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lnrnpiu at 718 p.m. and 6.45 am respectively. Th, through express to Penang leaves Kuala Luirptr at H am. daily, arriving at Penang at A -'8
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  • 110 7 Oar tttentioa has boon called to tbe fact &it onr arrivals in London are much behind tboae published elsewhere. Oar rale is to ffm arrivals only when they arc officially m >tii in the Post Office notiom, and no later date than that prided above la I
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  • 314 7 Outward. i l>onkinfci> to the taken from tin London ami OUm naaM iu ■i«-r«t;.od that, in biokir ijs m*.y '>■■ provisional k uiingpassengiTsiuay alter th> ir ir- .ul" monts, sOMequoat to Iks it.: ".ancc of Lnriiim ui'i "tiaiutr Monltan. Mr. and Nlvs. Trmip. Mr. an<l Mrs. Till—
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  • 129 7 A Pioneer special cable says The Times' Paris correspondent says: It is becoming clear that the slaughter at Verdun docs not equal that in the Yser battle. The enemy no longer crosses the shelled zones, dis daining death. Attacks once launched are SSMBM through with great dash,
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  • 178 7 EXCHANGE diMOAroaa, March II 1910 Oh Lome. Bank 4 n,/s 2/4(1 Demand 2 4{ rri\»t P Bo./t 2/4; On Khan, k BaDk T. T. Hi>4 Os India Bank T. T. K4J Om Honui.ono ..Bank d/d 1 On Shanobai ...Bank d/d 88 On Java Bank T. T
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 245 7 UrEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. WAXTBD. A NURSE OK M KSBHV OOVEKNBSS for s boy of five years. Mrs. Oillespie, Btgan Datob, Lower Perak. 34-8—27-8 WANTED, A QOOD STENOGRAPHER mast have thorough knowledge of correspondence. Qood prospecM. Apply in person. 62-7, Orcoard Road. 24-B— 3o 3 TYPEWRITING UNDERTAKEN. Eu rasian Shorthand Typist is
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    • 370 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH: SINGAPORE. "DUDBRIDGE" OIL ENGINES FOR KEROSENE OR CRUDE OIL. JJ, titV»' Ik DKIIVajRV PROM STOCK OF 9 15 B.H.P. KfcROSENE ENGINES J. L CAMPBELL CO. Tailors Outfitters, HAVK Everything for Men's Wear. SELECT ASSORTMENT CF i "TaT^ T" la^ '^T T^b^bT^ a^^^^*
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    • 216 7 The Straits Times FBR F.M.B. RUDERB Tbe Mail Train postal neivioe enables to us send into the F.M.S. each evening t I Special Edition of The Straits Tim" containing all the important te)e«ia- and news received up to s late boo; in the afternoon. Fbie edition can be bought la
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    • 196 7 Just received A LARGE BtU^MENCOF SODIUM BISULPHITE S. J. JUDAH CO., Tbl. 1362 29, ROBINSON ROAD m mi MALAKOFF RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE STU\ITS 1 SETTLEMBNTS). Notice is hereby given that Mm Anuna' < ieneral Mtetirt; wiil bo held in ths Heg sler cd Office of the Company,
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  • 1100 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, MARCH 24. PRESIDENT WILSON. We have been reading thj full text of President Wilson's speech at Des Moines on February 1. It is a clever speech, made before a great audience, and the manner of delivery seems to have been all that could be desired. But
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  • 12 8 The installation meeting of Makepeace Lodge will be held on April 1.
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  • 31 8 At the V.M.C.A. rooms on Monday at 8.45 p.m. Mr. Tan Teck Soon will speak on some interesting Chinese customs. Tbe Chief Justice, Sir J. A. S. Bucknill, K.C., will preside.
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  • 37 8 A Government Gazette issued yesterday in connection with the exportation of goods from tbe Colony adds a long list of prohibitions mainly concerned with forage and food articles (human and animal; and oleaginous onto, seeds and products.
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  • 39 8 In tbe early days of tbe war £2,050 was ill tbat was offered for a small German iteaoier which bad been made a prize of war. The British Government kept the steamer and has now sold it for £20,000.
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  • 39 8 The engine of the express train due at Tank Road at 8.15 a.rr. to day broke down it Cluny, in consequence of which mails from Penang, the F.M.S. and elsewhere were not ready for delivery until about 10.80 a.m.
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  • 41 8 As the result of tho enquiry into the wreck of tbe steamer Bathampton off Colombo the certificate issued to the master of tbe vessel. James Clement Torkilson, wan suspended for nine months, the court being of opinion that be was negligent.
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  • 60 8 Tbe Lord Bishop of Singapore will bold a confirmation service in St. Peter's Church, Stamford Road, on Sunday evening next, commencing at 7.80. It is requested that the candidates— 4s— be in tbeir places in tbe Church by 7 p.m. at the latest, and that a large congregation take thn
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  • 76 8 The manager of tbe Mercantile Bank has received a telegram from bis head office advising that tbe board of directors have recommended a final dividend of 6 pei cent, less tax on both A and B shares of the bank, making 10 per cent, for the year. The interim dividend
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  • 74 8 The India Rubber World, of New York, says tbe indications are that in the States there will be 3,600,000 automobiles by tbe end of 1916, less perhaps 200,000 withdrawn from service. Figuring 42 lbs. as the amount of crude rubber contained in the average car's tyre equipment, 71,400 tons of
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  • 72 8 Mr. Patrick Hadow, tbe well-known visiting agent to robber estates, replies to a query regarding rubber nomenclature. He says the Ailagar Company was criginally called Ragalla, a local dollar company in the F.M.S. named after another estate known as Ragalla in Ceylon. When the F.M.S. Ragalla was turned into a
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  • 84 8 Tbe Registrar of Imports and Exports at Singapore (the Board of Trade correspondent for the Straits Settlements! reports that there is large demand for glass chimneys for lamps in the Straits Settlements. This is a trade which was confined to Germany, Belgium, and Austria prior to tbe war, and is
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  • 106 8 The Health Promotion Associatian has been formed and exempted from registration under tbe Societies Ordinance, and the following have been elected officebearers for tbe ensuing year Tay Jim (juee, president Tan Yew Eke, vice-president Tan Hock Lee, hon. secretaiy Tan Guan Hoe, asst. secretary Ng Wee Joo, treasurer Lim Choc
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  • 157 8 The Admiralty statement regarding the air raid on Zeebrugge mildly claimed that considerable damage appeared to have been done." If even half of the statements which come to-day from neutral sources are true, tbe Admiralty might have made a much larger claim and still have kept well within tbe borders
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  • 174 8 Herr Balm is out with another comic announcement. Germany is to prevent all traffic between the I nited Kingdom and European countries neutral or not. We like the ■or not." Germany will hardly bo able to prevent trade being done by Britain with France and Italy and Russia. We are
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  • 175 8 We came across some words the other day which seem worth repeating Born as you are, citizens of a great State, and brought up, as you have been, with habits equal to your birth, you should be ready to face the greatest disaster?, and still to keep unimpaired the lustre
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  • 457 8 Mr. R. T. Reid, of Penang, is going home early next month. Mr. J. S. Rose, who is out of hospital at Penang, is still confined to his bed. Tho funeral of the late Mr. Tan Chay Van will take place at Malacca on Sunday morn ing.
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  • 86 8 The undermentioned prices were realincti fur rubber sold by Mtssrs. Allen, Donnys and Co. at their auction sale at Penang on Wednesday Smoked ribbed sheet 817:» lalMI plain HI 104 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond I'iH 175 L'nsmoked sheet 155 164 Xo. 2 unsiuoktd sheet 153 IM
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  • 144 8 Mr. E. L. Killick in rubber notes in Tho Financier points out that in the sharo markt t attention is being largely concentrated upon tbe young producer group and in those trust companies having extensive holdings in this class of share. Tho year 1911 witnessed very extensive
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  • 232 8 Just at the moment Singapore from A theatrical point of view luuxt be regarded as a busy place. Ono season lias just come to an end and tlie company departed, but tho Victoria Theatre will remain empty for ono night only for to morrow goe» the arrival o(
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 202 8 A MOBT MAGNIFICENT PROGRAMME AT THE ALHAMBJLA Beach Road. The House of Quality— Tbe Home of Feature Attractions. The Leading Theatre in Singapore Manager, M H Ken yon Slade. PATHK PRE>KNTS ARNOLD DALY In a thrilling Bold Rooster Defective Onma AN AFFAIR OF THREE NATIONS In 5 Part*. A dram
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  • 1715 9 GERMAN EFFORTS. Fight on the Meuse Continues. i i BOMBING ZEEBRUGGE. i Great Destruction by Allied Aviators. i l:»l l*K~ Tn,».RAM>. I- ndon, March 4.'JO p.m. Paris, communique I West oj the Meuse there was I very lively artillery duel at Malanconrt, MM ami Hill :tO4. It was
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  • 29 9 Rbdtbb's Telegram. London. March 22. Sir John Anderson has had an audience of the King and kissed hands on his appoint ment as Governor of Ceylon.
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  • 21 9 RILTBRS TbLKUBAM. London, March 22. Lord lurzon has made good progress. The condition of Baron Scarsdale is most serious.
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  • 39 9 Kit i kh'.n TbIBOBAMS. London. March 28, 3.10 a.m. New York An Associated Press telegram from Peking aays the State Department in a mandate announces the abandonment of the monarchy and the resumption of the republic.
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  • 107 9 ANOTHER RISING REPORTED. Rioter's Tklbobams. London, March 22, 12.50 p.m. Columbus: There is no news of the American anti-Villa expedition owing to the failure of the wireless and the cutting of the telegraphs. Two aeroplanes which are accompanying the expedition have not arrived and are possibly lost in the
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  • 68 9 (Fkom Oi-r Own Cobbksponoknt.) Penang, March 23. At the annual meeting of Malakoff Plan tations, Mr. Benson, presiding, said that the tapping results were much higher than estimated. The profits were $47,547. and after deductions, including last yenr's loss, they carried forward a not profit of $10,080. 300
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  • 511 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In their share circular, dated the 22nd instant, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state Ac far as any movement in shares is concerned our report for last week could practically be repeated. The business passing here has again been mainly confined to
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  • 52 9 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, March 24 Friday, March 24. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. S.R.E.(V.) B.V.R. Tanglin Barracks Veterans Co. Officers and N.C.O.'s. Drill Hall Chinese Co. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. a Drill Hall S.V.C. Cadets. H. Roland Luwbllyn, Captain, S.V.C, Acting
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  • 50 9 The Tageszeitung, Count Keventlow's organ, announces that Admiral von Tirpitz has been sacrificed to political necessities. The Tyd, the Dutch clerical paper, says that the resignation is the result of a difference of opinion between Admiral von Tirpitz and Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg, who was desirous of less barbarous naval warfare.
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  • 24 9 The steamer Beckerstroom reported at Ymuiden that a German submarine, probably the OTi was seen in the Thames, states a cable from the Hague
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  • 726 9 Singapore does the Wagging. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your issue of the 21st inst.. uuiler the heading of Trade in Singapore," at the Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, I was greatly surprisod to read the following state ment made by
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  • 424 9 $30,000 In One Night Playing Game. Alleging that her husband. Mr, Joseph Bowne Elwell, known as the Bridge King, often won from tI.OOO to 110,000 in a night and that she bad known him to win as much i as $30,000 in an evening playing bridge,
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  • 415 9 AMENDMENT OF RESERVE FORCE ORDINANCE. Transfer of Reserves to Active List. The Government Gazette published thin aftemoou coutaiu.s tlie following uuta. An Ordinance to amend the MM Pwi and Civil Guard Ordinance, 1'.»1.".. It is hereby enacted by the Governor of the Straits Settlements with the advico and
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  • 603 9 The Story of a Midnight Murder. The GMmM who was on liis trial yesterday MOM the Chief .Justice, Sir .1. A. S. Bucknill, K C at the MMMJ charged with gang robbery armed with a deadly weapon, wag found guilty and sentenced to MM years' rigorous imprisonment. This
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  • 4777 10 RUBBER GROWERS' ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING. Chairman on Excess Profits. The annual meeting of the Rubbers Growers' Association was held at tbe Cannon St. Hotel ou February 18. The chairman. Hamilton, said: In movini; the adoption of the report, I think you will wish me to refer
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  • 347 10 Amusing Story of Force Of Tradition. Every year tho Chamber of Deputies in Paris is momentarily astonished and moved with righteous indignation when it receives the report of the Audit Office. This report is legally inserted in the Journal Officiel each July, but this publication is not
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  • 262 10 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 7. There will be a special dinner at the Raffles Hotel to-morrow night to be followed by a cinema entertainment. A pleasant diversion is promised, for tomorrow night at the Adelpbi Hotel, where a special dinner will be served
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  • 134 10 Swimming Club launches leave on Sunday as follow Johnston's Pier at 9, 10, 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.80 p.m. Club Bungalow at 9.30, 10.30 a.m., 12.15 8 and 5.30 p.m. Playing in a driving snowstorm at Horn church on February 23, the New Zealand football team gained their
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  • 709 10 Canadians' Plucky Dash Into An Enemy Trench. A moro detailed narrative is available regarding an affair which took place at the front recently and then describe. l simply as a night bombing attack, says an Exchange Telegraph Company's special correspondent. The young Canadian officer who led his
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  • 389 10 Chaff for Hay and Cinders for Horses' Beds. In the course of instructions regarding tbe use of cbati for feeding horses, the Army Council Hays that with a view to obtaining all the advantages that are to be derived from the use of this forage, and at
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  • 1741 11 IMPORTANT INTERVIEW WITH LORD DEVONPORT. Need for National Effort. A great dral has been heaid of the urgent and nu|x r:i-. v...l (or national economy. Hitherto it has been preached— preached for the most part from high places— and not very successfully. Preaching alone is obviously nut
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  • 353 11 Interesting Discoveries By Sir Aurel Stein. The I'iomtT publishes an account of Sir Ann 1 Stl id s explorations since July 6 last in the 1 jssian Pamirs and mountain tracts north of the Oxus. Tbe improvement in Anglo Russian relations of recent years in strikingly illustrated
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 464 11 'EASY-CHAIR.' ROUH to the WORLD'S BEST MUSIC Sitting at home in comfort and lis. tcning to the Cab: net Grand Instrument is the ;>!e;il way to hear the greatest nagen and musicians His Master's Voice GRAMOPHONE gives you all the music of all the >^ffiHr^F^*^W world to-day, to-morrow, any i^^h^P^^j^^f*^
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    • 272 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, March 25 Special Dinner AND AFTERWARDS Cinema Show. SEA VIEW HOTEL SPECIAL ND CINEMA DINNER SHOW Saturday, March 25. Music by the Sea Dinner on Lawn View Orchestra by the Sea. ADELPHI HOTEL Saturday, March 25 SPECIAL DINNER ON THE LAWN AND AFTER DINNER BALL. THE CRAG
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  • 2614 12 1914. June 27. -Annamination of Archduke Franc Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo. July 25.— Austrian ultimatum sent to tafia. August I.— Germany declares war on Russia and Franoe, ana invades Belgium. 4.— Britain declares war on Germany. 28.— Battle of Mons begins, and the French
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  • 38 12 Officer to Tommy, who has been using the whip freely: Don't beat him talk to him, man— talk to him." Tommy to borse, by way of opening tbe conversation I coom from Manchester." Puncb. j
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  • 37 12 i One of the latest dodges to get rubber into I Germany is in the shape of an underskirt made of crepe rubber. According to Ameri- i can advices tbe last quotation is 50s. per lb. I
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  • 1002 12 Amid all tbe precept on the subject ot domestic economy wbicb is now being given to the public a little practical example may be useful, observes a correspondent io Tbe Times. When war broke out my wife and I were convinced that it was going to
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  • 57 12 Elder, to Beadle: "Well, John, Low did you like tbe strange minister? Beadle: "No »va. Elder— he's an awfa' fricbtened kin' o' chap yon. Did ye notice bow be aye talked aboot oor adversary Satan. Oor own ineenister just ca's him plain deevil '—be doesna
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 204 12 THE 4|d WHITE ANT yk DESTROYER ALL BRITISH. Price $30.00. on PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LIMITED (IscoaroiuTKD in England) KUALA LUMPUR. JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CoT OF ORCHARD ROAD. Estabii9Hkd I 'J l l Young but Progressive. LARGEST IMI'OKTEHS OF JJew Goods Pertaining tj tbe Furniture Trade iv tbe City. Wl
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  • 1108 13 REMINISCENCE OF A BURIED TEMPLE. Visit to the French Front. A Hulme IVautan, the special correspontmk of Tbe Standard, writing (rom Paris, on February 5, says Tbe attention of half tbe minds of Franco and England is ntill concentrated on tbe front that stretches from tbe
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  • 58 13 [itubayin wire uf February 20 t.tatt-8 -At 12 o'clock to day tbe East Asiatic I npaay'i steamer Baadon, which left lopcnhaK* d at 9am. to day, passed Blsinore uortliwan) bound. At half paHt four this iifteriioiia thf I'.anJun was Mud again passion ElfiDorc, but thin time southward bound wi m
    58 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 114 13 ▲I BRILLIANT W I DURABLE \L EFFICIENT W ECONOMICAL J Siemens! I BROS. DYNAMO WORKS. ITO. ffl f SINGAPORE. ft} Acetic Acid Tapping Knives Latex Cups Mosquito Netting Momi Cases Barbed Wire Sodium Bisulphite and all Estate requirements. QUOTATIONS FROM THE ASI4TIC SUPPLY TRADING CO., The Dispensary Building. ESTATE AGENTS.
      114 words
    • 332 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to y^Sro CjjjV and to THE MUNICIPALITY MS Wi THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE \2iS/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon" Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the
      332 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1915 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (I.NCORPOBATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS) HEAD OFFICE, WinehMtw Hous*, Sintfapona, LONDON OFFIOKi 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £30,000 deposited with the Supreme Court
      1,915 words
    • 852 14 BALES BY AUCTION. PKBLIMINAKY NOTICB. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLB LAND AND HOL'SBS, Xos. 4 and 11, Boat Quay, and No. 11, M»rk..t Street, Xo be held in the Month or April, 1818. CHING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers. Drew and Napier, Solicitors. IB B— n MORTGAGEE'S SALE: On Monday, March 37,
      852 words

  • 877 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Twelve Cylinders Versus Six. Charles L. Freeaton, writing in the Daily News, says Something of a cariosity is to be seen at Alexandra House, Kingsway, in the shape of a 85 b.p. Packard car fitted with a 12-cylinder motor. It is
    877 words
  • 204 15 A correspondent, writing in tbe Nautical Magazine, says I well remember how good tbe freights were ere tbe Suez Canal con siderably neutralised the Cape route, though there were no tramps under foreign flags earning Hrtg. per ton for coal from Cardiff to Fort Said,
    204 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 166 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the British War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability ~W >4 THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, L f ndon, E. C, CONTRACTORS TO H M WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S. THE RETAIL PRICE OF DEVOES Imperial Brilliant
      166 words
    • 225 15 DUNLOP W^ 1^ Although raw rubber has adJj33P^*Bfat vanred in price, Dunlop Tyres aro Sk^v' r^^^?3 Favourable contracts for raw matenH Hu^ 2>?sa a^ iave enabled us to give the j^^a^JjjH^T^tJjK public the benefit of these reduced e^wSQ^m d)..^rl Grooved Cover. Prices. Tubes. A wnlli%V]Hl*?B New price lists will be
      225 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1014 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. JTNIOR BHORTHAND T\ PIST. Apply Office, Jchn Little and Co.. Ltd. (incorporated in England). 28 8-u WANTED, AN ASSISTANT BOOK KKBPER with a thorough knowledge ot accounts and office routine. Apply to Box ■269, Straits Times. 18-8—24-8 WANTED for a Tin
      1,014 words
    • 749 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephen Paul Co. 16-1-u TO LET, No. 62, Hill Street, suitable for school or hotel. Apply B. Silas, 8, Prince Street. 10-2— v TO LET, No. 7 4 8, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Cheng Van Co., 10,
      749 words
    • 683 16 BOARD AND LODGING. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION for two gentlemen, with private family, large bright i airy bedrooms, with verandah and bathroom attaohed, conveniently situated to town, good tennis court. British, c/o Straits Times. 23 8—34-8 BURLINGTON, Colemaa Street, FORMERLY HOTEL DB LA PAIX. Being now entirely altered and renovated with complete
      683 words
    • 284 16 THE WHY AND WHEREFORE OF OUR POPULARITY GUAN KIAT CO.. 87, Philip Street. Ship Chandlers, Government and Munioipal Contractors. Quality ot Materials 1. Prices Bormsl Attention to Clients... Prompt Civil Don't be afraid of baying to stand outside tue counter. We do not keep any. Come right in, wr shall
      284 words
    • 466 16 BIQ SHIPMENT OF COAGULATING PANS Just arrived. Sizes 18' x 9" x 4" 18" x 9" x It," 15" X 10" y 4 Epi cial Quality Prioas Reasonable KIAM HIAT&Co., 108 ft loe, Market street. Telephone No. 421. 1-7 80-6-16 To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations advertisements, such as
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 347 16 Straits TDimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department Ml All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All) communications relating to business matters— advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc.— should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT HATES.— Miscellane cjus wants
      347 words