The Straits Times, 21 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
17 28 The Straits Times
  • 13 17 The Straits Times. NO. 25,001 BINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MARCH 21. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 148 17 R^Rf \A_ SLEDGE BRAND MILK ALL comes from Cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps pastures. The quality, therefore, raav be relied upon to be always of that unrivalled standard of excellency which has gained for Sledge Brand the first place among all Canned Milks. It is most important that
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    • 587 17 "His Masters Voice" /Q\ New Records for itlarch, 1916. H^pr la-lnoh Double-aided, $3.78 aaota. M 682 J C 4617 Ot ma from AHa "—Part I. (Verdi)) Grand Opera Company 1 ***** Oima from "A ida"- Part 11. (Verdi) Grand Opera Company M 688 J OM3B Ab WBB he !< Ah
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    • 14 17 MARTELL S BRANDY. Soli Aoikts: ADAMBON. GILFILLAM CO., LTD (Inoorporatol in Kngland) r>_*%j%j->_r>_rx<'xr'»r~»i'**"'~>'*~w**»' J
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  • 1122 18 COLONIALS PUZZLE BRITISH OFFICERS. No Fear of Turk Invasion. The Cairo correspondent of the New York Herald (Paris edition) writes as follows The most interesting feature of life in Cairo to-day is the Australian invasion. Excuse me. I should not say Australian, but Ads tralasian, as New
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 205 18 Just received A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SODIUM BISULPHITE S. J. JUDAH CO., Til. 1301 29. ROBINSON ROAD m mi WEILL ZERNER PARIS SINOAPORB LONDON Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, Precious Stones and Watch Dealers. WATCHES. A fine assortment of Wristlet Watches has just been received in silver, gold 14 or 18
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    • 373 18 ARE YOU MIDDLE-AGED P Forty is the age of greatest effort with most people. Vitality is used up at tbe most rapid pace. Often the struggle in work or business produces nerve strain, or the failure to succeed causes worry, nervous breakdown, neurasthenia. Middle aged people find that they cannot
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    • 906 18 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE BPRING MCE MEETING (Under B.R.A. Bultt of Boeing), WILL BI HILD ON Tuaiday.May 16, Thursday, May 18, and Saturday, May 90, 1918. PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tuesday, May 16,1916. I. TBE OPENING STAKES 2.45 p.m. Value teOO and 160 to t»e Second Horce. k Selling Race Handicap
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    • 589 18 HOT! i The attention off owner* I* oalled to Rula 123. whioh makes tha hour for Scratching B p.m. en the DAY BEFORE the Rao*. Owners of Uriffins are entitled to enter (or either of tbe following series of Raoee Kkii Strict No. 1 First D»y— Race No. 4 Second
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  • 1198 19 THE PICTURESQUE SIDE OF A WAR PATROL. Destroyers' Work. We slipped ont of barbonr at tbe darkening, picking our way like a girl crossing a muddy street, lor we stowed no lights, and oar big brothers were lying around, and to bump into them at fifteen knots
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
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    • 396 19 WATERY PIMPLES ALL OVER BABH FACE Itched and Burned. Came On Hands As Well. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed in Three Weeks. 10, Warren 81., Moricetown, Devon, Eng. "My hahy's face came out In watery pimples. I thought It was the chicken pox but found It spread all over his
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    • 400 19 MILK FOR THE MILLION! 'Beit tor infants. Appreciated by Adults, popular with all Classes j throughout tbe world. yt St. Charlea Brand Kvaporated Milk. Bordan'a Sterilixed Natural Milk. Stood th« Teat of BO Yaara' Trial. Prt pared ander the most approved sanitary conditions and ander expert sapervioion. Awarded Gold Medal,
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1081 20 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.- British India AND Apcar Line. (Companies Incorporated in Enoland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. i Under Contract with His Majesty Government), for Ohina, Japan, Panang, Oaylon. Australia, India, Ad«n, Bgypt, Madltsuranaan Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES.
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    • 774 20 STEAMEa BAILIHBS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (Incorporated in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Dua Departure s MAHIOOL Mar. S3, S p.m. a.a. BORIBAT Mar. 98 OS, S p an. s PRAGHATIPOK
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    • 463 20 STEAMER SAILINttS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and
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    • 534 20 STEAMER 8AILIN8? n:y. k. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. service is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail on tract with thi> Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitttd
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  • 98 21 FIXTURES. Tuesday, March 21. Sigh Water. 11.11 a.m., 11.32 pm. Singapore A«*i/.e*. Ban 4 man Opera Co Wednesday, March 22. High Water. 11.5» a.m 11.58 p.m. I .and man Opera Co. Thursday, March 23. High Water. 0.39 p.m P. ani <). outward mail expected. Friday, March 24.
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  • 238 21 To [>*V Port Pirkfion and Port SwcttcnUam Krian '2.30 pm il.itu I'ahat Ai'gHin 2 .10 pu Malacca and Moar Lady Weld Bpm Batavia. C'heribon and Samarang (liang Sent 4pm KotaTinggi Mt-ranti 4 pm To-morrow. Pulao H: Urn and Pulau Bulang Hock Lim 8.:t0 am Pouloe Soegi A
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  • 258 21 Tbe mail trains from Singapore lor tin aortb li-avi- Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Koala Lumpur at 7.1H p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Th> through express to Penang leaves Kuala Luirri r at H a.m. daily, arriving at Pcnan>> at 6
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  • 40 21 Mail Steamer Movements. The I', and outward mail steamer Nagoya in due at Penang at 6 p.m. to daj. she will probably arrive here at daylight on Thursday, and will probably leave fur Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan the game day.
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  • 89 21 Our iit-..'ntion lia- b»-n calM to the (art that our arrival* in 1., ndon ue macli b< Ir.nJ t i 'Mr iul> t.i I vain only wLt-n tht y are oSomDj wportrf m th. ft** Offln BotioM, and do htorjUfa-thaß that priatrd above la< bees iAHorr. Dei
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  • 333 21 LIST OF PASSENGERS. Outward. The following passenger bookings tc the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It Rhould be understood that, in some instanceß, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 170 21 FINANCE AND COMMERCE EXCHANGE MNOAPoaa, March 21. 1916. On L-imi Bank 4 m/s '*i*k\ Demsnd 2/4} Private 8a 2/4. On Franc* Bank T. T. 824 un Ikdu Bank T. T. m» On HoNokona...Bank d/d 15* On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 86] OhJat* Bank T. T. 188 U* Jap** Hank 11! Sovereigns—
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 315 21 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET, No. 80, High Street, suitable for Shop or Store. Apply S. Msnatssb Co., 7, D'Almeida Street. 21-3— v LOST. Strnyid frcm Natl an Road, one Bull Tirri.-r Pup (Dogi. Finder will be rewardtd P. F. to Straits Times. 21.8— 28-8 lioo FOX SALE, 1 Greit Dane
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    • 899 21 W. D. H. O. WILLS'S 04/ltVl3fri/so 1 the NEW I SMOKING MIXTURE de LUXE ail] fea: A PERFECT PIPE TOBACCO :< M OF ALL THE > LEADING DEALERS m v LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS. NOTICE. A Lecture will be given at tha Club's premises on Wednesday, March 12, at
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    • 330 21 I—ii i v^X w.J- 'EASY- CHAR 5 EOUTS to the WORLDS BEST MUSIC Sitting at home i.-. comfort and listening to the Cabinet Grand Instrument is the ideal way to hear the greatest singer* and musicians His Masters Voice GRAMOPHONE gives you all the music of all the J&^EJ f^^^av
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  • 34 22 The friends and relatives of the late Mr. Tan Chay Van are respectfully informed that the interment of bis remains will take place at Malacca, on Sunday morning. April 9 next. '20 3—B 4
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  • 1095 22 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, MARCH 21. GERMAN Y AND NEUTRALS. Iha sinking of tbe Dutch liner Tubantia. and of the steamer Palembang, has aroused deep feelings of resentment in Holland. There appears to be no doubt whatever that these neutral ships were sunk by submarines without warning, and that one
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  • 26 22 Chendtriang Valley Tin I >redging. Ltd., is paying a second interim dividend of 6d. per share free of income tax, payable on the •2 Wi inst.
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  • 31 22 In the event of the arrival of the Hirano Mam in time, tin; Key. Mr. Koss will preach in the Singapore Presbyterian Church on Sunday, the 20th inst., at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 35 22 A Hungarian correspondent who saw the Russians attacking in tbe Carpathians rays tbat they unflinchingly crossed heaps of bodies of their fallen comrades their task cannot be compared with that of the Germans at Verdun.
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  • 43 22 At tbe request of the hon. secretary of the Federated Malay States War Relief Fund the Malay Mail has issued a complete list of subscribers to tbe fund and an appeal for continued support with reproductions or photographs of the hospital at Wheathauipstead.
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  • 43 22 Tbe following resolution was to be discussed at tbe meeting of tbe Imperial Legislative Council, at Delhi, yesterday That this Council recommends to the Cover nor-General in Council tbat early steps be taken for the abolition of tbe system of Indian indentured labour.
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  • 54 22 Singapore is certainly fresher to-day than it has been for some time past thanks to the thunderstorm last evening which brought .44 of an inch of much needed water to earth and, incidentally, contributed a lealistic touch to mimic warfare upon which a unit of elderly volunteers were engaged in
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  • 71 22 According to the Post Office circular of to day's date tbe commercial wireless station at Singapore is in communication with the Fushimi Maru. Is it the boat that left here for Japan nn the Bth inst I If so, is she returning or is the communica tion effected through intermediary
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  • 77 22 Tbe following properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Cbing Keng Lee and Co.'s sale-room yesterday afternoon :—Leasehold land and godown 19 Merbau Road, area 3,382 square feet, bought by Chew Lan Kai for 98,700 and leasehold land and godown 20 Merbau Road, area 8,377 square feet, bought by
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  • 129 22 The Indiaman tells tbe following story which, the journal says, it received from Calcutta A Dutch gentleman who had arrived from Java to discuss technical questions of freight with the eminent Scot who is bead of tbe British India Office, by some mistake approached a still more eminent Scot of
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  • 114 22 A London wire of March 10 says An American Moore, an intimate friend of Lord French, with whom he shared his London house and who was his guest at Lord French's headquarters in France, sued a Manchester paper for stating that he bad learned military secrets and afterwards went to
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  • 138 22 The latest seaplane raiders have not come off without scaith and one machine at least will drop no more bombs on England. One of these days an enemy machine may land on English soil and its pilot and observer may be captured. What will happen then Will they be inter
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  • 175 22 The reading of history that is not too ancient reveals some matters which have an added interest to day. There now seems something ironical in a certain letter which we have just chanced upon and which was written just over 57 years ago. Tbe dear little boy is improving so
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  • 182 22 The leading article to day remarks on the deop feeling of resentment aroused in Holland by recent outrages. But Holland is not the only neutral country where Ciermanv is thoroughly d» tested. We must not forget tbe pulling dowu, the other day, of the German flag at Lausanne. That was
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  • 312 22 Mr. A. B. Milne, of Ipoh. intends paying a business visit to America shortly. Mrs. W. B. Stephens, of Taiping, leaves for Australia next month, on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. Watertield, of the Taiping Rubbor Plantations, leave for England early in May. Mr. H. R.
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  • 175 22 On Sunday last, there was a large congregation at St. Andrew's Cathedral to witness the ordaining into the Ueaconate of Doag 1■ i n <_; Seng, one of the Foochow Catochixts, of St. Peter's Church, Stamford Hoad. One side of tbe Cathedral was tilled with Chinese
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  • 197 22 A pretty wedding took place at the I res byterian Church yesterday afternoon, when Miss Kllen Mary Morris, second daughter of Capt. T. W. Morris and Mrs. Morris, was married to Mr. Harold Leonard, commercial agent of Suteo, Hartman anil Ujitistuns Co. There were two pretty young bridesmaids.
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  • 272 22 Tbe performance at the Victoria Theatre last night was a repetition of The Cinema Star, of its kind the best tbiuy tho company do. From start to finish it is frankly an absurdity of tbo most rollicking type, full of the most impossible situations ami yet con
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 191 22 W^ g^^? e^^^. Tf Italian Vermouth. CALOBEGK.MAGGREGORCCO., Win* A Spirit Merchant*, SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. Johore Agents A. C. Harper Co. 1 CRAWFORD'S M OLD SCOTCH WHISKY Per case of \l qts. $1 4.00 (OOIT KXTHAI. 1 x SOLE AGENTS: H JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. iftjErj (Imobi'"Kwkii is Ev.lanp). Engineering Consult
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    • 201 22 ALHAMBRA Bench Road, Tbe House of Quality— Tne Home of Feature Attractions Manager, M. H. Kenyon Slado TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT: Th« following Select Programme i The ■m«ricm Biogriph Co. prCMHts Powerful Dram»ti»»tlon et R. D Blackwall'i World fimous LORNA DOME In :< Parts A drama of distinctive quality individual obarru, with
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  • 800 23 THE THIRTY DAYS' BATTLE. Germany's Energies Exhausted. TIRPITZ'S RESIGNATION. Strong Feeling in Germany. Rai'Tiß's Tblbokamk. London, March 19, l.:! 0 p m. Paris, communique: We smashed enemy treaobes north of liheims. The bombardment has appreciably slackened north of Verdun ami tin in, my male do attack to day.
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  • 28 23 Rki-tkb's Telegram. London, March Ml Xl Paso A wireless message says that Villa is trapped at Babricora Lake and everything depends on Carranza s holding his end.
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  • 122 23 (From Ov/b Own Cobbbsposdbst.) Kuala Lumpur, March 20. At Kamasan Rubber Co. meeting. Mr. J. A. Russell presiding, said that the directors were charging all costs of rubber not yet in bearing to revenue. They intended to con tinue to sell locally while Singapore prices equalled London.
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  • 95 23 BUKIT KEPONG RUBBER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 21. The Bukit Kepong Rubber Estates report shows a profit of 125.111. A dividend of 20 per cent, is recommended. The crop totalled 34,872 lbs., and the all-in cost was 83.17 cents per Ib. Tbe gross price realised was 1
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  • 86 23 (Fbioi Ocb Own COkrispokdint.) I'enang, March 20. M the Menglumbu Lode Syndicate annual meeting. .Mr. Thorne, chairman, said that adjoining property had been acquired through which it was believed veins of ore ran. The company had experienced difficulty with regard to capital, drought and shortness of explosive.
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  • 238 23 Reutkr's Tkleokam. London, March 20, 1.45 p in. Mr. Chamberlain has appointed Sir Mtrshall Koid a member of the Council of India in succession to Sir Felix Schuster whose term will shortly expire. Tbe Times says that the appointment remedies a long-stand-ing complaint regarding tbe non repressenta tion
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  • 17 23 Rbutbb's Teleobax. London, March 18, 1.25 p.m. Hongkong, official Kwangsi has pro claimed its independence.
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  • 28 23 Rei'Teb's Telegbam. Londoc. March 20. The death is announced of tbe Rev. A. Stopford Brooke. London, March 20, 1.40 p.m. Sir Starr Jameson is making satisfactory progress.
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  • 198 23 Completion of the Aeroplane Squadron. Widng from Penan? yesterday afternoon Mr. Alma Baker says Sixteen aeroplanes, the minimum number required for a squadron as defined by the War Office, have now been presented to his Majesty's Government by the people of Malaya namely, one flight of 4
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  • 223 23 Following is the report by the directors to the fifth ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders in the Malacca General Stores, Ltd., to be held on April 1, at Malacca— Tbe directors have pleasure iv submitting the balance sheet and profit and loss account for the year
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  • 2966 23 CH4MBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL MEETING. Volunteers and Mobilisation. The annual meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Singapore Ex change, was held yusterdny afternoon in thu Exchange Building*, the President, tbe Hon. C. W. Darbisbiro, presiding. Others present were Hon. W. W. Cook, Straits Trading Co.
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  • 338 23 Appreciation by Chinese Reading Club. The members of the MraMi ohiaa<M R) 1 1 ing Club met at the CCA. Hall uu the 1 tih inst., with the Rev. W. Cross presiding and supported by Messrs. Song < >ng Siang and fourteen others. Mr. Cbua Kei
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  • 127 23 Mr. H. fl. llaydi v, Director of Geological Sarvoy, has left Calcutta for Burma, where he will proceed at onco to Tavoy in connection with wolfram mining. There, is now quite a strong party frcw the Oi Survey in Tavoy, including Mi Brown, A. M. Moron and several
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  • 1370 24 Remarkable Co-operation Between The Sexes. Tbe I'ress Association's special correspon dent wbo has been making a round of muni tion shops writes Lot a deputation of tbe men wbo fear dilution of labour visit a workshop in Yorkshire where I spent an inHtructivi day in tlic i-orupany
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  • 684 24 Important British Addition To Science of Lighting. It is amongst the misfortunes of war that one of the most promising improvements in the science of electric lighting, and perhaps the greatest standing to the credit of a British inventor since the introduction of the carbon filament lamp
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  • 170 24 X is a large town in England. On Monday evening after dark (says a correspondent of the Morning Post) notice was received by the authorities that Zeppelins were approaching. The authorities were equal to the occasion. Within a very short time all lights were extinguished
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  • 317 24 Alleged Chinese Kidnapper Who Absconded. The second assizes of the year were opened this morning before the Chief Justice. Sir J. A. S. Bocknill, K.C. At the outset Mr. V. D. Knowles mentioned a case in which a Cantonese named 'loong Peng is charged with kidnapping. The accused,
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  • 784 24 Disastrous Effects of The Drug. A man and a woman have been convicted at Folkestone of selling cocaine to Canadian soldiers and sentenced to six months' imprisonment with hard labour. The evidence would seem to show that they acted on their own initiative and were actuated only
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  • Correspondence.
    • 368 24 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I ask that you will be kind enough to allow me space in your journal to reply to the letter of your correspondent Member appearing in your issue of the 17th inst. The Tan Kwee Swee Cup
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    • 28 24 The Kcppel ladies' monthly medal competition played yesterday resulted in a tie between Mrs. Nicholson 49 3 =46 and Mrs. Barrett-54 8=46. Seven cards were taken out.
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    • 74 24 A start has been made in the Singapore Catholic Club billiards tournament, B. Singles, with the following results. T. S. Cornelius, rec. 40 beat J. Flanagan, rec. 65. •230 194, and M. F. Aviet rec. 50 beat C. Paglar, rec. 65, 250,209. Ties for to-night:— F. de Rozario, scr.
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    • 61 24 Results of last night's play in the Adelphi Hotel cup tournament were E. Coorcngel, rec 40, 204, v. A. T. Sptncer, roc 45, 250, and C. E. Winter, owe 40, 189, v. A. Lewis, owe 150, 250. Ties for tonight A. Van Renesse, owe 95, v. J. B. Myles. scr.,
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  • 97 24 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6. The Palladium programme last night included two unusually fine pictures. The Dawn, in which Miss Leah Baird appears, is a film of nnusual interest and her acting is of unusual power. The Millionaire Brigand, adapted from Ben Vandeck's
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 118 24 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc, (or week ending, Friday, March 24 Tuesday, March 21. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. S.R.E.(V.) S.V.R. Officers and N.C.O.'a. Chinese Co. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. Drill Hall S.V.C. Cadets. Wkdnisday, March 23. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 4.30 p.m. Balestier Range
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    • 328 24 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Bras Basah Road, Singapore, I^jf »ffr 1^ M— m T^bT From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAB AND LATE SUPPERS A SPECIALITY. Moderate Charges. ADELPHI HOTEL EVERY EVENING DURING DINNER OUR MANILA BAND WILL
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  • 988 25 HOW RUSSIA GRAPPLED WITH THE SHELL PROBLEM. Explanation of the Miracle. The Germans have already celebrated a "liquidation of the Russian campaign." The German Russians (and Russia is blessed with millions of hyphenated Teutons as well as the I'nited States) were already whisper- j ing into thuir
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 588 25 MORTGAGEES SALE On Monday, March 27, mt 2.30 p.m. Valuable frwhold cocinut plantation situate off Psya L^bar Road, Sinßaporr, esti mated to contain an area of '21 square aores and comprised in Grants No«. 208 and all, and part of Grant No. 188. CHING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers. C A
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    • 114 25 BELLISS MORCOM, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) Manufacturers of High-Class self-lubri-cating Engines, Condensing Plant, Steam Turbines, and Diesel Oil Engines. This firm have a world -wide reputation for the excellence of their products. Simplicity of Form, combined with High Efficiency, has been the aim in all their designs, and users know
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1945 26 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE i W.nohsittr House, Singapore. LONDON O*FIOE i 32, Old Jewry, E.C. Tbe Company lias sf2O OOO deposited with
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    • 996 26 INSURANCE. POLICY PROTECTION Tim Shanghai Life Imuranoo Co, Ltd., is incorporated uodtr Hongkong Ordinances; bas complied with the Life Assaran c Companies Act, 1009 (Great Britain) and deposited with tbe Supreme Ccurt of Judicature i Enj land) £'20,000, which if kvestrd in interest-bearing Trustee Securities; has complied with the Indian
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  • 887 27 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Advance Orders. The need of preparedness in all trading circles for the expansion of business on tbe cessation of hostilities in obvious, bat we, Daily Telegraph, wonder if tbe motoring public realise the difficulties that beset the industry. The makers with
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  • 132 27 At an ordinary meeting of tbe Koyal Society Professor J. Joly. IKS gave a d< scription of a new collision predictor. This id a mathematical instrament of simple con struction, which enables tbe mariner when navigating in fog or thick weather to foretell risk of colhgon with
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 206 27 The happiest man at the present moment is the man who placed his order for a FORD and has now got delivery. Place yours now and be made happy when next shipment arrives. WEARNE BROS., LTD., Sol* Agent* for the F.M.t. and 5.8., SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH AND PENANG. AUCTION
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    • 291 27 1^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. BBBBv^£MBI39S^B'B^9BBBBIHBS^aiB^BBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV^^v*^^ f^KKjftsH&^BßßßflßßYP^^flS^^^^^^^^^j^^fßßßßßßßßßßßßl >.tBBbV: < -v 3* -,j ALsBK-^lEBr .>» mc* New IB 2OH.P. Model. Darra«i rtfTtMHU thr rmj ryr^ —rrr-r. —r- highest point of excellence in -^■Jfjf^a^^__^ motor car I'mistrui'tiiin, ,^^s»iß^&f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ jf^faf^^ I'trfrcliiin '■< ftniiiiiiiitsiii sv
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1096 28 JEFFREY'S PILSENER JB ilt ilt JR. BREWED in SCOTLAND MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. Spare wheel 810 X 100, and dickey seat for Straker e quue car, 1012 model. C. c o Straits Times 17 3—28-8 WANTED TO RENT. GODOWN with frontage on Singapore River, area approximate,}- 12,000 mi. feet Apply to Box
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    • 787 28 HOUBEB TO LET. TO LET, No. 1, Orobard Road. Entry May 1. Apply on the premiss*. 16 8—27-8 TO LBT, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Panl Co. 161— n TO LET, No. 62, Hill Street, suitable tor school or hotel. Apply B. Silas, 8, Prince Street. 10-2—
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    • 819 28 ARTICLES FOR BALE. FOR SALE, fourseater 1914 bp. 4 -cylinder Austin car. Apply Box No. 264, Straits Times. 16-B— n FOR SALE, PAIGE MOTOR CAR, five seater in first class condition. Apply to M M e/o Straits Times. 14 B—o FOR SALE, one fi inch transit theodolite and stand, also
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    • 339 28 GUAN KIAT CO.. HEIO OFFICE: J7, Phill.p Itrset Branch Stores at Nos. 14, 100 and 102, Tank Road, and No. 14, Phillip Street, Telephone Nos. 1174, 1178 and 1288 (Private 1460 and 1078). Our New Itocki of Mild Itssl tors, Joiiti, thwti Pan Head Rivsts, Iron Boitt and Nuts, etc,
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    • 466 28 810 SHIPMENT OF COAGULATING PANS Just arrived. Sizes 18" x V x 4" 18" X 9" X 8i" 15" X 10" x 4" Spi oial Quality. Prio«s3 Reasonable KIAM KIAT&Co., 108 109, Market Street. Telephone No. 431. 17 80-6-16 To ADVERTISERS As requests to maku alterations advertisements, such as changep
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  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 343 28 Straits V)imes. Telephone!, Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 348 All communications relating to editorial matter* and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All] communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wantp of
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