The Straits Times, 18 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,059 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY MARCH 18. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 I yW SLEDGE BRAND MILK ALL comes fr«»m Cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps pastures. The quality, therefore, may be r«-lied upon to be always of that unrivalled standard of excellency which has gained for Sledge Brand the first place among all Canned Milks. It is most important that
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    • 582 1 "His Master's Voice Z^ti^ New Records for March, 1916. H^pr 12-Inch Double-tided, $3.75 each. M 682 1 Oi niR from > H» Parti. (Verdi)) Grand Opera Company ***** Gims from A ida"- Part 11. (Verdi) Grand Opera Company M «hrJ oB4lh Ah, was it he! All. forH'r loi!"— Part I.)
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    • 14 1 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEET. ■hi feasts i ADAMSON. GILFIILAN *CO LTD J {Incn^orile,!.., K.iKl.n.h
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  • 888 2 WAR LOAN SCHEME FOR WORKING CLASSES. No Lotteries. The report of the Montagu Committee, appointed on December 7 to consider tbe best means of obtaining contributions to War Loans from tbe small investor and the working classes, is issued. And with it is also issued a statement from
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  • 113 2 When tbe German shells fall in the streams here, writes a Manchester officer from Flanders, they make splendid columns of water, and incidentally kill hundreds of fish. One day I went out with the bombing officer of our battalion, who wanted to catch fisb. and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 325 2 GREAT WAR PUZZLE. l?*rn*m STire'Tl uS!'. l 'WoU<i*<tol<i' \"."h ■Mi wu.-kn. The «'aat to n»»il to tarchut > j Ou.a iraa mto w»»r tM Pr»« WMrfc. IM nm i Mitav*. mrM>on>*t tfc» MM. m* mil «»*.lo»t ft* > v a to. mkrußATUis street. FORTHCOMING FURNITURE SALES. March 25, at
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Circat Peppermint Cure la, 6d
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    • 611 2 COLD AND RHEUMATISM. The long spell of wet weather is now having evil effect on a number of people, and tbe tortures ol rheumatism are disabling many. Victims o( this malady bave every reason to fear the first doll aches in tbe limbs and joints, followed by Bbarp pains through
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    • 1120 2 OSAKA BHOSENKAIBHA (Incobpobatbd in Japan) .Osaka Msrcantlls Itaamahip Co ltd KOBE- BOMBAY LINE. The Company maintains a regular cargo servioe v 'th sis steamt-rR eallicg at Moji, Yokkaiobi Hongkong, Singapore. Port Swettenham, Punang, Colombo and Bombay, and on the return voyage calling at Tuticorin, Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. For Port
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  • 614 3 The following casualties are reported France or Belgium. London, March 2. Killed.-2nd Lieut. A. E. Archer, East Kent* 2nd Lieut F. R Bell, Border Kogi ment Lieut. J. Laithwaite, Manchester* Lieut. K. J. Lias, Sussex 2nd Lieut. R. Shaw, CtuHhires; 2nd Lieut. K. N. Wood, Irish Fusiliers. Now
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  • 259 3 The conversion of the free trade Spectator to the policy of Imperial preference is arou3ing considerable interest and comment among English politicians. The Spectator thus justifies tariff preference We feel moat strongly that, wl en we consider not only the gallantry with which the overseas Britons have fought
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  • 125 3 When the Prince of Wale* is gome to do a think! he simply will not be pat off, says a writer in The Star. I waa at the bos office of a theatre the other evening, when he and two brother officers came along, and Hit
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 325 3 iAf "i FOR LUXURY IN WRITING USE THE I Swam i m FOUNTPEN i It is not i cheap pen to buy, but it is chenp to use. It outlasts 1 1 all others because it has the hardest, smoothest point which yrars lift) of writing do not touch. The
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    • 160 3 DISTRESSING PIMPLES Removed by Cuticura Soap and Ointment Trial Free. Bmnr them with the Ointment. Wash off in five minutes with C'uticura Soap and hot water and continue bathinK for some minutes. Repeat on rising and retiring. These fragrant super-creamy emollients do much for the skin. Sample Each Free by
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    • 102 3 Don't Use Paint! It doesn't pay. The Climate of the Straits requires something different something cheaper something better. "TENAX" Anti-Corrosive Solution fulfils these requirements. "TENAX" is a solution of selected bitumens refined by a special process, and is the result of nearly 50 years' experience in handling bitumens of every
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1089 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND •Mpcar I— inc. (Com? vniks In, .riokatud in England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. <Under Contract witb Hit Majesty Government). Fop Chins, Japan, Penang, Oeylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London, Steamers will leave Singaporo on or about
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    • 801 4 BTEAMEB MILIN6B. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imoorpobatbd in Siami. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, PaUni, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamai, Bandon, Langsuen, Taka, Champon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure .a. ASDANQ Map. 18, S p.m. MAHIOOL Mar. 9O 22, S p.m. a. a. BORIBAT 23
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    • 471 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAMSHIPCO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Imcobporatbd in Bnolano) The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for tbe Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool acd for Marseille?.
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    • 519 4 STEAMER SAILINB*. NT Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incorpohatbd in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained bctwoen Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail contract witb th« Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin- screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially dosignod ana constructed, and
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  • 125 5 FIXTURES. Saturday, March 18. Bigh Water U.2S a.m., 10.28 p.m. Bandman Optra Co. Sunday, March 19. High Water, 10.8 a.m 10.4 > p.iu Monday, March 20. High Water. 10.4* a.m.. II.S pm Prayer meeting, Nind House, The Kiwhop, 5.18 p.m. Chamber of Commerce mooting, 3.1S p.m. Bandman
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  • 320 5 TO DAT. Malacca. P. Swettenham and Ponang Klang 2.30 pin Medan Medusa LM piu BaSH Smbilan 2.80 pin Bangkok Mild 2.80 pm Muntok and Paleuibang an (ioens IM pm Mcrr-mi;. K. Pabang, Pi kan and K Ranee Bpm Miri. Ijabnao. .Usselton. Kiidnt. San l.ikan. etc. Chow
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  • 77 5 Lieut. < cilom-l .1. .1. Staal. late of tbe East Indian Army, has passed away at Tbe Hague at tbe age 67 years. The deceased was adjutant t >r (ieoeral Van der Wyck. In IHH.-; he was a major in Java, and in ins; keSMaa. The Kaight's Cross of tbe
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  • 177 5 EXCHANGE. SIMOAFOU, MaHCH 18, 1910, OaLohi.o. Bank 4 m/s 2/4|| Demand 2/4* Private 8 m/t 2/4 J On Frakck Bank T. T. 828 On India Bank T. T 174* On HoNoicoMe...Bank d/d 16j Ok Shanghai ...Bank d/d B<4 On Jata Bank T. T. 188 On Japan Bank
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Core Is. 6d KUALA LUMPUR RUBBER AUCTIONS. Rubber Auctions will be ht-ld at our offices every fortnight on Fridays, commencing at 10 a.m. The first sale will be held on Friday, April 7, at 10 a.m. All rubber for this sale should rtMi
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    • 360 5 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BF LBT, Compound House, 102, Rivei Valley Road, from May 1. Apply to David at d Son.. 18-H-17-J TO BB LBT, FURMSHED, Gladyi Cottage, Gilstrad Roai lonr bedrooms. Rent •86 per month. ppljr toOccutan'. 1% B— t WANTBD. AN ASSISTANT BOOK RKBPER witb a tborongh knowledge ol
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    • 990 5 > W I W. D. H. O. WILLS'S THE NEW SMOKING MIXTURE W ,nvn de LUXE I I A PERFECT PIPE TOBACCO i OF ALL THE LEADING kL d t s® sssisssssssssssszssssszssszsgss n|» S TI-lED^fCE \S I is a sure success if the l', music is given by the IJ
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  • 31 6 Cator.— On March 16. at Orchards, West Maiding, Kent, Violet, wife of Lieut.-Com-mander Bertie Cator, R.N., and youngest daughter of the late John Wingfield Stratford, Esq of Addington Park, Kent.
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  • 1108 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY. MARCH 18. ADMIRAL VON TIRPITZ. The recent death of Admiral Pohl, followed so quickly by the resignation of the great Admiral Von Tirpit/. indicates that the Kiel Canal is less restful than might be supposed. If the German navy sheds its leading lights in this swift
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  • 12 6 Kurtlirr lyiport proclamation* were issued in a Government Gazette extraordinary, yesterday afternoon.
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  • 30 6 Mr. H. W. Thomson has been appointed to command the civil guard in tbe Taiping area. Mr. R. P. Brash tbe Ipoh guard, and Mi. V. Hill the Batu-Gajah guard.
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  • 31 6 During January 6,392 Chinese deck pas gangers left Penang, 1,678 going to Kcdah. 1,896 to China. 843 to Siamese ports, 1,115 to Burma, 841 to Dutch ports and 19 to India.
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  • 29 6 In Singapore there are 42 persons licensed under the Deleterious Drugs Ordinance, 1810; in Penang ten, and in Malacca nix. The licensed dentists number 17. 3 and 4 respectively.
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  • 39 6 What will the M.S.V.K. say when they see it recorded in the current issue of Witakcr'x Almanack, under events of 1914 15, that the riot at Singapore on February 15 was quelled by a detachment of the 36th Sikhs'.'
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  • 34 6 A London telegram states Young officers are now overabundant, and the latest arrivals are only promised O.T.C. work. It is advisable for anyone coming home to bring introductions to someone in tbe War Office.
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  • 39 6 At the Boustead Institute next Sunday at 8.15 p.m. Mr. R. 1). Pringle will conduct the evangelical service. The subject of his address will be the Two World Forces. Mrs. Pierrepont will sing a sacred solo. All are invited.
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  • 41 6 The King will not be advised to exercise bis power of disallowance with respect to the ordinance to amend the law relating to tbe avoidance of Voluntary Conveyances and the ordinance to amend the Trading with tbe Enemy (Amendment; Ordinance 1915.
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  • 58 6 It is ptoposed to construct an embankment connecting the Tanjong Pagar Bast Reclamation with the new Teluk Ayer Reclamation. The embankment will be 60 feet wide at the top, will be faced with granite rubble on both sides and carry a roadway 36 feet in the clear, a line of
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  • 49 6 Messrs. Sellar, Murray and Co., Penang, advise us of the outputs from the following companies for tbe first half of March: Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd., picms 500, hours run 311. Cbenderiang Tin Dredging, Ltd., dredge, piculs 180, hours run 294, hydraulic elevators, piculs 50, total output iChenderiang) piculs 280.
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  • 55 6 The Pioneer's Cairo correspondent wrote on February 3:— By a decree of the Council of Ministers, tbe Reserves of tbe Egyptian army have been called out. They are, however, not to be used in the bring line. They have been called ont at the request of the General Officer Commanding
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  • 69 6 The Morning Post's Petrograd correspondent dealing the other day with the Verdun attack reiterated tbe Russian view that the really important matter is the killing of Germans. Tbe French should defend the positions only while they afforded superiority in killing power. In diminishing the German personnel lay tbe whole secret
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  • 70 6 A correspondent at British headquarters says steel helmets are so successful there that there is now talk of breastplates and back plates. He personally examined eight heluietr, the wearers of which would all have been killed had they been wearing others. Some were unhurt and others slightly wounded. One helmet
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  • 81 6 We have just seen a recent number of The Spectator and have had something of a shock. To find The Spectator suddenly advocating a tariff is nearly as startling as to bear some lady friend publicly advocating polygamy and announcing that, like Mr. Pickwick on a celebrated occasion, she was
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  • 93 6 During the hearing of a crimping case at KlaDg, writes Cbe Straits Kcho correspondent in that town, one of the witnesses for the prosecution was challenged to take the oath in the Tamil fashion by putting out burning camphor in the presence of the Court. The Interpreter explained the challenge
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  • 109 6 From two people who bare just left Berlin come tales of the weariness of the people and the longing for peace. We should have guessed as much from the circumstance that the German lie bureau appears to be growing tired Tbo latest inventions are poor things compared with, say, the
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  • 175 6 Pandora, tbe All gifted first cf women, according to Greek mythology, made some amends for the ills she permitted to spread over tbe earth by leaving behind, in the bot torn of her box, Hope. But experience shows Uiat even Hope may be a deceiver, a bait to cover any
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  • 417 6 Mr. G. W. Bryant, district officer, hind ings, has gone borne on long leave by the P. and O. steamer Nankin. Lieutenant William Gordon Bennett, II.N'.R has been appointed a magistrate for the Settlement of Singaport Mr. C. W. A. Scnnett, cadet, and Mr. N. L. London,
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  • 69 6 For the period from March 24 to 30, inclusive, the value of tbe highest grade of rubber is fixed at 3s. 7d. per II)., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rules
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  • 86 6 We understand that Mr. S. 1). Morgan, of Morgan's Agency, Kuala Lumpur, propones to open a rubber auction in the Federal capital, as be thinks that it has higher claims to be tbe rubber centre than Singapore. Naturally, perhaps we regard the great seaport of Malaya
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  • 122 6 We arc indebted to Messrs. liarlow and Company for the following HtatinticH of the export of Para rubbtr from the four ports of tbe Peninsula for varying periodn from January 1, 1916. Tbe .|uantititH an: stated in lb»., with the figures 'or the corresponding periods of the
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  • 165 6 Before Mr. K. Scott, in the Ipoli Magis. tratu'g Court, on 'I'm scliiy, Mi. C. t'nx, i>i Klabang estate, Cheuioi. clmrgtdu 1 I rikislia coolie (roiu GhaaiaOf with conveying liquor tv tin Tamil tiud.'il .>! tlie Htatc. Mr. J. McCatK' l!cuy, I >< puty I'ublic li cutor,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 H CLARETS. Yin Ordinaire M Medoc St. Emilion St. Julien St. Estephe {,mioV'«| Ch. Leoville Ch. Larose Ch. Lafite I Ch. Haut Breton J flf CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO.. Win* and Spirit Merchants. W USHER'S GREEN STRIPE ijl Scotch Whisky $17 LBSs S%,DJTV EXTRA. Sole Agents: JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Imorphiated
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    • 188 6 ALHAMBRA Beach Road. Tbe House of Quality— Tbe Home of Feature Attractions Tlw Liadlnt ThMtn in Singapore Mana« r. M. H. Kenjon Slade The Film DArt Company PRESENTS an Excaptionally Strong PATRIOTIC Drama on the PRESENT GREAT Wall BUSINESS AS USUAL IN S PARTS. Powerful, Sensational, Inspiring. A Btory of
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  • 1428 7 VERDUN BATTLE. Entering on its Final Phase. KaUTKR's Tr.LKi.RAM-. London, March 16, 1.45 p.m. Paris Tbe opinion is growing that the battle of Verdun is in its final phase and that everything is in favour of the French Although their artillery attacks are more desperate than ever tbo
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  • 105 7 RkCTER's TILKGIUMa. London, March It', Mi p.m. M( ssrs Montagu's report says the tone of the silver market continues remarkably steady. The demand for the home mint is the chief factor. Tbe continent has been a more or less constant buyer and there are a few orders from
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  • 75 7 KfcCTKH s TKLtuKAM. London, March 16 12.5 a.m. Presenting Professor Macdonell with the Campbell Memorial Medal, on behalf of tbe Royal Asiatic Society, Lord Sandhurst paid a tribute to Campbell's great work at Bombay on the outbreak of plague. Professor Macdonell, in replying, advocated a School of Research
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  • 40 7 Rklter's Tklk.,r.\m. London, March 16, 12.15 p.m. Lord Cbelmsford had an audience of tbe King and kissed hands on his appointment. He received the Insignia of the Grand Cross of the Star of India and the Indian empire.
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  • 20 7 Kn tick's Telkuram. London, March 16, 1.60 p.m. Bangkok The King of Siam is suffering from neurasthenia.
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  • 22 7 Kki I k TILIORAX. London. March 16, 6.15 p.m. The death is announced of Lord Thurlow and Sir Charles Moore Watson
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  • 60 7 (Fkom Our Own Corrkspondint.) Penang, March 17. Tbe Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., profits for tbe year amount to $11,468, and with tbe forward balance from last account to $26,918. The director* recommend a dividend of 10 per cent, and to carry forward 122,074. They pay a
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  • 122 7 Messrs. Francis Peek and Cos. Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, supply as with the following report on the position ol tbe Java produce market for tbe past week Katavia, March 17. Following lower London quotations rubber market has weakened, first standards having sellers at
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  • 607 7 King's Address to Wounded Sirdars. His Excellency tbe Commander-in Chi.f in India directs tbe publication of the follow iug telegram, dated February 11, 1916, from the Right Hon. the Secretary of State for India to His Excellency the Viceroy Tho King to-day received loyal address from 27
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  • 129 7 Walking Sticks from Singapore. Mr. I Kilisoa MM received the following letter Deputy Director of Medical Services. Headquarters, Aldershot Command, February 12, 1916 Dear Sir, On behalf of tbe patients in the hospitals in this command, I have to acknowledge with thanks, a case containing 24S
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  • 288 7 Valuable Assistance by Shipping Company. A Bombay Government Press Note states: —Last year '2,433 pilgrims proceeded to Jeddab on the Haj pilgrimage. Ip to the commencement of December, 1915,1,809 pilgrims in ail bad returned to Bombay, and it was reported that about 1,(100 persons, including pilgrims of
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  • 1452 7 (From Ocr Own Corkkspondkmt.) Kuala Lumpur, March US. Mr. W. Stanley Hardwicke, of tbe Bagan Datoh Estate, has been granted a commission (second lieutenant) in tbe Coldstream Guards and is at present stationed at Victoria Barracks, Windsor. He expects bis marching orders for tbe western front some
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  • 832 7 Production of Potash And Perlmutter. It Abe Potash and liiH partner Perlmutter are taken from life we should think twice before looking askance at their prototype* on account of any little eccentricities such as are often associated with those who speak with their accent. They must be
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  • 380 8 A Year's Work for Sightless Warriors. Mr. C. Arthur Pearson, chairman of the lihD.l.'l Soldiers' and Sailors Care Committee, write* to us as follows Just a year ago the Blinded Soldiers' and Sailors' Care Committee started to look after the men who have lost their sight in
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  • 93 8 European War Fund. For the joint benefit of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Amount previously acknowledged 54.326.47 Jaya Opera Company. Net proceeds of performance of All Baba and The Forty Thieves at the Theatre Royal on March
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  • 219 8 Tin 11,, n. I>r. Lim Boon Keng requests us t'i insert the following list of subscribers to Malaya 16 of the Malaya Aircraft Squadron. He inform* us that tue Chartered Bank has kindly forwarded «2,670 to Ipoh, and (200 just received is also being sent Directors of
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  • 176 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6. The pictures to be shown at the matinee at the Palladium to day have been chosen with eveo mote care than usual, and we understand that the children are to have a special treat. That in, of course,
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  • 579 8 Sunday, March 19, 1916. St. Andrew's Cathedral. Second Sunday in Lent. 7 a.m. Matins 7-80 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) and Ordination; 980 a.m. Holy Communion; 4 p.m. Sunday School and Biblo ('lasses 6 80 p m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines.— a.m. Holy Communion 5.80
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  • 206 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending. Kriday, March 24 Saturday, Mai;' li 18. 4.30 p.m. Cold Storage Depot West Wharf Maxim Co. 2.30 p.m. Balestier Range S.V.R., No. 1 Platoon. Slndav, March 19. 7.30 a.m. Balestier Range S.V.R No. 2 Platoon. 6 a.m. Vicinity of Kampong
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  • 1906 8 EXPECTATIONS THAT WERE NOT FULFILLED. Increasing the Paid-up Capital. The sixth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Java Consolidated Rubber and Coffee Entates, Ltd., was held on March 3, at the offices of the secretaries and general managers, Messrs. J. A. Wattle and Co., Ltd., there
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  • 24 8 Taiping Rubber Estates.— lo,s26 lbs. Malaka Pinda.— l6,767 lba. six months 170,970 lbs. Pa uvKor.- 2,640 lbs.; eleven months 49,782 lbs.
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  • 111 8 Mr. C. Malcolm Camming, a member of the Council of the R 0.A., issued an appeal in November for funds to provide rubber boots for those branches of the service at the front not Hupplied with this kind of footwear, says the H.O.A.'g annual report. The Council at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 43 8 Let politicians disagree And poll each other's hair, It makes no difference to me, For little do I care. Bat what I do care much about, You'll never aoesa, I'm our Unless your cold baa bet n repaired With Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 409 9 jd s^ /Razor that Strops Itself W|^ A BLADE -STROPPING IS EASIER 1 It :j a V y **"*ZJJL THAN BLADE CHANGING AND I "^T" r fT CHEAPER THAN BLADE-BUYING I %t>" /£p=— I Test a ainBt an y non-stropping razor I /i" l£\ nc l^"^ an<^ you wi rea
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    • 209 9 REMOVAL NOTICE. Notiec is hereby given that tbe local office of tbe NanyaDg Marine and Fire losaranoe and Bxobange Company of HoDgkong, Limited (incorporated in Hongkong), has now removed to No. 66/6 Market Street, Singapore. LO PUN BOON, Hr.pcb Manager Marob 17. 1916. 17.8— 20.8 MASSAGE. Those who have long
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    • 17 9 <&&& HAS FORCED f X J?\ J^^ f^'^ v ITSELF ON THE S^A'^iQk public y^^^/ T^^^ >H SHEeR
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1951 10 War or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Im'obi'oratki) in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE. Winohnttr Hou.a, Singapore LONDON O FICE > 32, Old Jewry. E.C. The Company lias SSO.OOO deposited with the
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    • 897 10 IN8URANCE. A TWOFOLD SERVICE A Policy with the Shanghai Life Icfturanoe Co., L'd., renders you two services. The first i* in making a d> finite provisun for tlm wife and children, with the feeling of m ourity and contentmeDt b-ou^lit hbmt (hereby, while the second is that it teaohcs yon
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  • 705 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motoring in Ceylon. The Times of Ceylon, of March a, says We are glad to see that the Automobile Club of Ceylon is waking up to a sense of its true mission in the island. At its next general meeting the
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  • 74 11 While acting, as corporal in charge of the divisional baths. Corporal H. B. Lees Smith, M.l. saw 11. left on a bench for him by two piivates as a tip. In a letter describing the incident, be writes They were so embarrassed when I did not
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 238 11 JUST RECEIVED: A LARGE SHIPMENT OF British Motor Accessories INCLUDING THE FAMOUS LUCAS Lamps, Horns, etc., etc. We keep the Largest Stocks of High-Class Motor Accessories mm East of Suez. WEARNE BROS., Ltd., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. HIGHEST-GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. KEROSENE j DEVOE'S two brands. SYLVAN ARROW. BENZINEPRATT'S
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    • 250 11 Mk am \L^-~~^ 1^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS., Singapore. I MnTP^^^^i Extract of Malt and Bit ti\mL\i^^mmnwn^^'"frmmm\ IS known throughout the world as a great nourishing [S I J3i3^s&£!mmmi^&!?*Z£^!-°sBm*\uM food, being rich in flesh-forming substances, and iSnnnCS^^H|^^|^^^2R^vl digested quite easily by the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1123 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS WANTED. A LATIN TUTOR seeks situation as a private Latin tutor, at home. Terms on application to Box 266, Straits Times. 17-B—lBB SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. SHORTHAND TYPIST for office in Malacca State experience and salary required. Apply Bex No. '267, Straits TiLuen. 17.8—20 3
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    • 713 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT, Rooms at Zetland House, A inenian Street. Apply Stephbns Paul Co. 16 l—o TO LET, No. 62, Hill Street, suitable for school or hotel. Apply B. Silas, 8, Prince Street. 10-2— n TO LET, No. 7*B, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Obetiß Van Co., 10.
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    • 769 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE, four-seater 1114 b.p. 4-cylinder Austin car. Apply Box No. 364, Straits Times. 16-8— v FOR SALE, PAIGE MOTOR CAR, five seater in first class condition. Af ply to M M.. c/o Straits Times. 14 B— a FOR SALE, one 6 inch transit theodolite and stand,
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    • 293 12 GUAN KIAT CO.. HCaO OFFICE: 37, Phillip Street Branch Btoroe at Nos. 14, 100 and 102, Tank Road, and No. 14, Phillip Street, Telephone Noe. 1174, 1178 and 1288 (Private 1450 and 1078). Our New Stock* of Mild Steel tar*, Joltts, Sheeti. Pan Head Rivets, Iron Boltt and Huts, etc.,
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    • 460 12 810 SHIPMENT OF COAGULATING PANS Just arrived. Sizes 1H X 9" X 4--18" X 9" x If If X 10" X 4 Special Quality. Prioea Reasonable KIAM KIAT&Co., 108 ft 109. Market Street, Telephone No. 431. 1-7 80-0-10 To ADVERTISERS As requests to tuako alterations advertisements, such as charges in
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 342 12 Straits *l§imes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All] communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of
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