The Straits Times, 13 March 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,054 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MARCH 13. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 196 1 E^^. THE TRIUMPH OF OIL. BIANCHARD ES. INCANDESCENT OIL LAMP 300 c.p. pure white light, consumes 1 pt. oil in 7 hours, for inside or outside use, length overall 30 inches, weight when full 13 lbs. Price M%^r complete. KATZ BROS., Ltd. I "Tar-I LETTER FILING CABINETS V/*""""-^ Fitted with
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    • 123 1 ROBINSON CO. New Goods Just Received. Unmade Embroidered Voile Bobes Sports Coats Motor Veils Embroideries Valenciennes Laces Blouses Ladies' Shoes Hew Dress Materials Plain Coloured Voiles Printed Voiles Crepe de Chenes Poplin de Chene Corsets Bibbons A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHE* GOODS ARRIVING SHORTLY. For all requirements in the Furniture
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  • 866 2 THE SPIRIT AND ASPIRATIONS OF CANADA. Sir R. Borden's Faith in The Future. Sir Robert Borden delivered two or three timely and impressive speeches at New York recently. As Prime Minister of Canada be speaks with authority to the American people. As a son of Nova Scotia
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  • 149 2 Since members of tbe Australian Expedi tionary Forces began to arrive wounded in England, hundreds have accepted tbe invitations of people in different parts of tbe L'nited Kingdom to be their guests while on furlough. The Australian War Contingent Association, of 59 Palace Street, London. S.W.. has
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  • 36 2 A very pleasant ceremony took place at the Medical College, Calcutta, on February 24. when Lord Carmichacl laid the foundation stone of a hospital for tropical diseases in tbe presence of a large and influential gathering.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 472 2 A Reputation oj over 100 ftan. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills are recommended for biliousness, sick heidache, depression, and all indispositions arising from a sluggish liver or disorder- \1 difiestion. They are recommended bj cause they were originated by a fully -<nialified medical irnn— Dr. James Cockle and no specific acting more
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    • 315 2 Made in Dublin BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION b,READ BROTHERS, u-ii«i Q^jrfiaNlP Dog's Head Guinness SOLD eVE&YWHCRE ORDER IN FAMILY PACKAGES TRADING COMPANY HOLLAND. SINGAPORE AGENCY. NOTICE is hereby given that I have given over charge and management of tbis Branch (8-8, Malacca Street) to Mr. D. Blaanw. D. C. vis
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  • 819 3 EXPENDITURE OF 30 MILLION DOLLARS. Views of Feng Kuochang. The Peking correspondent of the N. C. Daily News writing on February 22 state News of the military operations in Szechnan and elsewhere continue to be conspicuous by absence. Official reports mention minor victories on the northern Kueichow
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  • 190 3 Mr. Pardon, editor of Wisden's Cricket Almanac, devotes seven pages of appreciation to tbe late Victor Trumper. He declare* By general consent. Trumper was the best and most brilliant of all tbe great Australian bathim n. No one else among that famous group bad quite such
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  • 58 3 Before Sir Hider Hazard nailtii on hi» Kiupire tour in soldier settlement interests, he received a t< I. iiraui from Karl Gray as follows -If the Kinpiro ii to continue it must be by a yreat iuteriuiijratioo b, t*wi. KinjUnd and the Dominions Lands with Kritooa on them will contribute
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 527 3 't**k thit pair ol >klnny scaracrMs! Why fBJfl tk*j try tariol r", EXCESSIVE THINNESS. Doctors Say There is a Safe Simple Way to Get Fat. Dr. Armant tha eminent Frenoh authority, deolarea thia ia the moat auooeaaful method of putting on fleah." Women who had it difficult to dresi well
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    • 269 3 ESANOFELE ANTI-MALARIA PILLS. Sold Everywhere. Greatly nsed by tbe Italian Gov rnment 4 sare cure (or Malaria K> vi r. Highly recommended by those who have used them OAOOINO CO. GHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No. 25 South Bridge Road First class Mechanical Dentistry, Oold Crown Bridge Filling aod Vulcanite Duration o
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    • 365 3 iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu The Difference in this Baby S from the usual bottle-fed baby is his firm flesh, tm »trong bone and happy intelligent expression iJm this is because he has been reared on Glaxo. ■jljfc^/"*)! ""s^ His parents say "He has not ji had a day's illness," and he Jk looks
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 777 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND A I rpcar k_ine. (Companies Incobporatbd in England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with Hit Majesty a Croverniaent), Fop China, Japan, Penang, Gaylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port* and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about
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    • 299 4 COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. ft (Incorporated in Enound) THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) BITWIBN Framantls Perth), North Wast Australian Ports, Java and Singapore Rega'ar sailings between Singapore and Western Australia calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port
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    • 767 4 STEAMER SAILINBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisat, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kobeamai, Bandon, Langsuea, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure a.a. YUGALA Mar. 18 Mar. 18, 3 p.m. a.a. ASDANG 18 18, 8 p.m. M. MAHIOOL
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    • 467 4 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAMSHIPCO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) IP The Companies' bteamers are dospatcbtd from Liverpool outwards for tho Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for
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    • 521 4 STEAMER SAILINIS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTO. (INCORPORATBD IN JAPAN) EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail ontract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamorg maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fittt d
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  • 788 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 18, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. Norn. V*Lci. Bdtim. Sillies. 8/- AUagat 3/- 2,4* 4 1 Anglo Ja»a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 560 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INOO-CHIM BTEMD MV. CO. LTD. (Im'iiKlmilaTlH IN KmiLAND). Dlraot 8«rvio« to Japan via Hong hong Shsn|hai, and to Oaloutta, via Panang, from Smgapor*. Taking oargo on tbioogb Bills ot Ladint lor Canton, Maoao, Swatow, Amoy, Cbelcr, Tientsin, Newchwaog, Yangtsae Ports, For niosa tbe Pbilippiner, etc., etc. eke. •taamar*,
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    • 347 5 The Straits Times F6R F.W.B. READERS, Tbe Mail Train postal seroee enables to at tend into the F.M.S. each evening t Special Edition of Tbe Strait* Time* containing all tbe important telegrams and news rooeived up to a late boor ia tbe afternoon Tbia edition oan be boctbt m Urn
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    • 265 5 BRUNNER MONO CO., LIMITED, Northwich, England. CRESCENT YB'M&ISY BRAND MANUraCTOaCBS OF Bicarbonate of Soda. Soda Ash. Caustic Soda. Carbonate of Ammonia. Sulphate of Ammonia Calcium Chloride. Pure Zinc, Etc. AQENTS, Straits Settlements and F. M. S. Ha VvOl— SI\EL. CO** Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Gandy's Belting FOR THIS CLIMATE Not
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 TREATMENT of ANAEMIA GZmz^-SjiU OF CHLOROSIS A.tiii all c«»o» of debility *~"~^^i by JjQbbb: FEROXAL GRANULATED COMPOUND Of protowl.te of iron and .ldine phosphate. I^u- Academy of Medeclne «i PtrtM Jt_ r i----Il' 45, Avenue de Tourvllle, 45. PAH» »^^l MOBE ASSIMILABLE THAN SANATOGEN h Stocks kept and samples supplade
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    • 302 6 .M. A. 1 .M. .A. JL^p SS^ Ja^^l (Late of The F<>bis>«'N Pi \k<> C'>.) Mardolins, from $i2-00t0525-oo cstes 5-tO /.i'i> i r. mandolin, lunj'i And raßc 20-00 Mindol n strirg<, od« Ret, Ht II bratd 76 tidiuar) BO p'lctrum.liom lOto 2O b.ntuM -to to SO tai< pit ces IB
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    • 486 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTEH, two istrr motor car in good running order. Box No. 'IV, Straits Times. 18-3—15 8 WANTED TO FLY at once, second hand nx.tir csr'p in »'i»l order, free engine, 2 "-poed, h} H.P. or over. Apply A, 8., o/o >t'»it« Timeg. 18 8-16 3 FOR SAI X,
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    • 591 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS.; THE D'NOINGS. $150,000 CASH. 675 acres M miles road frontage. 70 acrt-i jio^le. 50 acres ne^Sectul, abandon, il. 165 acres ne^Kcted, oontaiaing 20,000 2 to 4-yoir trece. 400 best condition. 18,000 rubber trees, 7 to 0 years old, 180 acres. 16.0C0 7 180 18.C00 4to 5 140
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  • 106 7 FIXTURES. Monday, March UV flich Watet, 8.37 a.m., 7.14 p.m. Kandman Opera Co. Tuesday, March 14. High Water. 6.0 a.ra., H.HJ p.m. Uandman Opera CoWednesday, March 15. High Watet. A 82 a.m., 9.8 p ro Bandman Opera Co. Thursday, March 16. High Water 7.46 a.m 9.86 p.T.
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  • 199 7 TO DAT. Selat Pandjang, BengkaliH an 1 Ba^an Meran 'I'M pm P. Swettenham and T. Anson Perak 2.80 pm Billiton, Sourabaya and Sin^arailja I!. I. Uuan i. JO pm I'ort Swcit, -uli' in, IVnant:. N> uapatam and Mail. a" taking mails for Durban I ul'.ala 2.80 pm
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  • 270 7 The mail trains from Singapore tor the north leave Tank Koad st ition daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. To through express to Penang leaves Kuala Lvii fit at H a in. daily, arriving at Penan*;
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  • 72 7 'I. M. outward steamer Lotus left ('o)ouiboat 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 9, ami may be expected to arrive here to morrow afternoon. Tbe P. and U. homeward mail steamer Naukin has left Hongkong and may be expected to arrive here at 5 p.n to-morrow. She Hails
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  • 119 7 Our attention baa be-n called to tho fact that oar at rival* ia Ijosxioa are much behind tkoMe paMiabed ehewbere. Oar nil- ih to )riv< arr.vaU oaly when they on officially sported in tbe Pout Offion n itiotw. aa>< on lat- r .Ute than that pr> a
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  • 69 7 Latest Arrivals. British. Name Date of Arrival Remarks. I'astlefield Ping Suey \lnlii r»t KriaD La y Weld i'erak Sri Muar Poh Ann Hnck Canton Hong Wan Kliony Seng A ing Mil TanjoDK Surat Ban Lie Gaan Mithjdk Hock Hye (tlanKKi Hnck K> vi; K-Micmkla Hock Tew Kampar Kut
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  • 315 7 Outward. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It sbonld be understood that, in gome instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 319 7 His Intervention to Save Life Of Condemned. Writing to the editor of the New York Herald. Paris edition, a corresp .udent says I The aDiitviDCe ment in the rn- wxpaper- a few days ago thai 'he Emperor of Austria had pariloati] tight li'j<«ian subjects wbo were sentenced
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  • 170 7 A French sommuniqac report* Onr battleplane attacked and downed a Uerman i ra^on machine near Peronnel. This (eat is due to the pilot of the battle plane, Sergeant Ouymener, aged only 21 years. He obtained a pilot's certificate in April and thin is the fifth Oeriuan aeroplane
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  • 178 7 EXCHANfIE. Simoapou, March 18. 1016. OnLokn.. Bank4m/a a/4i| Demand a/4J Private 8 tv/i 2/4|| On Fbakck Bank T. T. 328 m India Bank T. T Id, Om BoMusoMS...B«nk d/d 10j Oh Shanghai ...Bank d/d 87 j On Java Bank T. T. 133 Oh JMM Bank HI Sovereigns—
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    • 173 7 41 41 Rahman Tic 10.76 lUC 41 41 Ranibutau 10.00 41 41 Raab Anst. QjII 3.00 3.36 6 Royal Jolij.. 0.71t S 6 Solangor Rivai 2.00 41 41 Siamese Ting '2.10.0 2.16.0 norn 10 10 Simpam Vallo* 1:15 7.76 £1 41 Sipntoh 1.80 1.7S 10 10 Snnsei Oaa 13.00
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    • 619 7 41 41 Sendaya» 1.5.0 41 41 Sorombam 17/6 41 41 Shelf ord 1.5.0 41 41 Sialany 2 7.6 2- 2/- Singapore Pat* 2/8 2/- 2/- Singapore UniteU I/I 2/- 2/- Straits (BerUtoi 2/- 2/- Samatra Pan 6/9 41 41 Sungei Chob 2. .0.0 2/- 2/- Sangei Kapar 7/£1 41
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    • 129 7 vZel Ba en en -100 ICO R. H. 7% Prel. 100.00 £1 £1 Sboll Transport 4.16.6 5.0.0 10 10 S'poreC. Storage IS.OO SO 60 Spore Dispensary 50.00 10/- 10/- Spies Petroleum 15/- 17/ 10 10 Straits Ice Co. 10.00 100 100 Straits S. Ship 310.00 850.00 lv "1 Straits
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    • 57 7 United Engineers 11,284 500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 norn iporeMunicipal6% «l,« 78,000 par Spore Municipal 4f% of 1907 11,600,000 90 98 Spore Municipal 4J% of 1909 11,000,000 90% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10% dig Spore Munioipal 4% £300,000 B%dis The quota ions of storting shares mast be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 9 7 For Chroaie Cheat Complaaata, Ombs Pepptrmint Core la. 6d.
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  • 1092 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, MARCH 18. GERMANY'S HANDFUL. Portugal need not shake in her shoes because of the fact that there is a diplomatic rupture with Germany. We do not know what the circumstances are, but we suspect that certain ships interned in Portuguese ports were preparing to make a
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  • 15 8 Baron von Hissing, the German GovernorGeneral of the occupied portions of Belgium, is seriously ill.
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  • 19 8 We hear that tho Penang War Kelief Fund has made a grant of £1,000 to the Officers Families' Fund.
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  • 29 8 This morning the first number of the weekly supplement to the daily postal express was issued. It contains items of general information and will be published every Monday morning.
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  • 31 8 The directors of F.M.S. Timah, Limited, have declared a second interim dividend of 25 per *****., free of tax, on account of the financial year to December 31, 1915, payable forthwith.
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  • 31 8 The circular, which was issued to all Government offices in Juno, 1914, referring to officers in the Government service and their families receiving presents in republished in the F.M.S. Government Gazette.
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  • 43 8 The French ladies of Haiphong in Tonkin have formed a society to assist Annamite Volunteers now in France, and intend to provide them with all possible luxuries— rioe, dried fish, tobacco, tea, etc., and make their stay in Europe as enjoyable as possible.
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  • 60 8 A Gazette Extraordinary issued on Saturday includes the prohibition of the export except to the United Kingdom, of cotton rags, linen rags, and waste paper and to all except allied countries of canes and sticks unmounted, cordage and twine of Manila hemp, European, files, pocket lamp oases and oases fitted
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  • 56 8 The Eastern Star Lodge, No. M. 209, of the International Order of Good Templars, are holding an open meeting, on Wednesday, at 880 p.m., at the Methodist Girls' School, Short Street, when the Chief Templar of the Lodge, Brother Or K. Paulusz, will give a conjuring entertainment. All interested are
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  • 71 8 Toh Eng Swee, a well-known Chinese Baba of Tsiping and Penang, was on Saturday summoned at tho instance of bis wife, Gob Hooi Een, before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel, in the Third Court, Penang, for neglecting to maintain his lawful wife and child and to shew cause why an order
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  • 69 8 The North German Lloyd steamer Konig Albert, which used to be well-known on the Far Eastern run, was seized some time ago by th'; British and lent to the Italians. Vienna reports say she was sighted recently by Austro-Hungarian seaplanes near San Giovanni di Heduaand captured by an AustroHungarian submarine.
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  • 68 8 The F.M.S. Government Gazette contains the enactment passed at the last meeting of the Federal Council to make provision, complementary to the Fugitive Offenders' Act, 1881, of the Imperial Parliament, with regard to fugitive offenders from the United Kingdom, British possessions and places to which the said act may from
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  • 95 8 It seems that the Sithonia and Scandia cargo from Sabang including iron, dyestuffs, pulp, and other goods badly wanted on the Japanese market— will not be lost by the stranding ot the Yubari Maru off Kagosbima on the night of February 16. An official of the Mitsui Bnssan Kaisha, the
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  • 90 8 It has been suggested to us that a note on Saturday which dealt, among other matters, with the word communique, should be followed* by another indicating the pronunciation of the word. Since it has come into tho language we may as well have it correctly. There is no real difficulty.
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  • 104 8 The German press is greatly elated over the air raids on Britain. The Hamburger Nachrichten, for instance, becomes quite hysterical. We haughty people tiave been taught a lesson. Our industry "to a considerable extent, lies in ruins." England's own soil has been ploughed up." This kind of thing wants a
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  • 135 8 The fact that Lord Chelmsford is shortly coming to India recalls a story, now a good many years old, of which his father was the all unconscious hero. It will bear re-felling. When be succeeded to the peerage he was in command of one of our little wars in Africa,
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  • 148 8 At the request of the trustees, Messrs. Serang Mohamed Europe, Ohani Shah Mari can and Tauiby Appa, a meeting, presided over by Syed Omar Alsagoff, was held at South Bridge Koad Mosque, at 8 p.m. yesterday, in connection with the present position of the mosque. The following committee of management
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  • 411 8 Mr. T. Groves, State engineer, Neeri Sembilan, has been granted two months' leave, with effect from February 28. Mr. Edward Matliew Alexander, formerly of the Straits Trading Co., who died at Mellifont Abbey, Wookey, Wells, Somerset, left estate of the gross value of £64,288. The Secretary of
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  • 44 8 The outputs for the seven months of current financial year of Kenong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., have been July, IUIS, H3O piculs, August, 859 piculs, September, LJM piculs, October, 1,;!81 piculs, November, 1,412 piculs, December, 1,450 piculs, January. 1916, 1,434 piculs.
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  • 72 8 With reference to the appeal he recently made to Lancastrians on behalf of the Manchester and Salford Kefuges for boys and Girls, Mr. E. A. Crown writis: Helped very materially by the munificence of one wan and with the addition of other sympathisers with Manchester's own
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  • 71 8 F .M.S. Rubber Export Duty. For the period from March 17 to ss\ 1916, inclusive, the value of tho highest grade of rubber is fixed at iis. M. per Ib., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with
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  • 91 8 H. K. the High Commissioner has been pleased to approve the following promotions in the Malay States Volunteer Kitten:— To be Captains (Supernumerary to the Establishment), Lieutenants C. W. C. I'arr and R. F. Grey to be Lieutenants, 2nd Lieut cnants W. L. Leonard, K. C. M Kimli
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  • 236 8 Moses is a young .low bo; with a liking for gambling which has got him into trouble more than onco in the past. Indeed, even now he may have remembrancuH of a Hogging he received after falliu^ foul of the police, but if he has it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 191 8 ALHAMBRA Bsaoh Road, The House of Quality— Tbe Home of Feature Attractions. Th. leading Thsatrs is Siagsasr*. Th* Famous) Players Film Co. PRESENTS A DAY OF DAYS In 4 Parts. A sparkling, scintillation drama with a scap acd go that will keep you muscle-taut from beginning to ond. A Powerful
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    • 9 8 Latest advertisements oi the day appear on page 0.
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  • 2535 9 THE BATTLE FRONT! EXTENDS. Germans Still Fight Fiercely. WAR IN THE AIR. Brilliant Success of Allied Airmen. Kbutrr's Tblkorams. London, March 10, 8 p.m. Paris A somi official report states that the Germans have reaflempted to retrieve their failures and showed incredible ferocity and mad obstinacy. They made
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  • 320 9 We are indebted to tbe French Consul, Comte de Bondy, for the following telegrams: Paris, March 10, 7 p.m. The French 3 per cent, b mils are at francs 62.50, and the 5 per cents, at fr. 83.16. Yesterday, west of tbe Meuse, we occupied nearly all
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  • 149 9 La Ville aux Bois from which the Ger mans have made a violent attack against our positions is north of the river Aisne, on the road from Rheims to Laon, and midway between Berry an-Bac and tbe famous plateau of Crasonne to tbe north; it is situated
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  • 154 9 Inconvenience of Monthly Military Camps. (From Oor Own Corrisiondsnt.) Ipoh, March 12. At tbe annual meeting of tbe Central Perak Planters' Association, held at Ipoh, witb Mr. A. B. Milne presiding, tbe question of military training was discussed at length, it being suggested that the system of
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  • 61 9 (From Oik Own Correspondent.) KuaU Lumpur, March 11. The London correspondent of tbe Malay Mail cables that Colonel A. B. Hubback, com mandant of tbe Malay States Voluntoer KifleH and now of tbo 20tli Lon don Regiment, baa been promoted to tbo rank of brigadier general.
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  • 203 9 AMERICA'S OPPORTUNITY TO FIGHT. Rri tkr's Tiuoraii. London, March 10, 7.20 p.m. New York Mexican bandits from General Tilla's party have aajlaj tho town of Columbus, in New Mexico, and were driven out by American cavalry witb a hundred killed and two hundred woindcl Sixt""n Americans were killol.
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  • 754 9 Large Audience at the First Performance. As far as tbe audience went it was quite like old times at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night. Tbe bouse was full, even down to the few extra chairs available, and ewryb Reemed more than ready to enjoy themselves.
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  • 92 9 A cane which would gladden tbo heart of any lawyer briefed in it will couio up for trial in the Raad Van .luntitiu at Modan on May 9 when a former Collector of Belasting (Income Tax) at Aruhcnii.i will bo charged witb misappropriation of Government funds during 1«14 and 1916
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  • 1385 10 THE QUESTION OF MINIMUM. PRICES. From Our Own Correspondent. London, February 3. From tbe Stock Exchange point of view the most important event of tbe week has been the removal ot another batch of minimum prices. This affected Bank of England stock, all Colonial and Provincial Govern ment,
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  • 502 10 New Types Among Munitioners And Soldiers. Dealing with The Influence of War on Disease, in the current issue of The Practitioner, Surgeon -General H. D. Kolleeton states tbat as a result of the labours of those responsible for tbe sanitation of the army has, with tbe exception of
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  • 23 10 Si*k Sumatra). -2:2.339 lbs. Bukit JUuiong. 8,577 lbs. nine months 44,971 lbs. Kuala Sawah.— s,39« lbs. two months 13,310 lbs.
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  • 31 10 Captain E. I. M. Barrett announces tbat tbe recent final of MM Shanghai Amateur Billiards Champion nip rcHultod in a sum of MM bring sent homo towards the Motor Ambulance Fund.
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  • 304 10 Representative Gathering at The Funeral. The funeral of Sir Cecil Clemeti-Smitb took place at Welwyn on Februry 9, the service being conducted by the Rev. P. M. Watten, rector, assisted by tbe Rev. N. W. Lydekker, curate, and tbe Rev. A. E. Ward, vicar of Lemsford. Before
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  • 158 10 Mr. H. B. Retsey, Lloyd's Surveyor, who went to Hambantota in connection with tbe wreck of the Batbampton, returned to Colombo on February 29 and reported tbat tbe vessel is a total loss. She had about 4,500 tons of salt consigned to Calcutta. It is said
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  • 129 10 In tbe High Court of Justice, London, on February 12, before Sir Clement Bailhache, an action was decided upon which other claims, totalling £200,000, depended. It arose oat of the submarining of the Toko Maru. James Morrison and Company, owners and consigners of 158 bales of
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  • 115 10 The Secretary of tbe War Office announces that, owing to the difficulty of obtaining the services ot an adequate number of properly qualified linguists as censors of postal correspondence, private letters between the United Kingdom and neutral countries may be considerably delayed unless they are written in
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  • 113 10 In the coarse of a paper entitled Seven Months in High Asia, read before tbe Central Asian Society, Miss Ella Sykes said tbat in Kasbgar, inhabited by a wild race of peasant cultivators and shopkeepers who appeared content with th" rule of tbe Chinese, the
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  • 131 10 On Tuesday morning, Mr. K. Weber, an assistant on the Kerassan Estate belonging to tbe Netherlands Indian Syndicate, was murdered by a Chinese coolie. Tbe coolies were at work in the f .ctory under a tindal who, not being satisfied with their work, called in Mr.
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  • 17 10 Lord Brassey'a steam -yacht Sunbeaui, cuuvtrtt 1 into a hospital ship, arrived in Bombay ou February 39.
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  • 465 10 Profit of $47,000 from The Year's Working. The following is the report of directors which will be presented at the annual general meeting to be held at tbe Chamber of Commerce, Penang, on Marcii 22, at 8 p.m. The Directors have pleasure in submitting tbeir annual report and
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  • 299 10 Tbe report of the directors for the year ended September 30, 1915, to be submitted to the shareholders at tbe seventh annual general meeting of tbe company to be held at the registered offices of tbe company. No. 1, Downing Street, Penang, on tbe 18th inst.,
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  • 115 10 It is reported that the Fishing Guild of Artiki, near Wakayama (at the entrance to tbe Xii Channel) has decided to recover the cannon-balls which have fallen into the sea daring artillery practice at the forts since 1895, and has already set about preparations for the
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  • 70 10 Lord Cbelnisford't seat is in Dorset, uot at Cbclnisford, and it is interesting to note bow the title of Chelmaford arose. Tbe first Lord Cbelmsford, tbe new Viceroy's grandfather, was a barrister, wbo first made bis mark in a big case at tbe Cbelmsford assizes, and according to the Madras
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  • 1115 10 PRESENTATION BY SINGAPORE CITIZENS. Graceful Tribute to the F.M.S. (From Our Own Cobuspondmt.) Kuala Lumpur, March 12. The citizens of Singapore conferred a very great honour upon the M.S.V.K., yesterday afternoon, when, with Mr. Frank Adam, of the Straits Trading Company, aa tbeir spokesman, they presented the
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  • 251 10 Departure for Europe on Tour Of Inspection. Vice-Admiral Akiyama Saneyuki, director of the Naval Bureau in the Japanese Navy department, who in the Russo-Japanese war filled an important staff office under Admiral Togo, has been relieved of bis post, and commissioned to proceed to Europe. On
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  • 172 10 The honorary treasurer begs to acknowledge receipt of the following subscriptions F. W. Collins $500 W. M. Sime 600 L. E. P. Wolferstan 50 W. H. Hughes 500 E. D. Butler 250 S. C. Sinha 25 Collected by B. 0. Sinha: Koh Swi Tuan and Pang
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  • 101 10 According to tbe Mainichi, it is said in certain quarters in Tokio that on t of the recent visit of the Grand Daba George Michailowitcb, Russian aud Japane-u views on Oriental affairs wi re discussed and brought into harmonious ayr- -eiuent. As a result, it is farther stated,
    101 words
  • 109 10 The exodus of Dutch pcopln trom Hitmany continues, says the (iu/itte <l< II I linde. Tbe greater part aro returning because they are unable to find fiirth. MM in Germany or on account of the I costliness of foodstuffs there. At Enschede, a town on the
    109 words
  • 120 10 French aeronauts arc now being accom panied by operators wbo take cinematograph films of the enemy lines, these proving immensely useful to tbe French staff. Tbe photographers volunteer and must have nerves of steel and be willing to accept great risks. The pilots fly their aeroplanes at
    120 words
  • 33 10 Dr. .1.10,08, Principal of tlir IWMMMf L.jlli Calcutta, now under suspension, has applied tor long leave and furlough impossible, though it in likrly tin Bl Bflal Government will camv I map v gion.
    33 words

  • 607 11 Restraint of Kings, Princes. And People. In tl> II M.< of Lords, before Karl Loreburn, Lank Atkinson, Shaw, l'armoor. anil Wrcnbury, th<- law lords recently gave jodg mi nt iliHojisHing tin- appeal against an order nt tli< Court of Appeal brought by tbe British and Knrciun Marine
    607 words
  • 488 11 A Fixed Annual Charge of 150 Millions. Before tbe members of the Chartered Institute of St-crttariefl at tin ir meeting held at Kiv. r I'latr Hi ii^i on January 'JT. Mr. Arthur W. Ki.iily. Oty I'litor of the .MurnioK Post, dihu-i. .1 .1 li'itiiK' on Some
    488 words
  • 295 11 Lord Beresford Would Get Rid Of All Germans. Mr. 11. A. Owynne, editor of the Morning Post, opening a discussion at tbe C'onsti tutional Club, London, last month on Suggestions for a National Policy, said that purely party politics were bankrupt. Among tbe principles on which be
    295 words
  • 164 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, March 17 Monday, Marih 13. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.R.E.(V.) Tanglin Barracks Motor Cyclist Section. Drill Hall Veterans Co. Chinese Co. Bras Baaab Road Malay Co. Drill Hall S.V.C. Band. Tcesoay, March 14. 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Keppel
    164 words
  • 205 11 Ducks, the Wealth of India tells v«. are a preventive of malaria, and, as ducks occur in all regions of the globe, they are among tbe greatest enemies of and const ijiiently of yellow fever and malaria. Their value in this respect has been dt termini
    205 words
  • 129 11 Derails of tbe capture of the famous KrcDcb aviator Garros, whose machine was brought down by the Germans some time at" «'< re yivt d by a fellow prisoner who has Uin nltaiM.l. Mr relates that after his machine took lire and came down Garros,
    129 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 The smile that lights tLe maiden's eye, Tbe bla*b that dyi s ber cheek, The sottnees of ber ruby lip lv nature's aoctn > speak. But deadly ki U imi!t or blusb, It's weaioo keen and sure, <o b"Pt! tin- brikht nui c back again Wi.b Wowda' Great Pepyurm
      51 words
    • 587 11 I s L**^si a 1 H fA* w aTarJ And every other solo flßJ^^^^^aQfllL iustrument piano, JFEgpiBaSBM*, M K^ i 'cello, flute, oboe fgjj gjijfc, <l/Cs»| they are all His Masters lf''TJ\elvfasf 'V m Gramophone— most versa- «»^Eassssss«Bss»B»sssssi»sisssssssiW tile instrument of the epoch. When you hear Elman play doable-stopping'— they
      587 words
    • 150 11 THE BEST TYRE FOR FORD CARS ISECURITYI I I TRY THEM WEARNE BROS., LD., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, BOLE AGENTS. RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Brat Baaah Road, Singapore, From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS AND
      150 words

  • 1918 12 MR. LLOYD GEORGES STRIKING DISCLOSURES. "Enemy on the Down Grade." Mr. Lloyd Goorge has been interviewed by tbe editor of the Secolo, Dr. Mario Boraa, wbo recently visited England. Tbe following translation from the well known Milan newspaper was transmitted by Keuter's Agency:— Tbe
    1,918 words
  • 285 12 Serious Shortage of Glass In France. Bottle makers an 1 tbe trades dependent upon glassware fur putting up and delivering their products arc almost at daggers' drawn u«ing to the bottle famine that is raging in France. Mineral water manufacturers, brewers who bottle their beer, and kindred
    285 words
  • 2319 12 SHAREHOLDERS AGREE TO THE REDUCTION OF CAPITAL. Prospect of a Dividend. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholder* of the Anglo Jobore Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on February 3. in the council room of the Rubber Growers' Association, 88, Eastcbeap, E.C., for the parpose of considering a
    2,319 words
  • 110 12 Tbe Madras Times, of February 20, says We have been told that six huge steel barges that were on their way to Basra got loose some time ago, and were knocking about in the Arabian Sea. They are a danger to shipping, and we learn that tbe BIS N. steamer
    110 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 179 12 the 4|s white ant yC DESTROYER ALLBRITISH. Price $30.00. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LIMITED (Incorporated in England) KUALA LUMPUR EVENTUALLY WHYNOTNOW? BL'Y OF JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. OF ORCHARD ROAD. Establisbki. 1911 Young but Progressive. Patronised by Their Majesties Tbe Singapore Public. JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. OF ORCHARD ROAD.
      179 words

  • 1074 13 The After-Dinner Way to Real Friendship. Why people do certain tilings is easier to iliscovet than why tbey do not, says a writer The Times. This is especially true of social habits, which are in constant change through the adoption of the new and noglect oi discontinuance of
    1,074 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 201 13 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, Ltd., PHOTO PROCESS EN6RAVERS. < t i i 'M V\ v i Photographs and Line Drawings Reproduced. Acetic Acid Tapping Knives Latex Cups Mosquito Netting Momi Cases Barbed Wire Sodium Bisulphite and all Estate requirements. QUOTATIONS FROM THE ASIATIC SUPPLY TRADING CO., The Dispensary BuUdlnf. ESTATE
      201 words
    • 331 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to /O^D.^V. and to THE MUNICIPALITY M^^^i THE GOVERNMENT of vQ^/ of SINGAPORE \^o/ jOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for
      331 words
    • 39 13 NEW GOODS JUST UNPACKED. AN EXCELLENT VARIETY OF Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware Silverware and Gold Jewellery, etc., etc. At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION INVITED. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO., Nos. SI 5 2, High Street. 11l M«
      39 words
  • 76 13 French provincial journalists, representing 10,000,000 readers, are now visiting the British fleet and munition areas last month. Mr. 11. Samuel, Postmaster -General, on behalf of the Government, attended a banquet (given to the visitors at the Savoy Hotel. Speaking in French, be said he hoped the j guests would return
    76 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1958 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAX OTHER PROPERXY 18? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (iNCOBrOBATKD IN STRAITS SKTTLKMBNTs) HEAD OFFICE. Winohestsr House, Singapore. LONDON O'FIOSi 32, Old Jewry, EC. Tbe Company lias C 20.000 deposited witb the Supreme
      1,958 words
    • 487 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Establish™ 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incokpobatbd in India. GOVERNMENT BBCURITY LIFE ASSURANCE CUM Pa NY, LIMITED. ASSETS exoeed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders at last Valuntlon $1,116 673. LOWEST Apply (or Prospectus snd fall information to LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE BRANCH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R.
      487 words

  • 1063 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Use of Alcohol. The question of the use of alcohol and its production in England is one whicb involves not only a weapon for price regulation and commercial competition, but also one of selfsufficient independence, and the avoidance of indiscriminate
    1,063 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 139 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the Br.tish War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability ltfsA»j» w t THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, L< ndon, E. C, CONTRACTORS TO H. M WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S. A TOILET ARTICLE known throughout the Malay
      139 words
    • 15 15 For Children's H*cking Congh at Night I I Wood! Great Pepoermint Care Is. 6d j
      15 words
    • 327 15 DUNLOP C~\ TV D C O Although raw rubber has adt|. vanred in price, Dunlop Tyres arc ft^pl M_ ,-*^^>^3 Favourable contracts for raw mateH U <j£. rial have enabled us to give the M bY/ mm\jf public the benefit of these reduced mrM L jm"\ Grooved Cover. Prices. Tubes.
      327 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1154 16 SAFETY TREAE)^ Pjfct TYRES v U They convert every ounce of \wV. "l^" Engine Power into speed. fl They transform treacherous surfaces into safe ones. They repay every dollar of cost in miles of service. The Climax of tyre security. The Limit of tyre durability. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, second hand locomotive,
      1,154 words
    • 791 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, Rooms at Zetland Hoose, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Paul A Co. 16 l-o TO LET, No. 7*B, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Obeng Van Co 10, Maiaooa Street. 2-6—o TO LET, Sandlands, Tanjong Katong. Water and electric light laid on. Apply Meyer Brothers. 61— n
      791 words
    • 654 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE, Daimler motor oar. No. S. 616, Apply M. L. Stadermann, 30, Collyer Qoay. 11-B—l4 3 SADDLES FOR SALE. One lady's and two gents' saddles for Bale, in good condition; cheap. Grif, c/o Straits Times. ai-2 a— v A LARGE HENDERSON MOTOR CYCLE AND SIDECAR FOR
      654 words
    • 565 16 GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OFFICE: 17, Phillip ftrsct Branch Stores at No. 14, Phillip Strett, and Nos. 14, 100 and IC2, Tank Road. Tel. Address: GUANKIAT. Telephone Nos. 1174, 1178 and 1288 (Private 1460 and 1078). Codis dsbd A. B C, 6th Edition, and Al Codis. (hip Chsadlsrt, Hardwsre Da»l«rs,
      565 words
    • 464 16 BIG SHIPMENT OF COAGULATING PANS Ju«t arrived. Sizes 18" X 9" X 4" 18" 9" ,l» 15" X ID- X 4" Sproial Quality. Ppioea Reasonable KIAM KIAT&Co,, 108 ft 109, Market Street. Telephone No. 421. 1-7 306-16 To ADVERTISERS As requests to mako alterations advertisements, such as changes in Bailing
      464 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 343 16 Straits V)imes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office '262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All| communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of
      343 words