The Straits Times, 8 March 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 25,050 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8. 1916, PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 194 1 M ip'^^i^lK THE TRIUMPH OF OIL. BLANCHARD IS. INCANDESCENT »>»'« OIL LAMP 300 c.p. pure white light, consumes 1 pt oil in 7 hours, for inside or outside use, length overall 30 inches, weight when full 13 lbs. Price H4fcl.^^ complete. KATZ BROS., Ltd. ANOTHER BRITISH SUCCESS. f* LETTER FILES
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    • 220 1 Pyjama Sleeping Suits. NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. Plain Silk Pyjama Suit, tvs- s jQ^ Plain Cream Pyjamas, Wincey sore shades only, full-fashioned, Cl (wool and cotton), unshrinkable, strong and thoroughly reliable. I jrf "•yJ?«A. I V*. n we ight» full-fashioned. In all sizes. r&Lx g/^Z^s In all sizep. Price: the
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    • 13 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. ADAMSON. GILFILLAN CO LTD CliKorpcir^itixl in Kn X l .n.l)
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  • 522 2 London, February 23. The following casualt iea are announced France or Belgium. Killed.— Capt. E. C. Blencowe, Donets; Capt. G. P. Goodall, Sherwoods Lieut. C. J. Fitch, Donets Lieut. B. E. Ooogb, Mcdi cals Lieut. E. N. Mitchell, Bedfords Lieut. E. H. Porter, South Stafforda 2nd Lieut. H.
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  • 240 2 Why German Feeding Bottles Should be Filled. Dr. von Mach's appeal to President Wilson on behalf of the Citizens' Committee for Food Shipments, which desires to send powdered and condensed milk for German babies, will, says the New York World, strike most Americans as unanswerable. Germany
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  • 116 2 Major-General Sir Sam Hughes recently announced that arrangements bad been made to provide the fighting men of the Dominion with Canadian fish, which will probably torui an article of the soldier's diet twioe a week. The fish will be landed in England and distributed under
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 188 2 Just received A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SODIUM BISULPHITE S. J. JUDAH CO., Til. 136« 99, ROBINSON ROAD. 34 2—28 8 r r\ jg^L "A FLAPPER y^W DAPPER Js\ ML* A ™/3 t\ y^\ I L/\vn l'^-' 10 KHYWI6 WITO"AIiaWT w A^ f TOT T»J7" AKfi f^EIVNELL'S I L«_am BBaB M
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    • 13 2 I For Children's Hacking Coagb at Night Woods Great PepDermint Care Is. 6d
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    • 499 2 A Rtputatton of over 100 ymn. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills FOR BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, DEPRESSION. O/Chtmitlt throughout tht vcorUl. Piicn in England l/li and rt. jMNseMkl«4G«..4SrMtor>Mndlt.lsnt.n.W.& NEURALGIA SOOTHED AWAY by LittU's Oriental Balm. To all who huff r tte desperate twistirg agonies and spasms of Nenra'gia To all who are acquainted
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    • 384 2 Made in Dublin BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION b,READ BROTHERS, umited CL^kiaNlP Dog's Head Guinness SOLO EVEAyWHCRC. ORDER IN FAMILY PACKAGES We can do Engraving. G. W. S. de SUVA Go., 46, Bele^ie Road, Singapore. 0-> a-5 4 NOTICE. WHEREAS on September 15, 1913, CHAN WING, of Kuala Lumpur, nominated and
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    • 578 2 To build up in weakness To make you well and keep you well this is the work of SCOTTS Emulsion. In cases of ANEMIA WASTING DEBILITY RICKETS SCOTTS Emulaion ha* no equal for bringing back the energy, atrrngth and vigour of glorious hralth. Still the best at all ages of
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  • 794 3 THE HALFPENNY POST NOT YET SECURE. Other Tappable Sources. Tbe Parliamentary correspondent of the Daily Chronicle, waiting on January 31, aays:Tbe problem of new taxation is now engaging the attention of tbe Chancellor of tbe Exchequer and bis expert advisers. There can be little doubt that the new
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  • 158 3 Holland- America Line Shares. In reporting the rumour that tbe Holland- America Line waa negotiating for the acquirement of a Rhine fleet, which rumour is ho far unconfirmed, Tbe Times remarks It baa long been understood in shipping circles that a substantial portion of tbe capital of Holland- America Line
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  • 50 3 Apropos of certain award* noted in recent Chinese Mandate*, tbe decoration of the Moat Excellent Grain bas long been known, familiarly, as the Order of tbe Thick Ear. I'll* Single Stork medal now bestowed on a number of likin collectors might appropriately be called tbe Order of tbe Long Bill.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 512 3 I Anaemia I or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so
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    • 144 3 BRUNNER MONO CO., LIMITED, Northwich, England. CRESCENT WB-MWW BRAND MANDFACTO3CRS OF Bicarbonate of Soda. Soda Ash. Caustic Soda. Carbonate of Ammonia. Sulphate of Ammonia Calcium Chloride. Pure Zinc, Etc. AOENTS, Straits Settlements and P. M. S. H. WOLSKEL COii Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Denby Lorries I H ■Ja^^^^^^^M^Jr*w^^W^^^^sL^M^^^^Kl.''ClV^MMMa>^^BHiEi^ mjr^ VbV^^^BBBBBBY
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1063 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.- British India AND Apcar I— inc. (COMIANIKS Im DKI'UKATKD IN EsaLANDI. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICffiS PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS Under Contract witb His Majesty Government), Pop China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Porte and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL
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    • 806 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incokiuraikd in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretav, Tiingganu, Bisut, Semerak, Eelantan, Tabai Baognara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Laoon, kobsamui, Bandon, Langsueo, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure a.c. PRACHATIPOK Mar. 8, 3 p.m. NO STEAMER Mar. |9 11.3pm. a.c. YUGALA 1a 18, 3
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    • 477 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAMSHIPGO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporatrd in Ev.l»ni>) The Companies' dteamers are ikupatclx d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for LondoD, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for
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    • 515 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A Horvico is maintained betwoen Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe Now Twin-screw Steamors maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are
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  • 758 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 8, 1916. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list ol quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only I nominal. Norn. Yaldi. Bdtirs. Sillies. 3/- Allagai 2/- H,4i 4! 1 An,<lo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 531 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTO. (Ini'iiKl'iißaTlK IV KnOLAND). Olreot Servioe to Japan via Hong kong A Shanghai, and to Galoutt* via Panang, from Singapore. Taking oargo on through Bills ol I,alio lor Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Cftefo Tientsin, Newobwang, Yangtiae Ports Ko r tuosa. tbe rhilippiner, via., etc..
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    • 320 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorporatbd in Japan) Osaka IMrcaiitlH Itaamthl* to Ltd.). KOBE- BOMBAY LINE Ibe Company maintains a regular oargo servioe with six steamers caUicu at Moji Yokkaiobi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swottenham, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and on tbe return voyage oalliag at Tuticorin Singapore, Hongkong acd Moji. For
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    • 105 5 Some More points about the DODGE BROTHERS CAR that will appeal to the keen motorist. NO. 5. SPRINGS. The Springs on the "DODGE BROTHERS Car are Three-Quarter Elliptic. Each leaf is lubricated automatically, thereby ensuring perfectly sweet riding at all speeds. NO. 4. LIGHTING 6 STARTING. The Lighting and Self-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 261 6 A rgy. TI 111 PRIVATE HOTEL. The Straits Times Press, Ltd,, stamford PHOTO PROCESS ENGRAVERS. HOUSE CENTRALLY SITUATED ffiEffi^ BrM BMaa ROMX i :j comfortable Rooms wltb Bathrooms 87? m—^ *^2 attached. Vfi I S m Electric rittlogs throughout. U* V i£>s Se parate Tables In Spacious Dining rvsc m
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    • 394 6 H. C:. HUDSON (Latk of Tub Robinson Piano Co.) Banjo stringp, Bell brand, I set of 5 55 1 6 Jj l 7 .90 Clarionet, B flat, 15 keys, 2 rings 30 00 reeds, B flat and E flat, each .15 Flute, B flat, new army model 15 00 Piccolo,
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  • 102 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, March ft, High Water. O.W a 17 p.-c. Ash Wednesday. Thursday, March High Watv, 1.4 a.m. I 49 p.iu Friday, March 10. High Water. 1.14 a.m., 2.31 p.iu. li. I Mom. >rl mail closes (trail Saturday, March 11. High Wa J. ir. 2.7 *.tj 1
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  • 209 7 wottonham Penanu Ipoh 2.30 pm P. Swettenham and Tcluk Anson Knapar 2.:ilpm Ohw 2.30 pm Hat i Pabat "'I M 2.80 pm nibo and l.niiibay I! IBfl M Miru 2.30 pm INinliauak II (iuau Mvftl Hat.ivia. In ribon an I >.*****1:1111; 8< :iu 4pm tad Kumaman H
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  • 248 7 The imil trains from Singapore for the north lav: Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. an I 7 p.m.. arriving at Kuala Lumpur at Ml p .'ii. Hi 1 •>.»"> a.iv respectively. The ihrou-'h NbMM I«;ave8 Kuala Lvii r'.r at s am. daily, arriving at, Penau^ lay.
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  • 23 7 Tin I', ami I>. outward mail steamer Malta ban lift Colombo and in due at Penang at daylight to morrow.
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  • 99 7 Our attention has born called to tin- (act that ear arrival* io fjoadoa are much b> -fund ttaoae ftlidbii ehewbere. Oar rah n to gi*e arrival* only whea they are oflcUUy raportnil a jtiotm, and oo later i»U than that i.natod above ha bt <r so retorted.
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  • 183 7 EXCHANOE Sisoipou, Mail ii 1916. UkLokli.. Buk4 d,b '4/H\ Demand 2,4J > riw.te 8 tu a/41| OR Kram-k Bank T. T. 328 o* 1M..A bank T '1 i.l; On UoMoiioM8...B»nk dyd led Oh Shanobai ...Bask d/d 87 J Ow faw Bank T. T. 131* Ox Jmm Bftok
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    • 181 7 fc? ue Buyers Sellers. Value 10 10 Ampang 6.00 «1 1 Aver Wen« O.BS 0.50 10 10 Belat 1-60 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.80 1.00 1) 10 Kinta Association 6.00 i\ £1 Kinta Tin 1.15.0 2.0.0 41 XI Lahat Mine* 425 10 8.25 Malayan Collieries 2.03 dis £1 £1
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    • 626 7 ££1 2'- 2/- Allagai 2/- 2/6 41 41 Aay'o J»Tt 15/- 1.0.0 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 6/6 10/6 II- 2/- Batany Malaiß 2/6 2,9 £1 41 Bato Ti<?a 2.10.0 8.0.0 2/- 2/- Bokoh M 2/9 £1 41 I.'akit Kajang 2 0.0 2.5.0 41 41 Bukit Lintang 3 0.0 3.6.0 ■ll-
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    • 126 7 £&J B^"Seller II ill B Smelting Co. 7.50 II 41 Pref. 1.4.0 I/- B/- Bleotrie Tways 3/9 10 10 Frasoi Noave 51.00 SO SO W. Hammer Co. 80 00 100 Howartb Brekine 23.00 100 7% Pref. 100 100 Katz Bro, Del. 10 10 Mayoard k Co. 100 100 R.
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    • 42 7 United Engineers 6% $1,284 500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 5\ £850,000 norn S'poreMonicipals% »1,87H,000 par Spore Municipal 4*% of 1907 11,800,000 90 98 Spore Municipal 4f% of 1909 t1.000,000 90% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10% di» Spore Municipal 4% £800.000 B%diß
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 9 7 For Chronic Cbwt Complaints, Vn ut Curt I*. W.
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    • 617 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE, Daimler motor car. No. S. 615 Apply M. L Stadermann, '20, lollyer yuay. 83-88 \V\NTKD, AMiH rV». r at Kryii-h and s»ioK No childrer. Apj W o Tb<> W.,mtn'H I >ispoisary, S > «a 6, Or-ha-d Ko d. 8 B— IP 3 TO LBT N«i n-t,
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    • 286 7 Jamaica Cigars Golofina Perfectos $14 per 100. Golofina Bouquets 9 per 100. PACKED in BOXES of 25. Obtainable from SUN TAI CHAN, NOOR MOHAMED, 41, Cecil Street. 1-a, d' Almeida Street. NOW READY The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1916. Price IB.CO psr copy. 19.00, post free to places in
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    • 60 7 INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD, FOR PSNANG AND CALCUTTA. The Company'ti steaucr YATSHING l,'l~i ton>. Captain Atiijtnjn, is due here oo FriJay, March 10, and will be despatched on Saturdiy, March 11, at 4 p.m. For freight and passage, apply to BOCSTBAD CO., AKen'.« 8-B—ll-8 >^ GO TO ,*A«J>> W.
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    • 14 7 The quotation* of sterling shares maat be regarded aa purely ooaiiil for tli. present.
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  • 1067 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8. THE SECOND PHASE. We do not refer exclusively or even mainly to the second phas of the great Verdun battle. The result of that stiuKgle, unless all reasonable calculations are upset, is a forgone conclusion. Tbe Germans spent the first mad fury of their
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  • 15 8 Tbe mails seized aboard the Rembrandt are being forwarded to the east by the ■aaßsa,
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  • 23 8 It is stated that tbe recent spell of dry weather has caused quite a number of fires on rubber estates in the F.M.S.
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  • 23 8 Dutch steamship companies are considering the advisability of instructing captains not to use the English Channel but to take their ships round Scotland.
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  • 29 8 A most successful rntertainuit nt in aid of the East Indies Station Naval Fund was given in Port Swettenliam on February 2'J, a sum of over SSUO being secured.
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  • 52 8 Messrs. Siiue, Darby and Co. advise us dial they are in receipt of a cable from tliiir London office stating that the «en. ral meeting of Fe^ob, Ltd.. »ill be helil on March IT, and that the directors will recom iv. ml a tinal dividend of l'ij per cent, less
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  • 21 8 The total rubber exports from Ceylon for 1915 were IB IH7 lbs an increase over those for 1914 of 11,247,918 lbs.
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  • 24 8 The I'.rak tin export for February, excluding I pp. t I'ei.ik figures, is block tin MSLM piculs. tin ore 80,927.10 piculs, and duty •375,018.64.
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  • 27 8 Tbe output of Ting Kil Tin Company's mine for February, amounted to piculs 226.40, made up as follows —Plant oro piculs 15H 40, tribute ore piculs 68.
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  • 32 8 The members of tho Japanese lied Cross Corps who went to England to assist in Rod Cross work arc aboard of tho N.K.Y. steamer Fusbimi Maru which arrived from Europe last evoning.
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  • 43 8 In connection with tho Y.W.C.A., the last in the series of lectureo on the war, will be delivered to-day at 6 p.m. by Mr. R. J. Bartlett. It will be entitled Tho War: woman's part therein." The lecture is open to tbe public.
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  • 46 8 The passenger list of the Knsbimi Maru contained tbe names of ten brides when the liner reached Colombo from home. Half a dozen were aboard when the ship went along side tbe Borneo Wharf last evening and one continues her journey to China ports this afternoon.
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  • 46 8 In a case heard in the Folkestone Police Court, last month, evidence showed that cocaine was being sold to soldiers in the Canadian camps, and tbat 40 men in one camp were suffering from the drug habit. Tbe cocaine was known among the men as snow."
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  • 47 8 On February 15 fire broke out on board tbe O.S.K. Panama Maru. which arrived at Yokohama from San Francisco the same morning. The ttamos were extinguished in an hour. About 50 bales of raw cotton were damaged by water, but no damage was sustained by other cargo.
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  • 56 8 In the Presbyterian Church, Orchard Koad, to day, at 8.45 p.m., the Rev. W. Cross will give the fourth and last of the special addresses on the war. All are invited. Tbe subject of address will be The Two Empires What will the future be? A special collection will be
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  • 57 8 Italy has decided to release a certain quantity of heavy Italian hides weekly for soles for British army boots. The War Office in return, will give Italy a month's option for the purchase of Dacca kips, which if the option be refused, will be exportable under lict r.t to England,
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  • 57 8 The Prime Minister, Mr. Asquitb, in reply to a deputation on February 10, refused to reconsider the Government's decision to close the British Museum. He agreed, however, to keep open the manuscript room of the British Museum for the use of students and the popular side of tbe National History
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  • 55 8 The Baptist I'nion Handbook for 1916 shows a decline in church membership of 3.176 partly owing to the war. Many Anglican clergy training colleges have been closed for a similar reason. A movemeut is now on foot at Dean Weldon's instance to enable Church of England parish clergy to officiate
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  • 53 8 <,i leen Mf.ry, accompanied by her daughter, Princess Mary; her seconJ son, Prince Albert; and Princess Victoria, the King's sister, on February 10 paid a surprise visit to tbe Australian soldiers' -i ut depot at lloiseferry road, London. Tin- (Jueen served out tea to 'be Austra'ian soldiers, and had
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  • 58 8 In the House of Commons, on January 19, Mr. Itonar Law, in reply to Sir E. Cornwall, said Legislation involving compulsory service fot the purpose of defence exists in Canada. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa. British Guiana. Jamaica, Antigua, Dominica and Moutserrat, St. Kitts, Nevis. Bahamas, St. Helena, the Straits
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  • 71 8 Sir Piter Mcßride, Agent-General for Victoria, in reply to an inquiry made on February 10 by Mr. Jenkins, as to tbe actual operations of the double income taxes (British and Colonial), states that a person residing in Britain and deriving an income of 10,000 from property in Victoria, would, under
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  • 83 8 The Sumatra papers state tbat tli.y as well as the Nieuwe Soerabnya Courant are mw that a cult rie of Japanese in rch:ints hhve been busy of latr buying up siipplien of quinine ami other drugs. The excuse g T.u for the extraordinaiy buying is that they aie for the
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  • 100 8 Tbe owners of several pieces of land on Jalan Kaluiupang lAmpang I'iclialn, Kuala Kubu, in some cases with the tenements thereon, having been duly notified by the Government that they are to be resumed wholly or in part for the purpose of a rail way reserve, have to appear before
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  • 140 8 The following is ail extract from an ariicii I by .Mr K. .1. Wilkionon, M.U., amJyMuy the official report on the Strait* for 1914 1 "On September 10 in tbe I .ay of lk/o^al Mm i German cruiser Kiudrn be^an its lon of attacks upon British uj. ichant sliippiu« 3
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  • 417 8 Dr. Smith, the well known surgeon formerly of Sereuiban and later of Singa|>orc, is at present in Switzerland, win i be is undergoing treatment for lung trouble Inche Daud bin Mol.amed Shah, who has been the Malay Settlement Officer at Kuala Kubu for a number of years,
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  • 21 8 Tbe smoking concert arraugtd for the men to morrow has been postponed to Thursday tbe 23rd.
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  • 134 8 We understand that the subscription lists of Habrokol, Limited, are being kupt open until the 18th inst. as it has been found that the date originally fixed did not allow of sufficient time for applications lo be n ssival from the more distant placed 1 1 which copies
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  • 175 8 The many business questions of common intetist to the various States of the Fit' i t tion that have recently bei n BaMag fur action that would be uniform in ell.ot. SMS) as the matter of enemy trading iinutiniu elsi where, bus, s;iys the Times
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  • 206 8 This morning, iv the First Csail, before Mr. I!. Scott, Mr. Archibald Mat-Iran, of 6, Kaiupon^ .lava Koai), a tliriC.or of Tanjong Gemok Estate, Ltd., wns p against by Mr. .1. Suundi r-s BsaMaM of Companies, for failing to tile with iiim an annual list of members
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 Rome: 0 steel cabinets I FOX I BULKY BOOKS. Fitted with one to j HEBjj^^Jasi ten roller shelves, ad- *fjs j justable every half f/ gg^B j inch, and h-eproof Sat^slsttSiiMß collapsible curtain. xl I SbwHkßhHl'bS ON SHOW AT I jP*su^smHSs» LAWSON'S LIQUEUR 1 WHISKY Jb^bV P er case quarts
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    • 165 8 LOOK AT THIS EXTRAORDINARY STRONG PIC 'URE PROGRAMME AT THE ALHAMBRA Beach Road, The House of Quality Tne Home of Feature Attractions. The Most Commodious, thi Moit Up-to-date and the Leading Theatre Is Singapore. Maiiay r, M. H. Kenyon Slade. The Famous Player* Go. PRESENTS ARNOLD DALY THE PORT OF
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  • 1509 9 VERDUN BATTLE. Other Points of Line Attacked. THE ZEPPELIN RAIDS. Blind Bomb Dropping in A Snowstorm. London, March 6, 11.20 p.m. Coiuiuuoiijub Last night we sprang a 1,1 in north east of Veru-elles. Today the en< my sprang a mine u>ar tin 1 Holuii/ollern UUM but no attack
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  • 86 9 CAPTURE OF SUI-FL BY THE GOVERNMENT. lili in.- ImMMMMi London, March 6, 6.40 p.m, Shanghai Government troops captured Su; fu on March 1, the rebels fleeing in disorder. London, March 7, 1.25 p m. Peking: The Government troops' recapture of Sinfu was tbe result of fierce fighting,
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  • 44 9 Uictkr's Tkleokam-. London, March 6, 8.40. p.m. The Spanish liner Principe de Asturias 1 9,371 tons;, from Barcelona for Buenos Aires, struck a rock on the South American coast. There are 338 of tbe passengers and 107 of the crew missing.
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  • 272 9 Vegetable Seeds and Gramophone Needles. The following message dated February 21 has been received from Eyewitness in Mesopotamia Last month has been one of a certain amount of patrol work and sniping by night and artillery fire by day that of the enemy has been very ineffectual. We
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  • 59 9 The deaths liave just been reported in the Saigon paperx of Mr. Gastou Guiard, who has succumbed to wounds received at tbe fiont. and Mr. Einile lireton, killed in the Argonne, at the end of November. Both bel nyed to tbe firm of Graf Jacque and Co., 0* Sugon. and
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  • 302 9 PLUCKY WORK UNDER TURKISH FIRE. Report by Colonel Lees. We are indebted to the General Officer Commanding, Brigadier General Dudley Ridnnt, C.M.G for the following interesting record, received from Colonel Lees, com maodant of the Malay States Guides, telling of their recent exploits somewhere in the
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  • 1107 9 Commandant's Office Malay States Guides, February 4, 1916. My Dear General, You may possibly i.i-. beard before this reaches you that the Malay States Guides bave been through their baptism of fire," and did moat excellently well. Ever since we bave been here I bave >een most pleased with
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  • 430 9 The Influence on the Netherlands Bank. Writing on the subject of The Netherlands Bank and the War in tbe international Grotius annual, Mr. G. Vissering, President of the Hank in question, and one of the leading Dutch financiers, asserts that at tho outbreak of war
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  • 270 9 In the Supreme Court, this mornicg, Mr James Lornie, acting Collector of Land Ueve nue, mode application to Mr. Justice Earn- sbaw for the acquisition of certain land under the 1890 Ordinance governing such matters. The application bad to do with two lots the total area being
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  • 154 9 Information has been received from Oalle. Ceylon, that the steamer Batbampton, 8,000 tons, formerly MM. '.fuiun, struck a sunken reef a mile ''I tii' coast, two MM M>uth of Hauibant"t<i ami la a to".al loss. Km waa bound li mi Colombo to Calcutta with a cargo of MM
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  • 25 9 Mr. J. McKwan, of Messrs. G. E. Cobb and Co., Kuala Lumpur, who is expected back from leave shortly. wa» to be married lay !us!.
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  • 2166 9 THE OLD SESSION AND THE NEW TAXATION. From Our Special Correspondent. Lou lon, February I. Parliament in having n brief holiday, in I tho absence of debates td St. Stephen's leaves us, for all that may bo said about the talk-shop," with a sense of something ladiiru
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  • 361 10 Final Dividend of I2' 2 Per Cent. Declared. The directors' report for the year ended December 81, to be presented at the third annual general meeting of the shareholders of Sungoi Cicttali Rubber, to be held at the Chamber of Commerce, I'enang, on Monday, March 13, at
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    • 27 10 In connection with the Ladies Lawn Tennis Club, a Spring tournament will be held beginning on 29th inst. Entries will close on Saturday, 2otb inst.
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    • 314 10 The draw for tbe second competition for the 100 challenge cup ottered by the management of the Adelphi Hotel was made last ■saM and resulted as follows I'i.KLiMiNARV K.'iND. Heat 1 A. 1). Baker owe H5 v. H. A. Cowan owe 40 heat 2 J. P. de Boseck rec.
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  • 239 10 Mark how readily the mind adopts new standards of comparison. The loss of a Spanish liner, built less than two year* ago, with a probable loss of about 450 lives, is dismissed by Renter in a few lines. Two years ago Heater would have regarded it, and rightly, as an
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  • 636 10 A NILELESS EGYPT. Italian Progress in North East Tripoli. The north-eastern portion of Tripoli known in ancient times as Cyrenaica— is, said Dr. Gregory, F R S at a meeting of tbe Geographical Society recently, in xpite of its classic interest, the least known and most idle land on tbe
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  • 267 10 Flower Gardens Converted Into Vegetable Plots. If the experiences of fruit growers and nurserymen are any indication, the advice of tbe Board of Agriculture to grow your own fruit and vegetables is being followed by many people. The demand for fruit trees shows a great increase, and there
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  • 183 10 At tbe last meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Council, H.E. tbe Governor in tbe course of a speech found himself enabled to make the following highly satisfactory statement There is one other item I should like to mention while speaking on tbe war. Towards
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  • 819 10 Company's Profit-Earning Achievement. The annual general meeting of Haytor Rubber Estates, Limited, was held yesterday at the offices of the Company, French Bank Buildings, Mr. K. J. Addie (chairman) presided, others present being Messrs. F. Adam and C. Everitt (directors), F. C. Peck, E. F. Mauldon and
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  • 264 10 The historian a century hence may com mint ironically on the curious fact that the first really damaging blow which Germany received after she first cast the iron dice of war came from Turkey. It would be no more than poetic justice if Turkey, which was tricked into helping tbe
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  • 376 10 Singapore Diocesan Association Work. At the annual meeting of the Singapore Diocesan Association held in Kuala Lumpur Mrs. Ferguson Davie gave an interesting account of the work of the association iv connection with Medical Missions, and in particular of the mission in Singapore sinue tbe one at Malacca
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  • 221 10 The Limitation of its Export From Burma. A note issued by the revenue secretary to the Government of Burma says Tungsten ore may not be exported from Burma, save under permit. Permits are granted freely fur export to the United Kingdom. In some of the mines in Tavoy
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  • 256 10 Lanadron.— l*o,436 lbs. Ledbury.— 44,946 lbs. C1uny.— 19,585 lbs. Senawarjg.— 22,l437 lbs. Sandycrott. 15,785 lbs. Batu Anam.— 12,683 lbs. Batu Village.— 9,6oo lbs. Pengkalan Durian.— 9,680 lbs. Tanah Merab.-4.366 lbs. Bute— 7,860 lbs. Semambu.— ll,sB2 lbs. Sungei Bagan. 16,'U3 lbs. Cheng-9,235 lbs. Sungala.— '1,205 lbs. Kukub.— l4,429
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  • 1017 10 Mr. Arnold Bennett Completes A Trilogy. lu Tin m' Twain Arnold llcunett completes till" trilogy wliicli hi' be in wn li I 'l.iyli uii;it and continued with Hilda LhMM M ho fastens tho loose ends aud shows thu later life of tin; pair. It ih a novel
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  • 68 10 Latest advertisements of tho day appear on pages 7 and 11. The all picture programme at the Alhaiubra, tonight, comprises a Famous Players' five part film the Port of Missing Men, a new Keystone comedy, in which Mabel Norman and HoHcoe Arbucklu Fatty 1 appear, and a
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  • 43 10 Sixty live fresh ollicers will shortly arrive at the Salvation Army's Headquarters in .lava, says the Noordknat. Tin uty five of them will be detailed for plague pri duty, ten will proceed to the Celebes and tho remainder take up positions in Java.
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  • 1700 11 HEYDAY OF RAILWAY CARRIAGE STRATEGIST. Change in English Customs. The war is responsible* for many things, -t. r I ras< r in The Standard. Tin re ar> f, wi r trains than before the war those we have are always crowded the run limn tunes have btun
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  • 256 11 Palladium as Substitute for Prohibited Platinum. Palladium is perhaps better known as a van ■>' theatre than as a metal, yet it has long bttn esteemed a- a very iDteisaMaj member of the platinum grcup. state a the Daily Chronicle. It is very paiticular about tbe company
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  • 115 11 Programme of drills, etc., (or week ending, Friday, March 10: Wkdnksday, Mahi h 5.15 p.m. Drill Hail Maxim Co. 4.30 pm. Bali Htier Itange S.K E.(V.i 5 15 pm. Drill Hall .S.V.K. Veterans Co. Chinese Co. Bran Basab Koad Malay Co. officer* and XC.O.'t. Drill Hall S.V.C.
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  • 43 11 A London wire cays Mint it is calculated that io February duty liaN bnu jimi oo 16,0U0,(KM) lb«. u(' tea in excisa of ordinary .|iurt mruti TIiih because whtn the' budget ia introduced a lew weeks lu-oce an j incruaaed duty ia anticipated.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 49 11 Wben Mr. w bsu-r wrote ol Woods, ll.' f-aid with graphic ra^e, That Woods w» re njuttt.y timbtr And wrr.' all cuupixd o( treett; But if Mr. W b-t r livid to day, Hud find a moaning newtr, Kor Wood*' to millions umply means Tic \\\cd/ Urnt P'lp.rujint Core.
      49 words
    • 615 11 KEMPAS. LIMITED. DECLARATION OF INTERIM DIVIDEND AMD NOTICE OF CLOBINB OF REGISTER OF TRANBFEIB. NOTICE is hereby given that the Directors have declared a second Interim Dividend ot 15% (making 25:,, to date) for the year ending June 80, 1916, and Notice iB also given that tbe transfer Register will
      615 words
    • 151 11 THE BEST TYRE FOR FORD CARS ISECURITYI I I TRY THEM WEARNE BROS., LD., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, SOLE AGENTS. RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Bras Baaah Road, Singapore, From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. FTERNOON TEAS AND
      151 words

  • 1203 12 AND THE GIRL WHO M4NAGED HIS JOB. By W. Pett Ridge. If Ernest lilanoy paid a somewhat tardy visit to the recruiting office it waa not for want of patriotism certainly there was no imputation on his courage. Whenever headquarters tell me to go," be bad said, I
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  • 541 12 French Soldiers Attended by British Ladies. A poilu who had just returned to Paris from spending a few weeks at the hospital of Compiagno, through which some 1,500 patients pass monthly, told a Paris correspondent that one of the most pleasant memories he and all the French wounded
    541 words
  • 318 12 Medical Psychology and Nerve Cases. Problem* of medical psychology served (or I the dwbort at a dinner held at the Lyceum Club recently, with Lv)y Muir Mackenzie 1 in the Or. Jessie Murray, of the Medical Psychological Clinic, dealt with the main theme. Mi. jffl Hurt, Psychologist
    318 words
  • 843 12 Reduction of the Capital Agreed To. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Tangkab Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on January 29, in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated), 88, Eastcheap, E.C., to consider the following resolutions:— (l) That the share capital
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  • 269 12 Sharks Who Prey on Unsuspecting Women. Lonely Subaltern wants correspondence with fair sex." This type of appeal is becoming increasingly common. A Daily Chronicle representative who has made inquiries has reason to believe that in many cases these lonely officers are not officers at all, but sharks
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  • 307 12 Interesting Theory of Austrian Writer. Lang and continuously intense bombard ments with high-explosives seom in a certain sense to defeat their own object." writes the Austrian war correspondent Hugo Schnlz in an article on the effect of artillery in modern battles. Experience points to the conclusion that
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  • 303 12 Rodomontade of German Emperors In the East. Berlin news, through the Wireless Press, includes the following bombastic note The German Emperor has arrived in Belgrade. Since the days of Barbarossa, who on a ciusade to the Holy Land held a review of over 100,000 German knights in
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  • 391 12 Reply to Proposed Formation Of Committee. The secretary of the Sungoi Bahru Rubber Estates, Ltd., issues a circular, dated January 2S, stating that the attention of the directors has been drawn to a circular dated December 16, with a postscript dated January 16, issued by Mr. C.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 196 12 THE A£& y mj WHITE ANT W DESTROYER ALL BRITISH. Price: $30.00. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO.. LIMITED (Inooeporatkd in Englakd) KUALA LUMPUR. PENANG WEEK" Special Display ol the latest Imported NICKEL AND BRASS BEDS All Sizes—New Detigns. BENTWOOD FURNITURE Largefct Eange East of Suez. PARIS VENETIAN MIRRORS All Sizes,
      196 words

  • 607 13 Ordeal of Wounded afte Battle Of Ctesiphon. How some of the British wounded fared afti r the battle of Cteeipbon, in Mesopotamia, is described by a soldier in a letter published in The Times. After being wounded on the head, be was left on the field under
    607 words
  • 413 13 How Cambridge Faced Serious Problem. The war has brought difficulties to most of the I niversitie* Cambridge, which a little while a^o was despondent and troubled, is smiling now. It seemed, for a time, as if the beautiful old town would be very periously distret-ned. Most of the
    413 words
  • 59 13 Heater h Km iyani< Correspondent in inform til on good authority that the Yunnan troops who recently pasmj through the city on their way towards the Szechuan and Hunan borders threatened to loot the Kueiyang branch of the Bank of China, but were bought off with »:K),000. The city is
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 i Happy Tidings iol; Planters. Miners and Outstation Residents. .No dep'tit to pay. No return of bottlep. No heavy cost. No bother of bottle accounts. J Satisfaction, Purity and Economy assured. J FRAMROZ CO., |1 87. Cecil Street, Singapore. Acetic Acid Tapping Knives Latex Cups Mosquito Netting Momi Cases Barbed
      156 words
    • 335 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 tO /^^§£V and tO THE MUNICIPALITY THE GOVERNMENT of v^C^y of SINGAPORE N^£hS^/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon" Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 557 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Iniobpobatbd in Steaits Skttlkmbxts) MEAD OFFICE. Wmohaatar Houae, Singapore. LOMDOM OFFIGIi 33, Old Jewry, E.G. The Company lias sfSO.OOO deposited with the Supreme Court
      557 words
    • 391 14 INSURANCE. •UARDIAN ABBURANGE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. (Incorpokatid in England). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds. 48,360,000 Annnal Income 41,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for tbe above Oompany, aie prepared to aooept fire and Earthquake risks for short periods of ten days as longor periods at ourrent rates to be named on
      391 words
    • 495 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporatkd in Hongkong). PAID-UP CAPITAL M 116,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,500,000 at 118,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 •88,0004)00 Reserve Liability ol Proprietors 118,0004X10 OOURT OF DIRBOTORS. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. G. T. M. Bdkins, Bsq. Hon. Mr. D. Landale.
      495 words
    • 508 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENOLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 00,000 Shares of ««> eaoh X1. 200,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank. Ltd., The London County and Westminster
      508 words
    • 763 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Establishbd 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incokporaish in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITBD. ASSETS exoeed $38,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders at last Valuntlon 91,116,073. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE MANDH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. K. MACPHERSON, Secretary for
      763 words

  • 1120 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Is the Rise in Petrol Justified The above significant query appeared recently in the Light Car, and below it are published the following figures, by which it will be seen that the total quantity of petrol delivered to England in 1915
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 175 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the British War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability >» f^: 1 22 sfc» I v fer 4 s F2 ij 5 THE ROM I YRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, London, E. C, CONTRACTORS XO K. M. WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements
      175 words
    • 230 15 DUNLOP m W m \X E3t ET CL (ctQ 7 Although raw rubber has ad<£wEraßEb|. vanned in price, Dunlop Tyres are X-^-vj3«3 Favourable contracts for raw mateHa^H Hu^ 'SoLa r^ a nave enabled us to give the ns aHB^M li'vic public the benefit of these reduced /Bk&K Jm*^\ Grooved Cover.
      230 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1081 16 A. B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL B LIQUEUR WHISKY. JCSiC^ As supplied to both Houses of S^THB^BBV Parliament. S OBTAINABLE FROM ALL jlaP 1^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. *9£A ADAMSON, GILFILLAN AND COMPANY. LIMITED. fl IHI (I (Incorporated in England) J-.iJ- Singapore Penang and Malacca. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED by five bachelors, furnished ccmpjtnd
      1,081 words
    • 760 16 OFFICES TO LET. TO LET, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street. lmi icdiate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. 18-I— o TO BE LET, Commodiou. Officer in Gresham House. Battery Road Apply Me Alister Co., Ltd. 28 6- v TO BE LET, a large and airy Offioe at No. 6, Malacca Street,
      760 words
    • 641 16 ORDINANCE NO. XXXVII OF 1902. An Examination for licensing surveyors will be held by tbe Honourable Surveyor General, Strait i Settlements, on April 8, 1018. and following days until completion. The subjects of examination will be as under Practical Geometry. Mi n-uration. Trigonometry. Surveying (including field practice). Levelling (including field
      641 words
    • 567 16 GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OfFICE:-J7, Phillip Street Branch Btor. s at No. 14, Phillip Strctt, and Nos, 14, 100 and IC2, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "OUANKIAT." Telephone Noe. 1174, 1178 and 1288 (Private 1460 and 1078). Codis osid A. B C, 6th Edition, and A 1 CoDBS. ■kip Ouadtert, Hardware
      567 words
    • 484 16 BIG BBIPMBNT Of COAGULATING PANS Just arrived. .-M/ts IN" X 9" I W I 1-V X 10 I Special Quality. Prioa* Reasonable KIAM KIAT&Co., 108 ft 109. Market Street Telephone No. 431. 17 80 6 16 To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations advertisements, such as changes in sailing dates
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 349 16 Straits Wimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager')) Office 262 Job Printing Department 348 All coniiuuLicatioDB relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THK EDITOR. All coiumunicatiouH reltting to business matters advertiHcmcnta, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. Hhould bu addressed to THE MANAliKli. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane oos wants
      349 words