The Straits Times, 4 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.047 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MARCH 4. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 138 1 I d^Bu SLEDGE BRAND MILK ALL comes from Cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps pastures. The quality, therefore, may be relied upon to be always of that unrivalled standard of excellency which has gained for Sledge Brand the first place among all Canned Milks. It is most important that
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    • 93 1 RUBBER MANGLES BRITISH-MADE. WOODEN and CAST-IRON ROLLERS. Roller Sizes 24 ins. x 6 ins. Roller Size 9 17 ins. x 4^ ins. WOODEN ROLLERS MADE OF BEST SEASONED TIMBER. ROBINSON CO. NEW SHIPMENTS: Manzanilla Sherry, Italian Vermouth, Italian hianti Wire, Italian Tonic Bitters, Amer Picon Bitters. Malaga Wine. Madeira Wine.
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    • 36 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER.: > Soli Aqiwt; ADIffSSOLFILUIft am., in. ,1,,. „r|...r:U<wl ill KngLiml) j For all requiremeats in the Furniture line call on A. FRANKEL CO., Victoria Esiablisuki; Street 1887. WIDE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM. Inspection Solicited
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  • 865 2 A STRIKING SKETCH OF KING PETER. Weighed Down by Great Sadness. A very striking sketch of King Peter during the terrible retreat of tbe Serbian army through Albania is given by M. Paul dn Bocbet, the special correspondent of tbe Petit Parisien. After his first night spent in
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  • 252 2 Young Men Unable to Answer The King's Call. The young men of Mauritius want to answer the King's call but are being kept back (or want of tbe means to do to. The country baa dune well in subscribing tbe purchase price of an armed aeroplane and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 204 2 Stocks Held of Coal Tar, Latex Cups, Momi Cases, Carey's Box Strapping, Acetic Acid, Solidium Bisulphite, Coagulation Powders (British), Corrugated Iron, Cement Solder, Methylated Spirits and Quinine Tablets. FOB FURTHER PARTICULAIH, APPLY TO S. J. JUDAH CO., Tel. Iaea as, robinson road. 24J-26-8 '^^f-^^^ 2000 odd A L—--^f(s%< THE PICTURE
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    • 583 2 COLD AND RHEUMATISM. The long spell of wet weather is now having evil effect on a number of people, and the tortures of rheumatism are disabling many. Victims of this malady have every reason to fear the first doll aches in the limbs and joints, followed by sharp pains through
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    • 613 2 TRY^ Bcechun's Pills, they are mil the thing as a fimily medicine. Nothing to be compared with them has yet been put before the public. For over ha'f a century this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless household*, and the name and fame of Beecham's F'ls have
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    • 467 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSFNKAISHA (Incohporatkd in Japan) (••aha Msreastils Itssmshlp to Ud I KOBE— BOMBAY LINE. Ibe Company maintains a regular cargo service with six steamers callirx at Moji, Yokktticbi, HoogkoDg, Singapore, Port S wettenham, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and on the return voyage oalling at Tuticorin, Singapore, Hongkong and
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  • 891 3 Ceylon's Comment on Singapore's Lead. The Times of Ceylon, of February 19, •ays: A special cable from Singapore yesterday told us that it is officially stated that all enemy firms in tbe Colony are to be completely liquidated and tbeir lands, buildings, trade marks, goodwill and
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  • 240 3 Ad iotereetioK experiment was tried in tbo Maiii.-ts Harbour recently by Mr. F. D. beonelt, of Mesxrs. Aienn, Bennett Mid Co., of a life saving waistcoat, wuicb be ban received from home. In view of tbe danger from submarines to which people sire now subjected in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 346 3 "IT'S AS COOD TO-DAY Wffi WHEN I BOUGHT IT!" //J/// USE //mm/// "ciuau" That's »n expression common to ///TWt/ OfVAN wen of the •SWAN" Fom.iain //\jf£/ who h^ve u-ol i r ///rl/M/ -WIT far .n,pcri.H. from M, M/ of j v on* wok up to 2O yea is |tM /t^!**i£f/
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    • 14 3 For Children's HmckioK Cough at Night 1 1 Woodi Orrat PepDcimiiit Lute 1» 6d
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    • 322 3 TENDER SENSITIVE SKINS Quickly Soothed by Cuticura. Nothing Better. Trial Free. Especially when preceded by a hot bath with Cuticura Soap. Many comforting things those fragrant supcrcreamy emollients may do for the akin. Sample each free by nort. Address F. Newbery Sons, 27," Charterhouse Square, London, E.C. Sold everywhere. JWON
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    • 2 3 FBAMROZ CO.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1070 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Apcar Line. (Companies [moki-ouatro in Encjland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES MCNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS i Under Contract with His Majesty Government). For China, Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports And London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES.
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    • 1205 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAMER SAILINGS THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. oceam steamship co.. (iNtOKI'ORATED IS SIAJII. IMITFR SINGAPORE-BANGKOK, china mutual steam nay For Kretay, Tringganu, Biaut, Sum rak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telapin, Patani, uU., LIU. Singora, Lacon, Kobtamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Champon, Koblak and Bangkok. (Incorporatkd in Enul4nd) Dua Departure
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    • 532 4 STEAMER SAILINBJ. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Imcorpokatbd in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained betwoen Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail r ntra?t with thr Inifx rial Japanese Government. Tlk New Twin screw Steamern maintaining this srrvico have been specially dexignedand oonßtruckd,
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  • 88 5 FIXTURES. iurday, March 4 i«h W%t«r I'MUra lllSpn t. \u.ln w school, Vie Tlioatre, 4 10. iday, March 5. i«b Water, 117 a.m., 11.41 p m nday, March 6. igh Water, 11. Is i.mi. isday, March 7. IKb Water. 0.9 a.m.. 0 jh p.rn aytor meeting, Evatt's,
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  • 188 5 To I.IV RPaliat Hong Wan -2.8 I p:u itkonK. Sban^liai I d .lap -in Itola 2.30 pic Mcca, I". Swottonliaui I Penan- Klang '2.30 pm Ken M< dusa &M pci h I'ahat Murning 2.30 piu Hui S.inbilan M 0 pel A Niully H. tO pm X; Hilliton
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  • 262 5 "he mail triiih from Singapore for th« Bortb leave Tank Roal station daily a^. .mi i p.m., arriving at Kuala Lampuat 7lt p.m. and t.45 a.Ji. respectively. The throii;'!. ixpress to Penang leaves KaaU Laii-pLr at 8 am. daily, arriving at Penaag at A M pi). thf> same
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  • 43 5 T'i' I', an.l O. outwaH miil it.iinir Malta will be leaving ijlinibo on Mtrcb4, and may In expjcte<l at IVn in* at diylijjlit on March 9. Tl»- IV ami O. -t< am. Kirmili arrived at Marseilles on Thursday, 2nd in»t.
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  • 109 5 "Oar attention has been e«lled to tha fart ILat oar arrivals in London are ranch behind feM pubii-Oiei elsewhere. Our mV i« to fi'wo arrival* only wheu they are officially report- «1 in tbe Pout Offlce notices, and on later <lat« Mint printed above ba i
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  • 175 5 EXCHANGE. SiMoapoaa, Makih 4, 1016. UhLohc. Bank4m/s 2/4 if Demand 3,4^ Private 8 m/s 2/415 On Franck Bank T. T. 328 On India Bank T. T. 171, On Honokono.. Bank d/d 10] On Shanghai ...Bank d/d BH,\ On Jata Bank T. T. Ml} On Japan Bank 111Sovereigns
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 For Chronic Cheat C- m plaints, Woods' wrrat Peppermint Core Is. Sd PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO. AmaUars' Work Developing Printing and Enlargin; Repairin? Camsrar. KOK" HIK6 CHEONG &GQM-. Ad.lphl Hottl Buildings. Biagmfor*. Branch at Penang 16 81-5-16
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    • 546 5 UTE3T ADVERTISEMEHTS^ WANTED, GOLF CLUBS; one set with b<K P S.c/o Straits Time». 4 8-7-8 WANTBH. A FILM CAMKR\, quarterplate or postcard «iE-. in k<"'l order, state urioe ec, to Boi No. '256, S;rsits Timef. 4 B—4 8 FOR S\LE, Menders ,n Motor Cyole, 12 H. P., with iide car.
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    • 324 5 Jamaica Cigars Golofina Perfectos $14 per 100. Golofina Bouquets 9 per 100. PACKED in BOXES of 28. Obtainable from SUN TAI CHAN, NOOR MOHAMED, 41, Cecil Street. la, d'Almeidi Street. ST. ANDREW S HOUSE. A Cbnrch cf England Boarding Horre f r European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend
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    • 67 5 GORDONS THE ORIGINAL LONDON GIN This ancient dis-tiikry was established in 1786 the "Old Turn" and "Dry" Gins ol which are world-famous. They are obtainable at &1I th" best Hotels aod Dealt rs. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (bsMMama in Enol*nc) Sole Importers K. TSUTADA Japanese Dentist, 74 A 74-1. BRA?
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    • 372 5 MILK FOR THE MILLION! Best for Infants. Appreciated by Adults. Popular with all Classes throughout tbe world. EVAPORATED NATURAL. Stood th* Test of SO Years' Trial. Prt-pared usder the mest approved taci ary cniditiong a .1 unitrcxfeit pcrviHion. Av.arded Gold Medal, Sp.cial (iiade, at P. dahu Kxhrition; LuniLioiiH uwatdat European
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  • 1147 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, MARCH 4. THE CAMPAIGN OF LIES. We bave jost been reading through the full text of a document that is of great importance in reaching an estimate of the character of Germany. It is a letter addressnd by tbe Catholic Bishops of Belgium, France acd England
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  • 18 6 The output of the Rahman Tin Co., during February was 850 picnla. (Pis. 368.79 mill, pis. 481.27 tributes).
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  • 24 6 The King will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance with respect to tbe ordinance, to amend tbe Crown Lands Ordinance, 1886.
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  • 31 6 The directors of the Padang Jawa Kubber Estate, Limited, have declared an interim dividend of 6$ per cent. (I)<J- per share) actual on account of the year to March SI, 1916.
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  • 28 6 The output from the Chenderiang Tin Dredging Mine for February waa Dredge, picals ore won 600, hoars run 640, yards treated 80,000. Elevators, piculs 100. Total output 600.
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  • 32 6 Uur Penang correspondent telegraphs that for tapping rubber trees belonging to the Municipality and stealing latex three Chinese have been sent to prison, one for four months and two for two months.
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  • 38 6 A meeting of Justices of the Peace will be held iv tbo Fi»t Magistrate's chambers at the police courts, Singapore, ou Munday, March IS, to elect a Justice to nil a vacancy on tbe board of Licensing Justices.
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  • 43 6 Tbe members of tbe Bar Committee of the F.M.S., elected at the annual mct-uuK of the advocates and solicitors piaclisiuK in ttiu F.M.S, held on January 2'J, are: Musuis. f. U. T. Kogers, 11. N. Ferrers, 11. A. Hope and H. L. Cowdy.
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  • 38 6 During February 9, 1<:3 Chinese immigrants arrived at Singapore, malting 23,279 since tho beginning ot the year. 0.0-ij Chinese dock passengers left the Settlement last month, ot whom y,«BJ went to Dutch ports and 2, 126 to China.
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  • 46 6 Tbe directors of tbe Ampat (Sumatra) Rubber Estate, Limited, rtcouimend a dividend of IU per cent, in respect of the year lo September 30. 1915. The dividend amounts to IU M.I. per share and tax will be deducted at the rate of 2s. 4d. in the
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  • 46 6 The trophy, for presentation to the Malay States Volunteer KiUts, provided from a balance of the fund tor the entertainment of the crew of H.M.S. Calinus and the Singapore Garrison, after thu events of tbe mutiny, is now on view in Jouu Little and (Jo.'s window.
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  • 47 6 A bill is to be introduced into the Legislative Council to remove any doubt which way arise as to whether prohibitions of exportation made under the Arris and Explosives Ordinance, 1913, apply to goods which are brought into port in transit and are not landed for transhipment.
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  • 47 6 Messrs. Barlow and Co., Kuala Lumpur, inform as that they have received a telegram from tbe Secretaries of the Ayer Kuning {F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd., England, advising them tbat tbo Treasury has withdrawn the sanction granted to tbe company to issue the balance of its authorised capital.
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  • 53 6 Tbe directors of Songei Oettah Rubber Co. report A profit of 981,638 and recommend placing 110,000 to reserve. They declare a final dividend of 12| per cent., making 17; per cent, for the year and carry forward •4,815. There are Io,COO trees being tapped, and tbe estimated crop for 1916
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  • 54 6 Messrs. Kennedy and Co. advise vs That the Jeboog Rubber Company announce a final dividend of 15 par cent., making 85 per cent, for the ymr ending December 31. 1915. Seventy-five thousand rupees are placed to tbe extension reserve account, wbicb now amounts to Rs. 468,000. A sum of Rs.
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  • 59 6 Messrs. Gutbrie and Co. inform as that they have roceivtd advice from London by cablegram that the dirtctors of the Labn (F.M.S.) Rubber Co Ltd., have, recommended the payment of a final dividend of '11- per cent, payable on April 15 next, in respect of the year 1915, making a
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  • 39 6 Recent subscriptions to the Prince of Waleb's Fund include thu following -Collected at Singapore .second instalment), £10,000; tbe British Residents iv tbe Philippine Islands (fourth iastalmont), £1,(00; British residents in Amoy, j£jB9 British residents in Chcfoo (further contribution), £200.
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  • 58 6 Lloyd's Register of Shipp ng dated January 22 contained two additions to the Han line of steamers, ships which were, formerly German and whose nam«s, in accordance with the Admiralty decision, perpetuate their origin. They are Huiitscastle, ex Erna Weormano, 6,62H tons. Huntsvalo, ex Barenfels. 5,398 tons. These additions raise
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  • 70 6 Further particulars of the murder of Mr. Harding at Tricbinopoly show that tbe lungs and heart wore pierced. The deceatx d walked a few yards after being struck an I then fell and died almost immediately, though doctors were quickly upou the spot. The murderer, who bad presented various petititions,
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  • 82 6 Two conflicting statements on the ability of thu girl bank clerk were made in London the other day. Mr Cecil F. Parr, at the annual meeting of Parr's Hank, said Girl clerks are unable, in spite of tbeir intelligence, to make up for the, ability and experience of men whose
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  • 89 6 Professor Dr. G. van Iterson in a lecture on tbe Future of Rubber Cultivation in Netherlands East India to the Indian Society at Tbe Hague said that according to statis tics, tbe rubber companies in Sumatra and Java, wbicb are younger than thoeo in Malaya and Ceylon, will give a
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  • 320 6 Messrs. G. C. G. Milllor and L. V. Laville are appointed PasHed (Msts> It is understood tbat Mr. S. C. Atubroß will be visiting tbo Straits on private busi ness in the near future. The condition of Dr. Kose, who has bee in the Penang General Hospital
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  • 98 6 Mr. J. Moss, Hon. Secretary of the Straw Merchant Service Guild, kindly informs is that news was received by mail yesterdayjf tbe death by drowning in thu dock at Hill, of Capt. L. Darke, late of the Sarawak steamer Natuoa. The deceased was list in command
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  • 123 6 A Government Gazette Extraordinary of tbe F. M. S., published yesterday, contains the text of a draft enactment to aothorise tbe raising of a loan of 15,000,000. Tbe preamble states that "it is desirable that an opportunity be afforded for the local investment of moneys with tbe
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  • 122 6 Notice is given in the Ga/.'tte that at tho expiration of three months from tho 3id inst., tbe undermentioned companies will, unless i au*e is shown to the contrary, be struck oIT tho Register of Companies aud will bodenolved The Moslem I'nion, the Siam Traders' Association, tbe Kelantan
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  • 285 6 Ah will be seen from the advertisement, tlirrt ban been an alteration in the arrange meats fur the furthcomiDK M-axon at thu Victoria Theatre, the liamliuanu Op ra and Comedy Company opening on Saturday next instead of the SiampH on Munday. Kroui accounU to band from Calcutta
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 67 6 CALDBECH, MACGREGOR CO. \\CALDBECK.MACCREGOR f C?]| Wine and Spirit Merchants. ;i USHER'S GREEN STRIPE JM Scotch Whisky $15 111 Ha* LESS 5%, DOTY EXTRA. Sol. UOU: JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Im'ORPoIaTIO IN ESCLAKD) li gapor* and Kuala Lumpur. Every Keen Motorist Should See Page 5 on Monday. CENTRAf) worksl™^! SINGAPORE.
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    • 168 6 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. TO-NIGHT t TO- MIGHT II AT THE ALHAMBJLA Beaoh Road, The Houae of Quality -Toe Home of Feature Attraction*. The Leading t heat re in Singapore UNIQUE SUCCESS OF COP'-'EE H Orange Blossom Company 6 VAUDEVILLE ft STAR ARTISTES D In a Complete Change of Programme. New Dresses.
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  • 2107 7 VERDUN BATTLE. The Enormous German Losses. FUTURE OF TRADE. Probable Agreement Among Allies. Rki-tkh'* Tilkorams. London, March 2. 4.25 a.m. Pari* The estimated German losses at Verdun arc 1:15,000. London, March 2, 12.45 a.m. ■i r*O«glas llait; in a communique says: Then were twenty encounters in the air
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  • 111 7 MATURE OF SOME TEMPERANCE BODIES. Rkctib's Tkleurax. London, March 1, 6.80 p.m. In tbe Honse of Commons Mr. Bonar Law said be had no information regarding the resignation of schoolmasters from temperance societies in consequence of an amend ment of the Ceylon education code, but he wonld ask
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  • 89 7 PERMITS FOR RE-EXPORTATION WITHHELD. Hutik's Teligeam. London, March 1, 5 p.m. In the House of Commons, replying on behalf of the War Trade Committee to questions regarding the withholding of ttrmits for tbe re-export of opium. Mr. W. C Bridgeetan said be did not consider that the lecka
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  • 91 7 IiHTRK's TK.LK..K AMLondon, March 2, 6 20 p.m. Tbe report of the Koyal Commission on venereal diseases reveals very serious conditions, makes drastic recommendations and states that no abort sighted parsimony should prevent tbe utilisation of all scientific methods or organisations to guard the present and future generations.
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  • 17 7 RIUTItS TILK..KAM. London, March 2. The strike mentioned yesterday wai al Valencia and not Madrid.
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  • 18 7 KIUTBB'* TIsLICKAM. London, March 2. Tbe Queen Djifagerot Rumania, Carmen Sylva. died this morning.
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  • 41 7 (From Our Own Corr«spondmt.) London, March 8. Bagan Serai pajs a dividend of H percent. L»bu pays 22) Per cent., plans to reserve 118,000 and carries forward £11,000. Bnnt« n» pay an iuttriiu dividend oi 12 per cent.
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  • 1355 7 THE FLUCTUATIONS IN RUBBER PRICES. From Our Own Correspondent. London, January 28, 1916. Robber has again provided the most aborbing feature of interest in markets tbis week. The prioe of the oommodity not much more tban a few days ago was 4 3J at tbe beginning of tbe
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  • 182 7 Thanks from the Navy. The following further letters of acknowledgment have been received Parkeston Quay, Harwich, England, January 28, 1916. Mr. I. Ellison, Singapore. Sir, We have received I'JO cases pineapple for distribution to tie Fleet, through Mr. Dyer, Vegetable I'rod lets Committee, who has informed me
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  • 254 7 Communication from the Imperial Government. The following (lenpitch his been received from the Secretary of State for tbe Coloniea, with reference to tbe X.M.S. Aeroplane Fund War Office, 18, Albt irarle Street, London, W., January 1, 1816. Sir, With reference to previous corro spondence relative to the
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  • 77 7 For tbe period from March 10 to 16. IUI4, inclusive, tbe value of tuo highest grade of rubber is at 3d. 7 SI. per Ib., and tinduty od cultivated rubber oo which ixp- duty is leviable on an ad vnlort m basis m accordance with
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  • 1171 8 INDIAN MERCHANT SENT TO PRISON. Germans Tribute to Navy. One of the fioert tributes ever paid to the ltntixli navy and its work of blockading Ueruiany was forthcoming in the second police court, tins morning, when Mr. < i i -.tli road to tin- magistrate a
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  • 476 8 Trench Fighting and Bombing At Alexandra. It is more than likely that had the general public known just what was to happen at Alexandra Barracks, yesterday afternoon, there would have been a larger crowd of spectators, for the military demonstration by men of tbe C double com piny
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    • 87 8 Tin- March spoon of the S.L.R.A. was shot or, at Balestiei during a stroDg wind. Mrs. l.yall won with a nett score of 62. The icorcs were S 9 mm i I I 2 g as S H Mrs. Lyall 32 80 =63 «Vio =68.25 Brooke 29 27
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  • 111 8 seßamat- 18,804 lbs. IIaUDK Malaka.— l6,s2l lbs. 15ekoh.-1b.68J lbs. •Usin (Maliccal.- 10.77S lbs. OjaDtfkat >H;riliUiK-— 12,570 lbs. I MS. Kubbi-r C 0. —136,000 lbs. K L Kubbcr C 0. —114,000 lbs TaojoDg Malim.- 69,000 lbs. Kuany -y.iOO lbs. Varik -.1,071 lbs. Ir.cb Keni.ctb.— 26,3so lbs. lil.ui-liiel. HUM
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  • 420 8 For Men of Britain's Overseas Forces. Miss Gertrude Drayton, acting secretary of the Victoria League, Millbank House, Wood Street, Westminster, writes as follows: I am desired by the committee of the Victoria League Soldiers Club to send you particulars of this club which was opened laet June
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  • 148 8 Messrs. Francis Peek and Cos. Weekly Report. Mosirs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, supply as with the following report on the position of tbe Java produce, market for the past week Batavia, Marcb 3. Rubber.— Tbe market is dull indicating a downward tendency with little demand at
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  • 208 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, March 10 Saturday, March 4. 4.30 p.m. Cold Storage Depot West Wharf Maxim Co. 6.30 a.m. to 5 pm. Baleetier Range Chinese Co. Sisdav, March 5. A.30 to 5 p.m. Balestier Range Chinese Co. Monday, Marcb 6. 6.15
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  • 289 8 Motor Mishap Presents Army Service. Travelling up from Singapore to Malacca on Tuesday, say tbe Times of Malaya, was Mr. B. Tbornley, at one time of Kuala Selangor, who went home shortly after the outbreak of war to volunteer for service at the front. Mr. Tbornley went home
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  • 652 8 Sunday, March 6, 1916. St. Andrew's Cathedral. Qoinqnagesima Sunday. 7 -30 a.m. Litany; 7-45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9-15 a.m. Matins and Holy Communion 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 630 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines.— a.m. Holy Communion 8.15 p.Ui. Evensong and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 202 8 I PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Latest ad vertis. meats of tbe day appear on page 5. There is a special dinner at tbe Soaview Hotel tonight, followed by an open-air pic tare display. The hotel orchestra will play Detections. That strong rival to Charlie Chaplin, Fatty, appears at the Palladium to
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    • 54 8 It's something good," said the toucher It is known all ovt r the earth. Can any of you youngsters guess it Yonr mothers all know its great worth." Then the brightest boy in tbe olass Replied, Please, Sir, I'm sore That mother mends all our colds and coughs With Woods
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  • 866 9 Paper Pnblished on 111-rated Ship. Interest in elTorts of naval journalism is always stroDg, but in the case of tbe Natal Newsletter the interest is of a sadly mixed character These publications says The Daily Cbronicle. form, in short, most pathetic relics of the ill fated
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  • 70 9 It is suggested that Mr. Birrell, in making bis little joke about Pressmen under tbe Cabinet table, bad in bis mind a story of tbe Berlin Congress. Leakage was persistent during tbo proceedings, and Blowit/ was generally the recipient of indiscreet disclosures. One day Bismarck began the
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  • 82 9 The publication of a series of guide books to take tbe place of tbe renowned Baedekers, wliicli, after tli- war. are not likely to be popular in the countries of the Allies or of sympathetic MUtralfi. i* bein^ arranged by a private company ot which Mr. r'indlay Muirbead will be
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 92 9 Solve your Transport Problems with a BUICK" Motor Lorry. Built solely as a commercial car, and equipped with the most powerful self-started four-cylin-der motor of its size in the world, the 1916 "BUICK" is SIMPLE, ECONOMICAL, DURABLE and POWERFUL. Made in "BUICK" Workshops with the best materials that money can
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    • 271 9 The only safety razor J? that strops itself and W^^^ saves continual exo pense for new blades Safety Razor You just slip the strop through the razor, and half a dozen to-nnd-fro strokes put a new keen edge on the blade in 10 seconds. There- is nothing to unscrew or
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1952 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life J nsurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incobpobated in Straits Skttlbment*) HEADOFFICIi Winohaatar House, Singapore. LONDON OfFIOEi 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company ban 4820.000 deposited with the Supreme Court
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    • 993 10 INSURANCE. YOUR SAVINGS You may be able to lay aside 150 a month. It you can do this for 10 years it means a decent provision for the wife and child, Suppose, however, yon die after saving for 12 months 1600 will not go very far, will it? Les* than
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  • 851 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. How Rusting is Eliminated. When some part of the motor fractures, m happens occasionally, it usually is a serious matter, and sets the owner pondering as to tbc cause. Hu clostly examines the metal at the point of breakage, confers with
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 247 11 JUST LANDED AND NOW ON VIEW AT OUR SHOW-ROOM, ORCHARD WOAD. D 3 TON ENNIS SUBVENTION TYPE CHASSIS. A magnificent example of hi^h-class British Automobile Engineering. All interested in mechanical transport should inspect this chassis, the first of its type exported from Britain. WEARNE BROS., Ltd., Sole Agents, Singapore, Kuala
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    • 231 11 Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. $1 "Stelastic"^ 1 Super Tyres. Thise ti/res Jiace mInJ the ijreatest problems connected icith NMMM and (fficient motoring. The tread of a Stelastic Tyre consists ot hundreds of' tine sharp spirals projecting from the pure Para Rubber
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 476 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. OFFICE KRANI, immediately. Thorough knowledge oi book keeping re qnired. Apply to Box No. 'I'M, Straits Times IS sj lOUM MAN, EURASIAN, seeks pssition as Shorthand Typist. Very willing and re-liable. Good references. Apply Box No. 2.(1, Straits Times. 1-B—7-8 WANTBD
      476 words
    • 493 12 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTBD, near Town, a honse with three bedrooms Rental from $75 to 185 per month Apply A., c/o Suaits Times 28-2—27-8 WANTED TO PURCHASE, second hand 'His Master's Wioo Gramophone with wooden born and English records Apply Box 286, Straits Times. 2 3—6-8 TWO ROOM S, with verandah attached,
      493 words
    • 745 12 HOUBEB TO LET. TO LET large comfortable rooms, unf irnisbed. If .C, 10, Lloyd Road. 24-2— v TO LBT, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Panl k Co. 16 l—o TO LET, No. 7*B, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Cheng Van Co., 10, Malacca 3treet. 2-B—l TO LET,
      745 words
    • 666 12 NOTICE. How to solve servants' difficulties such as cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, conductors, shortband typists, book-keepers, eto Charges moderate. Also shorthand (Pitman's) and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the Straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal Co.. 9, Selegie Road, Singapore. 7-13 68-18 NOTICE.
      666 words
    • 431 12 GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OFFICE: 37, Phillip Street Branch Stores at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nos. 14, 100 and IC2, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "OUANKIAT." Telephone Nos. 1174 and 1388 (Private 1460). Codbs csid A. B C, Bth Edition, and Al OoDBS. Ship Ch jndlert, Hardwire Dialers, Government and
      431 words
    • 496 12 KIAM KIAT A CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipobandlers, Government and Munieipa Contractors. Estate Suppliers and Com mission Agents. Bolb Aoints The Mnlcott Belting Co., Ltd. Bost Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 17 ***** To ADVi RTISERS As re(iuest>i to uiabo alterations in advertisements, such an chauy.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 323 12 Straits V)imes. Telephones. Editorial and Goncral TO Manager's Office '262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should bo addressed to THE EDITOR. All. communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, account*, printing, etc. should bo addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— Miscellaneous wants of
      323 words