The Straits Times, 3 March 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 10 1 NO. 25,046 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. MARCH 3. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 234 1 Order Early In consequence of the shortage of labour, difficulty in obtaining material, and the transportation situation grow ing more serious every day, intending purchasers will be well advised to order early. We he pc to be in the happy position of b«ing able to give immediate delivery of 1916
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    • 17 1 i MARTELL 8 BRAKOY. 1 Soli Aoints: i ADAMBON. BILFILLAN CO., LTO (Inoirpor ito.l In Kngl in.h
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  • 1161 2 WHERE SOLDIERS FIGHT THEIR BATTLES ANEW. Thrilling Experiences. We had a dinner in the forest which would have been the envy of the Germans, especially the home-made bread and Papa asked me, writes Mr. Bernard Pares in the Daily Telegraph, to have a rest while he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 Stocks Held of Coal Tar, Latex Cups, Momi Cases, Carey's Box Strapping, Acetic Acid, Solidium Bisulphite, Coagulation Powders (British), Corrugated Iron, Cement Solder, Methylated Spirits and Quinine Tablets. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO S. J. JUDAH CO., Til. 1381 29, ROBINSON ROAD. 24 J— 2B 8 Yamato Co.'s CASH r^
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    • 643 2 HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN PUT ON FLESH. A New Discovery. Thin men atid we men— tbat bift, hearty, filling dinner yon ate last night. What became ot all the fat-producing nourishment it contained You haven't gained in weight one ounoe. That tood r assed from your body like unbnrned coal
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  • 969 3 FIGHTING TO THE STRAINS OF MOUTH-ORGAN. Family Post at the Front. The Daily Chronicle special correspondent, Mr. Philip Gibbs, writing from Britith bead quarters on January 14, states There is always movement behind tbe battle- line, of divisions "going up" and of divisions coming down (one must
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  • 173 3 Buttons or Footwoman as A Substitute. It teems that "Jeamen" will be obliged to (all in witb tlie democratic apirit of the timeM and take bia place in tbe ranks of tbe ontxempted. Attempt* have beea made from many quarters to aecure the eltmption of indiapensable footmm and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 446 3 'Wincarnis' brings New Health ?M to the Weak and Ailing. p v>* Set «fc. New health— glorious, vigorous health— is rt^J s i> 10 i uiiiiii md What a Messing to he free from Sfw fc-'^ ilut Weakness, Aixnn, NarviaeM, and that Kun ig? CJ-ySr down "ft clinu I low
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    • 114 3 TYREfJSERVICE When you buy Tyres BUY "CHAIN TREAD" TYRES Because— You combine MAXIMUM SAFETY and MAXIMUM SERVICE with the LEAST POSSIBLE COST. The "Maximum Service" is what we want you to prove— not merely to take our word for it. i Let your Speedometer judge the Mileage of "CHAIN TREAD"
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1063 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Mpcar Line. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contraot wltn Hit Majesty a Government). For China, Japan Penang, Gaylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mttditarranaan Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES.
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    • 765 4 STEAMER MILINBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Eelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Cbumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Due Departure BORIBAT Mar. 4, S p.m. II PRACHATIPOK Mar. 6 8,8 p.m NO STEAMER B „11.3 p.m.
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    • 483 4 STEAMER BAILINGS OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enolind) I* Tbe Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 528 4 STEAMER SAILING?. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail ointract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-ecrew Steamers maintaining this service have been specially doxigned and oonetructed, and are fitted with
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  • 636 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 8, 1010. Messrs. Lyall and Kvatt, exchange and. share brokers, issue tbe following list of quotations }bis morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. i>OM. lUDI. DOIIU. OBbkau. Allaf-at 2/- 2/4* X 1 Adklo J»t» U/-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 444 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INOO CHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. Ik. i in nn- is Knolakd). Dlr«et Sarvio* to Japan via Hong hong A Shanghai, and to Oaloutt* via Psna.ig, from SingapOP*. Taking cargo nn throngb Bills ol Ladin lor Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chafo 1 lentxin, Ne«?bwang, Yangtase Ports Foluosa, tbe
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    • 456 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHQSENKAISHA (Im ciKi'CKAiKD in Japan) (•taka Marcaiitila f taamthlp Co Lta I KOBE BOMBAY LINE I'he Company maiotiins a r 'ijalar carjio aervkse witb aix ateaui&rii ca'lirg at Moji Vokkaicbi, Uoo^kooKi SiDftapcra Port Swettenbam, IVniny, (loloniho and Bombay, atd 3D tbe retoro voyage etlliiß at Toticorin Singapore,
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    • 272 5 "I AM QUALITY'S LIMIT" M nftn TO attain and tuoreover ntaic pr'tct r y\ H \f? \IV" X quality this has been tbe motto of .> L* V'V) ~^S a^a^^ Stale Exprtts Cigaiettis ever since tbty J^*~\ Hrk 9lsV lave bern on the narket. State Expreis «ati* MS aflaK^ »T«tt
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 80 6 The Straits Times Press, Ltd., PHOTO PROCESS ENGRAVERS. L><gggigr»^^«-«^^»»^«""'^^"-"""«««""""""""^''«"'*' > l ''^^'h'h''"»''"''-"' l cM t y-j Z ■BJBSJBII C Jj *s\^^"^k^. Srvi iiil "^v i KJA Z v J <m •^^SSJSF j 31 Photographs and Line Drawings Reproduced. jsjßl wj.WM.WßSJwJsiaiiJ^iwiVJi'l^^MiirMMiri^ L»^^ ■<— A£— i i REINFORCED CONCRETE WHARF-300 ft. LONG
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    • 87 6 ESANOFELE ANTI-MALARIA PIUS. Sold Everywhere. Greatly nsed by the Italian <»-v rnment fc snre enre for Malaria Fever. Highly recommended by those who have used tbtm OAOOINO CO. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 317. Orchard Road. DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE BGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW SINGAPORE, 1910. Arranged Floral Baskets, Bouquet*, Wreaths, Showers
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    • 528 6 (Latk or Thk Robinson Piano Co Violins, from $i 2-co to $2r,-oo eases, from.. s-OO to 1 8 OO bows 380 to S-OO stands i-75 to 8-6O budget a lOto 25 P*« lOto IB remn is to as n blanket*, each 1-5O tsilpiroea 1 -oo pitch pipe A each as
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  • 98 7 lIXTURES. Friday, March A. High Water, Ml a.m 10.51 p m Saturday, March 4. High Water. 10.24 am II.H p m Tapali me<ting, Kvatt's. N.i m n. I. outward mail expected v 1 School, Vie. Theatre. 4 in. Sunday, March 5. High Water. 11.7 a.m., 11 4
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  • 250 7 T.i HY V. Swettenham and Teluk Au-un Kin! 'i M piu Mi. lan V. I >■• men Ml pm that Uk% Hin 2:\< fm Mata Efad Mpm Malacca and Muar Laly I fm Batavi.i. Samarang and Sniirabaya Kumpliius 3.80 pm Iloilo and Manila C. Loaw y L
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  • 247 7 The mail trains from Singapore |at Ml I north leave Tank Roa.l station daily at 7.7 i a.m. anJ 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at T.M p.m. au.i %M i m. n to Penang leaves KuaU it H am. daily, arriving at Punang .lay. iiithward bound
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  • 28 7 Tin P. au.l <*. outward mail steamer Malta will be leaving Colombo on March 4, and may be expected at Penan* at daylight oa Hard U.
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  • 100 7 Our attention bu beaa calU-.l to the (act that oar arrivalx in Loadoa are much behind those paMiabed uUunbmu. Oar I v al< only wliea they arc officially reported in tin Post Office n>t.oen, aad on Ufa* 'titti t'lan that printed above bai been so it 'i
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  • 168 7 EXCHANCIB .sinuaporb, 11 8, 1916. UmLomi. Bank4a,H 2/4»J Demand 2/4J Private 8 m/a 2/4jj Ox Kraxi k Bank T. T. 328 MlMt Bank T.I 174, On ..Bank d/d 164 Ok Shanghai ...Bank d/d 881 OmJiva Bank T. T. 131* O» itriK Bauk 111« Sovereign:) baying
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    • 180 7 I™" 6 Buyers Sellers. Value 10 10 Ampin" 6.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 0.85 0.50 10 10 Belat 160 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.90 1.00 11 10 Kinta Association 6.00 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.16.0 2.0.0 41 jCI Lahat Mines 4 10 8.-25 Malayan Collieries 2.00 dig i.l XI
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    • 634 7 v3£l Buyere 8nllt -2- 2/- Allaaai 2/- 2/6 41 41 Ani,lo-Ja»a IS/- 1.0.0 2/- 2/- AngloMalaj 9.6 10/6 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 2,4 2/rt il XI Batu Tig* 2.10.0 80 0 2/- 2/- Bekoh '2/5 2/9 £1 X 1 LuJiit Kajaa,. 20 0 2.5.0 XI £1 Bnkit Lintanji 3.0.0
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    • 132 7 Value 3 BaycrB> 41 4il 3 nsltina Co. 7.50 41 41 i >»01. 1.4.0 6/- Bloetrio T w»yi '2/9 10 10 Fruot Ne«ve 61.00 60 60 W. Hammer Co. 60.00 100 Howarthßrakioe '26.oo 100 7% Pro*. 100 100 Kati Bro, Dot. 10 10 Maraud Co. 100 100 R. HarKreavea
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    • 60 7 United Engineers 6% 91,384 600 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £360,000 norn S'poreMunicipal 6% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4{% of 1907 •1,600,000 90 08 S'poro Municipal 4|% of 1909 11,00 ),000 90% S'poro Municipal 4% 2,000,000 »o\dis Spore Municipal 4% £iOO.OQO 8%.1 is L% The quotations ol sterling shares
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 For Chronic Chert Complain, Wood, Poppormmt Con la. 6d.
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    • 636 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET, we'l furnish« d house, new Swimming Club, Taniong Katonf, 3 niinates trom the sea. tie monthly on leMe also per day or weekly. Apply H. H, 118. Hirer Valley Eoad. 8 3-16 8 WANTED, FIRST CLASS SHORTHAND WHITER AND TYPIST. Good salary to experienced maf. *rp'y
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    • 242 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. il.ivkwhuh. in Enolam i EASTERN BRANCH: SINGAPORE. "DUDBRIDGE" OIL ENGINES FOR KEROSENE OR CRUDE OIL. DELIVERY FROM BTOCK OF 9 15 B.H.P KEROSENE ENGINES The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-book. This bandy 1 ttle took has now reached its TENTH EDITION, a sure indication rf its nKofa'oc**. Price:
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  • 1111 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, MARCH 3. HORRORS ACCUMULATE. The war becomes more and more hideous. While we are reading of the dreadful carnage north of Verdun wa mast glance also at thi tragedy of a FrencL transport, Provence 11, sunk by mine or submarine in the Mediterranean with the loss
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  • 20 8 A Dutch wire states that tbn mails on the Oranji have been seized, except the bags from Capetown and Singapore.
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  • 18 8 The Kamunting Tin Dredging returns for February are: piculs ore won 1,060, hours run 950, yards treated 84,000.
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  • 24 8 Tbe Town Council of Amsterdam have warned the population to be prepared in cam Amsterdam is threatened by Hood, states a Hague ttlt v.ram.
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  • 12 8 The output of Kahman Hydraulic Tin Limited, during February wan 400 piculs.
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  • 27 8 .Messrs. Wreford and Thornton, of Penang, have purchased the Ipoh business of Messrs. Hogan and Ivons as from March 1. Mr. Hugh Thome will bo in charge.
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  • 32 8 At the Boustead Institute on Sunday next at 8.15 p.m. the Rev. W. Cross will speak on The Spirit of Ingratitude and Mr. Baker will sing a sacred solo. All are invited.
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  • 43 8 A notice issued by the Kuala Lumpur native coffee shops intimates to the public that, "owing to the increased price of raw coffee, sugar, milk, tea, etc.. the price of the commodities tbey deal in will be increased one cent, as from Wednesday.
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  • 40 8 The sale of the Hani Cement Company's product is steadily increasing. The sales in the first two months averaged 4,000 bags per month. That was last Juno. By the end of the year the sales were 12,000 bags per month.
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  • 49 8 Chin Tang, who was arrested in Penang by tbe detective authorities, being wanted in Gopeng for the alleged murder of a compatriot named Chin Seng Lai, on January 25, 1914. has been ordered by Mr. Ezccbiel to be sent back to Perak for trial after identification has been proved.
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  • 51 8 Most officers arriving home from tbe front have an idea of how the war should be run so an to bring it to a close. They are) mostly unanimous on one point, and that is tbe closing of tbe House of Commons, and tbe doing of unmentionable things on the
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  • 53 8 A firm at Sheffield has obtained an elephant to help in the delivery of munitions. He does the work of three horses, polling with ease a wagon which holds six tonß of war material. "My lord tbe elephant did his first job amidst crowds who stood in the streets to
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  • 52 8 The steamers of the Holt (Blue Funnel) Line and of the China Mutual are going homewards by the Cape route instead of via tbe Suez Canal. Outward sailings are also going that way, and tbe Gorgon for Singapore and Keemun for Shanghai which left in mail week are proceeding by
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  • 52 8 American owners have established tbe Gaston Williams and Wigmore Steamship Company with a capital of 312,003,000 (gold). The new company proposes to run a line of cargo-boats U> Archangel, Yladivostock, London, French. Spanish and South African ports. By the end of the year the company will have 18 steamers at
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  • 55 8 The French Consul General in Sydney, during a recent visit to Brisbane, informed the Government of Queensland that, after the war, tbe steamers of tbe Mcssageries Maritimes would undertake a monthly service to Queensland ports. Tbe Consnl-General expressed the opinion that tbe new service will contribute to tbe sending of
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  • 65 8 List night, at the Theatre Itoyal, North Bridge Road, tbe Portgueso Amateur Dramatic Co. staged Aladdin, under the patronage of Mr. George d'Almeida, Consul for Portugal, and before a large audience. The play went successfully from beginiiiug to end, the acting of Mr. H. St. Maria, as Aladdin beiug favourably
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  • 107 8 On tbe departure from Itangoon of the steamer Hong Kheng for Aruoy, China, via Penang and tbe Straits Settlements, there were placed on board four Chinese w.'io were deported by orders of the Government. These men are Tan Ba alias Tan Ah Ba; Loo Ah Long alias Loo Wa Sin
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  • 96 8 The Nctberlacds Overseas Trust publishes a long statement controverting the assertions of the Daily Mail that Germany was obtaining from Holland meichandise and provisions, the import of which bad been permitted by tbo Entente on the condition that they were to be consumed by Holland only. The statement points out
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  • 129 8 There appear to be more Australian bank notes in Colombo just now than is convenient. Messrs. Thomas Cook and Son are not buying any more, and the bank rate of Us 1 1.14 is a reflex of the present state of affairs. Some time ago an Australian note was exchangeable
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  • 129 8 The House of Lords was unanimous on January 27 in dismissing the appeal of a marine inxurance company axainHt whom jud»mont had been given for i;44,H00 in re spect of insurance of two cargoes an to which it was decided that there was a constructive total loss by restraint of
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  • 399 8 Archdeacon Swindell has been in Ipoh for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. K. T. (i.wlau.l have lift Ipoli for a visit to Australia. Mr. F. Burdctt Ivens, of I poll, is leaving for active service with the colours. Inspector Sweonoy, of Kampar, feirs that his father
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  • 54 8 Mr. ft Alma Itaker. wiring fnmi Itatu Gajtth, states Tbe splendidly patriotic gift to the Empire of one Kcconnaissance Aeroplane has been made by two well-known towkays of Penang, Messrs. (ian Ngoh Beei ami Khoo Cheon Teong. This aeroplane will be Malaya No. IS and will be
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  • 91 8 The Japanese Consul kindly reminds u>. that the Japanese Itod Cross Corps which was despatched to Kugland to assist in Kcd Cross work, is expected here ou their return to Japan by the N.Y. K. steamer I- uslumi Maiu due on the sth or Utli instance.
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  • 98 8 We are informed by Mr. (i. I. Owtn thai training will open officially tomorrow at the kIMM where totWe will be provided as usual. I'he Uacecuursc will be open at 0.4j a.m. each day during training, before which hour no horses will go on the ti.ul.
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  • 210 8 Yesterday in the Mariue Court, before. Commander Cator, K.N., thirteen members of the crew of the British sttaiui i i were charged by tin waster, Capt. W. Koss, with disobedience and rtfiihiil of duty. Ihe vessel, it appears, wax due tv leave for Saigou on Wedue»day when
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 204 8 Jamaica Cigars Golofina Perfectos $1 4 per 100. Golofina Bouquets 9 per 100. VACKED m BOXES of 26. Obtainable from SUN TAI CHAN, NOOR MOHAMED, 41, Cecil Street. 1-a, d'Almeida Street. LAWSON'S LIQUEUR i WHISKY j iIl per case of 12 quarts Jf f f $13.25 K 1 ti (V'C
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    • 183 8 To-Nl|tht' To- Night I! SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTIONS AT THE ALHAMBRA Beach Road. Tbe House ol Quality— The Home of Feature Attractions. The LEADING Ttoatr and the molt COMFORTABLE Theatre In «in(«pore FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY COPPEE'S Orange Biotiom Vaudeville Companj 6 STARARTISTEB 6 Iv SoDgi, Danoesand Sketches. Augmented by
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  • 1558 9 THE GERMANS CLAIM VICTORY. i But the Mark is Still Falling. I NATIONAL ECONOMY. i Great Meeting at Mansion House. Loinlon, March 1, 6 am. The Admiralty announces that Flight Sub Lieutenant Simms to day attack-jd and shot down a hostile aeroplane which fell in flames a -hort
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  • 40 9 Recter's Tklki.iam. London, March 1. Madrid A bakers' 'strike, owing to tbe dearness of flour, has led to a general strike and riots. There have been some arrests and a few people wounded. The mayor has resigned.
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  • 367 9 London Comment on the Official Dementi. Judging from a notice which recently appeared in the Government Gazette, Singapore seems to have bad an attack of nerves, says the L. and C. Express of February 1. At a time of tension like the present it is astouiihini: how
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  • 28 9 Mr. H. ii. 1). Harding, district judge, Tricbinopoly, was stabbed on February 22 while going to his court and succumbed to liis injuries. His assassin is in custody
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  • 2314 9 ZEPPELIN R4IDS ON PARIS AND ENGLAND. By Our Own Correspondent. London, February 8. The German Staff are working very hard to produce war pictures ad au analogue for empty stomachs, while their political colleagues seek with equal energy to divide the Allies and inveigle one of
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  • 347 9 Big Advance in Plain Unsmoked Sheet. Tbo Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 232 nd auction was held on March 1 and 2, when there were offered for sale pels 8,2.'>R.99 or 1,101,198 lbs. (tons 491.60). Prices realised Sin et suioke.l fine ribbed ...M7B to 1185 good
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  • 77 9 According to the Semarang Locomotief tin Dutch Socialistic Party has applied in the Dutch House of Deputies for tint release of tbo Bast Indian Revoluationary, Dowos Dekker, who was recently arrested at Singii pore by the British authorities. Tho other Dutch Parties are against his being granted lib.
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  • 97 9 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore of the week ended February M was 21.48 per mille of the population. The total number of deaths was 144, of which 97 were male subjects and 47 female, ion vulsions claimed 17, phthisis 17, malaria fever 11
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  • 84 9 Wo are asked to state that at the wedding of Mr. Pat /ilwi iiii'l Ukm !>• ut. at St. Mary's Church, Kuala Lumpur, on S.itunl.iy last, there wan do bridesmaid in attendance as the ceremony was arranged to be v very quiet and private affair. The naiueH publish, (d in
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  • 730 10 Annual Meeting in Kuala Lumpur. The fifth annual general meeting of tbe niawaanr- Dioco«an Association was held at Mary s Church Room, Kuala Lumpur, „n Wednesday, tbe Bishop of Singapore tx ing hair, supported by Mrs. Ferguson Davie, the Rev. A. B. Champion, the Kef. I!. V.
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    • 25 10 .ues Golf Club men's medal M won by Mr. lladdon The tlie nooreii: H I v »ni, «4 7 10 82 HI I;^Ur
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  • 294 10 Company Reports, Dividends And Notices. The following is from tbe L. and C. Express of February 1 The share market is in an interesting condition, for though there is a certain degree of dulnesx after the recent activity, there is no weakness. It must not be forgotten
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  • 676 10 The True Feeling of German Scientists. The following letter recently appeared in The Times The impressions of a neutral in Germany you arc publishing are extremely interesting, and peculiarly so to me. because they exactly confirm my own diagnosis of tbe situation in general and in particular.
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  • 26 10 I >r. I. S. Roae, aaaiatant Municipal Health otlicer, Penaug, is an inmate of the Penang i ii in ril Hospital suffering from an internal complaint.
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  • 1817 10 |l oNTRIIIUTBD.) He was quite an ordinary young man, was George Smith, and so the curious series of events which befell him and are now narrated for the first time must have appeared to him as being most extraordinary. Even now, he sometimes falls into a hopeless
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  • 415 10 Important Discoveries By French Doctors. Observations made by the French Medical Staff during the present war have led to a growing disbelief in antiseptics and a greater value being attached to asepticism of the most rigorous nature. At the last meeting of tbe Academy of Sciences, Professor
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  • 92 10 Captain Ernest Norman Bucban, 1). 50., Ist Battalion Manchester Regiment, who wan previously reported missing, and is now unofficially reported killed, wan born in February, 1879, and gazotted to the Man cheaters from the Militia in May, 1901. He obtained promotion in November, 1901, and was captain in December, 1912.
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  • 847 10 Motives Behind the Neutrality Policy. A representative of the Pall Mall Gazette has bad an interview with a lady who occu pied an important official position in Wash ington and has just returnee! to KngWnd. after a residence in America of over three years. Tbe lady
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  • 89 10 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co. by auction sale at Penang on Tuesday and during the week Smoked ribbed sheet Mil to »IH7 plain 168 170 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 162 165 I'nsmoked sheet 162 165 No. 2
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  • 148 10 Like misfortunes collision as a rule do not come singly, says the Siam Observer. During the last two weeks there have been collision* caused to small craft by six steam vessels. The accidents were nearly all bunched together. They are not given here in the order
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  • 357 10 Funds to be Raised By Increased Subscription. The annual mooting of tho Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club was held yesterday evening in the Club bouse, Mr. W. E. Hooper, presiding. In presenting tbo report and accounts for tbe year, tho chairman saiil that on account of tho
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  • 293 10 List of Plants Urgently Needed By Doctors. After consultation with leading linns of drug dealers And medical men, tin- Women's Herb Growing Association, which was only formed quite recently, has drawn up a list of the medicinal plants which it is both d< sir able and
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  • 101 10 Alur (iajah Estate.- '.1,000 lbs. V.ul a Liutang.— '2o,ooo lbs. tliempedak.— 4,ooo lbs. Krubong. tjUM lbs. Lendu. 10,200 lbs. Mcrlimau.— 9H.500 lbs. Pcgoh.— H5,57s lbs. IVruiata.---l.l<X> lbs. l'aatai.— 9,soo lbs. Pdjain.,. -.00 lbs. Kembia.— 26.7ll Hi-. Sungei Baliru. -11,1*20 lbs. Si I Kee. r, Hi ha,
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  • 175 10 Did you hear, writes a retired Colonist to the Ceylon Observer that Mr. Murray, who was fitter in Cargill's Kaudy Itrauch, is now a captain in a Cavulry Itrgiiuent in FlMOt He had an amusing experience with the German Prince Im i. (waa Willie,.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 167 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. 1 rttrt .i Ivi rtisiiutnt- of the day appear Another Hroadway feature, The Man of il b<- ]>ut on at the tfariiua II. ill meuiato^raph tonight. The picture in id tive acts and is cm adaptation of the I rench novtl, Koyer La Honte, by Jules 1
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  • 1102 11 Why British Airmen are not Afraid Of It. II M TomlinMOD writing from Britifib ll«adi|iiartorß on January '2i says .im-iu to be iui'nivin>jM in England, because of an aHHumption tbat the (i.rmao air work, tlirougb superior machines, is b. tt«r limn ours. Tbc Kokker aeroplane in imagined
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  • 53 11 Programme of drillit, etc., for week ending. Friday. Marcb3: PMKM, Mara 3. 6.16 p.ui Drill H.U S.V.A. p.m Maxim Co N.CO.s. fJO p.m. Aleitndra Barr Parade ground S.V.K. 6 (A. Drill Hall Veterans Co., N.C.O.'b. Cbiarse Co. SVC Band. Cadet Co. II Ko I>D bis*!!.!.!*, Captain, S.V.C.,
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  • 975 11 Teutonic Fears of the Trade War. Telegraphing on January 18 tlio Morning Post's Washington correspondent says As I intimated in my despatch of yesterday, it is because of her economic future that Oermaoy is so desperately anxious to keep the peace with this country. A break
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 50 11 He walked into s cliomist'i shop Aod pointed witb bit tjoger To tometlUDg there upon tLe tbtlt, Aod near it he did lioßer. Bat tt "u«ti bis toice bs 1 ilmost none, He msJiafttd to R»sp, I enewet md tbe chtmist knt w wbst be wsottd Wood-' (trtat Peppermint Care.
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    • 598 11 'EASY-CHAIR 1 ROUTE Co the WORLD'S BEST MUSIC Sitting at home in comfort and listcningtothc Cabinet Grand Instrument is the ideal way to hear the greatest singers and musicians His Master's Voice GRAMOPHONE gives you ail the music of all the '^^^sV. world to-day, to-morrow, any n^^^f^^x^t^ and every time
      598 words
    • 40 11 AUCTION SALE Of 1,000 BAGS OF NKGAPATAM SAM BHA BICE To be held at Nos 89 aod 40, Stanley Street, On TUKSI-AY, V AK< II 7, AT 11 A.M. For account of concerned. CHING KBNG LEB CO., Auctioneers. 8 8-8-8
      40 words
      155 words

  • 2447 12 1914. June il— Assassination of Archduke FransFerdinand and his consort at Serajevo. July 35.— Austrian ultimatum sent to Servia. August I.— Germany declares war on Russia and France, and invades Belgium. 4.— Britain declares war on Germany. 38.— Battle of Mons begins, and the French and
    2,447 words
  • 245 12 How They are Displacing The Photograph. Almost the only art which has cheerfully survived the war is miniature painting, says a home paper. To have one's portrait done in the conventional fashion would be some thing of a luxury, but quite a number of soldiers are carrying
    245 words
  • 537 12 Allied Cruisers' Mission of Mercy. One of the most striking illustrations of the difference in the spirit of the two civilisations in conflict throughout the world today is found in the Armenian refugee camp at Port Said. A simple statement of how these miserable refugees from Germangoverned Turkey
    537 words
  • 343 12 "Toilet of the Street" Left To Individual Enterprise. Following upon a dearth of dustmen at borne there has befallen a scarcity of scavengers. Dustmen are necessarily active and able bodied they are not less patriotic than other men, and their numbers have been greatly depicted by the call
    343 words
  • 207 12 Speaking at a Fellowship meeting in Browning Hall, London, Mr. C. W. Bowerman, M.P observed I have seen a good deal of our soldiers who have returned from the front. I have seen them in the early morning, after a long railway journey, smothered in mud from foot
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 187 12 the A 4& WHITE ANT V DESTROYER 18 ALL BRITISH. Price $30.00. THE PUNTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LIMITED (Inooiporvted in England) KUALA. LUMPUR. PENANG WEEK Special Display of ihe latest Imported NICKEL AND BRASS BEDS AU Sizes New Designs. BENTWOOD FURNITURE Largest Range East of Sat i. PARIS VENETIAN MIRRORS
      187 words

  • 639 13 Defrauding Newspapers by False Returns. "£5O Reward.— To No wh vendors and others.— A sum of j£so will be paid by tbe Newspaper Proprietors' Association (Limited) to the person or persons giving such information as, in tbe event of tbe Association deciding to prosecute, fhall lead to the
    639 words
  • 384 13 Scientist Collaborator of Jean De Bloch. Mile. loteyko. a physiologist of European fame, lias been lecturing in Paris on tbe subject of mascnlar fatigue, on which she is perhaps tbe leading authority. Born and educated in Warsaw, Mile. loteyko came to Paris 20 years
    384 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 985 13 I The Signature. yDy To distinguish the original and gen nine Worcestershire Same from jJS--uQ the many imitations, sec that the £23 <>f LEA PERRINS appears in White across the Red t\m rMI label on every bottle. ft All No other sauce has such an exquisitely Ltifinjj wjJjM delicate flavour,
      985 words
    • 319 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to y^p3L^s»jy and to THE MUNICIPALITY fi(^^^\ THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE XifFipfr/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong [< Dragon" Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the Straits
      319 words
    • 38 13 NEW GOODS JUST UNPACKED. AN EXCELLENT VARIETY OF Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware Silverware and Gold Jewellery, etc., etc. At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION INVITED. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO., Nob. SI 53, High Street. 11l 804
      38 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 553 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incobpobatbd in Straits Skttlbmbnts) HEAD OFFICE Winohaeter Houee, Singapore. LONDON OfFIOE. 32, Old Jewry, E.C. Tbe Company has £90,000 deposited with tbe Supreme Court
      553 words
    • 390 14 INSURANCE. BUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, LONDOU (Incorporatid in England). Subscribed Capital J2.000.000 Total Invested Funds 46,300,000 Annual Income .£1, 100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to aooept fire and Earthquake risks for short periods of ten days as longer periods at ourrent rates to be named
      390 words
    • 505 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honokono). PAID-UP CAPITAL m •18,000,000 RBSBRVBFDNDB Sterling XI 600,000 at I/- 116,000,000 Silver 1 18,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability ol Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS W, L. Pattenden, Esq., Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. I Q T. M. Edkins, Bsq Hon.
      505 words
    • 525 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Sharos of 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.200,000 BANKERS I Tbe Bank ol England, The London City and I Midland Bank. Ltd., The London County and
      525 words
    • 771 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Estabi ishbd 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incorporatid in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIKE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exoeed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profit* to Policy-holder, at last Valuation $1,118,673. LOWEST Apply (or Prospectus and fall information to LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE BRANCH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. K. M ACPBERSON,
      771 words

  • 961 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Tyre Companies and Supplies. Cbailes L Freeaton, writing in the Daily Chronicle, says That the wisli is father to the thought is fairly obvious in the case of many of tbe suggestions that are pat forward daring tbe present crisis, and
    961 words
  • 85 15 An old negro waa charged with cbicken stealing, and the judge said W here's your lawyer, uncle?" Ain't got none, jedge." Bat you ought to have one," returned the Court. I'll assign one to defend you." No, sab, no, sab, please don't do dat," begged the
    85 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 158 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the Br.tish War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, L/ ndon, E. C, CONTRACTORS TO H M. WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S. HIGHEST-GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, KEROSENE! DEVOE'S two brands. SYLVAN ARROW. BENZINEPRATT'S
      158 words
    • 13 15 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night I Wood* Great Pepoermint Core Is Sd
      13 words
    • 221 15 DUNLOP i r E? E^ ui^k/ j^wjjß^ Although raw rubber luis ad-/»a»^^tfik-JSHfei vanred in price, Dunlop Tyres are v^mWJ^ r a iave ena J^ ec^ UM to Vt tll( WPI JbV^S public the benefit of these reduced VfMuß^^H^ New price lists will he issued fffflSJnßll within a few days. In
      221 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1109 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER Fa rn^A rn^A X^ f BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS WANTED. ENGLISH NURSE (QUALIFIED) DE SIRES ENGAGEMENT in charge of invalid or children travelling to England in the spriue or early summer. Apply Box No 216, Straits Times. 21 2 a— 2o 8 APPOINTMENT WANTED by qualified Metallurgist and
      1,109 words
    • 650 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET large comfortable rooms, ul furnished. M.C., 10, Lloyd Road. 24-2— v TO LET, No. 62, Hill Street, suitable for school or hotel. Apply B. Silas, 8, Prinoe Street. 10 2— v TO LET. Houses Nos. 7, 8-a, Bb, Chancery Lane Apply to Ching Keng Lee
      650 words
    • 727 16 ARTICLEB FOR SALE. SADDLES FOR SiLB. One lady's and two gents' saddles for Bale, in good condition; cheap. Grif, c/o Straits Times. 21-2-a— u MOTOR CAR FOR SALE, one second hand Humberette, two-seater, in good oondi tion. Apply to No. 29, Robinson Road. 281— v A LARGE HENDERSON MOTOR CYCLE
      727 words
    • 600 16 GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OFFICE:— I 7, Phillip StrMt. Branch Storrs at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nob. 14, 100 and 109, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT." Telephone Nos. 1174 and 1288 (Private 14S0). Codbs ussd A. B C, 6th Edition, and A. 1 Codis. Skip Chindien, Hardwire toiler i.
      600 words
    • 470 16 KIAM KIAT A CO. 108 ft 1 OS, Market StrMt, Telephone No. 431, Shipobandlets, Government and Muoicipa Contractors, Bstate Suppliers and Com mission Agents. Sou AoiNta The Mnlcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 17 80 6 16 To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations in advertisements, such
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 321 16 Straits V)imes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 348 AH communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All. communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellanoous wants of
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