The Straits Times, 2 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 ®tj? Straits Warns NO. 25,045 RI^CAPOBE. THUBSDAY. MARCH 2. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 170 1 UpIMtMAIW H A FEW GOOD THINGS LIBBYS ASSORTED SOUPS >„ .T^T" In cases of 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortment MT is made up from the following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and ll^BjxE*s3 I V EG KTABLE. A tin makes six plates of the *M best
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    • 268 1 Table Glassware FINE CUT CRYSTAL. TUMBLERS. IMf GLASSES. 1 Pint \±^2s Sherry, Liqueur, j Pint *^~> T <— -^-V-» Port, Claret, «H£HRY PORT J Pint I Champagne. DECANTERS. /tfT^vV FINGER "CHAMPA&NE. DECANTER TMMBLER NEW STOCK OF THIS GLASSWARE ROBINSON CO. NEW SHIPMENTS: .^'ZSZCe Manzanilla Sherry, Italian Vermouth, Italian ca n
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    • 5 1 j GOODRICH 3 TYRES J
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  • 579 2 The following casualties are announced: France or Belgium. London, February 17. Killed.— Capt. J. W Backhouse, Oxfords 2nd Lieut. F. K. Rennie, Scottish Rifles. Wounded.- Capt. A. P. Forster, K.R.R. Capt. J. McClay, Nortbumberlands Lieut. H. R. Hood, Artillery Lieut. A. C. Pritchard, Nortbumberlands; Lieut. T. A. Varwood,
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  • 268 2 Professor Bottomley on Bacterised Peat. In bis lecture at King's College. Professor Bottomley spoke about Food Supply in War Time. He said tbat our methods of agricnl ture bad led us into such a condition that we never have more than two months food supply in
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  • 118 2 The Eclairenr de Nice relates the followiog carious incident which took place at San Francisco en the closing day of tbe exhibition there Tbe exhibition orchestra was about to give its last performance, and at tbe bead of the list of pieces figured tbe Kaiser March of Wagner.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 121 2 Stocks Held of Coal Tar, Latex Cups, Momi Cases, Carey's Box Strapping, Acetic Acid, Solidium Bisulphite, Coagulation Powders (British), Corrugated Iron, Cement Solder, Methylated Spirits and Quinine Tablets. FOR FDRTHEH PARTICULARS, APPLY TO S. J. JUDAH CO., Tbl 1861 29. ROBINSON ROAD. 24-2—26-8 Yamato Go.'s CASH UCMIMUBSMi^HMMraBKIBBBBHHI Bill S SALE
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    • 405 2 MIBERY AFTER MALARIA. The debility and depression following an attack of Malaria mean more than a f*ncitd disorder. Tin* condition is a form of neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion that usually develops after Malaria and its seriousness is recognised by all medical writers. Lowering of nervous tone, with increased irritability, is
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    • 124 2 *<n\fiirt a <jor Ctrl'! iic Timoc PnOQQ Itfl Hi^'^Tn "kSj; ff Olldllu Illlluo lI COO, LIU. S^ WEILL ZERNER PARIS SINGAPORE LONDON Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, Precious Stones and Watch Dealers. WE HAVE JDBT UNPACKED A FEW SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS in Elaborately Gilt Frames FRENC h
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  • 1043 3 VON SPEE'S FLEET AT EASTER ISLAND. Supply Base for German Raiders. The two English arcbiealogist and scien tistn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Scoresby Kootledge, who, as representatives of the British Museum, left Southampton three years ago on an arch.rological expedition to Easter Island in tbe South Sea, have
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1044 3 TH? SUBSCRIPTION LIST WI.L BE CLOSfD ON SATURDAY, MARCH 4. 1916 HABRAKOL SYNDICATE, LIMITED. IB .i „i -in, mi S.S. I mii: ihi OmMNMMM QMMBMMO 1915) AUTHORISED CAPITAL 18.000 Ordicary Shares of *1O each $3150,000 I-«u'j ot 7, 800 Ordinary Share* of $1O each payable as follows ON APPLICATION $6-OO
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    • 14 3 I For Children* Hacking Cough at Night Woods Great Papuar mint Cure I*. 6d
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    • 419 3 SEVERE ECZEMA SPREAD! FACE Caused Much Pain. Could Not Sleep. Could Not Shave Or Wash Face. Used Cuticura. Now Well. 16, Crook St.^Ancoati. Manehoster; Kng. "My eczema ttartod with a little red apot on tbe aide of my face which befcame very Itchy aod caused me to rub It. Then
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    • 756 3 gniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Your Baby should enjoy Childhood's dga^ Happy Days tJßir There i- ojou 1 'alxiutthis baby enjoying l'.'ppy Jays. Sin- \v.i» reared on A| \l^V ofbone-inakniK,, anj muscleE Iv /l\ ill producing materi;.l .is lualty breast-milk. v IW lilaxo is nut foci; it is simply IV \f^ i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1097 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. O. British India AMD rApcar L-ine. (Companib* Iv ikiokatkd in England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS i Under Contract with His Majesty Qoverniaent). for China, Japan, Penang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Ad*n, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES.
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    • 762 4 STEAMER MIUWW. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (Inookpobatbd in Siami SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, I .aeon, Kobcamni, Bandon, Langsuon, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Dv« Departure s.s. BO RIB AT Mar. Mar. 4, S p.m. s s PRACHATIPOK 6 8, 3
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    • 477 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAMSHIPCO., LIMITED, AXD CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enolind) IP* Tbe Companies' Ktauiers are despatch* d from Liverpool out«ard« for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool fnr
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    • 534 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorpoiiatbd in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohani.l, via ports, to MameilleH and London under mail contract with the Imptrial Japancro Government. Tlv: New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining tbis Rtrvice bave been speritlly designed and constructed, and an
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  • 108 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, March 2. Bi«b Water H U a.m., 1 1.29 p.m. 1.,. 1.. I. T i'l,ib iiiiH-tinK, 6.15 p.m. ■■■Ml in. ill ol'iten, i p.m. Friday, March I High Water. Ml a.m 10.54 p.m. Saturday, March 4 Hi«b Wator hliUm, ll.bpm Tap ill iv wtkaft Kvatt'x.
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  • 213 5 To I>AY. P irt I liikson and Port Swettonham Sappho EM pm IVuauu and Rauj-oon Ztida 2.30 puj r.atu I'ahat Muna 2.80 pm Labot-tn Hilik. Tandjon-; lialei and M, ].in Mirkus 2 :>0 pm Miintnk an.i l'alcmban|> .lapara MtfEl Malacca and Muar Kaka I pui k'>ta Tin-j^i
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  • 270 5 The mail traius from Singapore for the north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 am. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 1M p.m. ami 0.45 a.m. re».pt>ctive)y. The throui'l. express to IVcana leaves Kuala Lairi rr at 8 am. daily, arrivinK al I'ona-s; at 6
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  • 57 5 TIM outward K. I. packet G. Apcat with Walk 'r in l.')U'l.>u left Negapatam at 2 p.m. .ry if:, and may b<t\pecte<l to arrivt at Punanx this morning. Tli. ft an.) outward mail sti iiuer I MalU will be leuvin^; I .1 lubo on 4, MfHM
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  • 101 5 Our attention Las boen called to the fact that oar arrivijn in l>oudoo aro much behind tboM> pakttsbed elsewhere. Our K>»e ai rival* cLly wl n tt j «r<. oSaially r port<-<1 in the Pont Ptfico sofcee* au 1 en I than Ui*t piinlMi .ibo-e La. Utn|
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  • 175 5 EXCHANOB. BiNa»POBa, liM 2. 1916, On Lotuc Bank 4 m/s 2/4H Demand 2/4J Private 8 m/i 2/4 On Franck Bank T. T. 828 Om Imou Bank T. T. 1741 On HoNQKONO...Bank d/d 17% Oh Shanghai ...Bank d/d 88) On Java Bank T. T. M| Oh Japan Bank
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 rr.jic ('htht C'sUipUiuU, Voodn' Giutt ruppuruiint Cure 1- ftd.j
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    • 678 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CHINESE JCNIOUCLEUK KEQCIRRT, Youtb ja-tt leaving t-cho >l pr< f rrtd. Apply Underwriter, c/o S rait» 'J imi h. 23 8 B COMPOUND HWII TO LET. Clay more, 10'-\, Och ird Kuai. Ent-y April I. Apply to A. S SLuokcr, t, Malacca S r. it 2 H— l
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    • 936 5 Jamaica Cigars Golofina Perfectos $14 per 100. Golofina Bouquets 9 per 100. PACKED in BOXES of 26. Obtainable from SUN TAI CHAN, NOOR MOHAMED, 41, Cecil Street. 1-a, d' Almeida Street. ENGLISH NCRSE (QUALIFIED) DE- AAIUMIIiA SIUES ENGAGEMENT in cbargo ol Ib lIU 1 1 I ||l| V invalid or
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  • 1050 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, MARCH 3. WHEN WILL IT END There were some very learned people it bo declared, before August, 1914, that a European war could not lust for more than six months. They base J their conclusions on the financial and economic chaos which a prolonged struggle would
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  • 21 6 Bankruptcies in the United Kingdom in 1015 were 2,411. la 1914 tbe number was 2,807, and in 1918 it was 8,898.
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  • 24 6 The half-yearly general meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce*, which was to have been held on Tuesday haa been postponed till March 7.
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  • 45 6 It is estimated there were one million pilgrims present at Allahabad on February 3, which was Amawaai, the most important day of tbe Magh Mela. Tbe gathering this year was unexpectedly large ani wan the greatest since tbe occurrence of Kumbh Mela four yean ago.
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  • 47 6 Subscribers to Raffles Library will be interested to learn that a new catalogue u( the books (exclusive of fiction) aildiil to tinlibrary daring the years 1411 to l'Jl.'i baa recently btrn issued. Tbe nuiucr v- woiks Lave btiu caulully clafcHilicJ »L<J MaaWl aiiould certainly secure a copy.
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  • 18 6 A capsized sailing craft has been seen drifting three miles west of C'ucob Island. Marincra are warned accordingly.
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  • 22 6 Mrs. Lee Choon Ouan will present prizes to scholars of St. Andrew's School in the Victoria Theatre, on Saturday, at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 23 6 According to tbe British Consul at Bordeaux rich French soldier at the front has an allowance of one pint of wine a day.
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  • 25 6 The Straits Steamship Co.'s steamer Hye Leong returned to Singapore yestorday morning from Hongkong where she has been undergoing repairs since the beginning of December.
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  • 49 6 Tbe Rangoon Society for tbe Prevention of Infantile Mortality has held its annual Baby show. Tbe affair was a great success, there being about 850 babies entered, most of whom looked healthy and cheerful. Each child was presented with a new frock and each parent with a silk handkerchief.
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  • 56 6 Reporting on the copra market, under yesterday's date, Messrs. Barlow and Co. state For tbe greater part of the pant week the market was steady, but since then there has been a marked weakness and prices have declined. Today's values are about $10.75 for One sundried and 110.25 to 1
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  • 54 6 The Government of India have decided that an officer promoted from the rauks in a Territorial unit in India uhould, on beiog granted a commission as Second-Lieutenant, receive the minimum rate of pay for a Lieutenant of his arm of the service, and should also receive tbe special Territorial allowance
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  • 50 6 Tbe Agenzia Liberras Hasle correspond ent says tbat the new Zeppelins aro unsatis factory. A dozen were destroyed or seriously damaged in the preliminary trials. There after the design was m >ditied. but three were destroy* d and four seriously damaged in the recent raids on England, Paris and Salonika.
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  • 54 6 Coffee, tea and rubber planters of Southern India are beginning to feel the shortage of freights seriously. A new feature which is hitting the West coast has now arisen by recent Government requisitions of steamers in Eastern waters. It is understood that freights are to be increased by :si) shillings
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  • 66 6 At the Eastern Produce Exchange Auction sale held at Penang ou Monday the following prices were obtained Diamond snicked sheet 1168 to IlKi, plain smoked sheet 5164 to »16S, diamond unsmoked sheet $164 to $169, plain unsmoked sheet $163 to IMB, pale crepe 1176, brown crepe S l5B to 51
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  • 71 6 The drought which is being experienced all over Ceylon at present is the most serious for many years. In fact it is stated tl at in some up country districts records going back thirty years fail to reveal such a prc!ong£u period of absolutely rainless weather. The c fleets of
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  • 75 6 I An investigation is being carried out at Cawnpore by the Economic Botanist with a view to the improvement of tbe morphine content of the indigenous poppy for medicinal use. In tbe pr< sent year a collection has been made of the provincial and Malwa varieties, which will be sorted
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  • 88 6 Ai&ong rrceDt questions in the House of Commons was the following, by Mr. Ginnell to tbe Prime Minister: What step?, if any, have bun taken to ke«p a rocrd of wealthy Englishmen who have goue to reside and acquire houses and laud in America and the British Overseas Dominions since
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  • 75 6 The Daily Telegraph's Petrograd correspondent fays: In accordance with the wishes of King George, the Victoria Croxs is oeing coottrred on Russian soldiers. The latest lecipient saved the practical oblitera tion of his trench by German artillery. When the Germans were advancing without expecting opposition, he dragged a Maxim from
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  • 84 6 The editor of the International Keview of Mission?, taking a survey of missionary operations thioughout the world during the year 1915, comes to the conclusion that the mjury which has been indicted on mission work by tbe war has not been by any means no general and widespread as might
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  • 83 6 The Black Watch, amorjg other*, have a short, sharp way with them when they meet any Germans who try to work the universal brotherhood stunt. Inscribing bis expert i iii-i s, one of the Highlanders remarked, When wo got up among tbe Germans, ane o' Polony- Biters plunked doon on
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  • 101 6 Another hospital ship was in Colombo recently with wounded Australians from the front. Ceylon has already done these heroes well. Thi-y have been taken about in motor cars, and provided with fruit, cakes, fluwtrr, etc. A Dottier form of entertainment was provided for the batch passing through the other day.
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  • 378 6 Capt. Russell Qrey is now attached to tho South Wales Borderers. Mr. Alexander Robertson, of Mcnftrs. Lyall and Kvatt, left for Kngland by the P. and (>. mail to-day. Mr. \V. P. W. Ker, of Messrs. Patcrson, Simons and Co., returned from homo yesterday. Lieut. Col. Tyte
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  • 84 6 Mrs. Rupert Manassoh, Untiles llotil, b. .;s to acknowledge the following additiona l subscriptions to the fund for providing vacations for Belgian soldiers who are worn out or who have been wounded, and whose relatives dare not assist them Total acknowledged t«7l Syed Omar AlsagolT 100
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  • 153 6 Mr. H. liartlett will lecture in tho V.M.C.A. at 8-45 p.m. to-day on Tho Old Testament attitude towards Religion and War. This is the first of a series of lectures which set ks to solve the problem of the ages as to tho relation between religion and
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  • 247 6 The Pinang (iazette learns that Mr I Lodeboer, manager of Kuala Sidim Kitate, Batu Pekaka, Kidah, had a narrow escape. following a raid of gang rohbers on his bungalow. Mr. Ledebocr managed to escape, unharmed, through tin back door although several hhotn were at him. Nothing
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 144 6 CALDBECK, M ACGREGOR CO. Agents for aiaWtl 1869 THREE VINTAGE. COURVOISIER DIAMOND JARN AC COGNAC msTiu r ;rs of riNr i ipet iir branoif.s These Brandies are n. supplied to most 'of the principal London Hotels. USHER'S GREEN STRIPE JpL Scotch Whisky $15 m mSBm. LESS 6%, DOTY BXTRA. Sole
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    • 177 6 To-Nlghtl To-NlgHtll SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE AITRACTIONB AT TUB ALHAMBRA Beach Moa.d. The House of Quality— The Home of Feamre Attractions The IEIDINB Treat. and tha most COMFORTaILE lheitr* In linfapor*. FOR A SHOHT SEASON ONLY COPPEE'S Orangi Bottom Viudavlla Company B STARARTISTEB 6 Iv Soogfi, D«Doesaod Sketcbea. Augmented by tbe 1011,
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  • 1922 7 FRENCH POSITION EASIER. The Awful Losses Of The Enemy. MAMMA DISASTER. Opening of the Inquest. i im's T«;ium>. London, February 29, 1.10 a.m. Communique: To day our artillery boni■n. lus ibout Ovillers, Authoille and FromelU-s. There has been considerable mutual artillery activity about Ypres. In tbe niorniuu a
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  • 64 7 Manheuilles, where the Germans have entered is a village of the Heights of the Meuse, 18 kilometers southeast of Verdun, on the road from this town to Met/. Kix. mentioned several times in the com rnuniques and attacked without success by the Germans, is 10 kilometers east
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  • 122 7 Captain Alfred Lyell, whose safety from i the wreck of tbe Persia is announced, may I be said to have been preceded in the adven i turt he has just passed through, for bin father, Mr. J. C. Lyell. suffered shipwreck somewhat further East, off tho coast of Ceylon. Tbe
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  • 411 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In thf-ir share circular dated the Ist inst., Mersrs. Fraser ami Co. state Business in rubber shares has been decidedly steady throughout the week and buyers at the old pricts were in the majority. Some of the small priced sterling shares
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  • 178 7 Higher Prices Obtained for All Grades. Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report Singapore. March 1. The record quantity of 570 tons was catalogued for tbe auction held to-day. Demand at the opening was poor but im proved during the sale and closed rather firmer. Standard crepe and sheet
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  • 227 7 A hi'herto unpublished story of tbe i new English generalissimo's extraordinary i "nerve" in the face of danger is supplied i by Mr. Will Irwin, the famous war corre- i spondent of the New York Tribune, who i describing the fighting at Ypres on October <
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  • 166 7 Action is being taken by the Federal Government to safeguard tbe apple export trade of Australia i gainst tbe general prohibition of the importation of fruits, whicli has been announoed as the intention of tbe British Government in order to free tonnage from nan essentials and make more
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  • 1735 7 RECOLLECTIONS OF A JOURNEY THROUGH YUNNAN Coins of the Time of David. John Foster Frsser write* in The Standard aa follows So many big things are happening in the world that we are disposed to forget there is a rebellion in China. The Chinese have caught
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  • 225 7 Amok Aboard the Singapore At Sabang. The Sumatra [.tpers of February 26 report a serious affray at Sabang on board the Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij's steamer Singapore, wherein the Second Engineer, a young man of 26 years, was murdered, and the Chief Engineer, Heer Ouweneel, severely cut by
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  • 198 7 The Secretary of tho European Association at Calcutta addressed the following letter, dated February 4, to the Secretary to tho Government oi India, Home Department, Home, ou the subject of Compulsory Military training in the course ol which hu says Tbe Government of the Straits Settlements, where
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  • 129 7 Owing to a largo number of mining coolies being imported into T*viy by the Burma Government the w If raw boom is likely lo lead to other businesses connected with th« mines. The output still iucroasos most satisfactorily. The present feeling is that the activity in the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 497 8 To tbe Editor of the, Straits Timos. K-f erring to the incident reported by y.,,i lii rein a« "it mild passage of anus, I shall be obliged if you will permit me to give soi, ie MMMMMMI thert-of, especially as tbe worthy Magistrate ex uieio uiotu,
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    • 532 8 Imaginary Summary of Morning Activities. The private life of Charlie Chaplin, as recently ixp tmi in oce or t» puUic»ti< ns brings tin' reader a sense of disaupoiuliueLt. Tv rin 1 that fie l.iru of M ai uy koojk down and lay out MMMdii s if,
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  • 1007 8 What Cromwell Did we Can Do Again. A certain politician once said that if you want to raise a cheer from a British crowd, balk about British ships. And he was right. There is no subject on earth that comes so near to the hearts of
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  • 17 8 .l.r..iij rwi; til lbs. I di.i.l siiumtia. 17.:')C0 lbs. i two months »:,.'-'x>ll.. I
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  • 454 8 Remarkable Buckinghamshire Records. The Marquis of Lincolnshire, as LordLieutenant of Bucks, has recently presented to the gallery of tbe Judges' Lodging at Aylesbury portraits of seven Prime Ministers associated with that county. They are those of George Grenville, tbe Marquis of Lans downe, the Duke of
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  • 436 8 Campaigning Against Monster Mosquitoes. The campaign which is going on in Xyasaland and other areas bordering on German Bast Africa woald appear at present to be directed chiefly against the tropical insects which beset the white man in those climes. Rifleman liobbs, of the 2nd South African
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  • 121 8 - The following conversation is said to have taken place a few days ago on a certain up country estate, says the Times of Ceylon I— (Scene: At Tea Table.) Irate Planter Boy Did I not tell you that I take sugar in my tea now
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  • 656 8 Over the Carpathians With The Russians. In tbe Journal on January 0, M. Ludovic Naudeau, that paper's I'etrograd corres pondent, tells the extraordinary story of how twelve Russian girls from a Moscow college got into tbe Russian army and of their experiences in the war. One of
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  • 177 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6. For tho«e in search of a bright and varied entertainment the new Alhambra may be recommended as a house when a very pleasant evening may be spent. The special attraction is Coppee's Company of Dutch artistes who gave
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  • 66 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, March 8 Thursday, Makcu 2. 5 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co., Officers and N.C.O.'s. Friday, Makch 3. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. 9 pm. Maxim Co N.U.O.'a. 5.80 p.m. Alexandra Rarr. Parade ground S.Y.R. 5 a.m. Drill Ball Veterans
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 26 8 A football match will bi> played between tbe Hindu Association aud ihe Straits Indian rootbai! club on Oldham Hall ground to day at I p m.
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    • 61 8 Life bad no charms for this old tough," Though in his youvh he'd cut up rough, His eye was dimmed, his voicu was hc&ky, This much I knew of friend McCmsky. And later on I beard the talt He'd have given up thn bo t, for sure, If I c
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  • 609 9 Serious Shortage of Medical Men. Tbe demand made by the Director-General to induce some five thousands more doctors np to tbe age of forty five to join the ranks of the H AM C. and go ont to the front, writes Mrs Hugh Adams in tbe
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  • 484 9 Astonishing Recovery From Wounds. During the present war, medical men have reported many remarkable cases of the re- co v try of wounded men— cases where a fatal termination seemed inevitable— but it is dcubtful, say.n The Slar, if there has been any us aatonifebinK as the
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  • 56 9 Tiu llmhop of North China when at home. watt sptukiDn to a lady of the chapel at the Bntish LtKatioo in Peking. Does the Emperor of China come to your services I she asked. No," replied the bishop, "he ban not been yet.' But, murmured the lady in a hushed
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 363 9 J. L CAMPBELL CO. Tailors Outfitters, HAVE Everything for Men's Wear. IBLBOI ASSORTMENT CX of all Classes. L«VB*V fOVBLTIES IN Ties, Hats, Collars, etc. MOTE NSW AQOBESS: Nob. 17 6c 18, STAMFORD ROAD (opposite Hotel van Wtjk). j YOU MAY REST ASS U HZ C .-.h»m's P.lls will be of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1971 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life 1 nsurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorioeated in Stkaits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE. W.noheit.p Hou.e, Singapore. LONDON OFROIi 32, Old Jewry, E.G. The Company has CSO.OOO deposited with the Supreme
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    • 755 10 INBURANCE. YOUR SAVINGS You may be able to lay aside 160 a month. If you can do this for 10 years it means a decent provision for the wife and child. Suppose, however, you die after aaving for 12 months I 1600 will not go very far, will it Less
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  • 1082 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Romance of Dunlop Tyres. It in a trite Raying that fact is stranger tbaL fiction 'but its truth is so often proved —and sometimes in the most unlikely connections that tbe quotation is constantly forcing itself into notice. In tbe history
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 174 11 JUST LANDED MO NOW ON VIEW AT OUR SHOW-ROOM. ORCHARD ROAD. D 3 TON ENNIS SUBVENTION TYPE CHASSIS. A magnificent example of high-class British Automobile Engineering. All interefeted in mechanical transport should inspect this chassis, the first of its type exported from Britain. WEARNE BROS., Ltd., Sole Agents, Singapore, Kuala
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    • 147 11 Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS., Singapore. True Economy What this Economy implies— Of Service In 1 Most miles per dollar. A f^\ 2. The pleasure of comOi I i' s/Mr ft plete confidence. UIuIqSIIG |v^ -W UliPuP 3. The comfort of the -4ag
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1108 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS LIMITED. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan AGo., Ltd.. (Im "Rl '.■RAlHI' IN ENitLAND) IMPORT DEPARTMENT. SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. i SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, OFFICE KRAXi immediately. Thorough knowltd^o of bo^k-keppine re quired. Apply to Box No. 226, Straits Tim s i 1 v
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    • 709 12 HOUBEB TO LET. TO LET Urge comfortable rooms, at furnished M.l., 10, Lloyd Raad. '24 2 v TO LET, No. 62, Hill Strut, suitable for school or hotel. Apply E. Sila«, 6, Prinoe Street. 10 2— v TO LET. H»n»eß Nos. 7, Ba. Bb. Chancery Lane Apply to Cbing Keng
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    • 601 12 GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Tenders are hereby invited fot the building of NEW LAW COURTS AND POLI E OFFICES, JOHORE BABRU. and may under sealed cover bs deposited with the Chief Engineer, up to noon on March 16, Plans and Specification may be teen on any day, Fridays
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    • 349 12 GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OFFICE: J7, Phillip Strict Branch Stores at No. 14, Phillip Strot t, and Nos 14, 100 and IC2, Ta&k Road. Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT." Telophono Nod. 1174 and 1288 (Private 1450) Cocas dsid: A. B C, 6th Edition, and A. 1 Codis. Ship Chandlers, Hardwire Dealers, Government
      349 words
    • 486 12 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft log. Market Street. Telephone No. 431, Shipebandleta, GoTornment and Municip* Contractor!) BnUt« Suppliers nod Com mifiKion Agonta. Soli Aobnis The Mnlcott Belting Co., Ltd. Bent Mult pl«r Brftnd Hair Beltings. 17 80 6 16 To ADVERTISERS Ah rtquistH to make alteratioDs in advir'i-i ii. iH'
      486 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 325 12 Straits ¥)imes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Odice '262 Job Printing Department Ml All communications relating to editorial matters and news should bt; addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, rtc— should be ad dressed to THE MAXAGEi;. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.-Miscellanc ous wants
      325 words