The Straits Times, 1 March 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,044 BINGAPOBB. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 1. 1916. PRICB 10CENTH
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 253 1 Order Early In consequence of the shortage of labour, difficulty in obtaining material, and the transportation situation growing more serious every day, intending purchasers will be well advised to order early. We he pc to f c in the happy position of bf ing able to give immediate delivery of
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    • 126 1 Table Glassware FINE CUT CRYSTAL. I TUMBLERS. )Tp GLASSES. 1 Pint \^lt Sherry, Liqueur, J Pint |l Champagne. DECANTERS. FINGER CHAMPA&Nt DECANTER TUMBLES NEW STOCK OF THIS GLASSWARE JfsT 'AlllllVHlK ROBINSON CO. Foi vM requiremetitn in the Furniture line call on 0. FRANKEL CO., Victoria Established Street 1887. WIDE SELECTION
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    • 13 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BERT Soli Aointt i 6ILFILJN: co. ltd: rz^S Odm-cirpo. .ittxlnii'Knicl .iinl),
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  • 997 2 NO COMPLAINTS AT GREATER COST OF LIVING. The Nation Resolute and United. Next week the four pound loaf ol bread is nioepence-at the outbreak of the war it was fivepence halfpenny. It has been eight penoe sinoe June. Yet there is not one word of comment—
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  • 104 2 As one would expect, America is just now overran with world famous artists. Calve is in the Middle West singing in lied Crow uniform for Uie beloved Croix Rouge of France; Melba, Pavlowska, and our old friend Cleofonte Campanini are in Cbic&xo Maggie Teyte and Pavlowa are in Washiuit ton
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 Stocks Held of Coal Tar, Latex Cups, Momi Cases, Carey's Box Strapping, Acetic Acid, Solidium Bisulphite, Coagulation Powders (British), Corrugated Iron, Cement Solder, Methylated Spirits and Quinine Tablets. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO S. J. JUDAH CO., Til. 1361 99, ROBINSON ROAD. 84 B—2B 8 I^^mrj^m 200 odd yearsß.C S
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    • 553 2 A Reputation of over 100 ytart. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills are to-day one of the most useful remedies that the family medicine chest contains. For sudden attacks of biliousness, sick headache or the depression arising wSen you are "outofsorts," Cockle's Pills give you prompt relief without any weakening effect afterwards. Two
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    • 108 2 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, Ltd., PHOTO PROCESS ENGRAVERS. ■.iH.^...'.... I V* gag Photographs and Line Drawings Reproduced. WEILL ZERNER PARIS SINGAPORE LONDON Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, Precious Stones and Watch Dealers. WE HAVE JDST UNPACKED A FEW SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS in Elaborately Gilt Frames FRENCH AND
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  • 1085 3 MOST POPULAR BOOK IN GERMANY TO-DAY. Hindenburg's Triumph." Thongh the book, Hindcnburu's March Into London, translated from the German and published by John Look, is in moat ways a puerile and childish flight of imagination, it wonld be well, says a reviewer in The Standard, that people
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 337 3 I Lassitude! I is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, fl f which affects equally men, women and child- 1 2 ren, and it is most important that these signs tg 6 of a run-down condition be not neglected. S a Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments. 6
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    • 117 3 Bovril makes other foods nourish you. It has a Body-building power proved equal to from 10 to 20 times the amount of Bovril taken. BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE. "For the Blood is tbi Lifb."— Fo« cleansing the blood of all impurities from whatever cause arising, yon cannot do better than
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    • 68 3 DRIPPING Pure Beef Dripping Manufactured on our own premises, can be obtained daily in small quantities or in two-lb. tins. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LD. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. After all The name there is no ra^t "QAIfIIRA" frnin ~*J£*^^ \T~Z7£til guaranonly Best teeing its MALT {/t}^\ Excellence
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1069 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. O. British India AND Apcar Line. (Companies In< übporatro in England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with Hit Majesty a Government), For Chm«, Japan Panang, Geylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port* and London. Steamers will leavo Singapore on or about MAIL LINES.
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    • 747 4 BTEAMEK BAIUWQB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobcamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Cbumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Due Departure S.S MAH IDOL Mar. 1, S p.m. s.s. BORIBAT Mar. B 4, a p.m. as PRACHATIPOK
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    • 469 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) IF* The Companies' sttaniers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 535 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan). EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained botwoon Yokohama, via ports, to Mam illcH and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tl:-; New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially denigned and ooostruckd, and
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  • 801 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 1, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. I NOM. Viini, ddtiu. siuiu, 3/- AUagai 1/ITJ 2,1* 4 1 An«lo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 508 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INOO CHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. IMMbMI K\.iLA\D). Dlroot Svpvio* to Japan via Honj Hong A Shanghai, and to Oalouttc via Ponang, from Singapore Taking cargo on through Bill* ot La'lm for Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Cbe(o Tientsin, Newohwang. Yangtsse Porto, ho. Diosa, tbe Philippine*, etc., eto., eto.
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    • 466 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA (In. okitkatbd in Japan) Otika Mareaßtlta ttaamsfilp Co Ltd KOBE- BOMBAY LINE Iho Couipany m»nt»ing a regular oarfjc service wi'.b six steamers ea'licx at Moji Yokkaichi, Hongkong, Singapore Port Swet tonbam, Peoang, Oolombo and Bombay, and on the return voyage calling at Taticorin Singapo'b, Hongkong
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    • 224 5 WOOD-MILNE MOTOR CAR and MOTOR CYCLE TYRES. in England on the Latest Scientific Principles. BOUND and DURABLE. Wood-Milne Special Pattern and Square Tread FOR STRENGTH, COMFORT, SAFETY. LOWEST COMI'KTITIVK PRICKS. Wood-Milne Patent Foot Pump. With this simple and compact instrument you can inflate a large tyre to 75 lbs.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 a»sss»»>ssF^»^e^LtX /PipemzineH\m\ W (ranular effervescent the most powerful Uric acid dissolvent. I Regulates kidneys and liver fonctions Cures Gout Rhumat ism 1 Prtparedby Miot Piarmaceuftcal /Wfai/tfS' 'Howe Pan's Frj/Kf. I Stocks kept and samples supplade by to tried A. CLOUET CO., Sole Agents for M F.M.S., and Netherlands Indies REINFORCED
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    • 452 6 (Latk or Tn« Bobinson Piano Lo.) Banjo stringp, Bell brand, 1 set of 5 55 1 6 .75 1 7 .90 Clarionet, B flat, 15 keys, 2 rings 30.00 reeds, B flat and E flat, each .15 Flute, B flat, new army model 15.00 Piccolo, B flat and E flat,
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    • 1158 6 BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO BANGKOK. Tbe Company's steamer MATA HARI, 1,020 tons, L. J Glend. nning. R.N H Com mander, will be despatched for the above port oo or about Friday, March 8, at 4 p.m. For Freight or Passage, apply to BOUSTBAD CO., Agents. 18—8 8
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 98 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, March I. High Water, 7.14 a-m. 10 0 p.m Thursday, March 2. High Water 8.41 a.m., 1X39 p.m. Lwlies' L. T. Club mooting, 6.15 p.m. Friday, March .V High Water, 9.MH a.m 10.64 |> .in. Saturday, March 4. High Water. 10 M a.m lUM p.m
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  • 228 7 To DAT. fort Swettenham and I'enang Ipob 2.30 pm Malacca, I*. Swettenham and Tcluk Anson Kauipar 2.31 pm Mudan Obat 2.:t0 pm Hangoon I'hranang 2.30 pm Malacca, Colombo uibay Kirin Mara '2.30 pm Batu I'.il'.it Muraing 2.30 pm I'enang and C'nliiiiibo Hitachi Maru I 30 pin Saigon
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  • 261 7 The mail trains from Singapore lor the •north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7 .1" n.m. and 6.45 a.tu. ic»p- clively. Tb>- \pn-MH to Penang leaves Kuala Lunr/LT at 8 am. daily, arriving at Penang at rt
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  • 157 7! I packet <i.Ai>car with London left Negapatam at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Kiibruary 26. and may be i t.i arrive at I'enang at daylight 1., tuorrow. 'll.' I', and O. outward mail steamer Malta will be leaving Colombo on March 4, and may be expected at
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  • 189 7 EXCHAMKIE. SiMOAPoaa, Mak< ii 1, IB 16 On Lomi Bank 4 m/s 'tl*{\ Demand 2/4J f'nvate 8 lait 2/4j| On Khan, k ISui.k T. T. 828 UH IMDI* Bank 1 1 1 744 Om Uonoiono.. Bank d/d 17% On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 68] Oh.Tav. Bark T. T.
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    • 176 7 Value Buyers Seller.. 10 10 Ampang 600 1 1 Aver Wbdk O.faS 0.50 10 10 Belat 1.60 2.00 10 10 Kanabol O.CO 1.00 ID 10 Kinta Association 6.00 41 £1 KiDtaTin 1.15.0 2.0.0 tl £1 Laliat Mines 4 M 10 8.25 Malayan Collieries '2.00 dis £1 £1 Malayan Tins
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    • 612 7 Bayer.. Seller.. V 2/- AUagai 2/- 2/8 41 41 Ans>lo-.Javi IS/- 1.0.0 3/- 2/- Anglo-Malaj 9/0 10/6 2/- 3/- Batang Malaka 2/4 2,8 £1 41 Batn Tiga 2.10.0 8.0.0 2/- 2/- Bekob 2/5 2/9 41 41 Bukit Kajan R 200 2.6.0 41 41 Bakit Lintanß 3.0.0 3.5.0 2/- 3/-
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    • 130 7 41 41 3 malting Oa. 7.50 B.W 41 41 It 1.4 0 1.6.0 6/- 6/- Bleatrie T «r*yt 2/0 8/--10 10 FrMer Metre 61.03 53.00 60 60 W. Him ii irt Co. 80 00 62.50 100 Hiwirt'i Bnikioe -'i in 35.00 100 7% Pref 95 00 100 100 K»U Br->,
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    • 55 7 United ßngineers«% 11,284 500 par Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6 £350,000 norn Spore Municipal 5% »1.57H.000 p*r Spore Municipal H% of 1907 11,003,0)0 90 99 Spore Manioipal 4|% of 1009 11,003,000 90% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,0!*) lO^dm Spore M-inicipil £300.000 B%clix The quotations of sterling gharas moat be re^ardod as
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 Fot Cfaraaie Cheat Complainto, Wools Greet tV^permint Core U 9d.
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    • 638 7 LA Ito I Auvtnnatmtnio. A LARGE HBNDERSON MOTOR CYCI K AND SIDECAK FOR SALB. Apply Mils, Triffic Offic, I'jntral Statior. J B— o WANTED, OKPU I KRANI itnmodiat. ly Thorough knowlil»i« ol boik koepinti it' qnir d. Apply to Bin No. 2'.'B, >trai'hTiiniH. 18 n AWTED, SINULK KUBBKK TYRED KICKSUA
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    • 229 7 Jamaica Cigars Golofina Perfectos $14 per 100. Golofina Bouquets 9 per 100. I'.uki:i> in I;<>.\i:s of 26. Obtainable from SUN TAI CHAN, NOOR MOHAMED, 41, Cecil Street. la, d' Almeida Street. FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Inccrpobatkd in England) EASTERN BRANCH: SINGAPORE. "DUDBRIDGE" OIL ENGINES FOR KEHJ3ENE OR GRUDC OIL. DKLIVCRV FROM
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  • 1100 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1. THE REAL THING. The fact of London experts hailing tbe battle of Verdun as the real thing is significant. It tends curiously to confirm a view we have beard expressed, and which came from one who has been at the front. Note was taken
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  • 27 8 Thr General Post Office. London, reports that the Maloja carried only printed matter posted between February ii. and 26. There were BO letters or parcels on board.
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  • 13 8 Tbe installation meeting of Napier Lodge, Teluk Anson, takes place on Friday next.
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  • 33 8 The Pataling Kubber Estates Syndicate, Ltd., pays a final dividend of 115 per cent-, making 2J5 per oent. for tbe year. Tbe balance carried forward is suffleient to pay another 90 per oent.
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  • 37 8 The winner of the cash sweep in tbe Champion Stakes at tho Hongkong races drew 114,764. War or no war, this is tbe largest sum that has been paid out in a Hongkong sweep for some years.
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  • 37 8 A London cable of February 18 gays It is anticipated that an Order in Council will be made freeing paper mills from contracts made before March 1. Meanwhile tho position is uncertain and manufacturers are marking time.
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  • 48 8 The third of the special series of addresses on the War, will be given by the Key. William Cross in tbe Pnsbyterian Church. Orchard Road, on Wednesday evening at 8.45. The subject will bo "The Two Empires Collision and struggle between Germany and Britain." All arc cordially invited.
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  • 56 8 The Commander- in Chief and staff of the IS. Asiatic Fleet returned from Olongapo to Manila on February 3. Tbe 1916 Manila Carnivai was opened by the Queen leaving the I.S.S. Brooklyn in her royal barge. Tbe Queen was received on board by the Commander in Chief with all honour
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  • 59 8 The following Singapore property was disposed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co.'s sale-room yesterday afternoon :—Leasehold land, area 1,104 square feet, lease No. 1814 for 999 years, yearly quit rent $6. Together with tbe brick and tileroof shophouse premises erected thereon and known as 19, Merchant lioad, monthly
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  • 77 8 Further details of tbe air raid on England last month were revealed at the inquests on the victims, fresh narratives being given by eye-witnesses. One jury viewed tbe bodies of five women, a girl, and four men. Tbe dead included the family of a soldier who had just returned on
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  • 67 8 A press message from Copenhagen reports that tbe Daily Mail's articles from the correspondent who attended tbe royal banquet at Nisb have created a good deal of excite- ment in Court and official circles in Berlin. The authorities are confiscating all neutral papers which reproduced the stories. The officials have
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  • 87 8 Dealing with the question of enemy shareholders tbe acting Federal Attorney-General at Melbourne has issued a statement in which be declares that married women, whose husbands are enemy subjects, must transfer their shares to tbe public trustees before April 30. The wives of naturalised subjects of enemy origin, the Minister
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  • 99 8 An Order of the Day of Marshal von Hindenberg, found upon a German piisoner, reveals widespread suicides among German soldiers. Marshal von Hindenburg says. "It would have been understandable if the Russians, the British, or the French had desired to commit suicide but it is unpardon able folly in the
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  • 92 8 Tbe British Embassy in Paris has received the following telegram from the Foreign Office, dated January 27, 1916: The following shipbuilding orders were announced on Wednesday in Newcastle The Prince Line, of Newcastle, ordered two passenger steamships from .Messrs. Palmer, of Jarrow, and two from Messrs. Doxford, of Sunderland. These
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  • 137 8 Ipoh and its surroundings were literally mobilised on Saturday afternoon, the o'">jec tive being the raising of another battalion of dollars in aid of the F.M.S. Officers' Widows and Families Fund and from before 3 p.m. to nearly 8.80 p.m., says the Times of Malaya, tbe encampment at Dr. and
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  • 160 8 Mr. J. Welsh, of Canterbury, Australia, who was in Africa when the war broke out, has furnished the following particulars regarding the Appam. He states that Mr. G. H. Harri son, tbe capUin, was a naval reserve man, and had been in charge of the Elder Dempster and Co.'s boats
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  • 475 8 Mr. K. V. Prendergast, of llu Sawah Estate, and now lieutenant in the U.K. A., has gone to Mesopotamia. Mr. A. E. Todd, of the Chartered Hank, Kuala Lumpur, is being transferred to Seremban. Mr. Ingram goes to Kuala Lumpur. A Shanghai paper understands that Mr A.
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  • 28 8 On Friday, March :t, at 5.45 p.m., some interesting military operations, including a bombing demonstration, will bo carried out in the vicinity of Alt xandra Barracks.
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  • 80 8 The senior boys of St. Andrew's School were entertained on Saturday last, at Tan jong Katong, by Mrs. Lee Cuoon Guan. They had a most delightful outing there enjoying very much the splendid bathing in tbe afternoon when the tide was high. They went out and returned
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  • 146 8 In the Parliamentary papers recently Mr. Teunant, replying to Mr. Farrell as to tbe circumstances under which a Leinster private was court martialleil and shot for alleged desertion in France, states that Private T. Hope, of the 2nd Battalion Lssssl Kcgiuiunt, was tried by field general court martial
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  • 159 8 The Sandakan Town Guard has now been disbanded and the great majority of the members liavu undertaken to join the I;. N. I!, Volunteer Kitles when that force is duly constituted by tbe passing of the Volunteer Ordinance, now in draft. A parade of the European section
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 RoNEp STEEL CABINETS FOR BULKY BOOKS. Fitted with one to |H| w^*sss^i? ten roller shelves, ad- |R* ''lS- J?^^H[fs ju*table every half 9 inch, and fveproof E collapsible curtain. *W S^^HSmZJ ON SHOW A'l 's^* "35^B«SJ 14a, COLIYER QUAY. I LAWSON'S LIQUEUR WHISKY .jff[S )vW P eT caBe °f 12
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    • 195 8 To-Night! To Nl^htll SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTIONS AT THE ALHAMBRA Beach Road, Tbe House of Quality— Tbe Home ol Feature Attractions. The LEADING Theatre and the mott COMFORTMLE Theatre la Singapore. KOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY COPPEE'S or«n<e B'Oilom Vaudeville Company B STAR ARTISTES 6 In Songs, Dincesand Sketches. Augmented by
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  • 1598 9 VERDUN BATTLE RENEWED. Splendid Defensive Fighting. BATTLE IN EGYPT. Turkish Forces Severely Beaten. London, Ft binary M, 10.10 a.m. I'ari- Le Temps says that the battle of Verdun has reached a critical point. Tne enemy has c< asbd to a. I wince and we are attacking at wme
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  • 148 9 We are indebted to the French Consul, Comte de Bondy, for the following telegrams Paris, February 27, 6.40 p.m. The French 3 per cent, bonds are at francs 61.75 and the 5 per cent, at 87.70. Yesterday, north of Verdun, th.> enemy slackened his effort except on
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  • 19 9 Kkitkk's Telegram. London, February 28, U p.m. Mr. Coote (Unionist) has been returned unopposed for South Tyrone.
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  • 16 9 RllTEß's TULBOBAM. London, February 28. The death is announced of Mr. Henry James, the novelist.
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  • 87 9 The following announcement has been made in London The Right Hon. Lord Chelmsford, Viceroy designate, has appointed the following officers to be members of his personal staff in India Private Secretary, Mr. J. L. Maffey, 1.C.5. assistant private, secretary, Mi II F. Metcalfe, Its., military secretary. Major R. Vorney, Rifle
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  • 685 9 Important Electrical Enterprise In Penang. The subscription list of Habrakol Syndicate, Limited, opened on Thursday and will close on March 4. Tbe company will have a capital of 1150,000 in 15,000 10 shares, and tho rMrrrtors arp the Hon. A. R. Alams, the Hon. Robert Young, and
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  • 264 9 Since the outbreak of the war, writes our Bangkok correspondent, the Germans and Austrians here, have kept a keen watch upon the local cinematograph shows. Directly anything they conceive to be detrimental to their cause has been screened, they have at once rushed to either
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  • 147 9 The New York Times says that when the British first tackled tin submarine menace they found it impossible to hit the submerged submarines, the ordinary shells ricocheting off the water like lawn-tennis balls. Experiments revealed that alterations in the shape of the nose of the shell permitted
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  • 540 9 Declining Business Due to The War. An extraordinary general meeting of Mtssrs. Garner, Quelch and Co. (Singapore), Ltd., was held yesterday at Winchester House in continuation of one held a little while ago to consider what course should be adopted with regard to the affairs of
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  • 293 9 Wreck of a Zeppelin in the North Sea. A wire from London states The wrecked Zeppelin which was reported by a trawler to have been seen in the sinking condition in the North Sea has not been located. A gale raged during the night, and it
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  • 218 9 The steamer Clan Mactavish (s,nlfi tons), which was sunk by the German prize crew which captured the South African liner Appam gave battle before she went under. She was bound from Kremantle to London, and had the following cargo From Sydney 1,745 bales wool, 91
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  • 861 9 SAILORS AT BALDWIN HOTEL AFTER MIDNIGHT. Conviction and Fine. In tbe course of a case, hoard before Mr. Ralph Scott vi the first court this morning tutu was a mild passage of .urn.-, kntSMM Mr. Koek and the magistrate. Counsel was appearing for Mrs. Sophia Abramovitz, against
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  • 149 9 Mr. M. Donohoe has obtained a sensational story from Miss Lames, an American, who is a survivor from the passenger steamer Brindisi, which was travelling from America with about 400 Montenegrin reservists on board, and was sunk by an enemy submarine in the Adriatic. Miss Lamos says
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  • 34 9 The Journal Official publishes tl>o text of a bill authorising the expenditure of 500,000 francs on the establishment of bnitelrii I at Mecca and Medina for the use of indigent pilgrims from Krenrli Qblmlm
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  • 1131 10 THE INFINITE CAPACITY FOR TAKING PAINS. A Blue-Capped Brigade. The following article describing women's work in the making of munitions, has been written for the Evening Standard by special permission from the Ministry of Munitions and through the courtesy of the firm con ct rued. Testing, trying, and
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  • 561 10 Dividend of 224 Per C« nt for The Year. The tenth ordinary general meeting of shareholders in the above company was held on February 19, at the office of Messrs. Cumberbatch and Co.. Colombo. Mr. C. C. Durrant presided, and the others present were:— Mr. N. Campbell
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  • 297 10 Earnings Reduced by Low Fur Prices. That Canadian Inuians have survived the hardship caused by the adverse effect of the war on the fur trade, and are facing another winter with confidence, is the statement which appears in the annual report of the Indian Department just issued
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  • 138 10 The match played at the S.C.C. last evening wan not really between Singapore and l'enang for the l'enang Chinese chain pion, Koo .100 Wan, had sprained himself and was unablr to turn out. C. V. Milts an. l 1). Iv rtrmn, therefore, were opposed to two Singapore players,
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  • 707 10 The Pulpit an Agent of German Militarism. One of tbe puzzles of tbe war has been the attitude of tbe U< ruian clergy, which has throughout made itself at once tbe monthpiece and the inspiration of tbe ultra militarist party, and out heroded Herod in its advocacy of
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  • 318 10 Cut off From Mainland for 18 Months. Since the war the Aland Islands, in the Baltic between Sweden and Finland, nave been cut off from the mainland. No ships call, and no one has been allowed to leave for a year and a half. As a result of
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  • 10 10 I Sapont; Estate.— T, ,645 lbs. U
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  • 13 10 [Tbe Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 88 10 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, To decide an argument will you kindly give tbe correct pronunciation, collo- i quial that is, of tbe word Plethora I Cham- bt rs dictionary has it Pleth'-o-ra and Collins dictionary Pleth'-o-ra. Yours, etc., Ulyssbs. i Singapore, February 29, 1916. [We
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  • 761 10 Death of The Linan's Chief Officer. An enquiry was held on February 18, at the Magistracy, Hongkong, into the circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Willis Oliver Ashworth Shepherd, late chief officer of the Linan, whose death occurred on the morning of February 6. Mr. H. J.
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  • 171 10 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 6 and 7. The feature film at tho Casino this evening is Mary Fuller, the world famod actress in Dolly of the Dailies. It is a series of twelve splendid stories produced iv collaboration with Home Chat. Details will
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  • 639 10 Total Dividend of 25 Per Cent. For The Year. The directors' report to the shareholders of the Hay tor Rubber Estates, Limited, for the year ended December 81, 1915, states i The net profit for the year as shown by i the profit and loss account amounted
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  • 256 10 Quotations from Goethe "Cut" As Dangerous to State. The Associated Press of New York publishes a despatch from Berlin describing an attack on the German censorship made by the members of all parties in the Reichstag. The despatch says The debate on the censorship continues with
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  • 28 10 Statistics published by Le Temps, show that in the French departments occupied by the Germans, about 2,'2'»0,000 inhabitants unly itiuain out of a total of 3. '255,000 before
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  • 57 10 The acceptance of men for the Australian Army will be limited to persons of European origin. Consequently those of Asiatic origin, though born in Australia, will Dot ba eligible for service. Some have already b<_i:ii drafted into the forces, but it is tht wish of tin: 1 1, fi in-.'
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  • 477 10 Russian Overtures to India And Ceylon. Russian merchants are endeavouring to eliminate tho Herman middleman in their dealings with India and Ceylon, and aro taking steps to encourage direct trading. A proof of the feeling prevalent in Kussia on this subject is afforded by a communication from
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  • 372 10 The following now books will be ready for issue on Thursday Bennett, Arnold, These Twain S ISM Blyth, Jauie?, Ursulas Marriage S ***** Chc-ter, (1. X, and Lillian Chester, The Knemy S 12..1H Cole, Sophie, The House in Watchman's Alley S jjMj Conrad, .losoph, Victory S ***** Horn,
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  • 2082 11 HOW HE ESCAPED FROM THE SEA. The Sinking of the Persia. L»nl Montagu of Beauheu is back in Kng land. He arrived at Southampton on Jana ary 18, and from there drove to his beautiful home in the New Forest. He is slowlj ecovering from tbe injuries
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  • 85 11 Programme of drills, etc., for we«k ending. Friday, March ll— Wednesday, Maim ii 1. 5.15 pm. Drill Hall S.V.R. Maxim Co. I'lilDUM' CO. S.V.C. Band. Tbtbsday, M vim ii 2. 0 p.m. Di ill Hall Chinese Co., Offict-rs and N.C.O.s. Kkii'tv, Mm.i-h 3. 5.15 p.m. Drill IUU
    85 words
  • 100 11 Kai Sarat Chandra lUs Babalur. C K.K., the diHtin^uished TibeUn explorer and Bud hmtic acholar, who was lately in Japan, has arrived home in his native citj of Chitagoog. i He spoke very appn ciktively of the recep th>u Ii I. ad bad in Japan, and especially ot the courtesy
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 52 11 They talked about "ad*." in tbe paper, Winch were the bettt and the worst Tbe canvasser poioted to that one, Tba oditor thought Ibis one was first. But naally they both agreed Oa one thing that was btst, tor sure, Foe it DOint»-<l oat tbe merit- of W odt' Great
      52 words
    • 624 11 PRIVATE HOTEL. STAMFORD HOUSE CENTAALLY SITUATED Brat Basah Road. Comfortable Roomi with Bathrooms attached. Electric Fitting* throughout Separate Tablet In Spacious Dining Room. Large HReoeptlooall. Billiards and Newspaper*' Tbe Present Management desire it to be known that they oater especially for Ladies and Gentlemen Resident or Travellers) seeking tbe Comforts
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    • 227 11 ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA. SADLEIR AND KNIGHT. Orchaid Agents And Attorneys LAUNCESTON, TASMANIA. We p'»nt and manage orchard* (or Absentee Clients, with graduated piyments, and under Govtrament Expert supervision, antil it suits them to take personal poa*es■ion this enable* o'ienta to gradually invest in this most profitable and delightful piofossion. We
      227 words
    • 146 11 THE BEST TYRE FOR FORD CARS ISECURITYI I TRY THEM WEARNE BROS., LD., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, SOLE AGENTS. RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Bra. Bush Road, Singapore, From O a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. FTERNOON TEAS AND LATE
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  • 4311 12 CHAIRMAN ON* CAMPAIGN OF MENDACITY. No More German Directors. The ordinary yearly meeting of the sbare in the Hongkong and Shanghai B inking Corporation was held at the City Hall, Hongkong, at noon on February 19. 'lli. lion. Mr. D. Landale (chairman of directors) presided, and those also
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  • 445 12 A Crime Germany Was Not Bad Enough to Commit. Mr. Arthur Pollen, in a lectun in Camberwell on The Navy at War, said Germany had prepared for war as no country had ever done. She sprang a war on Europe when all Europe was unready, and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 898 13 Some Humours of the Letters Home. A Regimental Chaplain writes in a borne paper as follows Pity the padre in the leaky postal waggon, knee deep in picture postcards, love letters, brief acknowledgments of patcels, and stolid j accounts of doings too epic for tbe written
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  • 193 13 A briar pipe of any quality," a briar root pipe manufacturer staUil recently in an interview with a representative of The Daily News, will coat at least 20 per cent, more than the usual price— and probably more. The cost of tbe raw material, in fact,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 404 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to /Cjs £^3£v and t0 THE MUNICIPALITY /[t^^i THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE \&?W0/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong "Dragon" Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the Straits
      404 words
    • 141 13 FBAMROZ CO. Debility enfeebled rerves, por health and weakened bloo —these are troubles th?.' can be overcome. SCOTTs Emulsion never tails. It repairs waste, enriches the blood, revitalizes the nerves and gives strength to resist or driv« out weakness an:? disease. When ycu m run-down, out of sorls or in
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 559 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Skttlemrnts) MEAD OFFIGI Wmohsittr Houae, Singapore. LONDON Of FIGS 33, Old Jewry, E.G. The Company has XSO.OOO deposited with the
      559 words
    • 394 14 INSURANCE. lUAIOIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOU (Incorporated in Enuland). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds £8,260,000 Annual Income ...£l, 100,000 The undersigned, Agents for the above Jompany, ate prepared to aooept Are and Earthquake risks for short periods of ten day b as longer periods at current rates to be
      394 words
    • 500 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incohporatkd in Honqkono). PAID-UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,800,000 at 2/- 115,000,000 Silver 118,000 000 SM,OOO,OCO Bewwo Liability ol Proprietors 116,000,000 OOUHT OF DIRECTORS W. L. Pattenden. Bsq Chairman. 8. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. O. T. M. Bdkins, Esq. Hon. Mr. D.
      500 words
    • 513 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATBD IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 60,000 Shares of j 430 each 41,200,000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,200,000 BANKERS The Bank ot England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster
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    • 639 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Establishrd 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incorporatrd in India. GOVERNMENT BBCDRITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. •••■TSJ awoaad $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profit* to Policy-holders at last Valuntion $1,118,878. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and fnll information to LIBERAL RATES SIMANRE BRANCH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHERSON, SeoreUry for
      639 words

  • 855 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Educating the Government. H. Massac Baist, writing in The Observer, ■ays The affairs of the British motor industry are so topsy-turvy and its outlook is so perplexing that the Society of Motor Manufacture-n and Traders has appointed a special Controlled Firms
    855 words
  • 128 15 Since the outbreak of war the Canadian department o( the interior has been parti cular not to encourage to come' to the I dominion those who are required tor war service. All emigration activity was therefore suspended. Notwithstanding this, settlers have been arriving in Canada from other quarters,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 135 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES Used by the British War Office. COMBINATION NON-SKID. Durability c E> 1 5 OP*** JB THE ROM TYRE and RUBBER CO., Holborn, L' ndon, E. C, CONTRACTORS XO H M WAR OFFICE. MEYER BROS., Singapore, Sole Agents for Straits Settlements and F M.S. A TOILET ARTICLE known
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    • 13 15 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night I Wood* Great Peppermint Care la. 6d
      13 words
    • 242 15 DUNLOP V Although raw rubber has ad/^HBP^fcto, vanred in price, Dunlop Tyres are V v^3 Favourable contracts for raw mate»^^««*^B W 2*£a r a^ iave enabled us to givt» tlu< *'^*ffH^flrl In public the benefit of these reduced ftiWiTi isT &JM*^\ Grooved Cover. Prices. Tubes. \rrPlia m PH* I eW
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 602 16 A. B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL jS LIQUEUR WHISKY. ii Mill i, Aa supplied to both Houses of /W/MT^ti Parliament OBTAINABLE FROM ALL hP 1^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. Sole Agents: Jfa ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Jb and company, limited. ■fMTT^B 2 (Incorporated in England) MlCv* Singapore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTKD.TWO A>SIS
      602 words
    • 521 16 MISCELLANEOUS. LADY DESIRES APARTMENTS with a puvat _> family, Reply to R. W., c/o Straits Times. 29-2—l 3 WaNTBD, near Town, a bouee witb three bedrooms. Rental frcm }75 to 185 per month Apply A., c/o Straits Times. 28 2 —27 8 W.4NTRD TO BUY, six new or tecondband Earopemtde
      521 words
    • 678 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET large comfortable rooms, unfurnished. M.C., 10, Lloyd Road. 34-2— v I TO LET, No. 62, Hill Street, suitable for school or hotel. Apply B. Silas, 8, Prince Street 10 2 v TO LET. Houses Nos. 7, Ba, Jt Bb, Chancery Lane Apply to Cbing Keng
      678 words
    • 627 16 NOTICE. We, the undersigned, give public notice that our firm has no connection with any other firm in Singapore with a similar name. ALSAGOFF Co., 12, Battery Road. 0-2 8-8 THE AVER MOLEK RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that the Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of IC
      627 words
    • 451 16 GUAN KIAT CO.. MEAD OFFICE: 37, Phillip Street. Branch Stores at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nos. 14, 100 and 102, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "OUANKIAT." Telephone Nos. 1174 and 1288 (Private 1460). Codss uskd A. B C, 6th Edition, and AI Oodbs. •dip Chtndlart, Hardware Dsalsrt, Govdrnment and Municipal
      451 words
    • 465 16 Xl AM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 431. Shipehaodlen, Government and Mnnieipa Contractors Estate Suppliers and Core mission Agents. Sotß AOINTB The Mnlcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Mnltiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 1-7 ***** To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations in advertisements, such as changes in
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 321 16 Straits Wimes. 'Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager')* Office Ml Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All] communications relating to business matters advertisements, subftcriptiona, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of
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