The Straits Times, 17 February 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,0:<3 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1916. PRICE 10CENTR.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 168 1 Mi|in.HM\|j II A FEW GOOD THINGS LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS 1~/7V/ 'is* In cases of 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortment Mr^ is made up from the following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and Fv^NTRAnf) VEGETABLE. tin makes six plates of the teTD'Hi- r li* i hv^x Soup
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    • 442 1 'His Wasters Voice K^, New Records for February, 1916. -J? 12-inch Double-sided, $2.75 each. MB4I 2 101 "The Se»soni"-Part I. B»roarol'e and VaUa (GUzoanow) Band of H M. CoUsVuiui Goardu (***** "The Season,'— P*it 11. Petit Adagio Bacchanal (Gl»zoanow) Band of H. M. CoUstrean Guards 12-097 Reverie— Valee (Waldteofcl) Band
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    • 5 1 GOODRICB > HI gjsfi"'* CO TYRES
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  • 889 2 FATAL SHRINKAGE OF GERMAN FORCES. The Last Great Bluff. Germany is already beaten. The war will be ended by next autumn by the withdrawal of the German armios from the conquered lands." This is the opinion of Mr. John Reed, the special correspondent of the
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  • 144 2 There were two of them, and they had celebrated their rare visit to London in a fashion that is considered by their eldera to be unwise. And they were lost, hopelessly lost, in the great city. A wonderful inspiration came they would call a cab. Giving il'i-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 140 2 J. L CAMPBELL CO. Tailors Outfitters, HAVB Everything for Men's Wear. SELECT ASSORTMENT CF of all Classes. LATEST NOVELTIES IN Ties, Hats, Collars, etc. NOTE NEW ADDRESS i No«. IT 18, STAMFORD ROAD (opposite Hotel van Wljk). WEILL ZERNER PARIS SINOAPORB LONDON Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, Precious Stones and Watch
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    • 13 2 For Children'! Husking Coagb at Night Woods Great Peppermint Core It. 6c J
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    • 467 2 HEALTH INSURANCF. Some people are naturally thin. There is also a natural pallor but mo t peopln who are both thin and pale are far (rom well and they need a tonic. Many peop'e m gleet to taki a tonic until they get so siok that a tonic is n
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    • 170 2 there's Purity and Vigour ,N V KRY DROP OF READ'S Dog's Head Gu.nness The TONIC thu cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. A simple nourishing food of high medicinal value. NOTE.— The above JOG'S HEAD Label H on every bottle. Refuse imitations. Slid I Everywh-re t NOTICE. The general public
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    • 258 2 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore: Kelly and Walsh. Ltd., Raffle* Place. Money Chatgtr, Hotel do l'Burope. Money C hanger, Adelphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Koh Co., Bras Basah Road. Ewong Seng Chiang, Selegie The Crown Drapery,
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  • 876 3 COMMISSIONS GIVEN TO WRONG MEN. How Red-Tape Strangles Efficiency. H. Bayley writes in a home paper: Of the many vital problems which confront the nation in tbis the season of preparation for the decisive efforts of the coming spring, tbat of satisfying the abnormal demand for compntent
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  • 165 3 Id tbe printing industry, says a borne paper of recent date, special difficulties have arisen during tbe war, and as tbe trade bas not been scheduled ax a reserved occupation tbese will be accentuated by tbe calling up of tbe atteskd men under tbe group system
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 442 3 liNiiiniiNHHiiiiiiiiiniiii'W^iLiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I The Pood that will suit your Baby j :s is (ii.ivc)— the food that < iream anj miii, su^ir. so that it pro- dutcs In m Mesh, sounJ bones, and stroiiß mustlc, i hi- sane as ncuithy breast s i how stroiiH *iir topics. lu)\\ stnnKlit up ghe
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    • 560 3 ECZEMA ALL OVER FACE AND NECK Also Chest. Could Not Sleep. At Times Could Not Open Eyes. Used Cuticura. Skin Clear. 14. Knderby Rd., Sunderland. Durham, En*.— "My trouble started five years ago and went ail over my face, neck and chew. fit commenced with a burning •ensatlon and then
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    • 1258 3 PMiuuiiiiTED. STEAM ER SAILINGS. NOTICE OF CLOBING OF TRANSFER BOOKB 1 "BAKA SHOSENKAISHA Hooks ol tbis Com f any will be cloced from (Incorpi isatkd in Japan) r Tbu "t! J a F br wj: l l' un Tne da 1 Feb ruary aw, 1916, both dajs inclusive, for the
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    • 158 3 CANADIAN PACIFIC steamship line (In<obpobatbd in Canada). PROM CHINAANO JAPAN TO EUROrE Via UUM AM THE ÜBIT 0 STaTEI TirJS:v a£7l 100(ki£65eiMB QUICKEST TIME Ar.RQSS THE PACIFIC EMPRESS IF RUSH* EMMkft •f UU 16,850 Tons Gross kegister Quadruple S:rew— Sprtd 2\ Knots. lb, EMPRESS OF JAPSH 6,000 Tods Gross Register
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1075 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Apcar I— inc. (CoMPtNIKM IstoRPORATRD IN ENGLAND). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES HftNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. Under Contract wltb Hit Majesty t Qoverniaent), for Ohm*, Japan Penang, Caylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranaan Port* and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL
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    • 809 4 STEAMER MILHIBB. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imcobporatbo in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tiinßpanu, Biaat, Stmirak, Kelantan, Tabai Ban^nara, Tola pin, Patani, Sinxora, Laooo, Kobtamui, Bandon, Langmion Takn, Chumpoo, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure NO STEAMER Feb. IT Fab. 19, a p.m. VUGALA 81 h 93, 8 p.m. CriUTATUTCH
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    • 470 4 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enoland) The Companies' steamers are dtspatcbid from Liverpool outward* for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool ard
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    • 509 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorpouatbd is Japan). EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohama, via port", to Marseilles and London under mail cntract with the Imp* rial Japanese Governni' at. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed,
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  • 124 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, February 1 7. High Water I I vtu., 10 II p m Friday, February IH fligb Water. It a n 11.6 pm Homeward mail i-lomoh i train l/!iaiuh«'r of C immi ree lt'inh r A**n nit.;., Exchange, 2.80. Saturday, February 10. Hi«h W mr Mlllsm
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  • 276 5 To-DAT. Laboeao Itilik, TamljoD^ Hali i and Mr I in Murkus 2.30 pm Port Di'kson and Port Swettonham Sappho 2.30 pm Xi in. in. au. K. I nngun and Treng^anu Abbotsford 2.80 pm llonf(kofig and shanghai (ilenotrae 2.30 pm l'ul. in bang Uensiena 2.80 pm Selat NMQMBgi
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  • 262 5 Tin- mail trains from Singapore for the north Ihm Tmk ltoad station daily at T. 7 a.m. and 7 p.tu arriving at Kuala Lampur at T.ll p.m. an.l f1.43 am retpectivoly. Th<through pxpreoH to Pecans; leaves Kuala Lunrrr at M a in. daily, arriving at l'enau» p.tu. the
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  • 95 5 Tin (>utw*r.l K. I. packet Tara with mails I tpa tain at 1 p.m. on Vii day. l-'i-brnary 14, »u<l may b>- expected to arnvi- at l'onan>> It morrow afternoon. Tlic I', and (>. limui ward mail steamer HonKara lias lift llonykonn and may be expi«t*«l to
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  • 114 5 Oar attention bas been oillol to the fact hat oar arrivals in London ar>i much behind thoi-e publ shod elsewhere. Oar ral» is t< yive arrivals only whon they arc officially r poited in the Post Office n it ecu, and on later <late than that prined
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  • 343 5 Outward. The following passenger bookings to Hit Strait« are taken from th« London and China Express. It shoul Ibe underetood that, in Homo inHt&nces, bookings may be provisional and tbat intending pasxungcrs may alter their arrangoments, subsequent to the issuance ol this list in London I'er P.
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  • 87 5 The Momiog \\-t reports that the German Imperial Chancellor Herr von BethmannHollweg is about to propose to the Extente Powers to make peace on condition tbat Poland becomes an autonomous State under German suzerainty. If the Entente refuses Germany will continue tbe war in tbe most violent fashion. Tbe same
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  • 183 5 EXCHANdE. SiNi.»poai, Kkhklary 17, 1916, U«Losa, Bank4m/H a/44" Demand 2,4| Private 8 m/s 2/4 j; On Fhamk BankT. T. 328 On Indu Bank T. T. 17 1 Om UoNOKUNQ...Bank d/d 17 o Oh Shanghai ...Bask d/d 88] On Java Bank T. T. 182 On Japan Bank 11l
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 For ll.ronic Cheot Coujplainto, Wooda 1 Urt at PqißMiiiiiai Car* USd
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    • 230 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED to bay. Viet ri» and borae in good Off. -'8 la Victoria c 0 Str«it< Time*. 17 2-19? WANTED TO BCY. A. LITHE. bei K bt of c-ntre t.bont f", Hwl li j in no d working condition. Offen nndiT Progress, co Straus Times. 17 B—
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  • 1039 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17. THE KING'S SPEECH. Superficially there is not much in Ih Ktng'i speech at the re opening of Parliament to justify the drawing of inference*. It may be said that it contains no more and no l< ss than the absolutely essential declaration of confidence
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  • 42 6 A bill will shortly be submitted to the French Parliament providing that a woman of enemy nationality marrying a Frenchman, will not, as before the war, ai quire ipso facto French nationality, without a special authoii sation of the French Governmc ut.
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  • 49 6 A Golden book will be published in French lodo China containing the names if all tin- Frenchmen from that Colony, wl <> have taken part id the war. The Governor general of lodo China bait r< i]ue«teH Mr Henri Hiisniir. of la Kivuc Indot'liittM to ooiltct material for the book.
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  • 34 6 The Penang Press are officially informed that E. O. Lauterbach, a Oerman prisoner of war, interned in Australia and formerly employed in tbe Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd., died on December I' 2, of cancer.
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  • 35 6 Under yesterday's date, Messrs. Rarlow and Co. report The copra market has further advanced during tbe week. To day's values are about 111.30 for fine nundried and 110.60 to t10.70 for fair to good qualities.
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  • 51 6 Mr. Hamilton Fyfi», of tbe London "Daily Mail, says that latterly the Germans on the eastern front have been using shells exuding pruHsic acid gas, the fumes of which are active for five hours after the bursting of the missile. The deadly splinters kill quickly, and even slight wounds cause
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  • 57 6 A lance corporal serving with tbe Army Pay Corps in France writes Oerman wit isn't what you would call over bright. Their favourite quip is to ask our men, How far ib it to Tipperary now?' Our chaps stood it for a long time, but now they have a good
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  • 53 6 A New York World cartoon represented a shop with a sign over tho door reading William Hoheozollern, Bird Fancier." In the shop window is a cage containing the Dove of Peace, price £720,1KK>,000, and at the door stands the Kaiser anxiously looking for a customer. Tbe title of tho cartoon
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  • 60 6 Messrs. Wearne Bros., Ltd., inform us that owing to the recent abnormal increase in freight rates from New York it is quite possible that all cars which left that Port by steamers after January 1, may be subject to a surtax to cover tbe increased charges. This amount will fluctuate,
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  • 63 6 News has been received of the death at Cortland, New York, at an advanced age of Miss Mary Day, daughter of the late Rev. Samuel Day, founder of the American Baptist Telugu mission in Madras. Tbe deceased was born in Madras and subsequently spent some thirty years of an active
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  • 68 6 Details of the recenr strike of oil near Minhla, Thayetmyo district, Burma, by the Twinzas Oil Company go to show that the find is probably one of considerable import ance. When the bore, then at a depth of over two thousand feet, had penetrated five feet only of the oil
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  • 64 6 A committee of assistance for Annamites workmen, has been formed in France under the honorary presidency of M. Paul Doumer, M. Deloncle and Ernest Outrty for the pur pose of giving material and moral support to the Annamiles wotking in the French munition factories. According to le Figaro, of January
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  • 65 6 The following telegram received by the Governor from the Secretary of State for the Colonies: Please make it known that no Indies or children will bo permitted to disembark at Egypt without special leave of General Officer Commanding the Force in Kgypt nhich is only given to ladies of (•-Kyptian
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  • 72 6 In the Supreme Court, Penang, on Tuesday, bef .re Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule, the hearing was commonced of the suit in which Mr. H. A. Neubrocner, architect aod surveyor, sued Mr. Gan Nyob Bee for i\,Vi:, duutc him by the defendant for professional services rendered and work done as
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  • 92 6 As stated yesterday at a special sitting of the Colonial Court of Admiralty at Colombo a warrant of arrest against the Mongolian and a summons on ber master. Opt. W. A. Milne, were issued at thu iuH'auce of the Oran Coal Co., Ltd in respect of a sum i.'i.4.'iS MM.
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  • 91 6 The local Malay jockey, Mat Noor, has, the Malay Mail learns, be<n arrtsUd in con nection with injuries he is alleged to have inflicted on another Malay named HusMain. It appears that somotime previously lint-sain had assaulted Mat Noor with a hue, and it is now alleged tint on Tuesday
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  • 97 6 It is stated that the plans for the proposed establishment of the Sino .Japanese Hank, md the Manchurian Hai.k, instead of the Manchnrian Mongolian Bank as at first proposed, are now ready for introduction to the Diet. Though particulars havo not yet been published, it is stated that the head
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  • 167 6 In the second court this morning, the magistrate imposed a line of r )0, with tl.e alternative of one month'H rigorous imprison ment, upon a Chinese naimil Lee Soo for being in possession of a packet of opium. The man pleaded guilty sayiug ho intended the opium for his own
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  • 444 6 Mr. (J. H. Stitt, formerly accountant of tinHongkong and Shangba^Banu in Penang, in now agent at Kobe. Si cord Lieut, fl. Ambler, formerly of tho Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, is now in Egypt, attached to the Ist Lancashire Fusiliers, serving with tho famous 29th Division. Amongst the,
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  • 105 6 The Government desires to warn importers that goods which originated iv an enemy country, even though they may have left enemy territory and become neutral property before the war, are liable to sei/.ure under the Registrar of Imports and Exports (War Powers) Ordinance, 1915, if imported
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  • 134 6 The first battalion parade of the I'< nang Volunteer)*, after a vtry MmM annual camp, was held on the I'adang at ii uuu^ on Moudiiy evening when there was a large muster of officem, non-commis-siomd officers mid uu n. Altir thu parade Captain Hamilton addressing Major the Hon.
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  • 355 6 But for the prompt action of four soldiers, Shropshire*, stationed on the sea coast, there would have been a bathing fatality, possibly a double one, yesterday morging. Mr. Mi yer, son of Mr. Manasseh M. y< r, was bathing from the beach in front of his father's
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 128 6 WHISKIES t- j P< > doz LA Very Old Highland Blmd $10.50 Club Whisky 12.00 Pfrfectinn, McCallum's 14.00 Polo, Griffin's 14.00 Extra Special, < hop Rajah 15.00 U&jl Bulloch Lade's White Label 15.00 FWij Club Bharu, Liqueur 16.00 H=~~l Bulloch Lade's Gold Label 17.50 Macgregor's V.0.5.," Liqueur 18.50 (duty extra.
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    • 199 6 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY To-Night! To-Nlghtll ALHAMBRA Beach Road, The House of Quality— The Home of Feature Attractions. Th« leading f in»m« Thtatra in Singapore L«t British Films Lead! The London Film Co. HENRY AINLEY AND JANE GAIL IN RUPERTJHENTZAU In a P«pt«. Adapted from Antony Bope's World famons Novel. A Stnpendons
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  • 1321 7 PARLIAMENT. Lord Kitchener on The Position. THE FIGHTING LINES. The French Recover Lost Ground. Rai'TKß's Tilki;i;im-. London, February 15. H.I p.m. In the House of Lord*, Lord Kitchener, reviewing the operations, announced that, although the Indians bad been withdrawn from France, the British had been materially increase.) by
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  • 854 7 Canadian Finances. London, February 15, tt.lo p.m. Ottawa The Minister of Finance has pre sentod the Budget showing the remarkably favourable condition of Canadian finances as a result of increased revenues aud economies. They had tbe largest aggregate trade in the history ot the Dominion. The revenue
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  • 62 7 (From Our Own Corrkspondknt.) LondoD, February 16. Val dOr shows a profit of £10,000. No dividend is paid bat the debentures are redeemed. Interim dividends Sungei Buloh 20 per cent., Malaysia 5, Sialang 6, United Serdang 15. Oedong piys 12}, and Esoot 10. Interim dividends declared are
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  • 93 7 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for tbe week ended February 12 was 27.87 per mille of tbe population. The total number of deaths was 174, of which 124 were male subjects and 50 female. Convulsions claimed 17, phthisis 89 and malaria fever 21.
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  • 272 7 Mr. F. W a Cookson, who is leaving for borne at the end of this month, has spent almost 29 years in Siam, and is one of the old bands, says the Bangkok Times. He came out to the Borneo Company in August. I*B7. He worked
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  • 150 7 A Pioneer cable, dated London. February 9, •ays Tbe military correspondent of The Times givts a careful and conservative estimate of German man power. He reject* previous estimates as too optimistic and puts tbe monthly average permanent reducton of German effectives at 150,000 winch is 50.1)00
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  • 491 7 Chief Officer Charged With Disobedience. Yesterday, in the Marine Court, thirty-two Lascar sailors and firemon from tbe steamer City of Colombo, were charged by the master, Capt. Joseph S. Meria, with wilful disube dience, they having refused to work since tbe vessel came into port last Monday.
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  • 490 7 Dwindling Prices Follow Strong Opening. Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report Singapore, February 16. A buoyant tone characterised the opening ol the auction beld to day and during the initial stages high prices were realised. Fine pale crepe and tine ribbed stnoked sheet sold up to 1197, but
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  • 786 7 JOHORE RUBBER ESTATE BEING FLOATED. The subscription list of Scudai, Limited, will closi- at 3 p in. on Wednesday, February 23, for the Colony and the F.M.S. ami applications from outside will bo received up to Tuesday, February 29. The directors of the company are the Hon. Ur.
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  • 163 7 The Biblical and Literary I Society" (undenominational) whirh »ai organised in 1913 and which, own g to the court* sy of tbe directors, has regula ly hol'l its mettings in the V.M.C.A., has now been affiliated to this institution and ill iv future be known as
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  • 139 7 News has been received that Mr F. A Lovt-grove, late chief officer of the China Navigation Co.'h steamer siokiang, has buen given a commission in tbo Royal Flying Corps. Mr. G. I) Grant, lato chief engineer of the Indo China S. N. Co.m xteauirr Luenbo, has obtained an appointnn nt
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  • 1172 8 CONDITIONS DOMINATING THE MARKET. The World's Output Increased. I n their rubber market report for the year m, Wilson and Stan ton. Ltd, state tlmt the market has been largely dominated liv tin emergency regulation* arising out of tn. unusual conditions of trade with neutral countries and
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  • 411 8 From Assistant to Merchant Prince. The death of Mr. A. G. Apcar occurred at Calcutta, on February 1. The deceased bad reached tbe advanced age of eighty nine and was probably the oldest Armenian resident iv Calcutta. His father was tbe younger brother of
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  • 59 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, February 18 Thursday, Fehrcary 17. 5.15 p in. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. Friday, Fubhiary 18. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. 4.30 p.m. Balestier Range S.V.K. 515p m. Drill Hall Veterans Co. X.C O.'s. Chinese Co. S.V.C.
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  • 438 8 The report of the Lumut Robber EstaU s. Limited, htatt-s that the total ana of tin estatea is 4.31H acres, of which 3,'2."il acres are [i ilili 1 with para rubber trees. Since tue date of last report various overgrown portions ul the estates, aggregating 171 acres,
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  • 270 8 Steamer Leaves Singapore Without Clearance Papers. A Norwegian steamer named tbe Providence arrived in Colombo harbour on tbe evening of February 4. She turned up without her clearance papers and bill of health from her last port of call. Now at ordinary times that is an unusual occurrence.
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  • 252 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5. The I'nion Trading Company send us an exceedingly neat and useful desk diary and blotter issued by Messrs. W. J. Bush and Co., Ltd., of London, tbe famous essence distillers. The Union Trading Company are tbe local agents
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  • 69 8 Rupert of Hentzau in fix parts, adapted from Anthony Hope's famous novel and presenting Henry Ainley and Jane Gail in the principal roles, is the Alhambra's feature for to night. Another Charlie Chaplin comedy, Twenty Minuteeof Love, figures on the programme and greatly enhances it. The first show is also
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  • 325 8 The one hundredth report of the directors of tbe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, to tbe ordinary ytaily general meeting of shareholders, to be held on February 19, says —Tbe net profits for the year end ing December 31, 1915, including *2,607,'2?4. 51, balance brought forward
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  • 99 8 M t'ler Good heavens, child, where bave y ii been'.'" Child "Hobby and I tumbled into the pond." Mother Bat where'* poor Bobby? Child—" Oh, I expect he's out by now." The representative football team of the (' Uec.eation Club of Penang will arrive here on Monday next, the 21st
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  • 522 8 A British Colony's Rush to The Coast. Dr. Evelyn A. Constable, an English lady doctor, arrived in England recently from Kerman, Persia. In the course of an interview she told a representative of Renter that the situation in that part of Persia had been very serious since
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  • 241 8 Brought forward from 2nd list ...910,039 Tan Cheng Tiong 25 Various Chinese shop keepers collected by Messrs. Tan Chay Van, Chan Cheng Siew and others 345 ring Kirn Kiat 10 E. Kong (ivan 300 Ho Eng Wab 10 Gob Chin Bee 25 Anonymous 150 E. Swee
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  • 47 8 Taiping Rubber Estates. -11,500 lbs. Trafalgar.- 3,0:16 lbs coconut 10,000. Henrietta- 32,342 lbs. Sungei Matang.— ls.B2s lbs. Laraa (Sumatra).— 6.l73 lbs. Kuala l'ergau.— l2,427 lbs. Benar.— s,6ll lbs. Bujong (28 day 5). —18,5751 lbs. Lenggong.— s,l9B lbs. Ayer Molek.-12,027 lbs.; three months 86,663 lbs.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 56 8 There's a land that bears a well known name Though it is but a little spst, Its men have fought for freedom's cause, It will never be forgot. There's something else on the Rnroll of fame That will for all time endure, An long as ever the world goe* round,
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    • 144 8 RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, February 19, CINEMA SHOW Commencing 10 p.m. INTRODUCING Miss MAY CLARKE (Mezzo-Soprano) who will sing during intervals. ADELPHI HOTEL Saturday, February 19, SPECIAL DINNER ON THE LAWN. DURING DINNER AND UNTIL MIDNIGHT OUR FILIPINO BAND WILL PLAY. SEA VIEW HOTEL Saturday, February 19, Special Dinner AND DANCE.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 242 9 Commencing February 1 8 PENANG WEEK Special Display o! the latest Imported NICKEL AND BRASS BEDS All Sizes— Yew Di-itinc. BENTWOOD FURNITURE PARIS VENETIAN MIRRORS Al' Siz-f, -Lape» sod D »-'gn«. JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. Only Address ORCHARD RO«D Only Address (No connection with any other furniture House! Aerated Water
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    • 772 9 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LTD. (Im OItPoRATBIi IN QIKKNSLAHD.) Manager's Report for Four Weeks Ending January 29, 1916. (irutU'iiii-n, I herewith beg to submit my report on your mining and million operations for four weeks ending January 29, 1916. The accompanying sheet of mine measurements and assay returns
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    • 312 9 J&*^ /Razor that Strops ItselA V<^ **~1. BLADE- STROPPING IS 1 Asll l< V.^^T^-_| J jfi± THAN BLADE CHANGINC AND /%^^''^i if CHEAPER THAN BLADEBUYING t J^\ /£^L ~^M T<sBt lt a B ainst any non 8tr °PP in B razor M£\ a°d you will realise not only the enor-
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    • 36 9 The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-book. This bacdy little book has now reached its TENTH EDITION, a sare indication if ita usefulness. Price: $1.25 per copy: Post Free. $1 .50. FRA.SER ff NEAVE, LTD.. Collyer Quay. Singapore.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 555 10 War or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollail WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HUD OFFIOI 1 Wlnohsstar Heusa, SlngapOMi LONDON OFFICE 1 32, Old Jewry, EC. The Company ba* «90,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England,
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    • 396 10 INSURANCE. •UARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. (Incorporated in Enuland). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds 46,260,000 Annual Inoome .X1, 100,000 The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to aooept fire and Earthquake risks for short period* ot ten days as longer periods at current rates to be named
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    • 494 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated is Honqkono). PAID UP CAPITAL 116,000 000 RESBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 3/- ,16,000,000 BU»er 118,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability oi Proprietors •16,000,000 COURT OF DIRBOTORS. Hon. Mr. D. Laodale, Chainnaa. W. L, Pattenden, Bsq., Deputy Cbairmaa. S H. Dodwell, Bag. I P. H.
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    • 510 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 80,000 Shares of <>•«»> 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors... £1.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County «nd Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      510 words
    • 843 10 INSURANCE. A WORD WITH YOU If the Company bis bad a gord year it often happens that you reoeivo a Bonus in addition to salary. Why not invest this in Life Assuranoe The payment of Itm tban eight cents a day for twenty years seonres for a man age thirty
      843 words

  • 884 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Appeal to Drivers. Mr. Walter Winans bas sent an appeal to tbe Press in regard to motorists and their methods of driving. He says One of the chief causes of friction between horsemen and motorists (on which, in fact, all hinges)
    884 words
  • 92 11 The King's Bench Division of the High Court on January '20 refused an application of Habeas Corpus on behalf of an interned naturalised Britisher. The Attorney-general explained that the Crown'x right under the Defence of Realm Act was at stake. Prisoner's counsel declared that when the Act was passed not
    92 words
  • 47 11 Tbc boxers, Dixie Kid and Spenoer, who were arrested in December (or having gone to England from America under false pretences, have been convicted. Spenoer, who made a false statement as to Dixie Kid's nationality, was fined £IGO, while Kid was fintd^iTiO asd ordered to be deported.
    47 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 176 11 THE CAR OF THE PRESENT AND FUTURE 1-rC DDITICU /BEING MADE THROUGHOUT^ IT O bKI I Son IN CANADA. Price with Standard Equipment as above $1 ,275. WEARNE BROS., Ltd., Sole Importers, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. THE WONDERFUL 1916 HUPMOBILE. Next shipment of fifteen cars all sold. Following
      176 words
    • 279 11 1^ Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS, Singapore. True Economy rf^ What this Economy r\r*** implies— Of Service In j^jt- 1 Most miles per dollar. ,r-.\ 2. The pleasure of com/|i I ¥mB *4^M f\ plete confidence. Oluldullu tS| W UUUuI 3. The comfort
      279 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 475 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS LIMITED. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan AGo.. Ltd., !m'>ibp.i*atep in England) IMPORT DEPARTMENT, SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTBD, competent Shorthand Typist. Apply Messrs John Little and Co Ltd Offioe. 16-l-m-i WANTED, JUNIOR SHIPPING CLERK. Apply in writing to Box No. 210.
      475 words
    • 503 12 SITUATIONS WANTED. QOYERNESS. Lady highly recommends her governess as companion or governess to children over 5. First-clats teaching and mntir. Will take post in school. Apply B:x No. iOB, Straits Times. 11-2— 17- 2 CIVIL AND CONSTRUCTIONAL BNOINEER (English) will shortly be free to accept appointment. Willing to undertake estate
      503 words
    • 668 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, RICHMOND, 111, River Valley It id Apply on premises. 16-2 22-2 TO LBT, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Panl 4 Co. 16 I—v TO LET, No. 62, Hill Street, suitable tor school or hotel. Apply B Silas, 8, Prince Street. 10-2— n
      668 words
    • 728 12 ARTICLEB FOR SALE. FOR SALE, teco-d-hand Siddeley Deasy motor oar in perfect condition. 14/20 h.p. 5 seater. Apply S. Katz. IE-2 B— l9 2 MOTOR CAR FOR SALE, one secondhand Homberette, two-seater, in good condi tion. Apply to No. 29, Robinson Road. 38-1-n COCONUT SEBDLINOS FOR SALE, from well-grown trees.
      728 words
    • 462 12 GUAN KIAT CO.. HEM OFFICE: 37, Phill.p Street Branch sto r B at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nos 14, 100 and IC2, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "OUANKIAT." Telephone Nos. 1174 and 1288 (Private 1460). Codis csbd A. B C, Sth Edition, and A-l CoDBS. •hip Chuidlert, Hardware Dealers, Government
      462 words
    • 465 12 Xl AM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street, Telephcro No. 421. Shipobandlets, Government and Munisipa Contractors Estate Suppliers and Com. mission Agents. Sols Aobnts The Mnlcott Belting Co., Ltd. Beet Muitiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 17 806-16 To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations ie advertisements, such as changes in
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 293 12 Straits V)imes. Telephone. Editorial and Ooneral 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of
      293 words