The Straits Times, 21 January 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,011 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JANUARY 21. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 228 1 M iiiS^iffll KATZ BROS-, LTP-^JK 8 WHITE fk p WHITE LISLE THREAD HALF-HOSE W W CASHMERE HALF-HOSE Silk Embroidered Clox. I Silk Embroidered Clox. Kxtra Spliced Toes, Heels and $1.25 pair. Ankles. I Plain White Cashmere $1.00 Paii Half-Hose. $11 SO Dozen A $1.00 pair In all sizes. In all
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    • 430 1 "His Masters Voice 4$SB% Records for January, 1916. NEW SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Mr. STEWART GARDNER (Baritone) (Conducted by Landon Ronald.) (With Orchestral Accompaniment). 12-Inch Doable-Bided Rooord, $2.75 12-locb Doublo-B did Koo rd, $2 75 M6lO 2C551 I'm ladiun; (Jarnof 1 Iti 02S7R God my F«tbcr— L- h S, pt Paroles dv
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  • 1021 2 SCHEME FOR INCREASING THE CAPITAL. Criticised by Estate Manager. At a meeting of the Ayer Tawah Robber Company, held at the rooms of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce on January 7, the resolutions passed at the extraordinary meeting of December 17 were confirmed. Those present were
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 150 2 THE STRAITS TIMES PHESS, LTD. 1 Photo Engravers] Telephone- Commercial Line Half-tone J 348. Photographers j CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. \wm\ TO ALL MOTORISTS INSURE YOUR GAR AGAINBT ALL RISKB DO IX NOW! We Cover at Lowest Rates Best Terms MOTOR CAR ACCIDENTS AND THIRD-PARTY RISKS Compare our Prospectus with those
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cou^h at Night Wools Great Pepoermint Cure Is. 6c;
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    • 559 2 WHAT TO DO TO GET FAT ANO INCREASE WEIGHT The Real Cause of Thinness A Physician's Advice. Mo*t thin people eat from font to six pounds of good s >lid fat-making f>o i every day and sill do not increase in weight one ounce, while on the other band many
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    • 513 2 NOTICEB. HOWMtTH ERSKINE. LTD. NOTICE is hereby given, that tbe Tiani-fer Books ot this Company will be olosed from January 18 to 26, inclu.-ivc. By Order, UNITED ENGINEER?, LTD., T. O. B. Millkb, Seorstary. Secretaries. IM 251 HELVETIA SWISS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY St. GALL, SWitZKRLAND. AUTHORISED CAPI TAL. FRANCS 1
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    • 326 2 I there's Purity and Vigour IN c l-RY DROP OF READ'S Dog's Head Gu.nness The lONIC that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. A simp'e nourishing food of high m.'di inal value. NOTE. -The above DOG'S HE \D Label i* on every bottle. Refuse;ons. 3 -id 3 Everywhere 6
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  • 676 3 Tbe following casualties are reported London, January 0. In lalli pollKilled, 'md Lieut. S. S. Anderson, Soots Fusiliers Lient. A. N. Mitchell, Soots Fasi liars; 2nd Lieut. W. J. Taylor, Border Regiment. Died of Wounds.— Lieut. J. O. Clemson, North DeTon Yeomanry 2nd Lieut. W. J. MoNaughtou, Soots
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  • 86 3 An übfurtunate altercation took place at a well known restaurant recently at dinner. One oi tin.- diners wishing to b>: fanny asked for some Turkey without Greece. Tbe waitrt-ss at tbe pun, said You must be a Giriuan." N.>," replied, tbe diner, but I am Hungary." Hix friend then nudged
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 279 3 Appropriate, always. I 9| i With certain dishes, such as Gamt, LEA <wf "IT k PERRINS' SAUCE is always appropriate. JfeL \2 3 It is the recognised sauce for such use. Ucj <l if In fact, for everything with which a sauce wfft EjiK cam be used, LEA k PERRINS*
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    • 217 3 The Straits Times FBI F.M.B. READERS. Tbe Mail Train postal Mviee oaables to oa send into tbe F.M.S. each evening a Special Edition of Tbe Straits Times containing all tbe important telegrams and news reoeiieJ up to a late hoar ia tbe afternoon. This edition oan be boDßbt ia ibe
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1039 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. O. British India AND Mpcar L-ine. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AMD ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with Hla Majesty QoverniAent). for Chmi. Japan Penang, Geylon, Australia India, Ad art, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Stewners will leave Singanre on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward (fob Eobopb). I Conoi-cting
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    • 797 4 BTEMIEK 3AILIMBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Biiut, St>m;rak, Kelantan, Tabai Btognara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, Lisin, Kjb-amui, Bandon, Langsuea, Taku, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Due Departure a.a. PRACHATIPOK Jan. 34 Jan. 96, 8 p m. a.a. CHUTATUTCH Feb. 8 Fob. 8. 8 p.m. The Steamers
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    • 458 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND SHIM MUTUAL STEAM MV, CB.. LTD. The empaaie.' steauierii are aespatobn^ from Liverpool outwards for the Straits China aud Japas every week and from Japaa homewards for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool and tor Marseille* Havre
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    • 517 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N7V.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained botweea Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New T win-sore w SteamorK maintaining this servioe bave been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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  • 117 5 FIXTURES. Friday, January 21. Ri«li Water, 10.38 a.m. P. and Ok homeward mail > train I closes Sporting t'lub arm. mtg. Exchange, 8.15. Saturday, January 22. High Watnr. 0.2 a.m., lI. IS ,i iv. M. I, (iuild. half yearly mtfi., 8.30 p.m. Sunday, January 23. High Water,
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  • 268 5 Tlll'AV nlmm and MskAawH Kinta '2.30 pm Selat Panel] ing. llenykali? and lul u I'jntianak 2.' tO pm M,,l.ui V l>iewen 2.H0 pm B. n^kalis anl B.igan Meran Ut pm tnd Kcmaman Hock Lee 2.:i0 pm Batu Paliat Hsssteg 2.:i0 pa: Batu I'fthat Mena I «0 pui
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  • 259 5 rbe mail train* fro.v Singapore for the north lea\e Tank Roai station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Knalt Lumpur at !H p.m. and 6.45 a.m respectively. The xpresa to Puuann leaves Kuala La -ci at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Tenant; at < .8
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  • 99 5 Oar itt wUon baa been oalled to the l art Uiat oar arrival" is L. nJoa are mocb Iboae BoMiahad elsewhere. Oat rale is to Kive arrivals oaly wbea they are officially reaorted io Mi v CuM Onto a*iees, and m Uiaa that prated asore lias
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  • 84 5 Latest Arrivals. British. Name Date of ArriTl Islander '20 1-16 Katlilaiuba Medusa Klany A 11 1 i 11 Lady Well I'aroo Zaida Kan Hodk I-oodk Hock Hye I San Lie Uuan TaDJnni; Surat (ilanyui lluat l I lean Soon Hong Huck Tow Hock i ..hi Kanoe 21 116
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  • 345 5 Outward. The following passenger bookings to tho Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in -our instances, bookings may bo provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London:—n P< r
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  • 222 5 Grand Response Exceeded All Expectations. The Times of Inn »'s correspondent, -writing from Pietermarit/burg. on December 10, says The instant an! projuunced success of the movement for sending a contingent of 10,000 men to tiglit the Germans in East Africa has been such as to
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  • 218 5 The uud' rraentioned prices were realised for lubtxr sold at Penang by Messrs. Allen hennys and Co., by auction sale on Tuesday and during the week Tin' blight Hoa. Andrew Fisher interviewed at Colombo said in Australia an in England a good dual of attention has been
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  • 159 5 EXCHANOB. tiIMQAPOM, Jam ahy 21, 1916 OmLom>. Bank 4 m/s 2/41J Demand 2/4^ Private 8 m/i 2/4 j| On iMbu ..Bank 'l.l IM| On UoNavoMa Bankdud 16| Ok Sbamubai ...Bank d;d sy i O* Java Bank T. T. M| On Japan Bank 11l Snvurp'gn^ buying rate 18.64
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    • 179 5 IsBne Buyers Sellers. alue 10 10 AmpanK 6-00 1 1 Ayer Wong [0.80 0.40 10 10 Belat i-00 2.10 10 10 Kanabol 0.80 0.90 1 10 Kioto Association 6.50 61 £1 KinU Tin 1.14.6 1.17.6 SI £1 Lahat Mines 425 10 8.H5 Malayan Collieries 2.50 dis XI £1 Malayan
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    • 599 5 ta-.| |Ba,e«. Seller.. 2/- 2/- AUuoi 1/8 41 41 Anglo-Java 12/- 14/8/. 3/- Anglo-Malay 9/6 10/6 2/- 3/- BatangMaiaka 2/- '2/6 XI £1 Bato Tirb 2.10.0 8.0.0 2/- 8/- Bekoh 2/2 2/6 41 41 Bakit Eajang 1.17.6 2.0.0 41 41 Bakit Lintang 3.0.0 3.5.0 ML a/- Bakit Mertajam 23j
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    • 134 5 GEN E R A L. sal 41 41 Saelniw Co. 7.00 41 41 i >»ef. 13' 6/- 6/- Bleniric Inyl i 9 10 10 Frasof Neave 51.00 60 SO W. Hammer 4 Co. 6 1 SO 100 Howarth Brskine 100 7%Prel. 100 100 K»ta Bro, Oof 10 10 Msyoar 1
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    • 58 5 United Engineers 51.284 500 p.r Singapore Electric Tramways 5? £850,000 norn Spore Municipal 5% 1,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4i% of 1007 ff1,600,000 90 08 Spore Municipal 4J% of 1009 1 1,000,000 90% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10% di B'pore Municipal 4% faOO.OOO H%dis »*»The quotations of sterling shares must
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 Kor Cliro«ie Ckart CooiplainU, 1- Or.«t P^p.-""'"* C ore 1«. Bri. 1
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    • 750 5 ANOTHER ATTRACTION TO-NIGHT AT THE IDEAd PICTURE THEATRE CINEMA CJ^^tSl^N'^l^ BY THE SEA OFF BEACH ROAD SICONO SHOW. 9.15 P.M. SHARP. Vitagraph Special Featurai THE FRUITS OF VENGEANCE A Stlrrln* 2R el Circus Drama. Terrible in its conseq leices throa<li tl»> m\n wh > won'd xttiafy bis len^eanoe and bratal
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  • 1087 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21. TROPICAL SANITATION. War claims its thousands, but disease claims its millions, so that even in these days of blood we should not fail to remember that a tiny little lnosquito may be more deadly than a shell, and that germs which are so small
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  • 27 6 The bronze statue uf Oliver Cromwell at St. Ivcs, Huntingdonshire, says tbe Hunt ingdonobire Gazette, was found one day ri oently with its legs incased in puttees.
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  • 30 6 The German atithorititx have refused permission to tbe Kurd Pacifist Delegation to land in Ciermany. The German ambassador at the Hague is uninformed an to the of U>e refusal.
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  • 39 6 "To save expenditure in printing the Nortbfleet (Kent) L'rban Council decided some time ago not to punctuate the official reports of their proceedings. In tho minutes of the last meeting there is not a single comma or full titop.
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  • 42 6 Tbe Minister for Defence at Melbourne has announced that a cable message had been received from the General Officer Commanding in Egypt to tbe effect tbat tbe wives and families of officers will not be allowed to land in the Egyptian command.
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  • 41 6 China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs propose that henceforth no foreign owned newspaper will be allowed to establish itself in tho interior of the country, and any such which have already been established are to be instructed to obey the newspaper regulations.
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  • 45 6 With a view to developing aviation enterprises tbe Chinese General Staff proposes to admit during next term more than a hundred men to the Nanyuan Aviation School The Ministry of Navy has also been requested to send forty naval cadets to the school for training.
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  • 51 6 In tbe Supreme Court will case, opened the other day before Mr. Justice Karnshaw, Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn figured as the sole surviving partner of Messrs. Kirn Seng and Co who are mortgagees of some of the defendants, and not as executor of the will of the late Tan Beng
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  • 57 6 The book reviewed in our leader to day is Rural Sanitation in tbe Tropics, Being Notes and Observations in tbe Malay Archipelago, Panama and Other Lands, by Malcolm Watson, M.D., CM., D.P.H. Tho book is well illustrated and is published by John Murray, London, for whom Messrs. Kelly and Walsh
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  • 65 6 I oder pressure from the German Government several German commercial concerns have had to cancel running contracts with Dutch iron manufacturers unless they permit a clause to be added to tbeir agreements which would fix tbe exchange value of the mark at a higher rate than is now current on
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  • 71 6 Mr. R. D. Pringle will conduct the Evangelistic service at tbe Boustead Institute on Sunday next, at 8.15 p.m. As usual there will be 15 minutes of bright singiDg before tbe service. The addrtsa is on Tbe Great refusal." Miss Purdy is tbe boloist. All those who do not attend
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  • 88 6 News has been received in Tokio that Captain Kamada and 48 other members of the crew of the Japanese steamer Vasukuni maru, which was torpedoed and sank in the Mediterranean on November 4, will return to Japan by the N.V.K. liner Kitano-maru, which was to leave London on New Year's
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  • 99 6 The Glengyle, torpedoed in the Mediterranean, carried three Shanghai passengers They were Mr. and Mrs. N. Watson, and Mr. A. H. Mancell, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Hank. Mr. Mancell is safe, accord ing to a wire received by the father, Mr. A. H Mancell, of 16 Nanking Hoad. Shanghai.
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  • 97 6 His Excellency tbe Governor of liombay baa received the following information from the War Office through tbe Overseas Club regarding the airplane Bombay No. 1. which was presented by Sir Shapurji Broacha A hostile machine approached at a little over H.OuO feet i Bombay No. 1 climbed, approach ed the
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  • 107 6 Further details of tbe outrage briefly reported before show that at noon on tbe 4th inst. a corporal and police constable of tbe l'irak Police left Kroh, the new headquarters of the recently acquired division of I'pper Perak, taking »800 to Klain Intan, about three miles from Kroh. The same
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  • 125 6 According to a Lloyd's report on December 15, from San Francisco, the American Line steamer Minnesota, of 20,700 tons, was then about fifty miles off the port in tow. The weather was rough, but tbe liner was expected to enter the port the next day. The Minnesota, which has hitherto
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  • 124 6 Yesterday, in Kobinson I toad, a motor lorry driven by a Malay collided with a private ricksha and caused serious injuries to the occupant, a Chinese named Leong 1 hung. Thu lorry was proceeding towards Kallles wjuaro when the ricksha came out from the road by the side of the
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  • 338 6 The Rev. Fathers S. I'oiirysand .1. Paxsail. of Seremban, have bnen sent to the borders of the desert, in Southern Algol in, and are thero guarding Bocho prisoners, anil taking care of an Arab hospital. Baron llataoo, Minister for the Imperial Japanese Household, announces that the infant
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  • 128 6 We are indebted to Messrs. Barlow and Company for the following statistics of the export of Para rubber from the four ports of tbe Peninsula for varying periods from January Ito December 31, 1915. The quantities are stated in lbs., with the figures foi the corresponding periods
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  • 148 6 The usual arrangements had been made by the Chetties to welcome visitors to tho temple in Tank Koad last night, on the occasion of the celebration of tho Thaipusam festival. As on previous occasions there were a large number of visitors, including a number of well-known residents.
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  • 320 6 Some little time ago we published a letter from a Clnnoou Volunteer s.yint; tliat be and one or two other* wanted a chance o{ volunteering (or active service. We now boar that thirteen of the S.Y.I, Chinese Company have offere I themselveo and that tbeir commanding
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 213 6 W.D. H.O. WILLS, ENGLAND. B "SWEET CHESTNUT The'j Tobacco with Sweet and Nutty Flavour. N.B. A neat Aluminium Tobacco Box will for a limited periori be sent Free on Application to ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, S.T., 52. Robinson Road. SPECIAL CHILD'S COT -2-^e FINES! ENGLIBH F iTi H F\ C *~Y*^J— t
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    • 234 6 GRAND CHANGE OF PPOGRAMME tonight: to-night at the NEWALHAMBRA THEATRE Beach Road. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Tbe most comfortable, tbe mott up-to-date, the moat fully equipped, tbe coolest Theatre in Siogaprre. THE F HOTO DRAMA CO. Presents HERBERT KELEY AND EFFIE SHANNON AFTER THE BALL JM to the »tory. 111
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  • 1766 7 GERMAN PEOPLES PROTEST. Effectiveness of British Blockade. THE FIGHTING LINES. Russian Activity Influencing Salonika RauTKß'a Tkledbams. London, January 19, 11.10 p.m. Amsterdam in the Keicbstag there was a lively debate on tin- censorship, llirr l'ittniann, Socialist, said tin rights of the people had be< n trampled on despite
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  • 110 7 We are indebted to the French Consul, Comte de Bondy, for tbe following telegrams: Paris, January 18. The French I per cent, bonds are at banes 63 and tbe 5 per cent, at 88.55. Yesterday, we inflicted appreciable losses to enemy's attroupments between Westende and Middlekerke, and
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  • 69 7 PRICES STILL FAIRLY GOOD. From Our Own Correspondent. LondoD, January 20. Rubber is iui>"tin<j with fair support and tbe market is firm, the prices current being Fine fcUeet 8,6 to 3/7 Crepe 8,5 3/7 Hard Para 8/5 8/7 Oar correspondent'!) message dated January 6 Rave tbe following
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  • 87 7 Rkctkr's Trlegrams. London, January 19, 6.25 p.m. Shanghai Six thousand Imperial troops are garrisoning Sui-fu. Troops are constantly moving southward to Hweilian. Slight skirmishing is reported on the Vim nan border and troops from Kweichon are awaiting developments at Sunkan. London, January 19, 11.40 p.tii. Lord Robert Cecil
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  • 426 7 < Chinese Community Organising Assistance. A meeting of tbe Chinese community was held at the Chinese Protectorate on Wednesday, to discuss the offer of tbe Chinese Amateur Theatrical Company of Penang to play in Singapore after Chinese New Year in aid of the European Red Cross
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  • 53 7 Programme of drills, etc., tor week ending, Friday, January 21 Friday, January 21. 6.16 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. B.RE.(V.) S.V.R. S p.m. Squad Headquarters M. Cyclist Section. 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co. Bras Basan Road Malay Co. Drill Hall S.V.C. Band. H. Roland Llkwkllyn, Captain, S.V.C,
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  • 58 7 The December issue of the Agricultural Bulletin of the F.M.S. contains articles on the distribution and field treatment of pink disease, vulcanisation experiments on plantation rubber, epidemiology of lualarial fever in tbe Malay Peninsula, locust work for tbe third quarter, July September, 1910, and the minutes of
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  • 77 7 Mr. T. P. O'Connor, formerly of Blackwood, Haputale, Ceylon, has been awarded the Military Cross for service in the field. Having served in the 9th Kast Surreys before going out to Ceylon, Mr. O'Conmr found no difficulty in rejoining bis old legiiuent as lieutenant, on his return to England in
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  • 1758 7 i (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January J V English mauufactutcra lj>ve always bt<u inclined to allow their goods to speak for themselves and for the excellence of tbeir workmanship rather than to emulate the Germans and Americans who despatch their trumpeters to the four corners
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  • 46 7 A marriage l»as been arranged botwitu Lieutenant Thomas Artlmr I'rttrsou, K.N.I), only sou of Mr. Mb! Mm. V W. Pearson, d Soldier's Point, Holyheail. and Roaeuiar) In lyn, only ilauylittr of the latii Arth'ii Ilbt rt. of MiaOKliai. aud of Mrs. Ilfxrt. Kgi rtou garden*, l.iuiluu
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 498 7 PROPERTY SALES. The Late Towkay Yap Kwang Seng's Estate. Tbe following properties belonging to the estate of tbe late Towkay Yap Kwan Seng, deceased, were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co.'h sale room oil Wednesday afternoon. Tliere was a large attendance of buyers and tbe
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  • 1593 8 TYPICAL MALAY CEREMONY AT KUALA KANGSAR. Style and Title of New Sultan. The correspondent of the Tinif s ol M«laya U.iyc» the following descriptive account of the funeral of the late Sultan of Perak, which took place at Kuala Kaugsar on Monday On arrival at Kuala Kangsar
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    • 154 8 A Shropshire eleven opposed an S.R.C. combination on tbe Esplanade last evening, but, an tbe result of a certain slackness in tbe soldiers' ranks, they could do no better than draw with tbe Recreation Club men. Indeed, in tbe first half tbe honours went to tbe S.R.C, whose forwards
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    • 278 8 The Thaipusam holiday made it possible to arrange a cricket match yesterday after nocn, on tbe Esplanade, between an S C.C. eleven and a Naval eleven. The visitors have not had much opportunity for keeping their hand in lately and this told againrt tin ii when they were called
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  • 87 8 A communication has been received by Sir Henry Kicbards, Chief Justice of the AllahaluJ High Court, from tbe military tlir Commander in Chief informiut; him that his oldest son, 2nd Lieut. li. 11. L. Richards, of the sth Itattalion Connaught Rangers, ban been mixsiug aincc Dccuoiber 7. Mr. Richards, who
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  • Correspondence.
    • 186 8 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—ln your issue of 17th inst. you say Tin further proposal has been mooted in plantiDg circles that in future no one be engaged by rubber companies who has not served in the war." I venture to suggest that
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  • 458 8 Attitude Towards the War And The Future. In the course of bis presidential adJress at the Moslem League at CalcnUa. Mr. Muz hal ul Hag said that in view of the fact that other communities were holding congresses in Bombay, tbe absence of tbe Mahomedan Conference would
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  • 233 8 Latest Advertisements of tbe day appear on page 8. A capital view of the pyrotechnic display in connection with tbe Thaipusam festival can be obtained from tbe promenade roof of the Grand Hotel de l'Europe, the manage ment of which notify that refreshments will be served there
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 Let politicians ravo and rant, Acd say tliaie's no such thing as oant. don't believe it, Sir. Do you 1 In y're all a money-hunting crew. But what I do believe, for tare, U that Wood.,' Groat Peppermint Cure Will bci.d you up and make yon strong, Secnre from colds
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    • 326 8 LATEST ADVEKTIseMBNTd. SITUATION WANTED. Well-educated Englishman, married, age 82, with five years' commercial experience in Eat, desires post in mercantile or trading bou«e. Commenaiog salary repaired MOO. Excellent reference-. Box 171, Suaita Times. an mi TRIUMPH MOTOR CYCLE FOR SALE Fixed belt drive, in good running order, reoentlj completely re
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    • 162 8 RAFFLES HOTEL. Saturday, January 22 Special Dinner at 8 o'clock TO BE FOLLOWED BY AN OPEN Al« CINEMA SHOW AND DANCING DURING INTERVALS. Watch for further announcement. ADELPHI HOTEL TO-NIGHT DURING DINNER GRAND MANILA BAND To- morrow Night, SPECIAL DINNER. Tel 58. SEA VIEW HOTEL Saturday, January 22, Special Dinner
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 158 9 The UNION KL~ THE UNION TRADING COY., SINGAPORE. THE "GARRETT" SUPERHEATED STEAM ENGINE (Fixed, Semi- Portable, Portable designs) &W If IN FUEL JisZ'L JSßßjjgfflfWl Increase profits by reducing Costs. ftTr^ytfVn BtPt 1 The most successful and satisfactory results on the Malayan Tinfields. THE BORNEO CO., LTD., sin b^ p o°k
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    • 235 9 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON "CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to /O^J^&V and to THE MUNICIPALITY ™E GOVERNMENT of vcS^y of SINGAPORE N^gp/ jOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 533 10 Prace Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. -WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. MEAD OFFIOB Wlnoh«-t«t. Houm, Singapore, LONDON OFFICB 88. Old J.wry, E.C. Tha Company has «SO 000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with
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    • 382 10 INSURANCE. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOk (IXCOBPORATMD IN ENOLAMD). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 fetal Invested Fonda. 46,200,000 Annual Inoome .41,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for the above Company, aie prepared to aooept fire and Earthquake risks for abort periods of ton days as longer periods at ourrent rates to be named on
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    • 462 10 BANKING. HBNGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 116,000 000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 1/- 118,000,000 Silver U. 118,000,000 188,000,000 Seaarve Liability ot Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. D. Laodale, Chairmaa. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dod well, Bsq IP. H. Holyoak, Bsq.
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    • 531 10 BAWKJNQ. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATBD BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Sharos ot 430 each 41,800,000 Reaerve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
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    • 1115 10 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incorpokatbd in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. AMCT« txoMd $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Polioy-holders at last Valuation $1,118,078. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES SIIfIAPORE MUMM OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R MACPHERSON, Secretary for
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  • 753 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Motor-Cycle and its Drawbacks. There are certain disadvantages connected with the motor cycle which, no doubt, tend to operate against its more general use it would be an exceptional machine indeed were it entirely free from drawbacks. The rider must
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  • 348 11 Mr. A. B. Home, presiding at the meeting of the Morib Plantations, Ltd., on D<jcembor 10, said the net profit on rubber was £3,613 an.l on coconuts £595, while miscellaneous trading produced £311, ami interest and transfer fees amounted to £83 17s. The net rtHult. after payments
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 177 11 The Firat DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR MR to be introduced to this market will be on view at our Orchard Road Garage from January 21 and onwards. We strongly advise prospective purchasers of cars to sew the Dodge Brothers 2ar which has not merely a few refinements, but the highest form
      177 words
    • 208 11 DUNLOP c^a t^ \x [3 czr 4^ (itfi/ Although raw rubber lias ar 1 /0BjB^Bk» vanced in price, Dunlop Tyres are ilrasL e*''^-Nis^ Favourable contracts for raw mate-L-^r: /Laß U a rial have enabled us to give tin* tt£^!«lH^Lv>/ rnhK Public the benefit of these reduri-d ir<Jf Jim '-JB/\ G
      208 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 784 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED in SCOTLAND WANTS. CYCLE WANTED Oood strong bicycle of reliable make, for cash, liax No. 166, Straits Times. 19-1 2b 1 SHORTHAND TYPIBT WANTED. Wanted, a smart shorthand typist. Apply in own handwriting to Boustead A Co.. Transhipment Dept. 19 1 15 1 ORESBER WANTED. Wanted,
      784 words
    • 572 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. FURNIBHED SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. B t LINDA and JU ANITA, to let tarnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 1» o FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malaooa Street, Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. 181 a TO LET. Sandlande, Tanjong Katong. Water
      572 words
    • 479 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. to in. Dunearn, Barker Road. Bntry February 1. Apply Lee Cheng Van Co. 61 v to in. Rooms at Zetland House," Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Paul A Co. 16-1 q to in. No. 7*B, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Oheng Van Co., 10, Malaooa Street
      479 words
    • 393 12 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. HUD OFFICE :-17, Phillip Street Branoh Stores at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nos. 14, 100 and 102, Tank Road. Tel. Addrens: "GUANKIAT." Telephone No*. 1174 and 1288 (Private 1460) Codis csid A. B C, 6th Edition, and A-l Codis. •hip Chaedlert, Hardware Dealers, Oovernmant and
      393 words
    • 753 12 Xl AM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street Telephone No. 491 Shipobandlets, Government and Mumoipt Contractor* Bstate Suppliern »:.H Com mission Agent?. Soli Aoinip The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 17 80 6 16 Straits V)imes. Telephones. Editorial and Oencral TO Manager's Office 262 Job
      753 words