The Straits Times, 12 January 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 25.00.') SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12. 1916. PRICE 10 TENTH.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 174 1 MB II i ijllMjMAlfj KATZ BROS., LTD. Wedding Birthday Presents and articles of all kinds suitable for presentation, etc., In Gold, Sterling-silver Electro-plate. ~> YAl\lKT\ AT HEASOXABLK PIUCKS AX KATZ BROS, LTD. •T^~"| LETTER FILING CABINETS I vj -> "IjLn| Fitted with Automatic Yale Locks. X^k Each Cabinet has filing
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    • 73 1 JACOBEAN BEDROOM SUITES IN TEAK FINISHED ANTIQUE BHAOE OF DARK OAK. Our Reproductions of Antique Furniture are inexpensive and carefully finished. Estimates and illustrations on application. ROBINSON CO. PHEASANTS iFmELl co Victoria Street, in excellent condition, or all requirements in the SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LTD. furniture line. Singapore, Kuala
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  • 1174 2 CHARACTER SKETCH OF A SOLDIER AND SHIKARI. A Lion-Hearted Child. Moore, of the 12th Gurkha Uifles, was dining with me, lays a writer in a home paper. His wounds hare been patched np for the second time, and be is going back to France, where be will find
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Nishtl Woods Great Pepoermint C<£e Is. 6d
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    • 350 2 4 Reputation of ovtr 100 ytart. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills ENSURE GOOD DIGESTION and a HEALTHY, ACTIVE LIVER. 01 Chemists tltroHn!nml M) (aH Trie s 1:1 r.nll^nd. 1 I) and Mi Jam»iCockl«4Co 4CrtatormonJSl Undon.W.C. I SAY EMPHATICALLY Tbat Sci*tioa, tbat most excruciating of maladies cm be cared Littls's Oriental Balm cared
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    • 791 2 NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. Thr Ahndal Gbnkiul Mkbtiko of the Members will be held in tbe IIKtMM Exchano*, on Thursday, January 20, 1916, it 6.16 o'clock p.m. BUSINESS To pass the Annual Report and Accounts of the Club for the year ended December SI 1915. To eloot a Committee of
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    • 639 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. Capt. Robert Inkster. late of Singapore, hereby gives notice that no one is authorized to pledge bis credit or 'coctract any debt on bis behalf or in any way interfere with his affairs < xcept hia Attorney duly authorized by deed, and that he will not be responsible
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  • 1014 3 FOOD COMMANDEERED AND COUNTRY EXPLOITED. A Year of Black Misery. One of the main features of the German administration in Poland ia the attempt to exploit the oocupied territory economically to the utmost. Every new regulation aima at getting as much as possible out of the country,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 191 3 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD. Artistic Modern '^&M^2Z* £rS|^ Bookbinder^ r//i 'w Ba Sy- Photo Engravers] Telephony; Commercial Line&Hrlf-tonel 348. Photographers I m CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. OS TO ALL MOTORISTS INBURE YOUR CAR A&AINST ALL RISKS DO IT NOW We Cover at Lowest Rates <Sc Best Terms MOTOR CAR ACCIDENTS
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    • 314 3 AFRAID OF FOOD. Tbom wbo suffer from Indigestion and Djßpepeia very often become faddists as regards thoir food, and find themselves in tirufl reduced to a very meagre and mutatisfyng diet. Tbe Antiseptic Pfoptr'.i.B of HUDSON'S EUMENTHOL JUJUBES prevent abnormal fermentation of tbe food and ccrreotisg any Acidity of tbe
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    • 367 3 i Debility When you feel limp and washed out, weary I and fatigued with no inclination for exertion- U j your body is in a rundown condition— you are A debilitated. You need something to put fresh 5 "go" into you you need a fortnight's Iron 'Jelloids' J treatment English
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 778 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. "British India AND Apcar I— inc. HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract wltb His Majesty a Qoverninent), for China, Japan, Panang, Geylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port* and London, Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HoMIWAKD (FOB EOROPI).
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    • 297 4 COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. S. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BITWIIN Fremantla Perth North Wast Australian Porta, Java and Singapore Rogu'ar sailings between Singapore and Western Australia calling at Java (as inducement offers). Derby, King's Sound (Port fur the Kimberley Gold Fieldsl Broo-ne, Roebuck
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    • 815 4 BTEAMEB SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SIN6APORE-BAN6KOH. For Krotay, Tringganu, Biaat, Scmerak, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telapin, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kob-amni, Bandoo, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Due Dopurture CHUTATUTCH Jan. IS Jan. 18, 3 pm. ■.a. MAHIDOL 17 19, 3 p.m. BORIBAT SO 22, 3 p.m PRACHATIPOK
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    • 467 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAi SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND SHIM MUTUAL STEAV NAY. CO.. LTD If 2*2 The Ctmpaaite' steamer* are aespatched bom Liverpool outwards lor the Straits China aud J»pa» every week aad from Japas bomewardi for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp eve»y fortnight; lor Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and lor
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    • 541 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained betweea Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London nnder mail ooutraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamer* maintaining this service have been speoially doiigneu and constructed, and are fitted with
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  • 768 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, .January 12, 1910. Messrs. Lyall aod Evatt, exchange and ■bare brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. Norn. Valci. 81-yihs. sillbbs 3,. illini 1/10* 2/H 4 1 An«lcJ»»» 12/-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 164 5 1 y there's Purity and Vigour IN 9 I-RY DROP OF READ'S Dog's Head Guinness The TONIC that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. A simple noui ishing food of high m.dhinal value. NOTE. -The above DOGS HEAD Label it on every bottle. Refuse imitations. •iM I Everywhere P BRITISH
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    • 74 5 Latex Coagulating Pans BLUE and WHITE ENAMELLED IRON We have taken over the entire output of one olF the largest factories at present producing, and can supply all requirements at exceptionally low prices. SIZES STOCKED: 18x6 x 4 ins. 18 x 9 x 4 ins. 15 x 10 x 4
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 210 6 |!l||||rC\l||!r-fI|^PB|HHHHIHHB|^IHBpHB^M^ ApowerfulpirArneupw/iPJiyoufeeJ rundown, weak or out of sorts. Drives out fever. I Repairs waste debility Prtpartdan!ylyM,DvP/Mirmac'ijt'nil/tofr5 f /iev>orrror,}r/T>ncf I. Sell wall ftiarmarm a/*/ Pruy f/errj in S/H6»»ofi£ g/r<f fir 111. Jfrtih Stttltmeitt. ..ill Stocks kept and samples supplied to trade by A. CLOUET CO., Sole Agents for S.S F.M.S.. and
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    • 286 6 LATEST ADVeRTISEMBNT*. THE BUKIT JELOTONG RUBBER ESTATES. LIMITED. Notioe is hereby giTea that the Director*, have declared an interim dividend of 8% on aeoonnt of tbe year ending May 11, 1916, payable to Shareholders on the Register od January 26, l9l6, and th»t the Transfer Bookt of tbe Company will
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  • 112 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, January 12. High Water. :i.ll a.m 1i.87 p.m P. and O. outward mail ex] Thursday, January 13. tilth Water. 4.0 a.m.. 4 .VI p.m Mirnvitcli aod IViitro me rt. V Tli'atr.' Friday, January 14. -iigh Water. 4.A0 a.m 6 22 p.m. Mumeward mail cl"-w>s <
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  • 245 7 Tii-i>\v. Port Swettenham ami Penang In !i J.-iO pm Malacca. P. Swettenham and Telok Anson K impar J. 39 pm i'lnanc, CulouiKi ,iud Sues W pm hU Kajali. MMMI and Indragiri (,>uorra 2.80 pm Mclan Circe 2.30 pm I rul rn.aHsin. I'ulu Laut, and Samarinda B, I'.orneo
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  • 258 7 The mail trains from for til.: oort' leave Tank Roal station daily at 7.7 a.uj id 7 p.m arriving at Kuala Lumpuv at 7 p.m. and Ml a.m. respectively. Tho I'in.iD'j iii'i Ku ll i it Ham daily, arriving a*. Penan p.m. the wmc day. Tli sjuthward boun.l
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  • 37 7 The I', and O. outwanl mail steamer Sardinia left Penang at 6 5 p.m. yesterday and may be expected to arrive here to morrow morning. Correspondence will be ready for delivery about 11 a.m.
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  • 109 7 Oar attention has been called to the fact that oar arrivals in London are much behind (hose pnblished elsewhere. Oar rule is to <ivc arrivals only when they are officially reported in the Post Office notices, and no later date than that printed above has been to
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  • 62 7 Latest Arrivals. British. Name Date of Arrival Remarks. Abbotsford 11-1-16 Toner Roads Kuala 1 Sappho Hai Nam Mersinu Vinu Horn; Hock Lira Hong Aik Hock Eng II Kouia Bmh Lee Sultana Eilina S.init JoMmoutli 12 116 Outer Roads Hock Lee Inner Roads Mate Hari 1 Scott Harley Kaka
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  • 164 7 EXCHANHE. gINOAPOU, jAMAhV 12, 1916 OwLohLo. Bank 4 m/s 2/41] Demand 2;4j PHvateBm/t 2/4{) On India Bank T. T 1.4^ On t(oNjMOMO...Bank d/d ]6j On Siamohal ...Bank d/d g e On Java Bank T. T. 126 i On Japan > -Biok 1 in. Sovereigns— buying rate 18.64
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    • 179 7 v"S Bu ere Seller 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wen« 0.80 0.40 10 10 Belat 2.00 -'.10 10 10 Kanabol 0.80 0.90 1 10 Kinta Association 6.50 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.14.6 1.17.6 41 £1 Lahat Mines 425 10 8.25 Malayan Collieries 2.50 did £1 £1 Malayan
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    • 596 7 a/- 3/- aiusm 1/8 41 41 Au-lo Java 12/ 3/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 9/6 ■2/- 2/- Batane Malaka 2/£1 41 Batn Tiga 2.10.0 2/- 2/- Bekob 2/2 £1 41 Bokit Kajang 1.17.8 £1 41 Bakit Lintang i 0.0 2/ 21- Bakit Mertajam 2,: i) 41 41 Bckit Rajah 5.0.0 th
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    • 124 7 j Bayers. Sellers 41 41 B. Smelting Co. 7.00 7.35 41 41 Pret. 1.8.6 1.5.0 5/- 8/- Bloctno T'wayg '2/0 8/10 10 Fnwer k Ne»Te 50.00 53.00 50 60 \V. Hammer Co. 60.00 6i.50 100 Howarth Brskine 85.00 100 7%Prel. 95.00 100 100 Kkti Bro, Del. 80.00 10 10
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    • 57 7 United Engineers $1,284 600 par Singapore Blectrio Tramways 5 i .£450,000 nooi Spore Municipal 8% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal H% 0(1907 11,100,000 90 98 Spore Municipal 4^% of 1909 11,001,000 90% Spore Municipal^ 2,000,000 10% dl; Spore Municipal i% £800,010 B%dis »*»The quotations of sterling share* m« bo roqwtaj
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 39 7 For Chronic Client CoiuplaiutWoods' Great Pepptrmin; Cure Is. 6d VICTORIA THEATRE Two Grand Concerts BY ALFRED MIROVITCH The Celebrated Pianist, and MISCHAEL PIASTRO World-famous Violinist. Thursday and Saturday. January 13 and 15, 1916. Booking now open at MOUTRIB S
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    • 169 7 LATEST ADVEKTISEMtNTS. MOTOR CYCLE WANTED. Wanted, a tiood secondhand motor cycle. Fnr particulars, apply to Box 157, Straits Tioi' s U-l 15-1 I SITUATION WANTED. An experiprj? J English Narpe requires a situation. Yours: children prt'erred. A. 8., r j Str»it* Times. H 1 14-1 CHINESE SALESMAN WANTEO. Waat> d
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    • 475 7 "FELUCCA" EGYPTIAN j CIGARETTES Made by Maspero Freres, Cairo. ON SALE AT ALL DEALERS. AUCTION SALE 01 HIGH URADE TEAK HOUSBHOLD FURNITUKB; COTTAGB PUNO WSLL GROWN HLANT3, ETO. The property of I. Robertson, Esq ,at Parks one, No 12, Nassim Road, On Saturday, JftnuMy 33, at 3 p.m. An eicellenttoied
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  • 1125 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12. SPECULATIONS. We have noted recently a good deal of speculation as to tbe duration of the war. Some people believe that Germany h;n come to tbe limit of her resources, and that tbe end is near. A few go so far as to suggest
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  • 39 8 Germany has allowed the Ford peace party to travel through Germany provided they joorney in cloned railway carriages to Tbe Hague. Tbe majority of tbe party return to New York to day, only a deputation remaining in Tbe Hague.
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  • 20 8 Several departmental changes in the local Government are to be effect* d in the course of tbe next few week?.
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  • 21 8 The Malayan Air Squadron Fond on the Bth inst., amounted to $166,811.98, including 13,406.27 contributed to the Malaya No. 13 craft.
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  • 27 8 The Sumatra Post learns that Heer Klap wijk, an assistant on San Kulur estate on the West Coast of Sumatra, has been murder ed by a coolie.
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  • 28 8 Tbe advance statement of tbe F.M.S. tin export for 1915 gives a total of piculs 784,502 against piculs 823,909 in 1014. The doty increased in value by 9192,351.
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  • 32 8 All Britishers over 40 were summoned to attend tbe C. P. O.s office, Penang, this morning, at 10 o'clock, with reference to the formation of a Civil Ouard for tbe to we.
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  • 32 8 lleer P. J. Blok, Administrator of Tanah Rajah estate, who was recently sentenced to a year's imprisonmeut by the Kaad van Justitie fur causing the death of a coolie has been pardoned.
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  • 34 8 Mrs. C. S. Scott, who was taken to the General Hospital on Friday in an unconscious condition recovered consciousness yesterday, but is still in a very weak state and not yet out of danger.
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  • 36 8 On Tuesday, of last week, a large storo bouse on Sungei Krapoh estate caught fire and was totally destroyed. Tbe loss is covered by insurance. An inquiry is being held into tbe cause of the outbreak.
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  • 42 8 Kains have fallen so heavily in the upper Langkat district during tbe past few days, that all tbe rivers have become seriously flooded. So high are the floods at present tbat all traffic between Pangkalau Urandan and Tandjong Poera has been stopped.
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  • 47 8 Messrs. Hin Watt and Co., ship-chandlers and general agents of Market Street, forward a couple of their calendars for the current year, Messrs. Boustead and Co. forward calendars of the Hoyal Insurance Company and tbe London and Lancashire Kire In aurance Co., for whom they are agents.
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  • 54 8 Towkay Tan Kirn Bee has returned to Kuala Kubu from bis visit to Penang, whither he bad gone to purchase a big consignment of machinery and materials with I vii to starting op on a large scale on his newly acquired con cessions at tho Gap and Via Bakau
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  • 53 8 A Dutch cable states that the Bulgarian Ambassador at Athens bas given King Cod c tan tine further assurances of Bulgaria's friendly attitude towards Greece. Should it be necessary for tbe Bulgarians to cross the. Greek frontier to attack tbe Allies, Bulgaria will on tbe conclusion of hostilities make every
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  • 57 8 Here is a brief appreciation of tbe German from an Irishman in tbe trenches who has bad some opportunity of verifying his description By evolution he is a degenerate by brcediDg a brute by instinct a bully by nature a traitor by profession a spy by choice a cad by
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  • 57 8 Mr. T. Fox, editor of the Times of Malaya, bas left for Singapore on business, accompanied by Mts. Fox. Among other matters, he will interview His Excellency tbe High Commissioner regarding tbo v< xa ious delays on the part of tbe censors at I'enang and Singapore in tbe transmission of
    The Times  -  57 words
  • 56 8 Tbe following Singapore property was dis posed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Cu.'s sale-room yesterday afternoon Leasehold land and bouse known as No. 16, High Street, area 2,738 square feet, Government lease No. 202 for 999 years, yearly quit rent $1.50; estimated monthly letting value tlso. 800 "lit
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  • 67 8 The Dutch steamer Leto struck a mine near the Galloper lightship. Tbe Leto was carrying a cargo of grain. Later information states tbat 2:> of the crew were taken off by the steamer Alkara aDd taken to Rotterdam, three of the crew remaining on boarJ. Still later news states tbat
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  • 82 8 Speaking at the Montreal Canadian Club, the Hon. W. T. White, Dominion Minister of Finance, said that for tbe six months ending September 80 Canada's excess of exports over imports was 145,000,000. During the first year of the war gold exports bad bun avoided by tbe borrowing abriail "f tin
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  • 86 8 At the annual general meeting of the Straits Athletic Physical Calturists held on Sunday, at their Club bouse, 1 12, Tiong Bahru, the following were elected office bearers for the ensuing year Pr>isident, C. T. Siew vice president, K. M. Wee; hon. secretary, C. 11. Tiem ass. Hon. secretary, A.
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  • 120 8 A message from Colombo says that on board tbe steamer Ville do la Ciotat sunk in Moditeranean by a German submarine were 45 of tbe Ceylon contingent, including tivc Europeans going homo undor tbe Times of Ceylon war passage. Fourteen were reported drowned, including two Europeans, one whom was tbe
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  • 404 8 Mr. Mark Casey, late of Kuala Lumpur, iill in hospital here. Mr. W. S. Gibson proceeded to A lor Stai from Penang, on Monday, to take up the ap pointment of Legal Adviser to the Govern ment of Kcdah. Mr. .1. T. I'obbie, who was formerly on
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  • 80 8 Tbe local manager of tbe Hongkong ami Shanghai BankiDg Corporation informs us h bas received a telegram from bis bead office in Hongkong stating that subject to audit: The final dividend for the year will probably be X- -is. (two pounds three shillings) pet share. Bonus
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  • 139 8 A small party, under Lieutenant Jelf, win is in charge of tbe musketry of Company. opened tbe season at Ipob on Sunday morn ing by testing tbe new musketry course. The course, though not yet officially announced, says the Times of M-ilaya. is behoved to include
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  • 129 8 Tbe three Chinese charged at the Assizes, opened yesterday before tbe Chief .1 ist;. the Hon. air. .1. A. S. lUulinill, X.( with returning from banishment, were all senUtu ed to penal servitude for life, wbiUt a fourth, who returned to the Colony after bi iaa banished from
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  • 219 8 The Colony of the Straus Settlements is sbottly to low: another tuoHt popular resident and a highly etiicitut official in tliu ptraou of Mr. H. Snakier, who leavon early in I Vbrimry for New York where bo chanson pl»' the present Coohul iv tlic Auniicao city,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 203 8 Carbons. r^taJHE Twentieth Century t^a* seen the advent of I t\ many remarkable inventions, not the least of which is the R<>m«o Letter Copier, which dispenses wiih water, brush, and press, makes costly carbons unnecessary, and produces porfect copies at the rate of 20 per minute withou' smudging the originals.
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    • 229 8 LAST THREE NIGHTS with Mammoth Programme AT THE OLD ALHAMBRA TIN Hmir Cinematograph Tfcaatrv, Beach Road wadnciday. Thursday and Friday, Jaauary 12, U and 14, 1916. •a E«citing Path* War Drams UNDER THE TRICOLOUR In S Part m. Featariog the World* Foremost Child Actress M&K1B FROMBT. A (erics of tremendous
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  • 317 9 A BIG BATTLE IN FRANCE. Great German Attacks Repulsed. MESOPOTAMIA. The Advance of a Relieving Force. 1 «l«.i«am» London. January 10. i'..ld p in. I'aris. communique: Tin Gumans have dtkt k t lope.l id C'hainpague an attack under c< p/er of a violent bombardment, poison g<u Us. They
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  • 285 9 RELIEI FORCES ADVANCING. London. January lU. 6.10 p.m. la the House of Commons Mr. Chamber lain announced important operations in Mcaofotaujia for the relief of Kut. -eneral Aylu.i i left Ali Gborbi on the nth inst for Kut. General Townshend reported that on the 'tli there wa* heavy tiring
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  • 1316 9 BRILLIANT WITHDRAWAL. London, January 10, 5.95 p.m In tbe House of Commons. Mr. Asquith expressed his extreme gratification at the retirement from Cape Helles without tbe loss of a single life. Ten out of the eleven guns abandont 1 were worn oit fifteenpounders anil these were rendered unfit for
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  • 16 9 London, Jan. 10, 9.15 p.m. Mr. Herbert Samuel has been appointed Home Secretary.
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  • 146 9 We am indebted to tbe French Consul, Comte de Bondy. for tho followirg telegrams Paris, January 10. The French 8 per cent bonds are at francs 63.75, and the 5 per cont. at 88 23. \osterday we exploded an ammunition depot in the Argonne, in tbe .-egion
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  • 22 9 Elbussan, the seem of a Serbian success, is a town in Central Abania, and seond in importance to Scutari.
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  • 49 9 RIOTIR's TKLKtRA*. London, Jannary 18, 12.50 p.m. Sir Mancberjee Mt rwanjee Rhownaggree, K.C.1. E., presided at a meeting of the members of the Parsee community in England, held at Caxton Hall, at which resolutions regretting the deaths of Sir Merwanji Mebta and Sir Bomanji l'etit were
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  • 21 9 RkCTKR's TILKIiKAM. Louion, Jauuary 11, 12.50 p.m. The death is announced of Mr. Allan McGregor, chairmau of the Glen line.
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  • 596 9 Large Audience at Theatre Last Night. There were very few vacant seats in the Victoria Theatre last night aud those that were unoccupied had, for the most part, been paid for, so that Mrs. Oiltuore Ellis, who was responsible for the arranging of the concert, shculd have
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  • 1976 9 THE STORY OF THE ULU MERSING FIND. Partnership Transactions. The Puisne .lodge, Mr. Justice Earnshaw, was occupied throughout yesterday in the Supreme Court with the action which has arisen out of tbu diflortncs of twj uhl-ib^ prospectors who were originally concerned with the opening up of I"
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  • 238 9 The Governor Expresses His Appreciation. The General Ollicer Commanding is com manded by His Excellency the Governor to communicate to the Ofliccrs, Non Couiniis sioned < Mticers and men of the Chinese Company Singapore Volunteer Corps His Excellency's appreciation of the good work done by the Chinese Company,
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  • 44 9 The plebiscite .>n th< h.juot .juntion ha* MmMm in a con pleto endorse uieut of the prohibition policy, and consequently tin measure prohibiting tliu iv.port, mauufactun or nale <>f intoxicating liquors iv Newfound land if* dependencies, will automatically become operative on January 1, 1917.
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  • 1041 10 (From Oir Own Cokrksposuknt.) Bangkok, January 3. With the birthdays of the King and the 4^oeen Mother occurring on New Year's day Bangkok is always in highly festival mood at this time of year and thin year has been particularly so. The birthday of the Queen Mother
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  • 29 10 Trafalg.ti ".000 coconuts. Lower Perak.— y,4oo lbs. Kuala I'ergan. -77:; lbs. Sungtx MaUng. |.' lbs. Lara* (Sumatra*. -6,116 lbs. 17 lbs. lb-. U*Hrn K 1,177 lb«.
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  • 581 10 Found Everyone Sure of Final Victory. A distinguished party of Swedish pohti cians, journalists, and statesmen visited London recently. They came entirely in an unofficial capacity to enquire into the state of public feeling in the country and to the I efforts being made both as regards
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  • 120 10 The forthcoming meeting of the SelaDgor Turf Club promises to be well supported. A notable absentee from the Penang race meeting was Mr. J. It. McFarlane. "Mac" has been present at every meeting held by the n;ing Turf Club since 1H76, except those meetings held when be was
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  • 47 10 There was not much to choose between the teams when the S.C.C. and tbe K.G.A. last evening, but what little difference there was lay in the nippiness of the Clubmen, who won by two goals to one. Hamilton and Lee-Warner were the scorers for the Club.
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  • 299 10 The following description of a dugout is given by an officer at the front in a letter to a friend. lam sitting in a smallish room (be says) with a small window high up on one wall. A stove of excellent design is burning cosily at one
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  • 918 10 How Our Wounded are Treated In Germany. Reports by Mr. J. Jackson, of tbe American Embassy at Berlin, on visits paid by him to camps for prisoners of war at Munich and Ingolstadt, have been issued by the Press Bureau. Conditions in these Bavarian camps teem to be
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  • 133 10 Among the list of wounded in a casualty statement published in the Indian papers under date December 22 appears the name of Captain Sir .John Brace Campbell, Itoyal Scots, late of Tronoh Mines, Limited. It may be recalled, says the Times of Mul,tya. that Sir
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  • 701 10 Seized on Greek Steamer By Austrian Submarine. Renter recently cabled the news that Captain Stanley Wilson, M.P., for the Holder ness Division of Yorkshire, had been made a prisoner of war while conveying letters from the Eastern Mediterranean to London. He was travelling in a Greek steamer,
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  • 387 10 Our National Neglect of Science. The Romanes Lecture was delivered at Oxford by Professor E. I!. Poulton, who took as his Mibj ct Science and the Great War." He declared that nearly all our failures in the present struggle lißve btt-n due to the national neglect of
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  • 599 10 Keeping a Tighter Grip on Enemy Goods. An interesting statement showing what the Government is doing to cut off Germany's supplies without encroaching on the rights of neutrals was made by Lord Robert Cecil in the House of Commons. Sir Henry Dalziel said the present block ode
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  • 254 10 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on pages 6, 7 and 11. The box plan for next week's great show at the Palladium opens to-morrow at Messrs. Moatrie and Co.'s. The booking is certain to be heavy and places should be secured tarty. Three more nights remain
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  • 214 10 It seems, though the investigation is not yet closed, pretty well established that the lilieims Angel has not crossed the Atlantic, and that the American collectjr who thought he had bought her has been taken in." That has happened to many a collector in the past, to
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  • Correspondence.
    • 75 10 To the Editor of tl.e Straits Times. Sir, Being a subscriber to your paper, I trust I am not trespassing by asking your advise on how I can obtain the best information as to poultry keeping on a small scale in this country.— Yours, etc.. H. A. liaub,
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  • 548 10 Planning for the End of Imperial Austria. M. Joan I'inot published in his monthly ma^a/ine. La Revue, a very striking ttitielu on Austrian aflaiis, writttu by a prominent Austrian writer, belonging to one uf the old est Bohemian families, Charles de I.evet/ow. The article gives a graphic
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  • 90 10 Programme of drills, etc., In weak^. Friday, January II Wn'Nt--i'\v, Jim wiv 12. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hull vWA. Maxim Cu. S.R.E.iV.I B.V.R. ."> p.m. M. Cyclist Section. Veterans Co. Chim Tin MBAI, Jam m.v 1.1. 5.15 p.m. Drill Mill S.I(.K.(V i N.I '.< us Co. N.
    90 words
  • 130 10 The Wilbeluinbafener /i-itung contains the following A giant statue of Admiral von Tirpitz, similar to Berlin's nbur^ fur nailing purposes, will shortly be i Wilhelmslmvt n. Admiral von Tirpitz has recently given the artist, Oswald Sehim molpfcnnig, of Berlin, a unmix r of sittings, with the rtsnlt
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  • 1403 11 PRIVATL (iHORGE HINT, 0. THE| WILTSHIRES. Leaves from a Note Book. Profemor .1 11. Morgan, late Home llfficc C.miniiasioner with the British Kxptditionary mm very remarkable leaven froi'j a Kield Note Book in the Oeceiiiber i th i Vntury. 1 1. r, is Ins moving story
    1,403 words
  • 779 11 Mr. John Buchan on the Real War-Centre. Mr. John Kuchan, author and war correspondent, yaw a lecture on The Campaign in the West at the .Kalian Hall, London. Lord Robert Cecil was in the chair. Mr. i'.ncliun, who saiil he bad a sort of .instinct— he would
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  • 59 11 A descent by parachute was made over London in mail wetk by Lieut Colonel Maitland, of tbe Royal Naval Air Service. Kroui a height of about 10,600 feet be des ceD<ied in 15 mioutes, landing in Surrey. The parachute fell several hundred feet before it opened. Colonel Maitland's feat was
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 52 11 Hie lightning fl tubed, tbe thunder roftre Tbe ram came down like mad, Tbo cold got into por Bill's bjntS, It madu bim very »»d. Bat Mrs. Bill she 1 jvcd her spome— l bin fact 1 know tor sure Elm «bo would Dot tia»e physicked him Witb Wood*' Oreat
      52 words
    • 450 11 THE BEST TYRE FOR FORD CARS SECURITYI II I TRY THEM WEARNE BROS., LD., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, BOLE AGENTS. AFTER DINNER The Gramophone provides Unlimited Entertainment, BUT IT MOST BE "HIS MASTERS VOICE" Come and hear the latest models. They are wonderful. I S. Moutrie Co., Ltd.,
      450 words
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  • 1447 12 MAIDEN DIVIbEND OF 10 PER CENT. An Increase in the Crop. The fourth ordinary general meeting of the sunnah I lubber Company, Limited, was held on December 6, at Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., tbe lion Kverard Feilding (chairman of the company) presiding. Tbe Chairman said Gentlemen, I propose,
    1,447 words
  • 309 12 Thk Phofakk Man. A man robust and ruddy, stout of tbe frame Bucolic looking. He invokes tbe name Of tbe whole Pantheon. Odd's eyes and "Roast Your Soul his common catchwords. Tib bis boast That all the Club assembles, load in praises To bear bis choice expletives, honeyed
    309 words
  • 358 12 Mr. B. L. Seton-Winton, presiding at the meeting of the Kibwc/.i Rubber Lands, Limited, on Nove. iber 23, said the company had earned sufficient during tbe year to cover all the running expenses and to leave a profit of £187 11s. 4d., which sum had been deducted
    358 words
  • 106 12 Ktmimsot nctH of tbe palujy days of the goMtWldH in Western Australia were recently itvittil wlit'U a parcel of dollied gold »v brought to Kalttoorlie from Norland and Kml.l's lease at liruad Arrow. It was the tim st display «eto for v.any years, and ru calli.l the rich finds of
    106 words
  • 2007 12 GERMANS IN BELGIUM. The German Mole A study of the art of peaceful penetration. By Jules Cites. (Bell 2/6). Thin book and the companion volume, L'Avant Guerre, by M. Leon Dandet, are most enlightening studies of German methods in all their unscrupulous thoroughness. Ac cording to these
    2,007 words
  • 319 12 Mr. Claude Edwards, presiding at tl c meeting of the Tikam Batu Hubber Compai y on November 24, said the accounts showed a marked increase in the income of tbe company. Tbe gross profit amounted to £702, against £66 last year, after having chargrd one-fourth of tbe
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 204 12 THE A 4& WHITE ANT yt DESTROYER ALLBRITISH. Price $30.00. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LIMITED (Incoipukatkd in Enulahd) KUALA LUMPUR. DOUBLE SALES OUR PASSWORD FOR 1916. We are Importing Double Quantity Goods this Year We are Manufacturing Double Quantity Goods tuts Year AND We must Double our Sales this
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  • 416 13 Possible Source of Slanders On Officers. I The comparative absence of crime in England and the rounding up of German and Austrian spies appear to have released a number of Scotland Yard detectives fruui home duty. Professor J. H. Morgan, late Home Office Commissioner with the British
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  • 305 13 A ccrreepoodent writes to The Times as follows:— A soldier who has just returned from the front in France on a few days leave has luade the following statement to me in regard to the difficulty of obtaining food on the journey: "Being one of the fortunate
    305 words
  • 307 13 The report of the Sekong Rubber Company, Limited, states that the following ac- 1 count gives particulars of the crop harvested j from the company's estate during the year j The output of dry robber amounted to 144,359 lbs. thi average gross sale pricu obtained j per pound
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  • 80 13 At a meeting in Bombay convened by Mr. B. O. Horniman, of editors and proprietors of newspapers and proprietors and managers of printing presne*. it wan resolved to start a pi en association for India and a committee was appointed to draft a constitution for tbe same. The committee was
    80 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 20 13 ir?5P 01 Z B-M?Z P 3 H I It >l l I i i i 2 y^ i of O
      20 words
    • 393 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts nave been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 t0 y^pULSjK and to THE MUNICIPALITY fifP^m ™E GOVERNMENT of V<Sv of BINGAPORE \g?Bjpy JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 511 14 Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth ioo- cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. H«O OFMOE Wincheatar Hou... Si.g.po^. CONDON OFFICE, 32. O.d Jewry. EC. Tl» Coronac, !.a« «*O.OOO ftp*! with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with tbe British
      511 words
    • 309 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON UL MODERN PLANS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. 8. 3. HOWB, 6 8 Maiager. GUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. LONDOK. (Incorporated in England). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 lotal Invested Funds £8,260,000 Annual Inoome .11,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for the above Company, ate prepared to accept fire and
      309 words
    • 458 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL m, m. 116,*****00 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at I/- 118,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hon, Mr. D. Landale, Chairman. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq., Deputy Chairman, S. H. Dodwell, Bsq IP. H. Holyoak, Bsq. G. T.
      458 words
    • 529 14 BANKING^ CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Sharoe ot 430 each 41,300.000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors... *1.200,000 BANKERS Tbe Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
      529 words
    • 741 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incokpjßatbd in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIKE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exceed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profit! to Policy-holder, at last Valuntlon $1,116,673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES SMBAPORE MUNCH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R MACPHERSON, Secretary for
      741 words

  • 821 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motoring in Berlin and Germany. The Commercial Motor of November 25 prints the following article Our Berlin correspondent, who has been repatriated by the German Government after exactly a year's internment at the Huhlebcn concentration camp, near the capital, tells us
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  • 286 15 The report of the Jobore Para Kubber Company, Limited, states that no platting took place daring the year under review, bat the directors propose open id a small acreage next year 1916. Tbe fencing erected to prevent depredation by deer and pig baa been effective, very little,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 297 15 LISTERS PUMPS High Tension Magneto Ignition, Automatic Lubrication. Efficient >* ~~1 T" Governing AWS^Pfev U ea S ir*^"l *A Machine cut. lpHlK^aj T^r Necessary, Tht Engine ia Ilie well known U tcr V. rtical Type, dM Kaed, manufactured and pUoiiardiHcd in Darsley, England, >nd maintaioß that reputation for solid conntinction
      297 words
    • 216 15 DUNLOP d TVDCTC .j^flHlf Although raw rubber has adK|. vanced in price, Dunlop Tyres are ■^j* '*"s£■ Lm* r^^^y*^ Favourable contracts for raw matei> PtCi Tia^ iave ena bled us to give the »rjiiß^M£ Jr public thebenefit of these reduced WftHVHaVI New price lists will be issued II within a
      216 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 489 16 A. B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL IS LIQUEUR WHISKY. jM Jff PAs. As supplied to both Houses of tBCJSBT^JRV Parliament. jjj? lOBTAINABLE FROM ALL Pjl^^^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS fw j^\ AgentB: jI&A. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Xgft^Mlm AND COMPANY. LIMITED. < gJ. Singapore Penang and Malacca. WANTS. COMPOSITORB WMTtD. Wanted. C<«mp3»itors for the
      489 words
    • 332 16 WANTS. ROOMS WANK D. By two gentlemen, private family preferred. Apply Box No. 150. Straits Times. 10-1 12-1 SITUATION WANTED. An experienced Dn si-or for 18 years on Government hospitals, estates and mines, setke employment on rubber estate or mine. Holds excellent testimonials. Apply J., c/o Strait* Times. 2012* 19
      332 words
    • 565 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. FURNISHED BEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDA and JU ANITA, to let furnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 16 a FLOOR TO LET. To let. 2nd Floor, No 8, Malacca Street, Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. 18-1 o TO LET. Sandland?, Tanjong Katong. Water and electric
      565 words
    • 487 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TO LET. Dunearo, Barker Road. Entry February 1. Apply Lee Cheng Van Jt Co. 61 a TO LET. No. 7*B, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Cbeng Van a Co., 10, Maiaooa Street. 2-0 COMFORTABLE TERRACE HOUSE TO LET. In town. Elevated locality. Immediate entry. Apply
      487 words
    • 435 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO., HEAD OFFICE :-J7, •hlllip Street Branch Storps at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nos 14, 100 and IC2, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "OUANKIAT." Telephone Nos. 1174 and 1288 (Private 1460). Codis dsid A. B C, 6th Edition, and A 1 Codis. Ship Chandler*, Hardwire Dealers, Government
      435 words
    • 757 16 Xl AM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. TolnpboPb No. 431. Shipohaodlets. Governmei.i .-it-, cl M.nicifa Contractors Estate supplier* •■•<! (Join mission Agents. SOU ActBNIH The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Bint Mnltiplar Brand Hair BeOtinp* 1-7 80-8-16 Straits 13imes. Telephones. Editorial and (Icnrral 70 Manager's Ollicc 2VI Job Printing
      757 words