The Straits Times, 7 January 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.SMM) SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JANUARY 7. 1916. PRICE 10 CBNTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 148 1 M i*UMj"Alffl M KATZ BROS., LTD. Wedding Birthday Presents and articles of all kinds suitable for presentation, etc., In Gold, Sterling-silver Electro-plate. i.Ai:<,i: i i/,7/.n .17 i;i:.isn\Ai:i.i: pricks A T KATZ BROS, LTD. ■T3r™l LETTER FILING CABINETS C -'*Vs| T^"4 Fittea with Automatic Yale Locks "V^w-^. V'J Eacn Cabinet has
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    • 115 1 Bungalow Rugs ARE MADE OF A THICK WIRE GRASS. VERY DURABLE AND INEXPENSIVE. Neat Designs in Artistic Colourings, Suitable for Rooms and Verandahs. Sifcee 6 ft. x 9 ft. 7ft x 4 it. 6 .n?.. B ft. x I ft.. 9 ft. x 12 ft. ani 12 ft. i 15
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  • 988 2 A REVIEW OF THE PAST YEARS EVENTS. Lord Inchcape's Hopeful Views. Lord Incbcape delivered his inaugural address to the Institute of Bankers in the Hall of the Goldsmiths' Company op Novetn ber 24. He briefly reviewed events in the banking world during the past 12 months,
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  • 98 2 At the Panama Pacific Exposition at San Francisco, the following are among the sue nesf-ful British exhibitors: -Messrs. Thomas Cook and Son, modal of honour Messrs. Rolls, Royoe, Ltd grand prize Messrs. E. andj. Burke, Ltd., two medals of honour and gold modal Messrs. Cantrell and C'och rane, medal of
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  • 261 2 Here's a safe Eaay Way to Gain 10 to 30 lbs. of Solid. Healthy, Permanent Flesh. Thio, nervous, undeveloped men and women everywhere are beard to say, I can't understand why I do not get fat. I eat plenty of good, nourishing food The reason is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 185 2 1 The Signature. jj[{ To distinguish the original and genuine Worcestershire Sauce from j^: HxJ the many imitations, sec that the W^ signature of LEA PERRINS W WK appears in White across the Red |(Ml label on every bottle. |m i No other sauce has such an exquisitely VtrnH delicate
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    • 13 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Great Pepoetmint Care Is. 8. J
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    • 290 2 A STUBBORN FOE Ta conqier sn obstinate ecemy requires, persistency and perseverance. It is tbe same with Rheumatism tbe dread (oe of mankind, which ranks foremoftt in stabboinuesi. To eradicate il from the n-. stem, von mart a-a tbe right weapoc Little's Oriental Balm is the only remedy tint can
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    • 357 2 Inheres Purity and Vigour IN Wtmtt DROP OF READS Dog's Head Gu.nness The TONIC cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. A simple nourishing food of high medicinal value. NOTE. -The above DOG 3 HEAD Label is on every bottle. Refuse imitations. S^ld j Everywhere A b NOTICE OF REMOVAL.
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    • 825 2 NOTICES. THE SINGAPURE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY. NOTICE is hereby given that the oaxiness lately carried on by John La Salic under tbe style cf Tbe Singapore Boot and Slice Manufactory at No. 170, Orcbard Koad, ?iogapore, baa been sold by him to K. Morita, by whom all d»bts and
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  • 899 3 SUBSTANTIAL DECREASE IN WORKING COSTS. More Land to be Opened. The ordinary general meeting of tbe Jobore Para Robber Company, Limited, was held on December 5, at 139, Cannon Street, 8.C., Mr. R. Arnold (chairman of the company) presiding. Tbe Chairman said Gentlemen, in tbe first place
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  • 241 3 Tin report of the directors (or tbe year ended December 31, 1914, statin -The total income from all noorces daring tbe year amounted to £43,916 10s. lOd a« against £48,5»7 18s. sd. in 1918. Working ex pendv ture. including the Ram of £1 557 10(. sd. charged
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 604 3 SALES BY AUCTION. SHERIFF'S SALE. CHOP SOON CHIN k'EAT, vereuß CHOP TAI WOH ANN KEE. At Noa. 221, South Bridge Road, and 12 and 23, Hongkong Street, On Friday, January "7, Tuesday, January 11, 1918. Each day commencing at 10.30 a.m. All tbe stock in-trade comprising glass almeiraba preserved traits,
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    • 507 3 fROB ROY) ana Boim rt,l>la »tLI3 I l*- I^* SO Sample. 2d. Wi^^SV FREE. \S^-^ lllastr.t.4 C.t.l.f u»» .»pH«.tl*. CANADIAN PACIFIC ST£»MSHIP LINE. FROM CHINA AND JAPAN TO EUROPE Via GaUDa M 0 THE IMITf D ITtTEI Farai 7oulnn r £7110 h£6Sc m QUICKEST TIME ACROSS THE PACIFIC (a) EMPUEU
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    • 267 3 TBE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD.' Artistic -^cV*?--^^^^^^ Modern YvAjKc^VWLyOtßHlßSs^^^BEßfis IrrWwf l Photo Engravers Telephone Commercial I Line 6 Half-tone 348. Photographers I \wm CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. \Wm\ Glacial Acetic Acid (ENGLISH) GUARANTEED 99 /c/ c ESTATES SUPPLIED AT MODERATE RATES MAYNARD&CO.LTD., WHOLESALB PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 16, Battery Road, Singapore. HENDERSON LINE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1078 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. Oritish India AND Apcar I— inc. •AIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS Under Contract wltb Hla Majeaty Government!. For Ohina. Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia. Ind a, Ad«n, Egypt, Maditarranaan Ports and London. r Steamers will leave Siugauorc on or about MAIL LINES HOHEWAKD (FOB
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    • 825 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. $INGAPOR£-BAN6KOK For Kretay, Tiingganu, Bisuf, S.mcrak, Kelantau, Tabai Bangnara. Telupin, Patani, Singora, Lacou, Kob'.amai, Bandon, Langsuea, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Ova Departure > YUQALA Jan. IO Jan. 12, 3 pm. B.a. CHUTATUTCH 13 16. 3 p.m. s.s. MAHIDOL 17 19, 3
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    • 453 4 SiEAMER SAILINGS, OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND BHIIM MUTUAL BTEA* XAV. CB.. LTD Tbe O' mpaaiec' rteaoefi- nrc i4.if»*c' e1 from Liveiscol o^twarde for tbe Strait] China %ud Jaraa -jv.:r i week tiJt ::cil Jaca.' boaewardß Jo/ London, AruHterdam u4 Antwerp eveiy fcrtnigbti tor Oenoa, afarsetSies sad Lwerpool ani
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    • 550 4 STEAMER SAILING N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A gtrvice iE n:aiut»inud but a tea Yokol ami. via ports to Marseilles and Lonucn endur mail contract wi;h the Imperial Japantft Oov<rniuent. Tbe New Twinscrtw MsMMM maintaining t:-ih eervice bavc bt-cu npucially denign.'.- and con -faotcJ, and
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  • 105 5 FIXTLRES. f'riday, January 7. Hgh Water, 0.10 a.m., 11.13 a. id. Saturday, January M. HuL Water, n.t, a a., 11. > a.m Sunday, January V. di^li Water 1.19 0 45 p.m Monday, January 10. High Watur. I r )l am. LM p.m. noes. Tuesday, January 11.
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  • 106 5 Oar attention has b<*n cilleJ to the fact .hat our arrivals in London are much behind hose published elsewhere. Our rule is to live arrivals only when they are officially r ortt d in tbe Post Office notices, and no liter date than that printed above has
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  • 117 5 The I.- v W. A. Luning writes trouj London to our Ipoh contemporary —Mr. L. Vauuhau. formerly general manager of tbe Malayan Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., is now captain in the 9th Batt. Royal Sussex RegiiinDt. It may also interest you to know tLat Mr. I. l\ (iiay iUtc Secretary
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  • 167 5 EXCHANGE. MNUlPOHt, I- 1 1 Alt Y 7, 191G. OxLonh, BiDk 4 o/a j/4^ Demand 2/4$ J rivat<> B njn 2/4 j On India iWU T. T. II Un HoNiiKOKo ..Bank d/d lij On suanuhai ...Bank d/d 60{ OmJava Bank T. T. tM| Oh Japan Rank no
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  • 240 5 To-i'U. ■.nliam and Ttlok Anmn Kiuta J .;0 pm n*ni; and Calcutta taking mails .■ban Kooshing KM pm V. I'iemen 2.M pui St iat I'andjant;. ill Dukali- and I'ontianak 2.30 pm Batu Pahat S. Wongsee 2.30 pm I'amangkat and Ponlianak It. I o Soon 2.M0 pm Malacca
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  • 212 5 .11 trains freui Singapore for the v. Jaily at 7 7 il, iv I 7 p.m.. arriving at Kuala Lumpur irctively. The \press t.i I'.nany iiaves Kuala -i H aui. daily, arriving at l'enan^ same day. I mi mail na.n leaver 'f, arriving bt KuaM pin., ami th<
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  • 11 5 way U rxpuctfd to arrive li.-r.- on 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 3 5 ironic Cbeat 1
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    • 458 5 LATEST ADVEKTISEMfcNTS. CASHIER AND COLLECTOR WANTED. Wanted by Import Hou=e, a Cashier and Bill Collector. Security J4.000. Salary SBO. Reply in writing to Box No. 147, Straits Times. 71 101 TYPIST WANTEO. Wanted, a Typist, preferably one used to Remington tj[ jwnti and with a good good knowledge of Ect>!ish.
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    • 373 5 AFTER DINNER The Gramophone provides Unlimited Entertainment, BUT IT MUST BE "HIS MASTERS VOICE" Come and hear the latest models. They are wonderful. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd., I INCORPORATED IN HONV.KONi..) RAFFLES PLACE, AUCTION SALE THE MIDDLETON.TIN.MINES. LTD. Of 19 REKL> CINEMATOGRAPH FILMS OF VARIOUS MAKES AND SUBJECT-* -|j J
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    • 403 5 EMPIRE CINEMA Opposite Kreta Aypr Police Station, PRESENTS A STRONG I'HOGRAMMK Fop Friday and Saturday Night*. A Rex Detective Feature WOLVES OF* SOCIETY The story of a Deep Conspiracy to win an old man's fortace. THE CORSICA. N BROTHERS Feataiing King Bspgtt in bin dual impersonation rf I'un.ah' thrilling Romance,
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  • 1126 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, JANUARY 7. ABOUT SINGAPORE UNITED. Major General Nor Philippg, L>.S.'\, M.P., Commander V. W. Chaine. K.N K H. Parry, John Turner, and A. G. Wright are all eminently respectable persons, and we have not even the shadow of a personal objection to any or either of
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  • 52 6 The heavy rain storm which broke over Kuala Lumpur early on Monday morning caused the Klang Kiver to rise to aoino ex font, flooding the low lying parts of its course. The high bank on the Ampang Road, below the residence of the Conservator of Forests, has slipped in a
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  • 20 6 The monthly meeting of tbe Ministering Children's League will be held on Monday next in tbe V.M.C.A. rooms at 4.80.
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  • 20 6 Owing to war economy by busiuess houses there are a large number of Chinese clerks out of employment throughout Malaya.
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  • 23 6 The December number of the M.S.V.R." gives certain men a dressing down for coming on parade with dirty rifles and rusty bayonet bandies.
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  • 24 6 The British authorities seized aboard tbe N'iew Amsterdam a cargo of American lard meant for the Dutch army. Tbe British Prize Court will adjudicate.
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  • 30 6 Five hundred and fifty thousand bags of Dutch coffee from tbe steamer Frisia have been released by the English, as a result of which the price of coffee has fallen.
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  • 35 6 Mr. K. Gill, c o L'nited Engineers, asks uh to give a reminder that tbe January list of the Overseas Club Tobacco Fund, for soldiers and sailors at the front, closes on the 11th inst.
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  • 28 6 A proclamation relating to trading with persons of enemy nationality resident or carrying on business in Liberia or Portuguese East Africa is printed in a Government Gazette Extraordinary.
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  • 28 6 The Governor-General of IndoChina advised the Tonkin papers that the lives and property of Europeans, particularly of Frenchmen would be scrupulously respected in the rising in Southern China.
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  • 34 6 Messrs. Adamson, Uilnllan and Co., agents for the New Zealand Insurance Co., forward new date tablets for the current year. The Criterion Press, Ltd., of Penang, send one of their English and Chinese almanacs.
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  • 31 6 The results of the recent examination for surveyors and draughtsmens licences have been announced. Three oat of six candidates were successful, viz. Messrs-. Lee Kwang Cheang, S. Murugesoe and K. Mailvaganam.
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  • 34 6 The parcels seized aboard the Cioentoer have been returned. The contents of some bags have been wholly or in part retained. The Rembrandt's mail has been retained in England. Other mails have been restored.
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  • 46 6 (ii the two police constables v,Uo were shot by <<ant: robbers at Menglembu the other day, one of them. Kunda Singh, died on the spot while the other, Lai Singh, who was taken for treatment to the hospital, died of his injuries at the Ipoh hospital.
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  • 41 6 Lieut. Commander Spencer Cook, K. N., M.V has consented to give an account of the Falkland Island battle at the Drill Hall, Fort Corn wallis, l'enan». today. He recently lectured on the same subject to members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps.
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  • 50 6 The directors of the Eastman Kodak Company declared an extra dividend of 12; per cent, ou the company's common atock. This is the largest dividend ever declared by the company and brings tLe total extra dividends on common stock of the company declared this year up to fifty per cent.
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  • 48 6 Approximately 200 locomotives are lying abandoned on various lines of the French railway system, says Tbe Journal, aud, although French manufacturers are clamouring for further transport facilities, the rail ways are in many places encumbered with hundreds of trucks and vans that have been unused for mauy months.
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  • 54 6 The Nursing Mirror demands, for the protection of au honourable and noble profession, the abolition of the 400 different kinds of nursing uniforms now worn in the United Kingdom without control or regulation, and the substitution of a single uniform of a pattern controlled by tbe War Office and only
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  • 64 6 The double income-tax is already commencing to make its influence felt upon Indian concerns with London oQices, and while the Indo China Steam Navigatiou Company and the liombay Trams have decided to transfer their headquarters to the Orient, partly no doubt with the object of evading the double impost, the
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  • 86 6 The Kegistrai General states, in a report issued December 7, that the marriage rate in England and Wales during the quarter ended September 30 reached 21.8 persons married per 1,000 of the population. Thi, is the highest rate yet recorded in any quarter since the establishment of civil registration. The
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  • 80 6 Civil and Military Gazette cables from London, dated December 17, state The Daily Telegraph's Milan correspondent states that a Spanish rofugee ftom Oorizia asserts two American bankers, having stopped payment of certain bills, were accused, firstly, ot hostility to Austria, and, finally, of spying. They were court martialled and executed.
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  • 116 6 The Anglo Chinese Free School, after two weeks Christmas holiday*, reopened on the 3rd iust. and the work of the new Cambridge classes also commenced. At present, the-He classes are managed by Messrs. J. A. KobertH, M.A., and \V. O. Gray, CM. Another certified Indian teacher, graduate of the Madras
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  • 520 6 Major General Kelly, C.8., lately General Officer Commanding the Troops in China, baa been given tbe command of the East Anglian Division. It is stated at Kuala Lumpur that Mr Hemmant is to be transferred from Kcdah to Muar as assistant Adviser to tbe State of Johore.
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  • 90 6 F. ISaurson, 12 de Ligne, Camp 11. /cist Holland, writes as follows: "As a Belgian soldier, prisoner of war, I take the liberty t send you a little request. I was collectiug postage stamps in Belgium aud would Uks t make again a collection. Having much timeto
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  • 170 6 The Commanding Otlicet of the Malacca Volunteer Rifles announces with it Ml the death of No. U, Private 11. K. Darby, of No. 1 Platoon, No. I Section, whoso nuiu* b accordingly struck oil the strength. Servant V. Winson has been promoted to Company (Quarter-Master Ser^i iint.
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  • 178 6 We have been askcl to point out that auion<{ those present at the yrtat Sikh Katharine in the guecn Mroet temple on Sunday, when addre.ise of loyalty and of congratulation were prcHtnted to f 1 j<~ Excellency the Governor anil .Mi I; Wilkinsou, renpectively, wero
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 221 6 "FELUCCA" EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES Made by Maspero Freres, Cairo. ON SALE AT ALL DEALERS. r~~^BBsISON'Sr ~~^BBslSON'S JT^ V WORLD RENOWNED WATCHES 1 Are the BEST. jS[ j WARRANTED TIMEKEEPERS yu Jm londo:.' make. Gold Bnudet \V;in lies from £8 Be., The SS "Field. S7 Tlit BANK OF ENGLAND." in tOtttt Ctm»
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    • 191 6 Still gOilltf Strong, with Our Exoluaive Feature Films TO-NIOHT I TO-NIOHT 1 1 AT IHI ALHAMBRA TIM Hkmf llMUMteCrapli Thtatra, toadi MM. A Powerful aid Eicittnf Drama FOR THE SECRET SERVICE In 3 Partt. A Dramttic Masterpiece, ontertaiciop, interesting, sastainicK. following a Rennational story of excitement and intrigue to a
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  • 2802 7 CONSCRIPTION. Mr. Asquith Makes His Proposals. DARDANELLES. Sir lan Hamilton's Final Report. R«ITFH'- HWMPJi London. January 5, I p.m. ise of Commons was crowded for tlie compulsion di-b.ite. Mmy members on j active service obtained leave and I kent in kbaki. Lt I l>. rbv MM in M
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  • 53 7 PRICES FIRM HOLDERS OFFER SPARINGLY. From Our Own Correspondent. London, January 6. The tone of the markot is very firm and holders are offering very sparingly at the high prices now quoted. Present quotations are as follows Fine Sheet 4/2 to 4/3 Crepe 4 2,, 4/3 Hard
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  • 238 7 Six of the Crew Overcome By Fumes. (From Ocr Own Currkspondknt.) Penang, January 6. The charred remains of a Chinese coolie have been recovered from the hold of the Ulenogle, a victim of the gas fumes. The forepart of the vessel is burnt out and it is
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  • 318 7 There appeared in the Scotsman of December 4, the report of the funeral of Colonel Henry O'Connor, of the Forth R.G.A brother of Mr. W. O'Connor, manager of Batang* Malaka estate, and uncle of Mrs. C. K. M. Kecano, of Singapore, which took place in
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  • 316 7 An event of no little importance in the history ol the local Government subordinate service took place on New Year's day, when the Hon. Mr. E. G. llroadrick, Resident of Selangor, declared open the new reading room and library which has been built for the
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  • 1861 7 "TWITTERINGS OF PEACE:" AN ELECTION AND A MORAL. From Our Special Correspondent L union, Duceiubei I In one of his earlier speeches on the war the Prime Minister took occasion to denounce the twitterings of peace that were betjin nipn to be beard in various quarters, and
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  • 1223 8 (From Ot k Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 5. Th, trade >t lVrt Swettenhaui is. by this year of grace, sufficiently advanced to justify tbe suggestion that the goods sheds b. open to those of the public who have business tlu M all day long. The official
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    • 115 8 Tbe Singapore Ladies' Hide Association's January spoon was won by Mrs. Howe, with a nett score of 63. The scores were After the shoot, the annual general meet haj was held in the Club house, and the following officers were elected for 1916: Lady Evelyn Young, president Mrs.
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    • 88 8 Swimming Club launches will leave on Sunday as follows s —Johnston's Fier at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 pm. Club Bungalow at 9.M0 and 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. The 440 yards' handicap race will be swum off on arriva' of the 10 o'clock
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    • 67 8 The January Ladies Spoon oonti in connection with the Singapore Golf Club, was played on Monday, and resulted as follows The Garrison Golf Club. The men January medal, bogey, will be played for to-morrow, and Sunday, the 9th inst f and the ladies' January medal on Thursday, January 13.
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    • 59 8 Latest advertisements ol tbe day appear on pages 5 and 6. lijpire Brothers inform us that they have again secured tbe contracts for the supply of I'n^on cement to the Municipality of Singapore and to the Government of Johore, and that the X.M.S. railways have also parsed
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    • 49 8 I 'ctails of the. Palladium's change of programme for tonight anJ to morrow appear in the advertisement columns. Parents are again reminded of the great treat atfonled to chilJr'-n by the. matinee performances each Saturday, commencing at 5 p.m. The Wai i K/(tte is screened at 10 p. as.
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    • 68 8 In the entire change of proijriiuiiie at the Gaiety Picture Palace to-night will be presentcl, in addition to two new episodes or the Pathe's serial The Exploit of Elaine, a two-part dranii by the TLaubousrr Co.. intiUt'l. Aurora Kluyd. a war drama, The BtjQtes ot the Kmpir-, ia two parts
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    • 101 8 Tin llariiua H.ill Cinematograph are presenting tuoight m their change of programme, a universal picture which is claimed to be the greatest drama of the season. It is adapted from Octave Marabean's popular Parisian play, Busings is Business. The film runs into six parts with Nat C. Goodwin 1 the
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  • 46 8 Programme of drills, etc., fcr week ending, Friday, January 7 Friday, January 7. 6.16 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. .1 Maxim Co. -.i;.E.(V.j .S.V.K., 1U emits, etc. Bras Lasali Koad Malay Co. Drill Hall -vV.C. Band. H. KoLAND LlKWELLYN, Captain, S.V.C., ActioK AdjutAOt, 8.V.C
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 48 8 L'nder a spreading ocantelpieoe, Mm a fire he sat. Hie large pale brow had many a crease, ll' Knit zed and coughed and pat. Said lie I cannot bear this pain, I must have a subdner," And now he's up and out again TwaH Woods' Great Peppermint Curt
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    • 437 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. REFUND OF ASSESSMENT. Ail persons claiming rtfand of Assessment ia respect of houses vacaut for any portion of tbe half-year ending I) ctiub r 81, 1915, are hereby reminded that nch claims MUST BE SENT IN to tbe Commissioners ON OR BEFORE January 80. 19'fl. The
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 474 9 The UNION "S BRITIfH-MAIE >v\ js\^ S'^% Rrliabk E UNION TRADING COY., SINGAPORE. ii jjmm n Twnr- a Cl .«a» i »ni^«w»«««Bi^«P m GARRETT" SUPERHEATED STEAM ENGINE (Fixed, Sem.-Poi table, Portable designs) so Increase profits by reducing Costs. %•<, j#^F*PPl^l s!*^ The most successful and satisfactory results on -4 the
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    • 230 9 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMeNT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies Cement during 1916 THE MUNICIPALITY iHE GOVERNMENT of y J of SINGAPORE XiHP^ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the Straits and F.M.S. SINGAPORE
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 498 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFIOB i Winchoater House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE I 32, Old Jewry, E.G. The Company ba<i 520.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England,
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    • 302 10 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PUNS. BUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. 8. J. HOWE, B-g Manner. QUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Fonda. 48,360,000 Annual Inoome 41,100,000 The undersigned, Agents tor the above Company, aie prepared to accept fire and Earthquake risks for short
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    • 461 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. rAID UP CAPITAL t1 6,000 000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at I/. 1164)00,000 BilTer 118.000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRICTORI. Hon. Mr. D. Landale, Churmn, W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Egg IP. H. Holyoak, Esq. G.
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    • 511 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 90,000 Shares ot 41.800,000 Reaerve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,080 BANKERS The Bank of England, Tht London City and MidlanJ Bank. Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The National Provincial
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  • 1159 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Commercial Motor Vehicles. From time to time conflicting opinions are heard res|xwting the question of economy in the use of the commercial motor vehicle The experience in recent years is that the large user of this type of motor can, and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 304 11 LISTERS PUMPS High -Tension Magneto Ignition, Automatic Lubrication. w l!« Enclosed. Efficient Governing. A &L y* l*^v ueanng All Parts fdL-jj Wi VT Interchange- tt&rCU spe f ia able -*k -'i i ii\J Foundation TV- ?4 SJr Necessary. Re^u^ed. 553^^/ > Lubricators. Th« Engirt* ii tbe well liwn Li te-'
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    • 197 11 DUNLOP d TV DEC (jjjB 7 Although raw rubber has adKt. vanced in price, Dunlop Tyres are A. r^'^^SfQ Favourablecontractsforraw mate■i AWw 2*Ll r a^ iave ena bled us to give the W Jc public the benefit of these reduced Rilißi/ I within a few days. In the mean- v>Hblb
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 452 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER tiEER. BR WED in SCOTLAND WANTS. COMPOSITORS WANTED. Wanted Compobitors for the Straits Times (news department). Good salaries given tv capable men. Apply pereonally. 4 1 v POBITION WANTED. An experienced Ecglish Nurse requires A c i Straits Timw. 81 8-1 BILLET WANTED. P.ubbtr I'lanter now in Borneo
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    • 345 12 WANTS. PRIVATE TUTOR Would be "lad of a pnpil or two. Any examination. Write Tutor, c o Straits Times. 81-12 71 MOTOR CYCLE WANTEO. Wanted, a second-hand B.S.A. or Triumph Motcr Bicycle. Apply with fall particulars to P.K.S., c/o Straits Times. 41 71 BILLET WANTEO. Wanted, billet by a smart
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    • 565 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. FURNIBHED BEABIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BL LINDA and JCANITA, to let furnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 1-6 a FLOOR TO LET. To let. 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street, Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. 181 a TO LfcT. Sandlands, Tanjong Katong. Water and electric
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    • 421 12 TO BE LET 0B 80LD.1 TO LET. Dunearn, Barker Road. Entry Febratiy 1. Apply Lee Cheng Yun Co. 5-1 a TO LET No. 7 4 8, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Cheng Van Co., 10, Malacca Street. 2-8 a COMFORTABLE TERRACE HOUBE TO LET. In town. Elevated locality. Immediate entry.
      421 words
    • 435 12 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OFFICE -37, Phill.p Street Branch Storm at No. 14, Phiilip Street, ami Nos 14, 100 and IC2, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT." Telephone Nos. 1174 and l'iBU (Private 1460). Codis usid: A B C, Etb Edition, am> a 1 Codis. ■hip Chindlert, Hardwire Dealers, Government
      435 words
    • 761 12 KIAM KIAT CO, 108 109. Market Street m No. Shipet'»t.d>c*3 :v,tnmt'i. sai M-.maipa Cont.'tw'w BsMi &.J Con. c-isaioc Agenif -oil IMM The Molcott Belting Co., Ltd Best Multiplar Brand Hair Rating* 1-7 ***** Straits Wimes. Telephones. Editorial and lieneral 70 Manager's Mm 262 Job Printing Department 3iH All communications relating
      761 words