The Straits Times, 5 January 1916

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.097 SINGAPOBE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 5. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 183 1 M ipM^^lH^ M KATZ BROS., LTD. Wedding Birthday Presents and articles of all kinds suitable for presentation, etc., In Gold, Sterling-silver Electro-plate.;».i: i j/,7/:/ at i:h:.iSnSAr,i.i-: miens A T KATZ BROS, LTD. ANOTHER BRITISH SUCCESS. r LETTER FILES MADE IN ENGLANO IN SEVEN STYLES i ,A 7, A 7
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    • 93 1 ROBINSON CO. JUST RECEIVED Gowns for Evening Wear. Dresses for Day Wear. White Voile Dresses. EXCLUSIVE STYLES Voile Blouses. Silk Shirt Blouses. ROBINSON CO. PHEASANTS in excellent condition. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LTD. Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. CALL ON A. FRANKEL CO., Victoria Street, for all requirements in
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  • 1104 2 FISHERMEN'S SPLEMHD WORK IN THE /EGEAN. Searching for L-iwt Bases. Mr. E. Ashmead-Bartlett write* as follows in the London press. "What would King Oarge %ye done with oat these 'ere trawlers?'' Thin was tbe historic remark of a Wost-coantry skipper as be gazed round the .Egean Sea
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Nigh Wools Great Peppermint Cora Is. Od
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    • 439 2 A Reputation of over 100 years. Cockle's ANTI BILIOUS Pills are an invaluable corrective for sick headache, biliousness, depression, and all thjse minor indispositions caused by a disordered state of the liver or digestion. Made from a famous Doctor's private prescription, they have won a world-wide reputation. Of Chtmisti Ilirmtehonl
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    • 544 2 NOTICES NOTICE. 1 Will all A»ittie Master Mason* in th* F.M.S. and Straits communicate with 0. 11 Joabi, Ipob I 4-1 8-1 j notice:. How to solve the difficulties 01 servants such has cooks, boys, t amahs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, dressers, coolies, etc. Please try The Straits Servants Agency Office.
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    • 590 2 NOTICES. HE MALAKA-PIhDA RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tbat an nterim dividend rf 10",. on account of the ear ending August 81, 19.6. will be paid to lharebo'.ders on tbe Register on January 12. 19 0. NOTICE IS ALSO HERBBY GIVEN, bat tbe Transfer Books of tbe Company
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  • 1125 3 THE DANGER OF A PREMATURE PEACE. Mr. J. L. Garvin's Warning. At Hit Majesty's TheatreVjn Novembev 21, Mr. J. L. Garvin, editor of The Observer, ■poke on The War and After, and afforded an opportunity for the discussion of the terms on which the lecturer holds a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 To build up m weakness To make you well and keep you well this is the work of SCOTT'S Emulsion. In cases of ANAEMIA WASTING DEBILITY RICKETS SrOTTS tmul..on has no <-qu.' for brinftnf back the energy, strength and vigour of glorious health. Still Ike best at all ages of
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    • 264 3 J. L.CAMPBELL CO. Tailors Outfitters, HAVB Everything for Men's Wear. SELECT ASSORTMENT CF Y_X T" rM"* 1 I^af *tii«% of all Classes. LATEST NOVELTIES IN Ties, Hats, Collars, etc. NOT! NIW ADDRESS I Nos. 17 18, STAMFORD ROAD (opposite Hotel van Wljk>. NOW READY The Singapore and Straits ROUBH DIARY
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    • 263 3 I Anaemia I or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1066 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India and Apcar Line. .HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with Hit Majesty Government), For China, Japan, Parian*, Oaylon. Australia, India, Adan, Egypt. Mediterranean Porte and London. Bteamern will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HUMKWAKD [»0R ECRoPIt). ConoeotiDK at
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    • 784 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretav, Trinairaan. Bisot, Semeia, Kelaataa, Tabal Baaraart, Telupin, Patan', Siagst* Laooa. Kihwmai, Baadoa, Langsuen, Tako, Ohumpoa, Rohlsk aal tStMiok. Out Oapartufa a VUGALA Jan. 1O Jan. 12, 3 p.m a.a. OHUTATUTOH „18 16, a p.m. a.a. MAHIDOL 17 1». 8
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    • 449 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. DGEAN STEAMSHIP CO. LIMITED, AND IHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD I* The Ccmpanien' steaumr- .re despatched from Liverpool outwards tor the Straits China aud Japaa every week and from Japan homewards tor London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 530 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN UNF. A strvioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail oontraot wi*h tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service bave been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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  • 766 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, January 5, 1916. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. NOM. VALUI. BCYIM. SILLIES. 2/- AlltgM 1-104 2,14 1 Anglo Ja»a 12/
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 425 5 [THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD.I Artistic Modern IvaV*% wSEssmvltte/A Photo Engravers] Telephone: Commercial Line 6 Half-tone I 348. Photographers J CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE, [wmv STEAMER SAILINGS, HENDERSON LINE The Steamers of the above Line sail fortnightly from GLASGOW AND LIVERPOOL TO RANGOON DIRECT via Suaz Canal and viosvsrsa. 1 Ley
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    • 195 5 INDO-CHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. Oireot Servioe to Japan via Hong hong A Shanghai, and to Galoutta via Penang, from Singapore. Taking cargo on thorough Bills of Ladin lor Canton. Maoao, Swatow, Amoy, Caefo: Tientsin. Nuwchwang, Yan^tsce Ports Fo T oiosa. the Philippines etc., eta. eta. Steamers. Tons. Commandef Kdts4ns
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    • 635 5 QENERAL 10 Fraser and Neave Ld. 51.00 53.00 110 Howaath Erekine Ld. 40.00 103 1% Pref. 9J.(0 10 Maynard Co. Ld. 11.50 10 C. A. Ribeiro kCo Ld. 10 00 ll.OOnom 100 R. Hargreaves A Co. Ld. 90.00 100 7%Pnf. KOOO £1 Shell Transport ATg Co. 8H 9 93/6 Hi
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    • 512 5 SALES BY AUCTION. auction bale: Of VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, MOTOR CAR, ETC., Tbe property of O J Hoatf ma, Esq., At Plasoarden," No. 19, Nassim Road, On Saturday, Janunry 8, at 1.30 p.m. An excellent-toned cottage piano by Rotenkrans, in first-class condition bent wood piano st ol white
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 m sT t JL^^ (Latk or Thk Robinson Piano Co. I. Violins, from ia »?2?2 bows 3 to striDnH (one set) 8S Viola 9O Violin and Cello Aoossaopias. Mandolines, from tiS-OO to $25-CO caws, from B-OO to 7-BO Bell brand strings (ooe'set) ordinary ®O Mandolins Acoesaoriaa /aOwt Mandoline Banjo and
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    • 408 6 «W"c'^*t nßßfMfls^E^Sflff' JbVbUb^EbKjß^^RmS f ■> *T ¥t. .r J "< r «^H kw S^EslEß^Ea bHBHbBTiF' V I JkJssi V \W at"d I B^EbVbVT "H j IBMHiHJIBBaUaaI^ WP Kg QnnuUr clFcrvcscent the most powerful Uric acid dissolvent, Regulates kidneys and liver fonctions Cures Soizt 9 UhumsAkm 1 Prepared by Mioy. Pkarmacwf/cal
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    • 729 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. W*NTED. CLERK WANTEO. Post m jnnior assistant planter on robber Wanted, a jnnior Chinese clerk with a enate by hoaltby young Eurasian. Fair knowhdyo of short h-md and typewriting, eancation, will accept moderate salary to Apply in own liaodwntirg, t.tatiu(,' cxprrionco bfgin Apply Box No. 141, Straits
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  • 90 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, January 5. li fc h Water. 9.88 a.m.. 11 JI pm Thursday, January 6. ■ligb Water, 10.27 a.m. Homeward mail cloaes. Friday, January 7. High Water, 0.10 a.m 11. 18 a.m .Saturday, January H 'ligh Water, n.4.~> a.m., 11.68 am Sunday, January V. digb Water,
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  • 195 7 TO IMY. 9 ttcuham and Penang Ipoli '2.30 pm Malacca, I. SwetU'nham in I Fatah \n-un Kaiupar .3 i pcu Mi .tin UI pm Batn Pahat Hong Wan 2.30 pro Malacca, Penang .iulk. i Mam I 30 pm ithi.i, Anamba and Natuna Islands F. In I'arra 4pm
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  • 258 7 Tliu mail trains from Siagaport! lor the Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7 U p.m. and 6.41 a.m. respectively. The throoyb express to Penang leaves Kuala Luirpcr at 8 a.m. daily, MiMag al Penang at A H p.m.
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  • 95 7 Our attjntwn has been calif 1 to the fact that oar arrivals in London are much behind tboa* published elsewhero. Our rule is to give arrivals only when they are officially •sported in the Post Office notices, and no later law than that printed above baa been
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  • 43 7 1 .-its of the Malay State* Guides srnt < lirintmas greetings to many of their ii Taiping. The members of the L> nioeivetl from Mr. (ivy Turner a poatoard pliotograph of a group of the officers in Ui. ir Indian uniform, all looking tit.
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  • 72 7 I 'uti-h Ik-d Cruaa sinters who have come I Serbia give graphic accounts of r nan bruulitiis at Kroguivatt'/:. Maay Sorbiaaa were wounded by dumdum bullet*. The Oermans paintod a red crow no the foraheadii of slightly wounded ariaoaon aad alas baraed it in with nitrate of silver aeroas their
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  • 63 7 Latest Arrivals. British. Namu Date of Arrival Retuarks. Gians Ann 4 1 16 Inner Roads Hid Hong bMM Hock Lee Nankin I' and (>. Wharf Circe No. fi Wharf Sappho Inner Roads ll.ii Nam Hong Wan (llanggi Hye Hnng Lee Hock Tew Hock Gan Soon Hong Huat Cheang
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  • 164 7 Outward. Tin- following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional am! that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 259 7 .Jobore Para. -16.804 lbs. Hatu Hata -8M.626 lbs. I'iu-jkattan. 69.000 lbs. -Malakoff.— 43,6oo lbs. -N.ictar.-1j.6-.>- lbs. I tii-rtam).— lo7,ooo lbs. Alor Oajab.— 9.9oo lbs. Aycr Panae.- 40.5.">9 lbs. Hukit Lintang.— 26,ooo lbs Chempedak.— 9,400 lbs. Cbimpul.— l3,Bs7 lbs. Ktrupas.— 2o,ooo lbs Krubonfi.— 9.3Bo lbs. LenJu -lti.Boo lbs.
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    • 64 7 Simoafou, Januaky 5, 1016 On London Batik 4 iu »/41l Demand 8,4, Private 8 m/i V*l Ox (nou Bank T. T. 174; On tloN.inoso...Ban* d/d 1«* On Shanuhai ...Bank d/d 90J On Java Bank T. T. l.)0| On Upan... Bull 1O0( Sovereigns baying rate India Council Bills last issoe
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    • 90 7 SlNOAPOBI, JANUAHV 0 1(118 Gambior > .B.B6 do (Cube No. 1) aapickol 16.60 Copra Sumlriud 11.25 do Mixed 1080 Pepper, Black H 1W.85 do Whitr imintok «6.76 Sago Floor SurawiU 4.60 do Bruu. M I 4.00 Pearl Sago 5.00 Tapioca, small tUkt 7.90 do small pearl 7.50 du mod.
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      • 176 7 I. 8 6 Buyers alue 10 10 AmpanK 1 1 Ayer Weng 0.60 10 10 Belat 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.80 10 10 Kinta AsBOciatiou 11 £1 Kioto Tin 1.14.6 41 £1 Lahat Mines 10 8.25 Malayan Collieries A- 1 £1 Malayau Tina 1.13.6 10 10 Middleton 6.00 5/-
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      • 601 7 Buye«. Sellen, 2/- 2/- AlUgai 1/8 2/41 41 Anglo-Jra 12/- 14/2/ 3/ Anglo-Malay 0/6 10,6 2/- 2/- BatangMalaU 1/10 2/1* £1 41 Batu Tiga 2.10.0 3.0.0 2/- 2/- Bekob 2/- 2/3 41 41 Bakit Kajang 1.17.6 2 0.0 £1 41 Bakit Lintang 3.0.0 3.6.0 ■2j- 2/- Bukit Mertsjam 2,3*
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      • 127 7 (■■"g Bayer,. Seller.. 41 Ml I. Smalton* 00. 6.90 7.23 41 41 Prel. 1.3.6 1.5.0 6/- 6/- Bleotrie T'wsyi 2/9 8/ 10 10 FrMei Netve 50.00 53.00 60 60 \V. Hammor Co. 60.00 82.50 100 Howarth Bmkine 85.00 100 7%Pref. 95.00 100 100 Katz Bro, Dal. 90.00 10 10
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      • 62 7 United Engineer 6% 11,284 600 par Singapore Blectrio Tramways S £850,000 norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,878.000 par Spore Municipal H% of 1907 •1,600,000 90 98 Spore Municipal 4J% of 1909 1,00 3.000 90% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10%'ta Spore Municipal 4% £300.000 B%dis I L%The quotations of sterling shares
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 F« Chroaie ChoM Complaint.., Wuoda Great Peppuruiat Cure Is. <JJ.
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    • 110 7 LATEST AD\ EKTISEMKNTS. TO LET. Duncarn, Marker Koad. Bntry February 1. Apply Lee Cheng V n k Co. 6 1 _J n_ POSITION WANTED. Ah Cbiei Ku^iu. t by Dutchman. Special nowltdtp* of modern (including aero motors), rubber and ioo factories. Speak* English, French and Malay fluently. Best referenceH Pleaw
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  • 1088 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5. CRIMES AND CONSEQUENCES. It woulJ be almost tedious to state a^aiu the case a"iinst Oermauy and A ustria for sinking passenger ships without warning md without taking measures to ensure tlu- safety of neutrals and nan combatant*. It wauld be equally futile to discourse
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  • 12 8 The Titi Tin Company's output for December amounted to .'>oo picul* (tribute.
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  • 26 8 A very pleasant musical entertainment was given at the gaol iv Taiping on December 80 by the warders and their families. The Kritish Reiidiut was present.
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  • 40 8 The Church paradu of the M.S.V.H. at St. Mary's Church, Kuala Lumpur, on the occasion of the service of public intercession for the Empire was attended by over Dioety otlirers anil men of tl.e battalion, under Major Tyte, utlii.oi Commanding.
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  • 14 8 Messrs. Stephens, Paul and Co. forward a handy wall calendar for the current year.
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  • 16 8 Over 120 names havo been registered for the proposed ae>* company of Chinese Volunteers in Pomng.
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  • 26 8 The output of tin from Heawood Tin and Rubber Estate, Ltd., during December was monitors 110 piculs, tributera 1:13 piculs. Kamuning (Perak) output was 213.47 piculs.
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  • 45 8 Police investigation in connection with the murder of Mr. Priestley, manager of the Alliance Bank at Lahore, is still going on, but no arrest has been made. A post mortem report by Colonel Davidson, Civil Surgeon, states that the wound could not have been self-inflicted.
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  • 46 8 For saying, among other things Hoard your gold and don't subscribe to the National Defence Loan," a tailor named BmmmH was sentenced in Paris on Novembor 9 to four years' imprisonment. On December 8, the Court of Appeal increased the sentence to one of five years.
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  • 53 8 Tbe White Star Company has agreed to pay 644,000 dollars (jC 128,800) in settlement of all claims made upon it in connection with the sinking of its great steamer Titanic through colliding with an ice Hoc in the North Atlantic two years ago. Only about one-tenth of this sum goes
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  • 57 8 The incorporation of the 1917 class begins to day in France. Only one French Singaporean, Mr. Louis Chaflanjon, belongs to this contingent, and is waiting to join his brother at the front. The young conscripts will take tbe place of the 1916 contingent, a portion of which has already been
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  • 68 8 The case iv which Mr. G. H. Pritchard claimed from Mr. It. S. .larvis the snm of 5347 for damages done to his car as the result of a collision on the 20 August last, and Mr. .larvis. counter/claimed *Jl6 also for damages, repairs, etc. was resumed in the District
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  • 65 8 The Parliamentary Secretary for Munitions, Dr. Addison, stated, in the House of Commons on December 15, that the Munitions Department was recently paying £30 per ton for a certain article, and, being dissatisfied, called for the books, which proved the cost of production Tlu result wa-. the price was reduced
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  • 70 8 As a result of the election .U the geucral meeting of the Lion City Club, held on the 2nd inst., the following were appointed to the committee of management, for the ensuing year Tan Hong Beng, president Chua Keh Hai, hoJ. secretary MM Yam Hong, hon. treasurer Lee Tang Seek,
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  • 81 8 Au interesting link with the past has turned up in Constantinople in the person of the "pri.sonei of the Mahdi, Karl Neufeld, who some eighteen years ago was released by Lord Kitchener from his d'ingeon, where he had spent twelve years in chains. Since then he has lived in Germany,
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  • 91 8 A new rule under the Defence of India Act permits any officer of Government authorised to arrest without warrant any person against whom reasonable suspicion e\i its that he acted or is acting, or is about to act with intent to assist tbe King's enemies in a manner prejudicial to
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  • 111 8 Since the beginning of the war, a series of volunteer corps have been formed in Great Britain. They are composed almost entirely of men past the age of forty, that is to say, having passed the limit lixed for recruits for the army, or of men who would not bo
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  • 118 8 The oldest man in tbe war with the exception, perhaps, of a few generals— has just beeu sent home from the tieirh. This in Mi. A. G. White, of Halifax, who is seventy nine years of age. Mr. White was in the army years ago, and remained M youn^ in
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  • 197 8 The greater part of yesterday was occupied by the District .ludge, Mr. 11. \V. Kirmstone, in hearing a case which has been mentioned in court ou several previous occasions. The accused is a chetty named Tiena Alma Kayambu l'illai, of Market Street, and the charge against him that of making
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  • 415 8 Mr. S. Vincent, late of the Westcliff Sana toriuiu. Port Dickson. has taken over thu secretaryship of the Ipoh Club. Mr. U. C. Koch, Supervisor of Customs, Port Swettenham, has been granted riijit months' leave, with effect from the Ist inst. The Hon. H. S. Haynes. K.C.,
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  • 106 8 The trench mail steamer La Cordillcic. which arrived from Marseilles ye U id.iy morning and left iv the evening for Saigon, had an exciting time wlieu crossing the Mediterranean. A day out from Port Said those aboard saw au euemy submarine some MMM miles distant, her conning
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  • 218 8 Dr. Strickland has issued a Short Key to the Identification of the larvae of the com mou Anupheline Mosquitoes of the Malay Peninsula. It has been printed at HmQ ir.i.i' Survey (Illic. Kuala l.uiupii. pi ice «-Ji, aurl is intended for the use of m< -dieiil ollicers and
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  • 258 8 No. 71 of the -Journal ot the Stiiiits lirancli of tbi itoyal Asiatic Society is in its way unique. It is wholly devoted to a reproduc tion of the manuscript of the Sri liamtt which Archbishop Laud presented to tin t'mversity of Oxfoid about 1681. This minuscript,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 197 8 /4ft PressCarbons. t^^)HE Twentieth Century ha-* seen the advent of many remarkable inventions, not the least of which is the Roneo Letter Copier, which dispenses with water, brush, and press, makes costly carbons unnecessary, and produces perfect copies at the rate of 20 per minute without smudging the originals Used
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    • 248 8 ■till in the lead with our Kxolusive PpogPtmmM TO-NIGHT I TONIGHT I I AT THB AIHAMBRA TIM KlMMsr slssmatotrt ph Thsatrs, l*«ch Road See the following and compare DANIEL FHOHMAN LEAH KLESCHNA In 4 Parts. Products by the Famous Plajeri Film Co. A really successful film play. A good story,
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  • 2442 9 RUSSIAN SUCCESS. Their Attacks Progress Well. PERSIA OUTRAGE. First Personal Narratives Received. KlTCll's TILIORAXs. London January. 4 Ul I'etrograd A coinmuniqu- records furth, r Rmmi sucee*- .1/ l-'ightiug continues with the same violence The Russians, despite numerous counter attacks, uninterruptedly an I inflict iag very severe loanen
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  • 110 9 Rkltir's Tiliqram. Loudon, December 4, l.lj»p.m. The third annual report by Mr. C. E. Mallet on the Indian Students' Department shows the loyalty of young Indians in England of whom a few have enlisted in British battalions but the majority have joined the Indian volunteer ambulance corps in
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  • 92 9 Reitkk's Telkukam. London, January In p.m. The small exchequer bond scheme is to come into force on January 10. Mr. T. Gibson Bowles is to contest as Conservative candidate the vacancy at Barnard Castle caused by Mr. A Henderson's pierage. London, January o. Melbourne The Commonwealth is
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  • 29 9 Kkltkr's Tbuuram. London, January 4, 8.45 p.m. Keuter's correspondent at New YorU states that twenty people were killed by a mysterious explosion aboard the oil steamer A/.tec.
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  • 86 9 Steamer Beached and Burning Furiously. (From <><-k Own Corkkspundknt.i Penang, January 4. The steamei Ulenogle, from Amoy to Rangoon, took fire in hold No. 2, while lying in the harbour, yesterday evening. 1,000 Chinese coolies were aboard, and amid great excitement were taken off in lighters
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  • 2369 9 LORD ST. DAVIDS AND THE HEADQUARTERS STAFF. From Our Special Correspondent. London, November 35. In normal times it is the House of Couiuioih that provides Parliamentary sensations, but the House of Lords has lately been showing us what it can do in that way. Procedure in the
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  • 550 10 Chairman Considers The Future Brighter. The first annual general meeting of Dt.ngun. Limited, was held yesterday at >it the company, 191, Cecil Street, Mr. W. L. Watkins. prenidiug. Others present were Messrs. R. 11. Sharpe and Lee Cbim Tuan (directors), Lee Phan Hok, P. F. Nonis, Lim Koon
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  • 138 10 A despatch from Alexandria to the Patris nays that the British works for tbe defence of the Suez Canal have just been completed. For several weeks no civilian has been per niitted to approach the defensive works, but it is known that by means of the
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  • 41 10 Sergt I .if th. F M.S. rail ■vay*, who in now with the Itjyal Artillery v the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, writt* leadt nun his best wishes for a Merry Happy New Year to his friends ia tUi Straits and Malay States.
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  • 781 10 Cordial Letter From Lord Charles Beresford. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l should feel very greatly obliged if you would assist me in conveying to tbe merchants and professional men of Singapore and indeed to all concerned, my own and my Committee's deep appreciation
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  • 204 10 Residents in the Straits Settlements having sot the example of compulsory military training, will be interested to learn that at a meeting of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute, held on November HO, the following resolution was unanimously adopted That, supplementing the resolution of
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  • 657 10 Where Trade was Galvanised Into Life. Some interesting notes on the effect of the war on Japanese trade are made by Mr. Vice Consul Oswald White, in his report oa the trade of Osaka. The immediate effect of the outbreak of war on a market which was
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  • 239 10 White Star Liner Britannic Completed. The largest British built steamer, the White Star liner Britannic, has just been completed, and was recently placed in dry dock at Belfast preparatory to starting on a few days' trial trip. The liritannic, although only one foot shorter than her Canard rival
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  • 25 10 The Amateur Golf Championship of India was played on Christmas Day and was won by Gatheral in 42. Fernie was second with 43.
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  • 53 10 The following is the result of the KingEmperor's cup race, run at Calcutta, on December 24 -Mr. S's Bachelor's Wedding, 1, Mr. Thaddeus's Evett 2, Mr. Wilton Bartleet's St. Andrew's 3. Won by four lengths in the record time of 1 mm. 59 sees. A length and a quarter between
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  • 2773 10 ENTERTAINED BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The Colony's Great War Efforts. For the first time in the thirty-seven years of its existence 1 the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange has shewn its appreciation of the services of a member of the community by giving a dinner
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  • 85 10 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, January 7 Wkdxksday, .Tmii'iry 6. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. S.U.K.iV.) VC.O.'s. S.V.U. i ti rails Co. Chinese Co. Bras Hawaii Koad Malay Co. THURSDAY, JaNl'AkY 6. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.R.E.(V.) X.C.Ob. i, Veterans Co. Bras
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  • 310 10 Mr. .1. K. W. r-nnyth- Pigott, who was formerly planting at Tanjong Maliui, was the hero recently of a tine aerial feat which brought him the D.S.O. The following appears in a mail paper just to hand Another daring night Might in the Balkan theatre of
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  • 34 10 Latest advertisements of tho day appear on pa^o 6. 7 and 11. The steamer Melchior Treub will nail for Uatavia on Thursday, the 6th inst., instead of on Friday, tho 7th.
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  • 93 10 At St. George's Church, l'enann, on December Ml, by the Rev. F. W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, tin- wedding wan solemnised of Mr. Arthur (iunlou Kobiuson, of tho P.W l>, Kedah, youngest son of Mr. W. 11. Itobinson, of St. Afapli, North Walun, and Mi is Blaie ThomMi wcond daughter of
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  • 1132 11 KsruMUNT.) l>aya, I >eceuiber 30. Wiring n "M" M llh lllst assistant Resident if I'adang landiang, Sunjatra. stated that iuf.irtnatiou wan NnM on the evening of tli>' SM that a gang of rebels had nut Ht Uatagoh. in the district Sarik A jam, and had MM to
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  • 352 11 Difference Between India And Japan. Mr. K'ldy, the well known American speaker in connection with the V.M.I.A movement, gave a very interesting lecture on Dertt-mber 5 at the St. Stephen's College Hall, Delhi, on the present world situation, Principal Kudra presided. The meeting was fairly well attended
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  • 329 11 Reduction in All-in Costs. The annual meeting of the Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at Edinburgh on i November 2M, Mr Frederick Walter Carter JMaiitap. The chairman said that the past year had been an eventful one in the history of the company, for, amongst other
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  • 319 11 Archaeological Discovery At Alexandria. A few weeks ago Dome Alexandria municipal j eujployees wtre < n;»^ I in sicking a well in tin: ucighbourboud of the Sporting Club. W hili at work they suddenly came upon the oof of a tomb, and this discovery may lead t
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 49 11 WLu'n Mr. WubHter wrote of Wood*, Ho kaid with raw, That Wood* wire wo«t;y timber And worn all cou>p»ed o tree*; l: it il Mr. W. bH- r ln.-l to day, Hi J find in md tin newer, For Wood*' to millions dimply means T\ie Wj.J.' Orcit Peppermint Core.
      49 words
    • 295 11 THE BEST TYRE FOR FORD GARS ISECURITYI Jl TRY THEM WEARNE BROS., LD., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, SOLE AGENTS. AFTER DINNER The Gramophone provides Unlimited Entertainment, BUT IT MUST BE "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Come and hear the latest models. They are wonderful. S. Moutrie Go., Ltd., RAFFLES PLACE.
      295 words
    • 180 11 THE BENTONG N. L CONTRACT BUFPLY OF PPES. Extenti n of Time. Tenders are incited and will b received by the nnderaigntd for tie supply of pipes, etc., in icoordarjcc with the specification, which may b *cd at the office of the Local Director Mr. hhaw Jen Tok, at 68.
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  • 738 12 Friends' Efforts to Save Her Life. Amoog a number of Englishwomen who arrived at Amsterdam on November 18 from Diuusiln were three who lived in Nurse Carell s Nursing Home— Miss Wilkins, whose official position was that of sister in tbe Home, Minn Jcmiuett, an invalid friend
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  • 284 12 Though tbe L melon housewife has still to root;: Utc bsneN I being in a far better position as rrguda I prices than if she lived in Berlin Sf V.enni. tbe cost of tbe breakfast table I hHbm to rise, says TLe Tim<M, of Novi-mb: r J3.
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  • 137 12 Apart from a few of the big terminal < Mtations where an onoriuoua suburban traffic I concentrate), New Street, Birmingham. I •coonlinji to the Railway Magazine, ranks as I OM of tbe kujiost stations in tbe foiled kingdom. InJ'tnl, it is claimed, with a txtaatik rable
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  • 657 12 Growing Agitation Against The Republic. While it is known tbat a strong movement it now taking place in China for the re estab lishment of a Monarchy, very little so far has come to light with regard to it. Tbe follow ing translation from a French Roman Catholic
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  • 454 12 Great Success of the Blue-Books On the War. The report of the Select Committee appointed "to assist Mr. Speaker in the arrangements of the official report of debates and to i iquire into the expenditure on stationery aud printing for the House of Commons and tbe public service
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  • 511 12 Bravery and Stoicism of The Inhabitants. Deep down in tbe inexhaustible miles of cellars in and around Hheims we drank tbe health of Dom Perignon," said Mr. Frank Hedges Butler, of Messrs. Hedges and Butler, who has jast returned from a visit to the Champagne district of
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  • 493 12 Majiifold Activities of Firm Of Shipbuilders. Tbe Vancouver World publishes an interesting letter received by Capt. Harvey Copp from Mr. J. Smith Park, head of the Park Line of steamships, and until recently managing director of tbe Allan Line. He writes:— You are no doubt aware that
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  • 108 12 A corporal in tbe H.A.M.C. in France writes to the Daily News I bad to go to take a message for two miles, and saw tbe most touching thing happen. I got a ride in St. John Ambulance car, and in it were four patients, one of whom was very
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  • 631 12 MR. CHURCHILL'S GOOD-BYE." Farewell Scene at Charing Cross Station. Mr. Churchill left Charing Cross for the front somewhere in Flanders by the 8.80 a.m. Continental express on November 18. Previous to the departure of the train, which was run in duplicate, the platforms were crowded with Belgian officers and soldiers
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  • 271 12 New Venture by West Australian Government. Speaking at the luncheon given to commemorate the inauguration of the new motorship Kangaroo, acquired from Messrs. Har land and Wolff by the Western Australian Government, Colonel the Hon. Sir Newton Moore, agent general for the State, said the Government had
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  • 153 12 The straote experience* of an American schooner which left Fowey in August last with China clay for America, bat has just bad to pat back into Queenstown for repairs, after battling with tho Atlantic for eight weeks, calls attention to one of Cornwall's most valuable products (says
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 573 13 Shippers' Dealings with Shanghai Firm. Tlir Manchester city stipendiary (Mr. E. I'.iiirley on November 15 imposed a tine o £100. together with twenty guineas extra, costs, upon Messrs. Tolson and Chisnall, shippers and merchants, Hall Street, Manchester, for having on various dates between .Inly and August
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  • 517 13 Liquidator's Report on Recent Winding Up. A general meeting of sha>t holders of the Sangala Kubber Estate, Ltd. (in voluntary liquidation), was held at Shanghai on December 15, when Mr. K. McKelvie, liquidator, read to the meeting the following report, showing how the winding up of the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 26 13 Every Drop A Drop of Quality. FRAMROZS Aerated Waters. I J?r? Q T 5 5l 30 |T| f g I I* n z ox o > o
      26 words
    • 399 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMhNT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 t0 /^^§K andt THE MUNICIPALITY /^s^Pi THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE >^o^/ jOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong 4 Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the Straits and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 506 14 Peace Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HKAO OFFICE Wlnoheatar Houaa, SMg.pore. LOMDOM OFFIC« i 32, Old J.wry, EO. The Company has 4320.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with
      506 words
    • 303 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PLANS. BUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. 8. J. HOWB, 6 8 Manager. GUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds 48.260,000 Annual Income 41,100,000 The undersigned, Agents tor tbe above Company, are prepared to aocept fire and ■aithquake risks for
      303 words
    • 451 14 BANKINB. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,(00,000 at ay- ne.000.000 Silver m. 118,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Propriotors 118,000,000 COURT OF DIRCCTORS Hon. Mr. D. Landale, Chairma*. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq., Deputy Ghairmaa. 8. H. Dodwell, Esq P. H. Holyoak, Esq. Q. T.
      451 words
    • 521 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTBR Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares of 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 41.300,000 BANKBRS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., Tbe
      521 words
    • 902 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Iscokporatbo in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ABSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exoeed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profit a to Policy-holder, at last Valuntlon $1,116,673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE BRftNSH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R M ACPHF.RSON,
      902 words

  • 937 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Ship Progress. The development of the motor ship needs I most careful watching by British shipowners, for results are being obtained which only four years ago were looked upon by expertI enced marine engineers as beyond the bounds of possibility.
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  • 145 15 Substantial progress is being made by manufacturers with the preparations for shell-making. High-explosive shells will, it is very probable, be turned oat in Australia very soon, and shipments to Europe are expected to commence about the end of the year. The conditions laid down by the Federal
    145 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 298 15 lISFER 1 PUMPS High Tension Magneto Ignition, Automatic Lubrication. Low Speed. M All Gearing '.-f- Enclosed. Efficient H* ra jU Necessary. Required. Lubricators. Tha Engine ia the well known Li ter V. rtical Type, designed, manufactured and standardised in Darsley, England, ani maintains tbat reputation (or solid conntrnctiou and long
      298 words
    • 162 15 DUNLOP C^gl '\f E? ET 4E2L (j*&Y ■*EL C 5 Although raw rubber has adMbl Bfel' vanced in price, Dunlop Tyres are W, ''f/JlB^L r"'^^^ Favourable contracts for raw mat en m\ tf^rTitf a aye ena^ e(^ us to R' ve the W Wr) JpJ»s public the benefit of these
      162 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 885 16 A. B. MACK AY S Q THE ORIGINAL Jp| LIQUEUR WHISKY. >f£ffp3rSv As supplied to both Houses of M/ML Parliament. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. 0^ Sole Agents: "jggj ADAMSON, GILFILLAN rfiM^ fll AND COMPANY. LIMITED. sl*C: Singapore Penang and Malacca. WANTS. POBITION WANTED. An experienced English Nur?c requires post.
      885 words
    • 580 16 FO BE LET OR SOLD. FURNISHED SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDAandJUANITA, to let tarnished, apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. I 6 v Tf) LET. No. 84, Robinson Road. Immediat entry, apply E Silas, No. 8 Prince Street. 810 FLOOR TO LET. To let 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street, Immediate
      580 words
    • 461 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ROOMS TO LET. Comfortable single and double room*. Three minutes to town. Apply English, c/o Straits Times. 81 12 7-1-16 SMALL HOUBE TO LET. Furnished, or furniture may be taken over. Rent moderate. Near Town. Apply to W. fi. A c/o Straits Times. 18-12 i
      461 words
    • 455 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OFFICE: -37, Phill.p Street Branch Stores at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nos 14, 100 and 102, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "OUANKIAT." Telephone Nos. 1174 and I'2BU (Private 14S0). Codis dsid A. B. C, 6th Edition, and A-l OoDIS. Ship Chandlers, Hardwire Dealers, Government und
      455 words
    • 762 16 Xl AM KIAT CO. 108 100. Market Street Telepbonr No. 481. ShipoLardlers, OoTernmoc; and Mnaioipa Contractor*. Bfitate Supplier.- »>ij Com mission Agentf Soli Arimis The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 1-7 80 616 Straits Thirties. Telephones. Kilitcirial and (icneral 70 Manager's Office '262 Job Printing Department
      762 words